V Marshall Asks 1 The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Friday, June I, 1947 , leTI " " 1 alumni after that u n I v t r 1 1 7 1 VAFlUlUUl VlUl awarded him an honorary doc torate of liwi, Marshall mention ed no1 foreign country by name as he save a broad outline of Amer ica long-range foreign policy. Asserting a "very serious situ ation Is rapidly developing in Europe which "bodes no good for the world,", the secretary U.S. to Ignore New Europ Recovery Bid CAMBRIDGE, Maw, June $.. ItVSecreUry of State Marshall railed today upon the countries of Europe to take the "initiative" in 'drafting: a reconstruction program to put that continent on Its feet economicaUy and promised Am erican assistance "so far as it may be practical. tie coupled this pledge with a warning that the United States would oppose anyone seeking to profit by - perpetuating "human misery" - - whether they be gov- eminent or political parties. . Speaks at Harvard . - - Speaking before' the Harvard Vole f I, Nicaragua Kecnnc D WASIIINOTON. June S -(IV Nlll-AniOTlPnil The United States today cold- ' I .1 U 1 . I &1 I hhiuiucu uie new iiiiaiKuan regime headed by Gen. Somoza, who seized pow coup, Without waitinar for a final de gar users Thursday received a lOlcision by the other American re- LOS ANGELES, June fM4) Der cent Increase in their ausar I publics, this government made a. snort, squat Japanese of allowances, when official notice I Known u is not msposea at mi a American Dircn was arresiea on of Edgewater street and Wallace of Increase was made by the U.S. ti? to have official relations treason charges by federal offi- road. An eight-inch pipe was sua- ;; Sugar Users I Get Increase Marion county's commercial su S: With Treason Inter-City Water Connection Near Ttils wrrk'a wotk on I he Kaletn connection of water mains to Ue West Salem line should complete the project, according to Salem Water Department Manager C E. Gurnther. . Weal Salem's ronnertlona are ready, their 1.S00 foot pipeline being installed to the lntrrrction OtOEKEO TO EAUE ftlCtt PORTLAND. June ft 0V Four grocery stores, which were setting milk for IS cents a quart, were threatened with license revocation today. The store were ordered to boost their milk price to 17 rents, the official minimum. LSGINLX! DIES ttWalCat HURON. O, Jim ft -tV Ttaa locomotive and It cars of the New Yotk Cer.trara Interatate espreM from New Yotk t C"Mrar rrm derailed here today wtM ue traus struck a power-drive hand car. killing Engineer Km Wilhama. 44. of Cleveland. department of agriculture. Final decision followed advance with the regime. said: Long Time te Keeever The rehabilitaUon of the onomic structure of Europe quite notice to sugar users and was re- O PttAfnccAa evidently, will require much f!. rJim l"m P UlCSSUro longer, time and greater than, had been foreseen." . l and Lane counties was cited as "It would be neither fitting nor I the greatly increased population efficacious for this eovernmenttol ince "41. the base year for su undertake to draw up unilaterally I. allotment. a program designed to place Eu rope on Its feet economically; Ran Will.. Vnrklfl4 Tanr .. effort I h Inrrttaa htr and In Yamhill I A JIJI J M. T 1 cers late today after an American pended several weeks ago from aoiaivr, wno larmuiea mm as a tne inter-county bridee and will foreman In a prison camp at be connected on ithr nd in ts ueyama, iionanu island, said he Salem and West Salem pipes. na auu;et.ica umiea suies cap- Bakerlee Affected Bakers and other commercial Willamette "CoUege Staff f Daily Vacation Bible School to im. ?"y 4 " : "7W ju ' Uvea to unspeakablc indignities.' . The prisoner, 25-year-old To moya KawakiU, was held for the federal grand jury which will take up the matter of his indict merit June 11. Kawakita. hnrw Three ww appomtmenU to the tacled and clad in natty "Ports Cfa. T,M OA he said. Thia la th hnin nf 1 users are affected, but the in-l,s"""f 4 ""' I Vwu'r.- r " aur-iiaa v imi crease will not out more ninrlil.. 3 iw i ri.'r mr?'"""h t i t . t . i i:-T . - i viv.iiiu iiiaju. i oi cniri nrrv. r.n : m.i. Z. . i .w" , Schultz of the local faculty said invesUUon had discloatd m ' i7 i. . vfnfu cording to Theodore Roth. Dresi-1 t .u. I " inesugauon naa aiscioad wtii open Monday at nine churches dent of Willamette Grocery Co. ZEI RoE : LanLt. I .LTT- D" J1? in .di- .hborhoods Roth predicted, however, that wno recentlv resiined to hm C3Vm. .V. , J .. na until June 10. Salem in icuuis iiiuiv unit man urea- vhnn , if... . .... . i a Wi,k.. f-Jf"" """T - . rr by the Rev. J. M. Princinal burinesa affrtd h 1 1- '.uy ' "7. T -li.T, I - ir in i oaonama uoodfteart and Lois liamer. j ii u -mm ai a ajas Luuiisriur ai a a rnv liaaav a n a i w w.a hhm - . , . the. increase ia th canning inrfn- I " -" tV V- " " 1 I " . ,on,uuon " n-u directors bav been try to which the various "canning pf er 'a'nd hd e SrirTf! Ll this" veL hv "w.rST firms here receive their sugar di- of the education department, fWid SSTLJfhl nJ 'fiTi Sn" red from refineries. . I kik uuvsa siLiAuuuircii us ci astn. u sar u Laaa ar aa aaaaa a if k . : a i a a . a . NormanCarv. coatacrnuntant f.il " . w-a ..". ocraon. vn even larger regutxa - svMvn aiamada tar kin w i t aw K - j i r. To..i,,. ..t I sj vi. j I " " ' irKJua yrara is - - m s. a w vuuti naa a amaava a- i nmt a aak aar m a w k vm it ni a 4kl. ...... 1- I W A J-! " . . . I 1UI - I CK KK-l. I" ,u ,::ST; V "rr'.l "1 ti "4rv.,ra ,na.wl"Hfr American soldier who knew Children four rears of ate and m icvtri ui tannery use in I rec-ive nil tTlU aegree irom I Kawakita in th. rmn -K,. thro.ih t..nir hi.H KJ wTt fail k. k. KU I n . i . a i T r I - UIC UPS, CM 1UI w ic '-in p w . SPENCER KATHARINE ; ex- int allotmeht system (which un til the effective date of June 1 TRACY !! IIEPBURU Kofjel sod nithlcsi..'.tt Col llm Bccwtoo, otdc baroa.bis name... a kgnd..his word... the law! ' Fierf ...fatciaatias; as Latie ' Brewtoot A lasty gal from Sc. Loois.Tsll dashio sad Arutocfstici' , w ... v ' 1 MELVYN .a'"aseira '.t oosion coiiege in August. ne nas Kida.- be accepted and should be rrrts- uugnt scnooi in nortnern wew FBI Agent William A. Mur- tered at the church nearest their York. Dr. Martin attended thelnh c rv.. ..1 i-.M imnM r.k uki.v k. aHowedJocal canneries 90 per I University of California and will WM amaxed to spot KawakiU In will be held are HlgMand rrtends. ",B - com ner irora oera.ei wnere a Loa Angeles department store, Weat Salera Methodist. Englewood " apnTB rrvuacia I u was principal OI .Oiumoia mnA that h fnllnu ivl him mnA United IllYthrm. Court SlrMl vrr poimeo om wai we suiar Knoot nt is moderator 01 ine nttt Anr th. n.,mK.r Christian. rlvi- nniit J increase probably will -improve I Northern CaUfornia conference of Jhia car. I L Methodlat, First Baptist, First axaaea 01 10c a 1 cannea proaucu uie vongregauonai cnurcn. "All of us in the camn knew Presbyterian and Knirht Memor rather than, rafce toUl output. In- Dr. Schultie, now professor Of this fellow. Vahen he waan't ac- ial Congregational. asmuch as the sugar-allowance la German at Willamette, wtu be- tuiw farcin u to ihmit to I Dallr offerings of the children based on average use per case to come graduate manager after Dr. I indignities, he was coaxinc some MU. go toward the heifers and allow for fluctuations In produc- LanU relinquishes the duUea on of jap ioldiera.into some dev-1 MU for relier project In which tion. July 1. Manager's duUes Include Hj, nian- tn hr. 1.. many loeal churchea are interest- niRruiva ui luwcni aciiviuea i "All of ua aercL afun- har- o- nincipais oi ine various (DlhnncElk's Traivnona 2 Dlorlu North of Underpin on Portland Roid ' . Opening Sahirday . Under Hew Ilanagencnl lEErfllia'BflllBE Featuring (Se aaroe atoak and chicisn ensrt fhol mad Chuck' lamoua. Jack and Anna Mac SchimWg, Prop. supported by the student fees. BnatOTl. a DOUGLAS WALKED As Bfkc CJbssabcrlaia..,bc knew wonca...soft .words. ..soft looks! At rouo Brock Brcwtoo, gnn shooting 1 Grange Overwhelmingly Oppose, SuieSal, Tax jaier ife duiu, wune 9 yrf in ure gon state grange clung to its his- T"ll 1. Tl 1 toric opposiUon to the sales Ux IVlJleal Y OilCe today, voting overwhelmingly to 7 demand a referendum on the tax. O 1 TT 1 1 Only about 20 of the 420 dele- OCeiV 1 1 llSlJadllll gates, grange officials said, voted m eral rtt th iwfMwvtiiin niraviul R iTVtFP Ti in. I .TX-r. .-1 ai which was, In effect, a denuncia- ford was sought today for ques- nee Midlers. uon oi ine sales tax. in him Hra ahmit havln, hw schools will be Bess Shinn, Leila born in the United States,' that If I uckeTr- Maude Durfee. the Rev. we ever saw him atain we would Von,rd Jon.. Howard Houston. kill him." Master Sgt Ralph W. Mont gotnery. Tort MacArthur, Calif another former prisoner, told Murphy, the officer said, that KawakiU appeared to take satis- graded lnthe presence of J a pa-1 I HOflgfl I IA V Mrs. Thomas Means. Mrs. San ford Kent and the Rev. Louis White. Jim Calloway ar) wmntA, . mft : l 4 TbaYSDOthioe becao t dosod rai look', ooUir- be caJbwf I Disaey Carteesi Straight BheetenT Latest New aa i mmt-- AasaA. Cont. from 1 p. m. EDp) Pcsilivcly Ends TcJay! . i . k )'' ii iV hVi iT T; o i M d. 0(1)1;? (DO W (I) III ? Ill'-' COMINa DAYI AVSNCES Of DISABLED AMEKICANS I i' Threagh lvl 1C28 15 FellowV! the Vkyfl CrwdaW5 and rL Giant Search- light tioning in the death of hia 21 year-oia wue, cveiyn, wno was I g T 1 shot through the chest in her Lamer UDKCCP A 4-year-old daughter. Petri- C,08tg WOUltl 1 OD da, found her mother this morn- tag lyiiur on a cot in her kitchen, SI III) IHHI n Ypnr her arms neaUy folded above the T ' bullet wound. Mrs. Alford's r.tk. - i I int uu shortly afterward to see the litUe ."r," " f ih. .in rraft girl trying to shake her mofJiar lL A ril I xZ.Zi ;r' J I under Urms of the United States Officers elected Thursday night by Salem post. Disabled American Veterans, are all veterans of World War IL Jim Calloway is the new commander of the unit. Wilfred Wilier is the ne senior vice commander. William West ia Junior vice commander. The question was raised here short. rhioUln. t mm wormy, aergeant-at-annc. would make It incumbent old VireiL waa aalan in hia rrih I ' - r ' 1 n.w said the dead woman's husband I """ w vWM.w A WAV WieatWy. was reported to have boarded the -I-kT irT , ' I the 13th naval district indicated night. The marshal sent call for the man. out a Mill City Man Hurt As Lumber Falls that the cost of maintenance Would exceed $100,000 a year. It waa recalled that back In 1925 when the battleship Oregon was turned over to the state the legislature waa called upon for money to maintain the ship. Dur ine th Ufa of the old battleshiD S--Earl in Portland the state appropriated $2748J4 for Its upkeep. Mile leag Midway! Am- a a 1 g Side Shows! New Thrllll at g Rides for Kiddles and Grewa-Ups! t www 1U jjcjjr Moj PLUS SECOND SENSATIONAL FEATURE 1 I 1 ar ;i i i l trmr. t -aaY Him! k A l ' lis too I i iff! 1 ar BBBBBBBBBBBaBW J7TnOV 1 r BV f e W ' a aT aTt V rsissiBOCSS News Keel Short Subject TOMORROW - Fraak Sinatra - Kathryn Grayson - Jimmy Durante TT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN and -'.".-' MR. KOST with GEORGE RAFT; Mat. Dally from 1 p. Now Showingl l2)t ilk a.. MILL CITY. June Sayre of Marion waa seriously in Jured "here at 4 JO p. m. today when a load of lumber fell on him and he incurred a fractured I HI kl.lc CnAll in lee and rib, two pelvis fractures 4 amo uiiwi a and four fractured veretebrae, c- T4Tt fMnlMa cording to the attending physician. lUtLi vvfsisssssssaaaaao He was taken to Salem Deacon ess hospital and ia aald to be tret- Gov. Earl Snell participated in ting along satisfactorily. In view two affairs ia widely spa rated of his injuries. points in the state Thursday. The accident occurred at the The governor traveled by air- Mill City Cleaninc mill, where 1 Diane to Union where he addressed Sayre. employed bv the Wank the Union Livestock association Lumber Co at Mill Citv w. i.n meetinc. Returning to Salem late loading the lumber. in the afternoon he drove to Leb anon where ne crownea ine queen GOV. SNELL APrOESTS of the strawberry festival there. Gov. Earl Snell Thursday an-1 He also spent two or three nours pointed Charles A. Nish of - Can- in nis oiuce, non Beach to a four-year term on the state soil conservation committee and Ralph B. Strat ford, Portland, to a four-year term on we state board of accountancy. , O Ce-Hit! Radie'a Crlme-Boster! m Plus! Air-Mail Fez News! Opens C:4S p. .ssu . New fat Technicolor Jeanne CraJae "Centennial Ssuaaaer" Lynn Merrick "Daagereaa Bauttaeea - Opens 4:4 p. m. Newt Joel McCrea . la Technicolor "Buffalo BUT ' Janla Carter "Netorieas Lane . Wolf DAIICE Every Saturday Nix at Silverica Arnory Music by Glenn Woodrra lS-rleee Orcheatrm 11 . UVi Woxt Lost thing fq.g now Dulcli DASEDALL TONIGHT t:U r. M, Waters Field Salen Senalors vs. Brenerion Box Seat Reservatkma Phona 4S17 3 i I z r r CVtH a l4ck 1 feelory "T ewe fsKkvoa H rBy aMck ens-aM yaw 17. It, 3t '40; 41 a 42 aWkk Ml Mm rd mgmU Vkm a aaew car. Yaal awebaWly be swrpriaod at fWe east If s aaadi test I aa yeVal awess. Ceeaa la mmd let art tal ywa ah a at a. Wo aty aayaaaata o A ad yaal Aaxj this aaglaa aaach i mmd' aattsfacfary la tfce leaf rva rtaaa pari by psH raplecaaiaat. Oaa aaarartoa, asael yaa eVfva aat af aar dears la year fatrtafal Rakk Haat arGI arw ghra aaay ftakk OTTO J. UILSOII CO. 2SS N. Cocaaertlai SL Saleaa. Orrroct, Ploet Sill Too Late to dasaify TWO OR THRU badreom modern houaa daalrad by eoupta, parmanant rcatdnta. Will Icaaa. Beat rclarancae. Call MSt. WINONA CHALET Italian Dinners. Spaghetti; Ra violas, Pan Fried Chicken, Choice Steaks 2 Miles Out on Dallas Highway , For Reservations ona 2-5180 r Opens i:4 a. am,-.. 'Ill: Vit4i. 1 with Frank Morgan, Keenan Wyna caaa&M . Also -Biding Ccrliiornla Trcrfl" with 8bea TUd - Gilbert Kolaad Sysaptasat ! vitassla fjatdaadas saoy be aarroai- aasf loH?eef resllenaess. mi t i:c Schaefera 2.09 Easlnan and Agfa Films Avoid Embarrassment Try Schaefer's Rectal Oinhnenl, 50c Do Not Suffer Aches and Painsl Ilerve and Bone Lininenl 50ft aal $1.00 yoto priEscniPTion stoiie WHEN TfOU TIIINK DRUGS TIILNK SOIACFER 1899 - 1917 il Para la Trade at Bchaefrr'a- Prescripiisns Accumltly Filled Sm .!. CTn'C Caady Dsa4aarUra fee UlXIlXaX CsU sJ nre aad ret rreah Caadr bay. Bay aaaefers aad be Be yea 53 m GIFT SUGGESTIOIIS for FATHEIl'S DAY Socicte, Johnston and "Wintel boxed aasortrd Vhocolatea shaving acta billfold - shar ing lotions electric razors pipes To bacco cigarettes by the carton, cigars by the box, etc. This fa the of fids reaalar Reasedy Stare far Martaa Ceaaty. Tea win flag these savaaratleaa af UgTeeet aaaltty a teed la be exactly fee what they are aald aad rsareaeatai la iCt A'etrr Too Late ... Ta Take Cars at the Itraaag af raawa Oat! l'ae nooD's poison OMLOTIOn S0(i 51.00 Oaly ai fsVhaefara Take Them AuxryT BaaJly get rid af aaaQy aatd aicaly. L'ae SrfaaefarlB Corn Ilcncdy 250 ISdncy and Bladder Pills For taatiag refief frasa bar slag aalas sad gvUiag aa aigrats. 50c Sale Agents far reaalar KeaaecUea fee Mirtoa Caaaty 135:17. (rcrmcrcial SL : Prticripiic2i Fffld 1CC3-1S17 ELcra 5157-2723 1 i 4 I