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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1947)
Gutty -Bfeyg nPirHogs' . , Sehdcd CIIABGED Dwleht Allen Rm. BOS N. Ll berty it, will appear for preUm inir v ami nation tn Salem la urAnMutimi rham ' of, Ureny of tn automobile. He was returned here irom muii- nnmih count y Saturday br Sher ff TVnvtr Youn on a-corADlaint tjgned by J. K. Leslie alleglng hat no took nts tar nere on t.- Km Is held In th roun- y jaa la lu of $1,000 Chat every amart woman knows! Every man discovert when ah gives him Ranger tie. They are nrfrt the firht wrinkle and wear. $1.00. Alex Jones, 121 North High St. . - . BEALL HOME ON LEAVE . Walter V. BealL ETM Je, left Sunday after a, day with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James W. BeaU, 101 N. 9th sU and will return to Treasure Island, San Francis co, where he Is slated to beer ma an electronics instructor at the Dutch Boy Once Over Wall Paint All standard colors on hand. Ph. 4939. - BAILLXE RETURNS W. H. Baillie. manager of the Salem office of tbe state employ ment service,- returned Monday from a trip to New York, where last week he attended the na . tional conference of employment service representatives. Salem .Self Service Laundry. New modern washing machines, dryers, manale for use. Hourly rates. 181$ So. 12th. Ph. 5607. DEFROSTER FAN STOLEN Delbert Nuttbrook, route I, Salem, told city police that a rubber defroster fan was stolen front his car while parked Sunday night iii the ' Salem - high school parking lot.' Slem Driving Rang will be open all day Wednesday. . THEFT FROM CAE '. A hub cap and fender skirt were taken from - his -auto Thursday rijht. Lee Franklin, 1429 Jeffer son t, reported to Salem police , Sunday. . . . ' Schwtnn Cycle-truck bike. Ph. jinn. . ' . POSTAL EE cum tP - i Postal receipts for -the month of Mar touted $44.95J1, or an 1 ocr ease of $551.0$ over May, !. Albert Cragg. Salem . post-1 master, , announced Monday. Dance Wed, Crystal Gardens TOWNSEND MEETXNQ ;' Members of Townsend Victory, ' club 17 will meet at 8 o'clock to night lnDeacones hall on Oak St., west of -the hospital. TEIAL SET ' ; v;' : ' ", 4 Trial In the case of Anione Hrudka,' 1410 Evergreen a ve charged with reckless driving, was set in Salem Justice court Monday for June. 18. Hrudka pleaded innocent to the charge. He was arrested by state police last Wednesday and If said b po lice to be the driver of? the car which struck Alice Boehme, Dal las, two week ago near Salem Height school. He waa released on $30 bail. Oil your road end settle the dust. DYKSTEA RETURNED Phillip Dykstra, 150 Williams ave, was returned here from the Multnomah county cheriffs of fice Monday by a Marion county deputy to appear In Salem' Justice court this morning H on a charge of writing a check with insuffi cient funds. The check was al legedly written here last Janu ary, according to the complaint, the sheriffs office said. at I Dexter sharpens lawnmowers i your home by machine. 8833. SERVICE RESTORED Telephone service' was restored Monday mornint by repair men to 18 line, along South River road near Salem Golf club. A tree fai ling across a main line ' Sunday afternoon cut off service until repairs were mad early Monday morning: River silt, top soft and fin dirt Corn! Sand A Gravel. Ph. 21168. y - . - DETECTIVES CLEAR CHECKS Four arrests during May have cleared 18 bad checks passed in Salem, city detectives report. All four men arrested were convict ed. Twenty-one of 31 fictitious checks reported to the police de partment were forgeries. Detec tive W. X. Parker said. For factories, offices & business uses. 12" General Electric wall clocks. $12.48. tax IncL R. L. Elf- strom Co. WOMAN'S MOTHER DIES - Mrs. 'Bertha Louise Bakke, mother of Mrs. Roy Alvick of Sa lem, died Saturday In her home in Vancouver, Wash., at the" age of 76. Her husband, Anton' Bakke, and five other daughters and sons survive. Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li bert - street. . . MEAT CUTTER MISSES Duane Donelson, 485 Ford sL, meet cutter in a 'local store, cut his finger at work Monday, first aid men who treated and referred him to a doctor for stitches in the wound, report. . ... ' . ,.- i - - ,. . . I:- ' -; 1 ' k ( ; " m J.1. ... . u J.- - - N,' -.: . V ' - ' f: - -.- ...- ' .' i .!., , '(V , births i DICKERSON To Mr. end Mrs. Arthur T. Dtckerson, 1487 Broad .way si, a daughter, ' Monday, June 2, at Salem General bos-j pitai. - ! SCHIESS To Mr. and Mrs, . Clifford O. Schteaa, 1234 S. Com i mercial si, -a son, Monday, Jun i X, at Salem General hospital. . i JONES To Mr. and Mrs. AIv Jonee, Genalj, son, Sunday, - June 1, at Salem Oe'neral hospital. : LEMON To Mr. and Mrs. Jes sie James Lemon, Independence, son. . Sunday, June 1, at Salem General hospiuL -i TROTH To Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam D. Troth, 173 S. Cottag st, a daughter, Sunday, Jun 1, at Salem General hospital, j JACOBYTo Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jsooby, Stsyton, a daughter, . Sunday, Jun J, at Salem Deacon ess hospital. . SW1GART To Mr. and .Mrs. .Charles Swigart, route 8, Salem, a son, Sunday, June 1, at Sa- . lem Doaconea hospitaL SCHMIDT To Mr. and Mrr. Jack Schmidt SUyton, a son, Sunday, Jun i, at Salem Dea rones hospi:aL Plate glass now available. Don Brown. Qfstrom'a. rUKSE. MONEY TAKEN ' Shirley RUteen of route 3. Sa lem, reported to Salem police that her purse containing $10 was stolen from her car while parked Sunday near the carnival on the suit fairgrounds. For rent Floor Sunders. Wood- rews. 450 Center St LICENSED TO MARRT A marriage license was issued la Portland Monday to Paul C. Schwertmann of Portland and Shirley J. Langford of Salem. SPRING FIELD, lit, Jane 2(Spe rial t The Statesman)- The Howell -Edwards Fnneral heme of Salem. Or. (perated by Lesion. VT. Howell, above, and Charles C. Edwards, below, has been accepted as a member ef tbe Golden Role, aa interna tional rgaatsatton ef funeral directors eh en for "Ugh ethi cal sUadlnf.' tt was announced by the order's headeearters her. i FESTIVAL MEET SET Members of all committees at work on the Salem Cherry festi val, plus representatives of all or ganizations which, cooperated this spring in Inaugurating the festi val's revival, are to meet Wednes day at 7;30..p. m. at the chamber of commerce Chertian room. They will be informed of tentative schedules for the uly 17-18-19 program and will be told of ar rangements "already, completed. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. FIRE IN CHURCH CombusUles too near an over neatea stov were tne cause or a fir which. caused minor damage in the basement of .the Court Street Christian church about o clock Sunday afternoon, city firemen who extinguished the fire reported. Dane Wed. Crystal Gardens. TERRIER Ft'P STOLEN A 12-week-oil Aivdale terrier dog was stolen from the car of Ruth Johnson, 688 N. Commercla st parked In th 2600 block of Portland road, she reported to Sa lem police. Wesix electrle 1A K. W, a I L W built-la wall heaters now avail able, ft, L. Xlfstrocn Co. BUILD INU APPROVED The city engineer's office Mon day issued permits to Joe Ken dall, to build a $10,000 duplex house at 1323 MUi tt; to the Schlesinger company, for $6,400 alterations to a store building at 400-15 Court s't; and permits for miscellaneous - construction - work to cost $300 or less to A. L. Wi ley at 470 Evergreen ave.; Virgil R. Turner, 2480 Cherry ave., and to Effie Barber, 496 N. 13th st johns-Mansville' slat surface shingles applied by expert roofer. Nothing down, 8 years to per. Buy th best at no extra cost. Free estimates. Ph. 4642, Mathis Bros. Rooting Caw 164 S. ComL FARM LABOR LISTED Mrs. Gladys Turnbull, Salem farm labor assistant wllf visit the farm labor branch, offic in Wood burn later this week to as certain th need for farm labor in that area. Sh also' will meet with officials of the North Mar ion Fruit Produce company and discuss with them the strawberry narvesr mere. Northern Lawn mowers, limited miantit R L. Elfatrora Cft. LUCAS SERVICES TODAY Funeral services for Jergjme Al len Lucas, .19, who was killed when his motorcycle skidded and crashed Friday north of Salem, will be at 2:30 o'clock this after noon at the Howell-Edwards cha pel. with Elder G. T. Dickinson officiating. Interment will be at City View cemetery. G. E. automatic blankets a year 'round comfort and pleasu; limited quantity at Appliance nnt R 1 Elfa'frnm fv " MRS. CARTER RECOVERS Mrs. Cleo Carter, 21S Salem Heights ave., has returned horn from the Lebanon hospital after i treatment for injuries incurred In an automobile collision north of Lebanon Friday. Her", brother, lj G. Phillips, and son, Lester Etheridge, were shaken and bruised. r Dane Wed. Crystal Gardens. REPORT BURGLARY A burglar Sunday night of Walt's place, operated by 313 S. 12th St., by Walter Goughnour, netted cash from four Juk box- es, several cartons of cigarettes. some cigarette lighters and an electric razor, he reported to city police. GENERAL STOPS HERE Brig. Gen. Harold A. Banlron, commanding- general of San Br nardlno air material command, stopped at McNary field In a B-17 Sunday en route to Portland, where he Is to address th state aviation council meeting today. Weather forced the general down for about an hour. Col. O. Robert Dodson, skipper of th 142nd fighter group of th national guard, based in Portland, visited at the field for about a half hour. Dance Wed. Coital Gardens. GRADING RESUMES With Marlon county roads soft ened by recent rains, the county's road grading program began Monday with eight graders oper- iting In the areas of Silverton. Jefferson, Detroit-Niagara and Salem. County Commissioner Roy Rice said that the grading would continue as long as the weather permitted. Several gonias, street varieties tuberous be $2.50 doz. 995 N. 21st POISONED. NOT SERIOUS Albert Martin of 593 S. 15th st, was taken to Salem Deaconess hospital at about 9 p. m. Monday by first aid men, who reported that Martin, age about 30, ate some rat poison from a tube. His condition was not considered ser ious by hospital officials. 4 LEAVE FAIRVIEW Four men are musing from Fairview home, officials there reported to state and city police Monday night. They art George Nivala. 31; Harvey Sag eon, II; William Marwell, 17, and William Burrell. 21. MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Mrs. Eldon E. Berry of 2261 Hatel ave., was dismissed Sat urday with her son from Salem General hospital. Mothers dis missed Sunday with their daugh ters are Mrs. Wendell llalseth of Aurora and Mrs. Earl E. Case of Independence. STATE RECOVERS CAR Slate police Monday night re covered a stolen car on highway 99E about 10 mile south of Sa lem. Owned by Lore W. MlUi- ken of Oreon City, tt was stole i the preceding night CAR STOLEN. FOUND A car stolen Sunday night from near th fairgrounds was recov ered a few hours later by Salem police on Sunnyview ave. and re turned to its owner, R. L. Forteo berry of route 9, Salem. SEEK LICENSE IN KELSO William Phillips, Jr., and Louis Polk, both of Salem applied for a marriage license, in Kelso, Waslv. Monday, according to As sociated Press. The Statesman. Salam. Oregon. TtseeArf. Tune 3. 11471 FIRST AID TREAT BABY First aid men Mondsy treated Stephen Falls, about 2. of 949 8. 20th at. after h had incurred a rut lip la a fait MRS. FARXELL HOME Mrs. Darretl Parnett 183 Walia St. was diawuatad wtth her tnfaot inn akra pi 11 Sunday. Venetian Blinds ELIIER - Th Blind Man . West Salem. Oregaa Fhaa 7323 1S43 rUsa St Slats la Alamlaam. Steel sad Weed Cheioa of Tap CaUrs Call Any Tim fer Free Estimates Meaeared and In tailed Pay Nothing Dew Pay Mentally Convert Your DMIIOIIDS Into Cash We are Salem's largest buyers from th public of Diamonds and Diamond adorned . Jewelry. Also Diamond estates pur chased. An established firm. Bank reference furnished. Meaafactniiag Jewelers 1$4 N. Liberty St 4X9 Coart St Special Sale on Paiijl Maj 21 to Jane t REAL D LAtTIKG 7?fTOO a frr . - . 1 i IjT ". w" w r a WW . 1 B. I . 1 M ' . R ria aatioM 5.49 M 9 eUi. tOTL 10053 PURE PA1UT 5.39 100 Pwre Paeag aaep ywar leoiifif Vrtst aae) mew foe Ueg,Urf laaaa, E rashes eaeHy, cwecra we& 3 awi crack, feel or Ulster. Tea Veaetia! caUrs, alse white atlUack.Ye Special Red IUrn Roof and Fear Taint. Re. $10. Sale trice per cai. ia 5'a csoassat tmj Wner paaat, 319 South 12tk SL J. U. Cop eland Yards 529 Wallace Read Dr. Wiles Dentist Bank. Phone 4924. 701 First Nat. MALLICOAT GETS OILED S. H. Mallieoat, 1149 Saginaw st., received a black surprise at about 4:30 o'clock Monday after noon when a 50-gallon drum of oil rolled off a truck and smsshed against .his car on Hood at Broad way street gushing oil over Mal- licoars auto. New location Cronlse Studio, 439 Court St, over Smith Bsklng Co. LICENSED TO WED A marriage license has been issued In Vancouver, Wash- to John D. Cannon. 1198 Marion st, and Aloha M. Powell, 239 S. Cot tage st WILLAMETTE TILE CO. ART TILE fer fl replaces, drsla boards, store f rents, bathreams, showers, shower doors. FREE ESTIMATE -Ed- Bash Ph. 2-'$J 1893 N. Wlater WK uri in eaaajBgar-J- - 1 ?i7rin . " '; If u w . ff CMms a Wfc-tWif ' l Ke seaway efy 1 i ' V far ': .aaji l " H . waase . . ea tsi .1 ' - W rssfs can w W V w'k tKis tlafcl, ty 1 )V mwm' 4 j A i Tt mlf mrj sswe with; I rat ''- ' (-,' '?,eaas W Imsaedlate Deliver" Hurry While Ther Iaat Past.. i '"roureo iwu-iooa 'wS-2,.;.r da. wSu C T portation amtt pro- - x-iione 5054 m Tcsgca Holer Co. pa. 7MI ' t$s N. Liberiy ThtCrtdtett Name, tht Fimtst Service at Highway Tranipertatitu Grandpa tried everything once ...but he stopped changing his mind when h3 changed to wRP!.r Anything now caught Grandpa's fancy. No wonder thia Keleey MotoretU waa th apple of hie eye until rust inside its two cylinders sent it to the scrap heap. Grandpa didn't know that hidden rust cause BOX of enfine wear--an4 ordinary oil can't atop thia car-killec That's why modern cars Last loafer on RPM Motor Oil; it's compounded t rust -proof eioea. Grandpa had a crush on the Octoauto next But eren eight wheels couldn't keep it off tbe road to ruin when old-fashioned oil clogged its pietons with carbon. If your car has carbon trouble. It may be for the same reason. Se switch to RPWite detergent compound keepe engines clean, capture carboo partklae and carries them out when oil Is changed, - 5H.lggggrr I f a If 1 Thtn hl$ grandchlldron tipped Grandpa oft to "RPM"... and he'a never aampled another oil since. He found thst premium-quality RPM Motor Oil ia engineered for modern motors, ends engine trouble that keep cars in the ahop. Ita added compounds stop carbon and sludge, guard hot spots ordinary oils lea re bare, prevent rust, corrosion, and foaming. RPW gives motoi s the finest protection money can buy.' "RPM" keeps cars young 8TB f AT TMCSE SICKS F9)R STAJtoaas) or calif a ana, rsreaeicTS