2 The Start man, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. May 29, 1947 Linn County Lamb Show Set Saturday SCIO -(Special)- The annual Linn County Fat Lamb and Wool show, "f-ther of the purebred ram tale," ii to be held at Scio, where it originated never a I yean ago. on Saturday, May 31. Flo&ts, comics, pels, Shetland ponies, men and women mount ed on attractive steed, bicycles, etc.. already are reported to have requMl street apace and even a tetter parade Ulan year' if expected. Sponsors promise . patrons one of the -beft show in its history, as the annual event again is well on its feet following suspension during war years. Many varieties of crocheted, woven,and knitted yarns in socks and anklets, women's sweaters, baby sets and afghans, etc., are expected to be exhibited. Lamb judges are H. E. Lindgren of the division of animal hus bandry at Oregon State college, , and R- I Clark of Portland. In the fleece division, R. A. y'ii d, bo of Portland; will pass on quality and other merits. Four separate classes have been ar ranged medium and' coarse fleeces, adult entries, and. a simi lar plan for -4-H entries. ' The theep dog contest usually attract great interest. The lamb shew dance at the Scio gymnasium will close the day's activities. C. L. Donahue U general chair-- - man of the show executive com C mittee and J. A. Nunn is secre T tary. Other members of the com mittee are J. D. Densmore, sr., Wilbur Funk. W. S. Sparks. W. P. Lund, N. John Hansen and R. L. Devaney. The wool division Is headed by Hazel Pague and Mrs. J. D. Densmore. jr.,- with the parade committee .being Mr. and Mr. Roy V. Shelton. Mrs. Karl Caswell is In charge of -displays, all of which are required to be ki before 9 o'clock Saturday morning. N. John Han .aen. county club agent, and Viola Hansen, county demonstration agent, will judge 4-H exhibits. 2 More Fliers Escape Nicaraguan Jungle BALBOA. C. Z May Army headquarters said today - that two more survivors 'of the crash of a Flying Fortress in the Nicaraguan jungles last Thursday frhad been brought out. making a total til 11 out of IS crewmen who have been rescued or located. The plane caught fire and crashed a week ago while en route to Kelly Field, Tex. NICARAGUA QUIET. AGAIN MANAGUA. -Nicaragua, May 28 -ijf)- Nicaragua resumed its regular schedule today following Monday's bloodless coup deposing President Leonardo. Arguello. Stores and business houses in Managua were open as usual, and only a few armed soldiers were seen. Too Late to Classify URGENTLY Needed, furn. apt or houv. Witt handle wMh car. Refer ence. Phone SMS. HcHdor Spedall Now Showing I Q2)SEQ r-- - 2 Kie Xf ' Cewfceysi ... r -, V - Plus! This Happy CkTeaturel ... .... v:s .rnVT?nn- ,.rtf ? sum ) F011 IIHIORIAL DAY! ConL Shows from 1 p m. Tomorrow! Now Showing! Is Technicolor Dennis Morgan Jack Carson "Tims. Placo and fhs GW - Gary Cooper Jeaa Arthur "Ths Plainsman Willamette Alumni Elects Mrs. Jory New officers of the Willamette University Alumni association, elected by a recent mail ballot, were announced Wednesday. Mrs. Harold Jory, Salem, was named vice president, for a two year term. Prof. Herman Clark of the local university will serve on the executive committee for three years. Selected for the Willamette board of trustees, for three-year terms, were Beryl Holt, Salem, and Neil Shaffer. Kent. Wash. Steve Anderson, Salem, contin ues as president, in a .two-year term arrangement which alter nates elections for president and vice president. 5 Board Revokes Beer Licenses The state liquor control com mission Wednesday revoked the package beer licenses of Wood ruffs Saving Center, Salem, and the Maple service station at Wil lamina for sale of the beverage to minors and announced it would continue the policy instead of suspending licenses 30 days, the Associated Press reports. Timberline Lodge, Inc., at Mount Hood, lost its operating license for 30 days on a charge of illegal sale of liquor by the drink over the bar. Suspensions included: Goldie's, Silverton, 10 days for disorderly premises; Frank K. Staff, Thomas B. Hill, Willamina, sal to minor, 30 days. Woodburn Tax Hearing Is Set For Thursday WOODBURN-T-Public hearing on the 1947-48 school budget and a ballot on authorization of a tax above the 6 per cent limita tion will be held Thursday, May 29, at Lincoln grada school. The budget for the coming year calls for expenditures totalling $111, 960. Receipts for the year have been estimated at $79,600, taxes that would be delinauent. 1 1.000. leaving the amount to be raised by taxation to balance the bud get at $33,360.. Of this, $20,279.87 is within the 8 per cent limita tion, and $13,080.13 must be vot ed upon. Increases include salary raises for teachers as required by law. conversion or heating plants xo oil at the high school and Lin rnln rrade school, and the Possi ble purchase of an additional new school bus. In spite of the larger budget, it i evneeted that the addition of new districts by consolidation and increase in property values will result in a levy at least a mill less than the 20.8 mills in effect in the old Woodburn dist rict last year. rniilffl n.Ar.ETT ELECTEE. Charles Claggett, vice-president and manager of the W. T. Rigdon company, was elected cecond vice-president of the Oregon State Fun eral Directors' association at the jrfoup's convention In Portland Wednesday, according to Associat ed Press reports. Mat. Daily from 1 p. aw. Dal EVANS Olin howli:j Now Showing! Walt Disney's Technicolor TinoccWo" Monte Hale In Color Horns on fhs Range" Chapter f "Daschles- sf Den Q" VFW Selects Delegates for Statewide Meet Five delegates were named by Veterans of. Foreign Wars Mea dowlark post 6102 to attend the state encampment June 18-22 in clusive at Grants Pass, and meet ing nights were changed for the summer months. Paul Bergman, Richard Cut ler, Gordon Bressler, Robert A b rams and Arne Lien are the delegates, and alternates select ed are Joe Devers, jr., Bob Norris and Earl Parker. Post meetings will be only on the second Wednesday of each month during June, July and August, it was voted; instead of being twice monthly. A sample copy was shown by Adjutant N. A. Curry of a 'Pic torial History of World War II" which may be purchased through the post. Veterans interested in obtaining the 'four-volume his tory' are asked to write Adjutant, VFW post 6102, postoffice box 373, Salem. Mills to Head Fire Fighters HOOD RIVER, May 28- Capt. Robert Mills, Salem, was elected president of the Oregon State Fire Fighters association to day as the 27th annual state fire convention came to a close. Don Lewellyn, Milwaukie, was chosen president. of the Oregon Association of Fire Chiefs, Walter Young. Dallas, first vice presi dent, and Ivan Pearson, McMinn- ville, treasurer. H. C. Spaulding, New berg, was elected to the board of trustees. Poison Paths Await Insects ORDNANCE, May 28-a)-New paths of poison were spread to day before the flank of Mor mon crickets advancing toward the war surplus goods stored in the ordnance depot here. The horde of insects appar ently detouring from the main army began crawling into, the warehouse area yesterday. Her miston's rich irrigated farms are only about five miles away. Poison-spreading trucks went into the area after Col. Raymond Curtin described the situation as "serious." Earlier, poison attacks halted a cricket advance about three miles south of here. Fete to Pay Homage To Dayton Pioneer Joel Palmer, founder of Day ton, Ore., will be honored In . a special Memorial day ceremony there Friday, the Associated Press reports. This is part of a statewide observance of the holi day, to include dedication of a new marker at the graves of Jesse and Cynthia Applegate at Yoncalla and honoring of Charles and Lindsay Applegate with ser vices at Yoncalla and Ashland. Cocttlnswu Friday From 1:00 p. m. NOWI Thru Sot. Cs-Hit! A three ring Ctreas sf Fsnl Yankee Fakir ii Vi 1 1 I - BASEBALL Holiday Iligkl 8:15 P. IU Waters Field Salen Senators Portland Beavers Reserved seats at Maple's and the Ball Park. Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 mm ;No Second Loan', Says Great Britain MARGATE, England, May 28 (i?1)- Britain's labor party, with left wing "rebels" showing un foreseen strength, voted two to one today in a test in support of Foreign Secretay Ernest Bevin's international policies. Prior to the vote, Deputy Prime Minister Herbert Morrison and Chancellor of the Exchequer Hugh Dalton indicated clearly at the party's annual conference that Britain intends to stand on her own feet economically and wants no second loan from the United States. CIO Rejects Offer by Ford . DETROIT, May 28-P)-The CIO United Auto Workers today rejected an offer from the Ford Motor Co. of the equivalent of a 15 cent an hour wage increase for 130,000 production employes be cause it did not include an old age retirement plan. . The offer called for an UVt cent hourly wage increase plus six paid annual holidays, a pat tern similar to that accepted in other auto plants. With a retirement plan, a spokesman added, the wage offer might be acceptable. State Democrat Factions Split WASHINGTON, May 28 JP) The split in Oregon's democratic ranks was carried to national headquarters today, but the demo cratic national committee execu tive director refused to try men ding it Gael Sullivan, executive direc tor, conferred separately with two Oregon factions today on the par ty dispute in that state. One man to confer with Sulli van was Lew Wallace, democrat ic national committeeman who has threatened legal action against the Oregon democratic state central committee officers elected after Wallace's proxy votes were ruled out. The other was Monroe Sweet land, member of the credentials committee that refused to admit Wallace's proxies, and member of the newly elected Oregon execu tive committee. Truman Unwilling to Defend Europe i Wallace DENVER, May 28-OD-Henry A. Wallace declared tonight the Truman administration is willing "to encourage Europe to take our side in a future war against Rus sia without the slightest intenVJ a: M j i v. u . ! iiuu ui ueienuuig urupe u. war comes. The former vice president asked hta war , department to "tell us before it is too lata whether they could defend Eu rope or even England in the event of a world-wide atomic war. Board of Education . Discuss Klamath School The state board of education will meet at 9:30 a. m. today in Salem to make plans for operation of the Klamath marine barracks as a state vocational school. The board hopes to name a su perintendent of the school at the meeting. The school, asquired from the government for $1 is expect ed to open early in July. FORD THEFT REPORTED Theft of a blue 1938 Ford se dan, license number 54-29? from the 200 block of North High street between 7 and 10 p. m. Wednesday was reported to Sa lem police by E. J. Horn, 1163 Waller st., the car's owner. HUB CAPS TAKEN C. W. Beecroft of 1940 Royal st, reported to dty police the theft of two hub caps and chrome rims from his car parked at Front and Ferry streets Wednesday af ternoon. Opens 6:45 F. M. Lucille Ball - John Hodlak "Two Smart People" 2nd Feature Mona Freeman Richard Demlng In "Black Beauty" A story about a bene. Last Day Ann Sheridan - Ronald Reagan "KING'S ROW Also "WILD BILL HICKOK RIDES" STARTS TOMORROW! S THE BATTLE OF THE COWBOYS! Six-Gun Bhyikn! "LigMi cf Old Sanla- Fe with ROT ii Rogers and Tritger" Plus - Hilarious f N Si- ,!!! Ill II 'White House' Said to Blame For Red Films WASHINGTON, May 28 -iAr)-The house unamerican activities committee ordered an investiga tion today to follow up a subcom mittee report that "some of the most flagrant communist propa ganda films were produced as a result of White House pressure. Naming both the White House and national labor relations board and omitting any background, the subcommittee recommended: "That an investigation be insti tuted to determine the resimnsi bility and extent of the influence and interference on the part of government agencies or officials in the production of flagrant com munistic propaganda films." Cherry Fete Events Added Discussion of scheduled events, a tentative budget and the raising of necessary funds for thi.s sum mer's Salem Cherry festival oc cupied" directors and committee chairmen of the festival associa tion Wednesday night. t- Shows and happenings ar ranged include, on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the fair, industrial and agricultural ex hibits at the armory, a queen's coronation at the fairgrounds with style show and mass gym nastics, a parade, horse shows, a baseball game, air show, dances and carnival. One source of funds is to be the sale of buttons for one dollar to adults, 50 cents to children, which will admit the wearer to all festival events. Navy Reservists Use New Radio The Salem Naval Reserve units' new electronics equipment was put to its first use Wednesday night when reservists "reported in" to Seattle on the navy reserve network with a newly-installed transmitter, E. A. Meola, com mander of the local group reports. Next meeting for the group will be at 8 p. m.. June 8 at their air port headquarters. Paris University Rector Charged witli Fund Theft PARIS, May 28 -UP)- The sen sational arrest of Gustave Rous sey, 73, rector of the University of Paris and world famous can cer expert, on charges of finan cial manipulations and conver sions involving Swiss and French francs, was announced by Paris police today. 08C DORM FULL FOR FALL CORVALLIS, May 28 -OP)- All Oregon State college's fall term dormitory space is already spok en for. Single men, however, will have additional housing at Adair Village, eight miles away, where quarters for 300 men are being completed. Wit TMt Alt' Pimm I INONf HEARING AID Batteries far all makes Hearing Aids, Otarlos Hearing Aid, cen ter of Salem, 488 Court St. Ph. 1-4000. Tonight Only! , wm Portland's Palais Roy ale Orchestra CRYSTAL GARDENS BALLROOII Salem, Ore. Last Day GUN SU0KI ACTION! I '7. 'limwiB v YD A s d y CLYDE Ksrj T. 0 C X S Bags Bunny Cartoon! f I Mint Grower Pilot Uses Farm as Airport JEFFERSON. May 28 Nel son Gilmour, 51 year old Talbot mint grower, has obtained his private pilot's license from the Howard Burleson, Albany muni cipal airport. He had previously purchased a plane from Burleson and used his mint field as an airport. NAZI GENERAL SUICIDE NUERNBERG. Germany. May 29-;P)-Gen. Franz Boehme, in dicted for war crimes allegedly committed during the German oc cupation of Yugoslavia, died early today of a skull fracture suffered in a suicide leap in Nuernberg pri.son. LOGGERS ACCEPT RAISE PORTLAND. Ore.. May 28-(P) A seven and a half cent hourly wage boost has been accepted by 45,000 CIO workers in the Pacific northwest fir industry, James E. Fadling. president of the Interna tional Woodworkers of America, reported today. laces Memorial Day May 30lh Time Trials ItOO P. M. Races 2:30 P. M. Salem Fairgrounds Admission $1.50 Inc. Tax MOTORCYCLE RACES. SATURDAY i JUNE 1 Wo Will Be D FOODS 0 D D D D D Geld Seal Peas It os. pkg. Birds Eye Spinach 14 os. Birds Era Broccoli 11 os. 290 380 Birds Ere Greeat - 270 290 270 250 Beans. II ex. Birds Ere Sacco- tash. 11 ex. ; Geld Seal Peas Carrots. 12 Birds Ere Pompkia Pie Mix If ox. . D D IlOnni n u 11 D Mb. carton 2SC D paBMBSSSSS4W,"",BeaBMBSSjBajB' D" ySea IsJandw Pure Can X SUGAR nil . Mc I D Use stamps Ne. 11 II No. IS. Good fer "i1 1 D 1 meemmw Officers Favor Reserve Pay Legislation pending in congress to pay members of the army reserve for their activities was officially favored by a vote of the Salem chapter of Reserve Officers association Wednesday night in its last dinner meeting of the season at the Golden Pheasant restaurant. Bi-weekly meetings will be resumed Sep tember 10. Copies of the two house bills, now before the military affairs committee, had been sent the ROA by Representative Walter Norblad. Plans were begun for th group's spring closed dance to be The Salem Hardware Company Announces .... that they will be closed May 29th and 31st in order that their personnel may have a 3-day holiday. Salem Hardware Company 120 North Commercial Closed Friday, Memorial Day Potafo Chips Blue Shoestring Polaloes Bw?L Blanched Peannls Cola Syrup Tapioca Pudding Ice Cream Cones . III. Uhilney Ripe Olives Tasg Salad Dressing neinz Cacnmber Pickles Y-8 Vegetable Juice Starr Apple Sauce Tenderleal Tea U-lb. pkg. He Sheiford'American Cheese Hani's Tcaalo Sauce Haw-Son Papya Juice n&D Whole Kernel Corn Hocdy's Peanut Duller DeLuxe Ice Cream Weeny or Hamburger Parawax a IUU bUbi-iaU Del Monte CURTIS Here yea will always find the "Best" tn whatever the e-rreat market eaa atfard la meats and at prices that are right. Baby Loin or Genuine Corn Fed Pork 65c It's tempting, fresh and always a family favorite. These are cut from Swift's properly chilled pork and Govt. hasp. Pure Lanb Pallies Ground from Swift's Premium Lamb - they're delicious Cholc 4-H club prize bi - tha best In steaks and roasts Salads Pickles - Assorted Lunch Meats "Tor Meat to Eat - Wo can't Be Beat" "Herb"" Curfis CAPITOL AT IIAHKET ST. held In June, and Ma J. Edwin Houser was appointed to head arrangements for the affair. Twelve officers will Judge drill teams at the Eagles' state conven tion to be here June 28-7. BASEBALL TONIGHT 1:15 P. M. Waters Field Salem Senalors vs. Yakima Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 Salem. Oregon o o D D D 0 D D D D Bell 5 -ox. pier. 170 D 2700 250 D 290 J 250 Circus : ..8-oz. tin Maria. Blakt your own cola drinks 12-oz. bottla Ilixson .1 pkrs. .Pkf . of 24 At Ii Pint Jar fW - .4300 Jt At-n. Urn 35C Q rs Ua 1TC 47 c S H-n. pkg. M-ib. kg. 23 c 7c .t-es. tin Jfs Ua 18c D Ts Ua l ib. Jar 35 C fl q 43 c n Buns Laxary 4 P" ..Pkg. t t .1-lb. pkg. n U 43c D - tH's glaas D D D D D D 5 29c D D fl D 0 0 D D D Lb. ii