The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 22, 1947, Page 6, Image 6

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    'tTha Statesman. Salam. Oregon. Thurtday Mcrf 22, 1947
Visitors Are
Guests in
The spring and summer months
bring many visitors to the cap
ital. Mrs. Charles N. Flitton met
her husband at the" Portland air
port Wednesday morning. He flew
up from San Francisco, after ar
riving in the states from Hawaii
Mr. Flitton has received his re
lease as an ensign from the navy
after v serving for several years.
The young, couple will be at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Brown E. Sisson, until June 7,
after which time they will go
south to Los Angeles to make their
Visitors in the capital a few days
are IX Comm. and Mrs. Raymond
tmka, who have-been in Long
-. Beach, Calif." The navy couple will
leave today for Seattle, where he
will meet his ship, the USS Corn
stock, of which be is captain. In
July-he will take his ship to Pearl
Harbor for a .three months stay
and Mrs. Lamka will join her
husband in Honolulu. The couple
. havejeen visiting their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lamka and
Mrs. Evangeline Clark.
A guest at. the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer C. Page is her sister,
Mrs. Thomas Stover of Seattle,
who will be here for several weeks.
Judge and Mrs. L. H. McMahan
have ar their house guests this
week their daughter, Mrs. Leo
Barton, and granddaughter, Jean
ie. of Taeoma.
Mrs. George Allbright and
daughter, Karen, of Florence are
spending a few days in Salem at
the John Carson home and with
other relatives in Silverton.
Shirlee Freele
Now Mrs. Darby
STAYTON The Fireplace
room of the Court Street Chris
tian church in Salem was the
acene of a double ring ceremony
which united in marriage Miss
Shirlee Freele, daughter of Mrs.
Roland C. Darby, son of Mr.
Rosa Darby, also of Stayton, Sun
day. May 18.
" The Rev. W. H. Lyman offi
ciated in the presence of "imme
diate relatives, of the couple.
Wedding music was played by
Miss Beverly Lyman and Mrs. W.
H. Lyman sang.
The bride wore a dressmaker
suit of light blue, with accessories
of white. Her flowers were a
chatelaine, of carnations ond or
chids. The couple was unattended.
A reception was held at the
home of the bride's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Ver
deick. on South Commercial street
in Saiem. The cake was cut by
Mrs. Verdeick, and Mrs. Anna
Shea, Mrs. Charles Lampman of
Stayton and Mrs. John Crabtree
Lebanon, all aunts of the
bride, assisted in the serving.
ne couple left on a wedding
trip which will take them to Vic
toria. B. C They will reside in
Stayton on their return, Both
graduates of Stayton high school,
the groom served- in the air corps
during the war and is employed
.by the Santiam Hardware and
Implement company, and the
bride is secretary to George H.
. Bell, local realtor.
Raberts Phyllis Htwliad,
bride-elect of Robert L. Pedersen
-of CorvaLlis. was honored at a
bridal shower given by Mrs. Jesse
Sirawn and Mrs. Louis Johnston
t the home of her mother, Mrs.
Rose How land, 1195 South 12th
The guet list Included. Mes
dmes Austin Cator, Frank Sol
lenberger, Joseph Ring wall. For
rest Edwards. George Bressler,
Roy Rice. Melvin Trindte, Clar
ence Reeves, William Keeney,
Harvey Schubel, Leonard Zielke,
Henry Query, John Edwards,
Leonard Zielke, jr.. Albert Blank
enship. George Higgiru, Sam
Rundlett. James Isley, S. L. Mi
nard, Woodrow Haney. Lynn Cly
mer. Raleigh Carothers, A. H.
Kleen, Chet Nebon, Mim Betty
Reeves, Opal Howlrvi. Roseile
Hjwland. Gladys Howland and
Mrs. Sorrn Pedersen of Corvallis.
Albany Toastriiislresa
Elects Mr. Wirenius
ALBANY Mrs. L W. Wirenius
will head the Albany Toastmis
tress club as president for the
coming year. Other officers are
Mrs. Elmer Williamson, vice pres
ident; Mrs. Wilma Miller,, secre
tary; Mrs. Glenn White, treasurer.
Mrs. Max Williams is retiring
president Mrs. Donald Densmoor
Yea have no traiaiae, eeat avob-
lema with Fot-Dec-Seat. Full-.
ind complete with) back-rest,
f root strap, safety" hook yet
wrt.glm ONLY 13 OUNCES
pactred u washable carrying
Society.... Clubs
Mutic....The Home
.. .'
DAV tea for Cold Star and War
Mother with Mrs. A. 1. Brewster, 980
N. list 1st.. 130 pjn.
Theatre Arts croup no-host luncheon.
Normmny Manor. 1 p.m.
Sojourners dessert luncheon, Salem
Woman's clubhouse. 1:15 p.m.
Aid society oi the Woman's Relief
Corps meet with Mrs. Blanche Stuart.
1343 S. Liberty st covered dish lunch
eon. Past Regents DAR, no-host luncheon
1 p.m. with Mrs. John W. Harbison,
955 Marlon st.
Merry Minglers. with Mrs. Robert
Piekeral. Lancaster Drive.
Little Garden club of Salem Heights
with Mrs. Ralph E. Cartwright, route
3. 1 p.m.
AAUW Music group with Mrs. Guy
HJckok. 9S N. Summer t 1M p.m.
White Cross meeting of Calvary Bap
tist Missionary society .with Mrs. Car
rie Chase. 145 N. l?th St., 10 a m., no
host luncheon at noon.
Ann Judson Missionary circle of First
Baptist church meet at church, 7 JO
Salem Woman's club meeting., salad
luncheon. 1 p.m. Woman's clubhouse,
board meeting. 13 p.m.
BPW executive board with Mrs. Car
malite Weddle. 1843 M. Cottage St.. 7 JO
Oregon State Mothers covered dish
luncheon at Mayflower hall. 1 p.m.
Salem Junior Woman's club installa
tion and Mother's tea, S p.m., club
house. Cama Club
Members of the Cama Dancing
club will hold their last dance of
the season Saturday night at the
Woodmen of the World hall. The
affair will be a sports dance and
Claude Bird's orchestra will play
between 9 and 12:30 o clock.
The committee in charge of ar
rangements includes Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Kinzer and Mr. and Mrs,
Orval Laraa.
New officers of the club are
Vern Reimann, president; Arnold
Jarvis, vice president; and Wen
dell Willmarth, secretary.
Pre-Dance Parties .
- Several parties are being ar
ranged to precede the dance. Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard have
invited guests to a picnic supper
in the .garden of the Cascade drive
home before the affair. Guests in
clude Messrs. and Mesdames Clar
ence Johnson, Claude Olson, Ed
Slick, Jack Strickfaden, Marvin
Larkins, James Henery, Milo Van
Houten, Vern Reimann, Robert
Bowling, Maurice Walker, Robert
Siewert and Mr. Charles Emer
Mr. and Mrs. Dal D. Sullivan
will also be pre-dance hosts at
their home on Laurel avenue. Bid
den are Messrs. and Mesdames W.
J. Sullivan, Gilbert Anderson, E.
GrontjuLst, Donald Dawson, Reu
bin Hilfiker, George Herberger,
Wesley Goodrich and Robert
Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Downing announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Modena
Mabel, to Robert Joseph Carleton,
son of Mrs. John McClurg of
Lyons. The news was first made
known "at a 2 o'clock luncheon at
the Downing home Saturday aft
ernoon. The table was centered
with a large bowl of carnations
and miniature scrolls tied with
pink ribbon served as place cards
which revealed the secret Tbot I
attending were Modena Downing,
Juanita Downing, Ruby Anglesey,
Phyliss Andersen, Betty Class,
Isabelle Case, Via Faust, Jeanette
Nydigger, Carroll Johnston, Lou
ise Pietrok, Jackie Potter, Ersula
Witt, Virginia Vandemeer, Mrs.
Orville Downing and Mrs. John
Marian aaxlllary to Veterans of
Foreign Wars held a sewing meet
ing Friday at the home of Mrs.
Reed Hamilton. Those attending
were Mesdames Elmer Forbis,
president; Leon Hansen, James
Beall, Don Stupika, Mell Clem
ens, Elmer Ideen, Cliff Maison,
Neoml Shaw and Betty Hansen. .
Mrs. Sam Frager of Albany and
Mrs. Jack Golden of Salem have
been elected delegates to the na
tional convention of the auxiliary
to the B'nai B'rith at Fresno
June 15.
will represent . the. Albany club
at a speech contest to be con
ducted by the recently formed
Oregon Council Toastmistress in
Eugene, May 24.
training seat tver raolii
case. Ideal for secular hm
use, it m tnconeancweua to cany
when visiting or traveling. Pla.
tic construction for eaiy-to-
dean convenience. In pink or
blue with matching
. Brides and brides-to-be are the
incentive for a number of parties
during the spring months.
Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen, jr was
hostess for a pre-nuptial party
Wednesday night at her home in
compliment to Miss Maryann
Wittliff, who will be married on
June 28 to Hugh LovelL
Bridge was in play during the
evening with a late supper served
by the hostess.' Bouquets of spring
flowers provided the decorative
Honoring Miss Wittliff were the
Misses Betty Zo Allen, Thelma
Wilcox, Lorraine Murdock, Car
olyn, Brady, Adele Egan, Evelyn
Johnson, Jean Gibbons, Sara Ann
Ohling, Mesdames William Koes
tre. Jack Woodfield, Lawrence
Feldschau, Herbert Lucas, George
Schroeher and the hostess.
Mrs. HU1 a Hostess
Mrs. Thomas Hill, jr., will be
hostess for an informal party this
afternoon at her Leslie street
home in comliment to Mrs. Reno
Franklin of Portland, who was
J ere Simmons, formerly of Salem,
before her marriage in April.
During the afternoon tea will be
served by the hostess.
Honoring Mrs. Franklin will be
Mrs. Clifton Irwin, Mrs. Dean
Trumbo, Mrs. Ewald Franz, Mrs.
Ollie Williams, Mrs. Frank Newell
and Mrs. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller and
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Newman of
Portland, former Salem residents
and members of the Lions club,
will be in the capital tonight for
the Lions club silver anniversary
dinner at the Marion hotel
Guests Hdhored
At Ledge
Chadwick chapter No. 37, Order
of the Eastern Star, met in regular
session Tuesday night at the Ma
sonic temple with . Mrs. Fred B.
Keeler and H. R. Robinson, pre
siding as worthy matron and
worthy patron.
Among those conducted to the
East and introduced were Mrs.
E. W. Peterson, grand warder of
the Grand chapter of Oregon; Rex
Hartley, grand sentinel; Alice
Robinson, of Adah - chapter of
Independence and chairman of the
credentials committee of the
Grand chapter of Oregon; Milton
L. Meyers, past grand patron; and
Lillian King, past matron of
Chadwick chapter.
Announcement was made that
the social hour would be held as
usual next Tuesday afternoon
with a 1:15 dessert luncheon fol
lowed by cards and sewing.
After the. chapter meeting re
freshments were served in the
dining room. The committee in
charge included: Dr. and Mrs. C,
L. Blodgett, chairmen; Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Utley, Dr. and Mrs.
Leon Barrick, Mrs. Beulah Dean
and Airs. Dorothy Perrin.
Road? to Paint or Stata
7-Drawer Knoohol
20x43 loch top
Or Drop Locri Dsk
3 Drawers & Pigeon Holes
Baby Cribs
r ' .-.
Natural Finish
30x54 Sis
13-50 to 17.59
5 -pc Dincllc
Amber-Harvest ?
Parchment -Early
137 sonrn cciinznciAia st.
Boys accordion sextette from Priscilla Meisinger Wilt
sey studios, who will appear at Waller hall Thursday
in concert Left to right are, back row, Jerry Lauderback,
Wendell Martin, Thad Stevens; front row, Wayne Msrcer,
Don Amort and Stephen Merchant Wayne Mercer will
-also appear as marimba soloist during the evening. (Jestan-miller)
Luncheon to
Fete. Mothers
The Oregon State college moth
ers will meet for a covered dish
luncheoh on Monday afternoon at
the Mayflower recreation hall at
1 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Houck is
chairman and assisting with ar
rangements are Mesdames Carl
Miller, Dave Brown, Forrest Sim
mons, E. W. Burns and W. G.
Burris. Mrs. Carl Emmons is the
retiring president.
All Oregon State college moth
ers and those interested in the
college are invited- through the
press to attend. Special guests
will be mothers of prospective
Oregon State students.
Dan Poling, assistant dean of
men at Oregon State, will be the
guest speaker. He will talk, on
the housing facilities at the
school. New officers will be in
stalled with Mrs. George Croisan,
president; Mrs. Clair Wilkes, vice
president; Mrs. W. G. Burris, sec
retary; and Mrs. Linn C. Smith,
treasurer; and Mrs. Carl W. 'Em
mons, regional director. Mrs.
Emmons is the retiring president.
Reports of Mothers weekend at
OSC will be given.
Violin, Piano
Recital Slated
Violin and piano pupils of the
Thomas Studio will be presented
in a program at the Salem Wom
an's club Saturday , night at 8
o'clock. The public is invited.
Appearing on the program are
the following pianists: Agnes
Snook, Mildred Disbrow, Dorothy
Nordal, Clarke Pickering. Wilbert
Bischoff, Marjorie Gunderan,
Janet McDonald, Celeste Hennies,
Gay Blackman,' Bernard Riches,
Donna Sacre, Marie Marquardt,
Jim Blackman, Lyle Keith, Jim
Jenny Lind Beds
Maple & Walnut Finish
Twin or Full Size
15.75 JpSttO
Aluminun Baby Balh
Sturdy but light weight
with tray underneath.
Baij Walker - Stroller
Mrs. Clarence White of Portland
is visiting in the capital as the
guest of her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts.
Mrs. White was among the out-of-town
guests at the Zonta club
silver tea Wednesday.
Home Rites
On Sunday
The Fair-mount Hill home of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert T. Anderson was
the scene of the marriage of their
daughter, Janet, to Henry N.
Hall on Sunday, May 18, at 2
o'clock. Only members of the im
mediate family witnessed the ex
change of vows with the Rev. S.
Raynor Smith officiating.
For her wedding the bride
chose a white suit with matching
hat and accessories and a corsage
of white lilies and Cecile Brunner
Mrs. Rado T. Sutich of Seattle
was her sister's only attendant
and Mr. Hall's father . was best
A reception followed with Mrs.
John Anning cutting the bride's
cake and, Mrs. C. C. Coleman pre
siding at the coffee urn. Mrs.
Sutich served the ices. The rooms
and table were decorated with
roses and mock orange.
After a wedding trip the newly
weds will be at home in Salem
on S. 14th street
The new Mrs. Hall attended
Salem schools and graduated
from Medford. h'gti school. Dur
ing the war she served in the
WAC for two and a half years,
most of which time was &pent at
Fort Hamilton, New York. Her
husband is now with the Willam
ette Roofing Co.
Hamel, Evelyn Hennies, Janice
Riches. Violinists are Carol
Schmidt Merilyn Fergusan and
Lyle Keith.
Parties Fill
The Social
The social calendar is filled with
a variety of events, farewell par
ties, luncheons, suppers and teas.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene,
who will be leaving in early June
for CorvallL? to make their home,
will be honored at an au re voir
party Tuesday night at the George
Alexander home. Hosts will be
the Alexanders, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas McKay, Judge and Mrs.
E. M. Page, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred
erick Chambers and Miss Dora
thea Steusloff.
A few of the Keene's intimate
friends have been bidden to a
dessert supper with an evening of
cards to follow.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Piasecki
has invited a few friends to an
informal dinner party Saturday
night at their Cascade drive home
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Linn C.
To Fete Clubs
Mrs. William Mott and Mrs. Hal
Wiley will preside at a 1 o'clock
luncheon this afternoon at the
Normandy Manor in honor of
their club. Cards will be in play
at the Mott home following the
luncheon. Mrs. Harry Schenk will
be an additional guest.
Mrs. Brazier Small will be a
supper hostess Friday night at her
South Church street home in
honor of her club. Contract bridge
will be in play during the eve
ning. Mrs. Kenneth Bell will be a
The Ann Judson Missionary
circles of the First Baptist church
will meet at the church Friday
night at 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. L. S.
Smith will be the guest speaker
and Mrs. Ruby Reynolds will lead
the devotions. Hostesses will be
Mesdames Alma Davis, Betty
Zobel, Esther Brewer, Alice Cook
and Arthur Patton. Members of
Talitha-Cumi circle will be guests.
KEIZER Woman's Mission
ary society met with Mrs. Dale
Wood Tuesday. Mrs. Orie Salter
led devotions and Mrs. Lee Wiens
reviewed the study chapter "Edu
cational Progress in Palestine."
Ten members were present. Mrs.
Herman Rappe assisted the hos
tess. Friendly Neighbors Garden elab
will meet today for the last time
this spring. The meeting is called
for 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Letty Genry, route 4, box 316.
The Edlng Lana heme extension
unit will hold its May meeting at
the home of Mrs. George Kirk
pa trick Friday at 12:30 p. m. A
covered dish luncheon will, be
served. Mrs. Otis Bradbury and
Mrs. Jay Yarnell will present the
project. "Care of the Feet," In the
Is Revealed
Wedding bells will ring on Sat
urday, June 21, for Miss Elsie
Matthes of Coos Bay, formerly of
Salem, and Herbert Hinds of
Coos Bay. The news was revealed
to a group of friends' recently,
when little Karen Sumner passed
miniature scrolls from a pastel
May basket
The nuptials will be performed
at the Church of the Nazarene in
Coos Bay with the Rev. J. Henry
Knowles officiating.
Miss Matthes, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Matthes, is a
graduate of Salem high school,
and the Oregon College of Edu
cation. For the past two years she
has been teaching at the Coos
River school.
Mr. Htnds, son of Mrs. Ruth
Hinds of Coos Bay, and Ralph
Hinds of Boston, is a graduate of
Marshfield high school. He served
overseas in the army during the
war. He attends Pasadena col
lege, Pasadena, California.
2-Ball Foursome
For Golfers
A two-ball foursome was the
feature of the regular Ladies' Day
play at the Salem Golf club
Wednesday. Winning honors were
Mrs. Robert Herrall and Mrs. J.
H. Thompson, first Mrs. Sephus
Starr and Mrs. Irwin Wick, sec
ond; and tieing for .third place
were Mrs. Edward Roth and Mrs.
Clarence Weiger and Mrs. Fred
Bernard! and Mrs. Wayne Ixxier
Luncheon followed at the club
house. A sDecial euest was Mrs.
Clarence Weiger of Yankton,
South Dakota. Today the Salem
women ffrilfera will Dlav the ladies
at the Woodburn club. Next week
golfers will qualify for the spring
Members of the Salem high
school Horizon club were enter
tained at a farewell picnic supper
Wednesday night in the garden of
the George Alexander home with
Miss Charlotte Alexander as host
Cut 25
- y
Don't miss this sensational reduction on finely mounted, LI ue-whfte diamonds!
Wards already low prices have been slashed even further . . . you save
over $200 on some of these diamond!
Shop and Compare. Note
the Typical Values in this Sale
Soma Example
V carat diamond
carat diamond
carat diamond
Yi carat diamond
1 carat diamond
AU Prices Include Federal Tax
Wards Written Triple
Guarantee is Your Protection
GUARANTEED QUALITY! Wank written guar
antce is jour complete aswranre that the quality
of erery Ward diamond is exactly as represented!
GUARANTEED WEIGHT! You can rely on Wards
integrity as a leading jeweler! Every War J diamond
is guaranteed to weigh exactly a repreaented!
diamond within 30 daya for a FULL REFUND if
not satisfied! One year trade-in privilege at the
full purchase price!
10 Down, Balance on Wants Monthly Payment Ptan
Announcement of
Marriage Told
Ward has been received in lh
capital of the marriage of Mr.
Evelyn Crawford to Wayno If,
Whiting of Burns on April 12 in
Vancouver, Wash.
The couple will make their
home at Pacific City, where he is
in business. Mrs. Whiting is a
former Salem resident
Do you sjff JOtlflllY
Thts great medicine Is fmmout to
teller pain, nervous distress anal
weak, cranky, 'dragged out reel,
tnea. of such day bn due to fa
mala functional moaiUUy dtatur- .
baneea. Also An stomachic tonic!
That's what Oregon and Wash
ington housewives may soon
be told if our poultry Rocks
continue to diminish at the rato
they have been. Wt now have
1 million less chickens on,
Northwest farms than last yr
at this time.
The Department of Agricul.
ture urges poultry growers to
increase their flocks In 1947
and help alleviate the critical
egg shortage. Set your Tri
angle, dealer now for latest
effective feeding development.
Tour Triangle Dealer
All from regular stock.
1280 Slate SU
Conrenlent Parking
Phone 4140