14 Tho Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Sunday, May 11. 1947 All Made Happy By Slay ton Board; STAYTON School children in Clayton got a break when, the school board set the closing date cf school ahead from June 0 to May 29. - Teachers were also given a break" when the scale of salaries was set. The superintendent of schools will be paid $4,200 a year; roach, $3,400; manual training teacher, $3,250; home economics, and all other high schools teach ers, 53,000. Salary of the grade school principal has not been set yet Grade school teachers are, to Matinee Daily from 1 P.aL Now! Condemn or Defend? n ;nn uiili 11 u mm j Mi JU - WTHUt KENNED? f f UEJ.COIB - nigh-Falotin' Co-Bit! Boosier Ilotshots Ken Curtis "OVER THE- SANTA , FE TRAIL" H. Continuous from 1 P.l New! Jane AUysen Jimmy Durante TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" "'. Leslie Brooks "MAN WHO DARED" Continuous from 1 P. Now! Andrea King Helrant Dantlne "SHADOW OF. A WOMAN" f Wild Bill Elliott -CAL. GOLD RUSH" t bo paid $2,300 and the janitor, $2,400. - - " . Resignation of Helen Johnson, physical -education teacher, -was accepted as she has taken another place. --T. i ' v.: : Merrill Boyle, who- has been coach at Sheridan for a number of years, has been hired to coach here next year. Mrs. Audrey Mor ley and Mrs. A. Arnold have been hi red. to teach in the grade school. The budget committee com posed of George Keech, George H. Bell; and T. G. Freres, met to make up the budget for the com ing year. Maeleay Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones . of Macleay grange have been named alternate delegates to the state grange convention in Bend in June. Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., has been named lady assist ant steward to replace Mrs. Cryal Parker. . - - , I Ok. w ushiim Ftir.B5nrr srnniu III S111U UHUUl tILIIlll MMMttKw . ot.iimii wiiium mchs v 'Co-mil ; ; "BuHdooj . Drununond at Bay Now Playing! ' mm. J tm?mm'i igaSrtf fJl Plus Thrilling 2nd Bit! (if Don POKTtt Ufa COUJEX I I I F S it . I 1 11 1 SINUSES DElfllH I RELIEVES Sins Iiii'icii . Iiginiil Cillt ' , It! fiur SjnptiBt PIIMH 1CTIII...SIITIIII II Iff It! lllllltUTIlt...llCIPEISITC fMISMOtATOO COOroOATION suvi ktoh sotooN Free Samples ' Free Demonstration 3 P.M. to 9 P.M. Today Of Siandby Happy Blend Vegeiable-Jnice Cockiail Made from Tomatoes, Carrots, Celery, Parsley. It's as good as K sounds! It's a fine hot weather food! It's excellent for breakfast or luncheon! It's just the right cocktail for dinner! It's a grand bedtime snack! It contains the things kiddies need! Its price Is right. In reach of all! Family Size 46-oz. can 25c 3 for 69c 2 cans 6 for 69c - A Case c! Either Size 2.69 Come In and Sample This Product. Bring the Family In, Too! They Will All Enjoy IL mm El At the Foot of the Bridge West Salem Mile North of , ihm TTnrimaa Salem mile Msdsen - At Silverton,' where - the Bus iness and Professional Women's club has selected "Boost Silver- ton's Name With Iris Fame" as a slogan, Iris day will be observed Sunday. More than 175 varie ties will be on display at the newly comple ted iris building at Cooley Gar dens in Geiser Addition. Rated high among the new introductions are three hybrids of Dr. R. E. Klein sorge, Silverton, nationally known iris hybridizer. While Dr. Klein sorge has had a leaning toward Persian combinations so far as color is ' concerned, among his 194? introductions is a beautiful new pink, known as Rose Splen dor. It is actually more pink than many pink irises are. The doctor has a new pink seedling from the gardens of DavJ Hall at Wilam ett, ILL, which he plans to use In his hybridizing, so that more pink creations can be expected from his hand. x Two copper browns, colors for which Dr. Kleinsorge has become widely known in irises are San Anton e, a sand brown, and Gen eral Patton more of a solid cop per brown. Silverton Is proud of Dr. Klein sorge's hybrids. He has been ra ted nationally as one of the coun try's four top hybridizers. And those who have viewed iris here and elsewhere find none super ior to the beauty in "coloring of the local producer. Another new iris, which visit ors at the garden this week view ed, was Pink Sensation which Mr. Cooley obtained from the David Hall gardens. It Is very pink and of very fine texture. Only one bloom has been on display this season and Mr. Cooley feared It would not hold over until Sun day.. Oyez, a stipled maroon is also one of the unusual new ones. Those who visit the gardens this week should not fail to see Good News, brilliant mustard-gold ; Cordovan, a copper ox-blood tone and Juilet a sort of flame copper, all introduced by Dr. Kleinsorge in 1946. Other; irises I found unusually attractive include Amigo, Azure Starts Today! Opens 1:45 Rosalind Alexander J Russell - Knox- "Sisler Kenny" ' Dean Jagger'- Philip Merivalo Beulah Bond! - Charles Dingle . 2nd Feature Freddie Stewart -"Junior Prom" WINONA CHALET Italian Dinners, Spaghetti, Raviolas, Pan Fried Chicken, Choice Steaks 2 Miles Out on Dallas Highway For Reservation Wiono 2-5190 HEALTH TO YOU' v WHEN ' Bemorrholds Fistula fissure Prolapse ' Itching and other Rectal disorders are corrected. V No Bospitalizatioa Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynold Clinic Nataro-Proctologist 21S N. liberty St. Salem. Ore. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM Dr.V.TXmJIJ. Dr.G.Chn.NJ) CHINESE nERBALISTS til North Liberty Upstairs Portland Genera! Electric Co. Office open Saturday only, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. S to 1 pjn. Consul tation. Blood , pressure and urine tests are free of charge. Practiced since 1917. . Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fan. mte mm CfctoeM resaedles. Amarlaf soeeess for SOM years ' in China. No matter wtta what ailments yoa are afflicted disorders, siaasitis. heart, luncs. Ov er, kidneys, fas, eonsupattoa, J sctSm diabetes, rheumatism, salt and hUdder . fever, skin, female e em- plaint. - -- -- CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. Office Boors S to S. Toes, and Sat. only. XSf N. Commercial. Phone S-1S3 lALEM, ORB. Skies, Blue Shimmer, Gypsy Bar on, Sable (extremely dark) The Admiral and Mulberry rose, among the blue ones. In the golds and bronzes there are Prai rie Sunset, Fortune, Oregon Trail, Golden Fleece, Golden Majesty, Elsa Sass (really a clear yellow), Ming Yellow, Brown Thrasher, Balmung. There are many beautiful ones ranging from shades of pink to deep reds and maroons including Miss California, Louvois, Ranger, Garden Flame, Grand Canyon, Firecracker, ' Gallant Leader - -but you will likely find those you prefer, and my selections may not be among them at all. ' Garden Calendar May 11 Iris Day at Silverton. Ma. 14 Mt Angel Garden club. May 15 Salem Rose Society. May 21-24 National conven tion, Men's Garden clubs of Am erica, Portland. May 23-24 P o r 1 1 a n d Men's Garden club spring show. June 1112 Portland Rose Show. ; Questions and Answers . Mrs. C T. H. asks how to take a camellia cutting and also if the Empress tree is the true name and how to start one of those. Ans.: take cutting from current year's growth during the cool part of a day early in uly. Cut on a slant, Just below the fourth leaf down. Remove third and fourth leaves, insert without delay into sand and peat moss flat, 1V inch deep. Firm thoroughly around cutting. Water. Place flat in cold frame and keep mixture moist. While the catalpa-iike tree, with its lovely panicles of lavender flowers is widely known as the Empree tree, it is really Paulow nia tomentosa and is listed as such in nearly all the garden en cyclopedias. So, who can blame anyone for tacking another name on it? It is named' after Anna Paulowna, princess of the Neth erlands. Propagation is by reeds sown in spring or by root-cuttings and by greenwood cuttings under glass. It may be grown also from leaf-cuttings. The young unfold ing leaves, when about 1 inch long, are cut off close to the stem and inserted in sand under a hand-glass in the greenhouse. W. C. T. sends a blossom and leaves from a shrub which she wants identified. Ans. This is the high bush cranberry, one of the viburnums, and, as she writes, it does look like a snowball which, too, is a viburnum. Valley Briefs Staytoa Dolores Chitwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Chitwood, 433 West Water st is a member of the 1947 class of the Emanuel hospital school of nursing, Portland, received her diploma at the commencement exercises Friday May 9. She was graduated from Stayton high school in 1944. Pedee Richard Birchell has been visiting at Carlsbad, New Mexico and came home this week accompanied by his sister Mrs. Lee Snowden and family, of Mo larity, New Mexico. Snowdens spent last summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Birch ell here and then returned to their former home in October. Cioverdale Eighth grade pu pils of Cioverdale were guests of Jefferson at the annual field day last week. Making the trip were Karleen Drager, Mary Lou Hatch and Dale Boswell. mwwt Trv Thm Thpv're f?rat ! Get Them at the Sign of 1126 S. 12th a dozen Do & J. Spudnul Co. A WANTED, MAN!! FOR OFFICE HOGG BROS. FURNITURE & APPLIANCE of Salem and Oregon City, have opening for a man between 25 and 35 to work in Salem store in credit w ork. This man will be trained by Hogg Bros. Credit Dept. and will have opportunity to advance to a responsible posi tion with good salary to start. Peco Pacific Excavating Company Leroy E. Grote POWER SHOVELS - BULLDOZERS - TRUCKS Phono 1793 - Salem, Oregon Basements - Roads - Canals - Ditches - Leveling Robert Pranger, Supt. EARTH Phone 3456 MOVING H I STON Electrical Conlraciors Specialists in Adequate Wiring o . WBfilL LIB Stressing Speed, Service, Quality and Reliability Call Us For an Estimate Phone 0805 S055 Portland Road Salem, Oregon Maroaam A pec Lai program is being arranged for the Mar quam Methodist church for the Sunday service. Visitors are in vited to attend. Cioverdale Edith Schifferer has been elected home economics teacher at Lebanon. Sfte is the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Fred Schifferer and is attending Ore gon State college this year. Turner Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Vinton were Mr. and Mrs. George Mclllwain of North Howell. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hunsacker, Mr. and Mrs. O. . Preville. North Silverton Eight thous and turkeys were put on the range this past week at the Ira W. Mc Bride ranch. The McBrides brood ed their own poults this year. Gates Mrs. Florence Donnell has announced the marriage of her daughter, Neva to Larry Johnson of Mill City. Theye were married in Washington and are now living in Mill City. Waldo Hills Otto Dickman Is recovering from an injury sus tained when he was knocked down by a frightened cow. His right side, arm and leg were bruised and a gash cut in the right temple. Torner Mr. and Mrs.- A. E. Robertson spent several days re cently vacationing at the Oren Robertson cabin hear Rhododendron. BASEBALL MONDAY NIGHT t P.M. Waters field Salem Senators vs. Wenalchee Box Seat Reservations Phone 4647 Gates Mr. and Mrs. Henry Colgan of Pendleton are visiung their daughter, Mrs. William Pen nick and family. Society Printing Invitations Ann6uncerr.9r.t3 Calling Cord3 Printed or Engraved COMMERCIAL PRCmNC DEPARTMENT Statesman Pablishlng Co. Phono 1111 215 So. Commercial St. COinilG! : The Famous Les Brown Orchestra On Night Only " IIOIIDAY. HAY I9TD SALEII ADII0Q7 . 8 to 12 P.M. wrth ttjet. . . Cometh fitted Harry . ' Dentist . . : I Yoa don't tie ed cosh to pur chase needed Glosses et Dr. Sender's Optical Dept. . . yoa can actually We a r year Glosses for 30 days Before Paying One Penny. Moreso, you will appreciate how easy It is to arrange for credit in this office . . no delay or en necessary investigation . . no third party or finance company to deal with. This Liberal Service Does Not Cost Yoa One Extra Penny. Pay as little as a week Make Ycur first Papent 30 Days AFTER tmmmmmmml You Purchase Your GLASSES On spprmvst t your tdk m m mm l w II mr-w ' 'aw -maw no ADYAKCE APPOClTMBu' REQUIRED All Vott Fully GUARANTEED Come in with the assur onct thof regardless of how little you poy, we do not hetitote to Guar. ontee. Satisfaction. ?r ri,Tr.ftff.iu-.i V S Yoa ore welcome to oval! yoarself f oar FREE Optical Examlaatioa aaytimo at year coavealeaco . . fttl osiured Glasses will not bt prescribed is loss ebselafely aecessory. Come la amd ckooso from oar. lorgt ossortmeit of glamoroas styics Hot aro strtamlined to ceaform with year facial ftatarts. lm Cktrft DR. FRED PAGH-ER, RtpHrttJ Opfmrtri; AtmtuU . Rrftuerrd Opttmtttittt; Dr. M; I. Ktltj. Dr. titd . Chimkm, Dr. Wm. L. itephensen. Dr. M. Button. Dr. Emm SfKer, Dr. Hmrf R. Smbntr mJ Dr. Rekn A. CMtru HOURS: :30 A.M. 3:30 P. M. teHwdeyt 1:30 A.M. 1 P.M. only WATERS-ADOLPH BLOG. STATE & COr.iniERCIAL 2nd Floor Salom In Ctoroo el 0. fUt f ACM. o'ifered OpWwnttWir, Attxt 9rtrd Opomefri"t- Ot M. My, Dr. fr4 1, Owmbefl, Dr. Wm. 1. Stphn6n, Dr. Horry W. Scrtbnwr, Dr. Kobort A. CoMt.