N C0IE 15) DLL .'J i f - POUNODD 1651 A . ' Tn?IETY-EEVnmi YEAR 14 PAGES Th Oregon Statesman, Satan, Orsw Thursday, Juno S, 1147 Price Sc No. 10 " Early Decision on Tax Slash Veto Unlikely; Truman Asks Action on Universal Training Irrrfj nj U. S. Tells CMpgarian Envoys' Russians E)effy led Regime -sr Envoys to U.S. to Remain in Washington "ilCC Jr-11 ' .WASHINGTON, June Nagy had been specifically or- SUCCESS, June 4-WH The! United States warned today that an atomic - arms race is on and I charged that a. system of atomic control advocated by So viet Rusnia would be a "fraud on You may remember an expert . merit in high school physics to show the path an object takes when acted on bv several forces simultaneously ' The line and rate i the peoples of the world." of travel are the , resultant of the The 5 United States , said, fur ; component forces. j thermore, that such : a system Again one may pile weights on i would . breed antagonism, dis j a column to test its strength. Fin-t trust and suspicion and increase f ally moment Is reached when a the danger of atomic war. j weak point in the column "buck- j Frederick IL CI born. United lesM and the load comes tumbling ! states deputy on the United Na--' dowrtV' ' -f - i 'Jons atomic energy commission, ' Likewise in economics prices ; mari it clear that his i country are In free markets the resultant , would exert every effort to main " of many forces, of pulls and push-1 UJn ... lta ranking position on ea of various kinds,, When prcs- atomic, armaments until satisfac sures get too great in one direc- tory international controls were tion the weak point is the one agreed upon by i the countries Of that caves in. the world - v ' , r i7 FZZ'ZSlZi?? He said large atomic operations " Tei few Dacle of were, going on in Canada, Eng- -2d etabS.'IsSdalg. land and, Russia M,weU a. the in frozen foods lines, had a hard u"" tTM ,sw Poftlnnrl Offofotl time of it. The pack was enor- ? 7 " - ' v fM" T Th rmhlie held back from 1 council embarked . on detailed , rnous. Tne puduc neia oacK irom i , H.lI7r.wl I?.-, t ....! buying the goods at early season " , ' " jl' auicu uuici in ioc prices: so liquidation, which Big Five, rrJUUry sUff commit- . i selling even at a loss, has whmutow ivu - ig 1C11C OI War The Hungarian minister to the United States and three asso ciates, accusing the Russians of trying to destroy "all non-communist democratic forces" in Hungary, announced in a state ment tonight that they will not recognize "the legality of the new Hungarian government formed under force." Minister AJadar Szegedy-Mas-xak, 44, had previously informed .the state department of his de cision to defy the government's : orders to return to Budapest. -; Those who signed the 400-. word statement in addition to the minister were Francis Nagy, 23-year-old attache and son of the Russian-deposed premier of Hungary who is now in Switzer-, ;- land; Stephen . Borsody, ,86, counselor, and Alexander Szasz, financial counselor. Both the minister and young dered back to Budapest for "con sulfation." The instructions to Nagy came through only today. BUDAPEST. June 4-")-Soviet Yt Gen. V. P. Svirldov has refused permission for a high ranking American officer to In spect , military- installations of Hungary, a former -enemy coun try, American spokesmen dis- closed,, today. The Soviet action raised speculation that the Rus sians may already be taking a .hand in training the Hungarian army. At the same time, the Amer ican legation, retaliating for lack of American civil aviation right over Hungary, formally notified the . commuinst-dominated gov ernment that planes of the Rus ' sian-Hungarian Transport com pany no longer would be per- mitted to fly over U. S. rones In ; Germany and Austria. : Tax Vote Petitions Speeded means been in progress. Once bitten, twice-shy is a fa miliar adage in the canning game. This year packers are skittish over future markets. So when the berry grower comes with hi crates he doesn't find the "wet come" en the doormat he has for rv ml seasons past He becomes . the "weak point" in. the price re lationship. Here arc rigid factors: labor la not willing to take a lower wage In canneries; costs of cans and of sugar and other supplies are fen- J LEBANON June 4 Crowning erally higher than last year. The j0f Queen Donna II by Gov. Earl mi item on which substantial I Cnll . n m Thunrinv fr.1- savings may be made la in the lowed by the first showing of the cosx ox me Derries or Vivu- oageant. "Lebanon's First 100 Coronation to OpenTestival At Lebanon r' artm to be! CContinued on Editorial .Page) 12 Die as Ship Ranis Rocks in Lake Superior Years," will open the - 35th an nual strawberry festival and the town's centennial. Salem Che f rians will provide escort for the queen PORTLAND, Ore., June 4-OP) -The famed aircraft carrier Enterprise known as the "flghtingest ship in the fleer has been offered Portland as a permanent war relic. - The Portland Chamber of Commerce naval ' affairs com mittee reported Capt A. C Burroughs,. 13th naval district officer, had advised Thomas C Luke, recent navy day chair man here, that Portland had first option on the famous war ship. . S A waterfront memorial park , here has been maintained for the old battleship Oregon which now is a munitions barge in Western Pacific island lagoon. Hague Resigns Jersey City Mayoralty Post Lr4j?,SJVi Safe. Driver : illations Today i 10:30 a. m. will be followed by I cutting and serving of the largest strawberry a shortcake in the world. The parade as planned will be. three miles .long and will include humorous and historical vehicles- as well as elaborately decorated floats. - I Nominations for " the Salem The children's fiarade Will be lara' rhnmnlnn Arivr in aarA FORT WILLIAM, Ont, June 4- held Saturday moraine. Principal to safety will be elosd todar. and WVTwelve crew members, 'in- sneaker for -the fesUval wilr be J at eluding three women, perished be- j Ernest f Haycox- and his subject house steps a Royal Triton safety for dawn today when 'the; fog- wm be "Early Day Oregon His- award will be presented the win- beset Canadian freighter Emperor tory." Lebanon Garden chib will j ner by Earl Cooper, noted racing rammea imo uik oupwor roc nave a xiower snow, a norse snow driver now traveling in the Union and sank In the worst Great Lanes I will be, provided at Newport I Oil' company's caravan which left shipping ciiwurr in nve years, i field, and an airshow at the atr-lLoa Angeles last Monday. Tnty-on survivor were poit wUl include a model plane ; Several outstandlnf driving rlurked from overturned and contest. Street dancing is sched- records have been brought to the sitkicg hftboaU or, from the cold uled on the evening programs. attention of : The Statesman's rocks off lonely Isle Roy ale. . gafet- .ward editor, and the final ywted susi. MUonaiparK ,ux- 0 - eholceto be made late today is nuies irom w up ox norwerni- rr Some of the entrants Include riugan. ,;, lT'll Tl ' r 1 ? 1 winners in The SUtesman-War irve.vetsei, on i aooui op-1 a a w- rt 1W I fas- f 1 nar Brothers rnurUnii. Arlvin erated by Canada Steamship w " campaign .of last winter-wheS Lines, , normally carried a crejw -.1 there wasn't a traffic injury in tf ii, but.two men remained be- . PORTLAND, June 4-W)-Allan R,Atm or th nUr 10 davs of mna www witm in i . rw i : ni mui , --! 1 t I S ''-' I Contest, JERSEY CITY. N. June 4- W-Frank Hague, one of the last of the great American political bosses of a bygone era. summoned the press into his deeply carpeted inner office at city hall today and announces rus retirement , as mayor. But he made it clear he intends to keep his power as city, county and state democratic party chief tain, as well as vice chairman of the democratic national commit tee. V Democratic leader In New Jer sey for three decades, high In the party s national councils, . maker of governors and U. S. senators. tne 71 -year-old onetime railroad yara- worner never aspired to higher office than the mayoralty post ne rilled lor 30 years in this concentrated industrial eitv 300,000 across the Hudson river from New York. The mayor announced that he would be succeeded by his neph ew, Frank Hague Eggers. After Hague resigns June 17, the Hague dominated city commission will go through the formality of select ing Eggers as mayor for an interim term to run until the next com mission election in 1949. Two contested legislative enact men ts - - the two-crnts-per-pack age cigaret tax and the sales tax are occupying the sootlichrin Salem thia week. Referendum petitions to the cigaret tax are being collected by two local cigaret dealers, whll plans also are announced forth first statewide organizational meeting of sponsors of the sales lax at Z p. m. next Monday at the Marion hotel. The cigaret tax petitions must contain the signatures of 11.856 qualified Oregon voters to insur the relcrendum measure a Dlace on tne ballot at the special elec tion October 7. If the required number is not obtained by July 3, tne tax becomes law on July 3 - - but will still remain contingent on the rise or fall of the sales tax, 719 Sign Petition About 700 names on 41 oeti- Uons were turned in Wednesday to the Marion county clerk's of fice, by C. E. Hicks, local manager of the H. S. Smith Co., dealer in tobacco and candies. Hicks said last night the petitions would con tin to circulate over the county wis week by nis company and by representatives of the George Wa ters company, another local to bacco dealer. Although the petition deadline Is July 3, the petitioners ar pressed for time, because peti tions must be in th county clerk's office early enough for checking OI signatures. Hicks said. Refer endum petitions ar beinf circu lated over the state now, he said. uany innied U Meet For the local meeting of state sales tax advocates. Rep. Earl Hill of Portland, as campaign mana ger, has invited business, agri culture, realty, welfare and school groups to be represented. Mud-Bound Hospital Projects 1 p, ,.- , r 1 - , ' - Fete Royalty Deadline Set 1 With 11 princesses already In th running for queen of Salem Ckerry festival this summer, any new selections of royalty by Ma rion and Polk county high schools must be submitted by noon today Money L. Stevens, festival as sociation chairman, announced Wednesday night Schools which have not entered candidates have been advised by mail. Preparations for revival of the festival, slated for July 17-II-19. Stevens said, have received "mor cooperation and participation OnU Tuesday nignt. i v mm- kujcu ioamj ey a . pa-i niy officials also will h fir. -rZ- i i- J, . Lr;i, ,. tro man answerine a call in in. I VUT aiso will D pres- ZJ.Z' m "A-. 'AT''Jr h. ui" itl" ni at tomorrow s ceremonies. Out. w recovered before coast "farcn company. maril aurfar shtna and nlane! Patrolman C. L. Fitzsimmons ! launched a search for th other lW he.shot Cameron, after th II victims. "ufL IW? ooeying a . nait oraer. in patrolman said 1CTBEB.G M EXACTS ttlirrtNG "' , wf,rmn no1 nx- WASHINGTON. June 4 t3VI f70"" vameron was on pa- Gty to Add to Radio System mA role from th Orecon itilt tenl- rwus fLUsiu iivsiwuuaii Kit g4t I , a. . . . r ; I isy th etrtter Mendota is racing h,ntl8r Jving been sentenced a rap conviction. . f to Investigate an iceberg report a aonit in steamer lanes virtu ally in th latitude of New York city. - : Coal Mine Negotiations End In Disappointment WASHINGTON, Jun v 4 CVhtn XOAD APPROVED PORTLAND, Jun 4 -r Con ' siruction of avthroughway down .Sullivan gulch, to be financed by Contract negotiations between two-mill levy for three years, (John L. Lewis and th soft coal was unofficially approved by the operators were washed out inde- city council today: Formal approv- ( finitely today. Both sides settled i is expectea tomorrow. Animal Cracltcrs By WARREN GOODRICH down to wait for President Tru- EEL0 IWIJ? .Vl I"""? izations of - Marion and Polk 'New radio equipment, $11,000 worth, for, th Salem police and fir departments and for the county sheriffs office will b or dered from Motorols, Inc., manu scturers, ICity Manager J. I Frsnzen said Wednesday. The company engineer is here mak ing further surveys. The 1947-49 budget ellot $12, C00 through the police and fire departments for the city's part of the radio network. This will be supplemented by contributions from other police and fire organ- Anti-Argentine Diplomat Quits WASHINGTON, Jun ' 4T- rrewaeni inunin . accepted tht reiignauon of AsslsUnt Secretary ot Stat Spruil Braden - today, Just 24 hours sfter th United States ' acted to reestablish good l.ii . ja a w rciauons witn Argentina. Braden,-outspoken critic of Ar gentina's policy in th past; leaves me state department Jun 30. Th White House mad nubile Braden's letter of resignation sub mitted to in president under dit of May 29 and the president's re ply tnanung Braden for his serv ice of more than a dozen years In the diplomatic iield. Neither letter referred to the Argentine affair, andrfnonths of strained relations with - Buenos Aires. 1 S V S.- . 1 tVC Olre Bwa SraArM labor bill and the approach of a July strike deadline, Both Lewis and the operators seemed content to mark time while pressures build up for a settlement. counties. r " Franzen, who was instrumental in ' building Clackamas county's police and fir radio, said he hopes to see as effective a sys tern for the' Salem area. SOLON 8 BACK UNIFICATION WASHINGTON. June '4 -UP) By a vote of 12 to 0, th senate armed services committee today approved legislation to put the army, navy and a new, separate air force under the "unified di rection of - a secretary of na tional security. . QUICKIES rH Weather SftltM ".. Portland Sn Francisco Chicaco ........ tew York Mix. 10 . - 11 n ii mHis mother was frightened by an airplane. Mln. Precip.l s , .oe M .IS 41 JM M M Willamette rivtr -IS leet. FORECAST (rom VS. weather bu-i reau. McNary field, Salem); Poor duntltig conditions (wind and some rain) will continue today, though praying wm m posaiDi most of Ui iimm CKmum, tulll Kr41w 1 nt.vunt cherry and berry picking. Mostly Th Statesman . Want Ad said widely 'scattered' ahowers beeominc I rrow onicklv s'Bose wc ran I rontnrted Sen. Guv Cordon k. ttartlV flmiHV Fridiv with llttla rhuin I - . - - ; . , in Temperature. Hianesr today 73. Low est tonight 60. Exeavallea week (test phteie) wtTJ aatim m weatKer peramRt th slU ef tfc new tw-lry treataaent aeNUl being Ve!U fer Orega slat hplUl la the rules Berth ef CenUr street. la U backgrB4 is tfc aarse kesae. Shewa la lewer t4ctare as a aee Uea f th aew seamagewar taaael Wlag WOt aa4er Ceater street at the Orra state beaaltaJ ae a part f the aew bn4ig trecraaa. (Mm(m by Dea DUL SUteaaaaa ataXX Wcrapbcr. in all phases of the festival than e hoped for at 'the beginning." . Discussion by committee chair men Wednesday . night centered la reports of Graham Sharkey on th two-night horse show, Wil liam C. Dyer on parade arrange ments and Irwin Wedcl on indus trial exhibits. House Refuses to Cut Army Strength k WASHINGTON, June 4 UT The house listened to Pep. Short (R-Mo) proclaim today that Rus sia ' understands only tb lan guage of force' and then refused overwhelmingly to cut 30.000 en listed men from th army's plan ned strength next fiscal year. Tor God's sake let's don't weaken' our defenses, th Mis souri an plesded. He expressed fear that the house already has cut too -deeply Into army and navy budgets for next year. 13-Ycar-Old Boys Take Car City and state police Wednes day night recovered two -cars stolen from Salem and appre hended a pair of ll-year-old Sa lem boys who took on of th vehicles within a few hours after th thefts were reported. The boys were apprehended by state police at Jefferson la a car be ion etna! to Bruee LDckardl m 2J2S State U which was stolen a short time earlier front the S-P Motor garage on Ferry at. Wil liam C Dyer of 1X20 Chemeketa sU is owner of the other car. which was located by Salem po lice a few blocks from the place of theft Policemen returned the cars to their owners and the erring boys to their parents. Lower Prices, C3ain Clouds Cast Shadow on Oregon Crop Scene . By Lillle L. Madsea Farm Editor, TTe Statesman Commercial strawberry picking on the valley floor In all proba- cimy win wind up in is week, with berries from the Silverton Hills srea likely to continue for at least two weeks more, William J. Linlott, manager of the Unit ed Growers and secretary of the cane fruits control board, said Wednesday. Rain cam too late to benefit the valley berries but is Increasing the size of the hill berries, h added. Loganberries ar expected to start arriving next week, fully two weeks earlier than usual. However, if present . low price rumors on loganberries are true, not many are looked for in com mercial channels. . Linfoot said that fairly reliable rumor has it that approximately six cents a pound will be paid for' logans and - boysens, compared with prices up to 32 cents a year ago. Despite a yield estimated at only TO per cent of normal be cause of . dieback, there still seems to be too many loganber ries, Linfoot said. Linfoot has opening new purthas channels through foreign relief, army and navy departments snd school lunch programs. - Many growers may leave their entire crops on the vines or har vest only thos berries which Recalling that this is net the first year Oregea'a farmers have faced a a s a 1 1 s f artery weather renditions. E. L. Pet era a. state agrleallaral direct or, said Wednesday be experts a material redaction la th state's ever-all a g r I e a Itaral yield fer ISO. Both heavy rains and dreath Taave prved harmfal U some crops, bat "aaleas farm prices drep to rapidly, the average fanner will finish the year with praflU," said Petersea. New Construction to Help Ease Crowded Conditions at Hospital By Dea Dill Staff Writer. The SUteamaa Crowded facilities of the Oregon slat hospital tm Center street will be relieved next year upon completion of a new treatment hos pital, construction of which began recently, as first step In a hos pital expansion program. In addition, an lS00-foc4 tunnel paaaageway to wonfrt th Ura plant and cider buildings ts well under way. wtUt excavations arrras Center street now causm tra!fe to- be delourvd. The tonne I will be 10 feet wide and eight feet high. Th steam and physical utlLUes will be la the tunaeL but. tr mala purpose is to provide "safe. covered passage between build ings. Be turning at th steam plant la the renter ef the present hos pital buildings, th tunnel will run north under Center street to th treatment horpiul. vpon which work has hast been start ed, and then to th nurse horn Just east ef SeJeea General hoe- P4UL . ...... , ipaaatea Taasaersted 4 . Present build mar fSans call for th new traaUmmt hoapiUl. a new nurses fcen and three ad ditional ward buildings, all of : which will be eoonM-ted by the tunnel, James A. Carson, plant engineer, said. , t The treatment hospital wUl'b fire-proof, built -cf concrete. Th two-story building win be SS9 feet long and 0. feet wide, of simple, modern design. All treat ment of patients such as therapy baths and regular surgery. t J be done la the new plant. Ganra Indicated. Wards and private rooms will accommodate 300 pa tients, and there will be a molar lum. swimming pool, dining rooms, and a recreation court. Salem Centracters . ' . Vlesko snd Poet, Salem con tractors, are building the tunnel at a cost of about $1 63.003. The treatment hospital was contracted for at tl.SC8.4S3 by the L. 1L Hoffman contractors of Portland. Construction on the hospital will take about IS to IS montha ac cording to Canon. The nurses AIsd Seclcs Rcncval of J Wur Powers WASHINGTON. Jut l (T)-A eoaspraasla Li3 t clamp mtrslnls cm atriira and srakxta won fUsJ aperw tsJ of the Boose today by tb UrTifle saargia af 220 taTS. far snore thaa eraugi t rkt a rrrtJoVnUsl rio. The measure now ta X senate, whrr barkers preJt rt will rae Uenorrtrw '.m by a lop-etded vc-te. T- a- t r ed Its mrinal labor b Z. 1 teJt. or ccmkderab"y m"r Iran t-ethirds nereeeary te stullfy a veta. Eesw Aagetl Osae-MS The firJ U!)v In t Ko-Se to day Shewed 21? rrr-V carta and ICS demnrrata for. SS dewhorrau. 12 rrruUicans and - Aeirrvsa- Labrrtte aratnat. Ro. Ancr'.l m the kww OregT-n rc;camf jte Ve oppose the sneasur. WASHINGTON. Jne President Truman tJay proAWd congTeaa- for ( I ) "early enns der ation of universal training acd (2) swift renewal ot a batch cf war powers slated to end June 23. At the same Tome. Uw Wr.it floua put a stamper oa apecvla Uon that Mr. Truman w-3 act tm mediauly oa th 4yj.CK0.DOO-.-year income tax rut voted yef-er-day. Serretary Charles G. Tm mid adtosi at leant wont ecene before Mr. Truman lea we Tncy morrvtr Sor Karsas Oty. IS Dar to Diilli Th till reached Wri? Iloua thia afternoon. The prea dnt hats 10 days te aporvr or veto. Sundays don't count, Hep. Us run (R-Uaasi. Tbouae leader. Sold rrportrrs today Oat a veto wUl sprll the death of Ve bill, because Its airorates dect have enough votes te verTde. A tnrUng of the catwne-t wae called for U morrow arl tt was Indicated that the tax cut ejj be a prime tcc k. Help Needed in Berry Fields have fresh vegetables for din-1 ing him to take up the matter aert 1 in - Washington with hopes of 1 neighbors snd family members will pick for small cost. Low price is laid to the heavy carryover of loganberries from the Salinas and Santa Clara val leys in California where more logan . and boysehberries are grown than here. Outlook for cherry and nut growers is scarcely mor bright With hundreds cf sVsalerry pickers needed by fUlaen arre ffrowers to reenplele ther hret this week, th local farm Ubor Office appealed W tine lay for a.l available hands. Mrs. Gladys Turr.buU ef off tee luted fwlds eat of Woxd burn Wedneeday mernint To-r-g that there a weU as ae'her in tie rownty U grwrs r raTarg for snore he.. ft I3S kers left If &Wra tfTe ty truck early Wediwmlar. tt another 22 roaUd hate te la work. L'rt'.rg ava.lat'.e arorker te snswer the berry grower call. Mrs. Turabwll sail true at ul Wave tf Ml 0mke-a at. tt nre at C 3 tlUa snonung ant pt ons with theur oa-n trwJtla tion may get picking aaaagnmeTta by teletncaataf 1-1 SU. than for the cane berry produc ers of this sres. The over-all cherry crop had been estimated at 45 per cent of normal before the rains came, but cracking has been quite general in the orch ards on the lower lands with the same condition promised for. hill orchards if the rain continue even two days more. In the Keen wood cherry orch ards in the hills above Silverton, cracking had not started to any extent by Wednesday, P. Glenn McDonald, orchard manager, re ported, but he added that an other day or two of rain and the cherries would be in a bad way in the hill orchards. J. J. Gallagher of the Salem Nut Growers said that walnuts 1 are "spotty but indications are that a he over-all crop will be a "good average." The price of nuts. Gallagher expected, would match the gen eral downward food trend. Last season the cop opened at 28 cents for walnuts and 21 for fil berts, went tobogganing in De cember with a resulting drop of from 8 to 10 rents a pound. Open ing price this season is expected to be considerably leas than last. Jews Blamed for 'Murder bv Posf ar Attempt in England LOXTJOX. June 4-CV-0l.Srot-land Yard eacioaed tvtay rt several tetasunrat BnVwj h4 received tKmwa3 te saU etn el ope rontainmg a .wrtv-l.ke snechabixm and a bag r.f n'iiaw powder a plet that London i pers imtnedtately dubbl ""ru der by port The rarefu?! rr-ad be? traps were mailed frora Ila'y. The Bntish Prcaa aaaociatiCM aa.1 u miasive apaprency aere av other ettettft ty Jr terrte Uts to tnt-mtdste rcrpoeM. pe pie to Brttam. None of th envelopes esp'toded. bee suae the rciplr.U aU baraene suspicious whew they . fMnd a bulky crvam-coiored pecket cs closed within the outer cm ex. home and the three wards will I t avgar to ho-aaewnes. Andrraon Forrrasta ; Earlj Sugar Ration End a ' WASHINGTOJf. Je 4-Tr-SeCTetsry of Agricvi!ture Aner son held Ov.t today the P'Mauta.lity of a fairly early end t te ra- be built later, depending upon future developments, Carson said. Gov, Dewey to Play Host to Warren SACRAMENTO. Calif, June 4 (l-Gov. Earl Warren conLrmed today he had accepted Gov. Torn Dewey's Invitation to be his guet at the executive mansion In Al bany this weekend. "There have been reporla. re marked a newsman, "that Gover nor Dewey is a .Candida ta for the presidency. "Yes. I've heard that but this visit Is purely social." Governor Warren replied. OUng a larre Cuban sugar rrrci. Artflersco told a senate barking subcommittee that "we are gel ling very close to th pomf where ratioring might safely be ended. F a LT ST v I - ar w Our Seiaicrs t Lett 4-3