The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 31, 1947, Page 4, Image 4

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    V Tho Skrt mom, Salem, Oregon,
i i
"No Favor Sways Us, No Fear Shall Aw
ftoia. First SUtesmaa, March 2S. 1S31
CHARLES A. S PRAGUE, Editor and Publisher
Member . of the.. Associate' Press
The AmnUM Ptcm la entitled exclusively to Um rase for repablt-
atiea of all the local news printed
AT news dispatches.
rr- -- . or i .
1 ax VMl In
. i. . .
.Agreement between senate
text of a bill raxucinrr income
Approval of both houses is anticipated on Monday.. Then th
dui goes xo me presidents aesK
i i
On the theory that one doesn't
Santa Claus shoot himself), it seems doubtful that Mr. Truman to
will veto the bill. After all, there
whose mouths have, been made
a cut in wnat Uncle; Sam takes
Those who beiiev in soaking
to give ksuccor to-the-wealthy taxpayer. The married person,
no dependents, witH a net income of $1500 gets a reduction of
128.50. -while the one with an income of 150.000 eniovs a tax
cut of $-4:959. That is true, but
. t j i wi ...a
gets nice oniy aoow out oi
chap still rrks to pungle up $19,836.
The trutlKia that the, tax rate
proportionate penalties increasing
and the tax cuts are Inversely
tions going to n ones in the lowest income brackets. The scale
of reductions ranges from 30 per
per cent on incomes over $302,400.. The full scale ofiuctloii
doePnot spplv. till January 1 next. For this year the reduction
is only one half.-
This biU is only temporary
and means tdmmittee is sing
icvuimi ui uic ma uu.buic. aiiu wus uv ciit,tcu iicAb veu.
Assurance is given that heavier
will be made and some revision
The total cost of the present
republican leadership seems confident that this cut can be
tion. It is time that taxes were
two years, behind us, nearly; and the expenses of the govern
rhent should b declining sharply,
Early Scrimmage
ilie rival teams are lining
It isn?i football, though the data
on yie tales .lax, to be voted on
w L
in. me opposition are groups
state grange-and faners, union.
holds its state' convention in Bend next week a big argument
is expected onis usue before the grange commiU itself again,
Someof the suBerdinate granges
a. 1 t J 1 r m J
vne oiu Jixie ui atoiioi grange opposition 10 m Mies ux.
A fS ils VH A0t Ran T vial "lI'tAfcVl mm afk Tvl Is- Itminiv urVt A
the fight in the house against a
land radio station against the
.t : . A 1
uirw jjtrr vtriij 1 tri.mii sues iaixcepi on iuoqi. xic oeciarea 1
f defeat of the sales , tax and retention of the cisaret tax will
,,H ;n m 4k
xii siKcik iciEuyn ivi uic
Dayton is chairman of the committee opposing the sales tax.'
Supporters of the sales tax'
1 7a - tnn O f f i ViatA Kuan . ca4
. .
Portland. W. A. Johnson. County
Hig at KiaiiKci, u we vuauniau
Rep. Earl Hill of Lane county is
A substantial camDaizn fund will
owners and other businessmen favoring the sales tax, because
a determined effort will be made to make this sales tax law
Stick With the people.
This is an -"off year" in politics. But this sales tax f ight
will be warm enough to attract
Promotion for Old Name
The Hunt name is an old
canning on this coast. The organization bearing that name was
launched in 1890 as Hunt Brothers Fruit Packing co. In 1896
Via r.ame u-oc phinaod tn Hunt
at corporate cnange waa maae to
. . . . , ,
pany. Ownership and control of
An aggressive program of expansion, chiefly through consoli-
datibn, wis launched and to
rrns hsve VwWi mprffpH intn
1L. '
me company s main Oilice IS
olanta are there, it has one clant
under tnti Hunt name for many
In the progress df Jhe company.
At hand is the 56th annual
-'shaws in figures and in charts
in 1946 amounted to over $48
to buy raw products and nearly
x-,. iJi
aim. -. . k. ,xt.u"e sjiiwiucu
Of particular note is the
Has become an aggressive advertiser of its brand name Hunt
It uses newspapers, magazines,
rrrrrvt irn ramna i t?nc Tt 1 ivene
f . I- r r .
trauons that are in themselves
T nam lrw-all v familiar mm
em m m j a mm-m
should hfrln to enlarge the market
, . , . , ., . I
Saiem piant i an important contributor.
Oregon has the reputation
ef its communities are facing water shortages. They have erown I
rapidly and no expansion of
curing wartime; so now they,
decade cities in the state will
- J w, il 1 ;
mjr.., u vurci .uu...v.K
Roseburg, shaken out of its long sleep by the advance of
the Jogging industry into southern Oregon, isn't fully awake
yet. The city has grown so fast it is busting at the seams, but
the voters have rejected proposals to exceed the tax limitation
both for school district and city.
Florence, over on the coast
ia tn ktar a rtwwfnrlonH rnn chnw
crowd it" is offering free clams.
m. un ci wtl rMWint .vU n k..lni inmo4. ..rill k.
made on the clam Cron.
A North Carolina neero. sfulled out of iail'hv a whit mnh
. '
broke away and ran to freedom. He Surrendered to the f Bl.
That experience ought to make
The alcohol plant at Springfield has begun the manufac
ture Of alCOhol from WOOd Chips.
whieh is different from, the
wooa cnips.
Women can teach, cook,
serve as congressman or senator; but they still can't preach
i n i ; i i.
. .
Saturdar. May 31. 1947
this newspaper, aa well as ail
, , , A,
and house conferees on the
taxes was sneedilv effected. I
. . .
wnere lis late is uncertain.
shoot Santa Claus (nor does
are many million taxpayers ?
to drool over the prospect of
out of their pay envelopes.'
the rich claim the bill is one
the one with the lower income
. - . . ... j i
jus income wniie me aou.uuu I
ar itwnlr rraduated. tha
with the size of the incomes; I
graduated, the heaviest reduc-
cent on low incomes to 10.5
- legislation. The house ways
work on a thorough-going 1
cuts on individual income taxes
made in the tax on corporation I
bill to the treasury will be
reduced. After all, the war is
up for the biennial "classic".
is October 7. It's the election
then for the firth time.
. L . .
jucn as tne larjor unions, tne
However, when the grange
have been breaking away from I
la; a. I I
sales tax, spoke over a Port-
measure which would levy a
; a. m j 11. j- 1 1 I
- -- t r-1 T
atavc. cf, van r i aiu.ii vi 1
are getting their team organ
i i r In 4Via nalrum Kitil4it
iu ui maiuu uuuuuig, i
judge of Josephine County.
ox uie spoiuwuiK conuiuiice. 1
to be the campaign manager. L
be raised amonir real estate 1
a lot of public attention.
and respected name in food
T4rt Via,- emmnanv an1 in 1 Q I
nuni xsromers racainK com- I
a, . I
the company passed to a new
date eight food processing con-
tha Hunt Frmrie famllv Wriilo I
-ww-- . - 1
n--r . ...
in. Vaniornia ana most 01 IIS I
in Salem which has arwratd
years, so there is local interest
report of Hunt- Foods which
the company's expansion. Sales
million of which over half went
one-sixth for wages and sal-
.i ::
juav uyci ev iiiiiiiwii. i
fact that the new management
billboards and radio in its
it rannrt ttrith innrA lllite-
" "
good advertising. Thus we see
inln nalinnal nrnminanoA ww:y,
w aessi waa aeai at a visiil S- a 4W VV HJVil I
for its nroducta tn which the
for being a wet state, but some
their water systems took place I
are caught short, In the ' next
be spending millions on water
. I
"ci"cu I
Some people just hate pros
at the mouth of the Sfuslaw,
ttiia anwlran1 Pa, Knit fnr.4ha
If served as clam chowder in
white" enough to escape
It i Said tO be potable Stuff,
OLCC brand of stuff "aged in
run tractors, manage businesses.
1 1
(Continued from page D
outstanding callable at 101 dur-
in the vMr beginning July 1. 1947
at, smaller Prum,"p,1
U1CU ,"",lU1" " 11 '1 zi'inZ I
compieuon ui ui uuw
anouia DC SDie 10 reiinanco uu i
mmirienhlT lower rate of inter
est. The long delay, however,
nrohablv will prevent the corn-
nanv from realizing the very low
wiw v
U1M1UU VI aTrV eas,vra
A1i this is preliminary to the
big Question of what is to happen
in common sioca. ownwimp
p"!!. i. iUT t.
4U for transfer because of the
"death sentence" law on holding
companies, as tne noiaing com-
TexWit must divest it-
geif 0f its northwest companies
which include Montana Power,
vfr, Poe. I
rut uinu jmm at vvki iwi
north wt -holding comnanv will J
be created for the electric com-
Daniea and ita-atock be distributed
v2 puD rJ- , f th.
pp&l stock to the public either
through sale to an underwriting
group or by aiatriouuon to us own
rT. w w . nra.
lumni - r .ten tA the -iumo-off.
What is awaited with interest is
the aiutouncement as to oposiuon
i 4 ot
Ainericui in xm aonn wau
IVpwliPr it Tun 1 or
o "
ChoiF olO7
a rf a
At oaleill OllirCIl
Newberff . Junior choir of 50
voices will sing at 7 JO pjn. Sun
day at the - First Presbyterian
churcn. 11 u airectea oj jaary
Ellen Gill and among the num
bers sung by the choir will be
in MT Heart . "Voices or tne
I "rinA W)u T n 11 n k I
Earth With Beauty", "Lad Me
Lord", and "Now the Day Is
i ,
T, , v
Jimmie Case. Johnny Miller
Over . Soloists of the choir are
Jimmie Case, Johnny Miller, and
Charles Bodeen. and they. wlU
sing "The Sunbeam", "Friend O
Mine" and "To My Mother".
.h TrLw I
Hamblin, D.D. wfll preach on the
. . . m w 1 aa
luifmt. v-m ounait ox un.
1 aaasaaBrnmaasmamaammmmasasaBSBssBBaBam
lollVCriOn wilUTCllOS
p-w n.ctm c A Bcazlev
pastor. Sabbath school. Saturday, t jo.
I Va a . . H .
""'"S wiip n a n..
mg Wednesday S p.m. ,
310 Jersey St. James A. Toft, pastor.
Sunday school and Bible classes. 10
a.m. Olga Johnson, superintendent.
a.m. Olga Johnson supei
Wornl.n' worship ll. Theme. "The
Man." Musie bv I
malt chorus.
Thursday bible study. I
pastor. Sunday and Bible' classes. 10
. mVirmWp-a "creaTalth0"
Confirmation instruction. Monday.
JeTKui rriJay sTn? CtiX:
tion, Sunday 10 mm. Choir Behearsal,
inursaay s pjn.
N. Church St. S. L. Almlie. Das tor.
Sunday school with Bible cUsaes. 10
a.m. uivuie worship, II. Commtuv
ion. Sermon '"The Great Commission.'
srmon' -Th Great commission,"
christian and missionary
N. Second St. Gordon T. Bratvpld.
aunu enow a.m. wom-
munion service. 11. Sermon "Sarvwkm
to the Genuiea." Young Peoples ser
vice. 8:40 Evening services cancelled
because nl hi vH u-hnnl K.fv.t...
Prayer meeting and Bible study, wed-
q wt-r n n u...,..ij
w. w. v, m,iuiitiu, puwr.
Sunday school 9 43 a m. Morning ser-l
" ajn. VPS. 7 pjn. Evanelis-
uc sas-srvMCSB.
Park at First St." Arthur Charles
Bates, pastor. Bible school. S:4S a.m.
Morning worship. 11.
Main at Fiaka St B. T. Browning.
p,tor- Church school. s:45 ajn. Mom-
tag worship. II. Evening service 7:45
christian sciTntk
Third at Lewis St. Sundav school
:a a.m. service 11. -
SUverton highway SU at Marauam
n. a. Carboden. pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a.m. Worship at II,
Front St. Omar Bailey, pastor. Sun-
day school s:4S am. worship at 11.
Christ I Ambassadors. S:49 p.m. Evan
gelistic service 7:45, p.m. Prayer oer-
vc T 7:48 Pm-
church of god
toTnday schoJf7o . Worship.
Evangelistic, s p m
it al-is catholic
Pina at Grant St. Father John J.
w.1.. unri.v masses a and
10 ajn. Weekday masses. S:19 a.m.
State St. at El ma Ave. Rev. Frana
O. Ferrin. pastor. Sunday school S:43
aan. Ben Swinford, supenntenaent.
Marnine service 11 o'clock. Sermon
subject. "But God." Youth training
Unions. 7. Evening service S o'clock.
Sermon subiect. "The Fruits of the
Spirit." Midweek prayer and Bible
.hu4v hour each Wednesday evenina.
everyone is invited.
T.lKo4 Or Rev R Roeers Irwtn
I nuiar Sundav school 10 ajn. Mornlna
naatar. Sundav school 10 ajn. Morning
service 11 o'clock. "Divine Worship
Hour." Sermon subject. "The Palm-
I Tree- Christian." Evening service 8
I j.k..rk iiuIm' lu 41-
1 rection of Dick Northey will present
. B. MCI1 W, I 1 .11 U(.U . u
an all-men's service. Invite neighbors
and friends to attend.
Five miles east of Salem. Rev. H.
J. Via. pastor. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning service and junior church 11
Vhip aTf-ao" " "
i -
nAiKiiiLU Driiai
Hayesvllle school house. Rev. Henry
Stame4 luitnr SunHiv arhnnl S'Sft a m
Morning service fo 4J o'clock praver
1 irteetina and Bible study on Thursday
evening .at ,7 at,ttS. Pastor a hfw.
"It's a weO erranised picket line,
, aad faraa the telephona strike had !"
Gerth Ave. at Third. O. Leonard
Jones, minister. Church school S:4S.
Worship 11 am. scimca, IKalixin
Christian Ideals In the Community.
-J30 p.m. Youth fellowship. Kajr Kar
nopp leader. 1 JO Adult fellowship.
Rightly Dividing the word 01 Truth.
Church at State St. Pastor. Joseph
M. Adams. Church school 1:43 jti.
Morning worship. 11 ajn. "The Call
to Publie Serviced Solo, "Besida SUU
Waters." Denise Murray. Bveninc ser
vice, T p.m. Fellowship groups 7 'JO.
T JO Midweek service, wmi 1
Ueve About God."
N. Winter at Jefferson.
Pastor .
Ray nor Smith. Sunday school 95 am
Morning service 11 o clock, sermon
sublect. Rest After Ubor. by Kev,
Nevltt B. Smith. Evenlnc service 7 JO
o clock. Sermon subject. "Giving ood
Some Time" by the pastor. Youth
Fellowship groups a. an,
urT.nnlI. A
- . . . . . Am
joseXitooSunday schoor
South Commercial at My era. Pastor,
Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon
service o'clock. Subject Hymn Con
cert. Midweek service 7 JO p.m. Thurs
fifteenth at Mill St. Pastor. A. O.
Yates. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning
service 11 o clock. Sermon suDieci.
Evangelist G. D. Uauby. Young peo
ple's meeting 6:45 p.m. Evening ser
vice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon, Evangelist
G. D. Lauby.
Ninteenth and Ferry St. Pastor.
Louis E. White. Sunday school t:4S
a m. Morning service 11 o clock, also
Junior church and church-time nurs-
rv Sermon sublect. "KeeDe?eof the
Faith." and Retirement of the CTtOrsh
Service FUg. Pilgrim fellowship S JO
p.m. Counsellors are Mrs. Lewis
Mitchell and Arthur Flske. Junior
high and Senior high young people
2740 Cherry Ave. Pastor V. O. Story
Sundav school S:4S a.m. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Evening service .7 JO
o clock TPS 7 p.m.
N. Cottage at Shiootng St Minlrter
James A. Scott. Bible school 10 am
Church, service 10:43 a.m. Sermon topic
"whSTIs a Christian and Christua-i
ltv?" Young people's service 6 :13 pjn.
Evening church service 7:30. Sermon
topic. "Values in the Name of Christ."
Sunday school 11 a.m. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "An
cient and Modem Necromancy. Alias
Mesmerism and Hypnotism. Denovmc
ed." Evening service S o'clock. Ser
mon subject. Same. Wednesday meet
ing S p m. includes testimonies or
healing. Reading room 14S S. High.
Cottaee at Hood St. Rev. and Mrs
H. A. . Schlatter. pastors. Sunlav
school -45 a.m. Morning service 10:45
o'clock. Junior church. Sermon sub
lect 110 a.m. Sermon. led bv the
Solrtt." F.ventnc rvl-e S 45 o'clock
Youth f-llowshio. Joe Shepherd preel
dent. 7:43 p.m. sermon "Is Jesus Your
M? tt. rottaee Charles Durham
ruest soeaker. Mornin service 11
o'clock June 1. Sublect. "Mv Father's
KInedom." Evenlne service S o'clock
Tuesday. June S. Subiect. "Round
Table." Library open five days each
week, S to. S p.m.'
Church and Chemeketa St. Rev
Georee H. Swift, rector Holy com
munion 7 SO a m. rhurch school artf
Classes 9:49 a.m. Holv Eucharist and
sermon II a.m. Confirmation Instrue
tion class Wednesdays 7:10 to 7:53 p m
Liberty and Marion St. Rev. Lloyd
T. Anderson, pastor. Sundav school
:45 a.m. Marvin Clatterbuck. super
intendent. Mornin service 11 o cloca
Sermon subiect. "Samson's Strength
Evenlna service 7:40 o'clock. Rev
Laurln one of America's flnt Bible
teachers will bring the evening mes
N. Cottage at r St. Pator. Guslav
O. Rauser. Sundav school l: in
Morn in r ervire 11 oc'oek. S-mon
subject. "Palestine w the News 'What!
Evening ryi T-n o'ock. swot
subject. "rir. "The owr of OoH
in - Human Fxp'ranc WeHnetav
evening Prayer fellowship and Bible
cat vary s.rnT csintcH
ISM S- Liberty. Pastor. Dr. Carles
Durden. Sundav school t:S a.m. Mom
n service 11 o'clock. Dr. San ford
I Flemtne. nresideot of Berkelev Rsot
Iveriing "service ' ft o'clock :WI n.m
Rantist yoith fellowship. WeHsfay
7 JO p.m. Midweek prayer service.
Chemeketa at Winter. Pastor. ree
ter W. Hamblin.- Snda ehoo'
I Sermon mibjeet. "One Bundle of Uf
I ".II.. Mm i-lin ' " . .
Sermon hy the- tasor. F.venln er
vice 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subiect
"ShJ'ne armor. smn hv the
tor. Spe'al mu1 h N-'he tu"i
rholr. :U n.m. TS''s fe1osr'. S'l)
r rr. Juh4 bh f "owshlo. S"i f f
I Midweek service.
Cxiieoe fireside. Thursday 7 30 p.m
Tta aivrirv aMY
t Ste St. rnlan se Mrs at t
fresher. S"nv sr-oo ft V"'"
"fSrl o"'eV TKn,i fwlt. n i
s T-sn TT-4. l Vol'- -.
4tte ..lev s ' "
H 4come to come and wot
tU yUt UJ. nan. i.i , .i. , i.i
By Lichty
all rUat but ft ain't get tae style
241 N. Commercial. Service at 2:30
and 7:40. Rev. and Mrs. Thomas
Gaxeley. speakers. Circl at
V.F.W. HalL Hood at Church. John
Z. Salsbury. bishop. Sunday school 10
a m. Priesthood meetinc. reUef society
and primary 11:30 a.m. Evening ser
vice 1:30 o clock.
HIS Elm St. Rev. A. A. Loewen
pastor. A. H. Fadenrecht. assistant
Sunday school f:43 a m. Mornig ser
vice 10:4a ocioca. Evenmc service 1 jo
o'clock. Salem College and Academy
Baccalaureate service. Wednesdsy ;
7:13 p.m. Bible class under Dr. Houser
S pjn. Prayer.
40 N. ISth St. between center and
Chemeketa. Rev. Jasper T. Taylor,
pastor. Sunday school 0:49 a.m. Rhol
hn La Duke, superintendent Classes for
all aces. Mornlna service 11 a m. Ser
mon by -the pastor, Sermon subject.
Be There." tuaortui .1 u a a p m
Foursquare Crusaders. Young people
Evening service 7:4S o clock. Sermon
by the pastor. Sermon subject. "Divine
Healtne. Fact or Fiction." Tuesday T:a
Midweek prayer, and praise. If rou
have not attended these services, (you
have missed a blessing, All are Wei
Center St. at 13th. Pastor, Orvllle W
Jenkins. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Wil
liam Beaver, superintendent. Morning
service 10 45 o'clock. Rev. Harold L.
Volk. Evangelist. Evening service 7:43
o clock. Evangelist Rev. Harold L.
Volk. Church board meeting Monday
7:45 p.m. "The Glad Hour'r Wednes
day 7:43 p m Women's foreien mis-J
S:30 pjn. at 1304 Jefferson St.
Corner N.- 17th and Chemeketa - St.
Pastor Charles H Asiier. phone I-SMO.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock. Sacrament. Evening
service (:30 o'clock Zions league.' 7:30
Bible study class. -
1155 Mission- St 11 o'clock service Sun
day morning. Evanegtlst. Rev. W. O
Kirchoff. Kansas City. Kani. will
speak In both morning and evening
services on Sunday and every even
ing during the week except Saturday.
Music will be under the direction of
Miaa Mayeelle Turner and Mrs. L. C.
Lansing of Salem. Rev. Georce Martin
is the pastor. Preceding the service
each evening. Mrs. Kirchoff will con-
dust a fifteen minute service for
hildren. Evening services at 7 JO.
Hood and Summer. Pastor G. T.
Dickinson. Sabbath school 9 30 a.m.
Saturday. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Guest speaker. Elder G. E. Lindquist
of Portland. Special musical at 3:30
pjn. Saturday. Prayer meeting. Wed
nesday. o'clock.
1175 Lei is St. Pastor. Ronald V.
Sittser. Sunday school 10 a m. Morn
ing service 11 o'clock. Evening service
7:43 o'clock. Prayer meetina Wednes
day 7:45 p.m. Young people's meeting
Friday 7:43 p.m.
IMS N Church St . Salem Rev.
Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, paslnrs.
Sunday school 9:45 am Miss Lora
Friesen, superintendent Morning ser
vice II o'clock "Defenders - of the
Faith 7 p.m. Miss Joyce Friesen.
Leader and Speaker. Evening service
7:43 o'clock. Tuesday evening " -service
S p.m. Friday evening service S p.m.
Ferry at 13th St. Rev. Walter S.
Frederick. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. I.
Bartlett, superintendent. Morning ser
vice 11 o'clock, communion service.
Child rens church during the II
o'clock service. Sermon subject. "The
Blood of Christ. Price of redemption.'
. Christ s ambassadors meet
young people. Evening service
o'clock. Evangelistic rally. Sermon
subject. "Stop. Look and Listen."
Wednesday, Midweek service at 7:45
p.m. Radio broadcasts over KSLM.
Tabernacle echoes Saturday 5:45 p.m.
Sermons in song Sunday 5:15 p.m.
State St. al 18th. Pastor C. R. Schulz
Sunday school and- Bible classes at
9ri. Morning service and Holy Com
munion at 11 o'clock. Fellowship din
ner following the service Luther lea
gue 7 p.m.
(Me. Synod)
N. 16th and A St. Rev. H. W. Gross,
pastor. Sunday school S a.m. Morning
service 10 o'clock with celebration of
Holy Communion. Preparatory service
at 9:30 a.m. Lutheran hour at 9:30 .a m.
with Dr. Walter A. Maier. speaker,
Hood and N. Summer St. Rev. R. A.
Krueger. pastor. Sunday school 9:45
a m. and Adult Bible class. 9:45 a.m.
Morning service 11 o'clock.' Sermon
subject. "Children's Day." Wednesday
Bible study and prayer hour. S p.m.
Center and High St. Rev. Dudley
Strain, pastor. Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Morning service. 10:50 a.m. Sermon
topic, "Good Things to Remember."
Evening service. 7:45 p m. Sermon
topic, "Tepid Religion." Youth meet
ings. S:15 p.m. Senior high. Junior
high. Phi Zeta Christ o Tuesday. 7:40.
Boy Scouts. Ted Morrison, scoutmas
ter. Wednesdav. a, choir rehearsal.
Thursday, S. Bible study and prayer
Silverlon Armory
Weadry's 14-Pleca Orchestra
Tony Perldns, Mail Carrier
For 31 Years to Retire
By Charlotte Bates
Statesman Corresponaent
After 3T years of service as the Aumsville rural carrier tor the
post office department Tony T. Perkins is retiring June 1. When
he took over route 1 it was about 18" miles round trip and covered
about 75 boxes with five or six thousand pieces of mail a month.
The route now covers 48 miles
with 300 boxes and the May mail;
was 30,000 pieces.
Perkins used a team and buggy
for several years. In those days
the roads were so bad he "time
and again" .unhitched his horses
from the buggy, drove them out
onto solid ground; then tied a
heavy 30-foot rope, ."'carried for
that purpose," to the buggy and
pulled it out, then would hitch up
and go on again. Many old timers
tell of knowing the mail was there
on, bad days because they could
see the smoke from the chimney
of the stove in his baggy as
he' passed by. Many people still
remember the special services he
gave In bad weather with pack
ages for a house .far off the road,
to people in poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins have sold
their home in Aumsville to J. W.
Bethel of North Santiam and are
planning a, trip to Virginia and
the eastern1 coast to visit family
and friends.They then intend to
return to the place they ve pur
chased on the Sandy-Mt. Hood
highway and build. Mr. Robert
Mickey is the present substitute
mail carrier.
Lutheran Qiildren
Conduct Services
Central Lutheran church Sun
day school boys and girls will take
charge of the morning service at
II ajn. Sunday.
The children will take care of
ushering, choir singing, offering.
announcements, scripture reading
and prayer. This service, the first
of its kind at Central Lutheran,
will be a special feature each year
ai uiis time. '
Calvary Baptist Will 7
Honor -Members to Be
High School Graduates
Sunday, June 1 will be high
lighted in the morning service by
the presentation to First Baptist
Young People graduates of the
high school of diplomas and cur
sages In recognition of their
achievements. Mrs. Lee Cross and
Mrs. Marvin Roth, Youth Coun
cellors, will make the presentation
A special Communion service will
be held, '
Dr. Roy Laurin, prominent Bi
bla teacher and former dean of
the Bible InsUtuie of Los Angeles
will be the speaker at the evening
Central Howell
School Closed
gram at the graduation exercises
Tor the six eighth graders Wednes
day night consisted of the follow
ing numbers: Processional, Jo
anne Roth; invocation. Pearl
Martin; salutatory. Alan Schmidt;
class history. Pick Bye; The Attic
Song by Joanne Roth, Dorothy
Edwards, Gloria Jarmin; class
Seventeenth at Court St. Pastor, W,
H. Lyman. Sunday school 9 43 a m
Morning service 10 JO o'clock. Sermon
subject. "I Love Thy Kingdom. Lord:
nrisTian Endeavor hour S :30 p.m
Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Gospel
team from the Youth Center. Mid.
L week Bible study and Prayer hour,
inursaay i jo p.m.
Marlon and Capitol. Rev. Edward
C. Stauffer. evangelist of Portland
Sunday school 10 a m. Morning ser
vice II o clock. Sermon sublect
"Naaman the Leper." Cone relational
meeting Tuesday, June 3rd at
PJ. '. . .
Where Marlon crosses Summer St.
Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sun
day school 8:45 s m. Mr. R. H. Ermel.
superintendent. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon subject. "Redeeming
the Time." Evening service 7:45
o'clock. Sermon subject, "A Know-So
1155 Miulon St. Pastor. Georae Mar
tin Sunday school 9:45 a m Morning
service 11 o'clock.. Evangelistic service.
Rev. W. O. Kirchoff. Evening service I
7:30 o clock. Evangelistic. Evangelis
tic services every evening at 7.30. No
Saturday night service.
Corner N. Winter and Market. Pas
tor. .Richard T. Fine. Sunday school
9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock.
Sermon subject. "Substitute Shields."
Young people. 7 p.rr. Evening service
7:45 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Broken
Cisterns. ". A daily vacation Bible school
will be conducted at the church June
9-20. Mrs. R. T. Fine will superintend.
Time 9 to 1 1 JO a m. Ages 3 to 14.
Assembly ef God
Ferry at 13th St.
9:45 a. m. A live
and growing
church school.
Classes for all
age groups.
11:6S a. m. Com
mnnlen service.
Sermon: The
Blood ef Christ.
Price ef RedrmpUea.
:0t Young Peoples' service.
7:45 Evangelistic Rally. Ser
mon: Stop, Look, and Listen.
These two vital sermons by the
pastor. You should hear them
Radio Broadcasts over 1C.S.L.M.
5:45 p. am. Saturday "Taber
nacle Echoes.
S-.ISD. m. Surlay
In Kong."
Walter 8. Frederick, Pastor
will, Phyllis Lively; accordion so
lo, Sharoh. Wells; class prophecy.
Jerry Roth; class poem, Howard
Edwards; address, Agnes C.
Booth; class song, Jerry Roth;
presentation of class, Mrs. Doro
thy Carpenter; presentation of di
plomas, . Henry Roth; valedictory,
Wayne Steffen; benediction. Pearl
Martin; recessional, Joanne Roth.
Church Notes
Marine Sunday
Marine Memorial Sunday will
be commemorated by the Marine
Corps League of Salem by at
tendance at the Jason Lee Me
morial Methodist church Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock.
The sermon will be given by
Rev. Nevitt B. Smith, son of the
pastor who has just returned from
Boston university where he has
been attending the school of the
ology. His sermon theme will be
-Rest After Labor."
Special music will be furnished
by the choir, singing "Glorious la
Thy Name" by Mozart, and Mar
garet Wood singing, "Lord Give
Us Peace."
First National
Bids on Bonds
inuLfiufcTMUt The sewer
and street, improvement bonds of
fered by the city were -bid. in
Monday night by the First Na
tional Bank of Portland who of
fered to take the bonds on the
basis of two per cent interest with
premium of 29 J cents per S100
of par value. The bid included
both the $10,000 block of sewer
bonds and the $41,853.40 issue of
street improvement bonds. Only
outer bidder for the bonds, was the
First National Bank of Indepen
dence in conjunction with the
Portland bank.
Shipments from
Oregon Increase
Commodities certified In Ore
gon by the federal-state shipping
point service .in -April totaled
1.157 carloads or 117 .cartload
more than iit April, 1948, accord
ing to the kUte department of
This brings total inspections for
the shipping point year's first 10
months, to 32,680.9 cars or 397
more than in the first 10 months
of the year earlier. The inspection.
years opens July 1.
Potatoes topped the April n
spec tions with 704.8 carloads, with
pears second at 183.2 cars, and
apples third with 10i cars.
"He who lives with the assur
ance of a God who cares need
never fear."
Morning Worship, 10:55
A. M. "One Bundle of Life
Evening; Worship, 7:30 P.
M. "Shining Armor"
Sermons by the Pastor
Church School 9:45 A. M.
First Presbjierian
Cbetraeketa at
Chester W.
Virginia Ward
Music Director
Final Revival Services "
Dev. Harold L Volh
9:43 A.M. Sunday School
10:45 A. M. Morning; Worship
6:45 P.M. Youth Hour
7:45 P.M Evening; Service
Fiisi Church of lie Ilazarenc
Ltth at Center Orrille W. JeasJne, Faator
"Salem's Downtown' Evangelistic Center"
Beihel BapiisI Church
Cottage and D Streets Salem, Oregoa
Y .
Prophetic Sermons
Slga of Ills Coming
ralesttne la the News (What) lane 1st
The Coming of Christ . Jane tth
(How. When, What)
After the Rapture. What?
Gastav G." Raaser,
Head Lions
Bradford Humphrey was elected
president of the Independence
Lions cjub at the annual election
of officers held this week at they
Busy Bee cafe.
Other officers elected includa
Robert Morgan, first vice presi
dent; Dr. Donald Searing, second
vice president; Dr. Lewis Britt,
third vice president; Harry Day,
secretary-treasurer: Hal Meuux
ger, Lion tamer; Marlow Butler.
tailJwUter, and Walter I Smith
and Lester Col g an, directors. .
The newly elected officers will
take office July I.
There will be no meeting of
the- Lions club Monday noon, ac
cording to an announcement made
by Daniel T. Schreiber. president
memoers are to attend the noon
dinner of the Jersey show at the)
George Gentemann farm.
Magazine Shows
Silver Creek Falli
Views of. Silver Creek Fatta
state park are in a lead feature on
Oregon in the" June Issue of Bet
ter Homes and Gardens.
Emphasizing the state's vaca
tion lands, a full page color Die-tut
of ML Hood and the Hood River
valley is the issue's feature pic
ture. The state highway commis
sion travel information depart
ment cooperated closelv srith
Louisa M. ComstockL magazine
editor and author of the feature
article. Pictures were taken bv
Ralph GifforeL chief photog
Devers Named to
Roacl Committee
J. M. Devers, chief counsel for
the Oregon state highway com
mission, said Friday he has been
appointed chairman of a national
committee to study state laws on
freeways or throughways.
The committee was named by
the American Association of State
Highway Officials. The commit
tee will attempt to recommend
uniform legislation on freeways.
Oregon enacted its throughway
law at the recent legislature.
Yonn imiD
Discover Your Mental
Self and Overcome Your
Learn the tremendous pos
sibilities of your own mind.
Explore that mysterious
world within you. The Freo.
Book explains how, through
fascinating study, you can
master the every -day prob
lems of life and happiness.
Address Scribe 111
RoaJerrsctaa Brotberbood
Saa Jooa California
The Universal Giurcli
of" the Master No. 57
(Spiritual). '
is happy, to announce Mrs.
Edith? Scott of Eugene will be
with us June 1st.
Rev. John B. Craig, co-pastor,
will be our speaker.
460 N. Cottago Street
Everyone is cordially invited.
Memorial Day
As yea remember friends
and loved ones who hare
gone before, remember also
Him whs gave His life eta
Calvary's Cross for yea.
'Because I live, ye shall live
Job 15:11
May 25th
Jatae 15th