Tho Slate smcnu 3cJein. Orecjon. Saaday, Jaao 1, 13473 Mid-Willamelle.Vallcy News .X- 1 UvtyUav-Funeral services for I Ole O. DW. 83. will be he'd Mon ' . day at 2 p7o, lrom the Immanuel Lutheran churcnwith, the. Rev. S. , pi- Almlie olficiaSm. Burial -will I "be in Valley View cemetery. Dahl i died Thursday night at -the home ! of hi son. Anton Dahl. He come ""Aj to Silverton 40 year ago. . Scetts Mills Six graduates from the Scott Mills eighth graed received their diplomas at a spe- jcial 'program at the Odd Fellows hall. They were Elmer Pownall, Ruth Boyes," Mike Fishe, James Ballard, Glenn Martin and ELoy Berquist As Scotts Mill? no long er has a high school, students arc ' attending Molalla. Those to be graduated from there next week include Dorothy Quail, Henry ' Splonski and DeLane Fry. . ' Hilverton Hills Mrs. 'John : Keinhart -visited her husband at Emmanuel hospital last week and reports that - he has . improved enough, to be moved into a general ward. Reinhart lott a leg and suf fered internal injuries in a logging accident here a few weeks ago. Bethany Mrs. Steward Mc Oure, who has taught here for a number Of years,' will not teach this coming year but instead will . attend school at ' Mt' Angel col lege, working toward : her degree. . She plans to return to teaching in - 1948.' Bethany school was clesed Xor the summer , this wetk. V . . , . Wilde Bills Mrs. John J, Doerfler is visiting for several -eeM at the home of her daugb ier. Mrs.: Marvin Brunoldv in Sac . runento. She will return in early cummer. : ; . : : --'v SUrtB Mrs. Audreyann Mor ley, who laught in SiJverton Hills this past ear, has accepted a po . aition as i seventh grade and art " teacher here for next term. Her aon, Lamar, will enter the Stay ton high school. '.-' . ' SUTerloB-ersie Small is ex pected home by plane this week from Mercy hospital in Chicago ... i where she has been employed as ' dietician. She is . planning on a . month's vacation at the home of her parent, the Hugh Smalls. SUrrrt Mrs. Helen Burier his sold her home dh Veat Main street to Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Fiiher of Minot, K. D. Mrs. Burier., who came to Silverton from Corvaliis a year : ago, plans to move fntoT an apartment WaMe Hill Mr. and. Mrs. Otto Dickman and daughter, Patty, are vacationing at DcLake. During . their absence from the farm, their son, Robert, , and his wife re taking care o chores. - ; East Salem Mr and Mrs. John woodburn of Lancaster drive are apending a few days at the home of their sort. Harold Woodburn nd fsmily in Seattle, ML Ahgel Mrs. N. O. Mickel and Mrs. eietus Butsch were Joint - he s 'leases at a faridp raHv h Micxel home last Tuesday with five tables of cards in play. Prizes i were won by Mrs. Frank Nelsius, 5 Mrs. C. J. Ebner, Mrs. Frank , Aman and Mrs. It. O. Appleby, SUvertoB Ramona chapter-of Eastern Star fco. , 58 . will meet Tuesday .afternoon at 2 o'clock t the home of Mrs. W. R. Toml on. Co-hostes?es are Mrs. Har lan Loe, Mrs. Edward Miller and Mrs. Arnold Burier. H Swegle Tuesday, June J, Swe S jfle Woman's club will meet at 1 Vdock in the home of Mrs. Louis -" W ewma on Garden road," Kelxer High school graduates Who belong to the First Evangeli cal United Brethren chuurch were Iuests for dinner at the home of Ir. ind Mrs. Nick Le Rud, Kei er, district. Attending were Ilaine Rjggs, Mary Berglond, Carl 3ech, Ray Jfash, Hollis Hilfikerr F-hfford , Klemon, Ray Munger, Glen Le Rud. the Rev. and Mrs. Wiljner N. Brown, the Rev. and r:, George Millen, Lome and Phyllis Le Rud and the hosts. A H Pacific Excavalicg Company Leroy E. Crote POWER SHOy ELS . BULLDOZERS - TRUCKS rboae 87SS - Salem, Oregon Basements - Roads - Canals - Dltchei - Levellnf , Robert Praner, SupL EARTH ' Phone 3456 MOVING m , Ct Service ca Easy c? ' A also A ". Service far Olher Hakes APPLIANCE & FURNITURE i . , 260 SUte Salem 4 - Phone 9149 'I For Sale by Owner ; In Lonnar Ileighls Addition 1 Black West of Commercial, st South of Doyt 35 Large Choice Lois Very desirable location, close to two schools. Salem's Sooth Side Illgber Deration. . - Liberty Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Hftbbs were hosts Wendesday' at a birthday party for their son, Howard Attending the affair vere Gary and Carol Arisman, Delores McClelland, Bob and Bill Echalk, ; Shirley Bingenhelmer. Dnvid Breedfeve, Denny, Joel and Loren Blaco. Charlene Tucker and Bobby and Howtord Hobba. Dallas A. large group of mem bers and friends gathered at the .Presbyterian church ,f or a fellow ship dinner Wednesday night Circle C was the hostess circle, following t the dinner, Mrs. Nell McLean . from the Westminster Foundation on -the Oregon State college campus, r spoke of the work being done among the stu dents and especially for the GIs and families. Silverton Dorothy Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris Thompson, was at Portland Thursday taking an entrance ex amination at Emanuel hosnital tnr entrance to a student nurse course next autumn. Miss ' Thompson wjijjhs graduated from the Silver ton high school - Wednesday. s - Dallas Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Farmer of .Salem announce the birth of a son, William Wayne, at me uaiias hospital, May 2S. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Eisele of onerimn ai xne uauau nospital Mar 27. Mr. nf Mn Wank Dumbrasky of Sheridan announce w uuui vi son, nonaia r ranjc, ine Ltiuaa nospital May 28. Silverton Mir. and Mrs. Frank McKinney of LaGrande were guesu of Mrs. Ed Gunderson. Mrs. Gunderson and. Mr. McKjn ney are sister and brother. Mrs. McKinriey is a former resident of the Silverton community, at that time beine martipd in n, Kinney, a brother bf her present nusoana, wno died while they lived here. ShcWt tana in 1908 and later moved to i-auranae. She called on several oldtime friends while here. The McKinnevs' left : fnr thi vn. Saturday. Mrs. Gunderson, who as oeen quite m, is reported somewhat improved; , ' ; Silver Falls State Park One of the larffer Sunrlav nl-ni wa. made up of girls and boys of the Homenukers and Future Farmers of America. Mill i$ by far the MOST IMPORTANT and MOST USED of all , Because of the Importance of your eye- ; Jflhl to you, it is best be sure your eyes art 'm perfect condition et oil f. times. Come in for on ex ' ominotion .:' now. Moke urt. Don't guess. ; - ClASSCS ON TERMS BDOUII'S OPTICAL SERVICE Sinee 1KI i Uberty Court 8t U- XZk:.r. J eco : It's a tradition with Sally's to observe its anniversary with a feast of savings for you! Here are twelve : exceptional values from every department of the store . in apprecia- tipn of your patronage and good-will over the' years since our founding in 1935! Come tomorrow ... early! Shon and save! . ' Sorry!!!; . i .... .. f . j All Sales Final. No Exchanges or .' Refunds Valuei 34.75 vjssysssSjtV. Valuos 39.75 Valuos 19.75 x On. group V01U.S-IO :3 EWK,.,.v.v:.VKi J'Xv.'.v.VvX'XvX'l ?:::i$g:S$: x-X'X"X-X:":"x-X"t SixS? 2?x:Wix-:; :$;$x:xMxx' wmmmm yyyyy&yx&yyysW wy-rtyyyyyyyyysyyy. vyy.-y.W'yy-yyyyyyy. XvX".v.x.XvXvX &yyyyyS-yyy:&s.v. ?y:yyyyyyxyyyyyyi fcyyyyyyyyyyyytfX mmmm- " : . - Y . . - mm to Values to ; 45.75 00 to Valuos to .45.75 to Valuos to'. 24.75 SoToral Groups Slightly r fc3 Values to : 19.75 IB One Group Values to 10.98 Values Ao cli.Bl. tobn 9109S Values to 49.Z5 til Valuos to 49.75 Valuos to 29.75 Higher 4.99 n Henri Bendel Values to 7.98 ' Values to 10.98 ALL Valaes to 10.93 i Values to 4.98 8 DEGIIiS I10IIDAY 0 1 I Tr2 IS 1 1 1 99 -u1 WOOL FLANNEL Bli ut3 i '.... V.. mmmmi. mmmm viilllll iiliill 111 llllli f : x--:v:yX- . . f f:::::ft::-:-:-:-:v: f:-:.vvXv:::;::- 0 :'-:::x-x-:-:-Xx.-. ?i:::X:::X;::::X:;:: 4 L. Y7. Dalh '&yyy&&&idtei .:f.X:.:. I9t Jerri SUeet Telephone CS4S