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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1947)
John Bums, Selby Frame. Eng aged M - Exciting news comes from the Onivertity of Oregon cimpui telling of the -engagement and roming marriage of Miss Selby frame to Sacramento, Calif., to John Taul Burris' son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Burrii of Salem. The newt w lint told Monday might at the dinner hour at the Pi. Beta Phi house when clever rrds.'hidden -under doilies dur irf the dessert course, reveal ed : the couple t betrothal ana wea i3ng day as August 2. V i Mint Frame, who hat often vis tied in the capital as theguestof I Mrs. William Shinn (Miriam j. Becke), is the daughter of Mr. and S Mrs. Dana Selby Frame of Sacra-! jnento. She. was a bridesmaid at i the Shinn-Becke wedding last fall. "The tall, blonde bride-to-be is a senior at the University of Ore goo and a Ft Beta Phi member. Mr. Burris is a Junior at the University of Oregon and his fra ternity is Kappa Sigma. He served tin the marine air corps at a first lieutenant ior fcur years, part of which time was spent overseas; Before enlisting in the marines he attended Compton and Santa Rota 'Junior colleges. " l ! The "couple's marriage will take 1 place at the Westminster Presby terian church In Sacrameritoi Mr. Burris and his bride will reside in Eueene next year, while both cor&plcte their education at the University of Oregon. i The WSCS ef the Leslie Metb- dist church will meet Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ted Rusell, 2095 S. Church street, with Mrs. C. W. Btacey at hostess. Mrs. A. W. Mrtzgrr 11 present .a devotional study on Stewardhip. Mrs. Mason Bishop will continue the review ef the book. The Portrait 4f a PUgrim." Mrs. Emil Stripling will preside over the business session. Mr. an Mrs. William MeGll s chrirt. Jr.. have returned from a ; stay along the Oregon coast They vuuted at Florence and Agate .Beach and were registered at Fin rvister lodge. Over " the weekend the McGikhrist's had as their guests their daughter and family, the peter Bucks of Portland. -. , noTimiG douii. 2f Small Payments Installs a Genuine - Pabco Roof U Ceart 8t Then) 1221 Are You Tormented With lUNtrvous Cranky, Weak Feelings? Then Msten-Lydla Z. Pinkhainli Vrretable Compound Is famous to rruevt cramps, headache, back ache and those nervous, reatless tired feelings, of such days when COtl Fl DEUCE " merited by CAREFULNESS We're proud of the coo5. dence reposed ia us by the leadioe Physicians of this community. We always have sought to merit that confi dence by maintaJninn tha '' highest etnical standards, and by dealing fairly with . the patrons directed to us. ' For that reason, your Physi cian may suggest that you . triog bis prescriptions here. ; WHletfs Capital Drug Store Cer. State Liberty . Phene II II Society .... Clubs Music... The Home CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY Silver tea Knleht Memorial -church parlor., t '-iO p.m.. toclal lUrnoon. St. Paul's guild meet at. St. Paul" Epifeopal pansa .house, one ojrlocli no btwt luncheon. - - Pythian Sister. : On tr alia No. It meet at K.- P. Hall; S p.m. hobo lunch. Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, business meeting, Salem Woman's club home, 7:30 p.rh. 1-nlie MHhorfift WSCS with Mrs. Ted Rumell. J09S S. Church St., 3 p.m. THURSDAY American Cold Star Mothers meet at VFW hall. S p.m. Pioneer Pont 149. American Legion,, p.m.. xegion nan. FRIDAY ! Florence Vail Missionary society meet at Calvary Esptist churchy 1 p.m. - -' A Dinner Dance The Rector's Coffee class of St. Paul's Episcopal church will en tertain : with an informal dinner tonight: at the parish house at 8:30 o'clock. Following the dinner " hour cards and dancing ' will be eWi joyed. : Mrs. Robert C. Cannon heads the committee in charge of arrangements and assisting are Mrs. Lester Carter, Mrs. William G. Phelps, Jr, and Mrs. Barbara Munjar; -. ' Attending will be the-Rev. and Mrs. George 11. ; Swift, Mest-rs, and- Mesdames Clarence HamiU ton, James C Stone, Homer L. Goulet,i John E. iHomer, Clay bourne Dyer, William G. Phelps, Jr., Robert C. Cannon, Lester Car ter, Loreri Ifkks. Harold Muhs, Richard Nelfson,, Stanley Neuens, Carl G Collins, E. Hansen, Ed Lewis, Mrs. Barbara Munjar and Mrs. Charlotte Bryant. Matrons to Attend Flower Glasses' A group of Salem matrons will motor fo Portland Wednesday to attend the lectures.and classes on flower . arrangements to be con ducted by Mrs. Dorothy Biddle, flower expert and garden club editor of ''Flower Grower," at the Unitarian church. Attending will be Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mrs. L. H. McMahan, Mrs. Lester Barr, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Miss Edith Schryver and Mrs. Walter H. Smith. In the evening the group will have din ner at the University club. - Nancy Manning celebrated her fifth birthday Monday afternoon at a party at the South Liberty street home of her parents, the Kenneth G. Mannings. A group of her friends enjoyed an after noon of games followed by birth day cake, and refreshments. : David Perry, son of the Leon Perrys, celebrated his sixth birth- cay Monday afternoon when a group of his neighborhood friends were entertained at an Informal party at the Perry home on Jef ferson street, ; : .A By 'PC Ql OD I C due to female functional monthly disturbances. A particularly fine thing about Pinkiuun's Compound is that taken reuularly this great medi cine helps build up resistance sutfclnst such symptoms. Just see 11 you. too, don't remarkably bene fit. Also a great stomachic tonic I Brides-elect, at : Parties ' Erides-clect are sharing in much entertaining during the bridal month cf June. Mrs. Douglas Parker will be hostess for a bridal shower Sat urday afternoon at the home . of her parents. Mr. and, Mrs. A. E. NclEon. on North Capitol street in compliment to her sister. Miss Geraldine NelrcrJ, who will be nuirried on June 14 to Robert Jahnke. , GUeits have been Invited-to a desf ert luncheon with an informal afternoon - following. A -miscel lanfou shower will fete the bride-to-be. Honoring Mis Nelson, will be Mef dames A. E. Nelson, Vivian Parker, Walter O.'borne, Geor?e Hanauska, Ralph Smither, R. J. Lewis of Bi Mings Montana, aunt of the bride-elect, Lloyd Griffiths, Misses Beuna St'wart. Margaret Jane Emmcnf, Joan Bartlett, Elaine Cloudy, Alice Rose, Bettv Iouie Kinkol?, Prtricia Mtn'fipid, Janie Methers. Marv Parker. Ca rols Hay. Jeanne DeMytt. Grace Shields, and Paty Schneider Miss Pleree Hostess- . Miss Barbara Pierce will be in Portland Wednesday when she en- tertcins at the home of her bro- Jher and sistcr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce, for, the oleasure of Miss Mar jorie I?liza- beth McLean, bride - elect of Charles Richard Wintermutel Mm Pierce has invltca yuests to a bridge luncheon and mfcel- laneous shower. In honor or mis McLean. i The couple s marrlaee will lake nlace on June 14 at Westminster Presbyterian church in Po-t'nd.. Min Pierce will be one of Miss Mr-Lean's brldermaidf . Th bride- to-be iff the daughter of Mr. and Mm. Allan McLean of Port'and. She is a eraduate -f the Univer sity of Oregv and a member of Alpha Phi. i Te Henorl Brlde-eiecl Mrs. Douelas Chambers and Mr. Oscar Spccht will be host ewes'for. one Vclock luncheon Wednesday afternoon at te for mer's bom In honor of Mr. SvbP Kennedy Mulder, Jure bride-elect of Lyle Specht Bridge will be in durin the ffiernoon. Bidden to honor Mr, Mu'der, who resides In Portland, are Mes dames Franklin Sterzel of Port- Jtnd. Ronald Blundell of Dnvlon. Warren Hunter of Dallas, Phillip Blake, Harvey Ronne, Cnrlton McLeod, Stuart Bush, Donald Dawron, Alan Slewert, Richard Chambers and Roger Quacken- Hostess Fete Mls Kaebler Mis Janette Kuebl-r. who will h married on JluW 8 to William Wheeler, was the honor euest at a large nre-ruotial nart Tuefdav nlht when Mr. Edward Soroed, Mrs, James L McAlvIn and Mrs, Charles A. Walln of Bend enter tained at the ' Salem Woman's clubhouse. Over 130 guests honored the bride-to-be with a micellaneou? shower. Mrr . John L. Wagner sang and Mrf O. S. W'olcott jeave a readin'. A late supper was served by the hostesses. The bride-elect'n grandmothers. Mr. Fred Kuebler and Mrs. W." L. Harris, presided at the . punch bowl and Mrs. George A. -Ar-buckle cut the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Panl B. Wallace had as , their holiday weekend guest, Miss Edna Sterling of Se Bound for 'Convention Mrs. Laura Johnson, resident Mrs. Laura Johnson, president of the Salem American Gold Star i Mothers; Mrs. Ben Lark ins, vice president; and Mrs. Ed Powers en trained Sunday for Long Beach, Calif., to attend the national Gold Star Mothers convention opening today with seasons through June 7. Mothers Are ' Honored t The Portland : Pi Beta Phi mothers of Willamette university entertained at luncheon Monday afternoon in compliment to the Salem Pi Beta Phi mothers. The affair was held at Ireland's on Lske Oswego. Attending rrom Salem were Mrs. Robert G. Brady, sr., Mrs. Homer Egan, Mrs. C. L. Carson, Mrs. Carl Schneider, Mrs. S. .C Huston, Mrs. Charles E. Strick lin, Mrs. Paul Weyrauch, Mrs Arthur " G. Upston, Mrs. B. F. Sehmoker, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs. Wayne Price, Mrs. Franklin Bishop, Mrs. H. H. Vandevort, Mrs. Stanley McKay . and Mrs George Bell of Stayton. Flittons to Fly South Mr. and Mrs. Brown E. Sisfon, theif son-in-law and daucfetcr. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Hilton (Mary Elizabeth Sisson), were in McMinnville Monday night to be Euets at a family dinner at the home of Miss .Estelle Sissori. The affair was also an au re voir party for the Flittons, who leave by plane Saturday for Los Angeles to make their home. ! Since Mr. Flitton's arrival from Hawaii several weks ngo they have been quests, at the SIsmhi heme. On' his return to the suites he received his release from the navy. . Other guests at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ben nett - and daughters, . Joan and Janice, and Mrs. S. S. Dow of McMinnville. Among those attending the "Ice Follies' Wednesday night will be Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hug, Mr. and. Mrs.. Emery Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and Mr. and Mrs, Asa Lewelling. Preceding the show the group will have din ner at the Aero club. Mrs. -M. E. Walters and Mrs. Erwin Bah I burg were among those at the "Ice Follies" Saturday night The calling committee ef St. Mark Lutheran church will meet for a covered dish luncheon on Wednesday at the church at 12:19 o'clock. In charge of Mrs. Joe Cook, Mrs. Geneva Isaacson and Mrs. Celine Hovde, This will be the last meeting of the group un til fall. Roberta "Miss Patricia Noble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CO. Noble, graduated Sunday, May 25, from University of Portland, College - of Nursing, St Vincent hospital. -She will continue her studies in Portland until Septem ber. The Merry Minders dub will hold its last meeting of the season Thursday afternoon at the home 6f Mrs. Earl Malm on Silverton highway. . At the last meeting showers were held for Mrs. Rob ert Pickerall and Mrs. Roy Bar ker. Scores of You Need IfiioQTQ iro Ult0 lO iilC Bidden to Luncheon Mrs. Homer Smith. Jr., will preside at a one o'clock luncheon on Thursday .afternoon ss &s rs of the Town South High street pleasure of members and Country club and a group of additional ruests. Guests will be seated at small tables with arrangements of sum mer flowers providing the decor-' aUve note. Contract bridge will ... r.mj .wv..... nntii Bidden ere Mrs G e o r g e A. i lloktf for the affaiV will be White of Portland. Mrs., Karl i members of the WSCS of the Ja Steiwer of Jefferson, Mrs. Uar- ;soo chulch. A11 members of ence Keene of Silverton, Mrs. the congregation ard friends of Homer Sm,th sr Mrs. Linn C. juhe smiths are invited to call be Srnith Mrs. Lamport. , tWr?cn 220 to 5 in the afternoon Mr Pce.W Byrd Mrs Wil-iand from 7:30 lo 10 0.clock m Siam McGilchnst, jr Mrs. Homer ' evening Goulct. sr, Mrs. Earl Sncll Mrs. rourinf ,n the l(UrnMin win ' .IVw T,mt th,be Mrs. Marie Putnam. Mrs. Roy Hub, and Mrs-Arthur A. Rogers. ! Livel Mrg c M- Robert, far, iiarry, , Airs, rioo- : ert E. Shinn. Mrs. Don.-ld C. Rob a m it. r ; m u ?LflVZ i , v." ' Dick Batdorf. Miss Loretta Wil Mrs. J. I Franzen Mrs. Ralph iams and Mi Shirley Durand. r 'SffiTt J?1""-, ?Cl ' Assisting will be Mrs. Glenn Lar- hsh,31rs. Douglas McKay. Mrs. kin Mr, Rribert Klfmpfli Mr, Charles A. Sprrgue and Mrs. A s Dark Mry j Williams, i . f eg" Mn Carl Carlson and Mrs. E. City, additional guests. j ueuber. Mrs. George Pro will be i-i O 1 the door. X" OriTier OQlm I During the evening hours Mrs. Girl io Wed Ar former Salcmirl. Miss Je- anne Ellen Elliott, is leaving by plane June 10 with her brother. James, for Chicago where her marriage to !Al King will take place. The bride-elect is now vis iting in the capital at the. James E,, rjf?m'. Miss Elliott attended schools in Leavenworth, Kansas, and grad uated from Salem high school. She attended .Santa Monica jun ior college and the University of California. During the war she was employed at Douglas Air craft She is a well known musi cian, playing the violin and bas soon. Mr. King, who; has been prom 1 n e n 1 1 y identified with name bands and radio shows through out the country, is row manager of the Jerk Fina orchestra at the Palmer House in Chicago. Yemarcoe will be entertained at a 1:15 o'clock dessert luncheon this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, 573 State man street Art$ting hoftcsc will be Mrs. L. S. Covert Mrs. Charles E Bates. Mrs. Lee M. Unruh and Mrs. Hertzol. .." Spending the holiday weekend at their beach home at Neskow in were Mrs. Frank Spears and Mr. and Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and daughter. Franca. They had as their guests. Mrs. William H. Lytle, Miss Rosalie Dalke and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burrell. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kibbe have returned from Seattle where they spent the holiday weekend with his daushter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. 'Frederick E. Eley (Dor-j othy Kibbe). While there they j took a trip to Granite Falls. Mr., and Mrs. Paul BronSkill of Portland were visitors in Salem ; Sunday &t the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Murphy. Chadwick Chapter. Order of Eastern Star, will meet in regular session tonight pI the Masonic temple at 8 o'clock. S&ahA M7 MIDSUMMER CATALOG The Newest Merchandise at Sears LOWEST PRICES! Reductions That Wilt Amaze You Summer Specials Right . Now . . . 484 Stale Si. 173 8. Liberty St Honrs: 9 a. m. to 5:3t . m. Pally a. as. to p. so. Friday Frern Pertlaad eesnea sewi ef the birth of a daughter, Cheryl, on May IS to Rep. and Mrs. Rudie Wilhelm. jr. at the Emanuel hos pital. 'Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rudie Wilhelm and Mrs. R. O. Pray. Mm. Wilhelm is the for mer Betty Pray. The Wilhelm were in Salem during the last ses sion of the legislature. Reception to Fete Smiths The Rev. and Mrs. S. Raynor I cmi,h will h hrH ik.;. 25th wcdding anniversary Thurs- ,day aitemoon and evening at an i . . t airari nntteai as ih mm. M Robert Forkner. Aitln in the dining room will be Mrs. 9 Davis, Mrs. J, L. Batdorf. Mrs. irreeman rnipps. Airs. u. j. Lear, Mrs. H. W. Irvin and Mrs. C. A. Clir will nnur. In the dinine , room wiu te Miss Shirley Lively. Look t S V """Mk MOfAOM flavor J Nationally Known Ed Hamilton Furs This Fur Values Buy Next Winter's Fur Coat NOW! And Save ... DYED OFPOSUM Was SI 50 RUSSIAN SAND WEASEL Was $270 - DYED SKUNK- . Was $250 RUSSIAN SQUIRREL LOCKE Was $235 - HOLLANDER DYED NORTHERN MUSKRAT BACK Was $480 now $325 NATURAL MINK FAW Was $340 RUSSIAN ERMINE Was $500 DYED SQUIRREL SCARF Was $90 Tax Included in above prices Free storage until fall STORAGE: a Modern storage at the lowest prices! Restyling, repairing, rleajitnf Ed Hamilton's complete fur the premises! In event you don't knoV furs, Ed Hamilton .furs are guaranteed Miller's The Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Tueeday, June 3. 157 3 Miss . Odell Johnson and Mrs. Bonnie Wilson. Assisting will be Mrs. Elmer McKce, Mrs. FL West tby, Mrs. FJva Duncan. Mrs. Har ry Gillette. Mrs. Leo Haskinsand Mrs. A. E. UUey. . Patsuig the ruest book will be Miu Jewel Br ink ley. During the open house musical numbers will be iven by Mrs. J. Brink ley, Mrs. L. Yonkcr ind Corydcn Bl5dgctt. SUveHeav Mku Kaweaa Mar tin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Martin, will become the D"de OI Jm Aoeu, son or . wr. M1JU WUCUI nixii, UIIV . 9 o'clock nuptial mass at St. Paul's Catholic church. Miss Mar tin was employed af SL Bene- Now Showing -Small Gallery DRAWINGS MENALKAS SELANDER Popular Portland Artist ELFSTROM Art Galleries THIRD FLOOR 340 Court, Salem Ahead Season Greatest new 55 . -. by fur experts! service all on $125 S - Jiovr JUS . - now $155 A 7 e3' now $525 j now $995 new 545 'J diet's print shop In ML Ar.gel fe aeversJ years. . - " - . . I i ' : 1 ' r ' 1 . I . ' ' . a. ' f A he V-4 Crwn J 'nm O. r tmm a- iWanrttn AT T0UI FAVOtfTX STOIC ! Here! Win fur taxes be duced this year? If they are . . Ed Ha milton's win. at ot true date, refund amy tax yci (nay hare paid! I' X. 1 S JL