2 The S kite mag. Salem, Oregon. Xrldar May 30, 1947 Personnel for JNew School Authorized ' fStory also on page 1) The stale board of. education, tnaotin li Calom " TkirrsHav in decide matters of policy in con nection with the new vocational school at Klamath Falls, appoint ed Winston D. Purvine, Salem, school director and authorized employment of an assistant direc tor, business manager, superin tendent of student personnel, and supervisor of instruction. Under " the business manager -wsll be superintendent of build lng and grounds, supervisor of equipment, cafeteria manager. The business ' manager will get .from $260 to $320 a month. Under the supervisor of student personnel, who will get $400 a month, will be a student regis trar, dormitory manager, and a man in charge of student testing and counseling. 4 The uperviyr of instruction, who also, will get $400 month, pO have supervision jover th supervisor of trade and Industries, upervisor cf technical! training, the instruction materials special ist, and the supervisorsKof "busi ness education, vocational educa tion and vocational homemaking. instructors will be paid $335 a month. j The following schedule of rents was apted for students living ; at the school: f Single students, $11 pVr month; named students in apartments without cooking facilities, $16; married student in apartments with cooking facilities. $35; room for two students without cooking lacilities, $26. Heat, lights, water and rutefe service will be pro Tided. Crickets Waiting At Depot Doors ORDNANCE. Ore.. May 29-;F) Fears iht Mormon crickets in vesting this area might sweep through surplus war materiel in depot warehouses here were dis sipated today and the fight was concentrated 00 keeping tnera away from green wheat fields. Cricket hordes were also -eported af Pareo. Wash. ?CoL Raymond Curtin said ma ny of the advancing horde toot shelter frrm the but sun in cracks and crevices around warehouse doors mtvd windows, but were not attempting to go Inside where wool, soap and other Items are Stored. , norn Ceatiai Today ir.E - Ce-IIlt! -It's a Three sUag Circa? -Yankee Faiir v Starts Today! - Tbm Batae yol The Cowboys! "UgU cl 5 nu n 1 iSaxda Fa ' ROGERS TRIGGER" Pi as tSecMd sUa-Kearia Hit! mm 1 f mm ... V.iii ft Blimp Due . - V ell ' . TV This lse-foot bllsap. The Velenteer, la 4mm ever Salem Jane 1$. 11 and 1$ d arinc a west coast flight far Geedresr Tire sad Rabber Co. Recently retained t Goodyear frem the U. 8. navy which ased It la the war. The Volanteer holds 123.9tf cable feet ef bell asa gas. Five Arrested on Gambling Charge Five men were arrested bycity detectives on charges of gamb ling last night at the carnival in the state fairgrounds. Lewis Green of Santa Monica, CSlif., charged with operating the game, was released on $230 bail. 1 wo carnival employes. Don Bal dridge and Lie Rlstick, were re leased on $100 bail for gambling charges. SU11 in Jail late last night on similar charges in lieu of $100 bail were' Marvin Harbaugh, 437 S. Commercial st, and Raymond Leonhardt, 244S Adams st. They will appear in municipal court Saturday. CI Reds miese Stage Attack NANKING. May 29-WVThe struggle for Manchuria spread to day to Pulantien, with 10,000 com munists reported making a deter mined attack on that Chinese gov ernment position 45 miles north east of Soviet-occupied Dairen. Pulantien was the place where government armies halted several months ago while awaiting the still-unfinished negotiations to take over the port of Darien from the Russians. Government dispatches did not say directly where the com munist attackers came from, but the official Chinese Central News Agency charged that communists in Dairen were buying arms from "a certain nation." HoUdar Special! Now Showing! r Q(5GQG Cewfceys V ' - ! r4 "' V ; I Ml 1 I Plusl This Happy Co-Feature! FOR IIEIIOMAL DAY! -ConL Shows from Now Showlngl la Technleol.r Dennla Morgan Jack - Carson Time, Place and tho Girl Gary . Cooper Jean Arthur . Tho Plcrinaman" Over Salem lICitifll'Mil U.S. to Press Denmark for Greenland Pact WASHINGTON. May 2M4V The United States served notice today it considered Greenland a vital link in iU Arctic defense system and intends to negotiate a new defense agreement with Denmark on that basis. Secretary of State Marshall an nounced at a news conference that the Danish government, which has sovereignty over Greenland, has been informed of American read iness to discuss new post-war ar rangementa concerning American military interests there. His announcement followed re ceipt of a note from Denmark, The note Is reported to have asked for talks looking toward an end to the present defense agree ment, without expressing a view aa to whether it should be re placed by a new pact. The pres ent agreement, ak wartime ar rangement, was made in April, 11. BETVTN WINS ENDORSEMENT MARGATE, England, May 2t (AVBritain'a ruling labor party gave Ernest Bevin its overwhelm ing endorsement today after lis tening to the foreign secretary praise, the American program for aid to Greece and Turkey and stand firm against granting Rus sia bases ia the Dardanelles. A- Mat Daily from lf.a ' i ? H0VLTJ 1 p. m. Tomorrow! HUH! Now SKowing! Walt Dtaney'e Technicolor Tlnocchlo" Monte Hale Ia Color Home) on the Range Chapter -Daughter ef Doa Q" City Manager Places -Order For Equipment City Manager J. L. Franzen Thursday ordered two pieces of modern equipment as increases to to the engineering department, granted by the 1947-48 budget The city council authorized or dering the equipment in advance of the fiscal year' beginning July 1 to expedite street work this summer. Another piece of new equipment, received Wednesday by the engineer, is a dump truck. Franzen said delivery on both of the machines would probab ly be within 60 days and that one, a specially designed loader with attachments to make it ad aptable to other purposes, could be obtained by June 20. A street flusher carrying a 1. 500 gallon tank will be Salem property in about two months at a cost of $6,800. The flusher and tank will be built to specifica tions in South Bend, Ind., instal led on the chassis chosen by the city and delivered here. A five ton truck assembly . will be re quired. Salem's present street flusher is small, with a 600-gallon ca pacity. The special tractor - loader to be here in June ia built to turn in small arcs for convenience and can be fitted with a small bull dozer, crane or with the regular loading scoop which easily lifts, carries and deposits dirt or stone, It will cost $5,600. Southern Pacific Strike Postponed CLEVELAND, May 2-JP) Headquarters of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers a n -nounced j today a strike on the Pacific coast, set for June 6, had been postponed, pending a medi ation meeting In Washington on June 9. The walkout was scheduled against the Southern Pacific rail road andHwo of its affiliates, the Northwestern Pacific and the San Diego and Eastern railways. Nazi Widows To Face Trial MUNICH. Germany, May 29 (AVBavaria's denazification min istry prepared tonight to bring to trial the widows of four high Nazi officials, three of whom died oh the gallows at Nuernberg.. Dr. Alfred Loritz, Bavarian de nazification minister, announced the arrest today of Mrs. Hermann Goering. on charges that she was a member of the Nazi party. She was placed in an internment camp near Augsburg. Loritz said orders also had gone out for the arrests of Mrs. Fritz Sauckel, mother of 10 chil dren and widow of the Nazi labor boss; Mrs. Hans Frank, mother of five and widow of the Nazi governor general of Poland; end Mrs. Wilhelm Frick, mother of two and widow of the "protector of Bohemia and Moravia. Hungarians to Lose Premier BUDAPEST, May 28-iP)-A high Hungarian source said Pre mier Ferenc Nagy of the anti communist small landholders party telephoned his resignation from his vacation resort in Switz erland today. The informant said Nagy had been "pushed from office" by the minority communist party, and pro-American Hungarians said it was a coup d'etat that spelled the beginning of a complete com munist police state in Hungary. . Near panic existed in Buda pest's leading business circles to night, and there was nervous talk of another inflation. There were reports the bourse would not open tomorrow and that there would be a run on the passport office. All-German Economic Board Set in To Zones BERLIN, May 29 - The Americans and British Announced today they will set up'an all-German . economic council in their merged zones to speed the task of making more than 39,000.000 Germans self-supporting. Gen'. Lucius D. Clay, the American mil itary governor,, disclosed today. American informants Mid the council would have 54 popuja re elected members. Opens :45 P. M, Lncllle Ball - John Hodiak "Two Smart People" 2nd Feature Moaa Freeman Richard Demlng la "Black Beauty" A story about a horse. Local Induslry and Local Enlerpme brought Salen Eleclrlc Salem's Own Bonneville Power Agency $300,000 Blaze Almost Traps 30 ELGIN. May 29 -(JFt- Damage from a fire which razed half al city block and almost trapped 30 Masons in their meeting hall last night was estimated at $300,000 today. The fire broke out about 8:30. and by midnight had destroyed a pool hall, dance hall, dry goods store, radio shop, cannery office, three apartments, and the Ma sonic lodge hall. Lodge members, meeting on the second floor, clambered down firemen's ladders or managed to grope their way through smoky halls. No one was hurt. Georgia Girl Wins National Spelling Bee WASHINGTON. May 29 -4V A 14-year-old girl who has had only one teacher in all the eight years she has spent in a one-room Georgia schoolhouse today won the national spelling bee. Freckled, honey-haired Mattte Lou Pollard of Thomason, Ga., be came the champion because she knows how to spell 'maggoty' and "Chlorophyll," as well as 50 other tough ones. It was no easy triumph. Dimpled, pretty Sonya Dodolfo of Chicago, whose father is a Fil ipino scientist and whose mother is a Russian-born journalist, left the Philippines only two years ago. But she was right in there until m a g g o t y" came along. She thought it was maggotey. Mattie Lou, who won sixth place in the national here last year, knew better. And when she also spelled another word, chloro phyll," as the rules provide, she became the champion speller of 6, 000.000 school kids. Her teacher, grandmotherly Mrs. G. H. Phillips, a Georgia school marm for 25 years, aayi Mattie Lou always has been a right good speller, far better than the other 33 children in the school. Eisenhower Refutes May WASHINGTON. May 28 -X) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to day denied Andrew J. May's statement that the general was "screaming" for more shells in 1845. t' May, former chairman of the house military committee, con tends that was the reason he pro tested a war department cut back on an eight-inch shell con tract for a Garsson munitions firm. But' Eisenhower testified to day that the real urgency for shells was in 1844 and that the army's demand fell off sharply in 1945 as the war in Europe neared its close. Eisenhower testified at the tri al of May and arms manufac turers Henry and Murray Cars son on bribe charges. Salem Laundry Safe Cracked Experienced safe men knocked off the combination and picked the lock of the Salem laundry safe at 263 S. High st., and left with $357.64 Wednesday night, in vestigating city detectives report. Entry was gained by breaking a window with rocks, police said. A. B. Craig, foreman at the laun dry, discovered the crime when he arrived for work early Thurs day morning. Detectives said they showed laundry officials how a window shade obscured the view of work ings inside the office at night, so that even policemen cannot detect whether burglars are in the buil ding They were assured tAt this arrangement would be immed iately change- Voluntary Rent Raise Voted WASHINGTON, May 29 -OP) The senate voted 48 to 26 today to permit 15 per cent rent in creases where tenants agree to them in exchange for leases to run .through 1948. It also voted to require the re moval of rent ceilings in about 30 areas each month The senate took these actions at a prelude to voting on a bill to extend rent control., in such revised form, until Feb. 29. 1948. The vote on extension wat put over until next week. The amendment, which the house has approved in slightly different form, would permit vol untary agreements on increases not to exceed 15 per cent :tbove the rent in effect for a particu lar property on Sept. 1, 1946. Both Sens. Cordon and Morse favored the plan. 1 ( 0a All Hakef HEWER'S AO Week Gasrsateed 124 Court 8k Call 1521 Delay Granted In Disposal of Camp White WASHINGTON'. May 29-,P)-The war assets administration, an nounced today that advertising for bids on the hospital area at Camp White, Med ford. Ore., has been postponed until July 2, ex tending the final disposition to July 31. The agency said it is "contrary to its general policy" to delay dis posal of .any surplus property but "in this particular instance the state of Oregon had evidenced an interest in acquiring the hos pital for conversion and utiliza tion as a state mental institution.' PORTLAND. Ore.. May 29-)-Oregon legisldtive leaders said to night that the 30-day extension on disposal of Camp White was not likely to benefit Oregon. A bill to permit ' the state to take over the Camp White hos pital was vetoed by Governor Snell earlier this year. An initia tive petition to submit the mat ter to the voters then was filed. If 19 000 signatures are obtained, it will go on the ballot in No vember, 1948. Sen. Irving Rand. Portland, one of the petition signers, said "there is no way that a 30-day delay could possibly, do us any good. It could not be acted on by the people in that short a time." Russians Win A-Control Point LAKE SUCCESS, May 28-JP-Russia gained a minor decision in the United Nations atomic ener gy commission today but the big tissue of the veto in atomic con trol was still to be fought out. The Soviet edge came when the commission's working com mittee adopted unanimously i Rusian-tporuiored resolution re affirming a general assembly de cision that any International ays tern of atomic control should op erate "within the framework of the security council," where Rus sia and the other four big powers hold the veto. Until today's meeting. Ameri can Deputy Delegate Frederick H. Osborn had insisted he would re ject such a resolution on the grounds that it was not clear and left the way open for the Rus sians to claim that all functions in the atomic field should be made subject to the veto. However, after being beaten on what he called a clarifying amendment. Osborn backed down. Men Needed For Dam Road An order for 15 or 20 road construction workers at the De troit dam site Is listed with the Salem office of the state employ ment service, the office said Thursday. The work is to be on the road that is being re-routed around the proposed dam location. Wage is $1.27 per hour. Orders for workmen are continuing to come into the office as the spring work season grows stronger, the office reported. Wood burn cannery has an order at the office for 51 men to workJ in the pea harvest which is now going on. The work is in fields lying in an area that reaches from just north of Salem to Aurora. Wage scale is $1.02 and $1.07 per hour. The office also has received notice of a need for cabinet mak ers in a shop at Toledo on the coast. Pay is $1.60 per hour. Briefer Hunt Likely ST. LOUIS. May 29.-OVW. E. Crouch, chief game management agent of the U. S. fish and wild life service, said today that duck hunters never again would enjoy long hunting seasons or; big bag limits because of the rapid in crease in the number of hunters in the United States. During a British food shortage in 180f, a law prevented manu facture of starch from wheat so that it could not be diverted for use as a hair powder or shirt stiffener by the aristocracy. Boiler Skating TOMGHT Ska tins; every M6ru, Wed., Fri. & SaU 8:00 to 10:30. Capilola Boiler Dink 90 Lana Avenue Take Capilola Uua Hope Voiced for Reclamation Fund WASHINGTON, May 29 -JP Upon conclusion of a senate sub committee's four-week healing on the interior depattment approp riations bill, Chairman Wherry (R-Neb.) predicted today that it may restore Ihe reclamation bu reau's budget to near the $145, 952,000 request ot President Tru man's budget - The house cut the reclamation budeau budget sharply to $67,-717,600. FORD SEDAN STOLEN A black 1937. Ford sedan, li cense number 225-528, was stolen from Church and Chemeketa streets between 6 p.m. and 12 mid- Hail Orders How! Starts Monday. May 28 Nights at Matinees. Sets, and Sobs, at 2:30. Send Man Order to Psrtland Arena ONLY, eaclestac self adaressedU stamped eavelsae, giving first and second date preference. Make checks pay. able to rertlaad Arena. FKICES: $3,te. $S.M. tM. I SLSe (tnr lading Us) : D ll J ft-... av mi uaiiu su ena ,-. NW teta at Marshall "MktaVeanAaeaaaaLSBM M3Y DM Memorial Pay May 30lh Tin trials 1:C3 p. n. Daces 2:3 J p. n. ;SaIcm FairDTOuiids Admission $1.50 Inc. Tax Ilolorcycle Races Sunday, Jena 1 UAIT-Ccnlxig 6 Days Siarikg Tctray June 10th, Highway 99 and Lana At. Auspices of Disabled Americans. Follow Crowds and Giant to Show Grounds SEE night Thursday, Quillin Hsdley reported to city police early-this morning. Golda Hadley is owner of the car. BASEBALL r Monday Nighl 8:15 P. M, Waters Field Salen Senalars vs. Portland Beavers Reserved seats at Staple's and the Ball Park. Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 WINONA CHALET i.-i: n:. Spaghetti, Raviolas, Pan Fried Chicken, Choice Steaks 2 Miles Out on Dallas Highway For Bsssrrallons 1-5139 SHOWS And RIDES America's IIEUEST WOIIDER SHOW Netv Hippodrome Circus! Ele phants! Horses! Dogs! Ponies! Jugglers! Acrobats! Funny Cloicns! Mile long Midway! 'Am azing Side Shows! Netv ThriU ling Hides for Kiddies and Grown - Vps! Truly the Sea sons Treat and Bags Benny Cartoon i