v , Tha S Salem. Oftqon. Sunday. May 11. 1947 Evidences 'bfLost Colony9 Fort In North Carolina Unearthed WASHINGTON. Mar lM-TV-Cwernment archeolofists, excavat ing on historic Roanoke Island, Mid tonight they have uncovered --;denr of an ancient fort which may have housed the ill-starred nor! eckeiy" of North Carolina. They alio found charcoal pit which.' they said, may have been prepared as one of Che last acta of the colonists before they disappeared. The excavation is under . way W A A a ' at use ten iuieign national ms- . - m r JJrawl May Be On Way Out EVANSTON. ilt. May 10-WV The southern drawl and the "down east" accent may be headed the way of the dodo. John Webster Spargo, professor of English at Northwestern uni versity, believes all U. S. resi dents eventually will sound just like mid westerners. The reason, he said, today is that the rest of the country is outnumbered by midwesterners, who move around in large num bers. - They do not readily adopt the regional accents of the states to which they migrate. Instead they impose their own type of speech," he said. toric site, not -far from Kitty Hawk, N C, where the Wright brothers gcre aviation its start. BSstery XeeeanteeV In furtherance of charter rights from Queen Elizabeth to Sir Wal ter Raleigh, Sir Richard Gren ville established a colony of J08 persons on the Island in IS8S. The group returned to England with Sir Francis Drake in 1585. Mem bers -of a second party of IS, left at Roanoke Ulead the same year, apparently were killed by the Indian. John White's colony arrived In 1587. and in August of that year "Virginia Dare, was born, the first white native of the new world. White went to England for sup plies. When he returned all of the, colonists had disappeared, gettsht Kissing Gran As late as 1602, Raleigh was seeking the missing group. Nei ther he nor the later settlers of Jamestown, Va were able to find traces ef them. Ruins of the Roanoke Island fort were described in 1709, and in 1895 they were still faintly vis ible. The present archeological ex cavations' show the true location of the fort," Harrington said. When this work has been com pleted, it win bring out the 16th century character of the fort and dfffinately identify it as Fort Ral leigh. - . ; Truck Knocks Train Off Tracks A truck knocked a locomotive ef the Southern Pacific railroad completely off its track on South 12th. near State street, early Sat urday morning, Salem police re port. The tender was also par tially derailed by the impact of the track driven by Eugene H. Hamsberger of Portland, Francis Plymale f Salem was engineer of . the train. Too Late to Classify WANTED 1 real: t betfraam hou. fumikhfd. 1 r I roam apartment. Phone after JS a.m.. or Marten r6fi""5tXT: Small Utfht hauMkwp Sag rm, witli prtrat entrance. 778 a isto . " CKtV. eoach. SiA N. CapitoL Attention Cascara Bark Peders Far Highest Trie and Basest tretghts Deliver Tear Bark to " Capital Bargain liS Cesser SL Mild Merger Bill Prepared " WASHINGTON, May 10 -iJf)-Senator E. V. Robertson (R-Wyo) announced today that he and other opponents of the adminis tration plan to unify the armed forces will Introduce what he called an "anti-dictator bill- as a substituted s The substitute would retain the present navy department with Its cabinet member. It would con vert the war department to land forces under a; secretary of the army with necessary air and wa ter units. It would establish a new department of air forces with a cabinet secretary and a prime mission of "strategic air power." Instead of the proposed national defense secretary, the substitute would authorize a "coordinator" who would i be a deputy to the president in charge of national de fense but without cabinet status. New Trouble Brews in Iran TEHRAN, Iran, May 10 -JP- A reliable informant quoted a lead er of remnants of the separatist Azerbaijon militia today as say ing they planned to start a cam paign against the Iran government this summer "exactly as the parti sans are now fighting in Greece.' The informant, an Iranian who returned today from a three months tour in northern Iran, said about 13,000 Azerbaijans were or ganizing in the mountains with support from across the soviet border and quoted them as saying they expected to strike "any day now." . Congress Approves VA Medical Request ; WASHINGTON, May 10 -JFy-The veterans administration ( VA) requested and got $204,000,000 for its medical 'cars program in GOP Censure of Party Rebels Fails INDIANAPOLIS, May 10 Reablican state chairmen from 17 central and western states today warmly debated but finally dis carded a proposal which would have censured republicans In con gress who have failed' to go along with the GOP party pro gi'sfn. The group, comprising state chairmen ' from 13 middle west and four Rocky mountain states, unanimously adopted a 600-word resolution commending the wprk of the 80th congress to date. oiieg e opeecn Teachers Elect Dr. Mahaffey Prof. Roy Mchaf fey of iinfield college was elected Saturday as president of the Oregon Speech association, at the annual con vention on the Willamette uni versity campus. New vice presi dent is DeVere Taylor of Med ford high school, and secretary treasurer is Prof. Paul Knoll of Oregon State college. Retiring officers include Dr. Ltferbert E. R a h e . Willamette speech professor, president, and Amanda Anderson, Salem high school speech teacher, secretary treasurer. Principal speakers Saturday In cluded Dr. Leon Lassers of the state department of education and Dr. Kenneth Wood of University of Oregon, on the topic of speech correction; Amo DeBernardis and Ina Dean, both of Portland public schools, on audio-visual educa tion, and Prof. Horace Robinson, University of Oregon, on drama. Stearns Cushing of Capitol Toastmasters and Desmond Long of Salem Toastmasters gave the luncheon talks. Other speakers were Prof. Richard Clemo, Uni versity of Portland; Adena Joy, Lewis and Clark college; Mar garet Ruecker, Hillsboro, and Prof. Lyle Siverson, University of Portland. ' A feature was the showing of high speed motion pictures of the human vocal cords in action, pro vided by Bell Telephone com pany. A U of O acting class pre sented a short play. About 35 college and high school speech teachers attended, coming from as far as Medford. Citizenship for Guam Proposed WASHINGTON. May 10 -WV Definite action Is being taken by the United States navy toward getting citizenship and home rule for the 23.000 natives of Guam, wards of this country tor the past 50 years. . A special ' committee report made public today disclosed that an organic act for Guam is now being drafted by the navy for submission to congress. the urgent deficiency bill signed by President Truman 10 days ago. Approval by congress, of this latest deficiency request means that VA has received from con gress everything it was asked for its! medical program. ' iSS.' 'fill 1 BJl jlL ti - " rf n ii ii rr'i i It' 1 - r i- r Sfirrr - r-m mmi n r Got B. F. Goodrich Sllvcrtowno that Interested la saving money? Here's your answer, liter wider, flatter B. F.Goodrich tread pots snore robber in contact with the road. This greater road coverage means more rubber to share the wear, less wear at any point, a longer lasting tire that covers more ground before its service life is ended. - Millions of test miles and actual experience in regular car owner 1S3 S. Commercial use prove this tire actually OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES. Remember price is only what vou pay ...what a tire costs you is measured in length of service. That's why we say... in vest la the best... the new B.F.Goodrich Silvertown... costs less per mile ...is best in the long run. You pay no premium for the extra value features of the new B. F.Goodrich Silvertown-.. and per mile it saves you money. - Convenient Terms If You '-Desire r-i rr mf So. 1 f IU 4.00.14 (0)- ! a Solon Phono 9153 yolume Tells Hess' Offer on Secret Mission WASHINGTON, May 10 JP) Rudolf Hess, deputy nazi fuhrer who made his own secret mission to Britain during the war, told the Britons that the United States coveted the British empire. Details of the conversation Hess held with the Duke of Hamilton after i the nazi had landed in an airplane in England in May, 1941, were contained in the final vol ume, of an eight-volume serieson nazi aggression published by the war department and released to night, A transcript of the talks, in which Hess offered Britain a sep arate peace by guaranteeing Brit ain's empire possessions in return for uncontested German control in conquered Europe, contained these statements by Hess: "Germany has no designs on America. The so-called German perift was a ludicrous figment of imagination. Hitler's interests were European. "If we made peace now, Amer ica would be furious. America really wanted to Inherit the Brit ish Empire.' HesS proposed England should have a completely free hand in the empire, with the sole reserva tion that Britain should return Germany's former colonies. Students Win Music Honors Frances Baum of Salem won a superior rating for her piano solo at the first annual four state re gional music festival, held Sat urday on the Central Washington college campus, the Associated Press reports. Another superior rating was earned by a Canby school quartet. Senior and junior high school stu dents a thousand senior and Junior high school students from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana competed in the two-day contest Bank to Display Home Appliances The latest In home appliances will be on display all this week at the Salem branch First Na tional bank of Portland. More than 2$ Salem appliance dealers have accepted the bank's invita tion to exhibit one major item refrigerator, range, washing ma chine, dishwasher, or similar mer chandise. 1 A similar exhibit staged last fall in the municipal auditorium at Portland drew 90,000 visitors. Rice Crisis Plagues Qiina i SHANGHAI, May 10 -W) China's rice crisis continued riot ously in Shainghai and spread to other cities today despite a doble-barrelled order from Gen eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek that municipal , authorities protect shops and punish hoarders. Rice, the main food of millions of Chinese, has risen to about 20 U. S. cents a pound, a 500 per cent Increase in three months, while wages remain frozen at the January 31 level. Shanghai police and soldiers from the Woosung garrison per sonally notified rice shops of the generalissimo's instructions and "requested" that they reopen, but the vast majority remained shut tered for the fourth consecutive day. German Food Crisis Grows ! BERLIN, May 10 -()- Respon sible British officials expressed the fear today that a number of municipal administrations in large British zone cities were on the verge of a breakdown because German officials were unwilling to shoulder the responsibility for the food shortage. Reports have reached Berlin REPAIRS ON ALL RADIOS ClJv Tear J J ff J Radia tnunedl AttenUea) At wiinnEirs IT Falrsresmds R4. Fa, 1611 Fkkap A Delivery from both Wuppertal and Bruns wick that the city councils have announced withdrawal from their duties until there is a visible im provement in the food situation. In the present circumstances, they assert, tbey cannot be held responsible for law and order. The officials said next week's scheduled ration is three pounds of bread, a half pound of cereal, one-eighth of a pound of butter and a quarter pound of meat, but there wis no definite assurance that the meat and butter would be available. Nazi Bigwigs Found Guilty NUERNBERG, Germany, May lO-OPhTwo German field mar shals and 10 generals were in dicted before an American tri bunal today as war criminals, charged with executing at least 13,000 persons In the Balkans and in Norway in retaliation for re sistance attacks that killed 60 German soldiers. Field Marshal Wilhelm List, commander of the 12th German .,, .-.;i?iM:, We now have Woman's cjreen flyweight sjporttng boota in all sizas. i 'WTOPffl i' -MM Rose Society To Hear Prof. Prof. J. A. Milbrath of Oregon State college will speak oh "Pre paring Roses for Show. at the 8 p. m. meeting of the Salem Rose society at the YMCA next Thurs day night, it was announced Sat urday by Ray Warren, president of the 8ocieix5. .. . Also Thursdsylught's program the rose society has booked Carl Starker of Portland for a dem onstration of flower arrange ments. Starker appeared before the Salem Men's Garden club sev eral months ago. The meeting is open to all am ateur gardners.. army, and Field Marshal Maxi milian von Weichs, chief of the Second army, were charged with setting up this yardstick for ex ecuting hostages in the Balkans: For the death of one German soldier by resistance groups,. 100 hostages; for the wounding of one German soldier, 30 hostages; for an act of sabotage, 10 hostages. LOO HAULING OK.EHED Bernard A. Schmid of Aums villa was issued a permit by tha rity engineer's office Saturday to haul logs on city streets. - (J-jTUXi Immediate Service) , la Tors Homo. Week Gaaxaateed aV SALEM DURACLEAN SERVICE Phase 27SI NEW TREND 'TSycglass Wardrobo" Popular college girls posses an "eyeglass wardrobe" with glasses of various shapes and colors, for dif ferent occasions. These gayly smart frames odd glamour to study. , FOB SEEING AND HZARINQ MORRIS OPTICAL 444 State St. SALEM ' Photse U23 . - ss?si1b I Number of QUALIT fEATURES m m? ? safer VHlttM Wl 1 - Q. ass - q f " '''" "" ' " 1 "" " " on, Z7 n n JO ytsssi yea figure the lads, you realise how far Plymouth leada the low-pdced field in the num ber of high-priced car features. The score 29 i to 9 to l fm't even closet X Bat Plymeath's grecdar value doesn't step here. Plymouth has exclusive features that even tnany high-priced cars doal'have. Take, for example. Safety-Rim Wheels which give unequal ed protection in case of tire failure. Or. for another example, fight-touch Safe-Guard Hydraulic Brakes with 32 more braking efficiency. Add all of Plymouth's basic engineering advances to Plymouth's beauty and smooth, unruffled ride and mere's only one answer if if valam you want, if Plymouth yea want I PLYMOUTH DWtl.s tf CH RULER COIfCRJLTlOX Yen mm fiTirorm cam WIU ACeOT T0BI OtSOL SX9 kzu taxi oooo exit or roei nam ut whu rent vtrr no rot toci icw nniorni . 1 111 1 1 1 - ." '.L. - ' ' .' . , ... 'w '..'.jf" ' m