The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 31, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    I The) Statesman. Salem. OryoflScrturday. Mary 31 1947
G000 See Cal Drivers
Dominate 'Rod' Races
Am overflew throne t( MH ' whDe roandinr the final tarn
: sate ' racing customers Mt la and finishing up on what was
Maestro Jlmmie Ryan's het rod left as the tbronr "gasped? Win-
? program at the fairground yes-;
terdar. and. so far as all were
eoaeerned the meeting was.
strictly an all-California affair.
to Los Angelinos, Jatk Mc
Crath and Manuel Avulte, drtv
Inr llo V'li with enough
horses under the hoods to more
7eung raoantaln took home
the larger prizes, Jt as they did
Jast Sunday In Portland when
they set a new trsek record for
the Portland speedway. Me
Grsth -won the Cists A 20-Up
asain event by nosing out Aynllo
and also snatched the three-lap
helmet dash earlier In the day.
Arslle noted out McGrsth for
honors In the fire-lap first heat.
Portland. Driver Don Moore,
the best northwest operator oa
the dust-spatterr dpval all day
hot herding- not enough automo
bile to keep sp with the Califor
nia its, finished second in the hel-
rt romp, third In the first beat
and a solid third In the Class A
mainer aespiie tnrewingr a wheel
So lo n s S p
As Wilson CEiucEis 8-3 Win!
Oaks onTop
Bevos 'Rained'
By the Associated Press ;
Thofe surging Oakland Oaks,
doormats in the first few weeks
ef the Pacific Coast league race,
fclt the other extreme yesterday
as they waltzed into first place by
taking a Memorial day . double
bonder from tho Hollywood Stars,
9-1 and 3-2, while the erstwhile
leaders, the Los Angeles Angels,
. "were dropping two to San Fran
esco's Seals, 10-8 and 8-2. It ran
the Oiks1 streak to five straight
Yer the sagging Stars. Sacramen
to and San Diego split, the
Padres taking the; opener, 12-6,
-nd dropping the finale, 7-1," as
Gay Fletcher twirled a five-hitter
for the Solons.
The Portland-Seattle twin-bill
ot Portland was rained out"
OillT ool 000 100 0001 1
Oakland - : 000 040 10 1
Keacigno. Caster ( and Sheely;
Soriano and Ra intend!.
S InnUvct I
. ooo ooi 101 4 1
on ooo ot a t a
Orphan. ; Yayllan (1) and Cameron;
Ruxlon and KMtM.
Su rranewco 100 144 000-10 IS 1
Lorn Anfeln 141 100 010 S IS 1H
werte. sewara fl Urn 40) and
I nurd. Osrodowtki ' : Lynn Baker
t. - riming it), Palica tl) and
ataione. '
San rrancUco 0MJ 030 1 J T 1
Xjfm Anfotas .. 000 SoO O 8 f 0
Moltoa and Gladd. Ofrodowski (I) ;
Boucrm, Oaborn (3) and EamL '
Cocramenio . oM 400 001 IS I
AWn !! OtiS S30 14 IS IS 0
A. Ewnitfe, Hrril Cronin )
nd rrnndoa. rtugorald; Treictoat,
SCorrtgan 44) and Kerr.
eocrsmento 1 Ml 622 87 1
ao Otero oio one o l i o
ntdwr and Tcrnaad, Fitxaeraki;
X ni iiy . Mulliiin 5 Dumlcr (,
Seota tS) and Ric.
SGC Divbters
Slate 'Stakes
With Men's' club activities can
celled Thursday night because of
the Memorial day observance, lo
cal swingers major business for
the week will be a Sweepstakes
;t&urney over the 18-hole route
Sunday. .
The second half of the Salem--Corvalli
.home and home com
petition, originally? scheduled for
this weekend, has been postponed
Indefinitely. Two local squads
t with the Benton county
dhoters last week, i
Jackets Slit
With Victoria
By the Associated Press
The WIL league-leading Bremerton-
Bluejackets were halted
temporarily last night by the Vic
toria Athletics in their holiday
twin-bill but came hack in the
nightcap, behind Hub Kittle, to
rack a 9-0 win. The As took the
Opener, 3-1. It was Kittles second
'straight shut-out performance,
'and set the Tart margin at 5 '4
games over the runner-up Spo
kane Indians who defeated Yaki
ma, 7-2. The 'Spokes and Yaks
battled to a 7-7 tie in the second
ttilt of their twin go. Tacpma's Ti
fers whipped Vancouver, 5-3, in
.their initial contest, but bowed,
. 9-3 in the nightcap.
Vancouver I w 010 1103 7 3
Taeoma L
, ooo 200 5 a a
and Stumpf : . Morsan.
Creervaw if) and Clifford.
. Vancouver , 610 100 1 13
mma 003 000-03 3
- Jonas and Stumpf; Sabutis, OUson
- 15 and Kuper.
Fpokane 008 312 07 12 1
. YikuM 011 000 0 2 1
and Bufflap Ward and
. 001 200 2207 13 t
laknna . .000 2004237 10 1
Latino and Bufflap; Strait, Brysch
ft) and Ptullipa. . '
Tjctorxa 010 000 J024-3 2
.-remertoa. .100 000.00 1 S 0
MrtcbeU and Ansie- JogTuton and
Tolpi. , - -
Vic-aria z 000 000 0000 I S
Bremerton 002 042 10 0 7 0
Prior.' fortier 451, Gib-on (S) and
Kitke and Ronnlng.
'". 3-cKiiiley CHimb Set
ANCHORAGE. Alaska, May 30
rJPt-CrrjiRg 90 pound" packs,
ihree University of Alaska Etu
clents started an attempted ascent
45X lofty Mount McKinley yester-t
The' three are veterans of the
mountain troops in the northern
Italy campaign and estimate they
can xnke the climb in 30 days.
nine time for the Clan A mainer
was 10:26.82. It was held np for
a second start when three ears
cracked tp In the Initial try. No
on was Injured.
CUm ft main event winner
was Len Kuttoa of Portland who
negotiated the It laps In 5:44.03.
Second was Don Turner and
third Bob Gibson.
Moore's feat of coming heme
on three wheels wasn't the only
thrill of she day provided by the
3ft cars ' and ' their pilots. Two
buggies required attention froro
the numerous fire and crash
wag-tins present and two of the
three Involved In the amashup at
the start of . the Class mainer
were scratched. In the qualify
Inc romps' McGrsth had the best
time oj :28.77. followed closely
by Ayullo's 1.22. Moore was
clocked In iZ9.ll. 1
Ryan Sunday presents top
flight motorcycle races at the
track, beginning with time trials
at 1 p.
I i t with Chiefs
9 t
II EKE MONDAY: Mgr. Jim Tar-
ner . (abore) and his Portland
Bearers will visit Waters park
Monday might for the annaal
oxklblUoa game with the Sa
lem Senators. Former . major
learoef Turner asay N do the
pitching for the Portlands who
have am their elnb former So
lano Goorgo Vloo, Dick Wen
er and Roy Belser. Tlekcto for
the game art bow oa sale at the
ball park and at Maple's.
.PORTLAND, May 30 -OP)- The
Oregon AAU championships vffH
attract some 200 track and field
athletes from 23 schools and col
leges hero tomorrow.
Fullerton, Ashland high's speedy
miler, will attempt to cut the 4:20
time he made Jn last year's AAU
coo teat. Another feature of the
meet will bo Los Steers In the
high Jump. Steers, who holds the
world high lump record of 6 feet
11 inches hut has been out of
competition since prewar days, is
training for
a try, at the 1948
Olympics. .
Big 9 Chiefs
Sntib Spartans
CHICAGO, May SO -tfV The
western conference, prodded by
a membership bid from Michigan
State college, today asserted the
Big Nine had Mno deposition to
enlarge at this time. The sen
timent was expressed In an in
formal poll of conference ath
letic directors after President
John Hannah of Michigan State
personally backed his school's
long . standing bid for member
ship. Baseball's
G Ab B Pet.
Walker. PbOliea - 33 122 17 45 JOS
Slaughter. Cards 38 138 22 49 J5S
Mize. Giants 34 122 30 43 J53
McQuinn, Yankees 33 117 15 41 -50
Dillinger. Browna 3S 149 22 82 .349
Boudreau. Induna 29 100 17 37 -40
Buna batted In: National league
Torseaon. Braves So. Manna IL Giants
30, Mute, jjSianta 27. American -league
wiinama. Red sox is. j.euer. i an
kees 27. Kennedy. White Sox 23.
Home runs: National league Mize,
Giant- 13: Torgeson. Braves t. Miller,
Reds t. American league Williams.
Red Sox 11. Keller. Yankees 10, Cor
don, Indians s. Muuin, Tigers s.
Rose Race
-iiP)-Tragedy" rode the bricks of
the Indianapolis --Motor Speed
way today , with the death of s
veteran driver as Mauri Rose,
Chicago, trinjnphed 1 over a
teammate by seconds In winning
the 31st renewal of the 500-mile
i automobile classic. Rose. 41, was
co-winner of the 1941 race with
Floyd Davis. It was his ninth
start In .the event
The triumphant winner, a
grand little guy with a short
black ' mustache," dramatically
snatched the lead from Bill Hol
land of Bridgeport, Conn-, with
less than 17 miles to go. Hol
land. 39. a dirt track veteran,
making his first apeparance at
Tangle Today
f -" ( Ti "
fmrntt. yen ti'mt3k aaa T' ' ' ' '
"a :'
L:i J
WSC STAR: Distance man Dick
Paeth of Washington State's
strong and undefeated Cougars
will be a strong; threat for both
the mile and 2-mile gallops In
, today's northern division track
classic at Seattle. Paeth was
, half-mile champ last year as a
freshman. f
Wyatt Drops
WENATCHEE. May 30 -(Spe
cial )-Going the route for the first
time tqi season and in doing so
turning, in a right smart perform
ance. Manager Jack Wilson tonight
hured the Salem Senators to an
8-3 victory over the Wena tehee
Chiefs in the first game of a
Memorial day twin bill. The
Chiefs came back to grab the
night-cap, 7-5, with Southpaw
Kenny Wyatt the losing Solon
Manager Jack.- in chalking un
his second mound win of the cam
paign, against no losses his Ini
tial triumph was in a relief role
permitted the Wena tehees but
seven blows, whiffed two and
walked but two. A couple of the
uruefs' knocks, however, were
homers, one by Ted Greenlaugh
in the first inning and the second
by Mel Wasley with a mate
aboard irf the third. That- was
the extent of the Chief scoring.
The solons meanwhile pound
ed 11 hits off the home club's
Osborne including a first-frame
circuit wallop by Mel Nunc and
en identical belt by Joe Skeber
In the 4th with man on which
started off a four-run Salem ex
plosion in that frame and put
ine tut away.
Although the Solons were hand
ed IS walks by Tom Rose In the
nightcap they could gamer but
four hits off him and Joe Vi
valdi, while the - Chief! were
nicking Wyatt for seven and be
Ing aided by Solon miscuos. Lou
Kublak singled in the iniUal Sen
tor tally in the 3d and Al Spa,
ter's double accounted for an
other in the 4th. Rose' wlldness
produced two In the 7th, with
Marty Krug whacking across the
final tally for the. Wilsons with
a double in the sth. It wai Wyatt'a
intra ios against six wins.
The Salems' position In the
standings remains unchanged as
a 'result of the split. The teams
meet again tomorrow night.
Krug 1 4 7 II AbHPA
Spaeter 1 4 0 3 3 Greenh e 4 1 1
Nunes 4 S 1 1 SlWmter r 3 18 0
Skeber r S
Kublak I 8
Burners t 2
Beard d 3
Bartol a 3
Wilson p 8
3 0 O Wl.y a s 8 3 s
2 3 o'Andrade 13 1 S 0
1 I 0 Darr ISIS
1 I 0 Willim I ilil
t S'Haakall a 8 0 1 4
1 1 OPmuI 3 14 0
I Oaborn d 2 0 O 0
iWarnr 1118 0
IDalrmp p 1 0 0 0
ToUla 34 1121 ! Totals 24 7 21 f
Salom 104 012 0
Wenatchee .. . : ; 102 000 0
Runs batted in: Nunes 1. Green
halgh. 1. Skeber t. BartolomaiM J,
Wasley i, Krug 2. Wllaon 1. Two base
hits: Waaler 1. Andrade 1. Home runs:
Nnuea I. Greenhalgh, Skeber 1. Waa
ler 1. Double playa: Haakell Waaler.
Andrade Gartolomei, Spaeter Krug.
Nunes Spaeter Krug, Krug Spaeter
BartolomeL Left on oaaes: Salem 12.
Wenatchee 4. Base on balls off Wllaon
2. Oaborn 7. Struck out by Wllaon X.
Oaborn 3. HiU off Oaborn fat 1 Inn
ing 11. Winning pitcher: Wilson. Loa
ing pitcher: Osborn. Umpiras: De
Haney and McDoa. Time of game 1:25.
(Second game)
Salem 001.100 810 4 8
Wenatchee 230 018 01 t 18 1
Wyatt and Beard; Rose, Vivaldi if)
and Dalrymple. .
Some Rowin
JSILATTLE, May 30. - &) - The
Washington - freshmen, who crea
ted a sensation last Saturday with
their Impressive victory over Cal
ifornia's freshmen on Lake Wash
ington, caused another stir today
when they beat three varsity
crews in two-mile time trial.
INGLEWOOD, Califs May 10
VP)- Olhaverry .'of the Pan de
Azucar stable flashed to victory
in the $50,000 rofle and one
sixteenth Argonaut handicap to
day at Hollywood park.
Victor as Tragedy Hits
hoar. This was the second fast
he Speedway, led for 25S miles
until 'the flying Rose overhauled
him On the south turn on the
4S3rd mile . and streaked on to
victory. -'
The driver who met death was
aa Indianapolis man. William
(Shorty) Caution, who had
been racing for many years.
, The spectacular duel between
Rose and Bill Holland, his
teammate, was witnessed by a
crowd In excess of 125,000.
Rose, who made only one pit
stop of Sv minute and 40 seconds
for a tire change, covered the
perilous 500 miles In 4:17.52:17
to average 116.338 miles an
ND Trackltcrs
Seattle, May 3-w-On
the basis of the season's dual
meet performances, Washington
State college Is favored by a slim
margin over Washington In to
morrow's Northern dlvklon
track and field meet In which .
there. Is a prospect of only one
meet record being threatened.
The only 1147 dual meet per
formaaeo good enoogh to break,
a diwiaion meet record waa by a
member of the Oregon team,
which Is weakened for tomor
row's meet by Injuries, George
HasmMsson, an Oregon fresh
man, pole vaulted Is feet X
Inches against Oregon Slate,
, which exceeded by an Inch the
Caps Thump Stars
On Dnauguraly 13-3
SaWm's Capitols' inaugurated the hew. Myrtle Bowl before 1000
fans in 'slam-bang style last night by. lambasting the traveling Oak
land Colored Tigers 13 to 8. Off to an ll-lead at the end of the
third inning, Long Lee Fallin tossed the Caps to the 'win and was
touched for only eight hit?. Hei
fanned eight also. . The Cap
smashed 19 assorted wallops4 off Milt Poole.
vThe Caps christened the bowl !
with three runs in the first in
ning when Wally Flager walked,
Al Lightner singled and Woody
Salmon smashed a mighty home
run over the right center wall.
Five more runs in the second in
ning and three in the third raited
down the struggle for the Caps,
much to the delight of the cus
tomers. Leading hitters of the game
were second baseman Earl Hamp
ton, with 4-for-S, Lightner with
4-for-,v Flager with 3-for-5 and
Salmon with another single be
sides his homer. Ollie Williams,
Johnny Oravec and Leo Shinn
also had two hits, as did Fallin.
' The Caps play McMinnville in
a State league game at the bowl
Sunday night; 8:15 o'clock. Red
Miller is scheduled to hurl for
Oakland '. 103 300 002 8 8 2
&alem ' 3A3 OiO 01 13 IS 3
Poole and McDonald; Tallin and
Local Juniors
Tip Gresham
Paul Rolling's Capitol Post No.
9 Legion ball club racked up ts
second straight win In District -2
play yesterday with a 7-3 decision
over Gresham at Waters park.
Combining the four-hit 11
strikeout hurling of Bob Funk
with some clutch hitting, .ind
enemy miseries, the locals put the
tilt away as early as the fourth
inning. The Rollings hammered
over a pair In the first via a
walk and singles by Kleen and
Glenn and clicked for one in each
of the next two frames. The C-Ps
regis tared two more In the fifth
as Glenn singled and Dover
walked, both scoring on Funk's
triple. One in. the Sth wound up
the winners' sco remaking.
The Groahams picked up, one
in the 2nd on Bingham 'i double
ft A 1.4 ItaKi a jI asA a
mM W t TV 1 Vt VllVIIVPa OS I JU lltBI I
oni Kd,rufrotJ. UUlM U
The locals next engage Milwau
kit there Sunday at 2:80.
Oreaham . Oio sno O-J 4 I
alm . . in otl rJjy
flotoerta and rraniu, aiolta U)
Funk and ruuck.
50 Americans
Await 'Stahes
DUBLIN, May 39 -(if1)- Pretty
Irish nurses drew II United
State Uofceta today oa the
14,822,180 Irish hospital diamond
Jubilee sweepstakes on the Eng
lish derby. It was one of theJ
lowest showings by American
ticket, holders on record. Seven
tickets from New York were oa
three of the first four favored
horses, giving the holders the
best eh-unce for prises ranging up
to 1100,808 for $2 when the race
k nut at Epsom Downs Jane 7.
A ticket on the winning horse
pays S 100.800, second place $40,-
00 and third sper 20,000.
Britons Out
30.-A--kHith Africa knocked
England ut of the 1947 Davis
cup competition today when Ktic
Sturgess and Eustanco Fannin
combined to defeat A. J. Mottram
and Geoff Paish 6-1, 4-6, 2-6, 6-3,
6-4 in the doubles.
EVANSTON, 111., May iOHJP)
Superbly balanced Illinois began
its team title defense with 16 qual
ifiers and shot putter Charles Fon
ville of Michigan made two rec
ord breaking tosses in the trials of
the Big Nine outdoor track and
field meet today.
est raee in Speedway history,
being eclipsed only la 193S when
the late Floyd Roberts aver
aged 117.2 miles an hour. Rose
finished exactly 22 seconds
ahead of Holland, with Ted
Horn of Paterson, N. J trail
ing la third place, two and one
half minutes behind the winner.
'Cliff Bergere, 50-year-old To
ledo, O- veteran, was fourth.
Only 12 ears survived the pun
ishlng grind.
Caution lost his life try
ing to avoid a collision with
Holland, as Cantlon was. tearing
around the two and one-half
mile brick coarse on his 100th
Clash Today
dlvblon meet record set by Ore
gon's George Varoff In 1939.
Washington's track and field
aces, on the basis of the sea
son's performances, should lead
they pack In first plares, but
Washington SUte's undefeated
team boasts well-rounded
jr Washington, strong in the dia
taneo raeea, will bank marh mt
I la hope on the hurdle where
CapU Ljrle Clark will clash wlthl
van levruen , or Montana ror
the first time this season.
The bis-team field Include,
the two Washington and two
Oregon schools," Idaho and Mon
tana; WIL.
W L Prt. w t, Pet.
Bremern 32 14 696 Tacoma 23 22 .811
Spokane 23 II .Mil Vancourr 18 24 .413
Victor I 28 20 558 Yakima 12 28 Sun
Salem 25 21 SO Wenalche I3 33 3SO
Last niahl'a rmilli: At W match.-
3-7. Salem S-5. At Bremerton l-B. Vic
toria 3-A At Tacoma 5-3. Vinrout.r
3-8. At Yakima 8-7. Spokane 7-7.
W L Pet.
W t, Pet
Oakland 39 20 .974
Sacramen IS 33 .479
Los Ang 34 27 .537 San Dieg 17 31.464
San rran 34 27 Ail Seattle 27 32 4U
PorUand 28 29 .481 Holly wod 28 38 .431
Yesterday'a reeults: At Portland.
Seattle postponed, rain. At Oakland
8-3, Hollywood 1-2. At Los Angeles
I. San Francisco 10-3. At San Cieeo
12-1. Sacramento 8-7.
W L Pet. W I. lct
New Yrk 20 14 M Pittsburg 17 IS SIS
Boaton 20 IS .304 Phlladelp 17 21 .447
Chicaco 20 IS AS CmclnnaU IS 33 411
Brooklyn IS 17 .528 St. Louis 18 22 4wt
i .-Yesterday 'a raulta? Al SU Imii S.1
Cincinnati 12-1 At Boato S-3. Prttok-
lyn 8-0. Al FHtabutcn SI. Chicago
1-a list came 10 Inirtnnl. At New
York 7-8, Philadelphia 1-3.
W L Pet. W t. Pet
Detroit 23 14 S22, Philedeph IS IS .404
uevaian is 13 sal! washing
New Yrk 18 17 a-S Chieaso
18 IB All
IS 23 .450
Boston 19 1 SiO flt. I -hi la 14 31 4no
Yesterday' results: At Pti llodelpn la
1-4. New York 0-0. At CTttca.o 4-1.
Cleveland 8-8. At Washington 13-8.
Boston 8-1 At Detroit 2-3. St. Lou a
Locke Leuds.
W mm a e ftf ' m J
bk." 'sol'th 'aTt.
wsg oaa ouming up vmer-
lean golf courses since his arrival
about two months ago, fanned his
hairline game to the while- heat
stage today by putting together a
course record-breaking 83, seven
under par, for his second round
in the $10,000 Goodall round-robin
tournament at the Charles stiv
er Country club. The straight
away pbying visitor snagged sev
en birdies while playing In a
foursome with Ellsworth Vines of
Los Angeles, Herman Ketser of
Akron, O, and George Schouxof
Mamaroneck. N. Y.
OSCs Forticr
Top Swatsiiiaii
Bud Fortier, Oregon State's ver
satile pitcher-short stop, collect
ed 22 hit In 55 times at bat dur
ing the 1947 Northern
baseball season for a .400 aver
age to establish himself as the
conference batting champion, ac
cording to statistics released
Friday by League Statistician Art
Bears, Badgers Vie
OAKLAND, Calif, May 30 .(Pi
Wisconsin's Badgers and Califor
nia's Bears match strokes here
tomorrow in a pre-PougJ-keepsie.
crew racing test that brings oars
men from east of the Rockies to
Oakland estuary for the first
time. California's varsity will
skim to the starting line of the
big three-mile race strongly fav
ored to outspeed the Wisconsin
MILWAUKEE, May 30-P)-Four
intersectional entries were
received today for the 22nd an
nual running of the Central Col
legiate conference track and field
meet at Marquette university
stadium the afternoon and night
of June 7. The universities of
Idaho and Wyoming will repre
sent the Far West
MISSOULA, Mont.. May 30-
-Whitman college of Walla Walla,
Wash, drubbed.. Montana.. State
university in both ends of "a
fdoubleheader baseball game here
today, taking the first game 11-1
and the nightcap 11-3.
Silverlon Armory
VToodry's 14-Piece Orchestra
8 1""" """"" mmm1 s
Giants, Tigers imcirease
La Mm- ) m , 8-t
f f ' ' " - .
LOW BRIDGE: 4oe DiMagglo ducks his head to avoid being hit by
:: 4(
ball thrown by Don Gutterldge. Beaton second baseman after Di
Msg was forced at second. Gutteridge tried for double play after
receiving the ball from. Shortstop Eddie Pellagrin! (la back); (AP
Yanks Links Finalists
CARNOI ST1E. May 3.-4V-For the first time a pair of Am
ericans, Willie Turnesa and Dick Chapman, will meet tomorrow
In the 31-hole final for the British amateur golf championship over
windswept Canfbustie.
The two Walker cap stars, both former winner of the Am
erican amateur crown, turned the classic Into a private affair by
scoring two resounding victories apiece today and stifling Root
land's last hope that one of her sons might sueoeed to the title
won Last year by Jlmmie Bracn of Ireland.- ' ' V
Turnesa. a gem of consistency all week, turned back his team
mate Marvin (Bud) Ward of Spokane, Wash-, 2 and 1. is 1 tense
morning match and then romped to aa easy 4 aad S win ever, Jena
Campbell, a weekend player from Glasgow, ta the senaJ. finals. .
Assault Ups
Turf Earnings
NEW YORK,' May SO.H-Rpb-ert
J. Kleberg, Jr.'f Assault won
the 61st running of the suburban
handicap ot Belmont today to be
came the third horse in racing
history to win half a million dol
lars. The chocolate champ. from Tex
as came on from fourth place In
the last half mile under Jockey
Eddie Arcato to win easily by two
lengths, in spite f his 130-pound
load. Mre. W. M. Jeffords' Not
ches was second by five lengths
over the Argentine - bred Talon
with the second choice in the bet
ting. Stymie, fourth, another
length and i half farther back.
The victory was worth $40,100
to the Clubfoot Coenmot, boosting
his earnings for three seasons of
racing to $538,370.
. In the Majort
Ab R H O A I Kbl
4 1 8 8 8 8 8
Peaky. Hed Sox
1 2nd game I
Peaky, Had Sol
4 118 18 8
list game)
Cordon. Indians .4328482
2nd game I
Gordon. Indians .5 0 1 8 4 1 8
Doerr. Hed So, didnt play.
Pltchere: Bevene. Yankrea, loat to
day. To dale won 3, loat S.
Notice hereby is given to the legal
voters of School DUtrtrt No. 34 CJ.
Marlon County. Oregon, that the an
nual election for said district will be
held in said district from the hour
of two o'clock P. tt. to the hour of
seven o'clock P. at. on Monday, June
IS. 1947. for the put pose of electing
one director to serve for a term ot
five years.
T M,llin will K. aa fnllAwa
North Salem Precinct :
School Administration Office
400 North Hih Street
East Salem Precinct :
C a K Lumber Co. Office
Center and Lancaster Streets
South Salem Precinct:
Leslie Junior High School
South Cottage and Howard Streets
West Salem Precinct:
Center School Building
Weat Salem
Dated at Salem. Oiegon, this 19th
dsy of Mi. IB47.
raye Wnghl.
Chairman of ' Board of Directors.
C. C. Ward. District Clerk.
noticx or annual school
The annual school meeting of School
District No. 24 CJ. Marion County.
Oregon, will be held in the Board
Conference Room of the Public Schdbl
Office Building. 490 North High
Street. Salem. Oregon, on the evening
of Monday. June IS. 1947. at eight
o'clock P. M. for the purpose of act
ing upon such business as may law
fully come before this meeting.
Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 19th
day of May. 1947. ,
rave Wright. '
Chairman of Board of Director.
C. C Ward. District Clerk.
My 31 -J 7-14.
All Work Guaranteed
428 Court SL CaU 752
( On All IlakeT)
-Torgy' Equals Mark
BOSTON. May 3t-P)--Flrst
Baseman Earl. Torgeooa, the
Braves! candidate for rookie of
the year honors, today equalled
a record held by seven others
when hi played aa entire gaate
without making 4 puteet.
tckory Street Presa the Bast I Joe of
Ma ale Aveaae to the West Lfcao of
MetSAsl eV4sslfSe) '
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon eouneU of the eity mt Salem. Ore
gon. deenuTtt necessary and oapedtent
and hereby declares its purpose and
intention to Jmpreve Mkkory Street
from the east tine of Maple Avenue to
the West line of Haael Avenue, to
the city of Salem, at the eapense of
the abutting and adjacent property, es
rept the alley intersection, the osponot
of which wilt be assumed by the eity
ml Oalem. by brtnama aaid portion l
a-Ul street to the eetebtlianed trade.
tructing- cement topetolo' curbs.
paving said portion oi said stfeei
asphaltie concrete pavement
Uttrkr sset ta width, ta record a woe -rMJt
the plane aad specifleataaaa therefor
which were adopted by the common
council May. II. 1947. which are now on
ftle In the office of the city recorder
and which by this retereneo thereto are
snede m sort
The common eounatl hereby declares
Its purpose end Intention to snake the
above described Improvement by snd
through . the street Improvement de
Ky order ef the common eon net! Msy
31st. 1941:
ALT RED MUNDT. City Baooroer.
Date of first publication hereof Is
May 23. 1847.
My 33. 34. 23. ft. 88. 38, 31. Jn 1. 8, . 8
1 .17- - e 4
(For Anything Over 40
Experienced crop dusting pilots, flying ships capable of ear
3 lag llOt pounds per load. Also commercial fertiliser spread
the, low cost of SLIO per acre.
Box 10$, Salem Airport
Phone 6176
Held Over for Two Weeks
Your new car may not bo "Just around tho corner"" so
protect tho car you now own by letting us givo it a com
plot check-up in our newly equipped motor clinic. A
complete diagnosis from bumper to bumper with the
latesf Sun Electric Machine. Corns) in and watch it oper
ate lor yourself. ?Ws bar bad so many requests for
FREE inspections that w are holding our offer open lor
two additional weeks. . . - ' C
This service is absolutely free to any automobile
owner. Phone 3188 for appointments,'" "
If your cay ndeds repairs, see us about our Budget Plan
and arrange) to make small monthly payments,
Docglas HcKay Chevrolet Company
510 N. Commercial
Slacks Blank
Yanks Twice
1W Drops Fl fill ;
alin Kxtrmta trrak
By the Associated Press
A huge turnout of nearl 280,000
fans witnessed Memorial day
(toublrheaders throughout " the
Major leagues yesterday and de
velopments saw the New York
Giants and Detroit Tigers clamp
tighler holds on their top posi
tions in the National and Amer
ican league, respectively.
The Giants grabbed two games
from Philadelphia. 7-1 and 3-1 to
push their advantage to one full
game in the torrid National race,
while the- Tigers split a pair with
St. Louis, taking the first, 2-1,
with Hal Newhouser on the
mound, ' and dropping the after
math, 8-3. to jump their margin
to three games over the New York "
Yankees, The Yanks suffered a
humiliating double defeat by "the ,
Philadelphia A's, being blanked
in both .contests, 1-0 and 4-0.
Floyd Bevens .suffered his Sth
loss In the nightcap. Other Amer
ican loop tilts saw Washington
take two from Boston,-13-6 and
5-3, and the Cleveland Indians
knock over Chicago twice, 8-4 and
9-1. ' , -
. . In the remaining National frays
Boston's Braves tipped Brooklyn.
6-3 and 3-0 'with Warren Spahn
ringing tip his 8th straight win
for the Braves in, " the opener;
Chicago - captured the nigh toe p
from Pittsburgh, 8-2, after the;
Pitt- had taken the first
2-1; and St. Louis salvaged the
finals Of its bill with Cincinnati,
7-3, the Reds ..nabbing the open-
er, 12-8. .
Time Pfirlial
ToOV Ddc J
DETROIT. May St-fPV-A gray
lag 41-year-old outfield vetoraa
of lfc seasons la 'the Aaserteaa
leagaa, the ever-young Kecer V
(Doe) .Crasser, fat the hittlngevt
fur with the league-leadlag De
troit Tigers today, although ho
haaat oaco trotted out to the ooa
ter field pooltloa he haadled reg
ularly for Detroit's world cham
pions of 143.
The Tigers have played 3S
gasoes to date aad the aataaiag :
Cramer has beea ta 12 of then
strictly as a plaeh-attter. He's
snaking roal aap with his eaaaeeo
at the plate, baagutg oat six hi lo
an of them singles ta 11 ttasoo
st hat for sveletea MUtag sv
erage of J4. h
PHILADtXPHlA, May 30-f
New York university qualified
IS men today in trial htati of the
I 7 1st annual I.C 4 A. track and '
field meet, assuring overthrow to
morrow of Navy, winner for tho
last three yean.
Saieaa A ff est Salens