(Cnity Mews DBirfieffs 1XGION COMMITTEE MEETS Delegates from American Le gion posts No. 136 and No. 149 will meet with the Copitol Post No. 9 Fourth of July celebration committees at the Legion hall Ionday night at 7:30 o'clock. All committeemen and sub-committee members will discuss plans icr the three-day meet on July meeting of the post No. 9 exec,,- tjve and building committees will slso meet the first part of the Meek. Commander Rex Kimmell fiid Saturday. Wanted Thoroughly experienced retail clothing salesman. 5' 10'or taller. 27 to 35 years old: married. Salem resident. Must knbw how to fit and measure clothes, trim -Vkindo-A-s and keep stock, j Steady, pood-paying job for right man. Opportunity for .advancement to manager. References Required. "Write giving full details. Box 679 tare Statesman. ' Eectric fans several sizes and makes. Broadway Appliance Co.. 419 Ferry. Salem, Oregon. OFFICER LAST MEET ! Marion county chapter of the Reserve Officers association will meet for-the last time before the summer season on Wednesday night of this week. Time and place will be announced ater President Harlan Judd said Sat urday. The group will resume meetings again in October. i Johns-Mansville siate surface1 thingle applied by expert rtxifers.j Nothing oown. 3 years to par j Buwthe bet a no exlra cost Free j estimates Ph. 4642. Malhis Bros. Rooting Co ... 164 S. Cbml. i Reduced Hot plates. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem. Oregon. ' HELLIESEX TALKS RECRHTING Lt Col. il. E. HeMiesen. com- : mender of the local army rewuit- j jng office, spoke to the Corvallis ' Lions club Friday noon outlining j the newly-launched recruiting ! program. Oil vour road acd settle the dust. Call' Tweed ie, 9696 or 5769. t Obifiuiry riDLXK Mr Ne!! Fidlr. Jrfferson. Fri av. May 23 Survived by her hus t;iJ. B! D Fidler. Jeftrn; a son. !-rv:n Ftdr of Salem: two brother. Mfivin M Dungan of Albany and Charles W. Duncan of Kennewick. Vlaih . and one r randdauehter. Rerv- I tee will be Mondav. May 26. at I p m ,! in trie Evangelical.- United Breinren church. Jefferson, graveride services following at the IOOF cetretery In Sa lem The Rev. A. E. Bahford will of floated Direction of trie Clough-Bar-Tick company. MrkEAG Joe.n McKeag. 1870-1947, Funeral ervire in charge of A. J. Rose, funeral c; reel or. East 6th and Alder streeta. Portland. Ore.. 11 a m., Tuesday, May n. m:. LEECE Robert Leece. at a local hospital Sat urday. May-2. at the age of 61 years. Furvivine are- the father. J. H. Leece. and a ttster. Mrs. Elsie Graham, both fi Portland. Services-will be announced later by the, Clough-Barrick company. EVERY FUNERAL SERVICE entrusted to us Is individually planned and personally direct ed - - its cost determined by the family's wishes. HOWELL - EDWARDS Salem Funeral Chapel $45 N. Capitol Si. Phone 3672 IIS i fti fillip flH!M.B3 (HIEG03S X 1 I lit THE BENDIX CONSOLETTE RADIO-PHONOGRAPH All the features and advancements of a big console radio phonograph will be found in this compact space-saving Beodix Consolette. Takes up no more room than an ordi nary chair yet it assures new richness from records, new brilliance from standard broadcasts and short wave. The record storage space is generous beyond belief. Available in lustrous walnut ... mahogany' ; . . or knotty pine. 5E.rr OUR STORE TODAY! NOW ONLY 189.50 fioevcr or thi sinoix er ? .A : . m b m i am. m tai i s tei v vi j x v vi rx l if i FURNITURE CO .275 N. Liberty L ROAD EXTENSION ASKED Marion county court has under consideration a petition filed Sat urday asking that county road 783 be extended to Butte creek. Also known as Hazel Nut Ridge road, the road lies in the Crooked Fin ger section of the Silverton hills. The new road would cover about two miles and would connect with a road in Clackamas county, the Petitioners state. Standard Cleaners and dyers. Also rug and drapery cleaning. Pick up and delivery service at no ex tra charge. S&H Green Stamps. Ph. 8779. Plate glass now bv-allable. Don Brown. Elfstrom's KC CONVENTION TODAY William LaRoche, trustee of the local Knights of Columbus coun cil and head of the state supreme council will preside at the order's twe-day state convention opening today in Coos Bay. A grouo of local knights led by Grand Knight Fred Rupp are attending the convention today ancj Mon day. Northern Lawn mowers, limited quantity R L Elfstrom Co. Asparagus now ready for canning and freezing. Fiala Ranch, 3 mi. north of Salem in Polk County. Phone 23072. Bring container. ROGERS. MURPHY BACK Marion County Judge Grant Murphy and Commissioner Ed Rogers were back at their desks Saturday from the IOOF state convent ion in The Dalles. The May, 1948, grand lodge will con vene at Eugene, the delegates re ported. Insured savings earn more than ! two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li I berty street For rent Floor Sanders. Wood rows, 450 Center St. HOSE CROSSING CHARGED During West Salem's fire at the Puritan Food market Saturday morning, one motorist, a D. Dav idson of West Salem, was cited by police to appear in municipal court on a charge of crossing the fire hose with his car. For immediate delivery, Apt. House Electric Ranges. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem, Oregon. Dr. Wiles Dentist. 701 First Nat. Bank. Phone 4924. SPAL'R ELECTED George Spaur, Salem, was elec ted president of the Oregon state Chi Phi association in Portland Friday night and Merritt Truax also of Salem, was named secretary-treasurer. -r Strawberries. You pick. 12c lb. Millard Henny, 3V4 mi. N. E. of Brooks. Births HAN EN To Mr. and Mrs. ! Keith G. Hanen, Independence, a i daughter, Saturday, May 24, at ! Salem General hospital, j SWERINGEN To Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Sweringen, 360 Vista lave., a son, Saturday, May 24, at Salem General hospital. SIMONTON To Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Simonton, 125 Gerth ave., West Salem, a daughter. Sat urday, May 24 at Salem General hospital. LUCKS To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lucks, 445 S. Winter st, a daughter, Saturday, May 24, at Salem Deaconess hospital. THRALL To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Thrall, route 2, Salem, son, Saturday, May 24, at Salem Deaconess hospital. EASY TERMS aviation coipoiamon 11 II $ 5 m V4 PHYSICIST TO SPEAK Speaker at the Salem Chamber of Commerce, luncheon Monday at the chamber rooms will be Dr. Walter P. Dyke, professor of physics at Linfield college and who during the war worked on radiation and electrdnics projects. Also here for "McMinnville day" will be Cliff Elliott, Linfield pub lic relations director; James H. Stanard, chamber president, and Robert Makecheck, program di rector for McMinnville's chamber, Wesix electric 2 5 K. W. & 2 K . W built-in wall heaters now avail able. R L. Elfstrom Co. New location Cronise Studio, 439 Court St.. over Smith Baking Co. PARK SIGNS ORDERED , Marion county court Saturday ordered erection of a No Parking On Pavement sign on county road 951 near its intersection with mar ket road 32 just west of Stayton and another sign near the city limits of Stayton on road 32. Res idents in that area protested to the court the unlawful parking of cars in that area causing a traffic hazard. G E automatic blankets year 'round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept R L Elfstrom Co. Lost! South Salem, Boston Bull Terrier. Reward. Ph. 7198. PSYCHOLOGISTS MEET Tenth annual Oregon state psychological association meeting was held Saturday at Waller hall, on the Willamette university cam pus, with professor James E. Simpson and professor Arthur Burton, of the university psychol ogy department, as hosts. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, 7694. 735 N. Capitol St. Kaizer-dish washer for immediate delivery. Broadway Appliance Co.. 419 Ferry, Salem, Oregon. FRATERNITY INITIATES Phi Delta Theta fraternity on the Willamette university campus initiated 22 new members recent ly, including four from Salem. ilem initiates were Harold Col- gan, Edward Porter, Allen Voigt nd Cecil Quesseth. Dexter sharpens lawnmowers at your home by machine. 6833. River silt, top sou and fill dirt. Com'l Sand : Gravel Ph. 21966. TOWNSEND CLUB MEETS Townsend club No. 3 will meet Monday at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Florence Shipp, 1880 Ne braska st. HARTMAN BROS. Are Official Authorized Distributors of BENRUS Watches w.rr . - AMCY ... A kandtomo yel low 90M color ovst cato with 17 wl (kock-rtltti9 3375 lr tcK. Color of pmk V old wHh kandsomo m4tcK in9 ipni'to brclt. COUNTISS NCRISSA . . . E qoisitoly stylod I7jl watch. Color f yellow fold. LAsT MANNI ... A f 'rft to thrill I pmk 90M color ato with loly HMtchiiif osp ion brcUt. IS wlv. HARTMAN BROS. Jewelers Liberty COLLEGE MAN SPEAKER I MOTHERS. BABES HOME Dr. Fred McKenzie, chairman ' Mrs. Myron Balloun of 555 , of the department of Animal Hus- ; Highland ave., and Mrs. Edwin bandry, Oregon State college, will : Zehiu-r of route 1. Jefferson, were be the speaker at Rotarv club j dismissed with their infant ihmgh Weiinesday. -Problems of the "rs from Salem I V;i-..nss iuts Oregon Livestock Industry" will pital Saturday, and Mis. Ji.ni.-s be his subject. He will "be in- Taylor of 1535 N. Church st.. was troduced by Charles A. Sprague. ' dismissed with her son. ; Reduced All Radios, Portables, Table models and Record play ers. Broadway Appliance Co., 419 Ferry, Salem, Oregon. For factories, offices & business uses, 12" General Electric wall clocks. $12.48, tax incl. R. L. Elf strom Co. TWO CUT FINGERS Salem first aid men treated two cut fingers Saturday. Walter Harris of 990 S. 13th st., cut the middle finger of his left hand at 1905 S. High ?t., with pruning shears, and Louis Woods of 434, S. 16th st., cut his finger while i I.IIVUMIUK VVlWI njlll Oil (1A. . MOTHERS. GIRLS HOME Road oiling for dusty roads. Also i Two mothers dismissed with stove and diesel oils for all types i their infant (laughters from Sa of burners. Larmer Transfer. Ph. I?rn General hospital Saturday . 313I are Mrs. J. S. Bush. 2645 Maple .'ave., and Mrs. Gordon A. Graber, 1 JAYCEES SLATE KAYE ) 1454 N. 19th st. "What We Should Do as- Citi- ! , . , , . ' zens and as a Community to Meet Mar,k "Twain white lawn slmts the Future" will be the topic of ; Cool for summer $3 95. Alex George R. Kaye, resident, man- i Jones. 121 N. Hipr, st. ager of the Union Oil company ' LESIJE SLATES SHOWS here when he speaks at the Tues- N piogI ams ;le si.)te(, :il day luncheon meeting of the Jun- j , . f , , , lor Chamber of Commerce.. j weefc i(J rh.u. of iH m (,n A good paying garage Bnd repair ! Monday, room 200 .n Tut-!..y ;.nd business on 99E for lease, includ- ; o"n 204 on Wednesday. ing living quarters. See L. C. Cooney and Wm. Bliven, 429 Ore gon bldg. Phone 7906, evenings 8918. WIJ REGISTRATION BEGINS Preregistration for the summer term at Willamette university be gins June 5 and 6, according to Walter E. Erickson, director of o the summer session. Students not I elementary school at u a m now attending Willamette will be ' Tuesday for children and at . 45 registered for the summer ses- j P- m- Wetlnevday for parents, sion at a later date. - j SRale you(. date toniRht at tfisll. Smitty's Clipper Service, former- Salem Ice Arena. ly McCune & Lovell. corner Cen- MOVI:s sn,F.,)m:i) ter and ( hurch. (),n week days M 4 k prog, ams are to 6 a m. to 9 p m ; Sundays, 8 a at yl M m Txt m. to 9 p. m. Phone 9600. , day t Jhe . iuf.hVSihtKl GRANGE MEETS WEDNESDAY at 4 p. m. Tuesday at Lelie jun Salem grange will meet Wed- i 9r h6h- nesday at 8 p.m. in the Salem I c, , ... . c , ,. . Figure Skater s night at Salem Woman s club building on North' . . . , . . , . m Cottage street. t Home appliance & GE farm equipment. Atkinson Appliance Co. (Hollywood) 2005 Fair grounds rd. Ph. 2-4439. Giro fho watch they so ricMy dosorvo. Thoy hove eormed tho rtoht to a smartly styled and distinctivo timo pioco BENRUS. te shock-rosisting watch of. . OAtorontood accuracy. of Salem at State DE LUX Serve Self Laundry. 345 Jefferson st., just off North Com mercial. Open" daily. 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Tuesdays and Thursdays to : 9. Automalici and conventional : machines. The Best in the West. j HELD IN COl'NTV JAIL Walter lie Rauch, Salem route j 2, box 233. was arrested Satur i day afternoon by Marion county sheriff's deputies 'on a Salem justice court warrant chat King assault and battery. He was held in the county jail under $150 bail. Rav M. Waltz, M D 195 W. Superior. Phone 6519. Bedding plants 15 25c d7 Tomato plants, 15c duz. Fusi luas and geraniums 20 & 30c each. Merrill's (Iieeiihoiist', HiiMiks, li 24351. OPERETTA TO BE PRESENTED The operetta. "Sunny of Sunny- i j :n i . i r . . l i 5 ae- WI" oe presenien oy uun ice rena ivionuay, may ioin. SIIS MUSIC SHOW SET A senior high school music fes tival will be presented at the school at 1 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. these found .sell fast, so LICENSES ISStED Marriage licences have been issued in Portland to Glenn Miller and Blanch L. Miller, both of Sa lem, ami in Vancouver. Wash., to Jeiry Adam. Atimsville, and Itelh Foi tune, 624 N. Cpitol St., Salem. Paper hanging. J. Johnson. 3492. J ! LOG PERMITS GRANTED j Itg hauling permits were grant- j etl Saturday by the' Marion coun- ! ty court to Richard L. Hamblm. j 536 Liberty st ; Joseph Ziebert, j Mill City: Iy Brothers Trans-1 fer. Newberg, and Aline Bros.. Woodburn. SCHOOL PICNICS SET The Pulateers club at Salem high school has slated a picnic for 6 p. m. Wendesday, according to this week's school calendar. Leslie junior high students ere . planning an o!I-sthtl picnic at 4 u- 111 Thursday. EASTRIDGE CAR LOCATED A car owned by Dorothy S. East ridge. 740 Spruce St., stolen Friday night, was loch ted early Saturday morning by city police lusi outside tne city limits on South Commercial street. ' i MADISON'S SIGN TAKEN A small metal sign, used to H.t smaller signs on at Don Madison's service station. 590 N. HiKh st . was stolen Friday night, he reported to Salem polite. PERMIT ISSI ED A buildinjj iH'imit was issued by the city engineer's office Sat urday to F.il Johnson to erect a woodshed at 1340 Fir st., at a cost of $f0 RE ON ALL RADIOS Yoor Radio Will Get Attention WARREII'S 217 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 76S1 Pickup A Delivery PAIRS At Again Wards lead t"t. X ff rr rr ,- Look what you can buy in washable cotton prints for 98 features usually in a 298 dress! O Gay prints white, pastel grounds O Shirtwaist, button-front styles O Ruffles, contrasting trim O Roomy pockets, buckled belts O Full cut sizes from 14 to 44 O Fabrics that wash like a charm Tlie 1 .98 cottons you haven't seen for years . '. . back ajzain with all their former excellent quality, work manship, fit! In refreshing cotton floral prints that you'll wear with delight whether youVe digging in the garden or doing household chores. All guaran teed washable. Don't miss this opportunity! They'll come early! Sizes 14 to 20, 38 to Atid this purchase to your Monthly Payment Tho Statesman. Solom. Oregon. Sunday. May 23. 1947 S 1 SCHOOLS TO GIVE AWARDS I taken the matter of repairing the Presentation of vear-end awards road into consideration and an for students will be presented at ' insx-ctton cf it will be made Purr Mi Junior high school Tes- n- h rour a'd- day 4i t 10 a. in and at the senior high school at 12:50 p. m. i Wednesday. i LEAGCES TO CONVENE Members of the Leslie junior high school Girls league are to, meet at 1:45 p. m. Wednesday, and the Boys league is to present a show at 3 p. m. Thursday. J MEETING POSTPONED The regular meeting of the Sa-! lem school board has been post-1 poned this week from Tuesday to ; Wednesday night at 7:30. The board convenes at the school ad5; ministration building on North High street. ROAD SERVICE ASKED A petition to service county road: 746 lying between Garden and Fruitland roads east of Salem j was received by the Marion coun- j ty court Saturday. The court has t Yetr Your fcitchen ran exactly express YOUtf Ideas and YOUR Tasles When you build it of these beautiful, sturdy in terchangeable cabinets. 5 SALEM ORCOON Hi N. Lancaster Drlv Phone 1414 Open till P. M. ' the way . . 44. Plan "dZlCl I IV: . - WILLAMETTE TILE CO. ART TILE for fireplace, slraln hoards. store fronts, bathrooms, showers, shower doors. Free Estimato "Ed" Bash Ph. 2-4S36 1895 S. Winter YOtfQ CffUO XAUTZAV21.K0! V-1 I NCT QO AEfX A UTANNiCA OHIO'S cuiLDnen PICTURE STOMIS 1 mmm4 tm tm tosyun in ssmti Conmercial Book Store 141 N. Commercial St Ph. 4534 feilem, Oregoa