The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1947, Page 11, Image 11

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    Ballston Couple
Will Observe
Golden Wedding
DALLAS Sunday, June 8, Mr.
s and Mr. Max Gravel of BaUston,
will hold open house, between the
hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. In ob
servance of the 50th wedding an
niversary of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. jCarl S. Craves.
- Mri and Mrs. Graves were born
in the Sheridan community and
have spent all their lives in this
vicinity. They 'were married
Sheridan, June 8, 1897.
Besides his farming operations,
Graves has served three terms as
Polk county assessor and three
terms as county clerk. During the
first World war he was associa
ted with his brother Roy in oper
ating Graves Canning Co, in four
Willamette valley towns.
The couple, have four sons,
Comdr. Harry Graves, U. S. navy.
stationed at Honolulu; Max
Grave, farmer, Ballston: Edwin
at home and Ramond of Oakland,
By LUIle L Madsea ,
It . is a pleasant surprise to at
tend a flower show such as the
one I visited at Dallas Thursday.
While the Dallas Garden club,
whose members
sponsored the
show, was organ
ized lust 13
months ago,
many- an older
Next bosff
filing ?o a
EVEN Bvlck angina wears eventually, but our
E foctory-built "Fower Package". Is really new
ftvick enginemakes your '37, 31, '.39, '40, 4 1, or
'42 Bulck hit the road again like a new car. You'll
probably be surprised at the cost it's much less than
you'd guess. Come in and let wt tell you about it. Wo
can arrange easy payments to suit your budget.
And youH And this angina unit much more economical
and satisfactory in-the long-run than par-by-part
replacement. One operation, and you drive out of our
doors In your faithful Buick that will now give new
ftukk engine performance!
ISA N. Commercial St.
club could ' have
been very proud
of the show both
as to the horti
cultural exhibits
and arrangement
I of flowers. Dal
las Is also for
tunate in havinz
an exceptionally um
.MMiv rhamber of commerce
k.u h th show could be
held. V
rwtav T m hoolng everyone
goes to the Salem Rose show at
ik. -vnuir-A own uost uwu
uaH m-mv m -
until 8 o'clock.
TVirfn the week I have re
ceived numerous cuttings of Es
callonia from gardeners who want
it identified. Those brougnt 10 me
w n variety rosea or. if you
wih. rubra. The shruD was namea
I for Escauon, a Spanisn xraveier
in the United States, and the Es
callon Las are native or bouin
America. They are not too naray,
but have been grown here in the
valley lor some years, occasion
ally, in some locations mey xreeze
down. The shrub is erect and
compact. The branches are twlg-
rr and the new pans more or
less stick? to the touch. The flow
ers are bright red in short clus
ters. -
Garden Calendar
June 8 Salem Rose Show,
1 YMCA building. 10 ajn. to 8 p.m.
June 9 Independence Flower
show. 2 to 5 pjn.
June 11 atod 12 Portland Eose
June 13 Scio Garden club
June 14-15 Corvallis Rose
June 18-19 Oregon Federation
of Garden clubs. Bend.
Questions and Answers
LJD.A. asks for a small book
on gardening, "a book that isn
too complicated and that will ap
ply to the valley conditions,
Ans.: IX they are still attains
ble, the "Hobby Gardeners'
Guide," published by the Men'i
Garden club of Salem, should be
found very useful to LDA. Its
Sakm Oregon; Phone 5451 laymen's language, and certainly
applies to this locality. Person
ally, I have found it extremely
useful as it covers almost every
phase of gardening in this section.
LDA. might contact some of the
club members at the Sunday rose
show at the YMCA to find out if
the guide is still available.
I.G. writes that she was "dig
ging around in the garden this
week and was surprised to find
fuchsia coming up from last
year's planting. Is this unusual.
or do I have a rare fuchsia? I
thought these plants were really
house plants and would die out
of doors. I know we had to be
very careful of them in my for
mer Minnesota home.
Ans.: Remember this isnt Min
nesota. - And this remark is not
meant as a disparagement against
Minnesota. It just means that
there are things that will winter
out of doors here that will not in
the mid-western state. Fuchsias
not all kinds or all winters
will frequently come up the fol
lowing spring. Mrs. P. M. Brown.
in her Silverton garden, has a
fuchsia which must be around 20
years old. It has never been
brought indoors.
LJT.N. " asks how to control
botrytis on lilies (this is the name
of the disease you describe.)
Ans.: Bordeaux mixture (4-4-50
plus one pint of penetrol) will do
the work. Spraying should be
done about every two weeks from
spring growth until late autumn,
particularly if they had the dis
ease a year ago. If possible, move
them ,ln autumn to a new loca
tion. f
F.D.D. wants to know whether
she should transplant her daffo
dils now or wait until September
to transplant them.
Ans.: Never dig daffodils in
autumn. If you do. you lose
year's bloom. Dig them when the
foliage is yellow and lies flat on
the ground. It need not be com
pletely dry. The bulbs may be
planted at once or spread out To
dry in a cool ventilated place and
ptaniea any ume oeiween now
and fall. Daffodils mar be clant
ed in the fall, but not dug after
their roots have set if you expect
good bloom next springs
PXkN. asks what is meant by
viniieras grapes. Is it a variety?
Ans.: vimieras grapes are so-
termed European grapes, a tight
skinned grape as in contrast to the
slip-skins, or American varieties
Awards Made
In Salem Rose,
Flower Show
Vitus Bering, a Dane serving
the Russian crown, discovered
Alaska in 1741.
The Stnteemon. SoUsa. Orxyoo. Sojxjgy. )
I Derlm Coon: X. Mrs. w
K Dl
; 1 M K U
May Warren KwtW
txar Hay wane
Juntur d.vailun VI itm
Mori Lafky: I and X MiUied bar. , n
IW roar 1. X. JL Paul War.
Daeoratre arrenae meats: I Ceett Mr.
Law .Mrs. Ranee farka UMlum- I Nantt
Mrs. Cart J Gustafson: t. Dl liar i C
Brown; X Mrs. Ernea Walker Far-
ma! Irving nan I. Mr W It. ! BerVval
McWain: X Mr WlUUm Sonde fe. I T 1 1 ml befwnaa Stay
mom asrs. iMrm law. rHaffes, I luarlwi a autas 1. 1aJW
M. I Bwa: t. MiaSrwS UmS .
9, 1 14711
Salrm i'uhlle Market
- ml a ;To (xintnict Bull din
(Story also on page 1)
Show goers Saturday night ex
pressed great surprise at the large
number of exhibits entered at the
Salem Rose and Flower show
opening at the YMCA Saturday
and holding over Sunday from 10
ajn. to S.pjn.
List of award:
Advanced amateur dUrUtort WtUla
roaia. sinft-l bloora I. Ollw St-tOTtd!:
Mr. Kobart M. riUmaurlc. J. Dr.
WUltam Ben bow. Dallas. Wbila roars
Ultra blooma I. Olbr Bcrirnd!
S. Hay Warren; . Mrt. riumauric.
Tallow roars, strmka bloom 1. Bin
Bradahaw. Albany, t and X Crurga
All in(. Tallow roars, tnreo bloom
I. Ur. rVrnbow: J. Ullw SrtvrrxleL
Pink row, sins' to bloom I. Ollia
Scbenckl: X. J. M. Claaa. Pink roai
Utro blooma ! and X. J. M. Claaa.
roass. I in (to bloom I and S.
Ollid Schrndrt. S. J M. Claaa. Mull
colored roses, stagl bloom I. Ray
Warren; X and 3. Dr. Bmbow. Test
roaa 1. Oil to SchmdrL
Amateur drrUloa Whltr roass.
iruito Moom 1. W. J. Ifurhrs.
1 and X Mrs. Loula Anderson. Yellow
ssneto bkoom 1. Charlr Cola:
X. Mrs. R C. Callachrr; X Otlw
acbrndel. Yellow roara, three blooma
1. Mrs. R. a. Carter. Mtlwauka.
Pink roars, ainfl Moom t. Louis
aon: 2. W. J. Huchr. X Mrs.
B. B. Baker. Pmk roars, three blooms
L K. S Carter. X and X Mr. and
Mrs. Al Ramsey. Red rores. aanfto
blooma I. Mrs. Howard Hunsarker:
t. Mrs. B. B Baker. PortUnd: X. Mrs.
Herman Lafk. Red roars, three
bloom I. ft. 8. Carter: X. M. M.
Marke. MJwaukie: 1 Mr. B. B.
Baker. Multicolored roars. stneto
bloom I. W. J. Hurhei: 2. Charles
A. Cole: X W. ), Kruecrr. Mulii.
colored rose, three blooms 1. Mr.
H. B. Marke; X. R. S. Carter; X. Louia
Red Polyantha I. Byron Brad
haw; 2. Mrs. B. B. Baker: X Ceorf
Ailing. Pink Potyanthas I. Byron
Bratlhaw: X. Louis Anderson: X Ollie
Schendcl. Red Potyanthas. three rlus
ter I. Dr. K. H Waters; 2. Otiie
Scrtendel: X Mr. H B. Mark. Red
Polyanthas. one cluster I. Louis
Anderson: 2 and X Ollto Scnendel.
Pink Polyanthas. one cluster 1.
Mrs. H. B. Marke. PolyanUias. any
color, vase of five clusters 1. Ollto
Single roar 1. Dr. Ben bow; X
MeWain: S. Mr Cnartoa A. Cole. Ma
tal I. Mrs. M. McWaia: S Mrs. R.
H. Parka. Miniatures L. Mrs R. C
Genre; X Vkrl TWnai: 2. Mr R.
Parka. Corsara. rum only LV. Ray
nrowTi; i. asrs. c. waiBer; X Mrs.
W. B. Beeley. WoodbursL Coraaeaa.
Junior sUvsuost BiUto rtrwww Mnas
ion artangasiaiaX 1. Lew Canftrld:
X Mr. R. D. Cooper. AoaUaowa
Mr. WUUam Sanders. X Urar Mr.
Loughlm. Mauarurea, roar oral
other newer Mr. R. D. Cooper;
X Janet Thomas
Coraaea. WHIt alher flews is D.
Ray Brown; 2 Mr. II. MtWib; X
Oraro McLaurnUn. Coffee table
I. Dorothy Thwmaa; X Mrs.
J. Uartine C
by nam only I
nalmgl Lee Canfield. X alter
Barkua: X J. M Clar. AntajtmrMi
by men only Irmi aauyi Oua
S-nndel: X. Ray warresi. X D. Ray
Brown. Special feature Mr. W.
H McWaut. Dtab garden O Ray
Brown Anttojwea Mr H B Marba.
Old lamps Mrs H. McWaan. X.
Mrs. Lewss Judson. Broa or eosiuar
Mr. WUltam Bonders: X Mr W. IL
Smith: X Mr. H. McWaav KBrhosi
utensil Mr H. McWaw: X Dar.
bne Coon; X Mr rasnae Paetu. Ar
ranresnent of raJla ulhs Mrs. K
McWatn: X Mr. araS Mr. Al
err; X Beimd G. C
menu with rsndto I. Mrs
rittmowrtre: X Mr. 1 tow aid Mssaiiir.
Lilly of the Nile Mrs. Lew Jw4
mm. Madonna Ullto X W. i.
Hill: X Mr. R. C. Genre
Drtphmjum I. Mr. Oeude Msr.
phy: X eeonette Ti : X W. J. Halt.
PtnUrteiiaan 1. Ray Warres); X
X Mrs
Portiaia Ray
tuatiA Sra
X Dr. ; X Ray W
Arrsajias snU of
X Mrm Law CanfarM
A, Cole; . Mr. M
Cords) esMba: Roaao aaa
fksaree 1 Oa-refy U.1L X
Heurl sail: X Men Cain
aawy L. Pninty
bars, X Can i Hai aeal
aattiraai raab: X UUal Cr
of ill as Masdfes.
eae-ra WaSasst:
HJgH and Ufwoa strpvu, wee to
sued a prrttl SaUaPday by Oat city
NiiVttrig kAapertcar to erect a
S2J0O0 building at X248 Z. lUrml
CXlsfT Lalf Ui.ta w
stnirt a I18J0M dupis
at l0-44 S. l'Jk si: It D.
aJipr a tfw-rClag al rsa &. iSta t,
IwO; and to Daasl Dum, 14
a booa at SS93 Laraoa aX. aooa.
For All Six II o ran
la U f trait!., aT rrW lrawiea, tW V4 flwe eg
rU4 Ut are t mhlmat rU Ua aMat errkrrw4 ssrMiiLytee
mi fort rieataatiiB. elen tvaai l4 eMtrtbajUosi to pwaar
taaaasv. Tka la trwe wtarcWe fmm hmvm mO, ml. pasvi mr
t7. U. EoseLjangla Go.
"Metal Product. That Last Since tvb
CM E. nik aUrwrt. aUWea rVw tttt
fiingl roar, three clusters I, I .outs
Anderson: X Dr. Watm; X T. Terrer.
Large flowered climber. Vaee of
five rlusler 1 and X Utile Bchen
del; X Ray Warren. Large flowered
climber, one cluster 1. Byron
Hradshaw; 2 and 3. Ollto Srhendet.
Small flowered climber, three chas
ter 1. Dr. Ben bow. Z. W. J. Kjv
grr; X A. C. Wilcox. Small flowered
climber, single cluster 1 and X
A. C. Wilcox. Five bud, one variety
1. Jov hill: X Mildred Davki. Pal
City; X Mr. Al Ramsey. Twelve bud,
one variety Joy HU1.
Miniature roar I. 2. X Mr. Ar
thur Schulx.
Boutonnler rose 1. Ollto Scnen
del; X Mildred Davis: X Mr. Charles
Coto. Specie rosea, single bloom
Dn OEao ffbid ivoOE Oho
The men who represent the First National Bank of Portland in farm
rUooos are men who nnderstand the problems of the farm... who
talk the farmers' language. They are "dirt bankers' who know the soil
and the needs of those who work ir. ,
I The First National farm representative is familiar with the possibilities
of your farm.' He understands your long range program and is anxious to
help joa with its planning. YouTl not find yourself talking riddles to the
First National field man when you discuss next year's harvest or the
productive capacity of your operation five years hence, lie, like you,
has hb eye oo the future.
In many sections of the state First National field men are helping to
Introduce the use of new equiprnenL Others are aiding growers and stock
breeders in the development of better breeds. First National farm men
everywhere, are working in the fields with the farmers to Improve the
soil, to reclaim non-productive earth, to promote better fxrming methods.
Coupled with his training, the First National field maa has an extensive
-knowledge of what other farmers and other localities are doing. He has
teen success and has studied failure. He brings to you the benefits of this
practical and valttable experience. - V
r is-
r" K.
Vfc . rr V y CM aVawW mm Dr.
01 UmUtmmt Os-
S.- cWilW -Vo
StMUk -Y .
Ml VCtt
mti&ttaL J&JinL
Poy WttkJy or
Wnr ywar wlasias IS Ray
ttotar faUf Om PMarf
rVea mm? la iasal Weobif or
tawSWtW AeawaW4 wwBfl
AcraaSy los fbao IS A Stof .
He rr r fee fU taV
aral lartlt.
1 to 3-DAY
. . . M . fraoa
Mfilil w4le ra iajls
4 eMlty. 1-ay Service fa
' f
i ,
, Top btrtar: Shows field man John E. Blink
bora (right) ot Oregon City with tanner Ben
lamer on the latter Multno farm. Thry'r
examining ubtefTaneen clover seed.
Lower pirtar : First National farm repre
aenUUve Paul Sbepard. localed at Salem,
look ever aome of th farm nvachlrverjr ha
built tor demotutraUon pur puses la hi are.
WXea yotf pgrchoMr Govti. y-our rrvt
COrltaCWrOtaOe) thoUd be ttTttt ViwOtt.
bvrt yosi tKovVj e!v6 cotCdef Sfyk and
Comfort, lei on of our te'Victed
Optometnttt tsftp you teWct Cknvej
thot wi9 enhemee rorSer rboa detroct
from yovr pervool eppeoronce ...
Clones fKot ore Injy lrvidjot Sea
ovr complete diploy of ht Nrwttte
Most Modern SryWt.
ju Li LILju.
sVswifasvteraf flfcUatere
Tint MMitmat farm
ttptmtttiv at TillMmk
TUU mm wrta aeaa'tMrtanj
at Mtwhtg
Regardless of whether yom ' problem is financial or involves farm operations,
you are urged to take advantage, of the First National's farm service. Just
put in a call to the First National Branch nearest you and ask for your local
farm representative. He'll drop around and talk it over. .
The farm service of the First National Bank of Portland is dedicated to tha
advancement of Oregon farms and farmers. We invite you to use it.
i;o adyai;ce
Coeae la my yw M-
sa I r. Sisilir OpHcal
OffUo t aer rJ ... f -
mm4 kt
Do! fake cksuscea wHh ymt saoal
Sarssiea . . . Yowt Cfes. Hswiockex, tvetveeit feie
. erestreae, etc-, away k Netsvre'l jm'ie fmm are hm
aeed ef CLasves. Dea't wait . at tW fml al
ay of tbe-ae sjaapteMS. eeJ yesretf of eapr Tilt
Oft lea I Desas4ra; feel oxtaiid Oeaaet wSI east
be Stoebcri Ut eaaetwtarf seaaaerf. We mm
aet ItUlate fa Ctaarsarta aUtlsfMlkaa, rfrHeu
of brw Itrtie fmm pmy.
niii'iriii .. 1 i
Vw4a LS V "
state t cor.moAL
I Sa!.m,Orgon
HOUtSt :iOAM le f:19 P M . . . U-4rr t.I3 AM e I VM OJr V