For Sale Real Estate G. I. Country-Home BEDOOOUS. hta rim with cov euing Mi hardwd Soot-, dinette. Ire krtrttfn. wired (or range, rur Hart m4 partial kHHml Uri rase enaV let. Immediate posarM-lon 2th. IMM. . ' No. 309 $1000 Down 944 PES MONTH NOW VERY cemnSete one bedroom hTre. Trelirrrliy located. Near En gkewoad mmL $487. No. 13 $750 Down r. H. A. APPROVED aes. 2 bdrm, afached rsrare. To fee finished tot 60 Slav. DON'T WATT AN LOSE THIS OePORTUNTTT. COME IN OH CAUL. $1500. Down 8-0 PER MONTH. S nan boast North THto st. Fine locattoR. plastered. Ctnt to . srhoois, Areolae, garage, largo lot- rvonoo No. 823 THIS WEEK ONLY 1 bed room. new. aaa-trn. plastered bom-. Ne covered potto 'just right for ho weather. Price SM74. Good term or vtii trod for Portland prop ortr. No. 212 New. m bod room bom. Fully plumbed, est paved road Attached Ka raite Pn mum now $4jpsk No. 227. Not Now but good. 8-Uclewoad Dist rict, g room ond fwrnUried. $7009. Terms at 4V No. 8M Kfimann Real Estate tot S. Hifh Phone S2C1 Eve m) Sua. Ph." HTM or 205 BY OWNER: 8 li-iaa. hiwi in Keizer dag Immediate p ascsstos- Ph. 3-6961. ALMOST New 3 bedroom houit lo cated as Tarner. Oooor leaving state prices for quick sale. $3800 : a room bouse on rood at. Price $3500 MM down. AURED TXTbTBRCK OR W. A. SAUst3SIG 17 V Cownemai St. BARGAIN fLate butiOtwrno located Walnut Park dist. Noo corner lot. BJT. Kit, itook. botb. fireplace. Insulated, hardwood floors, garage, basement exci IWart cooot ruction Im tned. pom. Price rewaccd. $18,100. phono for ape iwtiTwt. LARS EN HOMI ac LOAN CO. 188 S. Cowl. St. Pb. 418: Eve. 7440 SMALL HOUSE with on acre. Elec tric "tight A water system. East. 170 Acres, house born. Running water, electric lights, creek, some Um ber, family orchard, machinery A stock can be purchased. 3 acres, bouse A born, electric lights a waer system, orchard, best of soiL North of Salem. We have a number of new houses. See Floyd W. Steward with C A. Reed, Realtor 263 ISoTConri. St. Phone 3629 G. I. SPECIALS Reiser. 3 Bar. S40S Sown 73oa. Keoer 3 Bdr. acre. $400 dwn. 720. City. East, t Bdr Hardwood Hoars, very nice kUohen. paved street, near school. dandy at this Rrkre. $580 down. 879S& City, North. 3 bod rooms, auto Batic beat, attached garage. SB dry. North. 3 1dr, oak floors, insulated unfinished upstairs. 875a. Northeast, exceptional hsrd Wood floors, fireplace. 3 bdrm. down. ' insulated unfinished upstairs, plenty as built ms. H960. City. Corner lot. hardwood Coots. Venetian blinds. 3 bdr.. base ment, large garage 1 year old. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor lim N. Caprtol Ph. 8316 Eve 7217 NEED ROOM WE HAVE A HOME WITH ROOM A PLENTY Located on a Urge lot overlooking new park. Living room, fireplace, din ing room, kitchen, large nook. 3 spa cious bed rooms, bath, ground floor. Upstairs half bath. 3 bed rooms, large turoace. elec. water btr. The big backj yaro ss scneee. tor privacy. Truly a LssnL'y heme or home and income. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 35d N. High St. Phone 2-4129 "$456. 5 rm. cottage, bath, lights, lassndry rm, garage. Close to bus A ocnool, small lot. Immediate poaaession. Melvin Johnson 940 K. Cottage Ph. 3723 Not a House - A Home Slot big adequate; not skimpy generous; not flashy elegant; not bargain price permanent satisfac tion; not for specula t for the joy of living: not open bowse ap pointment; not long-drawn-out debt eah: not some other fortunate sou J YOU! not later NOWt 914.230. N. 3. Reaaoner. feral Estate. Room 1. 341 State. Salem. P. S.; Let me seU your prouei ty. too. SS7SO Late built. 2 lasge'B. Rs. ttardwood floors, fireplace, oil fur nace. Eec. cooking. Englewood Dtst. Good terms $6860 Completely furnished 3 B R home, fireplace, oil furnace. Terms. SSOQd 3 B. R. taw. Basement, sawduct furnace. Cloae to Salem High School. 9400 9 Rm. modem, t B. R full basement, furnace, large lot. well lanoscaped. Near bua line. IMM I B. K piaster finished tiptairs. Large lot. near school bus. Very good terms, 94200 1 B R plastered home. Well located on large lot. Easy terms. Larten Home & Loan Co. 104 S. Com 1. St. Ph. 8389 Eve. 7440 or 24591 911.30e.oi). Englewood duT Hoob down, bal 94V.38 per mo. 12 yr. con tract. New 3 rm home, hwd floors thruout. ei! ppe fur. 3 bdrms. Call rn iinrivsrii. 1 Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ml CbemekeU St. Ph. 21S49 Eves 26680 EasrlewoadTdist. a rm. altler type borne. Lg tot sOxl37. This is worth serine. 32S00 down, CaU ED IXKI.VBEAL Huff Real EsUte Co. Realtor 841 . Chemeketa St. Ph. Eves 36880 tsoOOoTSee this 3 bdrm borne. Liv rm. kit. bath. Frott A. nut trees on dbl lot near bua A store Call OMXR Huff Real Estate Co, etealtors Ph. 21549 841 Chemeketa St. Eves 350M 8l2.0O9.a0. Newly decorated home. Lg Kv rm. dining rm, kit. nook, 1 bdrm da. 4 bdrms up fireplace, oil pipe furnace. Call OMER Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Pb 21M9 - Eves 25091 3 B. fireplace, basement, large lot on corner WE South and Baxter Rd. 948SO.00. 3 B. R.. all large rooms, basement and new furnace, nearly an acre on North River Rd. $7000.00. We have several 1 and 3 B.R. homes tinder $7SO8.00. Some In town, some out. See W. M. CHIP MAN Phone 4109 with A. A. Larsen, Broker Guardian BWg 483 State St. SPECIAL- " Modern Chicken Broiler Plant with good bouse. 90 foot well,- hen house, tile and cement breeder house, auto matic hot water beater; laundry trays, ieed room. 13 acres all fenced. 3 acres alfalfa. All equipment included. Price complete 918.900.00. Modern Auto Court with 8 units. Each units consists of. Uving room, kitchen, bed room. sink, gas range, shower, electric beat and garage: plus owner! Irving quarters. Lot is 92x150. Has large glassed In Solarium with unobstructed view of ocean. This ta a very food investment. Priced to aeB at $28,500.00. P. H. Bell, Realtor - . . GUARDIAN BTJTLDING SALEM. OREGON PHONE 4898 By Owner Save 3500 on 4 bdrm. modern home. iacre with few cherries, Applase. wal uts. Ideal for large family. Terms. 170 airoew Ave. For Sale Real Estate Chas. Hudkins & Son $2000 I Rooms. Large lot $2950 1 Room, furnished. Small lot. $-1250 Cute. new. rooms, south. $4750 Good Location. 4 BR, fruit. $5850 S Bedrooms. Flowers. Nice lot. $6500 New. L.H. carpeted. B R.. Utility. YES. WE HAVE HOMES. FARMS A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RANG ING FROM 12000 TO $32tt. THERE IS ONE IN OUR LIST OF QUALITY PROPERTIES TO FIT YOUR NEED A PURSE. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 NEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Lovely 3 bedrm. home, beautiful bath rm. with separate shower. Large living rm. Fireplace. Nice dining rm. Floors carpeted. Very convenient kitch en. Completely finished basement with maid's rm, party rm. automatic gas furnace. Sir conditioned. Attached ga rage. Really well constructed with plenty of glass brick used. Automatic lawn sprinklers. $16,300. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME 9 Rm. house. DM. garage. Close to school. 1470. $2000 will handle. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 HOUSES $5250 LOVELY mm. now 3 BR. plastered home an Hollywood district. This won't last. Beautiful 9 B R. home in Hollywood. Lovely yard. If you're looking lor a better home don t miss this. Nice 4 rm. mod. home north. 94000. Good terms. SEC HESS NELSON with William E. Moses 331 j State St. Phone 4993 91500 DOWN. Bal 949 pef mo. tor 9 rm. ' new home with bath, on ac East on paved road. BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 3310 337 N. High Street SMALL house, southeast. 91673. for particulars, ph. 4377. - OWNER: 9 room bouse, plastered, fireplace, furnace, nearly all newly decorated. Garage, work shop. Near schools, on bus line. 330 W. 30th. SMALL 3 B it heme at 1SC2 N. Church. Call 7448 and make offer. Cash 3 BR. LJL. Dinette. Kit. St Bath. ' acre. Verjr reasonable. Fum or un f urn. 3653 S. Summer. Phone 8313. cTT."pecTaL new gassa 3 lee. bdrms. plastered. V. B otl fir. furnace, firepl. hdwd. firs, at tached gar. Double constructed. Lawn, shrubbery. SUBURBAN HOME 3 Brms. Dble. plumb. Hwd. floors. Lawn, shrubbery, berries, fruit. Small modern barn, chicken bouse, corrals, cement walks, driveway. Dble. ga rage. Bides, recently built 3', miles east on Center. MITCHELL REAL ESTATE 3425 Portland Road FAIRMOUNT HILLT Very conveniently arranged. 3 bdrm. home, fireplace, full basement, auto, oil furnace, fenced back yard, large patio. Priced 910.500. Call D. t. DSwson with GRABENHORST BROS.. Realtors 134, S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 PARTLY FURNISHED $7000. Englewood Din.. 3 bdrms.. full basement. Davenport A chair, car peting in three rooms, dining room set A 3 stoves go. Recently decorated inside. TO SEE THIS CALL D. J. Dawson with GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Home and Income TWO HOUSES on one lot. well lo cated on paved st In W Salem, both houses will bring you better than 13 on your invesment. Imm poss. full price 98508. 'Sullivan Realty Inc REALTORS 33OT Portland Rd. Ph. 3253; Eves 7037 Englewood, $5,500 Neat. cory. two B.R. home on paved st. only one block from Englewood sch. on blk to bus. auto. beat, wired for elect range and h.w.h. nice fenced yard. Ideal for children, abundance of flowers and trees. Act quickly on this Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253; Eves 705T Close In Really a state! v borne, only few blocks to city center, you will marvel at the wonderful job of decorating and modernizing this home. AU eight rooms are exceptionally roomy, has four B R-'s in all, triple plumbing, fire place, full bsmt. ' with large finiahed room, large well landscaped 90 x 300 lot. A truly wonderful home and buy at $l.0oo. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves 7057 Only $6,300 - Neat and attractive 3 B.R, home well located on paved st. and corner lot ta W. Salem. This is a real buy and should pass for GX loan. Act quickly an this one. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3385 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; Eves 7057 North Liherty Close In. D.R.. L.R.. den or music room, kitchen, B.N. 3 nice bedrooms and bath, full basement, SJX furnace. This Is very nice. 99.000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Phone 3255 G. I. Suburban G. I. New two bedroom home and att. ga rage In new dlst. N. large lot. hwd. Boors, wired for range. Priced t eas ily pass a GX loan or will sell civil ian. $7150. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3233: Eves T067 G. I. Home in Keizer Very well built, 3 bedrms. large comb, dining and living rm, new well and small chicken house, all on acre for $6950. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Phone 3253 Excellent Lots 4 nice building Jots, fruit and nut bees. Northeast. $650 to $000. $129 down. $io per month, Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8218 Eve 7317 ENGLEWOOD 31500 down nest plastered bungalow Itoma with fireplace, deep lot. Fruit and nut trees. 97000. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8218 Eve 7317 SUBURBAN .EAST Nice, clean, neat Dutch Colonial Hardwood flnnrv Mnnlu. w I rooms, plenty of garden space, near ool.Tocery stores, paved road and dub. soiao. tvxreiicm loan can bt se cured. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 8218 For Sale Real Estate $8000. NEAT attractive new 9-room home on Park Ave. Has H.W. floors, unfinished attic, attached garage. Cor ner lot. Immediate possession. CaU O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. , Realtors 133 S. High St. , Ph. 4131 j Eves. 3-5206 95500 NEW Stucco 3-BR home Close to Keiaer School and store. Locatedawi paved road. This is extra well built and priced to sell. Call O. V. Hum with . STATE FINANCE CO. , Realtors 133 S. High St Ph. 4121; Eves. 3-3208 $390O ONE Bedroom borne North. Haa dandy concrete basement Good lot with garden already in. Call O. V.Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 153 S High St. Ph. 4121: Eves. 3-5204 $55001, a. NORTH. Neat 1 BR plas tered home. H.W. floors, gsrage, work shop, shade trees. Extra nice garden. Call O. V. Hume with STATE FINANCE CO. Realtors 133 S High St Ph. 4131: Eves. 3-3308 NEWL1ST1NG lovely 3 bdrm. home, completely furn. beautiful back yd. lawn at shrubbery, fireplace hwd. floor, V. blinds, elect, stove. Gar. bus at door. It la a pleasure to show. 93730, 92300 will handle. . M. D. LOONEY with Wm. E. MOSES 231 'i State Phone 4983 BYOWNER 9 room modern house, oil floor fur nace. 8 bed rooms, fireplace, Venetian blinds, drapes, front room, dinette A one bad room carpeted, hardwood floors, utility room, electric water heater A laundry trays, fruit room. Nice location, close to school A bus. 1385 Peart St BYOWNER: Mod. house. Lrg. lot. full . bsmt. unfin. upstairs. 3293 Brey- t Phone 6472 NEAT. 3 BDR. home. Completely furnished, corner of 19th and Chemeke ta. Drive by A call Mr. Gardner at 8472. New 3 bdr. borne. Close to high schl. Has dec. ht wtr. Wired for range, hdw. firs. Att. garage. $7150. Call Mr. Gardner, BURT PICHA, Realtors Phone 8472 2543 Portland R. $150 Down, Bal. $15 Month OWNER: CITY LOTS. $709 up. near Englewood district Nearby I acre, garage, some used lumber. Fine garden A berry soil. 81295, terms or $1100 cash. Ph. 7805. Chas. Hudkins & Son $9500 $10,500 -, A lovely home on- Duncan ave. Pave ment. Bus stops at door. This house csn be purchased either fum. or un furn. Fireplace, 3 bedrooms, bath, shower, oil furnace. Barbecue, large hedged yard. Don't fail to aee this if you are looking for a home. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 350 N. High St. Phone 3-4129 $6350.00. Very neat 4 yr. old home. Lv rm, D rm, K. 2 bdrms, bath, utility, attached garage, hwd floors, oil best. ,On!y $1400 down, bal mo. payments at 4 int. Thai Is a good deal. CaU Mr. WALTERS Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 3793 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 35380 For Sale Farms East on Pudding River 44 ACRES ALL FENCED, 4 bedroom modern home, 30 stanchion airy barn, silo, chicken house, machine sheds, most aU machinery goes. This place Is really underprtced, see for yourself at $14,000. . Sullivan Realty Inc. , REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 3-5831 DAIRY FARM -303 A.. 9 miles out, good mod. house with basement A furnace, large dairy barn, good horse barn, spring water. Price $37,000. Owner will accept a mod. 3 bdrm. dwelling in Salem as part payment CaU GRABENHORST BROS, Realtors 134 8. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 OWNER MUST LEAVE STATE - This 17 A. farm has everything. 3 B.R. mod house, mostly furnished. 148 large filbert trees. 2 A. boysenberries. 1 A. orchard. Oats At pasture. 4 chicken houses. 200 laying hens, 3 reg. cows. 1 horse. Tools, machinery As 3 large brooders. $9750. Terms. SEE HESS NELSON with William E. Moses 831 M State St. Phone 4993 120 ACRES GRADE A DAIRY FARM AMITY SILT loam, all clear St cul tivated. 40 acres oats Sc vetch. 20 acres sudan grass. AU fenced. New barn for 30 head. New house. All stocked St equipped. WeU worth $31,500. Let us show you. . No. 1008 46 ACRES WILLAMETTE St CHEHALIS SOIL EXCELLENT FOR dairy farm: has 20 stanchion barn with 20 drinking cups, almost 90 tons of hay storage. 3 chicken houses, good comfortable house. 30 acres cleared, balance pas ture St Umber. $14,000. , No. 351 60 ACRES 8-ROOM HOUSE 23 ACRES bottom land. 13 acres or chard. 13 acres timber St pasture. Grain crops now in. 7 stanchion barn. 3 wells. Fenced A electricity A phone. School bus to high St grade schools. 9 head stock go at $14,000. ' No. 1013 $1000 Down 10 ACRES. 4 room house, small barn. 8 acres cultivated, fenced, level land. Immediate poss. $4500. No. 821 A Reimann Real Estate 201 S. High Phone 9303 Eve, and Sun- Ph. 2-4790 or 3-6058 6.41 A. WALNUTS, beaut view. Good bldg. site. . 37A. Close ta Silverton. 19 A. cult RS. land Borders en Ablqua creek. Can be lrrig. ' I A. on Garden Rd. Walnuts, filberts 4c cherries. Good subdivision property. 13 A. tk in Beaverdam. 6s Wi silt. Good building site. 19 A. West 19 A. orchd. filberts, wal nuts, apples. 8 acres open field. Orchd in full bearing. 1 rm. new cabin. Spring ota pi. $5000. Truck, tractor, farm equlptfc power sprayer can be bought New mod. T rm. home in beaut Sil ver Creek Falls vicinity. Crk. run.' through place. Ideal berry land. Terms can be arranged. Beautiful farm home on Hgwy. 14 A. all in cult Wm. silt, 3 bdrm. mod. hsa. 3 yrs. old. Lg barn, poultry hat, ant dryer. 5 A. filberts. 1 A. Peaches. 1 A. cherries, 1 A. loganberries, 4 A. wheat.! sit in run proaucuan. Mew J. u. tractor at equipt. Be sura ta see this. -CaU Henry Torvend with Joe Hutchinson, Realtor 433 Court St. Ph. 7694; Eves 3-3141 f OR SALE r OREGON STOCK RANCHES And diversified farms If Interested write for listinrs. B. H. SCHMITT, Real Estate Broker mnevuie. Oregon REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 Acre and Up with or without houses. North or East Coma In or Call today. Reimann Real Estate 201 South High Phone 9203 " Eve. 4c Sun. Ph. 3-405S, 3-4790 Business Opportunities PHONE 3131 or 8620 McKILLOP'S OPPORTUNITIES 169 South High $4200 Restaurant, chicken and steak dinners, stock and fixtures go. doing good business. Good lease. $4950 Fountain Lunch, variety goods, magazines, ice cream machine, re frigerator, cooler, gas range, steam table, automatic gas water heating, chairs, table, dishes, 3 malt mixers, juke box. and stock included. Fountain, 3 booths and $ stools go with lease, rents at $40 a month. Good location. $3250 Service Station and Trailer Camp, lot 90 x 180. space for 7 to 10 trailers, approx. 16 months left on present lease with option of 3 years, gas pumps, lube room, wash rack, steam cleaning and some equipment 35500 Grocery and Living Quarters, stock and fixtures, gas range with three room apartment, grosses approx. $2000 a month. Lease with $30 a month rent $7100 Storage Garage, body and auto, repair shop, stock snd equipment. Very good location, lease runs for approx two years more. $7000 Contract painting and roofing business. Approx. $2000 inventory, ap prox. $2500 in equipment about $20,000 pending business lined up. One truck, snd complete equipment for conducting business. Good location. OR. wUl seU a interest. PHONE 3131 or 8420 McKILLOP REAL ESTATE AGENCY PHONE EVES. 9340 4937 - 7163 - 2-6818 Acreage $6850 00. Nice clean 3 bdrm. 'i A. suburban home. Liv rm. dining rm. kit. nook a bath On bus line, close to store. Call OMER 'Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ph. 21549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves 25091 3 ACRES 13 miles from Salem. 3 rm. turn, bouse including elec. refrig. washing machine, etc. Water piped to bldgs. Elec. lights. Barn 30x30. poultry house, variety of fruits. $4800. Melvin Johnson 549 N. Cottage ph.3723 Finished Complete CLEAN MODERN 3 B.R. home. hwd. Boors, fireplace, auto, heat well locat ed east en large lot. cloae to bua. all furniture is very nice and Includes new elect range St ref. Full price $8950. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 8-5631 G. I. - Two Acres North G. I. - NEW MODERN 9 rm. home, excellent construction, very nice finish work, hwd. floors, cove ceilings, land all in strawberries, boysenberries and garden. WeU located on pavement and bus at door. $3000 dn, or should go GX FuU price $8509. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 2-3431 5 Acres on 99 North NICE FIVE ROOM MODERN home, aU in fruit and nuts in excellent con dition. If you are interested in a small acreage with a nice income, be sure to see this. $10,000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3365 Portland Rd. PJipneJBSS Lots, City Suburban Bay now. Build any time. $30050x120 S. East City. 45062x155 S East City. 52560x121 N. Keizer dtst. 55075x123 E. Center St.. 4 Corners. 88095x185 N. Keizer dtst, 0056x100 N.East. Englewood dist 85063x143 Capitola City. 90060x100 N.East. Englewood. 93043x145 Capitol City. 100070x100 N.East. Englewood dist. 110062x144 Capitola City. 125060x100 N.East. Englewood. 1400 48x146 Walnut Park City. 160067x126 Walnut Park City. Terms if desired. ABRAMS & SKINNER. INC. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 9510 Insurance Mtg. Loans EUGENE acreage, cloae in, reason- ab' Ph. 25003. i .t SALE or Trade for Salem home: 7 rm. country home with beau tiful view and 3'a acres. 9 miles from Salem. Nicely arranged Inside, newly redecorated. Built-on garage and wash room. Electric water system, electric water heater, wired for range. John Franzen. Rt. 5. Box 137, Salem. 3 ml. N. E. of Turner. 30 A. Timber S pasture. Spring wa ter, good fence, livable house. Barn. Price $3j00 $1009 cash. 40 acre bargain. 2 house, barn, creek, spring water piped. Located about 13 miles out, good road. Alfred Dumoeck or W. A. Saueressig 147 N. Commercial St, 8 ACRES unimproved land off Sil verton Htway. 3 A. strawberries. $2500, $1500 down. 31850 down buys this 1 acre. 3 B.R. home. Hardwood floors. Wired for range. Veo, B. Barn, chicken house. 20 young filbert trees. Strawberries, s ( jao. SEE HESS NELSON With - William E. Moses 331 '.j State St. Phone 4993 30 ACRES FRUIT AND NUTS Paved highway, beautiful building site, less than 9 miles to city center. $7500. The Real Estate Market 433 N. High St. Phone 3-4793 10 ACRES L 100 yds. off Highway 99E. all rich Mack soil being planted to spring bar ley. 3 bdrm. house, chicken house, barn, elec. water system. Close to school on paved road. Bus at door for hi sen. is min. drive to Salem. Sure cheap at $3500. Terms. M. D. MOSES with Wm. E. Moses 33lt, state Phone 4993 SEE This 3 A. Boysenberry. Garden, free so it. equipped. 1210 Alder Ave. Come North Cherry. Earls. FOR SALE by Owner: 2', acres, bare, new five room house. 1 bed room, utility room, fireplace and din ing room. 843 Monroe Ave. 7 ACRES. 8 miles south, fruit, nut and berry land. Some timber, gravel ed road, good view, excellent building site. $873. D. D. Dotson, Route 9. Box 673. Telephone .22462 $2600 WILL Buy 80 acres 10 mi. so. of, Salem. Nice building site. Call R. V. BeU days 4171. Ext. 380, or even. A REAL BUT. unfin. home. 1 B.R. close in. A. 30 cherry trees. Fine soil St location. Bus at dr. $3750. 91000 will handle. Rest monthly payment See this at once. 9 A. cloae est highway 99E. AU plow ed .ready for planting, new ground, barn for cow; elec. water syst. New 3 rm. hse4 clean, plumbing partly furn. Dark soil, excel, chicken ranch or gar dening. 94750. reliable payment. Bal. mo. This won't last , 13lb AC Nice home, every conven ience. 31s ac. In Marshall strawberries. Itite, oats St vetch, bsrn for cow. Rest can easily be cleared, fine wtr. system for irrigation If needed. At intersection of pv'd. rd. 4c new highway 99E. under const AU rich black sou, fine place for cabins, or store. Bua at door. Sen. near. 13 min. run from Salem. This Is a wonderful opp. I know this place. $7300. Terms 4c poss. M. D. LOONEY with Wm. E. MOSES 331 ft State Phone 4993 Suburban FIVE Room house with one acre of good Mack land. Just north of town. Will trade for hse. in town. F. H. WEIR REALTOR 1247 S. ComX Ph. 9411 Resort Property CANYON DRIVE DELUX BEACH FRONT Apte. Fireplaces, elec ranges, refriaT. showers. Make reservations now. Delake, Ore. Ph. SOL Business Opportunities Resort Property WECOMA BEACH HOME Magnificent view of ocean from each of five colorful rooms, unfinished attic, located among lovely homes. i mi. Dorchester Hotel. Immediate pos session. OPEN. Turn right off high way at Wccoma P. O. on paved road to Beach Rd. to "The Nordquut." $13,500. Liberal terms. Harriet A. Slieasgreen, Realtor 0333 S W Nebraska St. Portland At 4574 Exehan; -Real Estate SOLD to highest bidder. 6 acres St. Portland, near school, electricity, no rock, gravel or red soil, fir grove, used lumber enough for house. 3 miles to country store and Portland buses, on gravel road. VWU1 accept some trade in clear. Write reaied olds soon to M. C. B.. 1548 Mission St.. Sslem. Ore. Chas. Hudkins & Son 8 ROOMS. ENGLEWOOD. Finished basement, large rooms, fenced yard. A truly beautiful home. Owner wants older house close in or acreage with nice honje. S3 ACRES. SOUTH. Peers, prunes, good clesn house, large barn. 3 welles, over 600 feet frontage on pavement, trade for smaller acreage or house in Salem. Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 ""WILL Trade lot on'N. 17 th St. 50x165 feet for late model automo bile. Phono 3012 Wanted Real Ebtale WE HAVE cash buyer for 13 to 40 acres with 4 bedroom, modern home Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707 474 Court St. Eve. 8713 or 81F21 WANTED: Modern house. 3 bdrms near high school. Wil lpay up to S13.0UO casn. Tel. 4770. WANTED Listings of city and suburban homes, farms and business property. We offer you prompt service. CALABA AND HABERN1CHT. REALTORS 231 N. High St. Phone 5838 I HAVE CASH BUYERS lor ail types of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL Real Eitate Broker 355 N Liberty Phone 7327 TtStLNGTV ANTED" An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence; worthy of every effort and consideration. Why not give us an ex clusive listing of your property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 453 Court Phone 7606 Business Opportunities HIWAY FRONTAGE. We have ev erai between Salem a Brooks from 150 ft. up to 700 ft. Call ED LUKIN BEAL Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Ph 21S49 Eves 26680 LARGE Lot a good building with 4't year lease located Penn 4 Cor ners. $8500. Highway Business lot with build ings, good income, located North Hol lywood. $22,000.00. Chain Store Grocery with parking lot only 6 years old, long term lease. 322.500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph.8389. Eve Jf4661 NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Established business increasing ev ery day, new equipment, clean stock, nice living quarters, large lot. good district. If you want a steady income from the amy you buy. inspect this today. Very easy terms. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTORS 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 " BY OWNER rAptThouseV $265 month. 8 units, reasonable. Ph. 25003. $4000 MONTHLY SALES. Groceries, meats, con feet ions. in Salem. N. J. Reasoner. Room 1. 341 State. Salem. P. S.: Let me sell your property toO; Hi W A Y Frontage: .56 acre: 100 ft. on NK S. Garage bldg. 24x46. doing good business room to build cabins, small 3 rm. cabin rented. Good 3 bdrm. house, gas rsnge. auto, hot water, ven. blinds, double garage, fruit trees. Price SS5O0.0O. 1 mi. S. of city limits. Call back of H. a L" gsrage. -' BUS1N1SS Bldg. in Arlington to trade on housV In Salem. FLOYD VOLKEL REAL ESTATE Phone 7327 BUSINESS Lot. choice corner on S. Commercial St. 90 ft x 133 ft. In- qmre at 1955 N. 1 9th St INDUSTRIAL SITE Nearly 2 acres In the heart of West Salem's industry. Corner lot with paved street. R.R. facilities available at low cost. Adjoining corner lot can be pur chased at a reasonable figure. You'd better act if you want this fine site. Call Walt Musgrave for appointment. Walter Musgrave Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 Lath Mill All Elec 13.000 to 30.000 capacity. All motors practically new. Equipment in A-l con dition. Located at good miU on R.R. Cuts lath, shingle, bands, handle stock. Orders now on hand for three carloads of lath. Priced right at $6500. Owner called south. Contact Allen Jones or Mrs. JVeedham REALTORS 341 State St.. Room 4 ited" Summer St home plus gi 635 N. ood income, for sale by owner. summer St. : Court Apartments First time on the market and It fat J ood. This 13-unit court is new 4c gross ig 419 per month. Each apt furnished with elect range A refrigerator, elect, heat 3 large laundry rms. with trays, washing machine St lines. Owner pays water it elect, for hot water. Let your money work for you St earn better than 14 on the Investment This is an In vestment opportunity that will bear In vestigation. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 1ST Time Adv.: Location North for Tavern and Dance HalL Box 483 Statesman. Business Opportunities .OPERATORS: Men or women, for vending machine routes, post war 5c mixed nuts. 5c candy. Coin operated radios. Penny nuts. Jergen lotion dis pensers. Tor Salem and surrounding district. We will secure paying loca tions. Good weekly income for years to come. No selling exp. necessary. Part time work. Ph. 4123. Room 415. Box 696 Statesman. SPECIAL Fine grocery store St mest market in a very good location nr. Salem. Gro cery alone grossed $8000 last month. Will sell stock 4c fixtures St give long lesse on bldg. WUl stand close in vestigation. WALTER MUSGRAVE Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 3109 ""PRICED to sell, with or without equipment, small shop 1841 S. 12th St. Also equity In home 1243 Marion St. Ph.7850. PROFITABLE: Learn trade of your own St small fee. 10 lessons. Further information. Ph. 2-1879. For SaleWood Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR 1-Ft. and 16-inch 2nd growth cord wood. Hand picked block & slab for furnace. Planer Trimmings Sawdust GOOD Green edgings $5 50 load. aoutiie loaa $10. fl h. 6533. Oregon Fuel Co. HEAVY Green slab. IS in. and 4 ft. Ph. 5533 Oregon Fuel Co. Tri-City Fuel Ph. 6683 3-cord load. $10. 18 mlllwoed Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 16 slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft slab We Give S. St H. Green Stamps Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH 6444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16-FN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 2-4031 Elmer Boje " WOOD 14 mill block and neaw slab wood Can be burned now. No sawdust dirt or edgings. ' Good clesn wood. Phone 94512023 south 12th St.. Salem. Ore. OAK. ASH. Fir plywood cores, b e- snent rate. Phone 3380 Ashcrsft. MAY SPECIAL: Heavy 16 In. slab wood. 3 cord load $14. Phone 4683. 94 CORD on "iteliel 14" slab 4 edgings. Ph. 6fi.. . HAND Picked 16 Inch block A slab wood Ph. 24554. LARGlTBlock and Slab, no edgings, $8 00 per cd. Phone 4863 or stop at 1973 S 12th St Wood Sawing WOOD Sawing. 305 S. 18th. W OOD -awing. wing. Ph. 86 7TTEve. Automobile s'? V-8 60" motor a transmission. Complete except for starter. 308 Welch St.. Silverton. Ore. Motorcycle Indi lian SALES SERVICE PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone 8503 .Salem Lost and Found LOST: Black coat size 14 in vicin ity of high school. Reward. Ph. 7864 or 39Z7 STRAYED: Small black pig about 50 lbs. Owner may have bv paying for ad tt feed. Rt. 3. Box 959R $10 REWARD for returning black zippec ptirse and contents, lost from car In Turner Sun. Rt. 9. Box 473. Salem Ph. 3-1215. "LOST: Sat. nleht near Senator Ho tel. Fox Terr, type dog. female, black with brown feet, short tail. Answers to "Chan." Boy's pet. Reward. Ph. 4007. LOST: Young black Awhite pig from 300 Salem Heights Ph. 22511. BROWN-" Billfold lost "last week on Liberty between State a Chemeketa. Finder keep money but return keep sake billfold of late husband to Mrs. Edge. 162 W. Lincoln. BLACK Cocker ' Spaniel; old" dog. lost in victnltv of T. B. hospital. Ph. Nrwber g 282 -h Cal lroU eel. R e w a rd . "OST:Tan wallet at Capitol thea tre. Generous reward. 1246 N. Liberty. Tel. 9592 LOST: Brown bill fold, money, val- uable papers. Hollywood district. Re ward 1933 Hszel. Phone 2-6493. "LOST fold' green" Shea ffer pen at airport May 20 $3 reward for return to Mr. Wilson. 009 First NatL Bk. Bldg Personal I will not be responsible for any bills incurred bv anyone else except myself after this date. Gareld L. Crawford. RENOWNED FORTUNE TELLER St Psychic Mediums MADAME LOLA and MADAME ROSE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU HIS EDGEWATER ST. A private confidential palm or spir itual reading by either sister wUl solve your problems. They wUl tell your past, present, future; answer aU questions of love, business, marriage, health, hap piness, etc. Appointments not neces sary; hours 9 ajn. to 10 p.m. every day. Located permanently at West Salem , West Salem Bus Leaves State and Commercial Y? Ha' Hour ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. PA Box 724. Transportation LEAVING for Denver, Tuesday A.M. '41 Chevy. Take 3 riders. Ph. 4821 or call at 1694 N. Com CONTRACT Haulms. local and W distance truck service. Phillips Bros, Rt 4, Box 114. Dial O. caU 48F2S. Ledges Ainaworth Lodge AT. A.M. 248 N. Commercial. Tuesday. May 27, 3:90 PJd. E. A. degree L O. O. F. meets every Wednesday! Visitors welcome. Initiatory degree. a SAJLJuM u ZJl St A. M. Wi degree 70 SAJLJUM LUUUfC NO. 4. A, W. Wed. MaT 28, M. M. pjn. Ths Stcrt9?mcrn, Sdatn, Orojfjon. Tuasday. Mary 27, 1947 13 For Sale Used Cars Huge Automobile Auction TUESDAY, MAY 27, 10 A. M. Lane Sudtell's Community Audion Barn 1.6 miles east of highway 99 on Silverton Road 50 CARS NOW LISTEb FOR SALE Act Now and List Yours 7722 and 4263 for Information ALL TITLES MUST ACCOMPANY AUTOMOBILES TO SALE '43 '43 '44 '46 '42 40 40 42 '46 '40 DODGE 4-DOOR SEDAN FORD DELUXE FORDOR FORD DELUXE FORDOR MERCURY 9-DOOR DE SOTO COUPE CHEVROLET , T. TRUCK FORD SEDAN LINCOLN CONVERTIBLE CHEVROLET 4-DOOR NASH COUPE NUMEROUS MORE 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe, good cond. radio a heater, excellent tires. Would Uke cheaper car A rest of pay ments can be assumed. Ph. 2192 or 380 S. 33rd. Trailers 16 FT. House trailer 910809. See at P. D. McCarthy Hop Ranch. 9 miles south on River Road. 1943ROL6WAY 20 ft.' trailer house, extra wide and lota of builtins. sleeps 4. 335 N. High after 6-P.M. See Emil. 42 MOHAWK" 20 ft trailer, butane equip, s-ply nylon tires, vacuum brakes, with connections., fully equip ped. Very clean, never been on road. $1350 or will trade for late model car. Dan Burgees. Ph. t5055. HOUSE TRAILER. 14 ft. Radio; clock, bedding. Electric cook St heat. 16 tires. Good home. Highest offer takes ti. 1239 N. Winter COMPLETE Steel chassis frame for 16 foot trailer house with Atwood hitch and lack assembly, oa parking lot rear of Argo Hotel. See Janitor from 6 AM. to 3 P.M. XX GUDERl94ilnodel priced To sell. At Castle Hall Cottages on 99E Bouin NEW Universal trailer for sale.' 1155 S. 14th. Will sacrifice. IKTET47TJnrversal. tandem wheels. 26 ft. 5 da. old. WIU sacrifice as lvln on btisiness.J50 WUllsms Ave. i944rR-tnR House. 18 ft.used 4 months. 1240 Peace St Out South 12th one block past Fairvlew Ave. 946CI2Btt-al! 3 rooms, new bottle gas stove, new tires, $2100. Ph. 3634. 433 Norman Ave, out Center. Merrimon Trailer Co. Custom buUt trailer houses. Open Sunday's and eve. 3 miles East on Sil verton Highway, left on McCain, k mile, right mile. Authorized dealer fpr Universal. Normel. Master-built. Whirlabout Globe Master. Mobile Glide. Pacific Liner, also many makes of used trailers. Every trailer a bar gain at Security Motor & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded. s ml. N. of Underpass. 3343 Portland Rd. Phone S-3144 Wanted Used Cam "WANTED Your car for cash (WUl pay more for clean ones) "See Us Now" SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1156 So 12th St . Salem Hudson . SALES SERVICE - PARI ! Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair painting "Give Shrock a try. yauTl know why" Shrock Motor Co. Phone 638- . ' Salem CASH FOB LIGHT CAR Ph 4598 Automobiles FREE LUBRICATION During the month of MAY We want you to know our 'Lube Man ED LYLE Regular 1.50 Job TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 353 N. LIBERTY Eraser J Phone 7001 - 3341 Kaiser- DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. EUrd- bilXj CBibUcAl rum 11. Path of a planet 12. Higher in place IS. Plainer 14. Daughter of one's -rother 15. Craedes 17.Cuhloa 19. D-eaaeof ctuxkena 2a Pack 23. lTYoxen dcawerts .Rubbed away 4. City (Ukraint) 6. Narrow atrip of leather 8. EverTCH tree 7. Heroic -.Celerity 9. Dry. a win 10. Before 16. Tear 17. One who steers a vessel 18. River (So. Am.) : 2$. Wooden pin 27. Greek letter 2S. Cop-like poon SO. Insurrent 32. Gold Heraldry) SVBark 33. Drawn out 3S. Spitrot SS. GAxalla (Tibet) 40. Pora 41. EnroILs 44. Potato (coUoq.) 4nTh t metal plata (Oba. form) 4t. A decree BaCoddeaaof peACe 6LIsfoolui-Jy (ond of UNotaxmfclg. UcaLed (slang) DOWN X. Short balrcat 2. Epoch For SleUaed Car. 'SS STUDFBAKER 33 WILLYS 34 CHEVROLET COUPE 31 PONTIAC 34 CHEVROLET SEDAN 4S INTERNATIONAL ! T. TRUCK "40 INTERNATIONAL 3 T. TRUCK 39 FORD VAN 35 CHEVROLET PICKUP 4I CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE SEMI-TRAILER for T. Pickup TO CHOOSE FROM 1934 BUICX Sedan. Excellent condi tion. Good rubber. Fine for lax re fa iiy following .seasonal work. Re able, C F. Burt. 4293 Filbert St . out Cherry to Alder, right to FUbert. left to end of street. ; 1947 PLYMOUTH 3 door special deluxe $-200. WUU take good 1343 model ta trade. Ph. 2-1348. 1937 DODGE Deluxe sedan, cond. Ph. 4883 U17 Hrnes St. 1939 PONTIAC 4 N. Cspitol. door sedan. 3W 1938 STUDEBAKER sedan. Bedie 4k heater. In good condition. Ph. 6893. 1935 CHEVROLET Coupe. $200 for equity. Very tood shape. T. 3. Bennett Rt. 4. Box 393. fo J. A. Rowland. 1933 DODGE 4 door sdn Fair paint, $95 worth of new parts. $-34. g ures. maiHwi m ee at. service station. 1940 INTERNATIONAL logging truck with trailer, six wheel drive, excellent condition, reasonable, privately awra ed Phone 3-1 830 FOR SALE or Trade for smai-T car. 1940 Pontlec Sta. Wgn. R. A H. 835 No. Com'l. 4TClftV7Gravet truck. (ood'eonoT tion. Ph. 1754, Bradley s Oil Stat-. Aumsvtl le. 33 CHEV; Tudor, good' condition. 8315. 2785 Silverton Road. 19J3iriYs7-nMtor. new paint. t5 1720 CYoss St. PRIVATE Owner. Buick coupe, 113X black, six wheels, jew lines, new 4 ply tires, good battery. $500.00. Writs 330 Main St.. Lebanon. Ore. 1946 FOT5V$ pickup in A-l con dition. 4000 mi. A. Schwenget Rt. 7. Box 354. l' mi. east and mi. south'? Totem Pole. 33PLYMOUTH Sedan $Z7K. lOli N. Liberty. lOii pf VUftlTTH S,r w -.. new tires, battery. A-l condition.. 3-8 N Liberty. . Apt. 2. after 4 P.M. 33 FORD Coupe. Model B. motor completely rebuilt seal beam lights, push button starter, good tires. 444) Hawthorne St. mi. past State hos pital, even in rs, UMPTruck. -9 Ford 4. with 4t motor. Good cond. Go to Swegte. turn right. 7th house on right. CaU after 3PM IdaWaTt1eS Regardless of year, make or made, we will make you a spot cash offer. A bonus for clean orietnal ones. McCALL'S USED CARS 1297 Stete Disl 4199 193TSTCbFBJCKER 4 door. redkC heater, overdnve. overhauled, tires, paint excellent. Must sell, leaving .city. 335 N. High after 6 P.M. See EmU. 1 529 "BODGE 4 dr. sedan $70.00. OH Lee. Salem. "tjmpArE ThxSE PRtcti BUY TODAY AND SAVE I94t DeSoto deluxe tudor. RAH. $119 1941 Plymouth delux cpe. R a H. '$118 1946 Willys Cv. Jeep, many extras ties 1943 Chev. club coupe, heater -.3137$ '41 Chev. Deluxe Sdn. . 81225 1937 Hudson 6 Sedan. RAH. $ S4S 1938 Willys Coupe 4Ss Each ear is in excellent condition. Set! Cash or Terms, with or without trade. ' DURAND MOTORS $40, Union Ph. 21 ar id 31 MODEL Tt Ford panel truest $300.00. Phone 3606. Automobiles 21. Charuje for the better . 22. Swell outward 24. Cunning 2tWelly-like BithtAnc 29. Young; eagjlea ! SL Enthusf- astlc' supporter 34. Food (Hawaii) 37. Small S9. Spike lavender 42. City (Ft.) 43. Tropical, edible plant E err I a "11 "itli I Tselsi4tjs Aaswec 44. Boys rdeknatna &Buss 47. Tavern 48. French mar ' shal under Napoleon mm 15' F. ryjcTATT AE sTotFT"1T I MOp gA i-li-lv ajM-'ale aTp oipr lop s ri r-i fa. , i rrrs tji nrrr ----lir----- IT pp1 WW 3 mv S-m-rr x- 3 P51 lr" ppnfifipi -1 1 1 1 I WW 1 1