The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 23, 1947, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tha Statesman, Solera, Oregon. Friday. May 23. 1917
Back at it a Portland Meadowa
captain mt gendarmes to Ken Gem
aaelL mur wsrthy predecessor,
after another roogb winter with
a bad-acting stomach Ulcer. Pel
letting the current boss meeting
Koa Intend flag heme to San
Francisco to have the cassable
thing carved out. One of Gem
mells track slenths Is Brace Wil
Cams. back again from the east
and fall of Intentions for more
law schooling at Willamette. . .
Yes. we're attended Bill Kyne's
spring meetinf at the Meadows,
bt we mixht add those oat
bnraers of his stUl ran Just like
they did last fall all wars bat
the way we pick 'em. Bat then
somebody has to feed 'em. . .
SpeakiB af the gold-grabbing
bojutalls. rearlnr one to race Is
expensive enough, no doubt. And
It s rotten so now. Track Publicist
Billy Stepp was telling m, that
tt casts aroand $4,000 per year
to maintain a thoroughbred.
Which to sboutt wice as mnch as
the cost In prewar days. For In
stance, once upon a time the fee
was 5Se per mile to have a boy
exercise a horse. Now the demand
is two bocks, or yea do It your
self and get the nnion to looking
yonr way. . . , Another track Item
installed this semester at Fort
land, and for the, first time any-
where, to the issuing- sf the same
eotored silks for each horse ran
Jag In the same pole position In
each race. All bosses In the No.
positions on the card sport Jockeys
attired la red. All those In the No.
2 slots are decked out In bine
and so on. The reason so . the
betting pablie might follow their
fsTorites more easily daring' the
nard-to-see night races. . . . They
stoat miss a thing, those hens
racing- maestro. . . .
A'o Pitching Paradise
What with 32 swajsmea belting
the ball for a" M or better aver
age (latest figures from the
Howe bnrean), this season's WTL
derby is definitely no pitching
paradise. Jost like last year, 'Us
a hitter's leagne, as baseball Jar
gon, tallies It. Also noted In the
recent compilations and this to
bo slap at the Senator manage
mentwas a neat .3(3 - mark
syrtea by Frank LuechL Soloa
casteff now with Victoria.. Lake
left with the best wishes of the
firm sad If bo aps aad hits .
It w1U be okeh by the Salem
management Likeable Lake didn't
fit In with their plans. Looking at
saeh a deal from another angle.
think of how the Yakima man
agement mast feel when It looks
at Senator Stagger Bob Moore
wbe IS hovering near the .400
level at present.-. . . Baseball to
fall of sack surprises. ...
Runyan to Ontario
Bearcat Ken Kanyaa Isn't, to be
eoach at Aamsvllle after all. No
sooner had he decided 4o take
over the Clam B Rangers than up
papptd a more attractive deal
froam Class A Ontario la eastern
Oregon. So there to where he will
.break Into the coaching whlrL . .
If be eaa find aa apartment la
w Men to live, one of the greatest
footballers of all time w ill Join
- the village natives. Now-a whole-
. saler tmr a large candy orgaaixa
tioa la Chicago, Ernie Nevers
find Salem near the center of
ais operations territory and would
like to settle here. For the benefit
or we uier arrivals. A e vers was
one of the grid game's finest full
backs under "Pop- Warner at
Stanford aboat Z year back. . .
Spec A'o Handicap
So spectacle-wearing ballgam
era dent amount to much? Right
sow they do. Both Earl Torgeson.
the Saebemlsh freshman with
Bostoa and Bill Kigney, the New
York. Giants' sherU topper, sport
specs, and both are taking to Na
tteaal leagne pitching as If they
were brought up on It Ineiden
tally, both Torgy and Rigney are
IL rraos. BUI having played
for Belllagham la 1939 when he
biffed a so-so .271. . . . Come
Jaly 4 It will be one year since
Kenny Wyatt flipped his no-hit
ter at the Weaatche PhUr. T
coma News-Tribnner Dan Walton
has dug- up the following on no
hit games la the WIL: Only six
have been hurled in the loop since
it opened In 1937. Oscar (Red)
Miller for Yakima and Lefty Al
son Wllkie for Tacoma accom
plished the feat la '37; Floyd
(Lefty) Isekite did it for Ta
coma in '39 and Bill Bevens came
wp with two of the gems the same
season. And after looking over
these honorable names a second
time we find that of the lot only
Sevens to a right-hand pitcher! ,
Lesnevicli Meets
Bettina Tonight
NEW YORK, May 22-Jfy-Ringwise
Gus Lesnevich, who
holds the light heavyweight crown
and has no aspirations to fight
Joe Louis, .will try to prevent
Welio Bettina from getting a shot
at the Bomber's title when they
meet in a ten-rounder at Madi
son Square 'Garden tomorrow
Fisliiiig Conditions -Fair9 for
PORTLAND. Ore, May 22-OP)
The state game commission to
day reported fair fishing condi
tions throughout most of Ore
gon. The weekly fishing bulle
tin: .Willamette valley Lane coun
ty improved with some limit
catches oa the McKenzie and
smaller streams. Linn county
poor. Yamhill county fair to
Deschutes ' area A few bag
Sofioflis Win
Vikings Annex Opener, 2L 2L to 2
IN loss or 5-Hitter
Ends Loss Skein.
YAKIMA, May 22-(Spedal)-
Salem's losing streak came to an
abrupt end at five here tonight
when Lefty Wandell .. Mossor
downed the Yakima Stars with
five hits to win 4 to 0 and sent
the Scions to within one per
centage point of fourth place. It
was Mossor's fifth victory of the
season and he was helped along
by nine Senator hits off two Yak
pitchers and errorless support.
The victory also pushed Salem
one game above the .500 mark and
kept -Jack Wilson's crew a Jump
ahead of the sixth place Tacoma
Tigers. . Mossor's whitewash Job
was his first of the season.
The Senators return to Waters
park tonight to open a 4-game
series with the Spokane Indiana
at 8 o'clock. Lefty Kenny Wyatt
who blanked the Spokes with one
hit at Spoane last week will toe
the slab for the Sal ems . against
the Brooklyn Dodger farmhands.
it was announced last night by
Mgr. Wilson from Yakima.
Tonight also will be "Kids'
Night' at' the park all 16-years-
and-under boys and girls will be
admitted free to the third ba
bleachers. Saturday night will be
-Frisco Edwards Night," in mem
ory of the Senator skipper who
died a year ago Saturday.
Also announced from Yakima
last night, where 1,850 watched
the Stars' win binge cut at six
straight was that the Senators
picked up Outfielder-first . base
man Joe Skeber, released by Yak
ima early in the week. . . . Mos
sor was red hot in his game, whif
fing 14 Yak batters. Bob Moore,
Hal Summers and Bill Beard
helped biff across the Salem runs.
Beard had a perfect night at the
Saleas () Yakima (0)
Krug.l 4 0 1 lBirneiJ 4 115
Peterson. 4 1 0 2 Lilly J (111
NuneiJ 4 0 0 3 Harris! 3 0 0 0
Moorex 113 OjThmpsn.l 4 1 11 0
Kubiak.1 4
1 S (Cnft.m t 0 0 0
1 3 3 Robinson .r 4 0 3 0
SpaetcrJ 4
Sumers.m 4
1 3 0 StasM.3 4 114
Beard.c 3
Mossor .p 3
113 l'Phillips.c 10 3 1
1 0 OKerr.c 3 0 4 1
! Simon .D 3 0 0 0
Petersen OOOO
Fedrmyr 0 0 0 0
Brysch.p 0 0 0 0
Totala 39 0 37 10 Total 30 S 37 IS
Batted for Simon In 7th.
Ran tor Peterson in 7th.
Salem . 310 000 0104
Yakima ... .. ... 000 000 0004
Pitcher rPAB H R CR SO BB
Mossor 0 30 0 0 14
Simon 7 39 0 3 3 I 4
Brysch 3 10 3 1 0 1 1
wild pitches: Mossor. Left on bases:
Salem 10. Yakima 0. Errors. Yakima 4
Three base hits: Lilly. Two base hits
Beard 3. Lilly. Runs batted tn: K rut-
Moore. Kubiak. Summers. Stolen bases:
Peterson 3. Krug, Beard. Double plays:
Nunes to Soaeter to Kruf. Time: 3:10.
Umpires: Menezlch and Abbey.
Spokane 000 323 03010 19 3
Wenatchee 000 021 004 7 0
Latino and Bufflap: Condon. Adam
. jrosi ) ana Pesut.
004 100 40311 19 3
000 900 100 4 0
Marshall and Ronnins: Fortier. Gib
son isj ana Fontaine.
Tacoma ... 100 000 0067 11 :
Vancouver 100 012 0109 11 ;
Walden. Sabutls (Si and Clifford
Hedcecock. Bryant ). Snyder S) and
Bearcats Due
Eighteen Willamette baseball
players have been named for the
traditional "W awards for 1947,
Coach Walt Erlckson announced
Thursday. Players to receive the
awards are Darryl Alder, Bruce
ttaraer, uon Barnlck, Travis
Cross, Art Dickerson. Joe D is Den
riere, Bob Douglas, Marv Good
man, Earl Hampton. Bob Lakie
Bill . Patterson. Bob Perry, Fred
Richardson, Ben Schaad, John
Slanchik, Ollie Williams, Lowell
Yeager and Manager Tom Yates
Hampton led the team in hitting
with a .380 mark. Cross and Wil
liams hit .344 each, Goodman had
.327, Dickerson .313, Slanchik .308
and Douglas .303. Alder was lead
ing pitcher with a 2-1 mark. Rich
ardson was next with 4-3.
The awarding of the Adam Hat
trophy will be made next Thurs
day at awards chapel.
New Ball Arena
Nearly Finished
WOODBURN, May 22-(Special)
-Work on Woodburn's new base
ball park north of the city is al
most completed. When finished
the. park will shave a seating ca
pacity of 500 and will be sur
rounded by a fence eight feet high,
The fences- will be 400 feet from
home plate In center and 300 to
both right and left The park Is co-
sponsored by the Woodburn fire
department and the American
Legion post and construction . is
under the supervision of . J
Hughes and Pete DeGuire. Lum
ber in the building - was - taken
from the city park and all labor is
limits in Crook county streams.
Lower Crooked river, the Des
chutes and Metolius in Jeffer
son county fair. A few rainbow
limits from Suttle lake. Poor la
Wasco and Sherman counties.
Coast Stream angling poor
In Lane and Lincoln counties,
fair in Clatsop and Carry, good
fat Tillamook - county. Lane
county lake fishing fair. The
lower river to poor, but
the Smith river fair for cut
4-0, Home Tonight;
V ;L
LEADER: Manager Alan Strange
(above) of '. Bremerton s Bine
Jackets, blessed with a veter
an crew is currently running
off .with the Western Interna
tional race. Strange is a for
mer big league and PCL short
step. Beavers Lose
Portland Beavers skidded into
fourth place here tonight after
absorbing their third straight set
back from the suddenly potent
Hollywood Stars." The Twinks,
teeing off on three Beaver pitch
ers, won 7-5 on 13 hits. Vic Raschi
was the losing pitcner ana Joe
Woods gained the win. Portland
rallies late in the game fell short.
Los Angeles downed Sacramen
to 7-1 and took over first place
in the Coast league as San Fran
cisco dropped its third in a row
to Oakland. The red hot Oaks
climbed into third place. Seattle
kept up its winning ways by top
pling San Diego 6-4.
Portland C) aoiiywoea in
Smlth.1 3 0 1 O'Coxs
Oorbold.1 4 10 2 Detains. m 3 O 0
Escobar x 3 10 0' Lupien.l S 4 10 1
Storey J 3 0 0 0 Llbke.r
Vico.l 4 11 l'Klleher.l 4 14 0
Wrnner.m 4 13 OjVauehn.3 4 3 1 0
Dobbins. 4 14 2 Rom J . S V "J
Murator.c 4 3 0 OjUnser 3 1 1 1
Raschi.p 3 0 0 2'Sheelyt 1 0 0
Bianco. p 0 0 0 0 Yayhan.p 0 0 0 0
RadlvchJ 10 3 0
Llska.p 0 0 11
Silvtra 110 0
RelchV 1 0 0 0
Totals 39 0 24 0 ToUls 34 13 27 14
Batted for Smith in 8th.
Batted for Liska in Bth.
t Batted for Woods In 7th.
Portland 000 110 2013
Hollywood . 000 231 01 7
Winntne pitcher Woods. Losln(
pitcher Raschi
4'i 31
2 0
0 0 0 0
3 1 3 0
V 3 0 1
Raschi -Bianco
7 37
Vivliin 3 S
3 113
Errors Muratore. LJbe. Kou. ien
on hu- Portland 0. Hollywood 13.
Two base , hits Escobar. Lupien. L)h-
ke. Home run Lupien. Runs batted in
Dobbins. Smith. Corbould. Storey.
Woods. Cox. Libke. Unser J. Lupien,
Vaughn. Time 3:43. Umpiers rord.
Mazzee and Powell. Attendance 4901.
Los Anceles OOO 000 313 7 10 0
Sacramento' ooo ooo oio l o
McCall, Lynn (7) and Gillespie; Har
rell. Cronin (S) and Fitzgerald.
010 300 1317 13 1
San Francisco
000 000 0101 S 3
Sorriano and Raimondi; Brower, Ros
so 0) and Gladd.
1 100 000 0034 0 0
300 400 00 0 10 1
Vitaltch. Oteen 4 and Kerr: Dubiel.
Reis () and Sue me.
First Baptist downed Calvary
Baptist, 8-4, in Church league
softballing at dinger yesterday.
Duckpin Tourney Set
With Mayor R. L. Elfstrom and
Chamber of Commerce President
Keith Brown booked to roll a
special match as a starter at
p.m. Saturday, the Northwest
Dnckpin bowling tournament
will then take off on the B & B
courts. Immediately following
the .special match sponsors of
Salem teams wilt engage In an
other exhibition of matches.
Clarence Shrock will meet Har
vey Eisner, Lew Newman tan
gles with Mr. Klnnder and Mr.
Larson meets Sid Stevens.
First tournament matches will
find Independence, Mill City aad
I7ew Rolo-Tiller
league Holor Company
355 N. Liberty Salem, Oregon Tel. 7001
throat fishing.
Southern Oregon Favorable
outlook In Jackson county, poor
la Josephine except on Rogue
proper where cutthroat angling
Is good.
Eastern Oregon Improved in
Baker county. Poor In Lake,
Wheeler, Gilliam and Morrow
counties. Malheur fair. Pros
pects favorable In Umatilla, Un
its and Wallowa counties.
Hood River Next
In Prep Playoff
Portland, May 22-(Special)- Sa
lem high's Vikings opened up
with their big bats for 12 hits
here today, and accompanied by
Tall Rod Province's three-hit
flinging downed the Central Ca
tholic Rams, 11-2, In the first
round of the state prep baseball
tournament The win catapulted
the Vikings Into a semifinals
game tomorrow at 1:30 o'clock
with the Hood River Blue Drag
ons who today topped Forest
Grove, 6-4. Other winners today
were Eugene over Sandy, 2-1, in
12 innings and Jefferson of Port
land over Klamath Falls, 6-0. Eu
gene and Jefferson play tomorrow
after the Salem-Hood River tilt. 1
Also on tomorrow's program is
the opening round of the Class B
tournament. Hubbard plays Rogue
River at 9 a. m., and Parkdale
plays Amity at 11:15.
Coach Harold Hauk's Salems,
breezing along behind Province's
11-strikeout flinging salted away
the game in the third inning with
a 7-run outburst. Hits by Roger
Dasch, Dick Allison, Dick Mase,
Carlos Houck and Province him
self, plus an enemy error and
two walks brought in the seven
tallies. Both runs off Province
were unearned in the second in
ning. Hitting stars for the Vik
ings were Dasch and Allison, each
With three hits and two doubles
apiece. Allison drove in four runs
and wiped out five attempted
thefts of second base.
Bud Craig will be on the mound
for Salem tomorrow. -
Although touched for 10 hits
Don O'Leary tossed Hood River
to its win over Forest Grove. Jim
Hanns of Eugene and Daryl Eli
ason of Sandy battled on the
mound for 12 innings before the
Axemen squeezed over the win
ning run. Hanns fanned 16, Elia-
son 18. Brem and Sandstrom di
vided Jefferson's mound chores
to blank the Pelicans with three
hits in that game. Jeff collected
11 safeties and is the defending
state titlist.
Salens (II) C-CaUielic )
HendrieJ 3 3 1 0 Marthlcr.3 3 0 0 0
Dasch .a
Allison .e
Houck J
Craig. 1
Ok born. r
2 3 O Pain.l
3 0 0 0
1 3 O Rosers.r
0 1 llSpraeueJ
1 0 0 Knapp.c
1 0 0 Danzers
1 0 0 Slmlch.m
1 3 O Schlbel.l
3 3 OPetros.p
3 0 10
3 111
110 0
3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
10 0 0
Provinc.p 3
Girodj 0
Flemtnf.l 0
0 0 O Mnfnbyr.p 10 10
0 0 0 Feron.s 10 0 0
0 0 0;Vranizn.m 10 0 0
Valdez.r 1
Totals 30 1113 1 TotaU 33 3 3 1
C. Catholic 020 000 0 8 3 1
Vikings 107 130 'll 13 1
Petros 3 plus 7 0 S 1 3
Moffenbyer- 4 0 3 3 0 3
Province - 4 3 2 4 11 1
Two base hist: Dasch 2. Allison 2
Runs batted in: Allison 4. Dasch 2
Houck, Mase 3, Province.
Forest Grove 030 000 14 10 4
Hood River 013 111 0 0 4
- Edmunds, Borst (0) and Hodje; O'
Leary and McCormack.
Eusene 000 001 000 0013 7 1
Sandy 100 000 000 0001 0 1
Hanns and Smith; Eliason and Lund-
bon. . .
Klamath Falls 000 000 00 3 3
Jefferson 303 110 0 11 0
Williams. Whltt (0) and Tsumura
Brem, Sandstrom (0) and Clement
UW Crew Shaken
Up -for Gal Meet
SEATTLE, May 22-;p)-Coach
Al Ulbrickson, who shook up his
junior varsity crew yesterady In
an effort to get more speed into
his second boat before the Sat
urday clash on Lake Washington
with .California, drummed his
fingers nervously against his
megaphone today as he watched
his charges from the coaching
the BAB Ladles teams In ac
tion. At 7:15 p.m. the B Ac B
Hotshots play the Peacock
Cleaners. At 8:30 Shrock Motors
will roll. At 9:45 Larson Home
and Loan takes its - torn and
both Les Newman's Men's store
and Klnnder Hardware roll at
11 p.m. with Eisner Motors.
Singles and doubles events will
start at 1 pan. Sunday. Many
cash and merchandise prises
are available for various win
ners. Dona tors Include Stevens
tt Sen, Vince's Electric, Bishop's.
Heider Record Shop, Elfstrom's,
Y eater Appliance, Miller's and
Stiff Furniture Co
More than one left hand hitting WIL'er has winced when he has faced the 1-2-3 men of 8alem's
mound corps this season, for the trio is lefthanded all the way. Messrs. Wyatt, Gnnnarson and
Mossor, left to right above, have won 14 or the It wins the Senators have notched thas far. The Se
lons open a home stand at Waters park with Spokane tonight at elfht o'clock. Wyatt will pitch. . He
blanked the Spokes with one hit last week.
Cardinals Down Buccos
In Majors' Only Tussle
ST. LOUIS, May 22.-iflP-The SL Louis Cardinals bunched half
of their eight hits in the seventh inning for three runs and a 4-1 tri
umph over the Pittsburgh Pirates
which drew 14,034 paying fans.
of the day.
Red bird Manager Eddie Dyer
banished by Umpire Art
Gore when he protested vigorous
ly a close play at first in which j
Whitey Kurowski was called out ;
in the sixth. The big inning in
cluded singles by Joe Garagiola,
Red, Terry Moore
and Stan Musial. Musial scored on
a passed ball.
Southpaw Howie Pollet scat
tered seven Pittsburgh hits for his
second victory of the season,
against five defeats. All other
games were rained out today.
Pittsburgh 001 000 000 1 7 1
St. Louia 000 001 30 4 0 1
Higbe and Howell; Pollett and Gara
Illness Shifts
Portland Card
PORTLAND, Ore., May 22 -(P)
A throat infection today ruled
Joey Clemo, Portland bootblack,
out of a scheduled ten-round
main event boxing bout here to
morrow night against Felipe
"Sonny" Gomez. The Portland
boxing commission physician at
h nhvciral rhprkun toriav &airi
PLmn , In nrw innHitinn fori
V , "
we ooui.
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld said
Bobby Richards, Tacoma feather
weight, would substitute for
Clemo. Jack Snapp, Klamath
Falls. Ore., and George Cote, Ca
nadian middleweight, will meet
in another ten-rounder on the
Schaake Names
Cat Trackmen
Coach Elmer Schaake yes.terday
named the Willamette U athletes
who will Saturday take their
flings In the annual Northwest
conference track and field meet
at Portland. The meet will be held
on the Roosevelt high school oval
and will be sponsored by the
Lewis it Clark college member of
the conference. Qualifying heats
will be ,held at 10 a. m., finals at
2 p. m.
The Bearcats to take part are
Ron Runyan mile and 2-mile;
John Macy, 440; Jim Burgess,
javelin; Ralph Ohling and Tom
Grimm, 880; Don Preiss, 2-mile;
Tasker, high hurdles; curt namai,
low hurdles and broad jump;
Marv Goodman, broad jump; Er
nie Miller, Tom Boardman and
Art Gottfried, shot put and
Boardman and Gottfried, discus.
Since he has no material for
those events, Schaake will be.un
able to place Bearcat threats in
the dash events, high Jump and
pole vault Schaake sees the out
come of the meet as a Whitman
U of British Columbia duel.
NW Meet:
PORTLAND. May tt-i&Y-S
ports schedules for 1947-48
will be drafted at the annual
spring meeting of the Pacific
Northwest inter-collefiate ath
letic conference here tomorrow
and Saturday. Coaches and fac
ulty representatives of the eight
eolleges tn the circuit will also
elect officers and discuss rules
The Blair Dust Bomb
Blasts The Cherry Fruit Fly
Salem Hardware Company
120 North Commercial
Four Tie in Doubles Eveoift
As State TrapguDi .Tfleet (Dpems
tonight in a four-game series opener
It was the only major league game
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Bremertn 25 11 .694 Salem 1910.514
Spokane 20 14 .588 Tacoma 17 IS .475
Victoria 20 15 .571! Yakima 14 23 .37
Vancouvr 17 16 J15i Wenatchee 0 26.265
Last night's results: At Yakima 0, Sa
lem 4: at Victoria 4. Bremerton 11:
at Vancouver 5. Tacoma 7.- at Wenat
chee 7, Spokane 10.
W L Pet W L Pet.
Los Angls 31 21 .581 San Diego 23 20 .469
San Fran 30 22 J77; Seattle 24 28.462
Oakland 27 25 .519 Sacramnto 23 29 .442
Portland 25 25 .500 Hollywood 22 29 .433
Last night's results: At Hollywood 7.
Portland 5. At Seattle 6. San Diego 4.
At Sacramento 1. Los Angeles 7. At San
Francisco 1, Oakland 7.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Chicago 17 12 .586 Pittsbur 13 12.528
New Yrk 15 U 577 Phtladtl 15 16 .404
Boston 18 13 .552 Cinctnna 13 18 .419
Brook I v IS 13 .536 Sr. Louis IO 19 .343
Yesterday's result: At St. Louis 4.
Pittsburgh 1. (All other games ratned
out )
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Detroit 17 11 .607 Philadelp 14 15 .483
Boston 17 12 .5SS New Yrk 13 14 .401
Clevelan 13 10 .565 Washinct 11 IS .423
Chicaao IS 13 .516 St. Louis 10 19 .345
(AU Thursday games rained out.)
New Golf Range
Will Open Soon
A 250-yard golf driving range.
one of the first in the valley, will
be opened at 3360 Portland road
about June 1, it was announced
1 Thursday by John M. Hamiel,
who initiated the project. Ham
iel, veteran of two years in the
navy, said he planned to have
about 15 tees and that a lighting
system was being installed to per
mit night practice. Clubs and
balls are to be available at the
Legion Juniors
Hold Big Drill
Coach Paul Reiling herded his
large Capitol Post No, Ameri
can Legion Junior baseball crew
through a lengthy drill yester
day at Waters park, the next to
last workout before the team
plays at Newberg Suday. A final
practice will be held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock. Reiling an
nounced following the workout
that Lefty Bob Funk would hurl
against Newberg in the sub-district
seasonal playoffs Sunday.
Carlos Houck will behind the bat
but the many team aspirants are
still fighting for the other start
ing positions.
Promoter Herman Taylor dis
closed today he hopes to arrange
a Bob Montgomery-Ike Williams
crfampionship lightweight title
bout "within the next two weeks."
Phone 4308
McPhail Slaps
Fines on Yanks
NEW YORK. May 22 -JP-The
weather was too chill and damp
for the Yankees to play their
scheduled game with the Detroit i straight in the first half of th
Tigers here today, but a . half- I preliminary handicap from the 24
dozen Yank players were under- yard line. Colson beit out E. P.
stood to be ery, very hot after Patton of Albany and Joe Cotant
receipt of a memorandum from 0f PocateUo who had 43x50
President Larry McPhaiL" j scores in this event. Cotant fired
The six, of whom perhaps the , from the 24-yard line also, Pat
warmest was Joltin Joe DiMag-j ton from 21 yards. Those who
gio, were advised ' that their re- carded - 47x50 were Don Cannon
spective salaries had been depict- : of Salem, D. O. Nebergall of Al
ed by fines ranging from $100 , bany. Bud Hoehn of Edicn.
down to $25 for their failure to : Wash;, J. L, George of Albany
cooperate wfth the Yankee man- and B. Smith, Sandy. The second
agement In the promotional ven- j 50 birds of the prelim handicap
tures. DiMaggio drew the heaviest will be shot' off later. Defending
jolt, $100, for his refusal to pose champs in the prelim handicap are
for a special news reel during Rocer BealL 1st 25: Don Fish. 2nd.
the recent Yankee - Cleveland In-
dian series here. It was the first
fine imposed on , Joe since he
joined the club in 193S.
Charley Keller, DiMag's out
field teammate, and Catcher Aar
on Robinson each was penalized
$50 for declining to pose for the
dd'lSiicffS; JaT
dell drew a S50 setback for nav-
ing advised younger Yankees to pieton. Albany 44-41 ; Gence. in
balk on attending night banquets 'al7l9
lined up for them by the club. ; SLaV4 "uSfl??
Don Johnson, rookie pitcher, and ( Sweet Home 42-4002. Harpo-'c, Inde
another whose identity was not pndence 41-41 r Fraewtnt
disclosed were fined $25 . each,
purportedly for having taken Lin
dell's advice at its face yelue. .
Linfield Cops
Series Opener
i - -
McMINVILLE, Ore., May 22-iFi
A Whitman college bobble in the
13th inning handed Linfield a 4-3
victory today in the first; game
of the annual Northwest confer
ence baseball playoff. It was a
pitching duel all the way with
Dean Forsythe of Whitman giving
up nine hits and Gene Petersen
yielding six.
Whitman 001 000 Oil 000 03 0 4
Linfield 02O 010 000 000 14 9 4
Forsythe and Richardson; . Petersen
and Burr.
tv: 4)
Clear Sight
in the
Dr. C E. Bering
Our sun glass?s are scientifically cround and tinted to
challenge the sun. - The cost of good sun glasses is little
. . , the benefits great . . v - '
Dignified Credit
3S3 Coart Thv CMC
Henklc Takes
First Trophy
TacomaV Colon 1st
In Prelim Handicap
The annual Oregon State trap
shooting tournament opened with
audible roar beneath sunny
skies yesterday at Salem Gun
club, and following the first day
of firing in the? four-day classic
some of the 200-odd scattergun
ners entered were convinced they
were just as hot as the weather.
The doubles championship ef
the tourney and the preliminary
handicap events were popped eff
yesterday, CO artisti taking part
in the former and 85 in the lat
ter. Today's program lists class
championships In the 16-yard
event for Class A, B, C and D
shooter. Additional banging in
the special Wolves handicap 203
targets at 1724 yard also. wiU
be taken care of during the sec
ond day of the session.
Four doubles marksmen. Jc
Cotant of Pwcatello. Mert H-nk!o
of Portland, C. D. Henry of Los
Angeles and Earl CoLson of Ta
coma, tied for the title yesterday
with 92x100 tallies, but the trophy
for the event went to Henkle-as
he. being an Oregor.ian. was the
only one of the quartet eligible
for the cup. The other collected
shares in the cash prizes, how
ever. Henkle is 1947 state cham
pion. Col son came through with a
double win by shattering 50
25; Sheverly Sather. 3rd 25; I
Miller, 4th 25 and Beatl forth
total 100. Top results of yester
day's shooting:
Henkle. Portland 47-4502: Hera-y.
Los Aneetes 47-45 02: Cotant. Peca
tello 46-46 S2i Colson. Taoom 45-47
92: Etchen. Kansas City 44-4e 00: Ray.
r.ii- rUH r. Tent
field. Wash. 40-42 02 Scriboer, Port
land 42-40; D. Cannon. Salem 30 43 -01:
White. Spokane 42 -3 SL
Colson, Tacoma . 24-2550! Patten.'
Albany 23-25 48; Cotant. Poeateiks
?S-Z3 S: Cannon. Saiem 23-24 47;
Nebereal, Albany 24-23 47: Hoehn.
ML Ver no 23-2447: Georee. Inde
pendente 24-23 47: B Smith. Harris
bun 24-2342; McMillan. JClamat!
Falls 22-24 : Tempiet'wt. AIb
23-21 46: Stinetey. Cat:e Rock 21-25
40: Marx. CaMle Rock 23-5340; Hull,
Pendleton 22-24 40: rarmer.' P.K
reall 23-2346: Irwin. Tamma 22-23
45: Ray. Jobn Day TZ-Z3 V !cti
downev. Seattle 22-2343: Terkleaoft.
San FrancHN-o 23-22 U: Stemier.
Portland 22-23-45 M:i:ian. Sweet
Home 22-2244; D. Peer. Suhfjir.rty
20-34 44: Hiltlbrand. &:rm 34-30 44;
Douff Heater, SI ay ton TZ- 44; Jann
sen. Seattle 22-2244.
INDIANAPOLIS. May 22-iVP-Purehase
of Infielder WoodxcMT
Williams from Hollywood of tha
Pacific Coast league . was an
nounced today by ,the Indianap
olis Indians of the American,
Dr. Sana Dagoes
greasy engine? Not you!
Not us. either, but that
Isn't necessary. Good
pictures depend on good
camera, good films, good
deTeloping and printing.
Jat -
being donated, , .