The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Statesman,
Oregon? Thufdcry May 21. 1847
Guests Are
Bidden to
Mrs. Craig Coyner will be
hostess for an informal party
tonight at the Broadway street
home of ber parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Batty Cooper, in honor of
Mrs. Gordon Park Keith.
Guests have been invited to a
dessert supper with an evening of
contract following. A shower will
fete Mrs. Keith. "
Bidden to honor Mrs. -Keith
re Mrs. Walter Bert of Seattle,
Mrs. Robert Findley of Rickreall,
Mrs. Victor H. Collins, Jr., Mrs.
- Gordon Krueger, Mrs. Bruce
VariWynorden, Mrs. John Gard
ner, Mrs. Milton Hartwell. Mrs.
Frank Newell, Mrs. Dean Trumbo,
Mrs. Jay MorreU. Mrs. John An
derson, Mrs. John L. Sullivan,!
Mrs. Benjamin Whisenand and
Mrs. Wayne Hadley.
Excellent Program
By School Groups
Horns tooted, drums boomed
and violin strings sent forth
sweet music on Wednesday night,
when several hundred student
musicians' performed at the an
nual instrumental music festival
of the Salem schools at the high
school auditorium. Uniforms of
varied colors aded consiedrable
excitement to the. affair.
The beginning orchestra from
all eight grade schools played the
opening number, followed by the
advanced string group from the
same schools. There was then a
group by the combined bands of
the schools.
Pafrish and Leslie Junior high
school bands in uniforms and
the combined orchestras played
group, followed by the uniformed
band from the high school. - j
Directors were Carl Raymond,
Leslie; Karl Thielen, Parrish;
r Victor Palmason, director of or-
chestras, and Vernon Wiscarson,
Society. ..Clubs
Music... The Home
Visitors For
Holiday :
Trips out-of-town by many Sa
lem families and in influx of
visitors in the capital will high
light the .Memorial weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes and
children. Jerilvn and John, and I
MONSAT ... Mp anil Xfrt Acs Twiollin will
United Spanish War Veteran, ana - " "
Belknap Springs on the McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mc
Elhinny, Sue McElhinny and Mr.
and Mrs. William McElhinny and
daughter, Christy Ann, will leave
tosrthvSeekd Hden Traubel, Wanerian so
& pe"tJ..1ilaJr T.61? "L1 prano of the Metropolitan op-
prano of the Metropolitan op
era, who will sing in concert
at the high school auditorium
tonight Miss Traubel's concert
is the final one in the Commu
nity concert series. She arrived
in Salem.
awxiteary VFW.taU, avaa,
Mrs. Yocom
Mrs. Roy H. Mills was hostess J?" ' " ' 1 ':"nd
for a smartly arranged luncheon J' Mr: mna Mr9'
V.Vr;'," niXaa- Mr- and M- Merrill OhUng
" V0vPlSE daughter, Alice Louise, will
ure x " ""T vacation over the holidays at their
is here vinting from Chicago, and htmfSl hous at Sea, Ro.-,
a few of her friends. Miss Dorathea Steusloff and
A w-l r. r mn i Af TTC finfl . . . . .
. ---- ner grana nepnew, uavia Lnam- t t . t - .. -i
other summer flowers provided are vacationing at their flOme NUPtlCllS
ym Ativrmtivm note. Rriripe was i i v. i n..:- . - wimiu
in play during the afternoon. will be joined for the weekend r.VPnt OI MciV
Covers were placed for Mrs. by Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick J-AAl ivnay
v, Mwm f jnm Jnhncnn Mrs. r'Ur.L . .
c t ni Mr-c havM Writrhf I a in r i r.. I Announcement Is being made
j. e -v v - i sii . ivi in.i . iutiEiii inciviy I
Mrs. George Aiken, Mrs. A. A. and daughter, Mary Lou, and Mr. ot me marriage of Miss Thelma
Schramm, Mrs. Robert Craig, j and Mrs. Wayne Hadley and chil- I Joan Muyskens, daughter of Mr.
Mrs. A. A. Siewert and Mrs. Mills, dren, Eileen and Allan, will spend and Mrs. Harvey Muyskens, to
Mr. and Mrs. Yocom are en- me nonoay weekend at their Koy Blain Hamilton, son of Mr.
training Saturday for Chicago, summer home at Neskowin. - and Mrs. W. L. Hamilton of Wen
followinc a several weeks' visit in Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ellis and dell. Idaho, on May 11 at th
Salem, Corvallis and Portland children, Diane and John, will Join country home of the bride's par-
witn tneir lamines. I " r. uns oi enis. ine itev. uoyd Anderson
v3WVBU ,v me ocacn ior me nou- oi the First Baptist church offi
Dinner Honors
After a wedding trip to Idaho
f Unioa Vetera as aad
auxiliary held a social meeting
Tuesday night at the Garden road
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Garrett. Sixteen members and
two guests were present for the
no-host dinner. Members read
historical and Memorial day. se
lections and a program was
Riven. Assisting were Mrs. L. P.
Bennett and Mrs. Lulu Boring.
Fnsaa Psrtlajid e ses news af
the birth of a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph C. Salsgiver on May
25 at St. Vincent's hospital. Mrs.
iaugiver is the former Marian
Boyle and the baby's materai
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
arl A. Boyle of Sal.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Viesko are
home at Nbrcrest this weet Cm iyWea wm at bame
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Emmons Patricia, and her iunior class Chi
entertained at their home on J Omega sorority sisters will go to
Courts treet t a Duiiei dinner me Deacn lor the weekend.
party Tuesday night in honor ox Gaests ta Arrive
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weida of Sac- Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gormsen I Mayflowers hall at 8:30 o'clock
ramento, California. Present were of Spokane are arriving Friday Sunny St. Clair's orchestra will
Mr. and Mrs. Robert tmmoni w spena tne noliday weekend Pay lor dancing. In charge of ar
and friend, Sidney Brewer, from wim weir son and daughter-in- rangements are Mr. and Mrs
England; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. "w, r. and Mrs. Robert W. Loren Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Wy
Emmons and son. Irvin Lee; Mr. wrmsen. , . i I nam Pat ton and Mr. and Mrs.
A FmmniM aiul iVir. and Mrs. Wilbur TJallv of Mmwk
four sons, David, Terry, Patrick -ortiana wui De nere for the holi
Taw Casaais dasee club will
entertain members and guests at
a dance Saturday night at the
Hostesses to
Fete Miss
Wilcox -
Miss Thelma Wilcox, popular
June bride-elect of Charles Win
kenwerder, will be the honor
guest at a pre-nuptial party to
night when- Miss Evelyn Johnson
and Miss Lorraine Murdock en
tertain at the Stuart Johnson
home on North Winter street.
A miscellaneous shower will
honor the bride-to-be and after
an informal evening a late sup
per will be served by the host
esses. Honoring Miss Wilcox will be
Mrs. A. E. Wilcox. Mrs. C. E.
Winkenwerder, Miss Viola Wil
cox, Mrs. Lawrence Feldschau,
Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen. jr., Mrs.
Jack Woodfield, Mrs. Rex Hardy.
Mrs. George Schroeher, Mrs.
Witiiam Stortr, Mrs. Douglas
Baker, Misses Olene Mehlhoff.
Cleo Eaton, Mary McKay, Paula
Smith, Maryann Wittliff, Sara
Ann Ohllng, Darlene Simmons
and the hostesses.
Sets Date
Miss Alice Elizabeth Beals and
Frederick S. White of Hettinger,
South Dakota, who announced
their engagement in January,
have Set Sunday, June 22, as the
dale for their forthcoming mar
riage, i The rites will take place at
the Calvary Baptist church with
the Rev. Charles Durden offi
ciating at 2 o'clock.
Miss Beals, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd C. Beals, is a
graduate of Salem high school and
is employed at the state industrial
accident commission. Her fiance,
son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. White,
is in the hardware business with
his father and brother in Het
tinger. Incentive for a number of
bridal j showers recently, the
bridelo-be was honored with a
miscellaneous affair given by her
co-workers at the Norman ave
nue residence of Mrs. R. F. Cart
right. Honoring the bride-elect were
Mrs. Connie Hampton, Mrs. Velma
Hanson, Mrs. Marjorie Mentzer,
Mrs. Theresa Cooper, Mrs. Bertha
GiJman, Mrs. Ruie Tubbesing.
Mrs. L. C. Beals, Miss Lucille
Young, Miss Pegy Gabriel. Miss
Betty Hanson, Miss Helen Issac.
Miss Clara Issac. Mis Betty j
Robbins, Mrs. Nyla Phillips. Miss!
Mabel Lindquist, Miss Betty j
Haystings, Miss Lillian McCall,
Miss Doris Beals. Miss Gladys'
Jones. Miss Lois Mitch, Miss
Georgia Broyles and Mrs. Cart-'
Mrs. Joseph Devers. Jr., eater-
tained members of SL Helena's
Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church at the last meeting, of the
year Tuesday night at the North
Cottage street home of her par
ents, the Harry Wiedmers.
Protein foods vary widely In
nutritive quality.
and Michael, and 'daughter, Karen g:her"th-ta4HeMo Azain
Lea; Mrs. Genevieve M. Arm- "pd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- 1
wTwWMirth.. lam Uses Some Precious
Iw'!SL,a tTp hL0? ISugar, But Many Cooks Think Worth It
Southern Pacific for almost 43
years and is an accomplished in-
Mrs. Weida is
singer and has apnea
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Ber
Udented Ro9emnr Bell) of Seattle will
laientea vi; j ,
lem with her parents.
strumental musician and ins true
i m twf - 1 A -1 A .
tor. xvirs. weiaa is a wieniea j.,, u.,;,,. , . . . .-
red Miore inn wik k. n
By Max to Bwes
Statesman Woman's Editor
Sugar situation looking up as it is. makes us a little more hope
ful when we spare some sugar for preserves, and strawberries of
large audiences in Sacramento m. u v'ti'k'"",,
and San Francisco. Mr. Emmons I ' S' J Y" 7 . I "crc uw oia xavonie l naven i oarea put into print
xmt w-m. .r. firrf 1" 'Tr."4"" wunnu for many a year, but here it K
51 Small payaaeaita
Installs a Gensh.
Paico Bdof
U9 Ceast St.
ana jvirs. weiaa are urn toui. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
The guests departed for their Ber of Tacoma. who .r.
to .ugene to attend a convention
Dr. and Mrs. William Wallar
Youngson. their son-in-law and
aaugnter. Mr. and Mra. H I
rence Lister and children, Patri
cia ana Larry, of Portland, for-
Imerl'v nf Sal ...m i i I ....
sixty women souers i t : , -1 - uuui aim
turned out for the regular Ladies I f; ' Tl fi"?" ol I acl1 gooseberries and cook -until
home in Sacramento Wednesday.
Golfers Pkry For
Low Net
many a
1 pound strawberries
1 pound" gooseberries
2 pounds sugar.
Slice berries' and cover with
T- ar fKa CalaM ClnAt liih U XMlie.
on Wednesday with luncheon fol- Trr'tir Ti
lowing- at the clubhouse. V Jt W UlStriCt
i i m a, saw
uourn piajra iwr iuw utrv wiui r . .
Mrs. W. T. Waterman winning Metina Hp H
Small Z -9 w.v-.
the mixture jells when a little is
cooled in a saucer.
Then there's this:
1 quart berries
1 quart sugar
4 cup water.
.wlSnr I to . diTcT' meet Lng Mon-1 .r cook unm alrnt Ul
in class A; Mrs. Brazier Small,
class B; and Mrs. Werner Brown,
Marion auxiliary No. 661 to
class C. Oualifvin for the snrina ,t.r r""1-1' .
UntU nexi weanesaay. I W. --, . .v.. u.n I AdH hrria inH thn rMninin
j . Tvmsui im u I -
Mn iimM Raar and Misa I wim tne president. Mrs. Elmer sugar, raw. enng 10 a 0011 ana
Kav Addink of Vancouver. Wash, Forbis, presiding. " minutes. Do not
wi n s Mi WMinfNulav i ireparunent omcers introduced I mcreiy pusn oernes into
luncheon guests of Mrs. Homer were Mrs. Russel Mudd, past de-j'P- Let stand overnight in a
paroneni president, Mrs,
kettle and bottle when cold in
sterilired jars.
wooL pure worsted. S"x8"; won
derful fc patch quilts, repairing
torn clothes and darning. Hun
dreds of colors; sold by weight
or piece.
Jee'a Upstairs Clothes Shop
442 State Street
Tbla gTvat madldna la turnout ta
ran pain, aarvoua dlatraas and
arask. cnakf, Ucsd out' (Mlinca.
eC such days when du to famal .
fancttaaal moatKly atatUTbancaa.
Smith, jr.
Wanted: Modern Home
S fciliaaa , near high schaat.
WUI pay np U $15,00t cash.
Tel. 4770
Boys or Girls Bicycles at New, Lower Prices
$18.45 $42.50
Small model, has Good-
year all weather tiree and
Bendlx coaster brakes.
Dayton Deluxe Bicycles, Beg. $59.95
Children s
Sand Boxes
How 52J5
With canopy
rUa. $11.55 .
A sand box in the back yard
'ill keep your yowngiters
happy and occupied for
hours at a. time . . . the
canopy keeps off the hot
Children s
A double swine, for three,
four or ' f i ve-ye a r -olds. Per
fectly safe for little tots.
Fun For All the Family
Croquet Sets. Beg. 8.90
White 'All Metal
Tea Wagca
A serving convenience,
gracefully designed, with
blue g'ats top. Bottom sec
tion has holes for pitcher
and glasyes.
..Now $70
For Outdoor Living Room
Coffee Table
White-enameled metal, with
glass top; Ideal for porch or
Keith Ercwn will b closed all day Friday, May 30,
4- and Saturday, May 31.
Free! A Ceert Streets
rbee f 1U
Lwber Mm week Claitag Hariware-raiais
Streyer, department conductress.
and Mrs. Leon Hansen, district
no. zo president
Auxiliaries from Mill Cirr. Scio.
ML Angel. Wood burn. Silverton
and the Meadowlark and Beaver
Navy- and Marion auxiliary were
Election of officers for the en
stung year was held with the fol-'
lowing elected: president Mrs.
Leon Hansen; senior vice. Clara
Stange; junior vice, Vesta Cutler;
treasurer, Yvonne Ritchie: chap
lain. May Wilder: conductress.
Ines Hyder; guard. Fay Simpson:
musician. Mrs. Virgil Bolton: sec
retary, Mrs. James Beall; color
bearers, Eva Tucker. Margaret
Hunt, Ivell Haley and Helen
Lucas; patriotic instructor, Flor
ence Massing; and' assistant
conductress, Mary Changs.
All officers but the president
were installed -by Department of
uregon Conductress Mrs. Arwin
After the meeting refreshments
were served by, Mrs. Willie Boone
andrMrs. Eva Boland and their
Mrs, Rebert Needham enter
tained members of her club at
bridge and a late supper Wednes
day night at her home on North
21st street
famed soprano,
uses the Baldwin
piano exclusively.
Hear tbjs reat ainger
accompanied by the
Haldwia piano:
8il$ p. m.
Salem High School
Slone Piano Co.
1541 Fairgrounds Kd.
Ph. Z557t
fein & gang
i i 1 1 i Tri a a - ii
fit ... style ... quality
Drapery Valance? Yes If you wish. Made
to fit your window, and accommodate panel or
full drapes, over your Venetians. Fit . . . style
Made in. Salem exclusively by
seo so. list st
Phone 3148
Dr. C E. Boring
Dont Take
For Granted!
- y-
Dr. San Hughe
It's a precious edit! Guard It wall
so don't wait
ar. pr
. hare
scribed only if needed
your yes examined toon.
Dignified Credit
XS3 Cart Phsne 5f
S-Day Service
Out - of - town cus
tomers may send in
their watches. We
will mail estimate
before repairing.
Seasonable Prices
We Will Be Closed Salnrday
to allow our personnel a three-day holiday. We
trust that you four customers can anticipate
your needs earlier in the week, and will not be
unduly inconvenienced.
Allen Hardware
23S N. Commercial
155 N. Liberty
Phone 3194
Week-end Special
Thursday and Saturday Only
Gay New CottoWs
at a money-saving price
Quality fabric, workmanship, fit
fyery on guaranteed wcrshabU
Sizes for Misses and Women
Our regular low price U 2.93
It'abeen years siocerou'reseeti
aacb a complete stock on cot
tons at this low price! CLooae
a smart tltirtwaa-t or your fe
Toriteeasy-to-iron button-front
atyle all washal.le as a soap
flake. Don't misa this oppor
tunity; come earlj! In sizes
from 14 to 20, 38 to 44.
Add this pwrckase to yovr Monthly Payment flan