-2 Th Stat man. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday. May 27, 1947 Henry Brown Succumbs in River Here Henry George Brown, 54, who t irried identification cards from 'ortland, Ore, and Watertown, Y died of what First Aid "apt C. M. Charlton' termed "ap jarently a heart attack" while .wimmiDg is the Willamette river war Minto'sjsland Monday aft moon. Charlton aid the man bad a Urge acar. em his back. Two S&lem boys who were BASEBALL DOUBLE HEADER i TODAY I IS P. ML Water Field Salem Senators Yakima Box Scat Reservations Phone 4617 Coming Thins. Iligfc Only. M 'ft r til ortUnd'i PUU Royal, Orchestra CRYSTAL GABBEIIS DALLDQOII Salen, Ore. win r Ilew DoIo-TillGr JUST RECEIVED LARGE STOCK HURRY WHILE THEY LAST Teaguc I lb lor Company 355 N. Liberty - Salem, Oregon Tel. 7001 , 9 VL0Z1L TIBES New, especially designed high compression tread jurtually gives more grip area on the road surface. Product of the finest skills in the robber and petroleum industries, Mobil Tires are guaranteed by the makers of Mobflgas. Driv into your UobUga ttation for tin service. Your r.lobilgas Doalor wimmlng with the man, having rowed to the island with him in a boat, gave the victim artificial respiration, believing he had drowned, until first aid men ar rived at the scene. Finding their efforts brought little result, Eddy Logan, who lives in Portland, swam to shore to obtain help and Joe Alien of 748 Mill st, contin ued with his efforts to revive the man. One of the boys grasped Brown under the arms and swam to shore with him after the' attack, Charl ton reported, adding that he be lieved their "excellent" artificial respiratory efforts would have saved the man if he were a drowning victim. fi'olo Baees Ilemorial Day Hay 30ih Time Trials 1:00 P. M.' Races 2:30 P. M. Salem Fairgrounds Admission $1.50 Inc. Tax MOTORCYCLE RACES SATURDAY - JUNE 1 Hail Orders Now! 1 Starts Monday May 28 Nights at Ml; Matinees, gats. and Sana, at , VM.. Send MaO Orders to FartUnd Arena ONLY, enclosing self addressed, stamped envelope, glrlng- first and second data preference. Make cheeks par able to Portlaad Arena. rucES: $j.. ss.ee. tis; SLSe ( Including Ux) Portland Arena NW 20th at Marshall - Kellogg Sues To Keep Mink, " Foxes 'Healthy' Because fires and smoke give mink and foxes a tendency to kill their young, A. F. Kellogg, route 2, Turner, filed a suit to collect $2000 in Marfon county circuit court Monday. ( v Kellogg brought the suit against Pearl Hawk, who lives on the premises adjoining Kellogg's fur farm. The complaint alleges that the t defendant "with deliberate malice" has repeatedly set fires on her own property when the wind was just right so that the smoke would carry into Kellogg's fox and mink pens. Female foxes and mink, the complaint states, are highly, ner vous and excitable and when un usually disturbed, such as during exposure to smoke, will destroy their offspring. Kellogg states in the complaint he tiai 12 female foxes and 33 female mink, and that the young produced by them this year will be worth about $15,000. As a direct cause of the alleged fire-building, the complaint states, the foxes and mink have become highly nervous and that "their nervous systems have become per manently impaired and their health deteriorating." The com plaint asks that the defendant be restrained from building fires in such a manner as to cause injury to plaintiff between April 1 and July 10 of eacrj year. - - Dyke Relates Atom Benefits r Benefits to be derived from at omic energy were stressed by Dr. Walter Dyke, professor of physics at Linfield college, at the Salem Chamber of Commerce forum lun cheon Mori Haw Th tomic age is here to stay. me omy question is are we here to star?" he said. Kn rffnc ov ists or is in sight against the at omic Domo, scientists state, but the development of disease con trols resulting frnm iMMh investigations may be greater than 1 L.I! a . iww ocuevea, averrea tne speaker. I Ends Today - Opea C:45 -WALK IN THE gUJT Dana Andrews Richard Coot STABTS TOMORROW! & rnmm : rUIUKE NO. z "BLACK BEAUTY The Story of a liars Appeals for Albany Laboratory Voiced WASHINGTON, May 28 -iJP)-More funds for the Albany, Ore., metallurgical project were urged today by Senator Cordon and Rep resentative Ellsworth. Ellsworth attacked the house re duction of funds for a new zircon Kim pilot plant at Albany to $57, 000, declaring that. the originally planted $144,000 would have en abled important research. Denials Filed In Suit for Water Rights A denial of certain allegations was filed in Marion county cir cuit court Monday In behalf of the city of Salem, defendant in a water-rights suit brought by Gard ner Bennett of Stayton last Sep tember. - Bennett's complaint seeks an order enjoining defendants from diverting more than 22 ciTbic feet per second from the North San tiam river or from .diverting any water when it will diminish Ben nett's alleged prior right to 812 cubic feet per second. In filings Monday the city de nied those portions of the com plaint relating to personnel of the Salem water commission and out lining defendants' alleged actions in diverting the river water. Also denied is the complaint's allega tion that the continued diversion of water will injure Bennett's al leged power and water contracts. Any knowledge or Information of the plaintiffs prior water rights, which according to the complaint date back to 1868, is also denied. StindliV Wina Place To Military Academy Mr. an dMrs. G. K. Sundlie re ceived word Monday from U. S. Sen. Guy Cordon that their son, Alden, has been appointed to the United States military acidemy at West Point He will be admit ted July 1. Sundlie, a Salem high school graduate, is now junior at the University of Ore gon and a member of Phi Kappa Alpha. He has been a member of the varsity swimming team for two years. He plans to leave for the east in June. Cordon Bill Would Add Land to Silver Creek WASHINGTON, May 28-V Senator Cordon (R.-Ore.) intro duced today bill to provide for the addition of certain revested Oregon and California railroad grant lands to the Silver Creek recreational demonstraUon ' proj ect in Oregon. Mat. Dally frm 1 p. Ends Today I A slick hick from the Sticks ... with betk eyes e the Chlckst Catch? Ejcplosire Ce-Hlt! Benlta Gran villa ' 'The Gniliy" OPENS C:4S P. M. . ENDS TODAY! (Taes.) la Technicolor "ZIEGFELD FOLUES" Lola Collier THE CAT CREEPS" TOMORROW 1 Dennis Morgaa la Technicolor -"TIME, PLACE. THE GIRL" . Gary Coopor THE PLAINSMAN- OPENS $AS P. M. ENDS TODAY! (Toes.) Asa Miner THXXLL OP BRAZIL" Charles Starrett "SOARING RANGERS" TOMORBOWI - la Technicolor -Walt Disney's nNoccmo ' Moate Hale - Ia Color - HOME ON THE RANGE" New Street Equipment Okehed; Engineering Leads on Budget (Story also on pace 1.) City councilmen Monday night gave City Manager J. L. Franzcn a go-ahead sign on immediate order of six pieces of heavy engin eering equipment to expedite Salem street improvement wor this suiamer. The action in an abbreviated council Mission followed the Salem -; : ' Cliin-Ups Receive S937 Gift for Workshop Fund The Chin-Up Club of Oregon, Inc., has received a $937 dona tion from the Portland fraternal congress and the Oregon Mac cabees, as an addition to the club's fund for building a curva ture workshop renter with living quarters for Oregon's handicap ped. Ray Wilson, head of the fra ternal congress of Maccabees, made the presentation at a joint meeting of the congress and the Chin-Ups in Portland Sunday. H. S. Hudson, Chin-Up chairman for the congress, was speaker. Organization! contributing the 1937 included Aid Association of Lutheran. Ancient Order of United Workmen. Croatian Fraternal Union, Catholic Order of Foretters. Degree of Honor Protective Asnociation. Independent Order of Foreater. KniRhta of Colum bus. Lutheran Brotherhood. Modern Woodmen of America, National Union Security association. Neighbor of Woodcraft, Omaha Woodman Life In surance society, Polish National Alli ance. Security Benefit association. Sons of Norway. Maccabees. Western Bohemian Fraternal association. Wom en's Benefit association. Women's C'aUiolie Order of Foresters. Woodman Circle of Supreme Forester and the Woodmen of tha World. Wilbur to Observe 75tb Year Today The Rev. George M. Wilbur, a former resident of Salem, will celebrate his 75th birthday today at his home in Portland. 2735 NE 88th ave. The Rev. Mr. Wilbur on Sunday concluded a pastorate In a neighborhood Presbyterian church (n Portland and Is retiring from the active ministry. For many years he served as Sunday school missionary for western Oregon and during that time made his home here. He and Mrs. Wilbur have two sons, one of whom is also a minister. ALBANIA PROTESTS LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., May 26 -P)-Albania filed a protest with the United Nations tonight charging that 43 Greek airplanes flew over Albanian territory May 21 and fired volleys which killed two persons and wounded eight women and children. Too Late to Classify 1S44 11' Masterbllt trailer houte. Bu tane range Si wall heater. Elec. hot water heater. Heavy duty tires. Elec. brakes. See at Box SO. Hansen Ave. Phone S-199S. For I budget committee meeting where approval was given the Franzen estimate of $399,840 for engineer ing department expenditures in the coming year, including $28, 100 for three new trucks, lush er, loader - and grader. Franzen told the council he could get delivery on some of the needed equipment within six weeks -if he ordered them imme diately, and otherwise bidding and delivery misht delay street work until after the good weather sea sons. Engineering work constituted the largest item of budget expen diture in the $1,090,000 recom mended by Franzen and approv ed by the budget committee. Oth er features of the engineer bud get call for $162,000 outlay (from funds already on hand for part of a 54-inch interceptor sewer line as first real step toward a future sewage disposal system, erection of a $2,444 storage place for equipment at the Bellevue yards and $4,000 in companion improvements on warehouse and city shops, and a $57,000 street program including widening of High and Liberty streets down town and other improvements. STARTS TODAYI Twe Old Faverttes That Are Forever Newt 1 9 v Ann Sheridan Ronald Reagan Robert Cummlngs . In - Kings Bow" Also Censtanee Bennett Warren William - In - 'Wild Bill Hiclrok Bides L I OUR LMOM. . . AOuR MERCURY m Mei mm WE HAVE undertaken to pro vide the finest, most modern sales and service facilities for Lin coln and Mercury owners in this area. Result is that we're better able than ever before to serve your motoring needs promptly and well. But "seeing is believing" so Some day soon, stop in and see these great Lincoln and Mercury WARNER Legislature's Journals Cost State $10,050 Compilation of the house and senate journals as official record of the 1947 legislature was com pleted Monday at a total cost placed by state officials at $10,050. The amount represented pay to legislative officials in the 50 days they worked after close of the session. The house Journal cost $6,750 as compared with the sen ate journal's $3,300 cost. STARTS Tomorrow! mm vl VI Ml A DICK POWEbcl IVILYN K E YES tm ti vl 1 CO-FEATTEE! A Three-King Ctrcos f Fan! ! DeagUs Fewley hi "YANKEE FAKlft V M star, filer cars you've heard so touch about? And take time to look over our Service Headquarters. com plete with the latest equipment . adequate parts stocks4 . and skilled mechanics who know their jobs. Here is Lincoln and Mercury service at its best the kind of trustworthy service that makes friends and keeps them! MOTOR CO. In closlnc minutes of the sion4ffe house had voted $1S per diem pay. Including Saturdays and Sundays, for all nine house journal revision employs six clerks. Speaker John Hall and Reps. Joe Wilson and Earl HilL Payments received by the sen ate journal revision employe were: President of the Senate Marshall E. Cornett, Klamath Falls, and Chief t Clerk Zylpha Bums, $15 a day each; the as sistant chief clerk and calendar clerk. $10 each, and two stenog rapher at $8 a day each. HalL Hill and Wilson had lit tle f do on the journal job, as they have made few appearances here the past 50 days. ENDS TONIGHTI Rot Millcmd Barbara Stanwyck In "CALIFORNIA" 1 I G 1 430 N. Commercial St Phon 7249 Salem, Onqon r"" - Tirol ,