The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1947, Page 7, Image 7

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    Annual Jersey
Spring Jubilee
To Open Today
Bt IJHie I- Mden
Farm Editor. The Statesman
The Willamette valley's annual
"Jersey Spring Jubilee will open
today at Albany. It will close at
Independence on June 2.
Information being received from
11 show chairmen indicates that
the entries are larre and of fine
quality this year. More than 100
registered cattle will be on dis
" play in Bryant park at Albany
today, with 4-H club members
taking a prominent part Walter
Shelby, president of the Linn
Benton club reports that Judging
of the 4-H classes will begin
promptly at 10 am. Women of
the Grand Prairie grange will
serve the noon meal at a nomi
nal cost.
Marion county will show at the
state fairgrounds at Salem Mon
day with, around 75 head to be on
display. Judging will start a t 10
.m. and women of the club will
serve the noon picnic dinner.
T Enter 1S3 Jerseys
At the junior fair building in
McMinnville, the Yamhill county
clubr will enter 163 Jerseys for
competition, with 112 61 this
number entered in the senior divi
sion and 51 in the Junior 4-H and
Future Farmers of America di
vision. O. K. Beals of the state
department of agriculture will
judge. A contest for the FFA
and 4-H members will be a feat
tire at 10 a.m. Two new exhibit
ors in Yamhill will be tfle Gor
don Farms of Carlton and the
Van Laanen ranch of McMinn
ville. Clackamas County Show
Special musical features are
being planned fcr the Clackamas
county show to be held May 28
at the Canby fairgrounds. Dur
ing the noon dinner hour musical
entertainment will be featured
from the Canby Union high school
tinder the direction of Fay Sparks,
music instructor, a former Marion
county teacher. Marlin Fox, di
rector of the Clackamas Jersey
show reports that there are 155
bead of registered Jersevs entered
with 50 of these in the junior di
vision. Polk county club wlil show at
Independence on June 2 with
close 100 cattle entered so far
nd more expected.
Joyce Rasnuissen
Top 4-H Writer
Joyce Rasmussen. Butteville,
Thursday was judged Marion
county winner in the 4-H club
radio playwriting contest, James
T. Bishop, club agent, said.
Station KSLM awarded her a
$15 radio scholarship to the 4-H
ummr school at Ccrvallis. Oth
er participants were Jean Dowe,
Aumsville, and Shirley Bingen
heimer. Liberty. Miss RasmusFen's
ecnpt will cpmpete in the state
contest at the summer school June
17 and 22.
Hungry Campers Watch as Chicken Roasts
Mr. Ilnitka of Brooks
To Teach at Sil verton
S1LVERTON Mrs. Patricia
Brutka of Brooks has been hired
to teach in the Silverton schools
ths autumn, members of the
chool board announced Wednes
day. A high school principal has
sxt yet been obtained but several
applicants are beings interviewed.
A. B. Anderson, clerk of the
chool board and superintendent
of schools, , said Wednesday a
teacher was needed for high
chool commerce and girls' edu
cation classes. - i
Your Kitchen
can exactly express
YOUR Ideas and
YOUR Tastes
When you build it of
these beautiful, sturdy in
terchangeable cabinets.
Sti N. Lancaster Drira
rWae 414 -.
Opea UU-C r. M.
On All Hakes
r iffl
a7 " t-i.:'.,-.: K?f
K , j H At-, : WyC
YfJmmmmra ... Can't wait. Scouts of troop 2 watch hungrily as chicken was roasted on lis spit dar
ing last week-end's Cherry City district camporee. Turning the spit at left Is Don Steimer. 555 Cross
st and riving moral support are, left U right. Don Raymond. 1835 S. Hish sL, David Hill. 1425 Satln
aw sU Robert Baser. 1351 Saginaw st Jack Harr, 2117 S. 12th sU David Roeten. 1S25 S. Church V
Chris Eismann. 2090 S. High st. and Scoutmaster Walt Hartley. 1711 Cross st. In background check
ing the scent's methods is Wes Goodrich, scout commissioner. (Photo by Don Dill, Statesman staff
Death Claims
Carrie Branch
Carrie Branch. 56, wife of Ev
erett Branch, who has lived near
Salem for 41 years, died Wednes
day at her home, route 6. Salem.
She was bom at Great Bend,
Tex., April 25. 1891.
Funeral services will be at 1:30
o'clock Saturday afternoon in the
Clough-Barrick chapel, with in
terment at Belcrest Memorial
She is survived by her wid
ower; a son, Irvine K. Branch and
her mother, Sally Daum, bolh of
Salem; three sisters, Mrs. Kathryn
Hedges of Portland, Mrs. Glenda
Decker of Albany and Mr?. Bar
bara llollmiin of Salem; two
brother.. Otto Daum of Fair
banks, Alaska a n l Theodore
Daum of Salem.
Street, Sidewalk
Projects Okeliecl
Four street and two sidewalk
improvements are in the offing for
various Salem neighborhoods
following approval of the city
council Wednesday night.
City Manager J. L. Franzen's
recommendation was accepted and
resolutions adopted for improving
Hickory street between Maple
and Hazel, Frederick .street be
tween Breys avenue and Thomp
son street and between Breys and
20th street, and Adam street be
tween 23rd and 24th streets.
Sidewalk resolutions covered
I me uiock oi nazei Dei ween riign
' land avenue and Spruce street.
Vet Students Told
Of Summer Jobless
Pay Regulations
Student veterans who do not
attend school during the summer
must be available for suitable jobs
in order to receive GI readjust
ment allowances of $20 per week,
Silas Gaiser, state unemployment
compensation commission direc
tor, warned Wendesday.
If a veteran accepts readjust
ment allowances while aLco re
ceiving subsistence payments or
while not eligible for any other
reason, "he loses not only further
rights under the GI bill but alo
may be subject to prosecution by
federal authorities, said Gaiser.
Dropping steadily, payments of
readjustment allowances have
reached the 5,000 mark, about half
thenumber inearly May of last
year. Applications for allowances
have been filed by 65.000 Oregon
veterans, of whom 1.100, less than
2 per cent, have exhausted their
Th Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Friday. May 23. 1947 7
Eastern Railroads to
Increase Rales 10
An approximate -10 per cent in
crease in basic . passenger . fares
on eastern railroads was author
ized by the interstate commerce
commssion Thursday to compen
sate for increased operating costs.
Credit Group to
Add Two to Staff
Two new field reprefentatfves
have been added to the staff of
the Willamette Production Credit
association, local farm credit co
operative, it was anno unced
Thursday by P. M. Brandt, jr.,
secretary - treasurer. They are
Harry L. McGee, formerly secretary-treasurer
of. the Federal
Land bank at Tillamook and pre
viously with the bank in Salem,
and James McNulty, navy veter
an and formerly with the Starr
Fruit company.
A large increase in business de-
Announcing the Summer Opening
DeSanlis' Dinner House
Near North SilTr Creole Falls
OFFERING : Full Course Dinners
FEATURING: Chicken and Steaks
Open ONLY on Saturday Evenings, Sundays A Holidays
HOl'RS: 6:00 P. M. to 12:3 A. M. Saturday Evening
12:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M. Sundays 4c Holidays
manded the additional staff.
Brandt said. Number of loans
outstanding is up 59 per cent over
last year, amount outstanding up
64 per cent over a year ago.
The loan association furnishes
short-term credit to . its farmer
members covering the counties cf
Lane. Benton, Linn, Marion. Polk.
Lincoln, Tillamook. YamhiiL
Clackamas, Washington. Multno
mah, Columbia and Clatsop.
OSS? 0QB05
Boise ... $ 9.65
Sail Lake Cily .15.10
ofpor Tfcxfr office
175 S. High Phone 2815
X - 1 . J-
MlMflT (HlITIIfillfP
We Are
Open Now
We're Proud
To Invite
You to
Your Remodeled
i vli
We know you have been
waiting a leng tmo lor
your all-wool gabaidih
suit W now have lhat
dark brown gabardine In
a complete range oi sizes.
Smart Clothes
For Smart Men
r - , -
You will be pleasantly surprised to
see the large selection of gorgeous
worsteds we have been saving lor
this occasion ... all meticulously
hand tailored, 100 hard finished
worsteds in patterns that you will be
Distinctively smart Spcrt
Jackets and Cardigans
from California's finest or
iginals with a wide range
of harmonizing slacks in
100 wool gabardines.
For Your Budget
Our Opening!
Attractive "T'
White Broadcloth
Dress Shirts
Nationally advertised "T" Limiled quantity of fine
Shirts in most colors and white broadcloth dress
designs. shirts. Sizes IAV2 to 16.
Suits, Sportcoats and
Slacks ; 4
Harmonizing Ties for
that White Dress
Dress Hose
Mallory Hats
AU VTrfc Gnraatee
2S Carl L Call 7529
proud to be seen in