KIWAMS SPEAKER t Hugh L. Brazee, Portland a torney and"pres- . , Ident of the Ore- V v ' ion auiic, - f association, will talk to the Sa lem Klvanli club Tuesday on "Labor, and the Li. Gompers to L-ewis." Bra- zee haa been as-t aocUted in many labor legal, cases in Oregon la the past few year. Skate your date tonight at 8:00. Satero Ice Arena, eio . wipiuji -Don't Miss Les Brown" . tnilV AKTIKT HERE Raymond Stapran. from Riga, Latvia, who waa reieasea irom usnr rsmn br the allies and ar rived In the United States few Miihi ii ta Etavina temporar ily with bis uncle. Dr. P, C, S'ap- - ran, 475 N. Commercial u An briict h nrnfMion. Stapran is planning to locate here and teach art. He studied mi Muugan, u many, under several well-known teachers. and in Paris. It filso has studied decorative art and stage decoration- Tree roses are blooming at the Singer gardens.. Select varieties now for fall planting. Large as sortment available. Singer Tree nose Gardens, 4 miles north on , Wallace Rd. Dirton chain saws and parts in stock. Factory-authorized distrib utor. Industrial Suppijrco. oi ca Jem. 1058 S. Com'K Ph. 6023. FIRM FILES Certificate of assumed business nnv Pu!lm - Whitby -? and Frohlkk, a logging contracting firm to do business in .SaHcm.-was filed with Marion county clerk Saturday-by Ed Puiien. jeoa w. Cottage st, Ivan Whitby, 3890 Cherry ave, and W. L. Frohlick 74 Cascade dr, West Salem. Don't Miss Les Brown" ' Amateur rodeo and horse show, May 25, l1 mi. southeast of Tur ner. Turner Trail Riders, sponsors NAME CHANGE ASKED : J." Changing of a street name from Victory drive to Azalea lane is sought in a petition eight rest dents of the street sent to Marinn county court Saturday. The street Is off Huwey street south of Sa lent in Pioneer Garden addi txm. A hearing will be held, prob ably in early June, officials sa.'d. Friendly Farm will be closed un til Tues. eve. : Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. Kugel, "694. T35 N. Capitol St KEV -DISTRICT PROTESTED Protest at their area's inclusion in the proposed Jefferson union high school district, was L filed with Marion county officiate Sat urday -by a number of residents tf S! linkers district 68 In Linn county. . - Dr. Wiles DentL?t,,701 First Nat Bank. Phone 4924 : 4, South Bend fly opds. Ph. 226S4. Rt 3, Box 853. SEEK ROAD CLEARING Improvement of Union - Hill Grange road is. requested in a pe tition presented Saturday to Mar lon county court by residents long the road. Seme sections 8 re declared almost "impassable due tp brush along the roadside. Don't MI? Les Brown" Delux serve-self laundry, 345 Jefferson street Open daily, 8 m. to 5 p.m. .Tuesday and Thursdays to 9 p.m. Automatic and conventional machines. The best in the West CUXIC ;nXDXESDAY The county health department's fluoroscopy clinic wiU be Wednes day at 1 p. m. at Salem Deaconess hoppitaL - x " :- .... V . J, EVERY FUNERAL SERVICE ' ' entrusted to us Is Individually planned and personally directed--its cost determined by the family's wishes. " HOWELL - EDWARDS Salem Fnneril Chapel $45 N. CapiUI St Pbone 3672 W specialize in ac curacy, courtesy and quick serrice for cus tomers. SCIIAEFER'S Drug. Store 1S35 1947 ram 5197 r 9723 133 Xertfc Commercial AT I OOF CONCLAVE Salem delegates are in The Dal les today, until Thursday, attend ing annual grand lodge sessions of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges. Attending from here are Marion Curry, George Nader man, Ray Webb, W. H. Gardner, Lloyd Wood and C. O. Engstrom of the IOOF, and Mrs. Clem Ohl sen, Mrs. W. H. Gardner, Mrs. Roy McNeill, Mrs. Ralph Horna day, Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler, Mrs. Charles -Neubauer and Hazel Price. County Judge Grant Mur phy and Commissioner Ed Rogers plan to spend Wednesday and Thursday at the convention. 'I-; "Don't Miss Les Brown" Oil your road St settle the dust Call Tweedie. 9698 or 5769. A REN'S TRAVELS EAST L. O. Arens, state industrial ac cident commission and' immediate past president of the Internation al Association of Accident Boards and Commissions leaves today by air to attend board meeting in New York. He is an honorary life member, and as such will attend a meeting of the advisory council of child labor and youth employ ment branch of the U. S. depart ment of labor, division of labor standards. Plate gtas now available. Don Brown.. Elfstrorn's. New location Cronise Studio, 439 Court St.. over Smith Baking Co. LANE COUNTY TAKES OVER Joseph Thompson, 371 N. High st, was taken into custody by Lane county officials here Satur day ' after his arrest early Satur day morning by city police on a Lane county warrant charging ob taining money by false pretenses. Road oiling, settle that dust Call Valley Oil Co., 3514 or 3513. "Don't Miss Les Brown" FOOD. BULK CLINIC SET A food and milk handlers' clinic will be held all day Friday at the county health department offices. ike watck HARRISON - rugged 17 jewel, watch, color of yellow gold wilb natcb ing combination expsa sioo - and batketweav brscelet ... COSTAN .- bandsome 17 jewel watch, color of yellow gold with attract ive nwtcking basket weave bracelet ..... ll -.ESSSK HARTMAN BROS, I 4 CORPORATION FILES Articles of incorporation of the Marion County Fat La mo Show and Oregon State D Trials 'were filed ' wiih Marion county clerk Saturday by Henry Ahrens, pres ident Karl Wipper. vice president and Margaret Miller, secretary treasurer, as incorporators. The non-profit corporation ' has the purposes, according to the articles, of promoting better quality . of lambs and arrange an an nual show and to stimulate the use of -better dogs on farms. For . factories., offices & business uses, 12" General Electric wall clocks. $12.48. tajclncL R. L. Elf strom Co. . , , , Weslx electricko K. W & 2 K. W built-in wall, heaters now avail able K L Elfstrom Co, i HOGGS BUY HOME 9 f Mr, and Mrs. Carl W. Hogg of saiem have purchased the resi dence at 2185 S. High st which was. formerly, the home of Capt and. Mrs. Verden Hockett, it was learned Saturday. Hocketts have recently gone to Saipan island in the Pacific, where he is in charge of naval hospital facilities. Hogg is manager of Hogg Bros. Furni ture and Appliance store here, . x G. E. automatic blankets a year 'round comfort and pleasure limited quantity at Appliance Dept R. L. Elfstrom Co. ; "Don't Miss Les Brown" DeAUTREMONT OKEHED Vern DeAutremont. Salem flight instructor, was authorized last week by the state aeronautics board to provide advanced train ing for veterans under the GI bill, Leo Devaney, directer, an nounces. Northern Lawn mowers, limited quantity. R. L. Elfstrom Co. Insured savings earn more than two per cent at Salem Federal Savings Association, 130 South Li berty street , , COMMISSION TO MEET Regular meeting of the Marion county public welfare commission is scheduled for Monday at 1:30 p.m. in the county court chambers. IIARTHAII BROS. ADVISE Time starts something to ojj qucAanteeb o that the years ahead "may be happily and accurately timed ... give them a BENRUS, the watch which will always recall this happy momentous occasion. Exquisitely styled ... of airline accuracy . . . and shock resisting, too! 'nivvMwwofiiirrstiMWOMstss T S i o ) INGRID - beautiful yellow gold color en graved case with matcb iag link type expansion bracelet, 1$ jewels . . . 45-00 ...' CHARLZNE styled watch, yellow gold, with aocuaae 17 jewd move- JEWELERS OF SALEM LIBERTY AT STATE BUILDINGS APPROVED Permission to erect a one-story dwelling at 2015 Trade st at a cost of $7,000 was granted Sat urday to Melvin Lancaster by the city engineer's office. Other per mits were Issued to J. H. Johnson to alter a dwelling at 1835 Lee st, $800, and to O. W. Garland to wreck barn at 1560 N. Com mercial st, $50. . -Don't Miss Les Brown." River silt, top son and fin dirt. Cnml Sand & Gravel. Ph. 21966. MOTHERS. BABIES HOME Four mothers dismissed Satur day from Salem Deaconess hos pital with their babies are Mrs. Harold Dyer of Turner, Mrs. Ken ' neth Petersen of Jefferson and Mrs. Darrell Brunton of 415 Pine st., all with sons; Mrs. Gene An derson, 740 Tillman st, with her daughter. Dexter lawn mower and grinding service. Ph. 6833. 966 Center. "Don't Miss Les Brown" FIRST AID TREAT TWO Two persons treated by Salem first aid men Friday are Mrs. Claude Morris, 310 E. Wilson St., a cut finger at about 8:20 a. m., and Mrs. Grace Nash, 1140 Union st, who fell and incurred arm in juries at about 2:15 p. m. Mrs. Nash was treated and dismissed from Salem Deaconess hospital. Johns-Mansville slate surface shingles applied by expert roofers. Nothing down, 3 years to pay. Buy the best at no extra cost Free estimates. Ph. 4642, Mathis Bros. Roofing Co., 164 S. Coml. "Don't Miss Les Brown" PERMIT ISSUED A log hauling permit, covering a large number of roads within Marion county, was issued Satur day to Francis W. Pope, Stayton route 1, by the county court WILLAMETTE TILE CO. ART TILE for fireplaces, drain boards, store fronts, bathrooms, showers, shower doors. Free Estimate -Ed" Bush Ph. Z-4S3I 1895 N. Winter to mean you now accuiacu - smartly color , of P pa always 1 nil Usta MOTHERS LEAVE GENERAL Mothers dismissed from Salem General ' hospital Saturday ' are Mrs. Frank B. Nicholls, 1322 Ne braska st.,- and Mrs. John D. Storm; route 3, Salem, both with sons;. Mrs. J. Rhoten, 1490 First., and Mrs. P. Steinbock, 609 Front st, both wiht daughters. 1938 2 door Chev. sedan, 34.000 mi., excellent cond. Best bid in buy. Cash. No dealer. Dr. Pupker. ph. 21827. Ray M. Waltz, MX)., 195 W. Su perior. Ph. 6519. READ BOY TO GO HOME William Allen Read, 9, son of Harry Read, 390 N. 17th sY, is to leave Salem General hospital to day, where he was taken at 9:40 )). m. Wednesday after being struck by a Car in the 1400 block of Chemeketa street. Capital Post No. 9, Monday, 8 pjn. Election, of officers. Art classes, by Raymond Staprans oils, water colors, decorative art 278 Chemeketa. Apt 10. ii r: " i .1 1! teo(S(g CONSISTS OF SETTEE AND 2 HATCHING SWING WITH STAND ..... . . . . .14.95 5 S - For hot weather comfort, order a aenuine Vornado fan - the latest de velopment in comfort cooling by scientific air movement; Floor and table models for immediate delivery. AFTER SCHOLARSHIP Eight Salem high school stu dents have been named to apply for the- $300 scholarship toward a teacher's education sponsored by the Salem Lions club. High School -Principal E. A. Carle ton announced Saturday. "Don't Miss Les Brown . Sundayf June 15th is Father Day. Hundreds . of new ties Just in. choice one for Dad now $1.00 and $1.50. Alex Jones, 121 N. High St KIWANIS SLATE BAR HEAD "Labor and the Law; Gompers to Lewis" will be the subject of Hugh L. Barzee, president of the Oregon state bar, when he speaks at the Tuesday noon luncheon meeting of the Salem Kiwanis club. SCHOOL CLINIC SET A school clinic for Brooks, Labish and Waconda is slated for Tuesday from 9 a. m .to 3 p. m. at Brooks elementary school gymnasium by the Marion county health department If Ml IFWWW The Seasons Outstanding VALUE in Carload Purchase Makes Possible 1 These Outstanding Special Values W - i ii i - . -."JSJik.... 1 s- -s HAMILTON FURNITURE CO. 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM. OREGON Th Statesman, Salem. ' Oro;on, Sunday, May It. 1M7 S GUIDANCE SESSION. SET The weekly child guidance clinic of Marion county health de partment is scheduled for. 1 to S p. m. Friday at the department offices in the Masonic temple. Standard Cleaners and Dyers, also rug and drapery cleaning, pickup and delivery service at no extra charge. S&H Green Stamps. Phone 8779. r , . .- OIL cmcuLATons ; 5 room size; Gas and electric automate water . heaters end oil" farm and home . appliance now available at iUkinson Appliance Company ZOOS Fairgrounds Rd. wmw, X ADULT CLINIC PLANNED ! The county health detartmenfi adult clinic is scheduled from 8:30 a. m. to noon Saturday. REPAIRS ON Alt RADIOS Tew win Get iaunedl- ? .U -. Atteattea At .unnnsirs 291? Falrfrecads Rd. rb TCS1 rlckop Deliver? 11 hTm3 m CHAIRS I 1