Court Rules Habitual to Complete Term Marion County Circuit Judge Ceorge Duncan' decision that released Ted Ma comber from the Ute penitentiary year ago was reversed Tuesday by the state supreme court. Macomber- was ordered returned "to prison to serve the remaining 33 years of a 40-yer sentence for t being - a habitual criminal according to law. Macomber present where a bouts are unknown, state offi cials said. "After having served sentences far grand larceny and assault with intent to rob, Macomber was convicted in Polk' county of grand larceny in 1939 and sentenced to a term of five years. In addition, since it was bis third felony, Cir cu:t, Jucge Arlie Walker of the Polk county circuit court sen tenced him to 40 years as an habitual criminal. At the expiration of his five year sentence for grand larceny last year, Macomber filed suit for habeas corpus in Judge Duncan's court on grounds that the ha bitual criminal proceedings were irregular. The writ was .granted by Judge Duncan who ordered Macomber' release. Scot Is Mills A new well has been drilled above the present spring to augment the city water supply during the summer months. Scotts Mills is undergo ing growing pain and with this a beauty campaign is also on. A great deal of improvement has been noted in recent weeks and more is scheduled for the next few months. Pringle School picnic will be held Friday, May 23, and all par ents are invited. Children will return for their report cards Mon day, May 25. Prlngle Mr. A. E. Ellison has returned from Fairbanks, Alaska, to care for business matters. Dr. Smith Tells Jaycces of College Plans A revue of Willamette univer sity's progress during . the past five years plus a peek at the col lege's future were presented by President G. Herbert Smith at the Junior Chamber of Commerce luncheon Tuesday. Projects on Willamette's sched ule include an added class build ing on the present Sweetland field site, an adequate chapel and au ditorium, a student union to house campus activities and an increase in Willamette's endowment from $2,000,000 to $5,000,000, he said. An enrollment of 1,100 students next fall was forecast by Presi dent Smith. He emphasized, how ever, that the university would continue to limit the enrollment to the number "that wt can take car of adequately." DR. BROWNING DIES PORTLAND, May 2(HP)-Dr. Andrew J. Browning. 66. Port land eye specialist and past presi dent of the Western Opthalmolo gical Society, died here today. 8 Plan State Model Meet Eight representatives from Sa lem's two model airplane clubs attended a meeting of the Ore gon Aero association in Portland Monday night, Tom Pomeroy, contest director for the state group, reported;. Tuesday. The Aero association is con ducting weekly i meetings in Port land to lay plans for the statewide model airplane meet to be held July 4, 5 and 6, Portland and Mc Minnville. Those attending the Monday night meeting from Salem in cluded Pomeroy, Bill Hamilton, Rex Bentley and Earl Cayton, representing the Salem Cloud chasers; and Elmer Roth, Bud Stevenson. Tillman Cleft and Dick Petersen, representing the Salem Model Airplane club. V ' J;iW AOS? ' VJMAT tt SOME? 3 V :Gwocq ) (Zxalvs because mves A (husband should f ne CO 0T AaCMGTV AP FRAGILE ANO S. J7 SS- K XA WOULDr) LJStSnr AND THV WANT J -T!hX ) -OvHM3U TV " " ZT"- ? ( QLkWrcN? TO be assured W-vV 2WiJ- jr s v f wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m - I t 1 IKI TUTR SURPRISE ATTACK VON BCCt&OTHE TWO tJ?iME kTC3PPB?S" WUPLTMER POC IWTO THE OPEN TRAP DOOC 7WHV.THOSE D1CX TRACT were we LUCKV-ro get! fVOUT OP TWATf UTT fi MOVE? ONE WALP HOUR LATER YOU SEE, JUNIOR MS KNUYYw I HA I VVJs ' KNOW HE'S COT THAT STUFF AND UeS vS7BP 00 tTJU MEAM 70 TELL ME THAT OLD SUE -WOLF IS AJiKiE ROONtYS KEEPER? fer i i YES-SHE I CLAIMS t SHE'S THE tXJN6STES3 LEGAL LITTLE AKKIE EOOT3T NO WDN0ER THE UTTLE GAlU QAM AWAY-r AiNT MUCH FORI RUNKVf FROM TkOURLE-RJT fDHlTFOdTUE BORDER PROHTO 1 THAT OLD 6ALKAS OH MyTBAILxJ n m 7TPO53SU0OT, SWtCKSY.' "1 Five cot to get rid op T- THIS EVIDENCE. THEY RE l! KVISE TO ME. rVE COT TO I W QiAULTWlS STUPP AWAV4 7"l RXKS WERE IfrJOT TD MY fACE TEy1 RiU 1 1 USED TO ALWAYS BE KIND OrSAYW'lAlMT! "MOT EVEN F P5IW0RRYI M' ABOUT MR H 1 1 YOU AMO HER I ThY SMILE WHEN I f&yf VvMtANYO MRS. MEAN Yl h WERE fiTKEVKE A-SAYlWlT-l LivVLfCHlNME-NOWll KINPDLKS-J llZ 1 fct WkI I FEEL SO SAFE 1 GOOO VOVEN5! WHAT IF HE SHOULD DIE 'WHAT IF I'M UFT ALOKS? V MIGKTMAEES' J I rftvrtl wrVt PLEASE! M3U FClGHTEM C I l O-ur A si i ass - . - v t m a x. rr a-r-ta i. - s r v mm. rT""awB. wasamaaw m w m aa- a. raw II r ,rr -.r w ,y 1 1 mitzr, 5 Sid ' ii II ' l 1 m r II sT val ' , aTti. I T 11 111 BUZZ SAWTE3 . I ' fs Saa-sas1 I Bkvt 1 pp g MOLLY MOTJCS j ( ai, " f r-v IfCKA5( fntLLAJDE UPCn TNCE IT EA$y HE5 TJ I IlL MAIS A 7 tlx. MEANDEK TVX nceES The letIs pro ajf y4 two. 6pe5. saa auppsty so pm. y I ciRcurr aroukp I otwbi prection 'S til THTs I VlW ICS 50 - rl N" ,v y- y TW Wf. 1 AN CUT HM OFF. A KB 9PYt I MOSY AfOJT, 7 ., V;, i V r V g I CROSS WY V WflAL- j LrlAf JU6HmO!S KCAHT. LOV.TZ13J( BZZZ B2X I (ul r VuV Hf FETCH WE tosnzn- just f yJsSSn M' 1 2X1, JSjmzz J (nM w poker vt is ths v SNieeeR. ft smile v-,. v jt-uLnst "L- SOLEMN OUEST10M J O MISTOFER - -J I iMtklinn W "' THE YOUNC IDEA" Bv Mossier j- j l ' - I I i I I V M 1.W I H ! V V f f r "I had to work on Pap for two hours to get the prte of these, so v let's linaer over 'em for awhile!" Wed. KSLM KOIN KCW KEX RADIO Ut he) (tSf ke) (lit kc) (1111 k) Nwi N-w Roundup IMuaie Clock Bu(lr X : Timekeeper I KOIN Klock Once on a Time! Bugler X z Lucky JenkintlKOIN Klock Kneass News (BuKler X : New I KOIN Klock Dave West I Busier X I? News I KOIN Klock I Farm Tim Singing Cowboy III Rise n Shine (KOIN Klock Band Muiie AgroiuKy V'zi Kows News (Old Songs Merediths IiW Orchestra I Fred Beck ISam Hsyes Stock Market I Rest Haven User News I Fred Wsring Breakfast :I Rest Haven Aunt Jenny (Fred Waring Breakfast I :J Pioneers Helen Trent IJack Berch Breakfast I Orchestra Gal Sunday iJames Abba Breakfast Kate Smith I Big Sister (Sketches IK. Baker IS . Lindlahr I Ma Perkins I Kneass News K Baker : (Pastor s Call I Dr. Malone INews (Breakfast Hywd 'Art Baker I Road of Life I Believe It 1 Breakfast Hywd l:SO News Kte Smith Today's Child. IG Drake :l Bing Slnas , Perry Mason Woman White Ted Malone I U:3S Orchestra Lone Journey Masquerade iTrue Story I Harmony IRose Dreams Light World ITrue Story I 1: Walts Time (Bob St Vic IJfe Beautiful Hymns Day Drrama IHwwmirv Ma Perkins Melodies 11:14 Queen for Day: Mrs. Button Pepper Young listening II : Queen fur Day! Grand Slam Happiness EtheL AJbert I Nmsi Pioneer Spirit News I Kneass News I W. Kternao I 1I:1S News Come Get It f Stella Dallas Stars Today 12:J Hillbilly Evelyn Winters L. Jones J. B. Kennedy U:4S Varieties Art Baker I Wldder Brown iCome Get It l:to Jamboree (House Party Girl Marries ISunny Side Up 1:1S News Houe Party I Portia Faces ISunny Side Up l-M Orchestra I Meet Missus Plain Bill Kay West 1:4 Orchestra I Meet Missus (FarreU I Kay West t:M Heart's .Desire Air Newspaper! Road of Life (What's Doin' S:IS Heart's Desire Air Newspaoer: Lora Lawton What's Doin :M Bill Gwinn Tunefully Yours. Aunt Mary Bride. Groom t:4S Bill Gwinn Bob Trout I Dr. Paul I Bride. Groom I :M Say With Music Art Klrkham I Woman Secret Bo Sealed 1:1 v Orchestra IKinf's Jesters (Joyce Jordan I Be Seated S:M News I Romance (Stage Wife (Dance Parade 1:41 Orchestra . 1 Romance IKaltenborn IN. W. Today IM Fulton Lewis (The Bible 620 Matinee Happiness 4:11 Rex Miller (Melody House 620 Matinee Northwest I 4: JO S Ton Baker (Meditation Stars Today Dick Tracy 4:41 News I The Todds News Jed J IM H. Harrigan Knox Manning I News ITerry 1:11 Superman (Sparkle Music (Geo. Moorad (Sky King 1:10 Capt. Midnight. News (Sing. America IJ Armstrong I 1:41 Tom Mix I Bob Garred IE. Peterson IF. Hemingway (:S G Heatter ISinatra Big Story Dinner Music :1S . News ISinatra I Big Story I.t. Am. Rhythm 6 JO Amer. Forum ilnfo. Please Kay Kyser Paul Whiteman g:4S Info. Please Kay Kyser Paul Whiteman T :S Amer. Forum l-owell Thomas Supper Club I Lone Ranger j- 1:1 News (Jack Smith i I.awton Lone Ranger I t:j Cisco Kid IDr. Christian IGilciemleeve M Ixrlng 7:45 Cisco Kid Ir Christian I Gildrrsleeve I M. Loruig I so That Song? IJack Carsan j Dennis Dy I Lum n Abner I : j That Song? IJack Carson I Dennis Dar j Good Cheer 1:30 Twilight Time Friend Irma I Mu.-5ic Soiree I Beulah 1:41 Twilight Time : Friend Irma (Music Soiree I Beuiah t:O0 ' News (Interlude Duffy's IB. Crosby IS Ptclurial (Orctwslra (Duffy's ' B. Crosby t;j Chinlxtiiu Trail N W Neighbor IllM. Attorney , Henry Morgan Drrheslra N W. Neighbors Dlat. Alluiney Henry Morgan 10:00 Fulton Lewis (Five Star Final News INews l-IS News Talks Dream J Hey. Motorist 10 JO News I Talks (News I Concert Hour 10-45 Orchestra 'Army Voice I Band Wagon I Concert Hour The- Statesman. Salam. Oroxjon. WaxlnaadaT. Mcry 21, 19477 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK May 20-()To.iay' Al Chem & Dye . 164 American Can 87 Am Pow & Lt 8i Am Tel Sc Tel. 160 Anaconda 31t Atchison 69 i Bendix A via 28 V Beth Steel 77 ft Boeing Air 15 Calif Pack 27 Canadian Pac 9 To Case J I . 30Vi Chrysler 95 i Com with Sou .. 2i Cons Edison 25 V Cons Vultee lli Cont Ins 44 Crown Zel Curtis Wr Douglas Air Gen Foods Gen Motors .. Goodyear Tire Gt North pfdU Int Harvest Int Paper pfd J Manville Kennecott .. Long Bell A.. Maytag . Miami Copper Mont Ward .... Nash Kelvin Nat Dairy N Y Central North Am Co , Northern' Pec 254iPac Am Fish 44 Pac Gas Dec 48s P T&T Dupont .de Ne 175V4Pan American Gen Electric 32HiPenney J C cloning quotations: - 39!,; Radio Corp Rayooier Rayonier pfd Reynolds Met Richfield OU Safeway 54 44 35 Y4 79 i - .107 Sears Roeb - 42i Sinclair Oil . 13'.: So Pacific ... 8 WIS tan Brands 13 U Stan Oil Cal 50ftjStew Warner 14iStudebaker . 284Sun Mining ... 124iUnion Oil 7 (tin Pacific -14 Un Airlines 11 Un Aircraft 35,!U S Steel ...106 V - 10t 40 Warner Bros West Elee Wool worth . 7S 18. 364 21H 144 ; 31a 14 365. .,2741 54, 14 17 V . 9 20't - 124 23 i 17. 63'4 144 23i .-. 43 U I'ortlantl Produce 1140 11:11 11:30 11:41 11 Jl U:00 Open House tlpen House Open House News Sign Off Bryan Air-Flo New (Sign Off INews Russ Morgan IKon Salt I News Sisn Off I Concert Hour I Concert Hour I I Claremont Or. Breneman Of. IX-Tra Hour KAEIsTT GOOGLS KOAC 0 k e. 10 00 a m News' 1013 Especially for Women; 110 Con cert Hall; 11 00 News: 11:11 Noon Farm Hour: I 00 Hide Km Cowboy. 1.1S This Day; t:30 Melody Time; I 00 Be havior in Makint; 1:30 Memory Book of Music: 3.00 News; 3:10 Music ot Masters: 40 Oregon Reporter; 4:13 Favorite Hymns; 4:45 Children's The atre; iDO On Up-beat: 5 55 Spotting Sports: 0:00 News; 0:11 It s All In a Sons: SJ0 Band Stand: 0:41 Winnie the Wave: 7.00 Farmers Union; 7:11 Evening Farm Hour; 1:00 Melody Time; 30 Veteran's News; 0 45 News; t oo Campus Heads; 30 Album of Songs; 0:45 Evening Meditations: 10:00 Sign OIL Salem Market Quotations BUTTEKFAT Premium 1 3 No. No. PRif'TS Wholesale -Retail KGGS Baying Price Extra large Medium and standard Pullets, cracks RUGS. Sellipe Price Wholesale. Urge Mediums POLXTRT Colored hens. No I No. 1 Frvers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Spring lambs - 18 50 to 1046 wooled lambs 1JH6 sheared lambs Yearling - Ewes 3 0f to Tat dairy cows Cutter cows .. Dairy heifers Buus DUin .. Calves (300 to 45A lbs.) Vesl (ISO to 300 tbs.) . 1150 to 8 00 to 13.00 to 12 00 to 10 00 to 1? 00 to .66 .05 .01 64 .80 SI .47 30 Si 11 32 M 34 19 50 14.00 14.CM 10 50 s SO 12 SO 11.00 16.00 16.50 19.G9 23.60 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE THE ALLEY IN BLOCK THIRTEEN, NORTH SALEM ADDITION Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of the city f Salem. Ore gon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpose and in tention to improve the alley in Block Thirteen. North Salem Addition to the City oi Salem. Marion County. Ore gon, at the expense of the abutUng and adjacent property, by bringing said alley to the established grade and paving same with a 6-inch Portland ce ment concrete pavement sixteen feet in width, in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 7. 1947. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and intention of making the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By order of the common council May 7. IW: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is Mav . 1947. My 9. 10. 11. 13.' 14. 13. 16. 17. 11. ft). 21 HEATING BIDS WANTED Bids will be received by Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr at 506 N. Second. Silverton. Oregon, on or before June IS. 1947. at 8 p.m. un heating plant for Trinity Lutheran Church, 2nd and A St Sil verton, Oregon. All bidders must examine building and subniit plan of installation with specifications, showing sizes of ducts, grills, etc., type of heat unit, oit burn er fan. motors, etc.. and furnish man ufacturer's specifications and rating on all of the above parts. The owner reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. TRINITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. My 15-21-23 Chinese Why Suffer Any Longer Waea others fall, sua ear remedies. Amazing success far SOOO years In China. Ne matter with what ailment ye are sfflirled disorders, stansltia. heart, langs liv er, kidneys, gas. constipation, ui sers, diabetes, rhromstisra. gall and Madder fever skin, female tiaiats CHARLIE CHAN i-HINKSE HERB CO Office Bnn 9 to 6. Tees and Sat. only Ot N Cttnaserelal. Pnatie Z-I83S SAI.F.M fRE m it, W DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Or T.TXamJti J. Dr.G.CaaauN.I CHINESE I1ERBA LISTS 241 North Liberty Urtetairs Portland General Electrn Co Office open Saturday only. 10 am to I p m. S to 7 p m. Consul tation Blood pressure and arine tests are free of charge Practiced tince 1917 PORTLAND. Ore . May SO ( API Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change), premium quality maximum of 33 of 1 per cent acidity delivered tai Portland. 67-70e lb.: first quality. SS-OSe lb.; second quality 61 68c; valley routes and country points 3 cents leas than first or 64-67C. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk 68 lb. cubes: Grade A A. 93 score. 62c; A. 92 score. Sic: B, 90 score, S9c; C. 89 cote. 56c. Cheese Belling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles SS-Uc; Oregon loaf 58' j-64c Eggs To wholesalers: A grade, large. M-SJ'ke: medium. 4'i-50'c: A grade f mall 43',ic; B grade, large, 43',-47,C Ego Purchased from farmers: Current receipts. 46-Slc: buyer pay 3-3c below wholesale quotations oa graded basis for beat hennery eat Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers under 3 lbs., 29c: fryers, 3 to 3 lbs, Jl-35c; roasters. 4 lbs. an dover. 36-38c; fowl. Leghorn, under 3' lbs.. 20-21c; 3'i lbs. and over. Z3-34C-. colored all weights. 33-34c; stag, all weights. 12-14C. Rabbits Average to retailers, 4S-S2c lb dressed; price to producers. 43c: fryers, live, white. 30-24c lb; colored. 17-Ilc lb. Onions, green local. mid-Columbia. S0-60C doz. bunches. . - Onions: (Supply moderate; market unsettled). Oregon yellows No. Is from cold storage. $235-3.40; No. 3s. 1.35 1 50; 3 inch. Mm.. 171-185: Calif, Stockton reds 3 23-230: yellows 2 50 2 65; Texas white wax No, 1. 335 3.50. Trade sales: California reds 1 00 2.10: yeUoW 2.20-235: Texas wax J 85-3. Potatoes Oregon Russets, No. 1. per cwt, S3SO-4.00: New crop: California, long whites. 33.50-3 70. Dressed meats Veal Light, lop quality, 33-36c; heavy, top quality. 58 30c: B. 25-sac: c S3-34c: cull. is-Suc: hogs block butchers, packer style. 125-160 lbs. 33-35c: over 213 lbs. 31 -32c lb: sows, all wts. 2S-30C lb. Lambs, best grade. 35-37c. others according to qual ity; muro lu-isc: a. ai-aac; a. 3 44c; C, 28-30c; quality; beef best quality, 33 -35c; B. 2S-So; C, 22-24c: canner and cutter, 18-21c; bologna bulls. 21-20C. Caacara bark Green. 8-8ic: drv. 30e. Wool Valley, coarse and medium grades. 42-43te lb. Mohair 40c lb on 12-month growth. Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Green alfalfa, lid. X or Better. S39 .00-836 00 ton: No. ) timothy. 836 00-38 00: oats and vetch; S22.0O-27.09 too. deoending upon quality: clover hay. uncertified. baled on farms. SZ2.oo-27.00. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Or.. May 20 (API nen luiurca unquoiea. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 6.M. Casta wheat (bid): Soft white 2.42: soft whit (excluding Rex) 2.42; whit club 2 42; western red 2.42. Hard red winter; Ordinary 2 42;' 10 per cent 2.42; 11 per cent 1.47; 12 per cent 2.53. Hard whit Baart: 10 per cent 2 42; 11 per cent 2.43: 12 per cent 3 42. Today's car eceipts: Wheat 49. bar ley 4. flour a. corn 31, hay 2, mill feed 10. j Portland Livestock steady; good-cholc I1-9S lb. sprms; lambs 20 00-21.00: common grades down to SI 8.50: shorn old crop lab slow; medium shorn ewes S 56: good choice salable T.00-30; wooled ewes Monday up to tiO-00. Stocks and Bonds (Compiled by the Appelated Pre) PORTLAND. Ore, Mar 20 (API (USD A I Cattle salable 100. total 150; holdover 100; calves salable and total 50: market slow; few steess steady; lower grade cows and heifers largely 25-50 renta lower: few cutter medium grass steers 13 00-20.00 Includ ing light stockers at 18.25-50; common medium heifers 14.00-18 00: canner cutter cows largely 10.00-12.00. shells 9 00 down, fat darry type cows 12 50: common-medium beef cows 12 SO-1S 50: bulls steady, good beef bulls up to 16 00; medium-good sau sage bulls 1S0O-IT0O; vealers Weak, good-choir 23.00-2500, aom held higher: common grades down to 14 00. Hoes salable 100. total 850. holdover 250: market active, strong to 25 cents higher: good-choice 185-240 lb. largely 26.25: few 245-285 lb. 24 0O-5O; 130 lbs. 2300; good 250-500 lb. sols 2100-50: choic feeder pigs quotable . up to 26 00. Sheep salable and total 3O0: market NOTICE OF HEARING Upon Organisation of Proposed Saatiaaa SoU Conservation District, Embracing Land Lying In Marion Cesusty, Oregon, WHEREAS, on the 10th day ot April. 1947. there was duly filed in the office of the Stat Soil Conservation Commit tee at Corvallia. Oregon, a petition signed by 60 landowners, pursuant to the provisions of the Soil Conservation Districts Law. Chapter 3. Title 100. O.CX..A.. requesting the establishment of the Santiam Soil Conservation Dis trict, and WHEREAS, the lands described by said petition, and any other lands which will b considered for Inclusion In the said district are located in Mar ion County and described substantially as follows: All or parts of Townships 8. 9. 19 S. Range 1, 2. 3, West. W.M. NOW. THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held pursuant to the said petition, on the question of the desirabiltiy and ne- cessity. In the Interest of the general welfare, of the creation of such dis trict: on the question of the appropri ate boundaries to be assigned to such district; upon the propriety of the pe tition, and of all other proceedings taken under the said Act; and upon all questions relevant to such Inquiries. The said public hearing will be held by the State Soil Conservation Committee on Thursday, the 29th day of May. 1947. beginning at 8:00 o'clock p m.. in the City Hall at Aumsville in the Count; of Marlon. : . Every person, firm, corporation, state, county, or municipal agency holding title to ten acres or more of land lying wlthlng th limits of the above-described territory, and all other Interested parties are invited to attend and will bo given opportunity to be heard at the. time and place hereinbe fore specified. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON By Howard E. Cushman Executive Secretary. Dated: 15th day of May.-1947. at Corvallia. Oregon. My 21-28 J HEALTH TO YOU WHEN ' nemorrbolda Flstaia Fissure Prolapse Itehlnf and ether Rectal disorders are corrected. Sm HosplUUsaUoa Quick Keller Dr. R. Barrnolda Clinic Natnr-Proctologist tlS N. Liberty SL. Saleso. Ore. .. .1HI'N V ( May 20 STOCK AVERAGES 30 IS IS Indus. Rails UuL Stka. Tuesday tlA 28 1 40.7 56 T Previous day 83 4 27 9 40 6 58 6 Week ago - 05 6 29 3 41.0 60 4 Month ago . 673 31 4 42 9 63 J Year ago . 107 J 47 S MJ Mi BOND AVERAGES 80 19 19 Rails tndust. TJttl Tusaday 89.9 103 2 149 Previous day 69 8 13 4 104 9 Week ago 91 7 103 S 103.S Month ago 93 J' 103.6 I05S Year ago 102 6 103 8 107S 1947 high - 87.1 104 3 15.2 1947 low , 80S 103i 104 0 New 1947 lows. . 19 For-n Ti S 736 74 74.7 .! HI T3J Wheat, Corn Up 5 Cents CHICAGO, May 2(H)Wheat and corn advanced as much as five cents a bushel on the board of trade today on talk of dam age to the winter wheat crop In sections of Texas, and over ment purchase of corn for live stock feeding in European coun tries. At the finish wheat was 3 to 5 cents higher than the previous close. May $2.75-2.74. Corn was 24 to 5t, higher. May $U4 1.84'i. Oats were i to 2 cents higher. May 98 Y. Stocks Attempt Recovery Bid NEW YORK, May ZO-ifr)-Stocks struggled toward recov ery on an individual basis today although many market leaders found the going a bit tough and reverted to the minus column. - The Associated Press 60-stock composite managed to retain an advance of .1 of a point at 58.7. Pleasing dividends lifted Amer ican Export Lines 1 at 18 and Keystone Steel H at 4H. Chrysler was up 1H at 854, In ternational Harvester 1 at 79i, Southern Pacific IV at 3H, Un ion Pacific 1 at 124, Continental Oil 1 at 38V4, and American Woolen li at 31. NOTICR OP INTTSfTIOM TO IMPROVS EAST NOB HIM. STRKKT flOM St'PERIOkt STri:T TO OXf'UCO STREET Notice is hereby given that th com mon council of th city of Salem. Ore gon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares its purpo and In tention to improve East Nob Hill street from th south tin of Superior street to th tin of Os ford street at th pens of th abutting and adjacent property . except th street Intersec tions th expense of which will be assumed by the city ot Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street, with art asphaltt concrete pavement thirty feet wide, in accordant- with the plans and specifi cations therefor which were adopted by the common council May 7. 1947. which are now on file In the office ot the city recorder and which hereby are made a part of this notice. The common council hereby declares' its purpose and Intention of making th ahov described Improvement lay and through th street Improve meat aprtmet. By order of th common council May T. 1947: ALFRED MUNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof la Mav 9 1947 My' 9 10. 11, 13. 14. IS, 16. 17. Ii. X, n Livestock and Poultry FINE Red Friers, weUrht around S lbs. Will dress a - deliver 5 or mora. Fill your locker now. Special price for 30 or more. Leslie Clark. Rt. 7, Box 339 Ph 32961. FOR SALE: Fresh Guernsey cow. Rt. 1. Box 264.Ph.2-CH. FOR SATE: I Guernsey breeder bull. Harold C. Snethen. 1350 Lan caster Dr. Ph. 31345. - " roSALE :iv $ii SrToT7TTaoo lbs. Sudan grass seed Sc lb. East on Center St, ath house on R. aide E. of Krueger s Mkt Box 101. fOR SALEl Christie N U baby chicks every Wed Bovtngtona 3719 State St Phone 4ta IT. S. Pullorum clean- New Hamp shire chicks. Ckls. and started pullets. Ph Black 193, Cehring a Halcfterj. Silverton. Ore. ANTED All kinds of cauie and nogs Will call at farm. Writ B. L Snethen. 1350 Lancaster Drtv. Paw 2134S morn, or eve. DO YOU OWN A STOMACH that termeota you bscsiiae f m. ees acid and east Fastaat relief nth TEBSIN TABLETS e sua. y back. Nan habit farming N Stfa Me Laxativ. Ask Yaw Dr4 tar TIBSIN! BETTER nSALTH! ers tfleor ; Tioslsd without Hoapast Oparaho Writ or call lor ITEX MmJsf ateaag rWsyr 10 A. M. as S F. M. Fwasagi JMao-tes, WmJmmd. fttJtf awSsT S Dr. C. J. DEAII CLEHC i Fayalcloa nW Ssrgai R. t. Comer E. Bwasloa and Grand A mi Tslapaon EAat 398. Poruaad 14 Oraoaai t -wyviw ..iSat - "'L7"'- -".