The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 27, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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ITS Elip(S'Sj
I suppose we might say The
king is dead; long live the kin."
Neither ona is a king, tbouzh
there were days when a person
sitting on top -of' a half billion
dollars of other people's money
was clled an "economic royal
ist." What I am trjttrTint to the
resignation of E."8. MacNaughton
at president of the First National
bank of Portland to take the les
arduous post fclusirmin of the-
board, and the elect.on ci rran
N. Belgrano, jri, of Oak'and, Cal
at his sucee. sor. Since financially
f peaking Oregon is pretty much
divided into two part of which
the First National bank ol Fort
land if one, a change in the chief
executive oi the system is an
event cf more than parsing no
-- The growth of the First Na
tional since MacNaughton became
president in IS 32 has been . phe
nomenal. T h e legalization of
branch' banking and the economic
recovery with its peak. kf war
induced inflation account for much
of the growth; but MacNaughton
has been an aggressive JeAjer and
his dynamism helped greatly in
pushing the bank forward.
I But - MacNsughton is a man
whose leadership reaches outside
the walls of the countinghouse. He
has exerted great Influence in the
moldingicf thought in Oregon. Not
only has be been identified with
many organizations working in
(Continued on editorial page)
For Play ground
By Firm's Gift
By Dars-Uiy Heed
I nJe pendent Corretpondent
The Statesman -
city playground for Independence
Is the object of a trust fund being
established with the First Nation
al bank by the Independence,
Lumber and Manufacturing com
pany. Fred Swift, president of the
company, -announced today.
.Y One dollar from each load of
slab wood sold for fuel by the mill
will be diverted to the trust fund
to be used by the city in estab
lishing and maintaining the play
ground. Swift informed Mayor El
mer Barnhart. "
His lone interest ia the prob
lem of juvenile delinquency was
given by Swift as-his reason for
establishing the trust fund which
be wants to be his contribution
toward a solution of the problem
in Independence.
Swift's company is donating the
fuel for both "the grade and high
school buildings in Independence
for the entire year. Because of
this, an item of $1,800 for fuel
included in the school budget will
not be needed.
Cricket Fight
Now fMop-upr
ORDNANCE, Ore v May 26 -(")
The Mormon . crickets' which
threatened last week to overrun
this region's wheat fields and
farms were dying by thousands
tonight, victimsof a new poison.
The battle against the insect
plague was in the -mop-up stage,"
reported Assistant County Agent
Leroy Fuller.
The plane which spread chlor
dane "the new poison last
weekend was withdrawn today.
Trucks continued laying poison
bait. '
Seagulls -rejoined the battle to
day, too. moving into u ma una
county for the first time.
Lv Hendricks. Salem tas sued for
treble damages by the office of
the housing expediter today on. a
charge of fsiliDg to refund money
to a tenant after an ' order de
creasing rents.
Mi. Pr--'o
ss J
it nt
SS .03
SS .00
jMTUana Sf2
fcan Francisco ... M
Crura o M
Krw York ?4
Willamette river -2 eet
FORECAST ttiom VS. weather tm
reau. Mr Nary field. fialeml: Partly
cloudy today with poaaibly on er -two
lictet atKnvers. Hiabett temperature to
day 'S Lowest tonixht CI. Weather will
bo favorable for dusung and spraying,
Animal Craclccrs
'No, no! Not ice cream
yS - QiM- im intew '
By Rebert E. fiancware
City Editor, The StstMfftan
City Manager J. L. Franzen's
1047-48 ci'y budsret estimate call
ing for a $470,000' tax levy and
total expenditures of $1,090,000
won the approval of the Salem
budget committee Monday night.
- Only an increase in revenue es
timates to allow for the coming
year's delinquent taxes and minor
revisions in the treasurer, mana
ger and health department budg
ets were made by the aldermen
and citizen members at their
meeting in city hall.
The annual Salem taxpayers
meeting on the budget was fixed
for 8 pjn. Monday, June 23, to
coincide with the. regular coun
cil meeting that night (sessions
having been changed tdjthe second
and fourth Mondays at last week's
council meeting).. - . t -,
Salary Boosts Granted - - '
Generally reflected by the new
budget are salary increases of '$10
to $25 per month, increased oper
ating costs and a revitalized pro
gram for c street improvements
and other engineering functions.
Franzen s estimate of receipts
in the amount of .11.093,802 was
upped by $32,000 .when commit
teemen placed higher revenue es
timates on parking meters tnow
expected to brims $45,000 in the
year), fines and forfeitures (now
$72,000) and state gasoline tax
receiDts (now $135,000). All in
creases were based on Franzen s
assurance that original estimates
were intentionally low to allow
for contingencies.
Health Bodsct Cat
At the same time, the budget
committee s revised expenditures
pared $1190 froraLFranzen's esti
mated $1,090,430. IThe difference
between the new receipts and ex
pense totals approximates $37,000
as a cushion item in anticipation
of taxes which will be due but
not paid in the next year.
The $1,090,000 expense total
( which excludes the water depart
ment budget) compares with $1,'
032,000 budgeted expense of last
year. .. -. .
Health department estimates,
which Franzen said he had rec
ommended as drafted by Dr, W
J. Stone, city and county health
officer, as the city's share in the
health program, were cut by $1810
and divided so that $3800 for sal
ary and expenses of the '. city
nuisance officer stands In a sepa
Tate fund exclusively administered
by tne city. A szbus item sor, res
taurant inspectors paywas elim
inated, leaving the separate hea'th
budget of $12,631 (not including
the nuisance officers $3800), as
com oared with the requested
$18,24 1
Treasurer Boost Doubled
The city manager's budget for
his own office was increased by
$500 to a new total of $11,141. the
added item being for the mana
cer's expenses, . Although Franzen
drives his own car, he had asked
no expense to cover itf Mayor R,
L. Elfstrom explained
Anotner small addition was
made when the committee added
$10 a month, to the city treasur
er s salary as advised by Franzen,
the total rising from $3600 to $3720,
Committeemen after some argu
ment over-what some called the
treasurer's d i s p r o p ortionately
small raise, doubled Franzen's
suggested increase of $10 month
over the present $290.
(Additional details on page 2)
. Triunan
Shows Rally
GRAND VIEW, ' Mo, May 2C
(JPV-An almost startling rally by
President Truman mother was
reported tonight in high official
White House quarters.
Sources close to the president.
unquotable by name, said that the
94-year-old Mrs. Martha E. Tru
man's tenacious hold on life was
as surprising to them as it was to
the president
Officially, Brig. Gen. Wallace
H. Graham, the president's per
sonal physician, reported that
Mrs. Truman has "held the gains
she made during the day.
Loss in Rainfall, Gain in People
Cause Water Shortage in 2 Areas
Speaking of droughts (and who
doesn't?), the record-dry spring
and a startling gain in popula
tion have contrived to give the
Salem Heights and Central water
districts a bad time this month.
For the last several days,
telephoned complaints indicated
Monday, the two districts haven't
had enough water in the after
noon to wet a whistle, let alone
a lawn or a tub of clothes, de
spite the fact that they are ob
taining four times as much water
as a year ago.
And what's worse, it appears
no one can do anything about it
immediately except Jupiter Plu
vius himself. Several hundred
families are affected.
West Salem Fares Well-
In the meantime, West Salem
so far had escaped the serious
shortage which kept most the
populace lined up at the com
munity pump a year ago, and
with the new connection to the
Salem supply due to be completed
this week the water-worries of
the Polk county city appeared at
end. (-
The story regarding the cur
Unified Arming of Hemisphere
To Meet developments9 Asked
Cherry Princess Selections
Princesses fee the court of Salem's Cherry festival July 17-18-15
include recently named Bernice Blanchette (left), representing
St Paal Union High school, and Rnthanne Nelson (right) of Dallas
high school.. Others named so far include Donna Marie Tnfylor of
Independence (story below) and Mary Margaret Helsel of Wood
burn. ' s
Names Titian
For Royalty
Latest entry for Salem's Cherry
festival queen is Donna Marie
Traylor, Independence high school
senior and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold W, Traylor, 388
Seventh-st., Independence.
First auburn-haired entrant.
Princess Donna has brown-eyes,
weighs 135 pounds and stands 5
feet 1 inches. She' is completing
a college preparatory course and
intends to enter Oregon College
of Education at N Monmouth next
Chosen by schoolmates. Prin
cess Donna has been active in
many school projects. She has
been yell leader, song queen, as
sistant editor of the school paper
and a member of the girls league.
Pep - club, . Journalism club and
Girls Athletic association.
She is a native of Wissington
Spring,' S. Dn and has lived in
Independence 11 years. She has
older twin sisters, Mary and Mar
garet, 20. . , "
Selection of Princess Donna
for the Cherry festival court fol
lows closely the , selection of
Ruthanne Nelson by Dallas high
school students. , -. ,i
Princess Ruthanne, native of
Britow, Neb- and resident of
Dallas four years. Is daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Roy - P. Nelson,
route 1, Dallas. She is light
brunette with gray-green eyes.
weighs 130 pounds and is 5 feet
3 inches tall.
She has been , editor of the
school yearbook, president of
FHA, school dram majorette, and
member of Tri-Y, GAA, 4-H Rose
club. Victory corps, school drill
team, the student ' council. She
expects to enter Oregon State
college next falL - : .
She has two younger sisters,
Luelle, 10, and Marjorie, 11.
Ray McKibbon's home - was
burned to the ground near here
this afternoon by a blaze which
started from a brush fire which
he had built behind the house. No
fire department was at the scene
but passers-by helped salvage
some of the furniture, which had
only recently been purchased.
rent shortage in the south Salem
area appears to be this:
The Vista Heights district was
formed first a consiedrable time
prior to the war. It originally
had 125 meter connections and
wates supply was 'ample. The
supply was obtained from the city
of Salem.
'Chain' Group Formed
Then the Salem Heights . dis
trict was formed nearby, and
when the war interrupted the ac
quisition of necessary materials
the - district made a deal to get
water from Vista Heights instead
of extending its lines to the Sa
lem main. -
Later, the Central water dis
trict was formed and procures
its supply from Salem Heights.
The present picture, therefore,
shows 450 to . 500 . meter connec
tions served by .Vista Heights,
and even a doubled pumping ca
pacity (400 gallons a minute)
effected 10 days ago can't keep
up with the demand. .
W. A. Barkus, head of the
Vista Heights district. said Mon
day: "Everything seems to have
outgrown itself. We bad plenty
Stores Close
Friday; Some
For Three Days
Although all of Salem's business
houses will remain closed Friday
in observance of Memorial day,
early indications are that those
who plan to remain closed Sat
urday also comprise a large por
uon of Salem's retail outlets.
- Intending to remain closed for
the three-day weekend holiday
are virtually all the hardware,
book and paint stores and dry
cleaning establishments. Those
who plan to open Saturday in
clude practically all the city's
clothing, furniture and variety
stores. All food markets also will
be open. -
, Dave Holtzman, secretary of
the Salem Retail Trade bureau,
said Monday that indications
were most of the city's merchants
would open Saturday, following
th example of Portland firms.
Banks, public offices and . tne
postoffice will close Friday only
Postmaster Albert uragg an
nounces regular holiday hours
will be observed with no city or
rural deliveries mail. Mail will
be picked up and dispatched the
same as on Sundays.
Another Sugar
Coupon Valid
For Use Today
More sugar for American tables
was promised by the agriculture
department today.
A third 1947 sugar-rationing
stamp, good for ten pounds, will
bev alidated "not later" than Au
gust 1, the edpartment announced.
As a further concession, the
department said that spare stamp
No. 12 in consumer ration books
may be used immediately in
stead of June 1 as announced
two weeks ago. This stamp, good
for 10 pounds, originally was In
tended to become valid July 1.
of water when Salem Heights
asked us for a supply when the
war came on. Now we've double
the pumping capacity and still
we haven't enough. We. leave
Salem Heights on the main all
night (pumps are running 24
hours a day), and as much as
possible in the daytime. But there
just isn't enough to leave them
on all the.v.time. We've got to
keep our own district supplied."
Shortages Still Stymie
H. W. Faschlng, head of the
Salem Heights district, said he
realized that Vista Heights was
giving his district four times the
water it received a year ago, and
that there seemed little chance
of remedying the present situa
tion until Salem Heights could
obtain sufficient pipe to form its
own connection with the Salem
Fasching also said subscribers
in his district were being asked
to irrigate their lawns and gar
dens only in the morning, in order
to conserve the available supply.
A meeting of the Salem Heights
district is scheduled next week
to determine what other steps
should be taken, if any.
Oregon, Tuesday Morning, May 27 1947
Truman Urges
ftlen, Materiel .
President Truman asked congress
today to hasten a program of
American defense from Cape
Horn to the arctic in view of
world developments."
He appealed for broad author
ity to supply arms to all Latin
American nations and Canada,
train the men of their armies and
navies, and bring their equipment
into standardization with that of
the United States.
The program is identical with a
bill approved last session by the
house foreign affairs committee
at the president's recommenda
tion but which failed of passage.
Mr. Truman wrote that "world
development during the year,"
which he refrained from specify
ing, ."give still greater importance
to this legislation" now.
Meanwhile the army and air
forces have scheduled new arc
tic maneuvers for this summer
and the navy is pushing a pro
gram of converting submarines
and other warships for operations
in ice-filled waters.
Under the requested legislation,
the United States could transfer
surplus army and navy equip
ment to the other nations "on
such terms as the president shall
find satisfactory."
Nations receiving equipment
would be required to pay the cost
of any new materials manufac
tured specifically for them.
Waters, Roads
Take 9 Lives
Over Oregon
By tho Associated Press
The week end's violent death
toll increased by the heat that
sent crowds of swimmers to lakes
and beaches stood at nine in
Oregon today.
Two Klamath Falls residents
Harold Hadley, 36, and Leonard
Callier, 50 were reported mis
sins' after fishins triD on Odell
lake. Their emDtv Doal wasnea
An attempt to rescue his two
sons from the McKenzie river coskitime before the shootings were
the life of Fred Leon Bowden. 3?7is
Creswell. An uncle saved the boys,
but could not reach Bowden.
Near Baker, a baby, Michael
John Counts, tumbled into an ir
rigation ditch on his father's
ranch, and Thomas Gordon
Wonch, Huntington, died from
head injuries suffered when he
dived into shallow water at Burnt
James Hoskins, 71, tumbled
from a dock -and was caught on
submerged wjre in Coos Bay.
Margaret Whities. 18, Eugene,
was killed in a crash of her mo
torcycle and an automobile near
Vida. A two-car collision north
of Mt. Angel fatally. injured Her
bert D. Huff. 72, Portland. Ed
ward T. Erickson, 30, Washougal.
Wach Hied In a Raker hosnital
Ft.- kn. rrothH fhrnneh the
roof of a car on top of him. The
horse was struck by the car and
thrown Into the air.
CIO Invites
Phone Unions
WASHINGTON, May 26-(;P)-The
CIO set out today to sign up
all the telephone workers on the
heels of a move for affiliation by
a union Of long distance opera
tors. The strike-groggy National
Federation of Telephone Work
ers, which thus found itself in a
struggle for survival, countered
with plans to speed its change
over into a strong national union
to be called the Communications
Workers of America.
How's Your Driving Record?
Racer to Give Safety Award
In an effort to emphasize need for care on the highways and
to combat the appalling number of traffic accidents. The Oregon
Statesman, in conjunction with the Union Oil compjany has ar
ranged a safe driving contest to start in the Salem area today.
Purpose of the contest is to discover the driver who has
traveled the greatest number. of miles in the longest period of
time without having received a traffic citation or having been
in an accident. The winner of the contest shall be given the Tri
ton Safety Merit award.
An entrant in the contest should write a letter to the Safety
Award Editor of The Oregon Statesman outlining his record
of safe driving.
The presentation of the award will be made by Earl Cooper,
voted racing driver, who will arrive here the latter -part of next
week heading a caravan on the 30,000 mile Royal Triton demon
stration run.
HCL Hits All-time
Peak During April
In Portland Area
PORTLAND, Ore., May 28
W)- The Portland area cost of
living index rose to an all
time high during April, the U.
S. bureau of labor statistics re
ported today.
The index rose to. 201.4 per
cent above the 1935-39 aver
ages for food and purchases
necesary for the average mod
erate income family. The index
climbed 1.7 per' cent above
Food costs rose 33 per cent
above the same month a year
ago. Bread rose 8 per cent,
eggs 9 per cent, potatoes 15 per
cent. Dairy products, with but
ter contributing the major
share, dropped 4 per cent.
Prices paid by moderate income
families were one-tenth of one
per cent lower in mid-April
than they were a month earlier
when an all-time high was
reached, the bureau of labor
statistics reported today.
Four Children
Shot to Death
In Michigan
IMLAY CITY, Mich-, May 26 -(A)-
Four children were shot to
death while picking flowers near
their farm home late today and a
state-wide alert was put out for
a 16-year-old neighbor boy.
Dead were Stanley Smith, 14.
and his three sisters Barbara, 16,
Gladys. 13. and Janet, 2.
All were shot in the head, Bar
bara three times and the others
once. Although the older girl's
clothes had been disheveled, two
physicians who examined her body
said she had not been raped.
Their bodies were found by an
older sister, Ella Mae, 19. who left
the supper table to search for
Lapeer County Sheriff Leslie
Mathews and state police said they
were seeking Oliver Terpenning,
jr., who they said was with the
four children when last seen alive.
Persons living in the area
grabbed their guns and started
scouring the area after hearing re
ports of the slayings.
Prosecutor Kenneth Smith, who
also joined the investigation, said
he had learned that young terpen
ning considered Barbara "his girl
friend." The boy was sought only
for questioning, he said, and no
i cnarges were piacea against mm.
! Mathews said the Terpenning
i boy returned to his home a short
covered and left hurriedly in
nis ratner s car. The auto was
found several hours later in Port
Huron, some 45 miles away, he
Gen. Carlson
In Hospital
PORTLAND. Ore., May 26-MP)
Brig. Gen. Evans F. Carlson,
famed wartime leader of Carlson's
marine raiders, was brought to
the Emmanuel hospital here to
night under oxygen after suffer
ing a heart attack at his home
near Mount Hood.
The hospital reported his con
dition was serious and that he is
j being kept under oxygen at the
, hospital.
Jersey Exhibitor Dies in Ring;
Award Winners Made Known
By Lillie L. Maden
Farm Editor. The Statesman
Death of Clinton Bates, while
in the showring Monday after
noon at the Marion County Jer
sey Cattle club show at the state
fairgrounds, saddened the show
spectators. As herd manager at
the Woodburn training school, he
was showing cattle from that
place when he was stricken.
A brother, Floyd Bates, presi
dent of the club, was in charge
of the show ceremonies, which
Pile 5c
No. 52
With the berries lying soft and
cdtked on the vines, the Salem
area strawberry harvest stands in
the n-- rt pnyer, rain, and
libevo i L 1 ickcrs.
'."r-"! r: Jt .it hot weather ripened
the berries so fast that picker de
mand ran far ahead of the avail
able supply, Mrs. Gladys Tucn
bull, farm labor assistant, said
Monday. She gave as an example
one farmer with a 30-acre patch
and only two pickers.
If rain does come, she said.
grower opinion is that it would
help the crop, though ripe ber
ries would have to be harvested
immediately or spoil. -The berry
crop's peak will be reached in the
valley this week, she predicted,
and later in the Silverton hills
area which began picking over
the weekend. '
A total of 187 men, women and
youths were placed in strawberry
fields by the farm labor oince
Monday morning. At least 200
more could have been used, Mrs.
Turnbull said Of 31 fanners who
sought pickers at the office Mon
day morning, four drove away
empty trucks, two growers got
one picker each and four got
three pickers each.
Monday afternoon 10 growers
placed new orders with the office
for pickers. A particular neea
right now, Mrs. Turnbull said, is
for drive-outs, although trucks
are at the office every morning at
8 o'clock. Some Silverton hills
patches offer cabins for families.
The early and proiongea ary
weather also has speeded up the
worker demand in hop yards. A
hop grower from the Mt. Angel
area informed the office his yard
was growing so fast "it was get
ting out of control." Gooseberry
pickers are also in urgent oaunu
at the office. - V ? -
Wallace Urges
Canal Become
PORTLAND, Ore, May 26 -UP)
Henrr A. Wallace tonight pro
posed Internationalization oi tne
Panama canal and other strategic
areas which he said were vital
to world peace.
The former vice president said
control of certain areas by one
country tends to break up peace
and listed as examples the Suez
canaL the Dardanelles and the
Panama canal. "
American farmers were urged
to demand return of the AAA
local committee system of agri
culture nroeram administration.
An assembly of 3,000 paid to
hear him and applauded his re I
eiences to a program he advo
cates as necessary to American
nrwMritr. He said reduced
Ktrices. hisher wages, wher possi
ble, loaning oi money 10 doom
European and Asiatic "standards
of living, disarmament and world
control of atomic energy were
vital to prosperity and peace
AURORA. May 28 A special
city election will be held Wednes
day to vote upon a proposal to
borrow $8,700 Ur buying a new
pump and additional water mains.
were taken over immediately by
O. C. Welsh, secretary ; Ben
Newell, assistant county agent;
Jim Bishop, 4-H club leader, and
Ted Hobart. fieldman for Ladd
& Bush bank.
Rich Lea Majesty, owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Riches of
Turner, 'sired both the grand and
junior champion females or the
show. The grand champion.
which had placed first in three-year-olds
and later won senior
champion ribbon, was Kirn Lea
Quickstep, owned by the Riches.
The junior champion was a five-months-old
heifer, placing first
in the junior heifer clas, owned j
by Lewis Judson of Salem. j
O. C. WeUh and H. L. NeLon, !
partners, won the grand champion
on their aged bulL Lemonition
Double Aim, also winner at the
1946 spring show. Bob Barnes of
Silverton won the junior cham
pion ribbon on his Standard Star
Noble, first place winner in sen
ior yearling division.
A Future Farmers showman
ship contest was won by Bob
Barnes, Don Bassett of Salem
placed second; Loren Newkirk,
Turner, third, and Allen Dahl,
Silverton, fourth. A special prize,
a rotary tattoo outfit, given by
the Franklin Serum company,
went to Floyd Bailey of Jefferson,
judged best exhibitor of the show.
(Story alson on page 4)
Rise Aids
Cooler temperatures and possi
bly . some light shwers rrt
foiecatt by Weathermen Monday
to ease the third week of drought.
It was taining in southern Oregoo
late Monday night. One or two
light showers might be the ce-'
rightful late of the Salem region
today,; according to the McNary
field U. S. weather station.
The weather bureau forecast
scattered thunderstorms, particu
larly in the mountains, for Tues
day, but the heavy rainfall need
ed in the region's wheat and fruit
crops was not expected. An elec
tric storm-- but no rain - -struck
the central Oregon wheat .
belt Monday. v
While peas and cherries ripen- -ed
ahead of time and farced grow
ers to send out hurry calls for
farmhands, the V. S, crop report
ing service at Portland said rain
was urgently needed for many
crops. In western Umatilla coun-
ty, wheatroen predicted harvest
only half of normal.
As temperatures dropped in
Salem, rising humidity made
things more comfortable here and
in the forest areas. As the forest
ry department described open.
exposed areas as powder kegs," -
they added that "green timber is
still damp enough to prevent lifts
from running.
Through most of Oregon, hu-
midity climbed above the 30 per
cent danger mark. Monday s hu
midity in Salem was 72 per cent,
compared with a local 50 on Sun
day. Roseburg s 83 degrees was Ore-
gons nignes lemperauire, iui
86 at Salem and 81 at Med ford.
1,225 Prepare
For Graduation
At 3 Schools
By Dnaa Care
Statesman Hih School Corr-txtvrt
Twelve hundred twenty Iiv
students in Salem's three sec
ondary schools are busily pre- -
paring for graduation . and pro
motion exercises, 625 of them .
high school seniors who are to
graduate in exercise! In the school
auditorium on . the evening ci
June 5.
The ether 600 are ninth grad- -
ers. in the two junior man
schools, 373 at Parrish and 227
at Leslie, who will move to the
high school next fall after pro
motion exercises on June 6.
Dr. Dan Poling, jr, assistant -
dean of men at Oregon State
college, will deliver the com-
mencement address to the high
school class, ' largest in Salem
high history, Supt. Franks B. Ben- -
nett will present diplomas, ine
graduates will wear the tradi- .
tional caps and gowns. Admit
tance will be by invitation or.!y.
Dinner, Assembly Planned
The Rev. Seth Huntington of
the First Congregational church
will deliver the baccalaureate ad
dress in the high school audi
torium at 8 p.m. Sunday. The
public is invited.
The farewell assembly is slated
for June 2, and. the class dinner
will be June 4. Chairman Marion
Sparks has announced the theme
for the dinner as "Over the Rain
bow." Senior class advisors are
Ann Boentje, Marion Davis and
Irene. Hollenbcck. -
The Rev. Chester Hamblih of
First Presbyterian church will
give invocation i and benediction
tor Parrish Junior high's promo
tion exercises in 'the high-school
auditori unf at 10 am. Friday,
June . 6. Parents and friends cf
the school are invited.
Two members of U? Hs will
speak. Mary Campbell taking as
her topic Those First Years" and
Kent Myers talking oh "Looking
Ahead" They were selected by
vote of the class. The ninth
erode chorus will provide muMC.
Superintendent Bennett will pre
sent the American Legion citizen
ship awards, and Principal Carl
Aschenbrenner will give promo
tion certificates.
Leslie Trotraaa Ready
The Rev. Seth Huntington will
deliver the address and Principal
Joy Hills .will present the promo
tion certificates to members of
the Leslie ninth - grade class at
1:30 p.m. Friday, June 6, in the
Leslie auditorim.
Dorothy Pederson, highest in
scholarship in the class, will
speak, and Edna MarieHill, out
standing ,in music actCities, will
play 4he piano. Numerous awards,
including the American Legion
citizenship medals will be pre
sented by Miss Hills. The pub- -lie
is invited.
Liiborites Favor
Peacetime Draft
MARGATE, England. May 26-CPr-Britain's
ruling labor party
rebuffed pro-communist elements
within its ranks today and backed
up its government leaders by a
four-to-one margin in a vote fa
voring peacetime conscription to
bolster the nation's foreign policy.
The big unions Transport and
General Workers, largest labor or
ganization in the world, and the
National Union, of Mine Workers
led the fight in favor of the
government's peacetime draft bill,
which already has been parsed '
by the bouse oi commons.