Girl, 13 Weds 1 The Stateamam. Salem. Oregon. Saturday, Juno 7, 1917 Two Appointed to Engineers Board Gov. Earl SneTr Friday appoint ed John N. Butler, U. S. bureau of mines, Albany, and Arnold I Henny, engineer corps, Port land, members of the state board of engineering examiners.: Butler will represent mining engineers and Henny civil engineers. John Cunningham of John w. Cunningham , and. Associates, Portland, was reappointed. Henny succeeds Ben E. Torpen, Portland, and Butler succeeds P. H. Hlnes, Portland. 74-Year-Old Man in Chico 100 to Testify Against Jap tamnl4 oreman CHICO. CaUf, June 6HVMr. and Mr Leonard Longmire, Chico newhrweds. said today they weren't going to let the difference in their ages make any difference In their marital happiness. The. bride Is 13. The groom is 74. They were married last Tues day at Beno by District Judge William McKnighL- The bride, the former June f logan, said she cave her age as, 18 at the cere mony. Chico school records carry ber tirthfiate as June 21, 1933. Lonrmire. a farm laborer tem porarily unemployed, said he was born in 1873 at Uiaon, soiano county. He and bis bride are liv ing in Chico auto court. The couple aaid they had known each other about a year before deciding on marriage, Mrs. Long mire aaid her parent were "very happy about It all." CAE. BITS CRASH A car driven by Edward C. V.rdm of 1250 N. 16th St., and n Oregon Motor Stages city bus driven by F. M. Stewart of 1175 Market ft-, cotiided at Summer and Belmont streets at about 425 pm. Friday, city police report. They aaid the car struck the rear of the bus, which was nearly through the Intersection. Unemployment Drop Slight in Marion County .LOS . ANGELES, June t-U?r More than 100 former service men, scattered throughout the country, will be available to tes tify at the treason trial of Tomoya Kawakita, 26, American-born Japanese accused of mistreating Americans while a foreman in a Honshu prison camp, FBI Chief Richard B. Hood said today. Kawakita, arrested yesterday after being spotted in a store by No Trace Found oil Missin" Convicts Police and prison officials ear ly today, still had found no trace of Ross ' Leon Seagrave, 23 and Wayne Robinson, 21, who escaped from the state penitentiary here late Wednesday. Both men were employed as waiters in the guard's quarters, which are out side the pnson wau.. Seagrave was serving a nine months term for automobile theft in Douglas county and Robinson a two-year term Tor lorgery in Jackson county. Citizenship Attained hy 24 in County Twenty-four Marion county residents reached their goal of United States citizenship here Friday when they made their oaths of allegiance before Cir cuit Judge E. M. Page. Page congratulated the new citizens, whohad come to this country from six countries. 11 from Canada, two each from Ger-i many and Switzerland, one each from England and Italy and seven from the Philippine. They ha passed examinations before a Lamb Predicts 1 TT 1 ipassea ex amine nor Sustained llighl1-. a former prisoner of war, will go ll Tnma before the. grand Jury Wednesday, I? UI HI AIICUIIIC Police Fire Fails To Halt Stolen Car City police late Friday night shot at the driver of a stolen car after It had crashed In lo a parked car on Churth, near Ferry street. After the collision, police sand ed their siren and fired after it was evident that the stolen car driver did not intend to stop. The car belongs to Ralph A. Wilson of route . box 147. Sa lem, who report J his 1134 ma roon Ford sedan, license number 228-S84. taken some time after 7:43 p. m. Friday from Ur 700 block of Marion jtreel. 1 Viewers Back . Kcizcr County Road Petition Second reading, and possible final action, on a virwerr rei While the rest of the state av eraged a 69.4 per cent drop in unemployment compensation pay ments from May, 146, to May, Light sation paid a year ago. ' , According to the state unem ployment compensation commis sion a total oi ?z,7Z0 was paia out in benefits from the Salem office last month as compared with $45,252 In May year ago. The number of checks paid out last month was . 2,878 as com pared with 2,890 in May of last S!c?:r Hall Inicpssdgnce With Joe Lane & Hii Oregon PIayBoys The Valley VTop Western Band Sponsored by American Legion and his indictment will be asked by U, S. Attorney James M. Car ter. II indicted, he will be ar raigned in federal court the' fol lowing Monday. Carter would not divulge names of the number of witnesses, but riM-rMsa from eomDen-1 "t. - led to Kawakita's arrest, is ex pected to be among them. Bruce in bis report to federal author! ties alleged a aeries of indignities to which prisoners were subjected. either by Kawakita himself with his encouragement Continued high agricultural in come tor tne nortnwesi. accom panied by a highly possible short age of several foods, were pre dicted Friday by A. F. Lamb, sec retary-treasurer of Blue Laws Producers cooperative. He pointed out to the Salem Board of Realtors that demand. group have been members of the Salem YMCA citizenship classes conducted by C. A. Kelts, general secretary. The new citizens are: Jacob A. Brsunberger. Anna Busch, Carlo Ccreghino. Edward Dickman, W 114 ma Josephine Knapp, Olga Theresia Person, Edith Hershfelt. Marie Straub, William Oliver Radkey. Anna Sika. Isobelo Apilado. Cuillermo Canno Ycoy, David Jose Bartol principally by European people, ome, Moses Marcos Palma, Chris- Grange Backs Veterans' allowance payments iT i , last month were almost halt of If fci Hf. lfaWPP WIV? , $22,966 was paid to jobless ve Mr r "1 erans. bringing the total, for the I K 16111 QUIll jtrst live monuis oi isi w $28,347 as compared with $373,- 368 during a similar period last year. : - . Civilian unempioymenx ; pay ments last month were down from April's $63,624. The commission is still high and that supply has been, somewhat lowered by some crop failures and poor weather. The board met for lunch at the or Marion hotel. Lamb said that "if the present buyer's market Is overworked. we re in for shortages and more rationing. He expressed confi dence that stabilization would soon be attained out of the post-war corrections now taking place in business and agriculture. Because of high quality, the northwest's products continue in demand in many other sections even through dMtreccinn nrl rmn omu, wic- wuue w-vrr-w i surnluses In Ihnu ara Ijmh Am. n oi . - rt . - j -j i - r- Oregon auw orange vuteu ioaay i clared, to demand a referendum . on the law passed .by the last legislature to encourage the Idaho Power tobal Esteban Tiburcio. Olive Margery Bradohaw, Wanda Pohl, Laura Marie SawsUky. Ernest Middlemiss. Katherine Sangiter, Mary Elizabeth McCarthy, Willi Blake Sullivan. Julius Cehrlng. Mariano Padilla Kodrigues. said that unemployment checks company to build a $10,000,000 Bus Service Halts Truman Object Of Taft Tirade WASHINGTON, June Senator Taft (R.-Ohio) lashed back at President Truman on the economic battlefront today, blam ing the Truman administration for high prices and keynoting a likely major issue for the 1948 presidential election. What I object to Is the presl- Navy Reserve Members to Get Drill Pay Names of members of Salem s US naval reserve electronics war fare unit have been submitted lor assignment to drill pay status. Comdr. E. A. Meola told the group at Friday nlsht's meeting. Meeting night was changed to 8 o'clock Wednesday, as reservists are to berin "copying traffic" at the next meeting at building T504, at the airport and the Seattle navy station copied from does not oper ate on Friday. New equipment moved Into the navy reserve building Friday in cludes a 1900 pound safe, seven typewriters and a sull-plrture pro jector. Equipment of the feral navy unit could be used to send and re ceive messages on amateur (ham) band if a licensed ham operator were a-member of the group, Me ola said. favoring petition to eetabUsh Cum mires lane as county road is slated by the county court for June 23 at It in. First reading was made Triday morning before a urge oeiegsuon or property owners along the road, in the Keizer district. NegotlaUena. are la continue with owiets oi property which is desired as right-of-way for the road. Judge Grant Murphy aaid. Owners dissatisfied with the re port may file damage claims prior to June ZX. but Murray aaM any da mates which are auwe4 must be met by sponsors of the chsnee. The viewers report declared establishment of the road J un able for the 24 homes adjoining IL Five owners hate not given nght-ol-wsy waivers. The view er considered that benefits to be derived by the owners onset the value of the land te be taken. although la twe rases Involving reiocauoa of bufiduvgs it recom mended cash payments. Viewers of the area were It. r. C rant, Lee Ohmart and Id Bp kit. Car Finn Builds 50,000iii Vehicle WTLLOW BUJf. Mien. J f Special l-nding Its first of car produrtHei ta O-e biwfc. KaUer-r rarer Corp. rrperied tim weesi that output ef tbe IUie and FrsxrT car la May te4a'4 10 11 touts, a r.g-sre Wrs p4 the WiUew Eua firm near de top among the mUos'i eri mm smie pendent aulomcti manufartur Edgar F. Kaiavr. rare p&&4 and general snanager. anrmmred a new daily nrodurttaw tH eg StS urvil was aet May 24 m rs- UUtUng Ce'a rwwt The roenpaey la bui-i Its Ujb09t auUnoUie Oua Attlce Receives 'Letter Bomb' mar droo still further In June. With about 65,000 applicaUons from over the state for all al lowances on hand from veterans. the commission aaid that 1,390 have exhausted their payments under the GI bill. OU Tisa v.F.n.naii Hoed and Church Sl. EVERY SATURDAY. NIGHT Mtwle by Waynt, Strahans - ' ; Orchestra' Refre&hmenUKSerred Dorinf Intermission Don't Forgat to ' DINE AND DANCE" at -CLUB TUMBLE DiN" 2 mL N. Albany. Bast Foods served all are. Txrwrence's - OrchT' - 5 traces. In California Cities dent' ritft uik about low Ui V,lllCB ering price.- Taft said in a state SACRAMENTO. Calif.. June 1 1 menL "when everv lr7-nus a rivers disrupted transit systems of five California cities today In strikes for higher pay. At we same time, a new union dis pute tied up the intracity bua services of more than a dozen Los Angeles suburbs. 'The strike dvtnln f.. the "poor quality- of fruit Jar deadlocked wage disputes yester tops and nibbers, and urged action day. interrupted transport line In against low-flvina planes which I PhiHm, ri.i. c I wamAea SJlcilusiiK. UHI M llin I III I frighten poultry. I San Jose and Stockton .h In Mi'nnn,.M; Next year's convention will be threatened to soread to Tn I A1 v If XlSSli til 1 held In Astoria, with the biennial I Beach and the Oakland-San Fran- dam on the Snake river. During the legislative session, the grange argued . against the measure, which authorizes - the state to take over franchised power projects only by con demnatlon. Previously the state could acquire them after two years notice. The 600 delegates condemned policy of his administration. has increased prices and Is still doing so. "He proposed to veto the law of supply and demand and avoid the results of his own policies by oc casional grumbling at business men and high prices." i i Truman Back election at that time. Cisco bay areas. Tomrjhi Silverha Arnsry 9 U 12 GLENN WOODRYS ORCHESTRA ; 14 Admlssiea tie flas Fed. Tas Urn Tetal tse KANSAS CITY. June -VP) President Truman flew from Civic Auditorium Memorial Gains Favor with Clubs Most of the two-score organi zations connected with the Salem War Memorial association appear to favor a civic auditorium as the assorts lion's project, but other programs sdeh as the long-range planning commi si son's recommen dation for a park In West Salera. also will be considered. It was declared at a meeting of the me- Present were e. Burr Miiier. J Coming Grain Shortage president: Don Ballantync. We I president; Mrs. Charles A. WASHINGTON. June s-Cf-Sorarue. second vice president: I Flfty-twa nations were Invited Dorothy L. Cornelius, secretary: I today to attend a special confer W. M. Hamilton, chairman of the I ence m Parts July I ta snap ways building committee, and Allan G. I of meeting the .severe grata LONDON. June f -V Postal workers Intercepted today more deadly letter bosntx portedly addreaaed ta Prime Minister AtUee. Winston Church ill and other present and former ministers, oc the BriUsn cabinet. A new bag of mall brought t. 29 the number at explosive let ters receired here treat Turin la northern Italy ta a snurder-by-mail campaign which the Stem gang. Jewish underground group. proclaimed aa its prelect. Teats conducted by noma ocSre exple tives experts showed that the bembe would blow a bole ta a steel plata. Hungary's Red Boss Brags BLUATrST. Jane -tV Itua garra rsrAlng ronmmitl aa4 vtrtoal Axtatar, Drjnr?y Prenr Maty as lUkod. boacte4 Uat Ue romm unlets -pw tm. Xy put the aetrure c4 the gewrnsnewt this amirfrrvpsed rauntry fore the United autsa rowid nsb its eyes." This was stlactossl ta rsenre by lUkost taken today treaa the official text of a aneern la tba Mas ef MTX. the ef&clal gerera sneed am agency. The apeern, stetivered mm w4 Beaday before a gnsua mi laea snunist factory esrUn. was sssg earned aa the Hungarian ism. wbira fsUed alaa te reprtai Piss. dent Truman's character! istt of tbe cassssnsuat cava aa aa rage, Nation! Aakrd to DUruas Old Tine Danco Waltzes, "Quadrilles, Paul Jones, 2 and S Steps t ' Jala the Crowd and Have a Ooed Time 259 Ccari Sired Ererjr Satnrday Nlj;ht V orer Western Auto ''.x": M Music by PAUL WINSLOWS GANG Public Welcome Bandon to Obtain Bonneville Power IIEU O0T0-TILLEQ JUST RECEIVED LARGE STOCK HURRY WHILE THEY LAST Tcnrjuo Iloior VA N. Ubert Salem, Oceon TeL7001 day for his most Joyous home coming In many months. He found bis mother happy and feeling much better after a grave PORTLAND. Or. j,,n. a illness. HU old war comrades ex- A 20-year contract to deliver Co- tended welcome arms and noisy Washington to Jackson county to-Cror. chairman of the legal corn- shortage which I forecast for the tumoia river Dower to th rit. o' Bandon. Ore- was signed to day by Bandon's mayor Rudv Backlund and th Bonneville power administration. Power will be supplied by Mountain States Power compa ny, using Bonneville power. Bon neville said it would serve - don directly later, when the pro- fuaca xAigene-coos Bay transmis sion line is built Too Late to Classify acclaim. Mr. Truman speaks tomorrow night at 1033 (EST) to the 35th division ' reunion. Today the ex soldiers roared their applause when he arrived with General Dwight D. Eisenhower to greet this morning's business session with a simple "I'm glad to be here." CeaL Sat. m Saa. frees 1 a. as. ' NOW PLAYING I mittee. Carson also was named I next crop year. to head the nominating commit-1 Sir John Boyd Orr. director eg tee for the September election of Che food and agriculture ergani- new officer. I saUon, teeued the Invitations, act- Tbe association ! meet ncxtlLnf tipon a auggeaUoa made by at T30 p.m. Wedneaday. July 2. 1 Secretary of AgriculUire Clinton at the c .amber of cosnmerca. IP. ii-i rrnnri cx)xt. raosg i r. sc. - JOW? Trias la Tsraal.ilir . TSJltB DITT aUTTTX PATH "DtXT-TX IOTC coxt. raoM i r. ml ACCX1 TOO AT! (IAT! Jeal MaOrea . la TmssUU . "stlTTAlJO BILL" - JAxts carrra KOTOaJOCS UOKZ. TOMoaaow! Im Tsel caxx-Hwicai raxAcar a n-agaT- Sin Mstlaee DaAy fraea 1 a. aa. Prevne Tonlte! One Feainre! Ends Tadar (SaL) Robert CwiaLaxa TaaCaaM- aaaaa Saaaa (DDiiTn(i5lk?s aaassssssssassssssssssssssssssasssssssssssssa COMXNQ g DAT! -AUSPICES OF DISABLED . AMERICANS EatertsJners 111 If 1 asaa as a it i mv ll III II K 1 am W M m 9 ' I I . yg Company QM'P 10 J Um- JelS 'Ill If Mils mm vSk Tkrllll a g Giant tlaV Rides fer Search- Kiddies and light Grewa-TJps! - r rOH IAU: High equity in 1)M eoacn. ass good rsdie sad htr. spotlight. S bw ttrse. ttw pstett. par- UZ ' na sooa motor. ruU prtes Sses. Hich eauitv ssos. ct i tt. wttn Mr. Crsmhsw st Oreroa Motor ""i" w wmi on rront St. oiuun. MiocK as (ray rersisn est. Pless return ss ha -lay oWJlttT. J4V 8 Cotuce or Pti. 3S51 iiuiwiiuiiuH, you ptck. 10c lb. ?" tmrm. Kl, 7. Box ITS. U mL - "yfT"'e school. JlslS AIX-W65I7Kue. reyersibU. al- nost new. 102a N. iau. SPENCER TRACY Lod WoA ... ragged, nuklenf KATHARINE HEPBURN Frry, (nc'uutiag gal from St Low it TTaivnonii' 2 Blocks North of Underpass on Portland Road V Opening Saturday Under Ilev Llanngcmcnl MM HIM Fextlurlngr tha m iteqlc and chicken dinners fixat mad "Chucka" tcrmoua. J Jack and Anna Mae Schimberg, Props. BASEBALL TOIIIGHT S:15 r. M. Waters Field Salen Senalors TS. Brenerlca Box Seat Reserratiortj Phone 4647 Hi Rabbits! Here's Tbe Big Shew Far Today! Shew 8tarts a. as. Gleria Jeaa t. la . "The Vaderpea Also . t Carteeas - aad -Jack Armstreag Serial Flas - "Oa Stage! GAMES! PRIZES! CONTESTS! LOTS OF FUNI Come aa Dewa Yea May Be a Wlmner 1 M o o o aiid stabthig ioi:omiOT7 1 1 ROBERT WALKER " X Girobla ttA gua-. t shooting fool! MEIVTN DOUGLAS RominK. kt worJt snJ lW I : i ' I ft Seag af the NaUea 'Straight Shooters' News t i WINONA CHALET Italian Dinners, Spaghetti, Raviolas, Pan Fried Chicken, Choice Steaks 2 Miles Out on Dallas Highway For Baaarrcrfloxia hoa 2-S1S3 1 m 'JLI Ends Today - Opens 1:43 a. as. The Cockeyed Miracle with Frank Mergaa. Keenaa Wyna dace Kid - GHbert KeUad in Hiding Calif. TraiT STARTS TOMoaaow BeliU SaUiraa Bonlta Graarllla la "Suspense Pins Richard Crane Faye Marlowe ta "Johnny Comes Fljinjr Ilome" , NOW PLAYING I Bough Tough. Terrific I hr"" V LVJL A - "'lira - v . PLUS -MUSICAL 2ND HIT! eYTY! til X ' "7 -A INTERNATIONAL PICTURES prrir.n Merle OBERON George BRENT Charles KORVIN Paul LUKAS la rith LENORE ULRIC ARNOLD MOSS LUDWIG STOSSEL A!f INTERrlATIOff AL PICTUBK CO UIT! A BAD TIME FOR BAD MEN! SONG OF THE WASTELAIID1 i in a " 1111 '"' 11 ' '" Mas! AJr-Kaa Tmx Meeteseass KrvsJ Tatal KrCasa eg tte Sam! Kewa iaaaa! AUeattte Cttrl Gaard Trsiai Saerlat Cart Overt