The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 04, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    tTho ElaHimon, Saltnt Oregon, Wodnos day, luns) 4, 1917
D out Stymied
Duncan Nixes Scrap
I For Local Feather
The proposed Hal Fries-Bobby
irhrd IS - rounder f or v th
tsorthwest's featherweight fistic
tiie tentatively booked for the
armory next Wednesday night,
j..t if. t currently In the "no
index Matchmaker Tex
Ralkeld- wanted to install the
championship fight therein giving
the local soulfcpaw ms mucn o
nerved crack at the crown won by
Richards from Snooks Lacey, but
Frei manager IS a m Duncan
nised it. according to Tex.
-I believe Fries if ready for the
Kkes of Richard! reported Sal
keld yesterday, "but Duncan fig-
urn his boy should have one or
two eaier opponents before he
fixhU Richard. HI know the
final answer in the next day or
two." '
Salkeld also indFcated that he
may close down the armory fistic
productions for the summer "if I
cant put in the kind of fights
the people want In Salem.
. . . ...... . '. '.
" 'if . .... W
NEW BASE: Earl Torgeson, sensational first Backer with the Boston
' Braves iries out Bill Klein's new rubber base, as the old umpire
tells him all about bow It should benefit game. The baa; Is made
of white robber and weighs six pounds. Canvas bases are used
162 Signecs,
Junior Ball
Sign-up Deadline
.Extended to Weekend
Deadline for registration in lo
cal Junior ball play Jias been
lifted to Include the . remainder
of the week following a heavy
rush of young ball . players at
Maple's Sports, store' yesterday.
which had been originally set as
the final registration day. Ap
proximately 40 kids trouped into
Maples Tuesday and they Included
every age in - the eligible age
bracket (12 years and up to those
whose . 18th : birthday falls after
June 1. To date 162 youngsters
have signed for p.'ay In A and B
circuits. "
-Following the final sign-up.
probably Friday or Saturday, Jun
lor President Don Hendrie and
other officials will handle the al
location of the various players to
A and B league teams. Both
loops are still open to any inter
ested team sponsors.
nil' -
The anest persistent rumor new nettling 'the boss players holds
that the spring meeting at Portland Meadows Isn't making the grade
financially. Tls said the million dollar palace must de at least $125.
el per night at the mutuels to break even (what a nut that Is to
crack!), but Is doing that enly en Saturdays . , . Is Cel. BUI Hay ward
octuallr through as the U of Oregon's track coach? Yes. The 79-jear-
14 veteran told Seattle reporters
following Saturday's northern di- V
vision meet. "This Is my last sea- I
ton. I've had snore fun with the .
boy than I can find) words to
ecrtbe. bat you ean say tor me
Inks la snt final northern division
sneet.'' It had been thought that
Hay ward would go on and on In
'an emeritus role. Who will nab
the Job liar ward leaves vacant?
Our guess is that Medford's Bill
Bowermau comes up with It be
''Jere Un . . Speaking of going
on and out and on. the Vancouver
Cans have once more popped up
with risen Pete Jonas, the for
mer Whitman college pitcher who
has been ; bouncing around the
eVTL almost since Its birth back
In ltS7- Short on slse but Ions:
Caim tOaDts Solons
Again?; Try Tonight
Doublelieader Booked Thursday;
Summers, Kubiak Lead RBI IIen
Rain and wet grounds, strangers at Waters park for S3 consecu
tive scheduled ball games, for the second straight time last night
washed out the booking for the Salem Senators. Salem's opener with
Vancouver's Capllanos was called off by Business Manager George
Emigh because of muddy condi
tions at ' the park. Monday's
Portland-Salem exhibition tilt
also was postponed,:
The Solons and Bill Brenner's
Caps hope to get their threes
game stand under way tonight at
8:15 o'clock and will on Thursday
night collide in a doubeheader at
Yakima Cuts
'Jacket Lead
on aMIIty the many , semesters In the loop, Pete picked up his
-rise- tag far his consistency when opposing the 194S townlcs for!
the Spokane Indians. The guy always has been rough on. the 8a
leans. And now here he is back again. If the weather yields ehongh
retrr likely will be one of Mgr. Bill -Brenner's starters this week. !
. . . Any resemblance of the Yankees of old and Larry McPhall's cur
rent crop is purely a coincidence after last Sunday's Yankee-Phlla.
eVtnhia AthleUe fare. The A'a, should you have missed It, blanked
the Tanks. 1-f, and 4-. The bombers of old usually went through
an eaure season sans losing two games to the Athletics, l Worst part
f M It, VUlager Bill Sevens got there la years too late ...
5lfiim Would Be Mare Appropriate !
Southpaw John Cordell hurled
ihm Yakima Star in m Sl
TlckeU purchased for the Hcinn AVr thai WIT . nr-tlln0
rained out Portland-Salem game 1 Bremerton Bluelacket la.t nirht
monoij mini win oc iw ior to narrow the Brems margin to
.li il v i a I ,lx games over the idle Spokane
a mm ytmj " I Indian
-5",T" i.rJ" to the Jars but four double plays
w iwBireni iwii, uuiiucm i w vi. ... r .
wish refunds on their ducaU 1 lv'
they are asked to apply at the
ball park office enly.
the Yaks
The Victoria Athletics took two
hours and 59 minutes to down the
Wenatchee Chief. 18-11. in
wild s lug-fest which saw the
teams garner 30 hits betweent
them 21 by the A's. White. Jen-
and Harshman slammed
Race Squabble
Smooth Locke Style Brings Praises, Dough patciej itd
Br Harold Claassen and Ben llotan llkelr will start weeks ace br nankin u ! X
By Harold Claassen
NEW YORK. June S-Otcnc
Sara ten, winner ef the V. S.
Open golf title In 1122 and 10JZ.
wouldn't be a bit surprised If
Bobby Locke ef South Africa
ended the t7-year reign ef
American llnksmen In the If 47
Open championships: at St Louis
next week. The ruddy-faced vis
iter, who has averaged It.fg
strokes per round in the alx
tournaments stncu arriving In
the U. 8 Is the best golHng im
portation since Harry Yardon",
Sara sen Insisted today.
And - Saraten Isn't alone in
some phases ef bis predictions.
Jimmy Demaret, w ho with Locke
and Ben Hegan likely will sUrt
as favorites in the Open, de
clares the ex-Keyal Alrferce
flier b "straight from lee to
green" and Fred Corcoran. PGA
promoUen manager, lists the vis
itor as an excellent putter.
In contrast to the U. 8. stile
of hitting the golf ball. Locke
aeems to swing t areata the pel
let with a syrup-smooth move
ment that sends It directly down
the renter ef the fairway. De
spite hU relaxed atUtuda on the
links, Locke usually winds up
spectacularly. He wen the Caro
lina by be tar. . 4 strokes below
par. He triumphed In the SIMM
Philadelphia. Inquirer meet two
weeks ago by snaking up It
strokes on Hogaa on the final
day while playing la rain, snlst
and wind.
Leat week la the GoodaU It
Boston no trailed Yle Greeal of
Kansas City by there petals at
the start of the final round but
won by four. It k ffnlaneo Such
en these that have netted hint
approximately IIJIH of U. S.
coin In eight wee km. -
Locke, who wtll routs to la
'GYpptAr Holland
Takrs Moore's Won!
Lou Moore, owner tf the two cars
In which Mauri Bo and B.ll
Holland flnUhe4 one-fa la
MO-mllt automoUle' roe Ut
Friday, said tonight If : land has
accepted Moore's ruranro that
the Capital Open U Waaklngioa. ! ' Vi,V .Tl
D. C, this weekend, finds
larger American
Strange and feels that It cuts ap
proximately St yards off
driven. It baa, however, given
na the greens.
Idle Acorns
Regain First
Bevo-Oak Contest
Called ; Seals Loae
By the Associated Press
The San Francisco Seals lost
chance to regain first place In the
Pacific Coast league race last
night and , Instead . found them
selves dropped to second as the
Sacramento Solons, behind the
tight hurling of Guy Fletcher,
beat them, 6-0. .The Seal loss
gave the idle Oakland Oaks a
half game advantage on the . top
of the standings. The Oaks and
Portland Beavers were rained out
at Portland. The San Diego Pad
res chalked up their first win of
the season over the Los Angeles
Angels. 3-2, with Al Treichel Lm
iting the Angels to five hits. The
Hollywood Stars unleashed a six
run seventh inning explosion to
drop the Seattle Rainiers, 7-2,
with Al Llbke's homer aiding the
The Portland - Oakland post
ponement will be made up irt a
Thursday night double-header
starting at 7 JO.
Los Aniclca 000 One OJO-S 5 S
San Dwco One Ooo Jl- S
McCatl. Dobvmlc () and G!llpt;
Trctchcl and Kerr.
Giants Prop Cubs
Dn 1st Place' 'Duel
Oilmen Jump Lead to Full Came:
Yanks, Shea Beat Tigers, 3-0
By the Aaoctald Praaa
Those hard-rapping and never-say-die New York Giants re
captured sole possession bf fin t place In the National league race I naL" Moore said, "and I told tt
jcjiciu.; mm uic; uvuinu viw Lum, UUI (VIKUUVI1 I pit meil TO Sire It lO Com SCaUl.
the front posiUon, 8-3, behind the six -hit hurling of Dave Koala I He retpooded to that one too wcIL
Warren Spahn's eight game win-1 dropping to Hi. and Rom pai
mng sirean lorme varum craves I rum.'
dlnais topped the Braves, 3-0,
terminated as the St. Louis Car-
from lim pit. Muete said IMiiv!
dertined to offer to tear vp a
two-year driving ror.tract and
that the Bridgeport. Conn, racer
would be bocu nest year in ce
of Moore's Blue Crown 5ptk
Plug SpecUla.
The two cars were running tn
the same lap late In the race wiun
Holland abend and Raao about
10 miles la front of third-pUce
Ted Horn of Patomun. K. J.
Moore reiterated that be signaled
both drivers to take It easy be
cause they were going too fast
under the circumstances and he
-couldnl afford n wreik for I
had everything I owned and could
borrow tied up In the cars." He
sad Holland was gtxng about 123
miles an hour and Moure f.f urrd
Holland could sUIl win at 117.
Holland was aUH ridirc faater
than 117 after t flrt Vry sig--
(.iii, ono ooo joo-i t e
llnllwMxf . ... OX 100 SO 1 I 1
Dubtrl. Rla T and Hmly; Afdl-
sela. Crsory (7) and I'ntfr.
Ban rranctaco .
ritchr and
Werle (I) and
. . 000 110 901-4 IS
rrnandr: Swrd.
Leonard. Ogrodeorta
I ' t " '
Answers Wedding Be Us
7 o'clock, according to Emigh.
Lefty- Kenny Wyatt is scheduled
to hurl the opener tonight
On Friday night the league I sen
leading Bremerton Bluejackets homers for the winners.
open a four-game stand here, The Vkncouver-Salem and Ta-
thelr first visit of the season. coma-2pokane games were called
Uo-to-dato m statisUcs on Mer. ?K"UW ol wel grounoa.
4m.Mh rt Maun a nvua Mal Yakima
DOtn UUtlieiaerS nai aummers Ahearn. Stanton and Votpl. Ron
Ike, lonly'
Title Go Set
000 000 0004 10
100 004 00 9 T
Softy Chiefs
Plan Opener
Flans toward the 'opening of
the City Softball summer cam
paign on Monday, June 16, were and tied two. They have exe
discussed last night at n meeting cuted 38 double plays in their 49
Owner Otto Klctt and Builder Cart Fercnsen can Irnore this
tf tney Uh snd they probably will but why not n better name each. Mel
for the new sports acreage than "Myrtle Bowl"? The "bowl" part Beard 29,
as oaen, not wnere noes Myrtle fit ln7 Better still, and alnce there
Ian emporinm In the town (wearing the name, couldn't "stadium
be. attached somehow? Kef erring to the arena plainly and almolv
na "Kletl's Stadlam' or as The Stadium" would be quite adequate
lor ail concerned . . . What with
the way the rain baa. messed up
Che place lately hard working
Curt Is of a mind to dub It "Per
guana's Fellr". You'll see quite a
chance In the place soon as Curt
Installs the turf and proper
drainage, . however. . I . .
Liltie Leaving Soon j
Jerry Utile's year of.foschlng
la the Hawaiian Ulands will ben
efit both himself snd his Willa
mette Bearcat footballers come
ionchdewn time again. Former
nv Utile All-Amerk Terry Fral-
' ota, now coaching In the Ulands
himself wTites that Utile Is bring
ing two Hawaiian footballers,
tood ones, with him- The two are
Bill Kukahike. an all-sUr guard
In list season's Interscholattje
lencne ' and George Crabbe. ' "an
ajtataadlng , fallback." Both at-
tended Kamehameha high school
an Honolulu. Two others, Albert
Minn and BUI Fwallko. a .pair of
. vaia with Impressive grid records
before the war may head for W'U
. a loo. furthers Tenr. As for ! Ut
ile, he Is scheduled to leave for
the mainland June f. j
WjUont Have Whijfmen
Th townies aren't leading the
leagne In bitting of fielding.! but
In wandell Moasor and Kenny
VTratt they have the two best
Pitching striker - outers. The
Howe bureau In Its latest find
lngs lists Wyatt atop the heap
with CI. Moasor went by Ken
stela) : last Saturday night when
he fanned 11 Wenatchees and
has ft . . . Hint to eusto
when the motorcycle racers
, to town on the fifteenth
fitay away .from; the ; turns.
rnunas. star away from the turns.'
A piece clipped from the Taeoma
Kevrs-Trib will give yea your an
ewer; "On the first start. Jsck
Colllry of Seattle who made the
fastest time ef the day took
pill and' his cycle went wild Into
the crowd, and five more riders
niled up on the first curve,
R peaking of racing. Maestro J.
ftyan baa high bones that an as
phalt speedway will be Installed
at the new bowl for the midgets,
replacing dirt Net only will the
Stent bug be whipped, but the
nfnt-atsed buss buggies offer
nnuch better shew when operat
ing on the bard surfaces, vows
' ' Beam Beat Gartls
BERKELEY, Calif., June S-W
-Winning nine firrt places and
tying for another, the. University
ef California Bears defeated the
Etnnford Indians 814 to j 494
Viday In the 82nd renewal of! their
tmotuonai track and lie in mc'
eldest in! the west f .
: The meet, cvtponed frorrt Sat
urday because of a wet trackj pro
curer! no new meet or coast con
Xemut records, i
and Lou Kubiak are leading the
pack in runs batted in, with 31
Nunes has 30, Bill
Marty Krug 27, Bob
Moore 20 and Bud Peterson 18.
Nunes Is. top home run hitter with
four. Moore has three and both
Joe Skeber and Summers possess
two. The Senators have but IS
homers for the season to date.
Peterson has five trpiies end Al
Spaeter and Krug have four. In
doubles Krug has 10, Nunes 8,
Moore; Kubiak and Spaeter .all 6
and Hank Bartolomei, Bill , Beard
and -.Summers all 8. Krug's nine
stolen banes lead. Kubiak has
eight and Peterson seven,
In 12 series played to dale the
townies have won. five, lost five
nlng (7); Cordell and Phillip.
Victoria 233 040 30311 11 1
Wenatchee .. 101 011 04111 IS 4
Fortler and Anskc: Sutherland. Frost
(J) and Ferut.
A final settlement of the long
disDuted lightweight boxing chanv 1
plonship wss promised today wiui
signing of Philadelphia Bob
Montgomery and Ike Williams of I
Trenton. N. J- for a 15-round
title bout at Municipal stadium
August 4.
" Montgomery is recognized as
champ by the New York state
athletic commission and affil
iated states. Williams wears the
same crown under sanction or
the National ' Boxing association.
another group of state fistic gov
erning bodies.
It will be the second ring meet'
ing between the two Negro slug
gers who have built up a bitter
rrinl ffiit 'nvr im vain.
41,4 i 1 o k I r- " V . " '
wu pF' auuria- firt hattle In 1844 law
men and conservationists thst de- Monleomerv KO William. In the
nyiiv me .act uiai nm BUCK Sll- 12th round.
uauon is serious a ciosea season
I. a 1 . i i - . .
u nuv Kuuieinuiaicu a I Dresenu I w n t rwit
Intelligent and concerted ac- JaP J J "
i&Day Oft OheU
By Marty Krug
One Salens Senator who wel
corned yesterday 'a ralnout of
the Solon-Vancouver Cape ball
game at Waters park waa Flrst
sacker Marty Krug. Jr.. the IS-
year -old rookie from G lea dale.
Cat Krug waa yesterday mar
ried U Dorothy Boaanajlau, IS
of Fresno, CaL Krug ts the soa
ef the ence-famons Coast leagne
third baseman who Is new a
scout for n major leagne club.
1 ST. LOUIS. June S-Tne
hard prsossd Boston Bod Son
received another blew today
when It was dksctoaed that Out-
fWUer Dtn DtXaggto ban
Felled she aider Ugneneut aj
wta be out f action Indefinite
ly. .
Foul Outlook
Held Hopeful
ST. PAUL, Minn June 3-(P-
Dr. Clarence Cottman, Chicago,
assistant director of the federal
fish and wildlife service. . today rUrni
INGLEWOOD. Calif. June 8
tD-noncrmesn. great sprtater
from the Hsrry L. Warner stable,
today act a new world seven fur
long record of 1:21 48 tn captur
ing the featured tSM race at
Hollywood park. Double TJT. waa
second and Mlse Dereen third.
In setting the new mark. Honey
ooo. former pride ef the Louis
B. Mayer stable, clipped one-fifth
of n second off the 122 mark
held by four horses.
though , Spnha permitted the
Cards but five blows, ooo of them
SUn Musial'a lib homer. School
boy Howe racked his aeventh
mound win as the Philadelphia
Phils stopped Cincinnati. -L the
Rods only run being Eddie Mil
ler's 12th circuit wallop of the
year. See Barney gained credit
for two wins as the Brooklyn
Dodgers took n pair from the
Pittsburgh Pirates. 11-g and I-?.
Barney started the Initial eon
test but was relieved to the "th
Inning, then came back as a re
lief t wirier in the 1th frame of
the nightcap.
In the American kmp Frank
Shea, the New YMk Yankee's
sensational rookie p.tcher, notch
ed his Sth straight win as he
blanked the Detroit Tigers. 2-0.
The victory pulled the . Yanks
within two game of the top
notch Tigers. Joe DiVlarr-o belt
ed out four hits for the N
Yorkers to take over tho Amrrl
can batting lend with . n JU
mark. The St. Louis Browns
tripped the Boston Red Sex. 4-2.
and Frank Paptah pitched the
Chicago White Sox to i M nod
over Philadelphia. Washington
topped Cleveland. -5.
irmm same)
Pntaburt k - tat) AS SOS S
Brooklyn IIS IM le II 14
Hiabe. GWtrmao . atrtnrevtc
(St. turbr 1 A KJwtt. ftuUlvaa
ID- Barner. Caaer lj and gdvaroa.
(Second camel
Brook ln
Bower Voted
iBroim Award
June I (Special)- Don Cower.
Salem. Tuesday night became the
first winner of the Vie Brown.
Jr, inetnorial trophy at a cere
mony at the Sigma Alpha Epailon
fraternity hero. The trophy. In
augurated year by the par
ecu of the former OSC et&ie
who was killed In the war. guee
to the Orange bosebnll plater
deemed most t aluab to his team,
by a vote ef the piayers.
Bower Is former Snlera tli
baaketben and baseball star and
perfurmed at eectmd base for the
Beavers this season. He Is S son
of Mr. and Mr. A. IL . Bownr,
r0 S. 14th st.
games and have made 87 errors.
At home the Wilsons have won 17
and lost 3, On the road there has
been nine wins, 18 losses.
2 Tilts Slated
of Softball association officios
of the YMCA., President Charley
Davis presiding.
Lou Singer, chairman of the
ticket committee, reported that
sales are going so well that trie
stipulated 3000 ducats may not be
sufficient to meet the H.manH
A cornmittee composed of Chair- T Z -. Ci
man Gurnee Flesher. Vern Gil- JL Ul JLAZlllUll J
innr X Kin0r Jim Tifmft nrr4 I .' - '
- - 1 mmw w mmrmm aw m y mw am mm mmw ( mm aws
Charley-Davis is in charge of Die
opening night ceremonies which.
as in the past, promise to Include
plenty of color
Final meeting before the open
er will be held at the Y Friday
tion on the part of game, admin
istrators, sportsmen and conser
vationists" to make the prenent I
trend "swing upward, was urged.
Dr. Cottam told the group that
a survey of the wintering. grounds
In January showed the water
fowl population "totaled S4.000.000.
compared with a published figure
or lor last year.
Bevo Trackmen
Salem's American Legion Jun-jTo Stilt Lokc
lor baseball team will this week! -
Dlar Silverton here, weather oer- CORVALLIS. OreJ June 4-iJiA
mltting, and will on Sunday tan- Three members of Oregon'State's
ele with the Woodburn iunior at I track team to participate in the
Wnndburn. it waa announced ves national collegiate chamDionshin
nigm a i a p. m. ine circuit mis t-rdav. The date for the scheduled meet at Salt Lake City June 20
year, for the first time; will be; I silverton same will be set as soon I 21 were named today by Ath
as possible. Chairman Ira Pitcher
said, woodburn and Salem are
currently leading the district two
derby with undefeated records.
Baseball Seriously
TOKYO. Tuesday. June S-U1)
Sixteen middle school youths
were Injured, seme seriously, as
players and rooters slugged
each other . with bate after
baseball game; Losers said the
winners used n "doctored' ball
to keep them from hitting.
After the game at Ctaunemlya.
71 mjles north of Tokyo. 4t
rooters of Shltaya middle school.
which lost f to hid In a for
est. They .ambushed XS players
of the Skikanuma agricultural
school, press dlspatcbea said.
Hi 151
H Pet
4S J4
44 J4
45 Jil
G AB n
DlMacXte. Yanheea . M IU S4
Walher. Phillies . . M 111 IS
Boudraau. Indians U 111 10
Klaughler. Cardinals 41 151 14
Mtfr, Giants SS 141 4J
McOulnn. Yankees . M Ul IT
nuns batted In: National Wacue
Torgeson. Braves. V7; MUe. CianU M:
Marshall. Giants, SJ American learue
Keller. Yankees. S3: DiVta(f to. Yan
kees. SO; Williams. Red Sox. X.
Home runs: National league Mute.
Giants. 14. Miller, neds. 11: Torger-
on. Brsves. S. Amertran league
Keller. Yankees, tl: Williams. Red Sol.
II: Mulltn. Tteera. 11.
Cregg. Meitew ill. Km . nray
isi and nragan, Kdiraros si.
ClnetnnaU torn Ise I IS S
Phiiadeipnu aos sis or 4 e I
KrsuU. Urrly (SI SWowtt C7) and
Marshall KOs.
Freddie Ulills -
Marshall. Negro I!ct.t henv?
wetght from OeveUnd. O, tonight
knocked Put ITa-pvuM. Bnusi
Champion Freddie Mills and cast
the deepest gloom cner BrUwn
boxing proepecta. "
Fredde. w ho wer.t down for u4
count to 2 SI ef the fifth roun-1.
was the last of Britain's tup
ranging attrrUcr to the heavrr
classes after the recent defeat of
Heavyweight Bruce Woodcock, by
the American, Joe Bakst. It was
a non-title bout MiUs ne.gSed
17m pounds, a pound and n
quarter over th l.gM-beavy-
weight Emit. Marshall weigbed
164U pounds.
Rewe and nenttnlrk
CWtcago ss) atlS I
New Yerk . aoj eS tl S Is I
tde. Lee (II, Meers (II snd Me
fullouch: Keel and Caoner.
M. LeuM , One SM SOSa
Muneer and Wtlber;
frsnconj (( and Matt.
New Yak -.. 1st SOS OCI-S 1
Detroit . .- mm soe ansa 1 I
Rhea end Houk: He tinner. Wkne
! and Wagnee. Swift iSt.
rwiladelphta ana ecu one 0 I S
Ocafo at Sua S I e
Coleman. Scfcieb . (S) and Rnnr;
Fsp h and Trssh.
at. Louis aos ooe am 4 e
nughaon and Tebbctts; Kinder and
Washlnrtosi SI I
Cleveland Sll
Ne-rson and gvans; Kjr.bree.
man (St wuiai (Si
Oa All IfcSdT)
mn it 1
aao-4 is 1
AH Week Cnnrsnteedl
ill Court IL Can 71X1
divided Into two loops the Am
erican and National : leagues
with five clubs in each. All ac
tion will be at Leslie field.
JEFFERSON A new baseball j
league consisting of Jefferson,
Scio, Crabtree, Albany, Stayton
letic Director R. S. Keene.
They are Bob Reims n, north-
era division shot put champion;
Bob Tdridlaw, northern division
broad Jump champ; and 'Ken El
liott, ace freshman 'high Jumper
who tied with Bob Belfus of
Oregon for first place in the di
vision meet
Frankie Parker of Los. Angeles.
No. 3 ranking net-player In the
m f i rt- Sk at si 4rrain-1aw4 or.1fft
won ms secona rouna matcn to- uuiuj ... ixu u,u,cu LPntl P KfltPra
day In the Heart of America ten- rt was announced here this week. OCailMS OsvaiCI B
nis tovmament Parker defeated Wallace Wlckett will manage the
Eugene Spitz. St Joseph. .Mo-iJenerson learn wmcn is maae up
6-0, T6-1, i j mostly of young players.
Olympic Choices
I mire I
tie's famous
June 3 -TV Scat-
brother-sister Ice
Weaver-Savoldi Mat Tandem
Winner in Wild Armory Brawl
The tag team tandem ef Buck
Weaver and Lea Savoldl, s pop
ular pair with the client, last
night came np with the vein over
the Stockey Knellsea - Steenke
Karlinkei nasties at the armory
to climax 'one of the wildest
mat meetings of .the season. The
rlprearious tag teamer, one ef
the best parties of the spring
season, had most of the gather
ing on Its feat throughout as the
teams, from almost the begin
ning, - refused to go at It one
at a time t and Instead joined in
more of an every-man-for-him-self
melee. Referee Bill Murray
was easily the busiest gent In
the; Joint trying to keep the Quar
tet in hand. Andthe foursome
; was tout of hand throughout the
three falls,
w L Pet. w x. ret
Bremerin X IS .sao Tacom 14 Jit
Stmkane XS IS Mm Vancouver 10 IS .444
skatinsr team received word today Victoria n 11 JMiYakima is u. 41
of its selertinn on the IT. S skat. Salem ' S 23 J31 Wenarhee IS 14 JWS
. 4i ia a- I M mini sj inviiuj . w gsn-sirsaj gs.
ing icam xor xne winier uiympic Bremerton C: At Wensu-hee n. Vic-
"Kennedy Kids, the Seattle coast lkagi'i
vounntm. Kami KtnnsHr. 15 1 WLPct. Wl.Prl
P ------ .f y I .i.l, east n -ei. mm at
VssaFu avei o M rvjnj viaiNi e a . w
San gran SS IS M4 San Dieao IS IS .4es
tea Angls 19 M S3 Seat Us 11 11 .4SO
I t i
H t
Shop Openot 7 &9 A. K.
m mm
S at at MOrlU, awluerland, lorla IB. Vancouver at Salem smIsm. .
January ed. wrt fratinfts; Tsroma at Kpokane 1 " , 1 '
own in: .kaUng circles as the t1"0" rln- '
and Peter, 19, were informed of
their selection by Edmund C.
Bold, second vice president of the r 11 u saa Hoiiyws mm ui
U. S. Figure. SkaUng association. JTTtmJSJSS HHS
' . sUle t: at San Francteee S. aaeramente
Knellsea and Karllnke took
the opening fall wLen Knellsen
flattened Weaver with n body
press. Just about the only time
"T T,'. .T. r::l SAN DIEGO. Calif- June J-OP)
VrlhA t when the former -Dinny Patterson. . 38. Australian
S2 driver, died here
eaud lee lock. And In th. ell. today from injuries suffered Trl
tjOaklane, t Portland postponed, wet
W t, Pet.
New Yrk tl IS NO Pttt.burs
Chlcaeo tl IT 34 Philadelp
IS II 441
IS 11 43S
caicw ca nn in wn 1 . j,,i ,, -,.- Chlcaeo n IT 34 Phllaoelp IS SJ 3S
max. much ef It spent outside ?au, f ' !VaUfVnf "? P"op Breohlva 11 is mi cinrmnau ism era
the ritir the heenle nale eame I tO the inaugural midget auto rac- Boston H IS AIT St. Louis IT 13 US
up with Marray'g decision be "l program.
finally had enough of the un
resulu: At Brooklyn
orthodox and took things upon
The aemlwindup was all Al
&tas as he spilled Bearded
Benny Trudell tn straight falls
In another riproarious scuffle,
Pierre (Frenchy) La Belle
Jn the Majort
11-t. Pituburrh a.?. At Ptilladelphia
4, Cincinnati 1. At New York S. Chl-
Ab It H O A'ERbl
mni Pesky. Red Sox 3 11 1 3 a
boraon. jnuians v i m m v i
Jack Carter went, to a no-fall pttcr,i,g records: Erautt Reds, lost
draw la the curtain-raiser. I tonight: wins 7, lost g
lesfo . At Boston S. St. Louis a.
AM I. Pet. XT t, Trt
Detroit 14 IS 1 Phlladetp IS II 47
Nsw Yrk- Tl IT ,M4 Washln.t IT IS .471
Clevelan IS IS Mtt Chicsf o IS U .43
Boston 20 21 4A1 St. LnuU 14 22 421
Yesterday's results: At Detroit a.
New York 3. At Chicago . Philadel
phia-". At St. Louis 4. Bcton 1. At
I Cleveland s. wasninjrton r.
'10 U 13 llt.edksi
BU-keli zzi Yartlzgt Csti
260 South 12th Street
Ttc:. Kay Wcclca Ilill Cc.EtliilDcjL
Ftm rnri-lsnx