The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    t Tpa Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Friday, funs , IS 47
Betrothal of
The! traditional box of "choco
late! wax passed at the Alpha Chi
Omega houte Thursday night to
announce the engagement of Minn
Beverly Kenney, daughter of Mr.
,and Mrs. Norman A. Kenney, to
'George B. Adams,', aori of Dr. and
- Mrs. Kin ley K. Ada mi, all of Sa
lem. Xo'idate has been aet for the
wedding. .
The) news wag revealed at the
Alpha! Chi Omega annual formal
farewell banquet In honor ot the
graduating seniors. . The house
president tacd the ' card bearing
the enitcrtCnt newi before
pasting theTTrandy. ' :
MLsr Kenney and her fiance are
graduates of fealem high school
She ia completing her freshman
year at Willamette and ia an
Alpha Chi Omega. Mr. Adams is
now in the army, stationed at
Letter man General hospital at the
Presidio in San Francisco. He ex
pects to be released in December.
Pages Will Be " '
Dinner Hosts
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer H. Page
will entertain with an informal
no-host dinner party Saturday
night at their Chemeketa street
home for their club. Cards will be
in play during the evening.
Covers will be placed for Mr.
and Mrs. Roland Merserau, guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley and
Mr. and Mrs. Page.
, Mrs. Joho FewelFef Tamer has
as her house guest Mrs. A. J.
Baker of Seattle. Next week Mrs.
Powell will return north with
Mrs. Baker for a stay.
Society.... Clubs
Music... The Home
Located at 4 Corners i
3315 A SUte Street t Phone 25173
' Machine and . Machineless Permanents,
; $6.50 to $20.00
Cold Waves, $10.00 and up.
Win Take Evening Appointments
Florence Valt Missionary . society
meet at Calvary Baptist church. 1 p.m.
En 1 1 wood Woman's club with Mr.
Earl Strickland, 26S Park ava. 1:13 des
sert luncheon.
Woman's Relief Corps meet at VrW
hall. 7 p.m., no-boat luncheon at noon,
Marion auxiliary VTW. at VFW hall,
Missouri club, final me tin with
Mrs. P. C Harland. 371 South 21st.
12:30 no-host luncheon. -THURSDAY
Sojourners dessert luncheon, Salem
Woman's clubhouse, 1:1S p.m. -
A Graduation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huggins
were -hosts for an informal din
ner party preceding the Salem
high school graduation Thursday
night at their Stewart street home
in honor of their daughter, Su
zanne, one of the graduates.
. Covers were placed for Miss
Huggins, .Larry Klemsmith, Miss
Barbara Hendrickson, Dwight
Quisenberry, also a graduate, Mr.
and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry,
Charles Huggins and the hosts.
Mrs. Arthur Jones' will preside
at a bridge luncheon this after
noon at her Belmont street home
in honor of members of her club
r r ; . , ' , : : 1
..'I Iton ijW
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f-sA At The.
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j j i-jfe 5-2 ,t hard t0 be,v towel of such I
i .1 'Z T yvjif y gooa weigni coxion xerry, so son ana I
I I If CI zz fir A i.. i...t v.... II
I S r7 " . : choico of dainty pastels or plaids.
! I :''!-!' V Alt AW AR , I Cfm. HiiJ lit Aa.,.. I 1 1
I I Ai,r i -"fro, it i
Mi"' "-:-?.:J-..4Cr
I I ... l fee "af fc- . V X Il l
1 I " .V L . V'0 Ho ' bv I I If -I
Pastel Bath
a $ 'y Regular bite
" .--' I - v .j'"',' ' tp'endld quality cotton terry,
. riZr "Z woven In a soft nubby taxturt
. Colorful V . that absorbs so quickly, wears
. . -f''. " to well. Bath alw 2rx40".
I . nun rasx - .-.
Closely Woven T0WEl- ,5c
jr ! wash aoTH, n-air , c C
i Sxza v484 S!aIeSl.
James Linn
Honored on
James R. Linn was honored on
his 80th birthday at one .of the
largest parties of the spring when
several hundred of hit frjends
called to congratulate him at the
Marion hotel Thursday afternoon.
The party, originally slated for
thj Linns' i country place at Lib
e'rty, had to be changed to the
hotel due j to weather conditions.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn received in
formally during ,the afternoon
with many out-of-town guests
here for the occasion. Mrs. Linn
wore a two-piece biege dress with
roses in her hair. At the close of
the affair friends of Mr. Linn pre
sented him with a desk and other
gifts. Mr. Linn U one of the prom
inent hop men in the Willamette
valley and a director of Sick's
Brewing Co.' Dean Walker made
the presentation.
The coffee table was centered
wiui an arrangement of roses
from the Linn garden flanked by
white tapers in a silver candel
ebrum. Twin white vase holding
red roses were on the buffet table
Other striking arrangements of
roses and spring flowers were
used about the rooms.
Among those from out-of-town
for the affair were Albert Mag
nus and Miss Sally May of Chi
cago, life long friends of the Linns,
who are their house guests this
week, Mrs. Linn's sisters and
brothers-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard M. Rice of Portland. Mr.
and lirs. John Silvertooth of An
telope, Mrs. Leola Phillips of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Denton
Burdick of Metolius, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Banks, former governors
Oswald West and Ben Olcott, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Watson, Mrs. Otto
Metschan. Mrs. Alexander Collins,
all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hofer of Oswego, Mr.
ana Mrs. o. b. Robertson of
Agate Beach, Mrs. Karl Steiwer
of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Walker of Independence, Mrs.
Clarence Keene of Silverton, Mr.
and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt of Lroni.
Mrs. John Powell of Turner and
Mrs. A. J. Baker of Seattle.
Chemeketa Group
Meets Saturday
Miss Bette Terhune,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Terhurie ol Jeffer
son, "whose engagement to
Donal D. Blood jood. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Bloodgood of Denver, has
been announced. The w?d
din? will take place in Au
gust. The bridalect is a
senior at Oregon State col
lege and her fiance a lun-
ior. (Jesten-MUler).
Leona Hill Now
Mrs. Worley
Miss Leona Hill', daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill of Taft.
became the bride of Noel Worley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Worley of Salem, on June 1 at the
home of the bride's parents. The
1 o'clock double ring ceremony
was performed by the Rev. Tuton
of the Evangelical Urjited Breth
ren church of Taff before mem
bers of the two families.
The bride wore an aqua suit
with white accessories and forage
of yellow rosebuds and white
spray orchids. Attending the cou
ple were Miss Wilms Dunigan
and Bert Worley, brother of the
The bride is a graduate of Taft
high school and her husband at
tended Salem high school. He
served with the navy for two and
a half years. The newlyweds will
live in Salem.'
Miss Pallia .
Smith Is
Romance has come again to the
Pi Beta Phr house on the Wil
lamette university rampua. At lh
chapter house Tu-dav night one
of the -sisters." 'Mus Paula1
Smith, last year's Mr Queen.1
revealed her betrothal to Robert
Sullivan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
B. Sullivan of Salem. The bttde
elcvt is the "daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, L A. Smith of Stayton.
f plans have been made foe
the wedding. Match covers with
the poem, "A betlrr match can
never be, lift the cover and you
will see." revealed the news and
were paed to the coed.
The pretty, brunette bride-elect
will receive her sheep&kln from
Willamette university on June U.
Her fiance is a junior at WilLam
Hte university and a member of
Phi Delia Theta. He formerly at
tended the University of Oregon,
where he will complete his edu
cation in the fall.
Miss Geertta RaberU Is arriv
ing in the capital today by plane
from Oakland. Calif, where she
has just finished her sophomore
year at Mills college. She will
spend the summer at the Morn
ingside home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald C Roberts.
Dr. aJ Mrs. Ketvla T. tlaeiry.
who are here flatting wiUi bet
parrots, Mr. and Mrs. C A.
Sprague. had as their guests foe
a few days this week Dr. fend
Mrs. James Martin of San Fran
Cisco, who are en route north an
a trip to Washington and British
Columbia. v
Teachers Guests
r m .t
ui Mothers ,
Teachers of the Salem HettM
school were guets at the Mh
ers 'club at luncheon an the school
cafeteria on Thursday. Tall green
tapers set In crystal candelabra
flanked bowl of white La
France roses.
Covers were placed for Princi
pal Marion T. Miller.. Mrs. D D.
Craig, Mrs. D. D. Dutaon. Mrs.
Charlotte Jone. Mrs. Fred Borer.
Mrs." Roy Farrand, Mrs. C t
Denhara and Mrs. A. W. Lov-
rk la rKarge t cr aiiiwinaU
was Mrs. C A. CafVlan asatrlei
by Mrs. Leslie Bate, Mrs. Lore.
White. Mrs. SUrOey MtrtvsLk.
Mrs. Carl Thulio, Mrs. Paul 11m
-ey. )r. The guests were
retted with knrty corsagra.
Mr. and Mrs. Cla bourn Tr
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters and Mr. and Mrs. William r river
of the American Revolution, will jr., have bidden a group of their
hold its final meeting on Satur- friends to an informal party be
day at the YWCA. Hostesses will fore the Town Club sports dance
oe iwrs. reward west and Miss I Saturday night at the Marion ho
Kate Dickson, assisted by Mrs. H. I tel. The affair will be at the
u. Henderson, . Mrs. R. D. Paris, former's home
xwrs. w. A. Katclirr, Mrs. L. Loos.
Mrs. Harman Darley, Mrs. C, J.
Lyle, Mrs. L. W. Potter, Mrs.' A.
A. Underhtll and. Mrs. James
Likes. Mrs. Charles Roblin is
Mrs. Charles Ratcliff will re
view the early history of the Pilgrims.
Un Saturday. June 14. a state
board of management will hold
an all-day meeting beginning at
10 a. m. at Pioneer Cabin at
Champoeg. Hostess will be Mrs.
V VSnT a . ...
- w. wiuon, wno will receive
reservations for the luncheon.
On June IS. open house will be
held at the cabin, with Chemek
eta chapter members as hostesses.
Tbig is an annual affair and is
participated In by all chapters of
tne state. Later Chemeketa chap
ter will, hold the annual resents
party wnen the memory book will
be presented Mrs. Robin, retiring
Military Rites
Unite Couple
MILL CITY Thursday after
noon at a military wedding at the
Presbyterian church Miss Martha
Adeline Clark was united in mar
riage to Frank Herman Barney.
ine bride, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Elbert Clark:
chose a light green suit with
white accessories and white cor
sage and entered the church on
the arm of her father.
Miss Edna Mae Bodle attended
tne bride. The groom, a U! S. ma
rine, was attended by the bride's
brother, Milan Weston, U. S.
The Rev. David Fereeraon.
chaplain, officiated. Mrs. John
Clark, mother ot the bride, played.
it reception followed th cere
mony at the I OOF hall for 90
guests of the young couple.
Mr. Barney is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Barney and Is
employed in Mill City where the
couple will make their .home.
The bride graduated Thursdar
irom xoiu tity nign school.
i 1 I . a
L A Li rJ kJD L u . M
L w- v. J 4
STACK or rovx N-MAW 1
Fashion .
Removal Sale
Sprdal Group of Drrsars, GaU 1 Suits
Half Price
Exceptional Valurs
A3 Scie rW Ko
Ualch For IIgvz Lccaiioa
Your Kitchen
can exactly -express
YOUR Ideas and
YOUR Tasles
When you build it of
these beautiful, sturdy in
terchangeable cabinets.
j Special Factory liteel'
mm .
Regular 39.59 io.iMff-
I m t - ' I
S7 N. Lancaster Drire
Phene M14 -Open
i 460Stalt Kaleas. Orert
f I r i
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