The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 03, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Tu day. Tun . 1947
o$ cDrcfionQ)0tatc8matt
"No Favor Strays Vs, No Fear Shalt Aus" -n
w ntrt ntiiiiwi. its mi x. tut
-1 CHABLE3 A. SPRAGUE, Editor and Publisher
f Um Associated
(Continued from pas 1)
TW Associated rre b caUUed exclusively U tht u for repvbll
esttasi ef aU the Ueal news printed t this aewsssper, a well as mil
AT am Otptiehtfc
Milk Control Order
Russia but it retains its national
integrity. Poor ; Austria, lying to
the west of Hungary, is helpless
to incline in any direction. The
closeness of Russian might may
have been determining in Hun
gary, but another fact seems to
.t nnst nitt n rr I V a I . that tm
State Agriculture Director E. L. Peterson has dona a good muniam retains an initiative: and
job in bis initial Order as boss of milk control. This responsi- democracy of the western type
bUity was switched to him in 1943 with the. abolition of the aeems . to, have lost it. driving
independent milk control board. During the rezime of OPAlIorc
however state price control was suspended. Its abolition put t.K uf7 p. democracy held
. . , . . - . . . the initiative in world affairs.
state milk control in effect again. Director Peterson held ex- q, batUe of concord in the
tended bearings a few weeks ago and bis order is based on f American revolution Emerson
the evidence developed in the hearings and on the independent I wrote:
studies of the department's auditing division. !
Under the new order, which applies to. Portland -but has
been accepted in Salem, milk to. the consumer is reduced one
cent in price, to 17c per quart of 3.5 per cent butterfat content.
Distributors bear most of the pice reduction and producers
the remainder.-Actually the minimum price is raised from the
1943 base of 15c to 17c but the prevailing price has-been
18c a quart. .,
farmers stood.
And fired the shot heard
round the world."
The battle of Lexinrton was.
as Carlyle said, "the baptism-day
i of democracy., the extreme unction
I day of feudalism.'
The ringing words of the Amer-
j lean declaration of independence
and the achievements of the
One important change is made which seerrs logical and I American revolution and the
should be appreciated by producers, and that is to give some
allowance of value for the non-butterf at portion of whole milk.
Previously the price was based solely on the amount of butter
fat in a hundred pounds of milk. ' The new order still uses
butterfat as-a measure of price but grants $1.20 per hundred
weight of milk, thus giving a money value to the "skim" milk,
which, certainly has value as food. , i
adoption of the American const!
tution with its appended bill of
rights fired men in other lands
i to fight for. political liberty. The
French .j revolution's excesses
brought a reaction but that
proved only temporary. Again de
mocracy was on the -march. Rev
olutions might be abortive as was
By Lichly
State Borrows
Funds to Pay
Relief Checks
State Treasurer Leslie M.
Scott announced Monday that be
had borrowed an additional
$473,000 from the United States
National Bank of Portland to car
ry on the slate public welfare
commission relief load until
about the middle of June when
$450,000 more will be required.
The state treasury department
previously borrowed $423,000 for
commission purposes. Scott de
clared that at the present rate
of 'expenditures of the welfare
commission in excess of receipts
there would be a deficit o these
funds. of approximately $000.-
000 by the end of the next bi-
The borrowings were necessary,
largely because of a reduction
of estimated liquor control com
mission revenues. Scott said.
Figures show, according to
Scott, a marked reduction in li
quor receipts during the pest
four months together with a sub
stantial falling -off in the number
of liquor permit.
W. MrAIIi.ler. Karl V.
Lester Pearmine. Cyril V. Rich
ardeon. Van Svarverud, Orviue
P. Wegner. Austin H. .Wilson,
Donald A. Young and Jam B.
City Building Permits
Double April Figure
Building permits Issued by the
city engineer's pfflc la Way
nearly doubled the total of the
preceding month. Compilation by
J. H. Davis stiff show that buil
dings appreVed last month are
.worth $433J0. com oared with
S21U21 & Apra. Mew construe,
tioa amount to $37 S J 45 at mast
ed value and repair end alter
ations are $53,713.
Vandal Damage Car
And Picket Fence
T w e vandalises eoonplaiata
came to police Sunday frosa the
1500 end the 1S00 block,
Urety of Madison street.
D. X. Gwynn ef IttJ Md
at, reported tlt iJ
f hi picket fence were tore ewt
Sunday night during his
and Donald Phillip. IBS - W.
feue at, reported that a3
elertrkal wtrutg had been loo,
ened la his car while perked la
the ISOt block of IXadtaoa.
Julius J. Pokoroy.
was Issued a permit to
ever eertsut county end
roads by the Uanoa county court
"Den't worry abeat the wife. Ed shell beat my ears off afterwards
far bringing yea. bat there won't be a bint ef It daring dlnnerr
The director wisely reduced the premium price on cream country after couritrr constitu-
S which had been , over-priced relative to , whole milk.. This tional government supplanted un-
T should result in bigger demand for regular and whipping cream, restrained - monarchism until the
, first world war was hailed as one
; .Safeway Store lost Us contention for price differential to insure. democracy everywhere,
for milk sold in retail stores aa compared with rnilk home de- The Russian- revolution, how-
:t liveTed. However at the hearing Safeway failed tp define it$ "leiSrc?vl
demands, though it introduced testimony to support the theory frankly denied political liberty
oi m iiivi uuiciciiiui. rcicisuui ucvuiuu wa iiviv uikacvwu i iur. uif iuc, in ineory, or e co
in view of uie turn laxen-ai ine neanng. , : j humivj. wmwununi . as
rereaiea. in nussia u appareled
I No extra' charge is permitted for' homogenized milk,, or for
" " overcap on' bottled , milk, but an extra cent i$ specified for :
i milk sold in cartons. ; ' ' .J .
'i -. Milk control is usually hotly controversial, and the hear
ings preliminary to this order proved to be contentious. Director economics
I , Peterson however seems to have functioned as a fair-minded
-Judge. He has sought in his order to deal justly with produc-
i era, consumers and distributors.
house hunting, apartment seek
ing, watching the children so that
they will not fall down the stairs
or play too close to the stove.
No, it isn't only the veteran.
It is each and every unlucky, un
fortunate father and mother who
failed to make the big wages and
get in on the "cream of the crop."
After all, these children of to
day are our lawyers, doctors, fire
men. Judges and even presidents
of the future. Are they not en
titled to a fifty-fifty, chance? If
not, who is? .
Perhaps you say, this is a trifle
on the abrupt side. No, good
friends and fellow men.'- it Is
straight from the heart of our
Turner, and Julia Mary Newman. 11.
trnographer. Woodbuin.
ClUIord M. Bowen. 24. farmer. Al
bany, and Sara Marcaret Hutching.
20. tclephoria opetator. Jrfeion
Alfn H. Boyd. 27. ciuden. and
Marcel D. Simmons. 21. student, both
ox &aiem.
cnrl E. Wenkcnwvrdrr. 23. atu
Legion Honors
Long Service
in the form of the police state two hundred thousand ex-GIs
and a state capitalism. .The in- They arent all wrong. And most
arviauai is submerged while the of them were all right.
cumorous system of government
by bureaus tries to run the ma
chinery both of politics and of
Please, citizens, don't turn down
your own child's doctor or den
tist. Rent him a home.
Mr. F. Z. Swallow
and Allen Canaan,
Engineer's Dept.,
Fairview Home.
Coal Strike Ahead?
Hated abroad and sustained at
home by ruthless police power,
communism . still has dynamism.
Partis it' ia th Hvn amir- nt tar
fear lute that which Hitler -used lIlhlir Knrnrrtc
th powerful effect Partly it hl
dent., and Thelma Wilcox. 22. atu-
dent, both of Salem. .
Virgil Eugene Schuetx. 22. atata iffl-
pioye. and Bonnie Fav Webb. 21
derk-typit. both of Turner.
Alvin U. Robnett. IB. farmer, and
Joyce Higglna, is. waitress, both ef
Harold L. Nicholson vi Mvrtla Mu-H.
olson: Decree of divorce.
Juanita Strom VS Howard Xtrama'
Default order issued
John C. Tlbbria and rinnl A TlVw
bits rs Walter S. Frederick : In aeoa-
rate comolaints olamtiffa i
ludgrnerrU of 2 7&3 and S21.7U for
alleged lnjuriea and damage aua
tamed In , auto-pedestnan accKWnt
Nov. 24. 1B4S. at 12th and Lee street.
Robert K. Thurston va Uhr Thn.
ton: Suit for divorce Charging cruel
and Inhuman treatment. Married Feb.
i. iei. mv MWm.
Mildred Wmln Wm.. n
Woosley : Defendant files answer xl-
rnittmg and denying and tn croaa
complaint (or divorce seeks custody
v minor ' cniMi
Fourteen Slem men were rec
ognized for their 25 consecutive
years of serv ice in the American
1 zion when special certificate
-iid cards were presented to them
Monday night at the Capital post
. - . sr a
ui, ... : Li .', ... . KM th. -aw,t. . it - Antone Hrodka. l0 Evergreen ave
n mi us again aie yi ouienis i oi wagt in COS! mines " "- " hi durrtd with reckless driving, plead
ai ji
and on railroads. John L." Lewis savs his union demands in-1" . conruaon. Com
i miiniim ramina an
creases in wages and reduced hours of work, which '.would cost sive. Democracy. American tvle
, o"- jti huui uiuie to wie companies, rvauroaa unions
f ak wage increases and revision of rulea which was denied
; them last year. The heads of the latter unions discoXint strike
1, ! talk however. So there seems no early prospect ' of stoppage
';Of rail service. -.- ;--"
It is different with the coal miners. On June 30th the
tune is.
seems on the defensive.
Somehow the United States,
while it remains for multitudes
In the old world a dream land of I of a ' felony, continued for
fabulous wealth, has not been Ju" KJ JLJ"'!l
v false d re tenses.
nanons XO aaont and retain our I continued for preliminary examtna
ed innocent, set for trial
released on 1250 bail
Dwight Alien Roe. SOS N. Liberty
at, charged wtth larceny, preliminary
examination set for June 4. held on
S2.000 ball. .
Richard Alexander. Sllverton. charg
ed with thrssttening th commmiun
pica 10
c.;v r n.. : m.- ; - i a 1 svstem'. .Afi K fir ..m-i, . 1 tion to June 9,
viiut.i-wvuuiciijr ati cA(res. - men me mines reven to private lit. j wa
4 : :.:!.:..!. i . . 1 the democracies set ud on the
viauua. ic T re nen u uiey wsu" ruins of the Central Powers col
to without being accused of striking against the government. lapsed into dictatomhin. Th ,J
If the pending labor control biil becomes law the govern- exception of Czecho-slovakia. The
"ment could prevent a work stoppage for 80 'days during which continental peoples as a whole
time mediation would be emnloved But if th. min nwnr nrl Iiave. "ot ' ?ucceeded with the
the unions are not able to get together by June 30th after vernentTheV dh3
monins i sparring or negotiating they may not be able to tn iauea as .instructors: or the sys-
meeting in Legion hall.
Commander Rex Klmmell. as
isted by Adjutant Paul Cern-
mell. made the presentations.
Also awarded were continuous
membership cards to IS men. with
20 years' service, t with IS years.
44 with 10 year and 69 with S
The 25-year men are Frank B.
Bennett, Rus.ell Bones t eel e.
Archie" C. Fleener. Eugene B.
Grabenhorst, S. C Huston. John
Id on S3 M0 ball.
tile democracies set UD on the unit overload, fined S10 and coats.
Donald Mevelch. woodbum. viola
tion of the basic rule, fined $19 and
Hubert Vincent Stratum. 2S7S Slate
rt.. charred wtth reckless driving, con
tinued for sentence to June a.
Arleight K. Dullum guardianship
state: Order approve annual account.
Edna Clarice Battlesoo guardian-
SO days. After that, which would be some time in the fall, tem. " not adapted to their Com-lances to ward for necessities,
thev could Strike without fear of envernmpnt art inn Prehension and background. Elizabeth Mlmenmier estate: Mar-
uiey couia sinse wunoui lear. 01 government action. Export of dollars or of mmnlle ruente A. will appointed guardian
One would think that the mine owners and the unions by th countrv-mav orovidl mnl ZgiLJ' if" uht3Tmn
. , t . ' . .. , , .. . ., ,. ; . - . , J twuniry may provide tem- and Robert DeArmand appointed ap-
had had enough discord and that they could get together and porary relief but something more prauers.
1 1 i : ...i-:-t. :n i t u a i naw v. . .7 i j Harry Gale Shaw estate: Order
jcrauy ubi(iii on imiu win tn win ici roai raining rominue .vvw i ui lae authoriies cashing .of bonds and sale
without interruption. But both are tough as they come. Bargain
ing with them seems to be a matter of seeing which can be
tougher. That all too often in the past has resulted in no bar
gainto the great distress of the country and loss to all parties.
-finallw Ktt w,fW if 4hi mami majI I.Wa ...V. mU I vvl Stcy
.Mv, fcswt. w iMuvuvi .Ha uwbiu iwvcu lAuut win. i dynamic.
u repugnant tov our ideas about the dignity 01 man ana nis
freedom to labor. Under union dictation of course 'the .individual
miner has no freedom to labor except at the union's wilL In
. either event freedom ' gets f a beating jnd : our industrial
Biechanisms break down. ' . ..
we cannot be satisfied wits t mm..,) nmn.Pfr
preventing countries from going MARRIAGE LICENSE
communist. We can only besat-1 APPLICATIONS
isfied when they move in the di
rection of human freedom under
order. ; Somehow, in some
needs to regain its
Editorial Comment
From Our ;
Con temporaries
Safety .Valvo
Nlek Serdotx. 2t. paper maker, and
Maxiorle B. Davie. 24. telephon em
ploye., both of Salem.
Cordon R. W men comb, 23. office
worker. Salem, and Vera Zollner, 22.
bookkeeper. Sllverton.
Joseph . A. LeDoux. 22. mechanic.
MC Angel, and Lorraine O. Cottsack
er. 22. domestic. Wood burn.
Clyde H. Wodaeee. M. engineer: and
Certy fritacne. 28. secretary, both ef
Ernest Arnold Reding. 29. cannery
supervisor. Woodbum. and Betty Lots
Harm!. 17, student.) Hubbard.
Dclmar Francis Covllle, St, farmer.
A. T. Kellogg vs Pearl Hawk:
murrer filed by defendant.
carol in j. UnderhtU vs Myra Al
bert Wiagina and others: Deer
quiets pUlntiffa tttle to real oroo.
erty. .
Rar Ward vs Helm in-lt Wrrf- ru.
fendant flies answer edmltttng and
a- f. Mathenv vs John Xihtt aiut
others: Order of default. Decree de
chares plaintiff to hold a Urn on real
property and that lien should be
foreclosed and property sold to settle
an alleged SIM debt
Moihe Meyers vs Ben Meyers: De
cree of divorce.
Michael P. Marks v Kathleen K.
isecree or oivorce.
Hooen LaChappelle. It. rouU 4.
ornMm. cnaj-gea wim rreouenting
peer panor and Ulegal pcwlmi of
inioxicaiing liquor, pleaded innocent
v,m "''"'"P. June It. held
in Jail In lieu of M bail on esch
Mildred Elliott, rout I V4 rt.-..
ed with reckless driving, liquor m-
. pieeoea innocent, trial
iot . l -.ia p.m, June 12. rel
in Don,
Kdmund Blmiinlinx ri..wu
w, failure to stop, posted 12 VI
nl. . ,
Ross B. WirklnaJ Kalem. Illeesl rx.
turn.. Posted S3 VI hall- vti.
hob ox anu-noit ordinance.
aa oaii.
Jack W. Smith. I4S K tit, mt
lstion of basic rule, fined SIS
oeorge A. Hall, route S. Salem, no
regon eote license, fined S20
Sylv t K. Stemng. S6S Kiudd at-
no operator's license, fined SI So
Dallas S. Kiaer. Jr.. 120S Market st .
excessive speed through an intersec
tion, nnea sa.
Donald E. Larsent. Portland run.
Ring red light. Doaied Si SO hail
BJmer M Inrnmi mula I
Island. Violation of anti-notes
inee. peeled SS ball.
William Ronald fichlaman saa
ITS. . Hletal reverse turn, posted
S2S4 bail: . runnlna red lieht. n
2 SS bail. '
Howard Lewis Nyseth. rout a 811-
eerton. reckless driving. Ilounr in.
volved. fined pin.
Are the children of todav tho
cause or the reason for scores or
"out in
. We have read in the SDraaue column of the Oregon statesman returning veteran to h
f the piofcpective development on North Capitol street in Salem of the street?" Are (we) the veter- f,-,1" lASi
t1! trade center. According to Columnist Sprague a project U not entiUed to a family, MrsT jonnstettulr Tm:
"riiii twv uij.s.s ana to mciuae retail stores, a marKet,
a filling; station and generous parking space. After. this description
the writer continues:
While we all welcome the development criticism may be
voiced as to location. However, the majority of property owners
within the 300-foot limit have approved the change in. zone to
corcunertial. Th tract Is "kitty-corner" from the four-block
area -proposed for the capiUl building group, but the board of
control has interposed no objection.
J. Allen Lucas. 1st resident of rout
S. Salem, at a local hospital. May 21.
by Ms
and i
brother. Donald Lucas of Salem. Serv-
b held Tuesday. June S. at
the H owe U-Ed wards chap-
cancy, no children allowed." tag. Interment In the City View cem
inose were uie so familiar signs T
posiea everywnere during world
decent, respectable home and
Mir chance to work for a living? J! wm .
' Remember these signs? "no va- iirTrw.
war No, II. But are they gone
as yet?
As an example, a veteran after
several days of living in "skid
row" hotels, "dumpy" anartment
Le Moody, lata resident of SS2
High St.. at a local hospital. June 1
Survived by his mother. Mrs. Lulu
Moody Copeland of Salem, and i
brother. Glenn C. Moody ' of . Salem.
Services will be held at the Cloufh-
Barrick ehaDel Wednesday. June 4.
HlSt nvsr ItakU .I..Ii.Vl- m: ii . I at t .tO n m Interment in Belcrest Me
IB years .ago. In in January. 1937. This had to do with restrictions on 1-a i ' park
lMudnsg in the viamty of the state government center then pro- liveable dace to call hm Hiv
tZZTr.' PPved by the legislature. V KP rtn"
- 111 " veres , - IWMir IVft nTAfaVlsu1 t-M. U:s
I " --- w.-w-a twr unTD sub
This niece of new awaken IK. oa1Imi. fww noli. aumpy apartment Services will be held at th
A.tir tfLlMf!!!r ,f recoUectjop of recommen- houses and elsewhere of uninhsb- Bmck chapel Wednesday
daUon of the state capttol reconstruction commission made just over i table sheltersh. finally m,.ZZ t IM p.m. hnerment in B
Need distributors, various - territorte
Want men wh appreciske being m
boss and chance to earn S79 t SIMS
monthly. No penence
Thouaanda of merchants
are waiting for Anwnri'i ftrt
only, new) sensational. etetUte eomh-
nation anouse and reach traps, write
for free Information, taglewood Trap
Co . M! So. GrevlUe. lngiewood. Calit
Qeanod. and Moth fVooted
In Your Home
Phase Z73t
Those premCna fhot
bowses is) the
seass (saved eiojif
yoe mm KKTTCD POKMUU Howse
f oint. Thrt top qwoCry point Wos
vsioped In "she Honhwest tsa nree esJrsy
long peotechon wnder rtortWest weolher
condahons. . k
Howse Feird.
mi! r-r-er
I fW. rer mmm
Quarts .
Saieaa West
-asaBaa. -ase',, sSTsSSTBSSm----
ssSasTsSa! 0""
i I
eta- LTst -f
roe s mm - - t -v HI I
y-rf 111
$530 per ralkm ! 5 talltm loU
Jlarahan-Wella Store
203 Nwrtk Capitol
Soiem Art THe Co.
1C5S Partlaad ltd. PTaewe Btsaa
ber U 15571. New shipment ef
Ptreplaee Are he and Uearths.
Dralnbeavds A rUlhre. Tiles
John Bursik Riles
Set in Corvallia
Funeral services for ' John
Charles Bursik. Oregon State col
lege professor of agriculture who
died Monday In Corvallis. witr be
held at Keeney funeral chapel
there at 10 a. m. Wednesday. Con
cluding services will be held at
the cemetery in Melrose at p. m.
He was married in June, 1946.
to Dorothy LaFollette of Salem,
who survives.
Lawn Spraying
And rid your lawn of ugly
- Phcne 503
Batteries fee aU sexkes lieartag
Aids. OUriM lleartac Aid. ren
ter ef Salesa, 4t Cr SL PK
wool, pure worsted. 3 xs ; won
derful for patch quilts, repairing
torn clothes and darning. Hun
dreds of colors; sold by weight or
Joe's Upstairs Clothes Shoo 1
4X Stat Street
The new capital building and the other public buildings In
the vicinity, if theroup plan goes forward, will create a beau
tiful put lie censer in the city of Salem. These buildings will be
thereeert of many visitors to the city -and they will house during large numbers of state employes. Such conditions' always
leod to the development of business opportunities in the vicinity
and it is to be expected that private business will wish to take
advaatUce- of suds opportunities here. On the other hand, the
state slsMiId wish to control development in the Vicinity of this
gaseiwantut besdouerters so that the beauty and the dignity
f the-tKUing may be preserved and no values created that the
public will have : to pay in case further enlargement of the
public xrwinds i. desired. There 1 no reason why private inter
est aheuid be dvantaged by these developments. There Is every
reason -why the state, in the interest of aU the people and of
.the taxpayer whose contributions make these developments
possible should, control them. The commission, therefore, recom
inends the enactment by the legislature, if it is possible, and,
tf net -by the dty of Salem, of regulations severely restricting
devesefxner.t and property use within at least 1,500 feet in
- northerly direction from Court street, end at least 500 feet
to the east arid west of Summer street
wife and 3 very weary and sleepy
cmiaren into me new, cozy . 3
room apartment. The landlady
met them at the font door. She
said, "I'm sorry, no children al
lowed. I must refunJ your mon
ey." The lad said, "jusx a minute.
away. The landlady said, "where
are yon going?" Tm going to
knock these kids in the head and
take that apartment." "
Yes, it was an expression of
sarcasm, disgust and perhaps hate
toward the world. But, what was
there to do?
One other instance in this cap
ital city. We (two veterans) find
ing two nice new four rrxm hous
es vacant and for rent, apply for
toe-same. The owner and renter
said, have you any children. We
have, Mr. so and -so- said; "The
At th residence, rout 7. box 129.
Salem, June 1. LI wood Charles Mennls
at the age of as years. Husband of Eire
C. Mennis of Salem: father of Mrs.
Colene Lounsburf. of Portland: D. L.
Mennis of Manzeneta. Ore., and B. T.
Mennis. J. B. Mennis. J. C. Mennis. all
of Salem; and brother of Clyde Men
nut of Gervaia. Mrs. Cleo Kingman of
South Dakota and Mrs. Ols Burnhsm
of. Florid. Thro grandchildren also
survive. Services wiU be held Wednes
day. June 4. at 1:38 p.m. at the W. T.
Rucdon cheoel with -eancruding
ices in Belcrest Memorial park.
BnniG iiev7
fine CaipsyBag
O Cleans O Beslcres Iciiro
O Ecvivc j Cclcr O EditiPila
O Ilc-ealivcsx T7csl Htzn
Speriil rricei June 3rd-lClh
PwnUtor rpJaslsiery
. eUd
J7c per sl ft.
Ic per aa. ft.
Salem Dnraclcan Service
lav this city June 1. Julia Ann Marsh,
late resident of 1594 N. Cottage it., at
the age of S7 years. Mother of Homer
end William T, Marsh, both of Salem:
nd sister of Mrs. Betty Roberts ef
Klamsth Falls. Also survived by four
rrandchudren an four . xrest-grand
children, and one rt-rreat-granl-
rhild. Private services will be held
Tuesday. June L st I p.m. at th W. T.
Riedon chanel wih - ortvat eonciud
ing services in the IOOr cemetery. The
Rev. George H. Swltt wlU officiate.
. .. . I houses aren't large enouerh for on- In this city. Monday. June 2. Francis
recornmenaauon was rouowea 1 1 CQ11Di t don't haviT anvthin Marion Frsnklin. late resident of Sber
tortUnate if the proposed com- Father of A. W. Franklin of, To
We -do not know whether this
" N ' a' imi u win w univiiuiMW u mc uruposea . com-I umj . ... i. i raan. rauier oi v. w. raneun on i o-
mercial development detracts from the "beauty and the dignity of fffl Vd5Ibut -? hoVl!f i. J.
the setung of the group of sUte buildings that will ultimately
occupy the space planned for them.
The matter ia not one of Interest to the city of Salem alone.
AU rf -Oregon and every one of its citizens should be concerned
atxMJt aid jealous for the beauty of its state government center.
If the-buMntu has not gone beyond the point where the question
of restrM-tiorls cannot be gone into we hope that Salem Interests will
be able to influence the building of the new retail center to plan
their ptoject so-that It will, -so far possible, meet the amenities
ef the situation. llend Bulletin. - ;
tare lust too small.
We are living, five of us In a
i two room apartment and it is up
stairs where the children must be
watched every minute. Now I ask
you, are the children of today the
i cause or the, reason for the aver
age veteran's beinjjftHit in the
street" J .
We are working, we must do so
1 to provide even 2 rooms. We are
desto. Cllf. Announcement of services
by W. T. Rlgdon company
hatnes .v
In this city. Thursdav, May 19. Msry
Tlarner,. late resident of sulherllrt
Ore. Aunt of Mrs. Elizabeth F. Rchmitt
of Portland. Services will be Wednes-
dsv. June- 4. at S p.m. in th Metho
dist church at Sutherltn. under direc
on of the W, t. RKdon comnanv
The Rev. Earl Hounsel win offidsle
and interment will be st Valley View
Four Corners Beauty Shop
Open 9.-00 to 5:00 Dedly Efiwcfire June 2
II Years Experience In Beauty Culture
Shampoo and
Dr. E. E. Berisui
t .1
When glasses are necessary to your health, be sure at
ihe same time to get frames becoming , to your iac9.
Dignified Credit
XS3 Ceert
rrbene CSf
Oregon Drivers 1 1
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C0DEI1T S. FAIU1ELL. Jrsv of Sua