For Sale Real Estate J LEE OHMART & A GOOD BUY 95854 Attractive 2 bed room home, about 1-1 year eld. fireplace, wired tor range, s water heater and m fur nace, f asire, small eeer lot. located Just off D" Street KORTH CKCRCH- 94099 Comlorlabie 2 bed room home. V. fttUnds, wired for raage fas .water keater and cas cire.. carace. Yard fenced, a clever iiMle tame to a good location. SbBl'KBAK XCST SOOTH OF TOWN Living room. 2 be rooms, kitchen and baift.-Trt hardwoad doors, about 9 years id. V. toUada, wtred for ranee, eiee. water stealer, attached (rare, elee heat, acre of land, suburban bus service, grocery store close-962SJ. BUSINESS LOCATION NORTH Large let, neat and clean older style home. loom owner's quarters oius 3 room apartment, . b-knds. Good rental yseperty now, definite future Iris mesa eeasibujtie -faOQOU U KFI2EH DISTRICT A new well coast iwcted 9 room home, ail large rooms, electric heat. LEE OHMART 477 Court t GRABENH0RST SPECIALS NORTH SALEM 2 bdrm. Eng. type home in excellent eond nice yard, h.w, firs, full base ment, fireplace. QUICK POSSESSION. Price 12,ev. 4 BEDROOMS This is a real family home. Well lo cated E. with fireplace, ei. h.w. htr autos5urt heat. dole, garage. Im aoediate Possession. Price 219.300, CLOSE-IN Mod. 7 yr. old Eng. type home, Ven. blind, fireplace, el. h w. heater, car peted In L R, in perfect eond. 5 blocks to town. Price $2759, ACREAGE 30 A. all m oats Sc wheat. Good land, dose to Dallas. Price $3t5d. CLOSE-LN ACREAGE ; 13 A-. good dark soil, all under cult. Jt irrigation Mod. rm. home with basement St oil furnace. Family fruit. Garage, ham St chicken house. Good : tract or, cite, plow, harrow, implement tracer St tow goes with sale. A real good place located close in. Price $14. 9vM, 95009 down. baL $" a year at 3. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1M SO. LIBERTY STREET Phone 4131 Evenings 7772. ' Tor Prompt, courteous Service. SALEM REALTY COMPANY 80 ACRES Including croos of 39 acres oats and pasture, family orchard. Two bedroom electric pressure water system. Must re sow tnu momn. trice sii.juu. IWELV WOODED LOT acre, neat 2 bedroom, home wired for. range and water heater, city water. ' r. I Two bedrooms and large staired attic, very nice bullt-lns and lovely plastered wails. Excellent hardwood floors. A eood value, Keixer district. 90000. NICELY LOCATED 14 acre tract, comfortable furnished for a couple. 94739. LANSING AVENUE 3i acre with two bedroom home, wired for range, electric water system. $3250. HERE TS SECURITY From one of the finest filbert orchards In the valley. There are over 90 acres of fine healthy full bearing trees which produced approximately 23 tons in 1S-K; A very -picturesque property. Priced at $750 per acre; One-half cata wis. handle. SALEM REALTY" CO. REALTORS let Xcrtft High Street For Sal Real Estate 9SSW CLEAN plastered 2-BR home elote m Southeast. FuU basement. Ga raee. Bus at door. Large walnut tree. 90000 New 2-BR home dose in south. This house it livable but not complete ly ftnuned, Bath futures go but not Install!. 2 stoves go. Immediate pos SJOn. . ti&M Clean 2-BR home on bus line East. Elect water beater. Wired for Garage. Immediate possession. 93150 Ciean 1 BR home close to Nona. Venetian btonds. Garage. Im aaedsa'e possession. Large lot. glft.TaO Clean modern J-BR home In Errleood dm. Double plumbing. Auto mil f umace Fireplace Hardwood floors. Attached garaee. Beautiful yard and ahrutw Immediate po mon. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5381 FAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT 947903 bdrm home. Living rm. din ing rm. kitchen Will consider car as pert payment. Call OMES. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Ptme 2-1348 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. I-S09 MOVE IN" Kew 4 rooms, bath, close bus. Priced at IT 06, J, cash, bal monthly. " 2 BEDROOMS L: v , Jt t., bath, gas range. Rug lino. Or. heater go at 83 ISO- 9M00 down, 930 3 BEDROOMS . Liv k:t,. nook, plant-, elec. heat. fee at door, i acre. 9TTS0. Terms. 4 BEDROOMS Com. Bv. din., kit, nook, bath, fire plate, fcaTement. auto oil furnace. High land ditrict. A goad buy at 99300. E. M. Hunter Real Estate TT9 S Commercial Phone 2-9497 . Ideal Family .Set-up IHstaet Owner -verg anvteua to sell S bedroom borne, LR, OR, Den, K. Saadtiit Furnace. Fireplace. Garage, Variety Fruit St Shrubs: Large grounds, 6k340; Prtce reduced to 973. Terms. N. J. Ondjren or Ed D. Potter REALTOR SIS S. K gh St. . Phone 3830 For Sale Farms FOR SALE OREGON STOCK RANCHES ' m And diversified farms If Interested wrMe tor uatmgs. B. H- SCHMJTT. Real Estate Broker PrtneviUe. Oregon YO'J Want to live la thm country a have aJ city nor, beaut if. view tncome. See this place. 17a acres. 3 B R , Dr. Lr. Bath. Kit, plenty of buUt-ira. wired tor elec, range. Sprmg water elec. water site. .Good eturken fcce. 20x40 tool s fruit shed, barn. 9 ctancfe. Good antlk cof. 2 tellers. 0 laying he, J SO rabbits a!i go : wita place. Hae. in first class eondr' decorated as ft out. Owfer. S99t. 1, rru. S. W. of Shaw. RL 1. Box 23. ' - A ft ML E. 1'.. A. StrawBcrrie. 1 A. Boyseberriea. Family orcbd. Garden ra. 2 houses o pi. Elec. water ays. Bam. poultry bee, frwH bae. Priced at 94909 for quick sole. 39 A. 2 houses oa pi. T rm. mode. JJewiy dec uuade St out. 4 rm. hse. A lge. barn, new pool. he" prune dryer. Has 1000 gaL gas took St own p. 45 A. in orrnd prunes, cherries, walnuts, f li bera, some beiilea. 49 bolly trees. Lo cated dose to store ac locked plant. Ford Ferroson tractor can be bought. 90 A. close to Silver Creek Fails. 1 rm. mod. insuL hse. t yrs. old. 8m. barn, poultry bse. 11 A. cult. 90 A. m timber. SUver Creek naraung through place. A beautiful bom St Vdeal straw berry ground. Terms can be arranged. !S A. L t A. berries. 9 rm. mod. hse. 9 A. in cane berries. Good family ore fid- 11 A. timber St pasture. Good live creek running through pL Barn, lge. chiefcen had. St brooder. Good loca tion wrus beautinai view. Place is well takes care of. A big crop la prospect. Call Henry Torvend with Joe Hutchison Realtor 45 Court St. Phone 7899 Real Dairy Farm 119 A. Stocked and equipped. Crops in. Lots grass. Owner says $700 per rno. from cows. Barm. 29 cows. Trac tor, mtlking machine. Good 7 room i modem bouse, II mi Salem. 1mm. pos session. Tberefe gold in them thar milk paUs. stranger. $28.000 , cash. Miteheil Real Estate rs. 3e77 eve Ss23 Portland Road For Sale Real Estate CO., REALTORS wired for range, alec, water heater, hardwood floors, garage. ',i acre of excellent garden soil, clots to sub urban bus. school and store $9750. COMPLETELY. MODERN A very attractive S room home with every convenience, lovely wall to wall carpeting in living room and dining room, tiled fireplace, newest radiation heating systemvUnsuiated and weather stripped, 5 large closets with lights in each 911 .2S& good terms. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT This modern 1 room home hi In ex cellent condition throughout, has hard wood floors, lovely large living room with fireplace, dining room. 1 bed room, den. kitchen and bath down. 2 bed rooms up, basement with auto sawdust furnace, garage. Wihin s blocks of grade, Jr. and Sr. HI Schools. 111.500. JUST OFF GLEN CREEK DRIVE Over acre of ground, lovely set ting, lots of shade trees, view of val ley, modern room .home..'? 'bed rooms, hardwood floors, wired for range, electric water heat. Oil floor furnace, garage. $11,800. - & CO., REALTORS Phone 4033 or 960 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This new home with el. heat, late- type water heater, drilled well. el. wat er system, all plasty mod. plbg.. Ji A. of good land, paved road. East of Sa lem in the Swegle District. Price $8300. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THIS HOME BEFORE YOU BUY, VKCLEWOOD BARGAINS Mod. S rm. home- with auto-heat, full carpeted firs., fireplace, spacious ma. garaee. nice vara, unerea si iv,ww. A REAL BUY. Mod, 2 bdrm. home with unfin. up stairs, auto-heat, garage attached, nice fireplace. Offered at $10,739. ft. CHURCH ST. Eng. type 3 bdrm. home with full hasemt fireDlace. h.w. firs., auto-saw dust heat, nice cor. lot. This home Is worth tee money; Price in, two. FOR SALE Old -style home which includes some furniture. Creek lot. Located near Washington school. Price $2630. Several fruit ana nut trees. 2 - 3089, 2-2948. 2-5338. 2-4497, 7979, 4663 List Your Property witn us 30 acres Bent Crass. About 13 acres home, large barn with 10 stanchions. HQMf one bedroom borne. lust th placg Phone 7990 For Sale Farms .Farms 73 ACRES One of the best farms In the VaUey. Bldgs. only ten years old. 4 Bdrm. house with bsmt. and fur nace. Crop consists of clover, flax, gooseberries, filberts, com. wheat, oat and veatch. Willamette silt loam soil. For further In formation, phone 9472 and ask for MR. GARDNER, .t - 22 'a ACRE FARM completely equip ped, livestock, poultry, year-round stream-thru oasture. Modern 2 bdrm. borne, full bsmt. Fireplace, best of lo cation, $13,009. Call MR. GAKDHKK, Burt Picha, Realtor Phone 6472 2543 Portland Road JUST LISTED EXCLUSIVELY 139 ACRES, ab. 120 in cult., balance timber, gd. bldgs.. 419 mile S. Hop mere. 9 miles Salem Center. Ph. 9839 further detail. Walter Socolofsky ! Real Estate Broker 19 A. CLOSE to West Stayton. 8 A. in beans. 2 small homes, $3000 gross In 1949. Price $6000, State Finance Co. Realtors Call O. V. Hume with 153 S. High St. Ph.-4121; Eves. 1-5209 Acre ace ; ACRE 3 bdrm home close in on pvd rd East, Oil dr. elec range. Ac re- frig go. Nice lawn, shrubs, ac orcnard Garage, drilled well. "Tor quick sale, $7800 cash, can eu lukinbeal. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors - 941 Chemeketa St Phone 2-1349 Eves. 2-8680 95 Full Bearing R. A. r Cherries P!u$ a modern 1 bedroom home com pletely furnished. Elec heat, elec refrlg w. Tor elec. range, i acre. aoo- See Allen Jones or Mrs. Needham REALTORS 341 Stste. room 4. Phone 8083 Salem $37iA. WWHcVan 2-BRhome near Swegle school. 9" well. Elect pump. Chicken house. Immediate poa- CaU Stanley Brown; with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121: Eves. 2-8381 Wacres Alt In crop. S miles Dallas on good hiway. Only $3009. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Commercial Phone 2-S4S7 30 ACltOibout 1 ml. from city limits. Good sub-division property. Excellent crop of oats at vetch. $400 oer acre. Pto. 9437. Owner. ONE and i ACRES. 2 Bedroom Home. Barn, Chicken Hse Double ga rage, 9 rrules from downtown, $4230. Goodwin & McMillin Realtors Phone 4707 474 rmirt St. Eve. 9713 or 91F21 Creek Property 1 Acre. Nearly new house. City lim its. on Mill creek. Fruit, nuts, grapes. Shrubbery. 1 bedr., bath down. 2 un- tm. bedr, bata up. A oeauurui noma. B030S. Terms. 1 Acres. U mi. school. 4 rooms, fruit room. tAMlitr porch, barn, garage, ctilx hse. glee, water sytt. Level black Mam. only gzsuo. - C. E. Coville, Broker Turner.1 Ore. Phone 22 99 A. STOCK ranch about 12 miles SX. Small home, lights, water. Large barn 96x40. 33 A. pasture, year round stream. 49 A cultivation, prtce gssoo. Call o. V. Hume wlta State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5208 9 A CLOSE to' Marion. Oregon. Has neat 2-BR home, barn, poultry house. Some furniture. Nice garden. All in cultivation. Price gszso. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5206 $5000 , A CLOSE to 4 -Corners. Has garage approx 30x30 and livable but unfin 4-room borne. Elect water sys tem. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-S209 Acreage R. A. Forkner, Realtor 80 Acres - $2600 , 10 ml. South. " Timber St cut -over land. Hard-surfaced road. Fair barn. $6500- 1 Acre '4 A. strawberries. 2 bedr. plastered hse. Fruit trees of different kinds. Good location NORTH. Close to Highway. Picket fence. WE HAVE NUMEROUS TRACTS 1 TO 10 ACRES. JOE SPURLOCK BILL ESTEP R. A. Forkner, Realtor 18 yrs. Hollywood Dlst. 1853 N. Canito! Phone 3031 40 A. Crop. cows. team. 7' mi. N.. i ml. W. on Wallace Rd. Rt, 1. Box ZT4. E. J. McKtnney, 20 ACRES, buildings St fruit, elec tricity. Write Statesman Box 654. Berry & Fruit Ranch 10i A. NEW. MODERN HOME. Full basement. Good barn.vMice chicken house. SO Bartlett pears. 23 Eng. wal nuts. 23 Filberts, all large tt in good production. About 4 A. excellent bot tom berry land. $12,500, R. A. Forkner, Realtor 18 yrs. Hollywood Dlst. 1853 N. Capitol Phone 3031 - 31 Acres 9 ml. Salem. 2 bedr. hse. Elec. Good barn, 14 stanchions. Poultry hse. Fruit. Year around creek. Spring water In hse. St barn. ONLY $7600. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 19 yrs. Hollywood Dlst 1853 N. Capitol - Phone 3031 AN EXCEPTIONAL value 9 acres on eved road in Mission Bottom with ge 4 bedroom house, electric water system, plumbing. Large, well built barn. Nice fruit trees, priced at only $7000. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110'i N. Commercial St. Phone 3030 Eves. 8314 or 7980 STREAM FRONTAGE on old Pae. Hiway. Call 8835 Walter Socolofsky. itea l Estate BroKer. NEARLY 4 A, city utilities. 1, mi. from downtown. High class res. area near Kingwood H. $2500. Or trade for real est. By owner. Ph. 24567. 10 ACRES, new. mod. 2 br. house. unfinished attic, elec., garage, some berries, all in cult., auto. pump, south of Salem on 9DE to 94 mile post, then Vs mile east. Ndt red soil. Consider trade for property near Salem. E. S. Young, m. i, box 43B. Jefferson. CLOSE to the bus line: Excellent 10 Acre tract of land. Fruit, berries, gar den, fir grove, 3 B.R. modern house, fireplace, elect water heater, wired for range, good lawn, barn, pasture, on pavement Close to store and school. $0830. - R. E. Meredith, Realtor 179 S. Commercial - Phone 8841 101 A. OF WILLAMETTE silt and Chehalis soils near Salem. Flood irr. from owner's lake. Natural- picnic grounds. 70 A. cult- 20 A. river bottom. Good 7 room house, modern with 2 baths, lawn, shrubbery. Large dairy barn. eqpt. $23,750. Mitchell Real Estate 3425 Portland Road 90 ACRES South of Salem, stock pasture, nice building site. Phone R. V. Bell, 417L Ext. 380, days, or Eve. 2-5193. Suburban . r SUBURBAN Lovely Suburban Home on large lot 2 B.R.. L.R.. DJt.. Kit., full basement, wood furnace, garage. Beautiful lawn & flowers. Near bus. Immed. poss. $8400. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 194 S. Com'!. St, Phone $389 Resort Property LOOKING for something new? Beau tiful new court apts. By ocean. Ex ceptional construction. Particulars? Write Paul Jones, Gen. Del., DeLake, UTS. Exchange- Real Estate ' EXCHANGE 7 rm. mod. home, at eastern edge of Salem. A 1 cond. Price 910.500, for smaller home closer In of similar value. Owner, 28325. ACRE and unfinished livable 4 rm. house to exchange for small 2 bed rm. hom with garage. Prefer -ast saiem, 3829 Mahrt Ave. Wanted Real Estate FROM Owner r Five acres, four or live room bouse. $900 down, $30 a month, rnone 21482 of Box 930 States man Wanted real' estate Need 3 B. R. house that 91500 down win nana le. Phone 4830 eves. " CAN USE a few good listings. . Olaf Thonstad Real Estate 41 N. Capitol St. Phone 7903 I HAVE CASH BUYERS for all types of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous service list your property with FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker 955 N Liberty Phone 7327 LISTINGS WANTED An exclusive listing la a mark 'of confidence; worthy-of every effort ana consideration. Why not give at an ex clusive listing or your prooerry7 JOE HUTCHISON. RE ALT OR 459 Court Phone 7898 Business Opportunities Apartment House BY OWNER Investment or dandy home with bw come on 3 secluded lots, attractively landscaped, with fruit, nuts, shade trees, shrubs, garden. Spacious 4 rm. first floor flat. Three t rm. apts St 2 one-room apts., all comp. turn., in cluding elec. appliances, piano, comb. radio, fireplace, dble. plumbed, auto, has h.w., auto, sawdust h.w. heat. Full bsmt., substantial prop, with low opkeep. Gross income 93180 yast yr. Price $13,500. Terms. Ph. 2-9003 for GARAGE and repair shop on ME N. Good business. Owner leaving state. L. C. Cooney or Wm. Bliven 499 Oregon Bldg. Phone 790 Eves, 9919 WILL SELL 2 rm. office bldg. i, lease office desk St chairs. Give me your price to consider. F. H. Wier REALTOR 1247 S. Commercial Phone 9411 MODERN Downtown service station available for sub-lease. Average net 9500.00 per month last five years. Buy present operator's stock A equipment. wrneBox oar niaresman, FOR SALE: Cabinet Shoo complete with power tools. Located on high way. Also S room new home with acres, aoout lVs miles rrom corvaius, Oregon. 915,000.00. BATES, MILLS Ss BATES, Realtors CORVALUS. ; ORE. " WANTED: Business lady, single, in- terested in partnership with a few nunoreq dollars, can days Z6884. RESTAURANT doing good business. Good location In down town Salem. Price only 94500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 State St. Ph. 8261 13 RM. Tourist Hotel inc. 1 A. of land, rum, or uniurn. Ph. Hubbard 4611 SMALL Shoo on S. 12 St. 20 bv 22 bldg. Lot 90 x ' 110. Take good car Or dirierenee. rn. 7830. LEAVING Town, must sell pop corn vending machine route. All or part of 20 macbinea. Ph. 9419 for -further ynfrratn, i i Business Opportunities A REAL OPPORTUNITY No blue sky here I Trailer camp for 30 trailers. Light Sc water outlets, dan dy utility hse with rest rms. Equipped for washing & Ironing. New well-built 9 rm mdn hse for owner. ISO' hiwav frontage. This hi a buy at 923.000. Some terms. Call ED LUKINBEAL. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors Phone 2-1549 341 Chemeketa St. Eves. 2-8S80 Your Opportunity Chance of a life time. One'of the finest grocery and meat market busi nesses in the valley. Buy stock St fix tures, long lease. B8000 will handle. Near Salem. Walter Musfrxave, Realtors 1233 EDGEWATER PHONE 5109 4 APTS. close in. Business lot Good Income. Owner. Ph. 4469. $7600 ONE OF THE BEST and most Erofitable restaurant businesses in Sa m. Excellent location, low rent, good lease, two people operate, good income for tne right person. R. E.. Meredith, Realtor 179 S. Commercial Phone 8841 INCOME ProDertv: 14 acres on mam highway at Gates with restaurant and store bldg., also 2 houses. Phone Mill City 1151. Florence E. Donnell, Gates, ure. S. 12th ST. BUSINESS LOT 90 x 140 ft. lot with 50 feet on 12th St. Ideal for business bldg. or car tot. A BARGAIN TODAY at $2100. Call D. J. Dawson, with Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131: even. 2-5339 ' Ideal Business Site 1909 FT. DOUBLE frontaee. 10 ml. S. on '99, first location from Albany open to bs. Excellent site for motel, filling station, restaurant combination. nignt cluo or other bs. inquire 1923 Maple Ave SERVICE Station with garage for rent. 3 miles South of Salem on 99E Hishwav. Richfield Station. GROCERY. Cut meats. 9 rm. mot above. Nets better than 9400 per montn. Good restricted residential district, clean stock, good lease. Just right for couple. 97aOO cash. 4927 S.E. 4lst Ave., Portland. Ore. PROFITABLE Business in heart of Salem's business district, handling hardware, sporting goods, automotive, etc. $16,500 and inventory. Write Box 233 Statesman. For Sale Wood Capital Lumber & Fuel Co. PHONE 7721 FOR "4 ft. Slab 16 in. Slab & Mill Planer Trimmings Sawdust Tri-City Fuel Ph. 6683 2 -cord load. $10. 19" miliwood Screened fresh cut fir sawdust Dry 19" slab and edgings Heavy 4-ft. slab We Give S. Sc H. Green Stamps Highway Fuel Co. STOVE Sc DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB. PH West Salem Fuel Co. 19-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone ; Salem 2-4031 Elmer Boie WOOD 19" mill block and neavy slab wood. Can be burned now. No sawdust, dirt or edgings. Good clean wood. Phone 439. zuza soutn utn St.. saiem. ore MAY Special: Heavy 16 in. Flaw wood. 9 cord load $14.00. Ph. 6683. SLAB Wood edgings. 2 cdHoad"$ Oreeon ruei Co. Ph. 5533. GOOD Dry 16" wood. Imm. Del. Ph. 5333. Oregon Fuel Co. $4 CORD on nite del. ir slab A edgings. Ph. 6G83 OLD FIR and plywood cores. Ph 33B0. 1)44 Mill Asrteraft IlXND PkkedT9lnch block slab wood. Ph. 24554. LARGE Block and Slab, no edging. $900 per cd. Phone 4863 or stop at 1979 S. 12tb St. Automobiles ATTENTION Buick 9c Chev. owners; Motor overhaul. Buick $8230, Chev $59.50. New rings 9c pins. Grind valves, tighten connecting rods 8c main bear ings. New distributor Joints at con denser. All work guaranteed. Free es timates on any other jobs. A. Sc L. Ga rage, l's miles south of Salem on 99, Motorcycles WHIZZER Bike, motor hist over hauled, new paint, full price 985. Call 21200. HARK D. ' Motorcycle! 1941-43. saddle bags, buddy seat, sport shield. Up robe. Call after 0. 2283 Claude St.. Salem. Ph. 4308. Indian SALES - SERVICE - PARTS All makes used motorcycles bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone 9502 Salem Lost and Found LOST: Black billfold. Return same. Keep half of the money. O. P. ARM STRONG. Phone 4twe. 1)ST: Child's Dink elastic rimmed glasses bet. W. Salem Sch. St Glen Cr. Dr. Urgently needed. Ph. 9309. Don Crenshaw. LOST by elderly lady: Black cloth purse. Please Ph. 8118. Reward. IjOST: Black Cocker pup. white markings. Vicinity Veterans project. Child's pet. Reward. 1820 Cross St. APt. I LOST: Brown billfold with name Jim. Keep money and return billfold. Mail to Mrs. James Shepherd. Rt 1. Bex 122B, Salem. Personal WE WBI not be responsible for any bills or debts of any nature except the ones made directly by us. Hastings Motor Sales, T, G. and H. C Hasting. 795 S. 12th St., Salem. , Palmistry Don't fail to see the Madam. Advice oa business, marriage, and all affairs of life. Open from 10 ajn. to 10 p.m. 3580 Portland Rd.. in trailer I will not be responsible for any bills other than my own after this date. Earnest Wayne Strayer. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua. P.O. Box 724. Transportation LEAVING for Council Bluffs, la., on June 6th. Take one or two. Help drive It share exp. Phone 9793 from 2 PM. until 1 or write 1173 N. 4th St., Salem. Ore.. Apt. 4. GIRL Vet will share expenses, help drive to Kansas City around 23th May. Box 932 Statesman. For Sale- Usetl Cars HERE ARE A FEW AUTOMOBILES WE ARE PROUD TO LIST IN OUR AD AT , BURGOYNE'S Center &. High 1946 Ford Sportsman convertible, like new. R&H. 1946 Chev. Fleetmaster 4-door sedan, two-tone green 1942 Buick Century Sedanette R & H. 1941 Buick Special Sedan. R & H. perfect. 1941 Buick Special Sedanette. R&H. dandv. 1941 De Soto Custom Sedan. R&H. 1940 Chev. Special 4-door. R&H. 1942 Willvs 4-door. R&H. Overdrive. 1937 De Soto 4-door Sedan. 1937 Plymouth Coupe. Here's a good healthy car. Commercials 1942 CHEV. TRUCK. li TON. 1941 DODGE PICKUP. NEW MOTOR. 1933 CHEV. IV. TON TRUCK IN FINE SHAPE.. Good tires all around. 1939 FORD V, TON PICKUP. HERE IS A NICE ONE. 1929 FORD A PICKUP. A LITTLE DANDY FOR LIGHT HAULS. See Art Hanson at Buraoyne Motor Company N 505 Center St. - Salem. A. B. C. MOTORS Always Better Cars SPECIAL 1946 CHEV. TUDOR SEDAN $1785 This price cannot be beat anywhere in town! 1946 Chev. Cpe Two-tone Blue. A beauti ful car ; $1735 1941 Chev. 4-Dr. Special Deluxe R & H. 1941 Olds 76 4-Dr. 1942 Dodge 4-Dr. R&H. 1941 Willvs R&H Overdrive. 1936 Ford Tudor. 1936 Ford Coupe. COMPARE THESE PRICES ANYWHERE 783 SOUTH 12th PHONE 9543 41 DODGE Custom Town sedan. Clean, all the extras, insurance. Call 4333 or 1349 Waller, 1941 G.M.C. 9 yd. dump truck. Tim ken 2 speed, booster brakes. 0:00x20 tires. Lien Bros.. , mile west of Grand Island store. Dayton,- Ore. Phone 5X17. DUE To serious injury which oc- rred on Portland speedway. Dick- rlng Dick" will be confined to Per- nente Hospital at vanport for some time. Business will continue un der management of Dick's Dad. All prices slashed 920 to $100. 1890 S. 12th. 1933 WILLYS. '40 motor, new paint, upholstery, economical transportation. 1720 Cross St. Veterans Housing Project. '38 BUICK Dclux model witn extra. 2423 Center St. 1940 INTERNATIONAL logging truck with trailer, six wheel drive, excellent condition, reasonable, privately own- ed. Phone 2-1 830. 7TON Dodge. 4 spd. 35 Graham', the cleanest 35 in town, fine tires, motor, in A out. 47 Club coupe. RAH. only- 200 miles, cash or trade. Don Madison, 590 No.Jltgh "3TBUTCK 5 pass: cpe Excel, cond". New paint. Recently overhauled. 9665- 200S. 22. ; lSMafcHfcV7Area sedan. 6000 miles, lots of extras, priced to sell. 1947 Studebaker Champion, almost new. really nice. 1930 Chev Tudor, new paint, radio, heater. 1942 CHEV AREO SEDAN. ONE OWNER. BLACK PAINT. LOTS OF EXTRAS. LESS THAN 18.000 mile. Dm cleanest car In town. CHEFFINGS USED CARS 1898 S. 12th St. Salem, Oregon 3 feUIClC 9T?3. In fair shape. C. J. McCall. Gervais. Ore 1935 GRAHAM Sdn. Good rubber. Ph. .7460. 2415 N. Church. 42 FORD j ton pickup, good cond. s tires. 2382 State St. Trailers IS FT. Glider trailer house, factory made, sleeps 4. furnished with 2 dav enos, oil arc. htr., gas rng.. ice box. Has 2 drs. and makes 2 tms. Full puce $895. Call 2120O "47"" ROYAL "Commander deluxe coach, eastern built, like new through out. Must sell: make offer Upper Riverside A u to Pa rk. West Salem NEW St'eamiined house trailer. Sleeps 4. $450. Private property. Must sell. Back of West Sta ton store. "FOR SATE7""i8' house trailer, like new. 9500. After 1 P.M. 2085 N.JCom'l. I839 STAGECOACH frailer. IS ft. Eastern built. Sleeps 4. Electric brake. 4 burner butane range. Int oil cir culator. Plenty of buiit-ins. See to appreciate. 2283 Claude St. Ph. 4306. 2 CLEAN Trailer "houses 9500 each. Call after 3 P.M. 55 HiehwayAve. "SLEEPING-frailer with kltchennette. gas, stove, silk tent. Rt. 9. Box 376. Authorized dealer for Universal, N o r m e L Master-built. Whirlabout. Globe Master, Mobile Glide. Pacific Liner, also many makes of used trailers. Every trailer a bar gain at Security Motor & Trailer -Sales Licensed by state and bonded. Kt ml. N. of Underas. 3385 Portland Rd. Phone 2-5184 NEW Universal trailer hse. about 6 da. old. Sacrifice. 1155S. 14; 1946-CODER House trailer. 22 ft. Reasonably priced. Castle Hall Cot ta gea. 12th St. Junction. TRAILER House." newly finished in side A out. Partially furn. Call morn tngs or after 5:30 P.M. 380 Grove St- Trailer Houses BUY A TRAILER and save that rent every month, all sizes from 14' to 27'. completely furnished, ready to live in. CASH OR TERMS Jayhawk Trailer Sales Co. 2949 Portland Rd. Phone 9043 Wanted Used Cars WANT to Buy 1941 or later car. Ph. 9311 or call 1970 No. 19. Vfttr Your car for cash (Will pay more for clean ones) "See Us Now" , SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 So. 12th St.. Salem Hudson SALES SERVICE PARTS Free estimates overhauling body and fender repair ' painting "Give Shrock a try. youtl know why" Shrock Motor Co. phone 9502 Salem "CASH-FOB LIGHT CAR Ph 4399 Wood Sawing WOOD Sawing. Ph. 8674 Eve. Lodges 4 Pacific Lodge No. 50 A. F. It A. M. Stated meeting. Friday, May 16th. 8:00 P.M. L O. O. F. meet every Wednesday. Visitors welcome. 3rd degree. For Sali; Used Cars Ore. - Phone 2-1535 Crawler-Tractor Special 1944 B.D.H. Cletrac crawler tractor, complete with new hydraulic blade. 1100 hours; can't be told from new. For one week only $4995.00 Bird & Zysset 871 Wallace Rd. West Salem Sell now to get Today's Top Price Clean late models for sale ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Phone 7802 1946 NASH 4 Dr. Sdn. 91945 00 1941 Chev. 2 Dr. Clean 1333.00 1940 Pont lac Clb. cpe. 1195 00 1940 Ply. 2 Dr. Clean 1185 00 1937 Ponttac 4 Dr. ,. 663.00 SPECIAL 1941 Hollywood Graham 4 Dr. Sdn. R a H . . 893.00 Hastings Motor Sales 795 'South I2th St. Marion Motors YOUR NASH DEALER 1941 Ford Convert, Club. 1941 Chev. 3 pass, coupe. 1937 Nash Lafayette, ft St H. 1939 Nash Lafayette sedan. 37" PLY MOUTH 4 dr.. new rubber new paint, reconditioned motor. Rt. 5. Box 104. 1941 CHEV. ton pickup. 4 speed irara a-i snape. 1942 Studebaker Commander 4 dr. Radio 4 under-feat heater. 1940 DeSotT 4 dr. Good cond. 1935 Ford 4 dr. ' SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S 12th St '47 a TON Dodge panel, trade for late model passenger car or cash. 1047 nr st. 41 PONTtAC S Metropolitan 4 door sedan See at 2455 S. Com l . Sat. Sun. 1940 FORD Dump liuck. 46 mot transmission. vacuum shift Eaton. Come 9 see It 1375 3rd. West Salem. Ph 8491 FOR SALE6r TRADE 33 Ford 4 dr. sed. Model A 2 dr. sed Both in good condition and priced very reasonable. 1205 N. Capitol. Clip per Service Station. I94i "WASH" Ambassador R. M. 1940 Hud. coupe R H. 1939 Plv. conv. R. H. 1938 Chev. coach. 1935 Chev. coach. 1934 Chev. sed. 1936 Ply. sed. 1935 Ply. sed. 1931 DeSoto ted. 1942 Harley motorcycle. RON;S MOTORCO. 240 S. High 37 PLY. Sdn. 2570 Hazel Ave. Call after 1 P.M. CHRYSLER RlT7Touring sedan This can be seen after 6 o'clock at 1K2 N. Winter. FOR "SALE or" Trade: 1941 ' Ford truck. New engine, fine shape other wise. Write Box 868 Statesman. 1930M66EL Ascdan. 1341 'VWaUer. 1939 GRAHAM Supercharger. Good cond. throughout. Good buy at $695. 1092 Broadway 1938 DODGE Coupel good rubber, radio ft heater, very good condition. See at Burton's Mobile Station, 2085 N. Capitol. "3V CHEV.' Master-clPh5348". 170 Rat cliff Dr. 38 CHEV. 2 pass, coupe. New paint. radio heater, good cond. $930. Call after 5 o'clock, J90 South J4th,, 49 "CHEV." heavy duly dump truck" 233 Union Street " '34'" CHEV." " Tru with hoist. 2000 Center. I "7 rtriFfy 9 Atnr u.rv pivwl ertffldi. tion. 237 N. Liberty. Wilson. Mon. through Fri., 37FOFtO 4 door. Heater, excellent motor 85 H. P. nearly new rubber, clean, good looking car. Ph. 8422. 1935 Criev. Coach, good" tires. lOTnT wheels, lots of good use In this car. Will sell for $275. terms or cash. See at Burton's Mobile Station. 2085 N. Capitol. . 46 FORD 4 dr. sedan. Radio. 8000 miles. $1850-. 'c"tfrt- . PRICED 'Ioselt; One of the cleanest Ford coupes in Salem. 90 rubber. CHEFFINGS USED CARS 1898 So. 12th " 1935 CHEV. l'i ton truck with van body. New engine and tires. $700. rn. 33jb NEW 1941 Chev. dumD truck. 2 ton. fully equipped .Across the road from Sunrise Mineral Springs, Hubbard. Ore. Call before noon or after 9:30 evenings. Wayne Bridge, Box 196. Hubbard 31 MODEL A couoe. eood condi tion. 16 in. wheel, zixi Garden no DODGE Pickup. Low mileage. Good rubber. A-l condition. $1250. Will con sider trade for late model car. See at 959 S. 12th any time. ' 1932 CHEV. 4 dr. sedan, new tires, new paint, clean inside and out, ex cellent motor, $250. 123S S. 17th, Apt. 3, Vet's Project. figTXTU3iBUurut sedan. Good cond. CaU 5790 after g P.M. 35 CHEVJ Truck. ike bed. First house South of Brush College school. Thomas. Call evenings tq r.niHAM SMlin. bv owner. New motor, good tires, radio A heater, $600 cash. Ph. 3778 or 25167. Th Statesman. Salem. Orsxjotu Friday, Mary 18. 1 9471 S For Salc-Used Cars GRVAL'S "for QUALITY AD GUARANTEED USED 1947 Dodge Custom Sedan..;.... ....... 1947 Chev. Fleetline Areo 1947 Stnde. Champ. Club Coupe... 1947 Chev. Stylemaster Chili Cpe.. 1946 Olds. 76 Sedanet 1946 Ford Super Delux Club Cpe 1946 Ford Super Dclux Convertible 1946 Ford. Super Delux Sedan ... 1946 Nash 600 Sedan 1946 Buick Super Sedan 1946 Chrysler Windsor 1946 Chev. Stvlemaster Cpe. , ......... 1949 MERCURY TUDOR '- - ; 1946 PACKARD 119 CLIPPER SEDAN - 1942 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN 1941 OLDS. TUDOR M . . 1942 FORD SUPER DELUX SEDAN 1940 FORD DELUX SEDAN , ..,. MANY OTHERS t TRADE AND ORVAL'S Center at Church Sts. Clean, Reconditioned Used Cars TWO BIG LOTS 42 Chev. Sedan Radio & Heater......$ 1393.00 42 Plymouth 5-pass Coupe 1395.00 42 Plymouth Sedan Special Delux 1365.00 42 Fo'rd Sedan (Six) 1365.00 41 De Soto Sedan Fluid Drive .... ..... . 1295.00 41 Oldsmobile Sedan Hyd. Drive ... 1295.00 41 Ford 5-pass Cpe. Radio & Heater 1295.00 41 Ford Sedan Super Delux ;.. 1245.00 41 Studebaker 5-pass Coupe ... -1193.00 41 Nash 5-pass Coupe Radio & Heater..'.-... 1195.00 41 Willvs Sedan Delux 895.00 And many other good buys. STEVENS USED CARS : 88S and 979 S. 12th St WE INVITE COMPARISON 1936 Ford Coupe. Heater ................$495.00 1936 Nash Sedan. R.H. Overdrive... ..... 495 .00 1936 Plymouth Sedan. Heater .... .... ... .. 395.00 1935 Ford Tudor. Excellent........:... 495.00 1935 Ford Tudor ........... 293.00 1929 Chevrolet Tudor .1.. 195.00 McCALL'S USED CARS ; 1297 State St. FREE LUBRICATION During the month of MAY We want you to know our "Lube Man" ED LYLE Regular 1.50 Job TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 339 N. LIBERTY Kaiser-Frazer " Phone WW TJ4I DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS l.Amop .Seaport (Fr.) 10. Seraglio 12. More infrequent 13. Corner 14. A fireplace 15. Sign of tht . zodiac 16. Do not (contr.) 18. State (tbbr.) 19. Man's nickname 20. Color 21. Fuel 22. Encounter 23. Kind of palm tree 24. Sauce for meat 28. Become mature 27. Like rope 28. Carry 29. Type measures 30. Swine 31. Mother (child's term) 33. Calcium (sym.) 34. AaheUfor icecream 35. Conflict 36. Bring upon one's self 38. kiver (Ger. 40. Fruit of the oak 41. Capital (Bulgaria) 42. Goaaipy 43. Beverage DOWN 1. Kind of rock 2. Diminished 3. Constella tion 4. Chief deity CBabyl.) 5. Salt water 6. Declaim vehemently 7. Unit of work 8. Edge of cloth For Sale Uad Cars CARS $2495.00 2395.00 2395.00 2195.0a 2393.00' 1995.00 2295.00 1995.00 1995.00 2795.00 2595.00 1895.00 Sedan.... ,J2S98) 23s ne ltese 1393 8 1443 A 1143.99 TO CHOOSE FROM TERMS TO SUIT USED CARS ph. 4702 CASH. TRADE OR TERMS Concrete Lot 1 Block South S P. Depot Dial 8103 9. Treachery 11. Tune 17. Retired 20. Flock 21. Yawn 22. Charts 23. Perches 24. Per. to Greece ,25. A type of "novel 28. American '. humorist 28. 2.000 lbs. 30. Covered with horns 3L Craze BiStfCH ' ri c, T v a lftfviolu v.f.v-v m ' TesaeHajr's aVaawe 32,Regiona 34. Mongrels 25. Spouse 37. Bovine animal 39. Torrid jSiHioiw. if.ii; P A;WjWTe B 6 T rrtTTltirrurfra' 1 1' I1 I4 J,p z "" mm ii . jZ C" "" " "" w II '