The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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The Stat man, Scflem. Oregon. Sunday. May 11. IS47
'Don't Cook flow...
but .'. . seems like Mother's going to get
quite a variety of gifts today. Saturday the
whole county turned out, determined to re
member Mother, or else.- We saw one man
wheeling a lawn mower down the street;
dozens with what looked like boxes of candy
under their arms; several young folk select
ing five and dime jewelry; one man loaded
down -with flowers, , another loaded down
with pounds and pounds pi meat; others
just loaded, period. '
New Club . . We're going to form a
national club for the suppression of yearly
weeks, and reserve a week every year to
celebrate in. First corne Baby Week, and
Music Week and Just after Mother's Day
comes National Posture week, i But that's
Vows to Be
The Jason Lee Methodist church
will be the setting for the marri
age this afternoon of Miss Ruth
E. Bennor of Salem, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bennor of Gil
ette, Wyoming, to Jack IK B.
Ward, son of Mrs. Jack Ward of
Tucson, Arizona, who came north
'for. the wedding. The Rev. S.
Rafnor Smith will officiate at the
2 o'clock ceremony. George Mil
Ian wili be the soloist and Wil
liam Favk will be the organist.
Lighting the tapers will be Eddie
Cater and Bill Davenport
Ellis Bennor will give his sis
ter in marriage. Her wedding
gown will be of white sheer, with
three-quarter length mitts and a
- double tulle veil. She will carry
pink roses and lilies-of-the-val-A
ley. :
Mrs. E. W. Estes will be the
matron of honor and will wear a
grey gown corsage of carnations.
Miss Dorothy Holden and "Miss
Norma Holden "will be brides
maids, wearing pastel dresses and
- corsages of pink carnations and
white sweetpeas. '
E. W. Estes will stand with
the groom as best man and Don
Tun gate will be the usher.
For her son's marriage Mrs.
Ward will wear an aqua floral
print dress with pink carnation
corsage. The bride's parents were
unable to come west for the wed
ding. -
A wedding reception will be
held in the church parlors. The
- couple will go to Canada on thejr
wedding trip and for traveling
. the bride will wear a grey pin
stripe suit with pink accessories
and corsage of pink carnations.
Mr. Ward and his bride will live
at 730 Mill street.
: Circle Meetings
Are Listed
The First Methodist church
i WSCS executive board will meet
Wednesday at 9:45 a. m. in the
Carrier room. The Mother
Daughter banquet is planned for
May 23 in the church dining
room. .
The circles of the WSCS will
meet Wednesday for dessert lun
cheons at 1:15 o'clock as. follows:
Circle 1, with Mrs. H. McMil
lin. route 5, Mrs. R. Mercer , as
sisting; Circle 2. with Mrs. Carl Ab
rams, 154? Chemeketa St., Mrs.
- Gordon Skinner assisting:
Circle 3, with Mrs. J. E. Kirk,
; 102i N. Fifth it, Mrs. Florence
Cunningham and Mrs. B. F.-Kum-ler
assisting; -
Circle 4. with Mrs. Robert
Moulton Gatke, 280 Richmond
venue, Mrs. V Woodridge and
Mrs. Harvey Aston assisting;
Circle 5. with Mrs. M. C. Wood,
260 S. 14th st., Mrs. J. H. Hart-
sell assisting;
. Circle 8, with Mrs. Virgil Gol
den. 2295 S. Commercial st Mrs.
RockewU Simpson and Mrs. R.V.
Ohmart assisting.
: Miss Jane J. Jeelya, exeratlve
- secretary of the Oregon Mental
Hygiene society who has just re
turned from a conference in San
- Francisco, will be the - guest
speaker at the last meeting of the
season of the Salerru Council of
Women's organizations, Thursday
at 230 at the chamber of com
merce. New officers will be pre
sented at the business session.
Mrs. Klchari Smart sad Mrs.
'Harry Swafford will be hostesses
to members of chapter BQ, PEO
Monday night at 7:45 o'clock at
the Smart home on North 23rd
street. Mrs. Frank Cross and Mrs.
B. E. Edwards will give a talk on
"Miracles in Communications."
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Requiem Postponed
Because of other activities con
flicting with rehearsals, the Faure
"Requiem" has been postponed
to a future date, according to
Dean Melvin Geist, director of
the Salem Oratorio which was to
have sung the composition. The
date was set as Sunday, May 25,
and rehearsals have been con
ducted Mondays.
Engagement Told
By Young Couple
The engagement of Miss Jaunita
Banks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C H. Kendall of Salem, to Thomas
Dkbrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Harris, also of Salem, was an
nounced Saturday.
Disbrow attended Salem high
school previous to entering the
navy in which he . served 18
months . He is now employed in
Salem, as is Miss Banks. No wed
ding date has been set.
' T Mr. and Mrs. John Marvin
Ritchie go congratulations on the
birth of a son, John Roger, Sat
urday morning at the Salem Gen
eral hospital. The little boy, who
weighed seven pounds and eight
ounces, has two sisters, Linda and
Patty Sue. The grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pickens and
Mrs. J. W. Ritchie.
Mrs. C. J. Jackson will eater
tain the Laurel Social hour club
at- her home on Cascade . Drive
Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
for a dessert luncheon. Members
art asked to answer the roll call
with a Mother's day message.
The Ti Beta Phi soothers will
meet at the chapter house Tues
day afternoon -for a no-host lun
cheon at 1:15 o'clock. Hostesses
will be Mrs. B. F. Schmoker, Mrs.
Wayne Price and Mrs. C. S. Hus
ton... -
We specialize in child
ren's shoes. Each and
very pair is made
from quality materials,
sturdily reinforced and
styled right to please
and delight the kiddles
and mother, too!
Brlac ia year children
well fit theaa scrfeetly.
t X
. iih" r " -
7 ' ma EWE
-where the Best h ' f . .M Sales . Final - IIo-Exchanges - IIo ncfefls 1
only the beginning. Be Kind To Your Spine
Week, Doughnut Week, Peanut Butter Week, '
Fire Prevention Week, National Buy Life In- ;
surance Week, and a dozen others. Think ;
how tired the poor governor must get, mak
ing all these proclamations urging every- ,
one to remember The Week.
The Hard Way . , . Once we almost i
jeamed a nickel, but it was too much work, i
We recalled it this week, when ', swatting j
nice big healthy looking flies, that 35 or 49
years ago the board of trade or chamber
of commerce, offered a nickel for every 100
swatted flies brought in. ,We gave up long k ;
before the 100th was swatted, and thus
never became known as Salem's big fly y
tycoon- . . . Maxine Buren -
Junior Clubs
Give Program
The Junior Federated Music
clubs will have a concert recital
at the Willamette university Mu
sic hall Tuesday night at ,7:30
o'clock. Pianists .who will play
are Helen Lewis, Patricia Fagg,
Betty Schreder, Muriel Steusloff,
Edna Marie Hill, Bruce Goldblatt,
Geraldine Kizer, Joan Fitts, Lyle
Keith, Mary Campbell, Paul Ba
ker, Lea Case, Shirley Dean and
Robert Saucy. Counsellors repre
sented are: una Weller, Mrs. Del
be rt Jepsen, Chas. Hargrave, Dor
othy Pearce, Jessie Bush Mickel
son, Jean Hobson Rich, William
Fawk, Sacred Heart Academy,
Mrs. David Eason, Margaret Hogg,
P. F. Thomas Studios, Mrs. Har
vey Gibbens, Mrs. Ronald Cra
ven and Ruth Bedford.
Mrs. Kurtz Fetes
Mrs.- McRae
Mrs. Fred Kurtz was hostess
for a party Thursday afternoon at
her home on the North River
road in compliment to her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. David McRae.
Refreshments were served and a
shower feted the honor guest.
Honoring Mrs. McRae were
Mesdames El wood Lewis, Ed Gin
ither, Harold Ginither, Harold
Swenby, Roger Morris, LeRoy
Wilson, LeRoy Ellis, Mary Han
son, Troy Rogers, Jack Wilkes,
W. A. Osborn, Allan McRae, Ann
Jeffers, Gerald Wilhoit, Jean Dal
zell. Miss Dolly Morris, Miss Mil
dred Anderson and the hostess.
Band paresis are planalng te
meet at 8 p. m. Wednesday in the
music room of the high school.
Parents of members of the band
and orchestra classes of Parrish
and Leslie who graduate this year
are to be guests.
Sturdy brewa
xferds with
relafer ced
White sandals
with adjasta
bl straps.
C as f ortable
brawn loafers
la saddle
w r si ai m i
Nothing Kleld Sack
j As Low Ai
As Lou As
( n ILB 0 Gvl B 05 (r
I II I x
We Have IIol
We Have Hot
Prices on Coals,
Here Is an Excellent Opportunity to Complete Your Ward
robe at Prices That Have Been Unheard Of Since 1937
i . '
Oeiv Spring Presses, Suits and Goats
n Sale at Ridiculously ILou Prices
4i ;..:-...'
We Ilnsl Clear Everylhing io Ilaho Roon
for Carpenters, Painters, Dug lien, etc.
Remodelled Our Store Since 1937
Offered Greaier Values Since 1937
Suits and Dresses Are As Lou 1937
Si 1E
i ii i ii ii i
toss In
As Low
MM '