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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1947)
n if Queenly Utilities mat Of 3 SfJ Cut in City J i r I POUNDDD 1651 POUNDDD KUnTY-SEVENTH v YEAR 10 PAGES The) Oregon Stcrtesnuxn, Salem. Or., Wednesday, June 4, 1947 Pric Sc No. S3 Solans Lay i . Trutnan-s Desk U.S. May Protest Hungary 'Coup' to U.N. (TTF HJQD COCO f Rigged' Elections Forecast Puppy Suruires Tornado "ITT I - 4 : .. . . - - tin a mai or senate nh said to ..Z7 ' n "t com- dy to. "izure of power by com- f fered the opinion that com- .,-JUT - I . stained the initiative in snunism retained the Initiative the wria ""'"r require a trial at the bar of the American style, seemed on the L. Nation. : 5 . defensive. aW rV.i. He said it "may become Amer- point, ifPerhaP " fca's duty- to sound the call for mple because the Russian army trfal , - of .occupation undoubtedly was a i pressure, group wtach J2J Abo. In urging prompt atifi- wore down the LvS wst catiorT of the lUnan-Balkan .JSKS !t In P treaties, Vandenberg: ior "vv : J 1. Predicted that the eom- Trance, iwy no , munUU wUi soon follow vp the inuniit Influence is : strong ana ... . aggressive. Verdict On Veto Awaited treacherous . conquest- in Hun ressive. . Mn,. ftf garjr with Tigged elections." -iTnfnrtunateW-for the cause oil - j .u iu:- - democracy we have all too often . , tJTL-ir cemented ous relations with re-i te peace with Germany and PINE BLUFFS, Art. June 3 This pappy, a brakes foot la splints. acuonary wc Austria without waitings loo perches en tne lew remains ei nis masters none, one mi me pets Joint BnUh-American much lon Jor Russian COOper- f Franco nas servea w UtkwW " ,tay .in Power. We ..' The. forceful language used by Admiral Parian In North Africa Michl repubiiCan in de- snd made truce .cribing his attitude toward delay n.jriin n tt1 in man In I ... ... ... . stances planted tkms caused adverse reacuoni BI"U" I the last several months. tne people oi XAirope. . . a - x a. ! TA. to resent meir iiDeraiors. w - ecall DinlemaU when we put. props unaer- u BUDAPEST. June W4n-Hun soared br the tornado which wiped oat the James West family f'faur near here. The death toll rose U SS today with the death of nerra as result of the storm which cut a XI mile swath si destruc tion south of here. (AP WlrephoU to The Statesman.) (ito in iuy, v jm-ny in over-aU peace setUements , , - . -,. , T n lo' S 0,Kr. iln e7affec-- ,or Eope reflected agreement Saleitl jMaStodoil I ffcTl CT-.M Htl fllll W td Ue nf.w .. with theodicy the administraUon !1- i V JuUIlUlalllllll; ?r'iA". has beenUng toward Russia in ToOth Recovered & . D hS Argentina, U.S rclay O - Dispute Solved PORTLAND, Ore- June The tooth of a huge preh: toric mastodon was on display here today atxthe army engin eers office after it was picxea venal regime in Greece and, Ihe gary.g nwjr communist-dominated Turkish dictatorship. have some ground for tteir cry ox toni-ht t0 k. ,iannin to force trn by George Graves, Indepen American imperialism. ; . t)the resignaUon of Centrist Presl-4 dence, along the banks of the The proDiem oituropc wui dent Zoldan TUdy and order the i Willamette, river north of . 5a be solved on its iricges duvi recall of Hungarian diplomats heart, and Germany is its heart, abroad. . There is our chance to take the Jn Washington, D. . it was InitiaUve.1 If we move swifUy and tvpwJlA Aladar Szegedy posiUvely, along well planned nj, minister to U. S- would lines, to restore Germany to eco- smong the diplomats recalled tiomic neaiui ana w.i-. goon to "report to the govern munism In the rest oi turope. f Germany's miliUry potenUal otllUeiltS tO or - putting a new aress on ex- . - SV. rrt'fTr'.'S Attend 1 Conclaves 'SSSJTWPSf'WS; At Gnnell, Iowa ' distribution of goods, and for es lem. -v"! ' - - : " . Oregon State college scien tists identified it as from a mastodon which roamed the areaf when the Oregon coun try was tropical. . British Aeree Rains Halt Harvest In Area t Continued rains brousht VTil lamette valley food crop harvests to a virtual standstill Tuesday as cherry orchards, strawberry patches and other growing fields stood foggily idle. unrai parkers and field men were in seneral agreement that cherries and strawberries were the only casualties of the show ers. Other crops such as cane berries, hops and mot rooted crops are benefitted by the long awaited moisture. Some cherries are cracking and overripe straw- WASHINGTON, June 3 -JATh- berries are wasted but later Congress dispatched the $4,000.- strawberries will h helped by 000,000-a-year income lax cut to tne water, it was Indicated. rresiaeni iruman loaar ina .itrarg word circulated that the president The Silver ton Hills area, where is strongly inclined to bounce it strawberry picking is going on back with a veto. I between showers, petitioned the One democratic official on CaD- I Salem farm labor office for work- Itol Hill went so far as to tell re- ers Tuesday. Cabins are furnish porters that Mr. Truman intend ed in some patches. A Grand to veto the measure, and will do so Island raspberry grower, near unless he has a last-minute change Dayton. akcd the office for his of mind. Others, however, were last y"ar s platoon of school chil not So sure. dren. He expects to begin picking ,The senate, by a vote of 48 to 28. next week and the office is tak- vote, completed legislative action ing orders for workers in his and on the bill which would reduce other yards. taxes 10.S to 30 per cent effective Shewera Predicted The house accepted the final I both occasional and light, accord- I I W . draft of the measure yesterday, 220 Ing to the U. S. weather bureau i rillCCoaCo vo vy. loiuce ai Mcrary neid. which re- Forty-two republicans and six corded 11 Inch of precipitation democrats voted for the bill In Tuesday. the senate. Twenty-six democrats The wet weather will continue and two republicans. Cooper flat least through Thursday, but Kentucky and Morse of Oregon, the showers will become nut opposed it scattered. iposed it While the house vote was well Sinatra Pays Writer $9000, Of 17,000 Burst Dam Sends Water on Town, Children Missing ELTLAXD, TV. J as lUCJVTw ehlMrra were repertoi sahalaaT : arty today after ton Its I rstae ahaueeed a swif dasa ad'es4 -a abse-faet waO af water enia Uremgh sirUs ml the eatr. - The ehUdrra were U lUfWd Vr petlee m PhCtp McKesuta. t. a4 Richard Ylrtotra. IX. . Police said their parents re ported they Urt observed the b ye playing in yards of their hrcnea shortly before the f.oM waters tit the north section of the city. r ttae Asarta4 Tvm t' A power dam gave war at Fut lard last sUgtot, pluaring Ver mont's secortd largest city lr.u darknese and fortirg rracustieo c tOO families In the l9w-tytng sec tiona. while ahettertr.g nana sw-t , waters from flah r.o-xia awtrLrjj into other rccromuuues hi viruv eastern rtstea. . Ileadrede riee ' V Hundreds cf pervms td fmr lowland homes end tranaporUUm arteries were smashed at mafiy pointa yesterday and last alxr.c The downpoura, which rargM tip to four inches, struck first la Ohio, then eurfed across north wort Prnnrylrsmia. update New Vork. Vermont' and .New Hamp shire. $ At KuUaM. a city of 1M9 populaUon. hastily mobilised nuona ruarcjaneQ and pejcey evacuated famUles frrra the ncrt ctJon te the dam waters raced down from a bulk, he 4 four sruiea north of t city. The water Pled up IS feet deep en the Pet-land-BurUngtan kJgHwsy. The cty was left without water for drjU Ing or eommercial purpeees. i A dam at McKeeree. K. went out Jwt night, threeteMrf new -floods along the Moose and BUck rrrera aa . ... , - Two more Polk county rr!n- streams ttMrfui . cesses, Ruth Elaine tWard cf Tails flooded untata New Yar afT City and Beverly Ann Zurawalt The Moose rtew tor thrSS of Perrydale .were added Tuesday the 300-foot lumber ma dsmatd to the royalty of Salem's 1147 twirled toward Lyons FaS t fjherry lvL, L?rSlCt Xm wader- jea vj u mm. ness route, sute poUca warned Newest saeeabers mt Cherry frati reiaitr. selected by their fel low stadenta, are Bath CUtoe Beard (Us) mt Falls City and Beverly Aaa Z toe wait (helew) ef rerrydalc. 2 Polk County Join Royalty To India Snlit LONDON, June a-tfVBritaln Z ' "VIW -.v WASHINGTON, June l-Wr" The United Sutes and Argentina finally patched up their five- year-long dispute today. Then, in a -momentous White House conference they took the first decisive step in more than a panses. year toward negotiating an inter American defense pace which evidently means restoration of diplomatic unity among, the 21 American nations. Present at the . White House over the two-thirds required to over-ride a presidential veto, the senate ' count fell short of that mark. .The White House remained si lent on the chance of presidential aisapprovai. I o ri vcr, was no reaay 10 aamii nmi "", ' . . 7 V-L sreaaietx rams since the dJaa. a veto Is inevitable. In a slate- J 'Um rus rkrfw.-T ment Issued a few hours before BEVERLY HILLS. Calif, June chr xll and weighs rtmptZ rteer VTll JZl the senate acted finally on the leg- -WVAn assault charge against 111 pounds, fshe has auburn hair. Y, S0 lnrfw- ZZZ ls!ation,vthe repubUcan policy Crooner frank Sinatra by New eyes and a light templexlon. norlmndi.rmVJttZ chief declared; . York columnist 1- M-i, Born at Clinton. Ind, she has an to. ln-rit rSa Elaine, a senior who plans JJ io enier uniTmu oi vtriw. u the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. out ef hs tenks. Chittosen. to; Rotary , Lions Scholarship man were Secretary of State Mar-1 l 1 M ar i !rj!?-2: Awards Made tablishment of self-government. ! Our initiative might even go farther, and help (Continued on Editorial Page) OSC Dorm to Be Named in Honor Of iMrs. Sackett "i PORTLAND. June 3-0P)-The state board of higher education ( They will be', among 1,300 dele- Two Salem high school stu dents, presidents of. Hi-Y and Tri-Y groups, are to attend the YMCA-YWCA naUonal confer ence for high school youth this month at Grinnell college, Iowa, local YM and YW officials an nounced Tuesday. announced today she would, tran- I. Tn4l 4a Ik. Tnllfina - lici vwvw ... linu. w '-... - . -, , this year oh the basis of dominion 1IVSZ a sUhi and gave the people of 7 ZilJ.i the rich continent the choice , of partition or unity. Partition into Hindu and Mos lem states seemed inevitable. It the conference the White House revealed, that: 1. Ivanissevich had reviewed with Mr. Truman and Marshall steps "which his. government has ..... . I . I kl a aj a4Aaa rSBtoai I " i non i Deueve the president dismissed at Mortimer's reouest 7, 7, "LT JZZ?' J.Z? the Creea mountain. W.a can afford to vt Km w..... .v. , land LeUa. Her high school artlvi-1 ,7 snounuins, was taxd 11 wouia mil nun anmi r nn ih run ht v. a 1 . - - , . m . WW .1 VVl w o n n ana nign ex-1 pay mm 19.000. WNamnssaatei wr 1 . 1 nsrvniT A.nn um nauinier sni Jud! rf n w. aFTV Ur- and Prry W. Zumwalt " ? D' H"nd i" of Perrydale. is 5 feet. 9 inches ,u";.01 wul ,a UU and weighs 145 pounds. She in the case after Mortimer ,told has brown hair and hard eyes thecourt: and dark complexion. She was "On my part, I acknowledge born in Perrydale and has a 12- that I have received satisfaction year-old sister, Luella. Activities for the Injury done to me. Fur- in which she has engaged at Per- thermore Sinatra has publicly rydale hh are dramatics. Girls' acknowledged that I did not call Athletic association, class ef fleas. mm me vue names ne staled j newspaper ana annual. called him. TT.J . 1 - - - - - f . I not my desire to proceed further VflllOV IXliitiT with the prosecution of the case.- T ""V Af AUIUI ini crooner, w no wore a 1 was the principaf theme of the L .nd u ZErteU nti.h wi.n nniw n. Uken and is continuing to take nounced simultaneously to an the in fulfillment of . its obligations Scholarships were nresenled this week to three high 'school graduates-to-be In Salem snd Dallas by two Salem men's ser vice clubs. Salem Rotary club's annual scholarships for .Willamette uni versity tuition went to Melvin shirt and slacks, as court was convened late In the day, told newsmen: "I have no statement," b c T " ' v ""Tr1 1 w w v . . under the act of Chapultepec to versity tuition went to Melvin Robert Seamster. new presU Indian people and in both houses irrl?Z!!z---lnmtmm v.hi t n,n. k.. L:,.?rlrL'S:y. Drawn in Remodeling Extensive remodeling of the Valley Motor company, 175 Cen- I Police to Train Neophytes at ' Klamath School A school designed te train arene mt the ti spplicants for state po- nrrrs mumoruma under an act af the 1M7 legislature wul Pn at the state vocanoeal scho(4 at Klamath rails, fwmerty tha Klamath marine bar-recks, ahowt July 13. Poice Superintendent H G. Maison announced Tuesday. The school wilf- continue for approximately three weeks. A week later the arheI wt3 reren iar ouer police jo appUrsr.ta, chapter, and Peggy Barrick,' new president of Tri-Y here, have been, selected by their groups. acceptance leaders. wr it, to Improve, o fries and Pce win use rtfie end ps j parts departments, is under way, I I ranges constructed for the m ' t PM.iH.n Tnim,. I baiem ft) En scnooL Bakis for the m . 1 . . . v.. ..a., mvituuvii . - i i w w r m... w m Jm I - rctn P leader Wilton "mdicatw his willingness to re- ?w.ra outnanaing student CllOOl liOard UaCC Announc1 Tuelay by nnes and the n wi3 be he4 ... lL.:,t t " j i new, imer-Amencan, aeiense .-..-"' " -v-viv.m,. today set t annual budgets . for state schools and opened bids on the first construction project in a $4,000,000 building fund approv ed by ' voters two years ago. . Low bids on an electrical en gineering building at Oregon SUte college totaled $685,151.80. ' The board recommended approval. 1 The board also approved a site for Oregon State's proposed bas ketball pavilion on the new ath- teid across theso JthernPacific McNary Dam Reported tals, In line for Added Funds A Xitz uuuc uiviuuru. kj im v ts. any ox wregorr. w iua; wre- PENDLETON, Ore, June The board by President istan. : gates at the sessions, first since the war.': -Boys from - the north west area are to leave Portland oh a special rail car June 16 and girls will leave the following 'day toSeamsSr'is the son of Mr. and (Social SeClirity Mrs. Floyd Seamster, 1570. N. 18th st, and Miss Barrick Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Barrick, 1143 Marlon st. s : tXW. n"Su. principle of temporary dominion status of Hindustan standing. A Salem Lions club scholar- ship, new this year, weri to Hilda As Deadline Nears 'Freeze9 Backed j tw - . TS 1 luv 1 u" year, wen o itiiaa and 1 Con uress to 1 robe hrx of slem h,h school -for IT - l rr 1 T: T ";':. T - Universal l raining in onung a wacner. im SJTO O I award was srrsnged by the club wicwmrrriM t... yA to help re-sUmulate interest in incumoeni, nas mea ror xne xuu WASHINGTON, June W L, teaching profession as a ca- nn open. The elecUon will be ngressional examinaUon of uni- " " ' CIU vro M " ' " " " june'U. along with balloUng on With Thursday the final day for filing, three candidates are in the race for a short term on the Salem school board and one, the incumbent, has filed for the full WASHINGTON, June S -CP) reer. All three students played sc- student affairs. Kah- -;ViimVni i-rjMUijLiu, wre, June a-vn -: A SUDcommiiiee oi we .5uT,7i . lil.t' -McNary dam wUl get additional ways and means committee, PK SISSFZ funds from congress this year, ed by Rep. Reed (R-NY), x ASSsLmt HtII Rep. LoweU Stockman (R.-Ore.) mended the freeze to prei congressional versal .military training was or- j i . i . ir .i . The amount of money taken from . f ' 1!T tive parts in paychecks and payroll, for social tr ! Mterman in football, ba. security would he irozen at one i T r . .T:" T I ketball and oasebau and student per cent each for the next two years by a plan approved by the house subcommittee today. A subcommittee of the house head- recom- prevent a the proposed excess tax levy. Roftert M. Evenden ef EaJem, Edward Majek of. West Salem and John H. Dasch ef Liberty Paul B. Wallace, owner. A build- ing permit, estimating the pro ject's cost at 110,000, was issued by the city engineer's office. The parts department, extend ed to include the present main floor office space, will . hare about 14 times the present area. The mezzanine' is being' enlarged to completely cover the parts sr. aa and will Include all office fa cilities.' Henry Carl of Salem U the contractor. - State college in honor of Mrs. Sackett. ' . :1 Animal Gathers fiy WARREN GOODRICH 'Intrigue backed by force' are not enough. -The house armed services com mittee will begin public hearings in a week or ten days. Compton had stated that the international 2 nnn nnn ooo annual fa increase situaUon Is "too serious to Justify StstnVman r M h wrwiMt h.MnnTiir,.T9n 1 uhn h uv. UCWy Or TO gamOlB On SSICiy about $3,000,000 to be appropri- cial security tax is due to yump avoioing tne issue. ated at this session for the dam automatically to 2.5 per cent, ori across the Columbia river at Uma- employes and 2.5 per cent on Attorn tit tn (Q1inAt St rti.t' tilla. ' 1 emDlovexs. . . f w . tfKf.Ai !?U0! UlecUd -aU-sUr boy,- has been I hv? been .nominated and have president of Recreation hall and of he Junior class. Bartlett, letterman in tne same three sports, has been student I body president and active In for- ensics and dramatics. Miss Fox has been Crescendo club concert manager t and identified with the safety council and national honor society. XKAiNS nrr head on. i die BATTLE GROUND. Ind, June l-OPV-Two trainmen were killed, a third was believed dead and a fourth was injured teday In andfed by the vocational schoclj Maison said a lleulenact and captain would be detailed to con duct the arhooL Most ef the new officers will be assigned te tlgh way patrol duty. . With new tnen, there Is a poa sibibty, Maison said, that ami patrol cars will he manned by two officers Instead af one under existing cosKtUoeis. The patrU also will be extended te rea parts of the state not eesuetsly eoverel by the present person net, he said. asasasasaBaaeaaassaBMBSSe Silvcrtori lo Seek filed acceptances of the candi dacy for the term ending in 1950. It is now held by the Rev. Georgt a., w . v, K ... mm - . . - i not a candidate. N head on collision ef two diesel-1 pivfkemft A til its Mrs. ray Wright, board chair- powered freight trains en the --- -J.IU 111 man. is unopposed to date for the Chicago. Indianapolis at Louis-ITTT TJ-.-t-l--directonhiD she has occunied for I villa fMononl railroad near here ''Ulir JiJieul IS years. The term will expire I today. Twenty fi-e freight cars In 1952. were piled up. i. ': IVG - - . , I te CMcf Sua SyJiela l-f Turner, Aumsville Vote Favors Union High School; Hearing Due 4 KILLED IN PLANE CRASH" SAN BERNARDINO, Calif June tWiTl-Four men were killed -An attempt to shoot it out with harmed' today when ah army am a state patrolman in a pobce sta- phibjoug patrol plane crashed and WW., vo. .: i'liuiu burned near trie army air iieio. Costs Life of Suspect ARLINGTON, Ore, June j Non-High School District Board Election Plans in Final Stages Public hearings on two pro-1 posed union high schools, one in1 the. Turner-Aumsville area and the other in the Stayton-Mehama area, are to be set soon by the Marion county boundary board. Hearing on a third union high school proposal, for the Jefferson area, already has . been set lor July 7. Favorable votes have been recorded by school districts insti gating the union high schools; general elections are . required only where remonstrances appear at the hearings. : Latest union : high - school ap proval was voted. Monday night when Turner district balloted 39-1 and Aumsville 20-6 in favor of a union high school serving their districts and Marion, Union ee'it we ii . ., m-m a e ... .i i niii, ax or tn aanuara, cioveraaie, Of getting mother? OtHn- West fStayton, Shaw, Pleasant fuxn. I Point, Sunnyside, Crawford and "Now Junior, you know there are more polite icayt i Officer Ray Judson said Ache- Mnoiuv.' u. row x arew we gun without warn- j . ...... . , . . ., would be in the vldnitv of Craw- ullcu ul" uigger. ini gun ford school. failed to fire. Judson said his Property owners peUUons to reiUTO nre aiuea Acneson,) who the boundarv board are vet to be had been arrested with two corn- filed from Turner and Aumsville. Fan"" suspicion oi auxomo- Such petitions already have been bile theft filed from Stayton district, which I voted to establish a union high YYeatiier school with 17 districts in Mar ion and Linn counties, including Ferfi 'Ridge, Union Hill.- West M.nt. nni..i. c. 1 mjmjtAJMi MA&AfXlMi VOAUaii t7UIJ I QllCAfl ton. Oak Glen, Howell, North I New York Santiam, Mt. Pleasant, Lyons, Jordan, Queener, Twin Cedars, SNEEZE INJURES LEFT LEG ' ZT , SPOKANE, June 3-(AV State .JkTi .J.ZZaZT ?Z , see V ta en ar 1 WUI I IT sv ws ruvvi iiiiarinjariit a vi Rep. Howsrd T. Ball (R-Spo- k. elertlon, of A.n ksne) has been In a hospital two L, .ki.k .,kj t- - -.1. LI. 1... 4l.ll I "V . w - weeas wiui nis icii it-a t"1 paralyzed as a result of a sneeze. He said it caused an injury to tne sciatic nerve. Salcaa I Portland San Francisco o Max. 87 M S4 14 Mln. Prerip. SS .11 M JDO 43 M SI 43 Willamette river -1.7 feet. JtFiZ. fH u5:Jrrf.thr: than an hour today. uuswiy wuuuuuu wiu I cloudy today and lonigni wiui occa part oi v;oie. Jefferson school district . has voted to form a union high school district with ? Jefferson, Talbot. Sidney, Looney Butte, Ularion, Devaney, ' Riverview and M lin kers. - - '..V' 1 .. trict board and for the new rural school district board. Five directors one for each of i five zones will be elected to the mril srhrml Vmard. Three diree- MRS. TRUMAN SITS UP . ... . . . ... GRANDV1EW. Mo.. June 3-T) I " " -Brig. Gen. Wallace Graham, non-nign scnoot ooara. TViHnt Tnimans' nrnnnill Ten eandtdaU are involved tn tne i ii .k4 iv.. I rural school Wnlrtrt board eWcUon. ' L Thy IneltKte: Zone l-tnt AndF, president s ill mother had a "very st. Louia; John imimiwi. nuti- restful night and sat up more I vine: syiveaier sjnitn. st. pau. .-a Alcwn amrm. mw rmmn. vm Merman lUhfuaa. Ketser: son lu tene rtnley. Loony Butte and Marear- t K. Hicnes. Turner: son -rng Schwab. ML Ansel and W. M. Tate, Union HU1: son S Walter H. Bell. Stavton Zone 1 embraces the north end ef the county tn the Wood burn area; tone 3. north and east of Salem: sone 3. souUt of Skm; son 4. Sthrertoa-Mt. Aneet area, and on a. IM aional lleht showers, becoming partly! BEAT WAVE IN LONDON cloudy Thursday with. a few widely . LONDON,- June- SHtfV London scattered showers. Little chanse In - v...... j, temperature. Highest today 5. Lowest exrrienced its hottest day on Si. Showers today will continue to record today when the tempera keep fields and orchards too wet for ture rose to 92 degrees at 4 p. m. Xl.nTl "?ch of the city of more late TiTursday or Friday. than 8,000,000 ran out of water. alone the North Saatlasa rteer to the Mt county tin. Candidate foe the leav4iirb dtctrtrt board Include: Zana i. Karl H SILtRTON, June e-Besrrf the wild animals and m Ore it State eolleee students ere r ing to be brought tr.Vi semce to assist In sarirg Si'.rerVm w a ter supply 11 tnembers of thectty council can prevail vpno XXm state game commission to r;t little assittance. At the svegestion ef Counril. man C IL Dackerson. the ennv.. missicei will be asked io bnrg the bea-ers, which are reprarted to be harming farm crops in the lower regions af the AbKraa. vp to the h.gher regions w here there are no farm croc snd where the animals can build dams to fce'p preserve the city water sujply Drougnt tn from ve Aoj-xa. So many trees have been re-mm-ed frren the canyons by l donms of kejrtng eperataons st Wipper. Oowrea): saae 4. IMpa Healer. Vnton Hill, and Johm TU. Cranked glneer. and S e S. Crf SL rmSWj. . SuMtmlty. The wtmm-lt ariMni board tab la aU ft anm tn the euunty eaeept tKa II wmm btsn rhoofea. Tne rural acbool dwtrMt board tncluoM all but tfee two fmalaaa dla trtrta f SiWwi and Siil . The voting to fill both boards will Uke place at district school- houses on June If during hours! week there, that water Is sir k:r g to be set by each district. Dt- lower in the stream flowing te- trict boards have been Instructed 1 tween the denuded hillsides. The to seal ballot boxes, poll lists and I bearer ams, eouncilmen feet, tally sheets and mail them to the might help conserrs wa'er fx the county superintendent s office for I very slack months aheai. final counting. Within 10 days of the election. I SCIO MAM AJTOrXTZD directors cf the rural district OLYMP1A. With. Jane l- in board will meet to determine by Apopintment ef lale Daach. Scie lot the length of their terms. Two Ore, as assistant county egnrul will serve three years, two for tural a pert was suouneed to lay two years and the other director by Thurston county cxammissioe one year.. "era.