10 The Statesman Ealem, Oregon, Tuesday. May 20, 1947 - CJcse. to 50,000 U. S. schools, erring 'from 7 to 8 million chil dren mill participate in the Na tional School Lunch program this year. CITATION No. C181 1b tc Ce-nty Ceort for Wathlnrtoa Ceaaty. State of Oregon In the matter of the estate af Albert C MiUeT. deceased. TO: Alma Victoria Gaupo. Josephine Ardeil Beach. Elizabeth Annagette Mil ler. -George Granville; Miller. .-Albert Clark Miller, jr.. Charles Louis Miiler. Ann Lee Miller and Josephine H. Mil ler Hutchinson, and to any and all oth er heirs and devisees, unknown, of Albert C. Miller. r the above named decedent. Greet mm: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are notified and required to appear within ten days from the date of the service of this citation upon you if served in Washington County. Ore? on. and within twenty days from the date of such service if served in any other county of the State of Ore gon and if served by publication with in twenty-eight days from the date of the first publication thereof, to show cause, if any exists, why the above en titled Court should not make an Or der authorizing the Administrator of the Estate of Albert C. Miller, sr.. to set the following described real prop erty belonging to the estate of the above named decedent: Lot Six, Block Twenty-two. Pleas ant Home Addition to the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon. Dated this 23rd day of April. 1947. W. A. TUPPER. Clerk of (SEAL) Washington County. Oregon By E. Donohue. Deputy. Date of first publication. May 8, 1947. Date of last publication, June -3. 1947. - My $-13-20-27-. 3 Livestock and Poultry LEAVING this week: Must sell 1 A met ican- bred deep sorrel well train ed. 1 S-yr. dapple gray wL 1000. gen tle for anyone. These .re outstanding horse. 1 3-yr. broke run and wa'ker. 1 smooth mouth Shetland. 1 ft-yr. Shetland. 17 white,' hens. 1 new view camera, tripod, etc. tU take good addle in trade. Rt I. Ilox 34. mi. N. Salem, 3 mi. SJBrmoklogTavern. "f-OR SALirPigs. $12i0 to $17. 1000 lbs. Sudan grass seed. 8c lb. East on Center fct 5th hou'e on R. side E. cf Krueger MM. Box 101. BClXTu months old for tale. Rt. JL Box US. Phone 22140. v FOR SALE Christie N H baby chicks every Wed Bovtnxtona ; 3710- E'a'e hl Phone 4969 LV S. Pullorum clean New Hamp shire chicks. Ckls. and started pullets. Ph. Black 193. Gehrlng's Hatchery, Silverton. Ore. FOR SALE or Traoe for beef: dairy cows, one resh. milking 45 lbs., five to freshen between July 15th and Aug. 15th. These are good young cows. Entire herd from one dairy. One Poll Hereford bull service age. one heifer calf 7 months old. one bull calf 5 tnonths old. Will sell choice or entire herd for $1000 fjJ. Snethen. 150 Lancaster Drive. Phone 2-1345. WAJVltD All kinds of catue and hugs Will call at farm Write E. I Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph .IMS mom or ev e WANTED Alt kinds ol cattle, fat toes sows k boars At your farm of. delivered Market price E C McCand Itsh. Rt t Bos 333. across from yte i B0 Par k on S 23 Si Ph SI 47 CXSTOM dressing of chickens, any tiumber fr..mpt service Dressed poul try wholesale out specialty. Phone 1-2861 Lees Hatchery. ' i Wanted Veal WOl pay top price. Rt. 2, Bos 142 E V PcVner. Phone 1-3423. BABY Chicks nildiini twice week ly m seven varieties New Hamp shire always available In chicks Growing pullets any age. Phone 22861 ljee Hatrberv ' BULL Service by eit'f Hiai insem tnaUon Sires f rn the nest of blood lines Reasonable fees All work per sonally supervised " try hcenred vet-e-rtnarians Salem- Artiftcal trtsemlna tmi SatMn Ph 655 "TflSli ESTCJ t J ALlTV-CHICK SNe w ftemprhtrcs and White Rucks 100 free of pullorum Hatches every Tues day Send for free catalog Wilsons Hatchery Poultry Farm. Lyons. Or Auction - Salem Community Auction 3610 Silverton Rd. Furniture Sale Every : Tues. 7:30 P.M. If you are looking for good used or erw furniture, coma to these sales. We have ranges, dressers."-heaters, soks. rugs, and miscellaneous articles, including new wool blankets, sheets pillow cases, towels, bed spreads, etc FARM PRODUCE No- consignment too large or too small for us to handle. Write or call us before selling. If you have no way of hauling your consignment we art equipped to do. it for you. Miller. Mgr. Alderman. Auct - Phone 2-5424 . A. W. MEYER FURNITURE AUCTION at the residence. 639 N. 15th St . Sa inn, Wednesday. May 21. 1 p.m. sharp. Wife deceased, selling complete con tents of the home without reserve, as .oOows: " Kenmore electric washer Wheeler eY H il-on sewing machine 3 good tall Wilton rugs Solid leather dav enport 4c chair Cabinet radio S floor lamps Mantle clock 1 piece oak dining set Walnut desk tint versa ie ran re. A-l - 3 good beds, com plete . Electric vacuum cleaner .Library table 2 oak at leather rock ers Large tent Camp stove Fireplace screen Ac andirons Cow bide robe Antique dishes Silver ware Fruit Drapes. Many other Items. A tot of good Items in this sale. A. W. MEYER GLENN WOODRY Owner Auctioneer, Salem Help Wanted WANTED: Berry pickers. Hollln Bros-. RL 1, Box 105. Brooks, Ore. , mi. north of JSforth Howell school. "EXPERIENCED Help. Capital Va riety. 1262 State. Cb6SEBRRYickers': J," V. Leh'r ir.n mi eat Brooks. OrePh. 22S74. SiRaVTB-RMY PkfceFs register now. Clarence Ztellnskt Rt 1. Bolt 261, h. 21013 Start MnnMiy 1. WANTED: Try cook. Black an3 White Coffee Shop. - TRAWBERRPickera. Turn N. of Portland Highway k turn L. at Totem Pole, cross S. P track a turn R. a- register at brick hse. Marshall ChrlsVotJerson, Rt. 2. Box 339. Ph. 22588 Help Warned . Male SALESMAN era BRoker wanted for Real Estate office. Fur interview write gox 67. Oreynn Statesman. "WXNTEifr Journeyman meat cut ters. Openings at Lebanon. Cbrvallis, Fugene. Roseburg. Coquille and Coos Bay. See T. M Medford. District Mtr, Safeway Stores, 306 McGilchrist BWlC-. rlem Ore. . A-i AUlTjecKanic. Steady work, I our own boas. 909 Edgewater St., W, ale i WANTnalreaoTaKop nn7 Wi lilrain inexperienced man who wants perma rent lob. Apply 3SS N. Liberty, Mr. Whitehead. BOYS Over 14. Good Dir Clean week. 339 N. High St. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKEEPER for farmer and In adii motner. tlOO a month. miles out on Wallace Road. Second houea e Hopewell turn-off. Ed Lens from. tt i. hex -as v WANTrjST 'SttMQTKK PiiEfiTTfOR LAW OFFICE. PHONE 3443, "NEED Attractive girls for full time vtaerettes. Apply in person. Grand Theatre. - - " CaDY to rare foe our 4 jr. daughter In our home, dars. Civs referencesa. 971 Statesman. Help Wanted Female FREE Space to hosiery mender for some assistance in store. Ph. 8569. APPLICATIONS NOW being taxen for help for summer season for Salem restaurant and lor Silver Creek Lodge: waitresses, all shifts, and part time weekend work. For details see Mrs. Hanes. afternoons only, at Nohlgren's, 440 State St. ' WANT Young taov to worn in onwe of Hogg Broa. Appliance Furniture Store. Apply In person. 260 State St. Sales Experience NOT NECESSARY. THOUGH PREFERRED Applications are now being taken for saleswomen. Good salary, pleasant working conditions. Apply personnel manager. J. C. Pennev Co. Experienced alteration woman for tailor shop. Good salary and steady work. Bernardty Tailor and Furriers, Room 200, Fin National Bank Bltljr. RFOMVfN for hr. work." Mon"f TiFi. 75c hr. Writ eBo x 6fi2 fi Statesman. "WoSftfTTo care for invalid child in your home one week every month. Write Box 661 Statesman. WE Have an opening for a good saleslady who wants a Pleasant en vironment, interesting work and the security of employment that this po sition anoras. II you are friendly and like people and believe you can sell millinery, apply in person at Reed's Milliner. 508 state St WANTFfV W i I rKi nirhl hl B'ack and White Coffee Shop. GIRL between ages 18-25 to assist with housework k care ot children. Ph. 7349. AMBITIOUS. Capable stenographer. Apply in person. Teague Motor Co., 355 N. Liberty. Situation) Wanted APPLE SPRAYING Philip W. Beilke Dial 2-1208 ' HOUR Work by experienced woman, 75c h". Write Statesman Box 669. PLOWING, Discing, blade wk. Chas. Jayn. 1920 Lancaster. Ph. 2-5753. FIRST Class cabinet maker k Inside finisher. What have. J. F. Baker, R. 2, Box 12A. Ph. 4094 Silverton. ""EMPLOYMENT on farm by young couple with farm experience. Wife would like work in home. Would re quire separate living quarters. 167S Saginaw. Ph. 26774. CARE-for pre school chi Id In my home week days. Ph. 25046. TNsTt)IErOuto;e painting special isU. Estimates free. Phone 23902. ' WAN1ED: Permanent houskeeping Job by widow woman 45 of good char acter. State particulars In letter. Write Box 668 Statesman CEMENT Work, sidewalks, stem A driveways. Nothing too small. Ph. 23400 Crmmercial truckrnf. J40 S. 15th. F6k" the bestin 'photos' call Tlunts Photo Shop. Photos taken any time, anywhere. The most reas. rates in town. Ph. 24924. DAIRY Products man wishes posi tion in city sales work or to operate a dairy store. Ph. 7106 COVER Crop discing, plowing, mow ing, combining, dusting all kinds of field work. Crawler k wheel tractors. Ph. Z2127 PLOWING and discine Ford -Fereu- ?on. Herbert Hamann. Ph. 2-5119. RL . Bex 1304. rENlRALCement contrartinjr""764T. PAINTING, papering, rcas? prices. Phone 3193. Spray Painting Ralph - Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-4246. MWlN(T"anTTu1 ROTOTILMN excellent for' lawns gardens. L. C. Swink. RL 7. Box 473F. Ph. 25819. P aintins Contract or by the hour. Spray or brush. PAUL BASSETT Rt. . Box 363 Phone 2-2306 CURTAINS Washed and stretched. 395 S 22nd. Screens Screens ' Complete window screens Ac screen doors made to your measurements. All morticed Joints. Quick delivery. Mas terwoods Cabinet Shop, downtown 164 S. Comm. Phone 55m. Builders ' Contractors " Window frames, door frames, sash, and doors all on quick delivery. Regu lar Cabinet making. Get our prices MASTER WOODS CABINET SHOP Conveniently located. 164 So. Comm Phone 5596 CtfctENT Jobs and patching. 571 S '7m. fn. z-4751 after 9 P.M. WANTED: - Furniture to glue k pah- le Bros 4020 E State. Ph. 21233 RUGS and upholstery, cleaned and moth proofed in your home. Salem Purnclean. Ph. 3736. Spray Painting Would like to bid on your painting, your own paint or ours. Pure linseed Oil iwd. M. L. Gottenbere. Ph. 4246. "hUBl'ftBAN Garbage Service. Ph. 2573. Haul trash, brush, etc. Hollywood Transfer For local St long distance hauling Pickup and moving. Trailer for rent. Ph 9764 Burton's Mobile Station "rFRA YfNO7nr'HT7900T LAWN arid garden work of all kinds Also truck for small hauling. Ph. 26635 after 5:30. painting" Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 5313. FOR Custom plowing see C. L. Dan- el. Rt. 9. Box 603 Ph. 22456. PAINTlNiC ANB oacoratlng SX xt.. where interiors are a specialty, commercial or Presidential, also now taking work orders for exteriors Brush or spray: painter, house roofs barns, farm buildings snvwhere In state Insured. Phone 25444 or 6285 galem. Dirk Orey " PAInTKR and Papernanger Reason ablei prices Free estimstes H J Wno4wnrth Ph 3015 PAINTING & Papernangin'g W Q Crowlv Ml 'Shipping Phone 9513 "T5 HA WINS and designing . house oLn. Phone 9621 tieSir."oor"TlaysVriool. tMl jttata Ages 2-6 Part or all day Ph 1430. Septic Tanks Cleaned R r Hamel. 1143 6th West Salem Phone 7404 ALL Work guaranteed! Windows walls woodwork cleaned Moors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service. Phone 4457. For Sal -Miscellaneous PIT Run gravel, tilt ft fill dirt. Ph. 745. 642. Edgewater. HHHW and table lamps. YEATtft APPUANCX . ,2M N. Liberty ' METAL Ironing boards, pads -and YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty nttECTIliC TTabla broiTtTiTTabl. roasters. Y EATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty NOTICE: Poultry ft hog feeders. We are . offering. Blue Ribbon condensed buttermilk in 60 al- barrels or approx. 400 lb, per barrel at sc per lb which Is our exact cost. Northwest Poultry Pslry 1505 N. front. Ph. 7007. "N6 Waxing required with trans parent Plasti-Kote for drain boards, floors, furniture. YEATER ' APPUANCX 215 N.Ltherty HZBtST" Lots or sections. Choice location. Inquire 423 Baker St.. Al. bany. Ore. tlNTSkillsaw. almost newTPh. 349. "TBSIDG ESeach wood range, ligh t green enamel, good baker, good eond.. med. size: S In. cast plough, good cond.; scythe with snath: shovels, rakes, hand corn ft bean planter. Picks, mattocks, carpentery saws, bucksaw. W N. Church. For Sale. Miscellaneous GREY OATS. "Phone 2-2017. m BLACK puppies, f.5. 534 N. Winter. HOT WATER Ruud automatic gas neater. 45 gal., used.. 150. Tel. 7736. BABY Bottle sterilizers, bottle warm. era, vaporizers. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N Liberty LADY'S 4 k. diamond ring, yellow gold, side diamonds. Will sacrifice for fioo. Ph. 2-5419 after 10 A.M. CULL Lumber, planed and rough. Lumber !nduMrtesjc.PhoneJ3. 120 BASS Piano accordion, good condition, $273. 485 N. High St be tween 8 A.M. ft 5 P.M. Ask for Lee. FREE Lath at 558 State St. -Hi HJE. Tractor, used very little, disc, plow, harrow, water lawn roller, also nice light Waller, wire wheels, good tires, sideboards, waterproofed top. Ph. 25623. 1340 Saginaw. GIRL S Bicycle, good cond Phone 4781. $25. w WOOD Range, cheap. in perfect cono. i"t ao. v.apitoi. CAMP Adair lumber for sale. 1005 Eighth St., W. Salem. Ph. 21953. SERVEXTEiectrotux 7 fL refrigerator. Rt. 2. Box 56. McMinnville. Tel. 32-F-51 ELECTRIC Mantel clock; 2 doors 81"x34" solid, 80"x32,T upper glass, locks, hardware; 5x9' rug and pad; clothes dryer rack: Philco car radio for 1939 Chrysler products; Insulated side arm gas water heater; gate leg table: Remington 10" typewriter; tln derwood 14" typewriter. Phone 24948. PtANOTWalnut finish, in good con dition. 1740 Ferry St. Ph. 8189. EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls ail makes See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Store. 3is N Liberty DOOR Chimes electrical and me- chanical. - YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty WASHABLE, one coat Palletone for walls, ceilings and wallpaper, dries in one hour. YEATOt APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ALWAYS a big stocR Woodry's Furniture Mkt, Ph 51 10 J R Watkins Co products 1717 Cen- ter St. Sa Iwi Ph 6395. . Free del "iXECTRJC room heaters, all types. YEATER APPLIANCE , 255 N Liberty NiSHT crawlers 2403 State. Bremmer SUN fuTtra violet! lamps. Heat f infra-red I lamps and heating pads.' . YFATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ' WASHING" Machines that fit on your laundry trays, full size. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty GUARANTEED forever flashlights, lanterns YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty FARMERS Attention electric milk pasteurizers and buttter churns. Fence controllers. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty CANVAS Paint to make awnings, buggies and lawn furniture like new. YEATER APPLIANCE 253 N. Liberty "ELECTRIC barbecue sets for fire place or outdoors YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty SMOOTHIES for perfect Ice cream. YEATER APPLIANCE , 255 N. Liberty " Telephone intefcomm. sets. . YEATER 'APPLIANCE 25!t N . Liberty " VACUUM Cleaners tubular and upright YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty " FOR printing call 0101, Statesman Publishing Co. Office Forms. Circu lators. Catalogs. Prompt Service. Rca sonable Prices. Salem Watch Shop 2381 State St Phone 2-1957 D. E. Decker. Licensed Watchmaker - Prompt service Cash paid for old gold Used guaranteed watches for sal. open Evenings FISHING Tackle boxes, all metaL YEATER APPLIANCE ' 255 N. Liberty PRESSURE Cookers, sauce pan type. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty , -nmtma rixtes forffcireir-nd bathroom, fluorescent and incandes cent. YEATER "PLIANCE 255 N. uberty WESTINGHOUSE DDT bug bombs, type used by armed forces, kills flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches and related insects. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty PLASTI-KOTE paint the cellophane tike finish for floors, furniture, auto mobiles on wood, concrete, linoleum. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ' ALARM Clocks, electric desk, wall and mantle clocks. YEATER APPLIANCE ' 255 N. Liberty LAWN Carts, lawn edgers, hand cultivators, and hoes. ' YEATER APPLIANCE 253 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Automatic sidearm wa ter beaters, fasten to your present YEATER ' APPLIANCE 255 -N. Liberty PUMICE BUILDING BLOCK AND BRICK 12th ST BLOCK CO.. S 12th SI at Vista Ave. Ph. eve.. 8904. FRUIT Juicers, can openers, food choppers, french fry cutters, food mills, refrigerator dish sets, aluminum cooking ware, cookie tars, knife sharp eners. Ice crushers, condiment sets, carving seta, cutlery sets, camping dish sets, stainless steel table service. ; YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N Liberty RADIOS, Record players, recorders for immediately delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty "RESfATJIRANTl-rilirelectflcrauto: ma tic Akron. 24 Inches square. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty BUILDING BLOCKS Drive one, mile south on River Road THE Tropic Master overseas radio powerful tube set Idesl for coastal or outdoor locations. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty GIBSON Garden Tractors and equip ment available now. Factory built you ride. L C. Miller, Rickreall, Ore. iroiRFriTer Insider Hats f our home this summer if you install lome Guard Insulation now. For Free estimate call Western Auto Supply Co. Ph. 7177. NEW LOOKING floors at small cost. Rent a Dreadnaught Sander. Ph. 7177. . " S"PP 'y co. HOTPLATES-s ingle and two burner. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty AT1TUL Napa Flash, reg. American Saddle bred SUUion. dk. chestnut with white markings. Has proven himself as one of the outstanding Stallions on the Coast. Fee for non reg. mares $25.00. Roy H. Simmons, owner, Rt 4, Box 270. Sa'em. Ph. 21 1 43, ' 4 i t. Slab woodgreen or dry. No c-glngs. At mill. W. H. Mills, 300 Fairyiew Ave. Ph. 25116. ' REFRIGERATOR Ice traya. rubber and aluminum. - YEATER APPLIANCE 2S5 N. Liberty SEVERAL gaTTcans of paint. Soma white ft some aluminum, . Practically 3000 gal. Will take $1.60 per gat if all takeh. Ph. 6821 or 1694 N. Com!. ii i . itr zzznj? j nniiti race peei. rn, -o-a. CANNING 16 quart pressure cookers. YEATER APPLIANCE I 253 N. Liberty "PIItEL chairs, hospital beds, crutch es. Buy. sell. rent, trade. Max Buren. 745 Court St Salem. Ph. 7775. . FIREWORKS: Place your order early wholesale lota only. 1670 Broadway. rfl. 47JT ELECTRIC Wire. 11-1 and 44-1 loom. YEATER APPLIANCE 253 N Libert- INDIRECT Lamps and lorchiars. YEATER APPLIANCE -fl w. Llb-rty AUTOMATIC Electric Irons. Iron and extension cords. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ItfJUMTBtwihn. 1745 Cf antrf;t35; For Sale Miscellaneous Irrigation COMPLETE SYSTEMS Free Estimates at at SEARS FARM STdRE Ph. 9192 or 6333 173 S. Liberty BLACK Saddle horse 3' to 4 yrs. old. Gentle for children. $75. Allen Jones. 6S63 or 22871. PIANO. Starr, excellent mnrfitinn Phone 3066 after 6 P.M. HOSKINS Muffle furnace, table 60 cycle. 2000 degree $190.00 complete. rTea Aiiaeraon, J Mill St.. snerldan, Oregon. . . NIAGARA 10 ton . inclinable sheet metal press $510.00 complete. Fred Anrierson. 753MillSt Sheftdan, Ore. L-- 7lde arm water heater" and 40 gal. tank, t bids. lath. I keg lp nails. Call $ A.M. to 5, Evans Ave. on Ketzer Rd.. 5th house lelt. ncObLERvfrOR. 100 lb. ice capacftv. rood condition. $50. Frank Killian. Rt 8, Box 648. N. River Rd. to Cum in ines Lane. GAS stove, wood rtove. tables, chairs, beds. etc. 1066 S. 13th. 2-WHEEL Trailer. Tef7527. ONE-New 1946 Dodge rear end for l',a to 2 T. truck, springs and hanger brackets attached. Ph. 4566. 4-HORSE Garden- tractor with at tachments $260. Universal gas-wood comb, ranee $25. Vaughn drag saw, 3 blades. fS5. Enamel wood ranee $65. Ph. 24755 after 5 P.M. 2090 S. Cottage. 1944 At JLS-Chalmers combine. A-I condition, has 45 motor. John Finlay. Jefferron. I ml. N. of Talbot. "ALUMINUM Sheets 4x12 ft. for trailers or truck, also axle with elec tric hrakocheap. 2056 Warner St. TELECT. Refr.. good cond. $100.00. Ph. 23114. 3870 Monroe Ave. JUST Received: Automatic Electric Dairy Water Heater. See them at Ward's Farm Store. High and Trade St. The World" Famous EI.MA TRAIL ER Goes anywhere with turn on- a -dime maneuverability and life time guarantee. Also low bed hay and or chard wagons. See them at Wards Farm Store. High and Trade Sts. CHICK-BED saves time, money and labor. It is. the perfect Poultry litter. It absorbs moisture, helps to save chicks, is fireproof, saves labor and insulates, it Is a utter that breathes. It makes an excellent Fertilizer. Buy it at Wards Farm Store, High and Trade Sts.. Salem. COMPLETE Living room suite, bed rm , suite, bed, chest of drawers and mtsc .furn. Tel. 5414. 1510 Madison Ave. XM'EfilCXWOr ien"lar9x 1 2 rug. red backgrounds .good cond.. 650. 12' yds. new drapery material $10. 995 MiH. "YOUNG Collie dog good for farm. Eldon Elwood. Rt. 6. Box 556. COMMERCIAL Fertilizer S-lSTS: 5 ton $55 per ton. Rt. 1. Turner; H. Grimmer. OLDER Type gas range, bakes and cooks good. $16. 112 Abrams Ave. BREAKFAST Table, porch awing. Ph. 6370. USED Wash, machine. mile west or Keizer Sch. Rt. 8. Box 904. RIVER SILT Ph. 25912 ABSOR-O-DOR keeps your refrige rator clean and sweet - YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC Blankets for Immediate delivery.- . YEATER APPLIANCE 25 N Liberty "STAYT05J Flat rocs peiwm. watkaT walls, any quantity. Ph. 25639. "VAZVTSm cleaners taha"andup" rights! with attachmenta. Eureka , General Electric Premier Duplex Wertinghouse Universal Bee-Vac Filter Queen McCa Ulster Trade In allowance easy terms. V1NCE S Electric. 157 S. Liberty St Salem. Oreeon COMMERCIAL Ranges 4 burner and 2 burner with grill. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N Liberty WE Buy and sell furniture, tools, stoves, dishes, motors, radios, electric appliances, household good. KLIG MAN'S 285 N. Commercial. Ph. 8885. Mr ILL BUV for casn. seu ot trade guns, pistols, ammunition, boats or trailers Don Madisoa. MO No High ELECTRIC Fans, desk and pedM la I, for office-, garages, restaurants, lodge rooms, canneries kitchen and Industrial exhaust fans. YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty FARMERS. Attention! Clean Easy portable & trackster milking machines YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY FA KM ERS Attention I Westing house dee. auto, milk cooler. 60 gsl. capacity YEATER APPLIANCE CO. J55 N HBERTY ELECTRIC. Shavers lor immediate delivery. leATCII Ar-AIN. 255 N. Liberty River Silt MASON SAND CONCRETE MDL READY MIX AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Bulldozing Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1966 - 2-3100 STOP Weeding your lawn try Weed-No-Mwe YEATER APPLIANCE 255 N. Liberty ELECTRIC" Curling Irons, pants pressors, solder uons. Y LA 1 t.H Arr-Ara 255 N, Liberty TarYET5Uno7FarrandT'$125. See at 60 Evergreen Ave. STOVE Repairing and parta. Woodrv's Mkt., 105 N Summer St HdME ntrfTDr.R0utTTiNr " Stock of NEW doors .windows, ras. Inga, screens, kitchen cabinets, shin- Sles, bath tub. flrtex wallboard. nails. M ft 4x4 and 4x6 No. 1. Also misc. used doors, windows, cabinets. All going st a sacrifice. See W. E. Bates after 5 p.m. or all Sunday across from Haunted Mill at Rickrealt. saUARESof16'r""sirake8 IfiftO. One used elec shallow well pump $30. 4x8 firtex 8c. Rt 7, Box 431 L, McCain Ave, off Silverton RdSaiem. OIL Burner. $65. Combination desk 8c bookcase. $15. 9xl5x seamless Ax minster rug. green with fern leaf de sign r pad. $125, 2465 N. Church. SF.Dtre7l8rTeT2r5S TjsED Washer. 50 lb. ice box. Uble model radio. 936 Trade DALMATIAN puppies. A.K.C. reg. Paul Heath. Ill E. Miner. Knone en 2 At 3 BURNER kerosene Stoves $875 to 8U.7S T pc. dining room set, used .... 184,50 Rockers, used . $3 75 to $1075 Table lamps $1.23 to $7.50 Stools. 18 inch. 23 Inch. 29 Inch $1JS Combination telephone table and chair ; , , . $8 50 Night stands $2.50 End tables $3.50 to S BS Corner cupboard - , , $13.93 Daveno, used $25.00 State St. Furniture 1900 State Phone 7596 WASHING machine, baby buggy, high chair, Taylor Tot, car seat (35 N. 34th, . V Alffi ll N" Model ' D garden tractor. 690 Monroe. m ' 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 66 gallon water heaters for immediate delivery. YEATER APPLIANCE 55 N. Liberty ' DRAGSAW ued"very little. Wrile V. D. Griffeth, Rt 1. Box 373, of Ph. 2-5817.. Vor tSale Miscellaneous 1946 CUSHMAN Motor scooter $198 00. Heavy dutv delivering bicycle 21 50. Harold Williams. 120 Fan view Ave. GSED Mission auto, gas water heat er. 20 eaj. Ph 25046. , "3WALNU"TDin ing room suite. Ph. 6810 TWIN Bed compiete'and bedspreads' brush scythe, miscellaneous. 1391 Court St. Ph. 8087. TEN Ton stomping pre nu port able paint outfit complete. Fred An-der-on. 753 MillSt.. Sheridan. Ore. nERIT"Sthe" finest farm tool vmi ever saw. Built for the toughest farm lobs there are the Jobs of moving large quantities of earth. Every farm needs a Ward Rotary Scoop. Wards Farm Sto-e. Salem. , PROTECT your m-lk check. Install the new Ward Milk Cooler. Get grade A premiums eliminate spoilnse waste, save time, low operating cost. Ward. armStore. Salrm. LOAD Tons in "minutes with Wai d' hydraulic manure loader for all pooular makes of tractors. $261.00 com plete. See it at Wards Farm Store. Salem.. ATfTOMOBli.rrTWrCK F1RE INSURANCE AT A SAVINGS See Bill Orko. 4fiS Couit Ph. 5661 Wanted F urn it lire WANT m Bur Uwd Cameras imw Mi-Kwin Ptioi.i Shop 435 Slate WHY TAKE lesa for vimr furniture? See Ruw Brush! Ph 7511 JUrsEBFtlHNIT"tlKEPh 9185 USED FURNITURE Phone 3110 CASH to, us 1 pianu other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evening oi send description to ou'!hMusic Co 19IS Hich CASH For your useo lurniture. Ph 7596 State St Furniture I9U0 State Wantetl !HisreHanou FIR PLYWOOD wanted bv East Coast . Wholesaler. AH thicknesses. Straight cars. Box 1799. 1474 Broad -way. N.Y.C. Want to .Buy WHEAT . STRAW in ton lots WEST MUSHROOM '-CO. Phone 8127 - Wanted Cascara Bark FOR HONEST weights and highest prices deliver your bark to Capital Bargain Houe 145 Center WANTED" Used Washing machine, also Ice bos. Ph. 8685. Miscellaneous Rawlins Music Studio Violin and piano. Phone 2-6013. 1675 Norwav. " WE Repair all makes of sewing machines. Free estimate. Singer Sew ine Machine Co.. 142 S. High St.. Salem Peco PACIFIC EXCAVATING COMPANY SakVm, Oregon Power shovels, Bulldorers. Trucks Dirt Moving Basements. Roads. Ditches Phones 3456 - 8793 AUTO painting lust a shade bettet by Rav El l ER Call Shrock Motor Co KH BULLDOZING. EARTH moving ai drainage ditches dug Ph 4047 "WEATHER strips Pullman PfTiOsS' "Mattrerses. CapitaT"-ied CoP40S9 HEAVY Hauling. t,xcavaon and Koad Building. Land Clearing Dozer Work Ditching Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N rront St Salem Oregon Phone $408 or21924 PLUMBING Supplies, water systems electric and gas automatic water heat ers, general repair work Decatur av Mae l 173 So Com'l Phone 6223 Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg . State 8t Com Ph 3311 Guitar Studio. Banjo, Ukulele etc 1533jCourt Ph7569 ""WATER WEL-Tdrflllng Domestic or Irrigation Duffield Bros. RL 9. Boa 423 Phone 2-131? MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked $1 00 LES SPRINGER, 464 Court Money to Loan Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 S 154 We LIKE to Make Loans We like to say "Yes to loan re Quests, because making loans of $25 to $300. to $500 Auto, is our only busi ness. Phone or visit Personal Finance Co.. $18 State. Rm 125. Phone 3191. You can get a loan from your "Yes Man" in Just I visit. Call today E Galltnger. Mgr. Lie S 122. M 165 General Finance Corp. offers money at once on cars, trucks furniture, trailer houses, livestock farm marchinery: contracts refinanced and additional money advanced No co -signers General Finance Is locally owned and officered, was organised In 1927 and therefore knows and can help throughout the repaying of a loan Ap plications for loans made by phone 138 Souh Commercial Sts, Salem Phone: 9168 Licenses S-1SS A, M -338 rARMand CITY LOANS 4't and 5-. Your own terms of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg. Phone 7162 $ mQn E Y REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS W Buy Real Estate Mortgages and Contracts. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS Lie 8-216 M-222. 153 S High St. Financial $$$ First MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE $8$ WE OFFER for sale first mortgages on improved real estate, Salem and vi cinity, amounts $500 to $5000 NET In vestors' S Interest- Make your own selection. Collections of all principal 8t Interest payments made by us without chargt to tht investor., State Finance Co., 153 1i?1lLl MONEY FOR EVERY PUHPOSlT" If you are capable of building 10 to 100 houses. Salem or vicinity, during 1947 and need financial assistance. CONTACT US We are also interest ed in financing one or two large apartment house units. STATE FINANCE CO. Lie. S2I M8S 153 I High SL T4 4121 For Rent- Rooms SLP. Rm. Hollywood Dist. On bus route. Gentleman. preferred. Ph.24544. "LfeKPi NG Rm. for man. 653 N. High BASEMENT Sleep, room for men. close in. Ph. 6490. GENTL-EMF.N: Rooms on bus. close in. Phone 24943. NICE SLP. Rm.. cumlort-ole. Close In. for gentleman. 1271 Cmemeketa. SLEEPING Rm.. private entrance, for girls, near bus Te 2546. SL!KfING Rms. for employed lad les. tWW fVntrr.Tn. 5821. TWOS!eepingrooms at 692 S. Capi tol. Bv the month $25.00 a month. All lutnwh . with bath.Phone2-4235. ELDERLY Man alone has very com fortable home for middle aged lady alone who would he'p care for it and Pay a small part of living expense, h. 9327. Room ami Board WANT: Board Ac room with light chore work. Phone 2-5932. Fr Kent Aijartme.il NICE Basement housekeeping room for two. No smoking, drinking. 823 N. Com'l. Pli ?528. . .. NfcW'LV Relinished 4 rmT apt., un ftirn No smoking or drinking. S4S Mnri'Mi "4 RM. Apt., furn". for July Aug ust. N'n drinkers. References reouir- 1 ed. 320 S. 14th. LIGHT Hourekeepine room, com pletely furnished, adults. 2605 Maple. Phone 25003 . FURN' APTS . for rent. 2.5 Diyts on . 2 R. APT. at Afloninoutb. No cmi dren or pets. Everything furn. 110 N. College. For Rent ! NICE Sleeping rm. Near bus and cafe. 94$ So. 12th. Ph. .65 8. S,L:PiNt Koofn witn kitchen priv-ite-7. 15-u N. I!h. 'I HE MODERN TRAILER PARK ("lean farililies .shade. $3 50 week, lights furnished. I "05 S 2I. St. U-DKIVH Truck n nl-u ""euiTlty" Clipper Service. ni-f J Church. FOR your iool" needs, call or see Howser's Rent-A-Tool. Ph. 3646 602 Edeewnter . TRAILERS 75c f irst nr 50c hrs tollowing Wood i. ys Mkt, 1605 N Summer . ' FLOOR SANDER" for rent Mont" eomery Ward AT MORA YS Ozone Good health Rent-sell h C Pugh 684 N 17 4692 IjlKII) llwl Pl.-. H I Mitt FLOOR sanders. edgers and polishers for beautiful floors How er s Rent A -Tool. 602 Edgewater Ph 3646 U-DklVfc f'KUCKS rUH tM Klanket. furn 197 S Liberty Pt. 9QH2 FLOOR Sander elec floor poltshei and lawn roller, weed burner Rawlins Hardware, the Marshall Wells store Ph 6877. Wanted to Rent RADIO Technician and wife, ex pecting bahv. need apt. or house badly. Ph. 6131. MrEaton. 2BfD" 'Roonvhome. furnished or un furnished, bv permanent state em ployee. Will lease for 1 year or pay 3momhenJlnavalJMne 8o8L SMALL Furs. apL for bachelor. P. O. Box 243. Salem. WANTED! Landlord! Couple with grown son and daughter, decently raised and properly trained. Landlady returning reason for move. Must va cate Junejst Plea?e tielp us. Ph.JrsJ7. APT. or smalt house. furnT or unfurh. Employed couple. Ph. 5255. WORKING Ladv wants room or board and room with private family. Box 672JStatesman. SM ALL " Fut n. house or 3 to 4 rm. furn. apt. Price no object. Phone 5992. WANT to rent. 2-3 beOrm house, un furr i. Call Mr. Manning. 7434. asst. mgr. J. C. Pennev Co. H COUPLE. 2 bedrm house or apt- unfurnished. Preferably North Salem. Refs. Tel. f-6043. "YOU'nC fhruiiaii couple w!tt 3 well trained children seeking 3 bedrm. home in good district. Will guarantee excellent care. Permanent Excellent reference. Phone 4762 or Write Bos 664 Statesman. 5 RM. Apt urgently needed by emp. couple. Write Statesman Box 646 or Ph. 21290 ever. "DlSPERATELY wante-HsyT-ne 1. apt. with bath, close in. 2 responsible employed irls. Call 6422 . AN Unfurnished apartment or small house by Don Sell, new owner of WaK's Shoe Shop. 427 Stat. No chil dren or rets. UNFURNISHED house in town. 2 orf more BR. 4 adults, no children. Box 660 Statesman. . WANTED: 3 or J rnapt. r-n. i i . TvS55TKARLlt Tenants with 2 child ren need 2 or 3 bed room furnished house in good district Landlady mov ing in is reason for move. Permanent Phone 7050. . "J Ro)M Furnished apartment on or before June 1st for two Salem busi ness women. References. Call Miss Shultx 9101 The Statesman before 5:30. For Sale Real Estate $3000 i A. CLOSE to 4-Corn ers. Has 2 large rooms. Well and elect water system. $3200. New 1 BR home located close to Salem Heights School. Home has bath. Immediate possession. $4250. Neat new 3-Room home on small lot. Has both elect water heater and elect heat. This is a weU built home. $5350. 3-BR well located South. Home in good condition. Large garage. Fruit trees. Comer lot. $5500 Very attarctive 5-Rooin home St. on paved street. This is a good home for the money. Has large garage. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121: Eves2-820 $1000 DOWN $40 PER MONTH 4 Interest New. verv complete 1 Bdrm. home. Excellent city location. North. $4875. Np. 13. LOOK 8 ROOMS. NORTHEAST Nice yard, garage. Child's playhoue. Most of furniture goe at $7000. No. 218. NEW AMONG NEW HOMES Large 5 rooms. Venetian Blinds Close to school and Bus. $8200. No. 242. G. I. HOME NEW WITH SHAKE FINISH Hardwood floors. Electric Heat thru out. Very fine kitchen. Three-ouarter basement. Large g-rage. $8500. No. 248. D0NT MISS THIS t Bedroom very modern home with Radiant heat. Fine carpeting from wall to wall. Artistic Fireplace. Very good neighborhood. Close to bus and schools. Priced right at $11,200. No. 254 A. $2250 DOWN BALANCE EASY 4 Bedrooms. Fireplace, basement, furnace, wired for range. North. $7250. RF.IMANN REAL ESTATE 201 So. High Phnna $203 Eve and Sun JMi2W56 or2-6790 "LookiNS for home" "and income property? Lot for court cottages, too. 595 North I4tn. 2 BR. large L.R. or R.R.. hardwood floors. Kit bath, full ' basement, ga rage, extra large beautiful lot. abun dance of flowers, shrubs, fruit trees, lily pond, sprinkling system. Immed pons. Only $8400. 2 B.R. home, partly furnished, utility room, garage. Hollywood Dit. Close to bus at market. Poss. June 7. Only $4200. One of Salem's better homo on State St. Close to shopping center it Slate Office liltg.. excellent construction. 4 BR. auto, oil hot water heat, hard wood floors, fireplace, fall basement, very desirable & valuable location. A bargain at $12,750. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Coin'L SL Ph. 838; Eve. 7440 For Sale Real Estate R. A. Forkner, Realtor $8000 BUYS 30 x 50 bldg'. Full base ment. Automatic furnace. Good for store or other business. - $9500. Lot 60 x ISO 2 good bedr. Plas tered hse. Hdwd. floors. Oil furn. Wir ed for range- Water heater, nice lawn 8k shrubs. $8500. 2 bedr. plastered hse. Elec. heat. Wired for range. Elec. water heater. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. F.NGLEWOOD $680. 3 bedr. Lot 90 x 137. Hse. wired for-range. Elect water heater.. Paved St. Bus line. - $6000. NORTH. 2 bedr. Fireplace, Ve netian blinds. Very nice utility r. Large garage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $5500. Lot SO x 130. 3 bedr. Extra ga rage. Nice lawn. Shrubs. Nice rose trees. $4250. NEAT 2 bedr. h. Llv. r., kit. Garage. Paved drive. Lot SO x 100. VERY NICE. Renting at $50 per mo. JOE SPURLOCK - BILL ESTEP R. A. Forkner, Realtor 16 yrs. Hollywood Dist. 153 N. Cap'toj Phone 3011 BY OWNER: 2 bedrm. house, posses slon HvJ.?L5r? A e FOR SALE by Owner: In Monmouth. $4800 00. $2100 00 down. 8 room mod ern house, flattered. Concrete, found. 40 gal. electric Water heater. Wired for range BreakfaM nook. Built. ins. VWmr to school. Ex big lot. Oil heater. 264 S. College. Monmouth. Ph. 6,7I . 4 RM. House, city water and lights. 2 lots. Price $2700. ' For more inor - .atton Ph Sa'em 23428. HOME with income for sale by owner: Good lot l'i blks. from bus line. One $ rm. house and a 3 rm house. Price S6500. lnp. 740 Chemeketa 4 BEDROOM home on nearly 2', acres. Lots of shrubs, trees, garden, good well, double garage, small barn. On highway. $5500, Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. 5981: Eves. 3434 NEW 2 bedroom house, living, room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility. Coved ceilings lots of built-ins. auto, oil floor furnace. Oak floors thruout. Attached garage. Largs Jot IT900. Ed Bvrkit, Realtor n Chemeketa St Ph. 5961: Eves 3434 Completely Furnished 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, living! room, dining room, large utility. Furniture is excellr-nt. Large lot. Look at this be fore you buy. $000. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa St. Ph. SS81: Eves. 3434 4 BEDROOM Cape Cod home. Close in North. About 8 years old. " Hwd. floors, fireplace, full bsmt . oil furnace Fine lawn and shrubs. $15,800.' Ed Bvrkit, Realtor 339 OvimM a St. Ph. 5981: Eves. 343 NEWpHREjROOM HOUSlTITH BATH; ON-HALF ACRE- terms $3200. C. E. NELSON. 485 MA- riROSA AVF. FOR efficient aM effective sate -vW :i the Salem Realty Co JOW .7 FEET. BY 200FEET nice high ground, garden olowed. at Perm 4 Corners. Only $290. Olaf Thonstad Real Estate $41 N. Caoltol Phone 73 mTtch E IXTk EA LEsA T E-T 3425 PORTLAND ROAD The Good Earth We Sell It GRAND ISLAND 70 A. first river bottom. 32 A. sweet corn in. Other valuable commercial crops planted. Entire place eauioped for Irrigation, Potential $10,000 crop all planted. 7 rm. modern bouse, shrub bery, flowers. All equipL available. $28,000. ',, cash. BRICK HOME - Ultra modern higher class home or iginally built for owner. 3 B R. den. gtass brick, air conditioned. Wall to wall carpet. Located right. AH on one floor with full basement with party rm. and fireplace. Fireplace in L.R Only 7 yrs- old. Priced nghL SUBURBAN Small new house nestled close to Its 4 A. of Mother Earth. It needs an own er. Wont somebody please buy ittr Ph. eves, 46.10 or 3077 KCr.TTRrtlTDRtve t bdrm. house, hdw. floors, wired for range, elec water heater, b&mL fur nace, large lot with view. Wonderful place for children. Ph. 6720 after 6 p m. SALESMAN OR BROKER WANTED for Real Estate Office. For interview write Box 667. Oreeon Statesman BY OWNERli6ood 7 rm. house. In quire 2IS0 Mvrtle Ave. : MONEY TO LOAN on first mort gages 4 to 8 Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS C19 Chemeketa Street ' Phone 6961 BY OWNER: Top of Fairmount HilH four bed room English type bouse, corner lot. beautiful yard with fire place and patio. Double plumbed, car peted living room and dining- room. Large party room Phono S345 or 320 W. Superior. Price 81 7 500. MONEY TO LOAN on rtrst mort gages 4 to 6 Call for details BYRKIT & POTTS 339 Chemeketa Street Phone 6961 CHOICE" Corner Lot 100 foot front on Broadway. Near bus. school k stores. 1. E. Lemon. 525 Spruce. FOR SALEby Owner: Living room. 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath, part hardwood floors. V. blinds, wired for range, elec. water heater, electric heat attached garage. s acre of land, suburban bus service, grocery store close. Phone 26123 for further par ticulars. Take Good Trailer House TAKE GOOD TRAILER HOUSE as part payment for this Mod. 3 BR country home scopl. furnished with excel, furn. 7 mo oM. Plast- full bsemt. furn. heat. 2 cows, calf, 2 pigs. 75 chick ens included 7 A. mostly fruiL Close to Salem. $12,500. Beautiful home FOR quick sale. $4000 with $2000 down buys this 4 RM 8c bath blk of 12th. - - GET FREE LIST OF BARGAINS AT 959 S. 12th St. Strout Realty "T INITIO MES Beautiful modern home with auto heat, hdw. firs., firepl elec. heat and water heating. '$ acre ot nicely land scaped grounds. Close In near bus line. Immediate poss. Will completely redec-, orste to suit buyer. Modern 3 B R. brick home-full bsmt.. with play room, utility, maid's rm. and furnace rm. Auto, sprinkler, wall to wall carpets snd Venetians blind. Tru ly a wonderful home, Hollywood dis trict. 2 BR. down. 1 unfinished up. Hdw. firs., nice D R. 3 yrs. oil on i't acre close in on bus Appraised $9000. Sale price SHU IS New 8 RR In good dull lei. large lot. close, in. Nicety landscaped -mov right in. 3 B.R. on N. River Rd. nice location for business near new subdivision, city utilities, close in. - If you want a "nice farm, we have several good buys at this time. 5 to 300 acres. - See W. M. CH1PMAN. Phono 4108 with . A. A. Lareen, Broker. 402 State Street 1 ACRlTol gKTland."with a 3 BR home. A real buy at $7500, or will trade for city property. Call or see. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1247 S. Coml. Phone 9411 N. CHURCH ST. HOME" 4 Bedrooms, basement, sawdust heat. Homo in good condition. Attractive lot. Garage for 3 cars. Fruit and nut trees. Price $10,000. CaU O. V. Hum with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S Hlh St. Ph. 4121: Eve- $-5206 EA T attractive 2-BR home H.W. floors. Oil floor furnace. Attach' ed garage. Fruit trees. See this home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph 4171; Eves. 2-3206 $2000 Dwn. Furnished Nice 2 BR Englewood section. $7000. Asstd. fruit, nuts, berries. Truly a beautiful home. Other shown. STROUT REALTY $5$ S. 12th SL For Sale Real Estate Leo N. Childs, Inc., Realtors VALUES BUILT BY OWNER FOR A HOME. Beautiful 5 rm. rartcii type. Living rm.. dinette. 2 lovely bed ns. wittt wardrobe closets: carpeted through out: circulative fireplace: com. filetely inxulated. Alt. garage-. Tut ocatum. $11,900. REAL VALUE. 0 rms. 2 be3rm . homo ' located in a fine ne.lhorftood. Tfco . living and dining tms ha vs beauti ful beamed ceilings. This home has a nice breakfast nook olf too kitch en: a fireplace that reall- works; and a iull basement. 3 rr-. of fur niture included for only 83500. A COMFORTABLE one bedroom b . Clean as a pin throuout, Nice lot with a grove of s.tada trees. Now vacenL $40C6. WELL-EU1LT . 3- bedrm. plastered ' home: full basement- Located north. .-Beautiful large lot. Sofvu. Terms. ON 99 HIGHWAY. 2 718 Acres. Good 6 rm. modem house with basement and furnace. Barn, large chickest house. A perfect location for auto court. Price only S90M). For the and many more CALL or" SEE - JAMES B. HARTMAN OR K. N. VOORHEES with I.co N. Childs Inc., Realtors 31 years of dependable service to home owners." 344 State St. t $1000 Full Price Not th. 4 rm. plastered house on paved street. Dble. lot plenty of sade trees, some berries. Terms arrange-. $4500 Full Price A dandy plastered 1 bdrrrr. home on pved street. Lot and shruis, close in north. .1 stoves go with this one. Sec it today. M. O. Humphreys & Co. Realtors g288 Fairground R-I. Por:e ?t4S9 sst0. Cafe In north Sa:em doing excel, business. Good deae. No prion information. See Crs.g. Burt Picha. Realtors Pp-e S2'6. Eve. 503 337 X H eh St. FOUR BEDROOM HOME Completely furnished, living room with fireplace, cove ceilings, hardwood floors, dining room, nice shade, lovely well cared for lawn. $85. OUTSTANDING VALUE 2 homes for the price of one, ta West Salem. Pleasant 2 bedroom home, plus rental. $7350. EXCELLENT LOCATION For the business you contemplate es tablishing. 425 foot frontage on 99. $5000. Laurence Real Estate 'Loans 4 Ins-rsnce srw N. Hleh P-o-e 7508 .. m(4.Jlk 'JL. " M, - el ili . aai m n.& A -to IfeaL HW Floors, fireplace, large lot. CX or Civilian. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors 474 Court St. Eve. 8715 or 8IFTI Phone 4707 Wry Exclusive Dwelling 6 rms, late built. Gas hat. Korta-' east. By appointment, gia.apo. H. P. Grant. Realtor 437! Court St. Ph ST44 - 8330 iV.WX NOKTH. La. well built, $ bedroom houe. A:t on one floor. Large LR Witt fireplace, large DR. Elec. water heater. elec. range, full basement w ith furnace, full set plumbing ta basement. AUo small cottage en rear lot. Renting for $49 per month. This is a good buy for anyone wanting, good horns) with income. Rostein & Adolph. Inc. HO'a N. Commercial St. PSane Stag , . . ' Eves 8-14 hYOMR leaving town: i yt. old I'BR home In W. Ku . I. eorwrv lot. Good location. Bus at itnw, tre ly LK., DB, Kit.. LtU , Garage. HwsL floors. Economical EiecL heat in each room. InsuL Well-buUt. Poss. Ium . Priced below normal Long term easy payment loan can be secured, if yea can pay $25 down. 0 Roscmont Ave. Phone 8115. DONTf'LOOK "at thui ir you don't want a home that ta well built, t bdrms. LR. Kit, Dinette. Bath. Base ment with furn.. and extra Bdrm. L trays, fruit cupboards and workbench. Nice garden it flowers. Lovely Dart, near Hollywood. Bus at door. Owner at 670 South St. $25 MO. Payments. 3 bedroom house. Modern, on acre. $1406 down. 41 Everereen. . Lots for -Trade 2 Lots 62x137. Total price $800. Will trade for coupe In good condition. Call Craig. BURT PICHA. REACTORS Phone 3210. Eve. 5053. 3JT S. High L $0500 CLEAN pia -tiered 2-BH horn close in Southeast. Full basement. Ga rage. Bus at door. Large walnut tree. $3CO0 New 2-BR home clone in south. This house Is livable but not complete ly finished. Bath fixture, go but not installed. 8 stoves go. Immediate pos session. $4850 Clean 2-BR home on bus line East. Elect water heater. Wired for range. Garage, Immediate pan sm. 83154V Clean 1 BR home close ta North. Venetian blinds. Gsrage. Im mediate possession. Largo lo. $10.750 Clean modern 3-BR home la Englewood dist. Double plumbing. Auto oil furnace. Fireplace Hardwood floor-. Attached garage. Beautiful yard audi shrubs. Immediate possession, ' Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High St. - Ph, 4!2t; Eves: 2-5MI GOOD 4 bedrm. nonce. One of trie best built homes In Salem. wu;i every thing for convenience. $9S $45og down. Long time loan on balance. No monthly payment to bother with. F. II. Weir .. . REALTOR . IxciJ-LENT VIE !!? Large living rm. fireplace, nice D. room, bedrm, beautiful bath. Conven ient, well planned kitchen. Down floors carpeted, 2 spacious bedrma with ruco bath up. Full basement wtth fireplace, automatic oil furnace. Double garage. Large well landscaped lot. Shown by appointment The Real Ketate Market 433 N. Highest, Phofe 2-4793 HOUSE " f orsiTe " by" Owner :2 -fee rms LR, K, nook, wash room. gar. attached. Wired for range. Psrtiv fin. upstarra. Don t call Sun. 875 Senate 5t w. Salem. ADVERTISING Western Advertising . Representative. Wsrd-Crtfrnh Company, tna. 8 in FTncicoi Eastern Advertising Representatives fard-Crlfftth Company. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detrott. Atlanta Member Pacific C-tt Dlvtston Bureau of Advertising; Entered at the PostoffW at Saw lew i. Greposi as Second Cfatas Mat ter PnOlurited fixiv nsrana r cepf Mmdii B-ar-wat affsce II J South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Matt Subscript ton Rates n A u vancet Within Oreeoo : Dad en. Sunday, Mo SO cents; mom. (J 23-. L year. 88 U0 Cisewhere go cents pee mo or $7 28 for 1 year fas edvancs. Per copy 8 cents. - By City Carrier. T3 cents a month. gs oo a year in aovance - u and adjarent eounuaa.