The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    tP-Tho Statesman. Salem. Oregon, Sunday, Mary 11, 1947
High Noon
High coon rite ' at the First
Congregational church Saturday
united in marriage Miss Muriel
- Lindstrom, daughter of Mr. and
Mrt T. - A. Lindstrom, sr., and
Donald B. Eshleman. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel B. E&hleman.
The Rev. Seth Huntington offici
ated at the nuptials before" a set
tine of spring flower. Mrs. Craig
Coyner was the soloist and Mrs.
Mabel S. Powers the organist.
The bride, given in marriage
by her lather, selected a water
Lly blue dressmaker suit of wool
gabardine. She wore pink ac
cessories with a pink felt hat with
flowers at one side, "She carried
a white bible marked with' i
white orchid.
Mrs. T. A. Lindstrom, Jr. was
her sister-in-law's only attend
ant. She wore a pearl grey suit
with black and white accessories
and corsage of pink roses. Sam
uel Eshleman stood with his bro
ther as best man.
K. For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Lindstrom chose a pastel
blue dress, with navy blue acces
sories and Mrs. Eshleman wore a
pink dress. Their corsages were
of roses. ' ,-
After a wedding trip to British
Columbia the newlyweds will be
at home in Salem.
May Musicale on
Monday Night
' The May musicale of the First
Congregational church will ; be
given Monday night at the church
at 8:15 o'clock. Prof. Frank Fbhi
er of Willamette university will
give a croup of violin numbers,
accompanied by Prof. Josef
Miss Lois Hamer will give a
musical ' reading accompanied .by
Mrs. -Jean Hobson Rich. A cof
fee hour; will follow.
The' AAUW Wednesday after
noon literature gruop will meet
for a 1:15 dessert luncheon at the
home of Mr. E. H. Kennedy on
'Croisan -Creek with Mrs. Charles
Layport assisting. Mrs. James
Drury will review "Why They
Behave Like Russians" by John
The Alpha Gamma Delta alam-
nae will be entertained Tuesday
night at the home of Mrs. Fran
cis Smith on Cascade Drive at 8
o'clock. Any visiting alumnae are
invited to attend. ,
My.... -
No need to remind you about Mother's Day;
-we know you have thot about it several times
SROTTT IT? W" An not m-m "hmra von
Jj bought her a piece of jewelry?" We have
- -t tKrrf morrftnnrv - . ' wn An marm Yinva
ycu sent her a message,' have. you written
her a letter or if she is here, have you se
cured a remembrance,, for her? ... a card, a
Ecwer or anything to carry with it those few
vrards that mean so much to mother?
!f you have neglected until now, any one of
the above, you better get on the phone right
new. The human voice is always best and
mother will be pleased to hear you . . .
maybe she does live in New York or Los
Angeles or Florida so what you can't afford it?
Brother. If you can't afford it you can't af
ford to smoke, you can't afford a spring suit;
Couple: Will,
Wed Today
: At a 2:10 o'clock ceremony this
afternoon at the Engl e wood Unit-;
ed Brethren church Miss Mabel
McGuire, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Kay Jerome McGuire, will
become the bride of Philip Yoder, j
son of Mrs. Mona Yoder. The Rev. I
J. M. Goodheart will perform the
ceremony. Mrs. Lenard Kephart
will sing and Miss Lola Koerner
will be the organist
- For her wedding the bride has
chosen a navy blue suit with navy
straw hat and accessories. She
will carry a white bible marked
with a white orchid. Mr. McGuire
will give his daughter in marri
Mrs. Wallace Wilson win be the
bride's only attendant and will
wear an aqua suit with black ac
cessories. She will carry a pastel
nosegay. Delbert Downey will be
best man and ushers will be Kay
McGuire, Jr., Wallace Wilson and
Wallace Olson. 'r
Mrs. McGuire will wear a grey
suit with black accessories and
Mrs. Yoder will wear a navy blue
suit with matching accessories.
Both will wear red roses.
At the wedding reception Mrs.
William Newmyer will cut the
bride's cake and Mrs. E. G. Grey
will preside at the punch bowL
Assisting will be Misses Wilma
Dunigan, Betty Causey, Wanda
Ringland, Mrs. Delbert Downey,
Mrs. June Graves and Miss Patri
cia Curr. ,
Mr. Yoder and .his bride will
motor to Victoria, B. C, and re
turn to Salem to make .their
Hennys Will '
Meet at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny will
be honor guests today at a fam
ily dinner celebrating their 40th
wedding anniversary at the home
of their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zielinski,
on route seven. ...
.Present will be the honor
guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Henny,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henny. ir
and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Ru
dolph Henny and Mildred, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Henny, John and
Alexine, Mr. and Mrs. Millard
Henny, Tom and 'Richard, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Henny, Charles
and Barbara, Mr. and Mrtt Rich
ard Hart and Marilyn of Portland,
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zie
linski and James.
Semi - annual meeting f the
Santiam area Girl Scout council
will be held Wednesday night at
8 o'clock at the chamber of com
merce. " Dean Maris Mockmore of
Oregon State college will be-the
guest speaker and Mrs. Frank
Zarones of. Albany is arranging
the program. ; - ' :
Eastern Star social afternoon
club will meet at the Masonic
temple Tuesday for a dessert lun
cheon at 1:15 o'clock. A program
and afternoon of cards will fol
low. Mrs. L. M. Ramage is chair
Executive board. CaDitol unit Amer
ican Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. Al
fred William. 985 Tamarack afreet.
Deaconess hospital auxiliary meet In
Chapel. 1:30 p.m.
Delta Gamma mothers meet at chap
ter house, 2 p.m. -
Chapter BQ. PEO with Mrs. Richard
Smart. 930 N. 23rd st 7:45 p.m.
Junior cuild. St. Paul's Episcopal
church, meet in parish hall. 1 o'clock
"no-hot t luncheon.
Eastern Star social afternoon club.
dessert luncheon. Masonic temple, US
p.m. -
Past ' Past Presidents Woman's Re
lief Corps at Mayflower hall, no-host
luncheon at noon, election of officers. -
Aloha XI Delta alumnae with Mrs.
William Calloway, 905 Leslie it.. S p.m.
Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae -with
Mrs. Francis Smith. Cascade Drive, S
Pi Beta Phi mothers meet at chap
ter house, 1 :19 no-host ' luncheon.
Laurel Social Hour club with Mrs. C.
J. Jackson. Cascade drive, 1 -JO p.m.
Employed Women s guild. Jason Lee
church, with Mrs. S. Raj' nor Smith,
860 Jefferson.
Jason Lee WSCS executive board.
18:30 a.m.. business meeting at 11,
luncheon at 12:30 p.m.
First Methodist WSCS executive
board. t:4S a.m.. Carrier room, circle
meetings and dessert luncheons. 1:1S
Santiam area Girl Scout council semi
annual meeting, chamber of commerce,
p.m. .
AAUW Afternoon Literature group
with Mrs. E H. Kennedy, Croisan
Creek. 1:1 J dessert luncheon.
HayeaviUe Woman's club with Mrs.
George Stroxut. 12:13 no-host luncheon.
Salem Council of Women s organiza
tions meet at chamber of commerce.
2:30 p.m.
noia star Motners social meeting,
VTW hall, p.m.
Royal Neighbors
Have Convention
The 30th district convention of
the Royal Neighbors of America
was held in the VFW hall Wednes
day. Mrs. Frank M. Hoyt, the
district oracle, presided during
the day. Silverton is to be the
place of " meeting" in 1948. Mary
Herr of Silverton was elected to
preside ' as district oracle; Mrs.
Mildred Glass of Scotts Mills.
vice oracle; MrsF. M. Hoyt of
Salem, past oracle; Mrs. W. G.
Walker of Salem, chancellor: Mrs.
Agnes Naegli of Silverton, re
A banquet was served to 100
guests . by Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Elliott: Guests were present from
Silverton, Scotts Mills, Labish,
Woodburn and Portland. The
evening program consisted of
talks by the state supervisor and
deputies, Mrs. Mae Logan of
Portland, Mrs. Sarah Peterson of
Salem and Mrs. Nellie Redlinger
of Portland. A musical program
consisted of vocal solos by Edith
Fairham accompanied by' Joan
Johnston accordian solos by Flor
ence Polster, male quartet by the
Singing Guardsmen of Silverton,
comic readings by Otto Dahl of
Silverton, vocal -numbers by Viv
ian Thompson of Labish, and a
stunt by the Salem camp.
Mrs. C. 8. Nelson will preside
at the regular meeting of the Del
ta Gamma -mothers at the chap
ter house Monday afternoon" at 2
Ceremony at
Lloyd Home
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Syd
ney Lloyd on South Liberty street
will be the scene of the wedding
of their daughter, Mildred, to El-
vin Hakanson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. II. Hakanson, this after
noon at one o'clock. The Rev.
M. A. Getzendaner will officiate
before members of the immediate
Mr. Lloyd will give his daugh
ter in marriage. For her wedding
she - has chosen an aqua blue
dressmaker suit with long jack
et, brown hat and accessories.
She will wear an orchid corsage.
Mrs. Edgar Lloyd will be her
sister-in-law's honor attendant.
She will wear a grey suit with
biz k accessories and corsage of
roses and sweetpeas. Edgar Lloyd
will be best man.
Mrs. Lloyd will wear a navy
blue print ensemble and Mrs. Ha
kanson a royal blue dress for the
wedding. Their corsages will be
of rosebuds and sweetpeas.
At the reception which will
follow Mrs. Theodore Bcrgquist
will pour and Mrs. A. Carper will
cut the cake. Serving will be Mrs.
Darrel Guthrie and Mrs. Vera
Cox. Mrs. Gordon Olsrud and
Miss Carolyn Johnson will assist.
After a trip the couple will be at
home at 2136 Fairgrounds Rd.
Mystery Is Read
White candles provided a set
ting for the round table reading
of a mystery play at the monthly
recreation meeting of the Salem
Bvsiness and Professional Wom
en's club at the chamber of com
merce rooms Friday night. The
cast included Ruth Versteeg, di
rector of the drama club, present
ing the reading, Mrs. Mable Car
der, Miss Evelyn Kent, Mrs.
Grace Hartley; Mrs. Grace Tur
ner, the Misses Betty Elofson,
Eleonor Roberts, Vada Hill, Mrs.
Marie Barr and Mrs. Flora Don
Following the play refresh
ments were served by Lu Verne
Hardwicke's committee. Guests
included Miss Beulah Graham
and Miss Virginia Wilcox of Sa
lem and Mrs. E. W. Roberts of
(Jrcbards, v asn.
. The Deaconess hospital auxil
iary will meet in the chapel of the
hospital Monday at 1:30 p. m. The
Rev. Wilbert Regier, pastor of the
Pratum Mennohite church, will
give the devotions. Miss Ruthie
Hornschuch will sing and Mrs.
R. F. Polanski will play a violin
number. Mrs. W. H. Barber will
preside. Hostesses at the tea hour
will be Mesdames Olivt Hilmoe
and Agnes Kellar.
Camp Fire Corner
Meeting Thursday afternoon
were: the Cozy Cottage Blue Birds
and their leader, Mrs. Virginia
Miller at the home of Mrs. Clarr
Brown: the Busy Bee Blue Birds,
at the home of their leader, Mrs.
Virgil Hume, and the Happy Go
Lucky Blue Birds, who held a
festival for their mothers at Ja
son Lee church under the leader
ship of Mrs. Jasper Button. A
play, about South America, an ex
hibit and favors of South Amer
ican birds were features of the
Also on Thursday, the Camp
Fire girls of Mrs. O. F. Coffel,
Mrs. L. A. Schmitz and Mrs. Lyle
Shepherd met at the St. Vincent s
hall for a song rehearsal together
with Mrs. Ed Meyers and Mrs.
A. H. Cramer's Blue Bird groups.
The Tami Cheemi Bi Camp
Fire girls gave a surprise party
for their guardian, Mrs. E. D.
Burres on Thur.vlay at the home
of Mrs. Ray Harlan. Mrs.S. M.
Fleming' and Mrs. Robert Ashby
Junior Guild of St. Pa a Is Epis
copal church will meet for a one
o'clock no-host luncheon Tuesday
afternoon at the parish hall. Host
esses will be Mesdames E. J.
Scellars, Lester Barr, Eugene Fos
ter and Ralph H. Cooley.
Nagels Are
Guests this weekend at . the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Cameron are their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald H.
Nagel and young son, Lawrence
David of Corvallis.
A group of the Na gel's friends
were invited, to an informal affair
at the Cameron home on Center
street Saturday night
Guests of the Nagels were Mr.
and Mrs. Craig Coyner, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mr. and Mrs.
John Strickfadden, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor H. Collins, Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Newell and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Fearing.
Voters to Talk
Members of League of Women
Voters who meet in the First
Christian church on Thursday at
8 p.m. will hear reports of the
convention to be held in Medford
this week. Temporary officers,
Mrs. Alden Bowes, president; Mrs.
Hal DeSart, vice president, and
Mrs. Gerald BrownhilL secretary,
who will 'attend the convention
Monday and Tuesday, will be
there to give the report. '
The speaker for the meeting
Thursday will be Dr. Edna Lan
dros. University of Oregon, who
will talk about Camp White hos
pital. The meetings will be held
hereafter at the chamber of com
merce. , "
Program to
Be Wednesday
Rose Terlin chapter of the
YWCA Tri-Y, assisted by Cer
oid Nettling, baritone, and the Ce
cilia ns from Sacred Heart acade
my are to give a musicale Wed
nesday at 8:15 in Waller hall.
Proceeds will be used to send a
delegate to the GrinnelL Iowa,
YW-YM. conference June 20-28.
Personnel T ri-Y includes;
Glenys Barge, . Barbara Bates,
Dorothy Bouffleur, Vera. Boyls,
Aleene Craycroft, Shirley Dean,
Joyce Edgell. Doris Fields, Dor
othy Govig. Betty Keeker, Mari
jo Ogle. Lila Parroentier, Diane
Perry, Catherine Person. Jeanette
Scheidel, Margaret- Smith, Gay
Members of the Cecilia ns are:
Patricia BurrelL Ann Condra, Vi
ona Cowan, Geraldine Kiser,
Beverly Lebold, Virginia Lovcik,
Delores Metcalf, Florence Polster,
Mary White, Lois Whitney.
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