(Putty. BJews .IBfftotfei FLORISTS TO ATTEND SNODDY GIRL LOSES CASE Eight Salem florists will at- A $50,000 damage suit involv tend a one-day school for floral Ing auto accident injuries was lost design Monday in Portland's in Marion county circuit court florirt warehouse, under spon- Thursday by Mary Louise Snod , sonhip of ibt Floral Telegraph dy, a minor, after the jury de Delivery association. Alfred de- liberated six hours. Through her Mero, FTD;, designer or uetroii, guardian (and mother) Mrs. Lra lich will conduct the school. Atr Snoddy,' the girl sued Michael C. tending from here will be 44rs. Helms and the estate of James C. Ames Srhurkine. who is -were- Helms, the latter of whom was Lar f this FTD district: Robert I driver of a car in which Miss I Owens, '" who ' will assist deMero; Snoddy was riding when it col- t Htlene Schultz, Herbert Hunt, ided with a train at West Stay- I Mr.and Mrs. Oscar uison, w. v.i ion Dec. 23, 1945. The cage was tie Pew and -Wln'stanley Jenk. L J heard in Judge E. M. Page's court. Mormon Crickets in Salem Dance SaL site. Siiverton armory. TV. your Christmas shopping now! Pirture drastically reduced in! For Weslx electric 2.5 K. W. & 2 K. W built-in wall - heaters now avail hi ft f. Flfctrnm frt Elfstrom's Art Dept. OKEII TO Bt'ILD The city engineer's office Thursday iued building permits -to F. M. North, for a $5000 house At ""SO Brers ave- and to. J. A immediate delivery. Thor I Crickets Start New Drive in Morrow County HEPPNER, Ore, June 5-JPH Morrow County Agent N.- C An derson said today that Mormon crickets, now checked In Uma tilla county, were infesting some wheat fields In the Morgan area of Morrow county. An Ion rancher, Werner Reitmann. re ported considerable cricket dam age to wheat in the Morgan area. Spreading of poison bait was In tensified. Public Records washers , and ironer. Broadway i Appliance Co., .419 Terry, Salem, Mormon crickets such as these are still moving throagh eastern Ore- Ore. CHEMEKETAN'S TO HIKE ( Tl Chemeketans announced Thursday that they will hike to lielm. for a $2500 residence at ' the natural bridge located north 213S N. Liberty St. Other permits of Little Sweden on i the North ! alterations and repairs to cost i Santiam river highway Sunday. about $150 or less were issued to They will leave from 248 N. Com- Warne' W. Cordon, for work at j mercial st at 7:30 a. m., and ail 1075 Columbia st; Fred Lemon, j those interested in going are ask- 2310. N. 4th si: Tiret Baptist church.' 515 N. Liberty St.: H. D. Euckner, 818 N. Commercial st. gon destroying crops and gardens. The crickets pictured above were brought to Salem this week by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Crabtree. 1110 N. Commercial sl after a visit to Crabtree's uncle, Frank Lindsay of Morgan. -That town, about 35 miles from Arlington, was Invaded by the chomping hoard over the weekend. Mrs. Crabtree stated that the crickets have powerful Jaws and are able to eat ripened . wheat kernels and whole green plants. (Photo by Don Dill. States man staff photographer.) ' Dance Sat. Crystal Gardens. EX-SALEM WOMAN DIES ed to register at that address be- Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fargo, 63, fpre Sunday. Hike leader for this "who lived at Salem before mov trip is to be Mary Foster. ing to Long Beach. Calif, in 1937, died recently at a Torrance, Calif- Special Closing . out v all lawn I hospital, according to word re- rvi 'nA tti iho'dtict I mowers at reduced price. Broad- ceived here Thursday. She moved OU your road. and settle the dust. Annli!in rnriio r., wn, uu iue, or aw. , . Among the survivors are two Dexter sharpens lawnmowers at . . , daughters, Ruth Wicks of Wil- you--home by machine. 6833. Johns-Mansyiile slate I u r f a c mington and Betty Jane Brooks ' shingles applied by expert roofers. of seaside. Ore. The funeral was BEAEDED MAN VISITS . nom nj oowi 4 ywn w ; par. held at Long Beach and interment Hollis Smith of uauas "7J"" Sf-n" followed at Westminster cemetery Ealem ThurKlay sporting an in- .! ;'.7c . f -cipient beard and talking Up the n Co 164 S. ComL coming Dallas centennial cele- turn vsts rAVFtiinr bration July 25-27. He said Polk J orval E. Caverhill of Vale, Ore., Hih st- No parking meters, rountv men are subject to either I ma t nn k.n ...ui. -u I UardVor fine, in connection with 01 the celebrauon ana jh uauas making on illegal right turn. Po- rZ t no n t teld area rodents would be in period Uce Mid car WM involved In 2 4JHa? ihVt XI costumes as early as July 12 to an accident at 9:30 p. m. with an rSSin 2?S2 L?1rm m pubheize the affair, auto operated by Melvin W. Mont- SJr.0',; '"Vu ,:.,. s... Uomery of , 1230 Third st. West I " - ' "ItlJ Tu 1 7 1 7i - Urge size de luxe elec ranges, 6 J , ' burners and dual ovens. Hamilton I Tvi r j immediate delivery. MRS. THOMAS YISTTS Wm. Bliven, L. C. Cooney and C, M. Craig now located at 647 N. irs. zna i nomas. 033 Mates- Ur Tam r itim tai- Suit man st, is in Miami. Fla. visit- ing with her daughter, Ruthyn curred in auto-train accident at Thomas Reed. Before going to Wet Staytcn December 23. 1945. rn T o ? rT 'tr on Jury verdict for the defendants. - f c 7T.' iey, in lam An-1 MARRIAGE UCENSE KCica, I APPLICATIONS For Rent: Beach house. June and nfn c- Swoboda, 670 South st. July. Gene Eckerlen. Ph. 3203. !.nd lre:ne Sizemore typist 3690 Sunnyview ave both of Salem. Salem Self Service Laundry. New Edward E. Creecy, Jr., 26, stu moaern wasnmg machines, drvers. dent, iiiiamooic, ana carmen mangle for use. Hourly rates. 1815 Coburn. 25. domestic. Salem. !X. IZtn, Ph. 5607. MUNICIPAL COI KT I or lactones. o.. Urge size de luxe elec. ranaes. 6 tiMS, 1Z- general - wenne wan h,n anA ,Ma - - his store revealed that all of his sugar stamps, numbers 11 and 12, worth 366 pounds of sugar, had been taken. Previously, about $5 Thermador I casn had been reported missing from tne casn register. rlnrks. $12.48. Ux lnd. R. U Elf- atrom Co. METERS NET $17 $ ' Salem's meters netted $1760.47, Thursday's count of last week s collection shows. Of the aum,: nickels totaled $1102.25; penn: burners and dual ovens. Hamilton Furniture Co, 230 Chemeketa. VERNE SCOTT VISITS Verne Scott, ton of Mr. and Mrsi Harry Scott; 960 N. Fifth st, is In Salem for a week's visit with his parents before returning to -his duties as a researcher for the All picture prints, American and Imported, 30 off. Elfitrom's Art Dept MOTHERS, GIRLS nOME Mrs. Roger L. Hancock of 755 N. Capitol st, was dismissed with her twin girls from Salem Gen- meters are not made for and which yield only 12 minutes of agriculture at Davis, Calif. missed with their daughters were Mrs. Victor F. Simonton, 125 larking time, totaled $6 40. An- Un,.,. ,,.... - ,, I n.h wet Kaim? m. Earl other colection was made by police dredf of picturfS at discounts Johnson, jr. Independence and fiiui . ransintf im tn 5nS., Art TWnt : I Mrs. n. M. A See. Mill Ulty. Oml Sand S GraveL Ph. 21966. 1 Dance Sat Crystal Gardens. TRICK LOSES TIRE A large truck tire rolled off a truck of the G C. Produce Co, rbrUand, some place along 12th CIRCUIT COURT Steven P. Selensky vs. Mrs. H- C Pritzkay and Eugene M. Kel ley: Case dismissed with preju dice. Victor H. Neufeld vs. Patricia Delores Neufeld:. Defendant files answer admitting and denying and cross-complaint for divorce Marion Hood vs. Fred E. Hood; Defendant files answer admitting and denying. James R. Lvke vs. Theodore Olsen: Suit dumied with preju dice. Rose M. Hardin vs. James C Hardin. Katherine Taylor vs. William H. Taylor: Default order issued Mary Louise Snoddy. a minor through guardian, Mrs. Lera Snoddy, vs. Michael C. Helms and Pioneer Trust Co, admintrator The Statesmen. Salem. Or?oa. Friday. Tano t. IU7S ORDNANCE, June 5-4VEast- ern Oregon's weat and farmland was considered safe today from jniestation by Mormon crickets this season, but farmers began worrying about next year. The hordes f crickets have halted their march toward farm land to lay eggs. Within two weeks, the adult cricket will die; but the eggs one female lays up to ZM wui natch next season. Poison bait spread for 12 amies between Ordnance and Doardman held the crickets back from fer tile land, but did not succeed In exterminating them before the mating season. New supplies el rhlordane poi son arrived at the Ordnance de pot here today, but the crickets have already laid eggs. . Cot Raymond G. Curtin. depot commander, aaid the kfUtia here was ttill "very heary tt that the Inserta had awod drn. W1LLASIETTE TILE CO. ART TILE for flrepUrea, drain Warda. store f rowta. tsatarsoa. showers. ir doors. FREE ESTIMATE -E4" Bash Ma. 2-4U . 1US X. mater Vencliaii Blinds - ELI IE n - Tb Ehatd Ma VFeti firso Orrroa rwsw ?n$ i$i ruu tt Uko la Atnalawa. irt ad Wood Claolro of Tape Calara Call Aaty Ttoao for Trre rrftsMtee Mraavred aa4 IswtaSe4 Pay Koiaiag Drvn Dance Sat nite, Siiverton armory. wvu j a vrcnesixa. BROWN DIRECTS MEMORIAL SUte Grange Chaplain Arthur ' Brown of Salem directed a mem- li. Llord It MacFarlane. Vancou ver, Wah., violation of basic rule, posted $7.50 bail. Adolph H. Scharff. 1595 S. 22nd st, violation of basic rule. Wilbert Steele. 3130 Portland al amSaa 1. .f at m I :;::Lr I; Iv. 'V? u,e inunaay rd, no operator's license, posted """'" uiie (range con I u ii ' vention in Bend, the Associated rTjess reports. Complete Irrigation systems and engineering consultation as re quired. Industrial Supply Co. of saiem, 1038 s. Com l. Ph. 8023 - . - Crawfish by the dozen, alive or Orval E. Caverhill. Vale, ille gal right turn, posted $2.50 bail. Ralph West 415 Pine st, no operator's license, continued. Edward Carl Hawkins, route I. Salem, reckless driving, liquor Involved, fined $75. John R. Harmon, route 4. Sa- cooked. Burroughs Tavern, 2395 lem, failure to stop, posted $2.50 N. Front St Ph. 8063. bail. PROBATE COURT Eliza R. Wininger estate: Or der closes estate. David P. Bebb estate: Order closing estate. Sally Buh estate: Order au- officials there renortH t Htw wonz,n Paru payment oi state nolic. W,. ' SM as attornejr fees Pemberton's Flower . Shop, 1980 a. nui. tm. 20703. i MAN GONE FROM OSH M. J. Grieze. 36. is missinr from the Oregon state hospital. l . Tt. ... n .-A t I :- 1 11; . NoUce Now taking orders for apt Dr: Wiles Dentist 701 First Nat nouse electric ranges with r the Bank. Phone 4924.- ? high f peed. tube, type burners. M - , RrArfi) Anrllonra Pa AiQ DELAPP ON FLAGSHIP Ferry, Salem, Oregon. Robert D. DeLapp, S 2c, bro ther of Vera E. DeLapp, 1370 HITS PARKED AUTO Market st, is serving aboard the A car driven by Berdell C.J heavy cruiser USS - Fall River. -street and Us cut-off between 1 Williams of 2155 Ferry st, j flagship of U. S. naval forces In State street and hiehwav 99E. the cr"snea n a parxea auto owned Japan. The ship Is based at yok driver of the 1ruck reported to bT Sam P. Neufeldt 245 S. Win- osuka In Tokyo bay, according to Salem police. The tire rolled of f " ,we uo mock of South navy press dispatches, .v- . . ...v. i . I Hi Bh St.. investiffatinff citv rmlirol uw imi vi m ivui-wnm uauci.l , . l j. i - j i - ' ' saia. . I irnmeaiaie ueiiveur. iiiciniauui llarre aize de luxe elec. ranses. Insured savings earn more than 1 5Hmmage over Greenbaum's J burners and dual ovens. Hamilton two per cent at Salem Federal v1"' v " Furniture Co, 230 cnemeketa. Sru.l?SOUtbUi AT MOOSE MEETING ' HAROLDS END TRIP ' . - 1L E. Hedine, Salem Moose Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harold Going fast. Many fine buys in lodge, leader, is. In Klamath FaUs returned Wednesday night after picture. This everft Is on in full . Moose . committeemen visiting Victoria, B. C. They left blast Elfstrom's Art Dept ' and , off iciala who are planning last Friday night following the reo-r.,..--... fwr ? Ju,y ,tat convention of San Juan route to Victoria and rTrTZZ iTh? liif ?Iamn l0de' . returning via Port Angeles and tars onven by Dale E. Champ .. . . . hj., ai Harold la rt Stayton and Samuel J. Allen- New location Croruse Studio, 439 1 "."uue of Lder Bros by of route 5. Salem, collided at Court St, over Smith Baking Co. represenUUve of Loder Bros. 12io p.m. Thursday in the 500 wjcENKrn m xwn Northern Lawn mowers, limited SaTjoe Woodburn QuantUy. R. L. Elfstrom Ca ?iTfn5red report No one Alice Albee of V.nport DIsmsSED BY DEACONESS V. ' .Thursday were Issued a marriage Mothers dismissed from Salem Plate (last now available Don hcense in Portland, according to Deaconess hospital Thursday are Brown. Elfstrom's. . ; Associated Press. Mrs. Jack Schmidt of Stayton and Listen to Burke's Radio Camera RirfW S?th Ytlrt5 hoS wiS Program. 90 a . m. today. IjirtllS Slxtix st, West Salem, WhwIJ FIRST AID CALLED ' WAGNER To Mr. and Mrs. route 1, Stayton, with her daugh- Mrs. William Aigeltinger of Paul E. Wagner. 830 Cade st. a ter. VS?ClS-:H 22:' Wot rent Floor Sanders. Wood- Eugene Prescott the Oak St Bar- hearing on final account ber, wishes to announce that he U I Henry Cashman esUte: R. B. IaiduD with the flu and will not Hind, Leo N. Childs and C. E. be in the shop before June 14. Grelg apopinted appraisers. Siiverton Masons At Portland Rites Rite In Portland this week, and two, Errol Ross and the Rev. Ben Browning, received the 32nd de gree tonight. The Shrine cere monial SatnrHnv will also Hrtv SILVERTON, June 5 Several many local men. several of whom iocai Masons are participating in I will be initiated Into this organ- uw annual reunion ot the Scottish Ization. first aid men at about 9:30 p.m. General hospital. Thursday for second degree burns ROUSETT To Mr; and Mrs. Incurred when a Jar of Jam broke j John "Rousett 1082 Electric stM while she was canning. ''I G. E. automatic blankets a year r o u n d comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept R. L Elf strom Ca son, Thursday, June 5, at Salem General hospitaL . JOHNSTON To Mr. and Mrs. William H. Johnston. 1080 Cross since May 27, H. D. Merrill, ad st, son, Wednesday, June 4,' at juster for Motors Insurance com rows, 450 Center St FRONT TIRES TAKEN Two front tires and wheels were stolen from a wrecked auto, parked on a Salem lot some time f KAMXtM In thta ctlr. Monday. June S. Francl kian. ratiier of a. w. Franklin of To- George Fulton, 1232 N. Commer Salem General hospital. RICH EY To Mr. and Mrs.Er sia Rlchey, 930 N. 14th st, a son, Thursday, June S, at Salem Dea coness hospital. FULTON To Mr. and Mrs. pany, reported Thursday to city police, v ' Wanted: Finish and rough carpen ters. 2 or more months work. Fh. 7487. The undersigned dealers have vjo and of Mr. Lee Swop of Mo- cial st, a daughter, Thurdsay. I ... rnniM nrlM fin aavrdtiat. S3 75 Onto. Calif. will b held 8u-1 iunm a - Salem General i i-. r- uy. ju s. at uio Oretown. Otnon. """"f- "l feaiem uenerai nos- pe,. unit West Salem Fuel Co, rnurch at 1 30 D m. with interment at 1 P1UII. Oreton, direction W. T. Rrg don com- MINTON To pany Mra. Viola Myrtla Rownbaunr. at the rK)nc, 1SS5 Hrry t . Janm 4. Sur vived by her husband, tut me A, Ro enbaum of Salrm; four alctcr. : Mr. Arel Thomaa and Mrs. Karah Vlnaon, - tola of Balerrv, and Mn. Mary De Ehlr Wa and Mrs. Nellie Marry, both of forriand: two brother, W. J; Carden , of Orerori City, and T. W. Cardan of Gladstone, and aeveral niecaa and twphew. Services i will ! be at the Oouch.Barrtck chapel Saturday. June 7. at IS .M a m . the Rev. Pudly Strain officiating. Interment at JOOr ceme- ' ry. t - - TAU.MAN leRQT C: Tallman. late resident of ; 1S7S franklin street. West Salem, at a local hospital. June 4, at the age of 14 years. Huband of Mr. Amelia Tall man of Salem; father of Mrs. Ray Se euin. Lon A. Tallman. Eugene Tall- snan and VemohiTallmah. all of Salem; and. brother of Earl Tallman of Amity. AIm survived by a nephew. Irwin . Tallman of Amity. Service will be Saturday. June T. at 1 -30 p.m., in the CTouKh'Barrtck chapel with Interment at Belcrest Memorial park. rss v ' -' . Elizabeth Margaret Rons; at the rest nnre,,.234 East Miller street. June S. Survived by three daughters. Mr. Ruth E. Rhoteii and Mr. Dorothy Core, both ef Salem, and Mrs. Marian Rlet of IorUnd: three son. George Webster SUM f Salem, tee 8. Rom of Mill City and Robert W. Rona ef Portland, and a Vrother. .Uovd A. Ro i of Detroit, Mich., and 10 grandchildren. Service will be at the Clough-Banick chapel Saturday. June 7. at 3 p.m.. with inter Tnnt ml City View cemetery. The Rev. T. C. Stannard and the Rev. Howard Boustoa will officiate. Ph 54051 Tanltal I .timber Fuel jwr. ana wrs. m Ph, 7721. II rhwiv Fuel Co Merl Minton, route 1. Lyons, a pn (5444. aorr, Thursday, June S, at Salem ' General hospitaL -1 Dance Sat Crystal Gardens. CHILDREN'S SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Unified Worslup Service, 10:45 a. ov Presentation of Catechism Diplomas Promotional Certificates Children's Pageanl 7:45 p. n. "SUMMER S FESTIVAL OF PRAISE" Presented by the Sunday School I First Evangelical United Brethren Church - Where Marlon Cresses Summer B. 1L ErmeL Sapt . W. N. Brewn, Minister LORMON'S 1109 Edgewaier t Open 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. 'Just Arrived! West Salem New Blotaaoe, Print. Sheers. CrwpM. Tcdlorsxl and style : t.9U to OmVO Huifly Peasant Sldrts m Srsucker. Broadcloth and It OF" P" OF" Rayon 20 Discount on all Suits, and Coats We Now Have a Hosiery Mender Fast - Dependable Service SSJI Green Stamps Given Here Ml tiu! Esma I A IL S TIDS WEEK 0IILY First Line - First Quality IB 6:C3 x 16 LIMITED QUANmT Army Surplus Tent 8x9. Reg. $385. Solo Price V Tios Federal Tax 22.95 SALEI1 WELDIIIG SUPPLY Oxycen Acetylene Carbide Weldlnf Sapplles 205 Chemeketa St, Salem rbene 111 43 SEE0EES imm mi CordUIIj InTltes joa to e and drive the rtrolatUteury SALS BURY t SUPER IIOTOR SCOOTED The nwl completeljr automxtir vehicle on w heebv larf (t, sot power ful motor Mooter ever built. Comfortable, fast, safe, esuy to driTC, txkes you anywhere for lem than carfare. Easy convenient tei "G" SEE0EE Church and Chemeketa Tht Jlolor Doc rim K02 V Sg& q B B B tJ Vacation may bo 50 mile away or 5,000 mile long. Bat you want every mile to be fan. Yoa want amooth, eore, safe miles of traveling. And for that, yoa itart K with Shcllubrication. Ehellobrication la far more than a "grease job It ia a tyiten developed by Shell engineers to give your car thoroughgoing Inspection and "conditioning like this: Fort tl-roef lebrlcattes: firiellnriHtatlon fnllown factory-approrad auldo chart, for your parucoltr maka and model of car RlflM iMheksMifl fee HsM fUcl SheUubrication uses at least 15 different types) of lubri cating equipment as many at 14 specialized lubricants 0f erspe4" la a ct Ustt Your Ehtt dealer checks a score of hidden spots where wear can i tart thus belpa prevent trouhls Esppening Wrtrtes) receJsd. Ehellubric. tioa rires yoa a "pLcture charf receipt ahowics; Just what's been dona and what trouble may be lutein r t Here's fomfz l CtN HELP YOU V For cny trip long or ahort count on ut for free, expert touring service Come in and tell toe where yoa want to go. wbea and for bow long. If it's a ahort trip, wVrs cot the helps you need maps, accommodation lists, whaMo-tee booklets right in our station. If it'e a longer trip, well hare Shell Touring Service plan it from country-wide Information. Just allow time for mailing end all will be sent to yoa for f re I DRIVE SANELY WALK CAREFULLY h i 3. n A