The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1947, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 The- Stolwman, Salem. Owqon, Sunday, May 11, 1947
Most t porta pace Items are lim
ited to who beats who, : when,
where and why. Bat this is strict
ly for the bsys and irU - who,
when eperaUng on . the polished
hardwood to the strains of "Hold
That Titer" or "Beat Me Daddy"
can draw sweat just as wet as
thai dripping- from a touchdown -er's
orow in ST5 degree weather.
The dally doings in. this sheet's
music section seem to cater to the
leng hair stuff entirely. So this is
for those who like to swine oat
to their music: Thanks to village
fornit are man Glenn Woodry, a
string- of "name" bands are com
ing to town within the next few
months, starting Monday, May 19,
with Les Brown. Not unlike
many natives who are convinced
the annul scarcity of the top mu
sic makers in Salem is an ab
surdity. Weodry will stare his at
tractions at the armory Follow
ing RrMrn nme r.Un r.n,
Casa Lema oai fit,:" and later on
tVoodry Intends offering- such
four-stars as Harry James, Tony
Pastor, Duke EllUiflon tnd Count
Basic, among others. Sure, much
risk Is Involved, for, the big bands
haven't made anyone rich here
abouts, thanks jnostly to the ab
sence of a proper palace la which
to show them. Bat at least Mr.
Woodry is trying.
Such Isn't sports, you say? Per
haps not. in a sense. But were
yon to ask a few hundred of the
more feather-footed members of
the leole whit Is their favorite
sport. i would then agree the
catmint" of these bands is deserv
ing of "at lsast this much space
even en a sp-ts et.
Chance to Get Well
' Skipper Luther (Red) Harvel
f Tacema's Tiges exhibited In his
last appearance here hew a base
ball team manager can explode
his eork and get himself thumbed
to the dressing room. . Luther the
, . . .
fcra bm an cvnuni on
the particular instance in ques
tion, but he nonetheless lost : as
is always the end. From the looks
of Red's temper that Sunday af
ternoon It would be safe to say
he will get the thumb- at least
dotes times this season, maybe
more. Bot he will have to hurry
to catch Bremerton's new mana
ger Alan Strange, a fireball In
his own right Strange has been
invited to leave the WIL ball
parks the hard way five times in
this vonnr season and Yakima
Manager Ilsrlond Clift. his former
playing buddy in the St Louis
Browns infield has -Jokingly bet
that Strange will be booted no
less than SO times this semester!
The boys la blue apparently have
made a believer of Mgr. Wilson,
for since that opening week epi
sode with Hughie Day at Waters.
Black Jack hasn't since failed to
be around for the ninth Inning.
The townies have been having
their wees on the road again, but
tomorrow night they open here
with one outfit they should wear
out. Wenatchee's Chiefs. The
Chiefs were handed a spot of help
the other day by Sacramento
getting back Mel Wasley and Kick
reset Bat Buddy Ryan's erew
isn't nearly the nine It was a year
age. The split week schedule will
cost the Wilsons a chance of get
ting good and well during the
week, for only three games aie
due with the Chiefs Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, The
Solons hop right out Wednesday
night for Spokane where they fin
ish up the week with the league
leading and doubtlessly right
rc ugh Indians.
Warning to Fistic Font ;
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld's next
armory fistic party doesn't come
Until Wednesday, May 21. but let
this be fair warning in advance
don't miss It, if you like prise
fighting. Salkeld's last two shows
have been matchless for action,
and although the, gladiators are
abort on class they certainly
ttavea't been en willingness. And
what with such local operators
as Hal Fries. Keller Wagner and
Dick and Dean Abney making for
much of this croud-pleasing pop
alarity, there Is little reason why
the Wednesday- fistic bees "won't
grow to capacity proportions
aeon. For Instance, Featherweight
Fries has been so Impressive In
his four straight wins here that
Kalkeld Is of a mind to pitch him
In with the likes of Doane Hoag,
Tony Roberts- and Bobby Rich
ards, which Is hut a few steps
from the Northwest featherweight
championship. A few mere out
ings like theirs of last week will
have both Abneys and Rial to
Rapper Wagner biffing with bel
ter company also, r Dick Abney
looked his best yet la flattening
Ray Garcia, and youngster Dean,
If be gets In shape to avoid run
ning out ef gas will be a sweet
heart In the eyea ef the up-n-at-'
species of fan. Wagner was In
shape last week, which Is bad
news for his future foes if he
stays that way.
LA GRANDE, May 10-f;T-Roy
A. Butchart, North Powder high
school football and track -coach
for the last three years, resigned
Kneilsen Gets Top Test on Mat Tuesday
Tennessee hillbilly Stockey
Kneilsen, already right tough
rasslin hombre in the eyes of
the customers and despite ' but
one armory appearance, has a
chance to prove just how much
mat. hoodlum he really is Tues
day night. Tattooed toughy
" Kneilsen Jumps in with Cana
dian Herb Parks In Matchmak
er Elton Owen's - weekly main
. event; . and Canadian Herb is
now no less . than - the Junior
heavy champ, of the Pacific coast
after flattening Bill (Bull) Weid
ner In a Klamath . Falls brawl
10 days ago. Parks is also the
cagey crunch character who last
Solon's -Conk Tacomas, 9-7;
Clhiefe IHlere TvHoonday Night!
SOLON FLINGER: Righthander Vlnce Lazor (above) of the Salem
Senator hill corps may aee Waters park action this week when the
team plays Wenatehee in a three-game series starting Monday
. night. Lazor won IS for Modesto in the Cal-State league last year.
'Cat Trackmen
University of Portland rolled up
54 Vt points in a six-way track
and field meet here today to lead
Willamette university with 29 and
Lewis and Clark with 27. Pacific
university scored 26"4, Linfield
college 18 35 and Vanport col
lege 9 710.
Willamette took firsts in two
events. Runyan won the mile with
a time of 4:45.7 and the school's
relay team finished in front with
a time of 3:36.1.
Other Willamette entry results:
440-yard dash Mason, second;
shot-put Cookinham, second ;
high hurdles Tasker, fourth; dis
cus Cookingham, second, and
Boardman, third; broad jump
Kamai, third, and Runyan, fourth;
javelin Cookingham, fourth;
880-yard dash Grimm, third; two
mile Priess, fourth.
Bearcats Belt
Wolves, 14-0
MONMOUTH, May 10 (Spec-ill)
Walt JSrickson's Willamette
Bearcats, behind the ive-hit
pitching of Fred Richardson,
walloped the OCE Wolves, 14-0,
here today. The 'Cats belted two
Wolve hurlers, Hamilton and Ha
rrier, for 13 blows, including a
three-run homer by Marv Good
man in the fifth frame. The win
ners hit the bell for five tallies
in the 8th on hits by Barnick,
Williams and Perry grouped with
three walks and four OCE errors.
Richardson whiffed nine, walked
four, and. had a no-bitter up to
the 7th. . )
Willamette 010 032 15214 U 2
OCE 000 000 000 0 5 9
Richardson and Dickenson; Hamilton,
Hamer (6) and Hufford.
Rainiers Get Hemsley
SEATTLE, May 10 -P- The
Seattle Rainiers of the Pacific
coast league announced today the
signing of 39-year-old Catcher
Rollie Hemsley, released recently
by the Philadelphia team of the
National league. Hemsley. a free
agent, had been in the major
leagues for more than a decade.
The 1947 American Legion junior
world' series will be played at
Los Angeles, National American
Legion headquarters announced
12 Earn Ellis
Twelve linksters came through
with wins In the lower flight
finals of the Elks Mid-Willamette
tourney Saturday and
earned the right to lug home ap
propriate trophies and hardware.
Entrants will have until May 18
to run off their finals, with the
Walt Cline, jr.-Jack Russell title
go being the feature match of
that climactic day.
Today's feature matches will
Included the Leo Estey - Bill
Manning battle la flight 1; Frank
Shafer vs. Bob King In flight 2;
Ralph Mapes .vs. Frank Moore
la 3: and Millard Pekar vs. Don
week netted a disqualification
win over Georges Dusette when
the Frenchman suddenly started
mopping up the northside floor,
outside the ring, with Herbie. -'
- This guy Kneilsen tells roe
they don't come too tough for
him, Owen related In complet
ing his Garden , card last night,
"so well see whether be is all
right or ail talk Tuesday night.
Parks Is Just as 1 tough as any
wrestler I've booked in the past
year. It won't be a title match
Tuesday, but It will be a chance
to see Just how tough this beard
ed guy Is." -
The Tuesday semlwindup
Trotting Races Sought
PORTLAND, May 10 (P)
r Twenty days of harness horse
racing at Portland Meadows
will be asked of the state rae-In-
commission by Oregon
Trotting, Inc., a new associa
tion. The group, which has the
same ; officers as the Oregon
standard bred association, plans
to request a 20-day meet be
ginning July 16. ' " f
Local Kegraen
In ABC Whirl
Twenty-five Salem bowlers,
representing five Capitol alleys
teams will take their flings In the
ABC bowling gigantic at Los An
geles tonight and tomorrow. Team
events, the last on the months
long ; program will be rolled to
night at 10 o'clock. Doubles and
singles efforts will be loosed Mon
day, starting at 2 p. m.
Those pin-busters now In . the
southland awaiting their whacks
at the nation's No. 1 meeting of
the year are as follows; Chuck's
Tavern Clay t Foreman, Rex
Adolph,! Vern Perry, jlarold Ol
inger and Ernie Garbarmo. Cline's
Don Poulin. Ellsworth ! Hart
well, Bob Kiel and "Senior" and
"Junior" Cline. Karis ""Fred
Karr, Joe Coe, John Friesen, Walt
Larson and Harvey Page. Keith
BrowrH-M. Walters, Squee Kitch
en, George Scales, Bob King and
W. Roston. Capitol Alleys Dean
Henderson, Don Young, Park
Thede, John Glodt and Hi Haman.
Legion Signup
Called Monday
j -t .
Aspirants for Capital posts
1947 American Legion junior
baseball team are arced to sign
ap lot Legion, Cottage and Che
meketa streets, on Monday be
tween ; the hours of 1 and 5 in
the! afternoon or f and 9 at night.
To I be eligible for registration
players must attend Salem
schools or live on a Salem rural
mailing route, and must have not
reached their 17th birthdays be
fore January 1 of this year. All
boys who are eligible under these
rules are asked to be sure and
register Monday.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 10-(5V
The Pacific Northwest Golf asso
ciation today scheduled its 46th
annual tournament for Alderwood
country club here July 7-12.
Flight Titles
nendrie in the 6th. ,
Yesterday's finals results:-4th
John Graham heat Bunny Ma
son, 1 up on the 19th; 5tb Cliff
Parker over W. Trapnell 1 up:
7 th Dr. Joseph tipped John
Emlen 5-4; 8th Dr. Bates topped
Max Allen 2-1; 11th K. Marku
son beat L. Sloan 4-3;. 12th J.
Zander beat R. Baldock 2-1; 15th
W. TRomas over L. Folsum
4-3; 16th H. Glalsyer beat C.
Quesseth 2-1: 18th B. DeAr
mond over R. Page 2-1: 19th
L Folsum ever S. Smith 2-1;
22 B. Erlckson over D. Callag
han 2-1: 23 K. Prince over W.
Ensllsh 2-1
brings back the dynamic Pierre
(Frenchy) - LaBelle, winner of
two straight outings here and
rapidly arriving at the populari
ty point he was en when he left
to go to war a few year ago,
LaBelle aviU meet still another
newcomer, this one Jack Car
ter, an Australian who has Just
arrived in the country and who
Is advertised as one of the bet
ter cleanies. The S:3 o'clock
opening brawl Tuesday and It
will surely be Just that features
Villager Tony Ross against
Bearded Benny Trudell. Elf c
George Poppenhelmer or Ja.
Mitchell will referee.
O'Boyle Saves
'GllIlner8, Came
TACOMA, May 10 -(Special)
The Salem Senators climbed with
in half a game of fifth place in
the WIL standings here tonight
as they dumped the Tacoma Tigers
for the second straight time, 9-7,
barely quenching a last-ditch Tige
rally which netted four runs in
the ninth frame. .
The Salems next meet the We
natehee Chiefs at Salem's Waters
park in a three-game set begin
ning Monday night.
The Solons were coasting-on. a
9-3 lead in the ninth when the
Tacomans began to shell Starter
Carl t Gunnarson, forcing him
from 7 the tilt' in if avor of Dick
O'Boyle who staved them off.
Gunnarson was credited with the
The Salems got off with a run
in the first and apparently had
clinched the fray with five tal
lies in the fifth. The three addi
tional runs they picked up in the
7th and 8th gave them the game.
Manager Jack Wilson's crew be
labored - three Tacoma mounds
men, including Starter Cy Green
law, for 15 blows, among them a
double and a pair of singles by
both Gunnarson and Outfielder
Bob Moore.
Seattle 100 100 010 003 4 0
Oakland .. 100 020 000 01 4 7 3
Ripple, Pearson (?) and Sueme, Stags
(7); Speer and Kearse.
Hollywood 300 003 000 S 10 1
Los Angels 023 000 24 11 IS 0
Smith. Perme (4). Gregory (7) and
Cameron; Fleming, Baker (6) and Ma
lone. - . --. , "
San Francisco 020 031 11412 SO 3
San Diego . 001 000 021 4 10 0
Chesnes and Leinard; Olsen, Dumler
(7), Isenman it) and Kerr.
- ' Salem " ' . Tacoma -
SpaeteO 2 2 l!Tedchi.m S 1 3 0
Petersn S 2.3 lJoratzJ S 2 1 0
Nunc J 4 2 1 I HedDKtn.3 2 10 2
Moore j 4 S ft Greco.r S 1 3 1
Kubiak4 SOS 0'Paton.l .4130
Sumcrsjn 3 S 2 O KeehanJ , 4 3 S 0
Beard,e 4 13 llClifford.c 4 2 7 1
Krug.l 1 S 0 Peltl. 4 1 3
Gunrsn.p S 3 0 3iGreenlw.p 2 0 0 1
Gregory 4 1 0 3 0 Moake.p 0 0 0 0
0'Boyle.p 0 0 0 OlFord 10 0 0
INygard.p 0 0 0
jKuper 11S0
Totals M 13 77 S Totals 38 12 27 S
Fanned for Moake in 8th.
Doubled for Nyard in Sth.
Salem . 100 050 120-1
Tacoma 004 000 2147
Winning pitcher, Gunnarson: . losing
ftitcher. Greenlaw. Pitcher Gunnarson:
nning pitched S'i. at bat off 35, hits
off It. runs scored off 7. earned runs 7.
SO by 4. BB off 2; O'Boyle, innings
pitched i. at bat off 3. hits off 1. runs
cored off 0, SO by 0. BB off 1; Green
law, innings pitched Hi. at bat off 33.
hits off 13, runs scored off S, earned
runs 8, SO by S, BB off 3: Moake.
innings pitched i, -at bat off 2. hits
off 1, runs scored off 0. SO by 1. BB
off 1: Nygard. innings pitched 1. at bat
off 4. hits off 1. runs scored off 0. SO
by 0. BB off 1. Passed ball: Clifford.
Left on bases: Salem 10, Tacoma 7.
Three base hits: Spaeter. Peterson, Jor
atz. Two base hits: Moore, Gunnarson.
Hedington. Kuper. Runs batted in:
Moore 2. Krug 2. Beard. Keehanr Clif
ford, Peterson, Nunes, Hedington. Gre
co, Kuper 2. Joratz. Sacrifice: Nunes.
Kubiak. Stolen bases: Nunes. Kubiak.
Beard. Gunnarson. Double plays:
Nunes to Spaeter to Krug. Time 2:10.
Umpires: O'Laughlin, Last and Nene
zich. New Conference
To Be Talked
-1 . '-".- '
SPOKANE, May 10-(r-Gon-zaga
University Athletic Director
Claude McGrath said tonight that
he has been invited to attend a
meeting here tomorrow to discuss
the possibility of forming a new
athletic conference to include
Gonzaga, Eastern Washington
College of Education, Montana,
Montana State and Idaho State.
Cards Hold Breaths
ST. LOUIS, May 10 -(P)
Whether an appendectomy : Is
necessary at this time on Stan
Musial. St Louis Cardinal star
first .. baseman, remained in
doubt tonight. Dr. R. F. Hy
land, club physician who took
charge of Musial when he ar
rived by plane from New York
early today, said much depends
on how the appendix responds
to treatment, ,
1 ,
I ' ,. . : II.' .
BUSY BATTLERS: This has been one of the most active years In history for Chemawa Indian school
fighters, they having participated in many northwest meets, winning numerous trophies and other
prizes. The Chemawa team H pictured above, 1 to r: Carol Gensaw, 105-pound state champ and
112-pound runnerup in the AAU; Augie Dick, 112; Richard Burke, 126; Albert Comedown. 118
pound runnerup in AAU; Joe Woods. ISO; Dave Shellal, 175-pound Golden Gloves runnerup; Kenny
Sam, 14-pound Ramblers title: Raymond Pete, 112-pound semi finalist In the Seattle Golden Gloves;
Fred White wolf, 135; Curtis Stacona, state 112-pound titiist, Seattle US-pound semifinallst and a
quarterflnalist in the natinoal AAU meet at Boston; Al Slickapoo, 126. Kneeling are Coach Stanley
Ashcutt and Manager Art Toung.
Sactos Edge
Beavers, 4-2
By the Associated Press
PORTLAND, May 10-cflVThe
Portland Beavers winning streak
of three games -was halted here
tonight as the Sacramento Solons
edged out a 4-2 win, cutting short
a belated Bevo ninth frame rally.
Tony Freitas registered his 203rd
Pacific Coast league mound win
as he shaded the home club's
Johnny Bianco and Sierra. The
Portlands tallied their only two
runs in the 9th on Harve Stroey's
one-run triple and Reich's long
Sacramento Portland
Ramsey .m 5 3 1 0 Ratto.s 3 111
9 1
3 1
4 ftcdlvicn.2
0 Wenner.m 4
01 Storey .3 4
0! Reich.m 4
4 Escobar J 4
1 Mors tor ,c 3
4j Vico.l 3
0 Bianco. p 3
IGorbouId 1
jSierra.p 0
2 0
5 2
3 1
4 1
3 1
Totals 34 27 13 Totals 32 8 27 S
Batted for Bianco in Sth.
Sacramento 201 000 1004
Portland 000 000 002 J
Errors McDonald. Mesner. Fitz
gerald. Runs batted in Marty. Thomp
son 2. Mesner. Storey. Reich. Three
base hits Storey. Stolen .base Marty.
Double plays Wells to Nelson to Mc
Donald, Mesner to Nelson to McDonald.
Muratore to Radulovich. Left on bases
Sacramento 10, Portland '4. Bases on
balls Bianco S. Freitas 1. Sierra 1.
Strikeouts Bianco S. Freitas S. Sierra
2. Earned runs Bianco 4. Freitas 2.
Hits off Bianco S run 4 In S; Sierra
O and 0 in 1. Wild pitch Bianco 1.
Umpires Dorsn. Kober and Borski.
Time 1 54. Attendance 9973.
District Track
MED FORD. Ore.. May 10 API
Three southern Oregon district track
and fieid records were broken and
one tied there today as Medford high
added up 70 points to edge Klamath
Falls with 64. Grants Pass was third
with 3S.S and Ashland fourth with 35 A.
The - meet gave Medford a nine man
team for the state tournament. Others
qualified: Klamath Falls, eight: Ash
land, six: Grants Pas, three and a re
lay team.
EUGENE. Ore . May 10 (AP) Eu-
fene high won class A honors and
uislaw the class B laurels today in
an tnterscriolastic track and field meet
here which qualified winners and run-ners-up
in the various events for the
state championships.
Eugene entries piled up 48 points.
Springfield 38 and Cottage Grove 36 in
class A.
Eugene. Springfield and Cottage
Grove each qualified four man teams
for the state meet at Corvallis next
Spring league softball play
Monday at 6 p. m. In the YMCA
City league will be as follows,
according to the new schedule
arranged by League Secretary
Jim Dimit: Master Bread vs.
Eagles at Leslie. Paper Makers
vs. Golden Pheasant at Leslie
and Mootry Pharmacy vs. Pion
eer Club at Olfhger.
Washington's powerful tennis
team battered down another op
ponent here today by defeating
the Oregon State college team, 7
to 0, leaving only Idaho on its
schedule before the league champ
ionships at Eugene, May 23-24.
r the Majors
Gordon. Indians . 3 1 1 0 3 0 0
Pesky. Red Sox 4001 100
Doerr. Red Sox . 4 1 1 4 4 0 1
Jansen, Giants, won today. Record
to date: won 1, lost 0.
If a child suddenly steps in front of
your car ... are you sure ytra can
stop? Can you ALWAYS stop in time
to avoid accidents? If you're not sure
. . . BE sure . . . stop in at Loder Bros,
to have your brakes checked.
Be Sure .
Surprise PreaEt&iess
Regain 1st; Jlaonseini
WLPct. WLPct.
Victoria 16 9. 6401 Tacoma 11 11 .500
Vancouvr 14 9 609 Salem 1112.478
Bremertn 14 S .609; Yakima 7 18.304
Spokane 14 9 .609! Wenatehee S IS 90
Last night's results: At Tacoma 7.
Salem ; at Vancouver 9-11. Wenatehee
11-4: at Bremerton 10, Yakima 1; at
Victoria 12-16, Spokane 8-3.
WLPct. -WLPct.
Los Angts 23 17 J75 Portland 19 19 .500
Sani Fran 23 17 .575! Hollywod 18 21 .462
Sacramnt 21 19 .525' Oakland 18 22 .450
San Diego 19 IS .514 Seattle 16 24 .400
Last nights results: At Portland 2,
Sacramento 4; at Oakland 4, Seattle
3 (11 innings): at Los Angeles 11. Hol
lywood 6; at San Diego 4, San Fran
cisco 12.
WLPct. WLPct.
Detroit 10 7 .588' New York 8 .52S
Chicago 11 S .579' Boston 10 9.534
Washingtn 7 6 ,53 Philadelph 711.389
Cleveland S 7 .533! St. Louis 7 13.350
Yesterday's results: At Boston a.
New York 9: at St. Louis S. Cleveland
3; at Chicago 2. Detroit 5; at Washing
ton 4, Philadelphia 3.
W L Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklyn It 6. 647! New York 7 9.438
Boston 12 7 .6321 PhiladelDh 9 12.429
Chicago 12 7 .12 Cincinnati 9 12 .429
Pittsburgh 9 JJB St. Louis 513 578
Yesterday's results: At Pittsburgh 3.
St. Louis 0; at Cincinnati 5, Chicago
1: at New York 2. Boston 1; at Phil
adelphia 2. Brooklyn 4.
WSC Trackmen
Defeat Oregon
PULLMAN, Wash, May 10 -JF)
The Washington State Cougars
won 10 of 15 first places today
to defeat the Oregon Ducks 80 i
to 50 li for their third straight
northern division track victory of
the season. Oregon's George Ras
roussen, freshman pole-vaulting
star, cleared 13 feet 9T inches
to win the event over George
Klmz of the Cougars who went
13 feet 7 inches. ,
Webf eet Sock
Vandal Nine
MOSCOW. Idaho, May 10 -F
The University of Oregon baseball
team pounded out an 11 to 2 vic
tory over the University of Idaho,
snapping the late season three-
game win streak, of the nome
Two big innings, the fourth and
the sixth gave Oregon 10 of its
Oregon 000 50$ 01011 11 0
Idaho - : 000 C01 100 3 6 5
Day, Burgher, Lokan and Carlson,
Burcher; Fodrea, Robinson and Viro,
Husky Oarsmen
Defeat Beavers
SEATTLE, May 10 -()- The
Oregon State varsity trailed two
Washington boats today in the
featured event of eight-oared
competition on Lake Washington,
the university's second frosh
crew pulling ahead of the Wash
ington lightweights in the final
Fprint for a quarter-length win.
The lightweight seconds turned in
a six-length win over the Oregon
State Jayvees.
. Hot Sorry
Calumet Colt
In by Length
timore, May 10 -iP) The Miss
rAtri jnusic of the horse-training
Jones boys, Ben and Jimmy, made
a champ of a third-string colt
tall and rangy Faultless - today
and sent him out to smash his
way to a sizzling triumph in the
57th Preakness stakes.
Fit and sharp and full of run
where it counted coming up the
stretch the lanky son of Bull
Lea went through last week's
Kentucky derby winner. Jet Pi
lot, and around the. California
contender, On Trust, and hit the
wire a length in front to the sur
prise of a large portion of a
packed crowd of 40,222 jamming
Oi' Hilltop for this renewal of
the run for the black-eyed Susans.
It wasn't only that this was the
third choice of all the Calumet
two-year olds of last season to
be aimed for the jewels of the
triple crown. But he was up
against two horses who whipped
him last week on a track he
didn't like any more than short
rations in the derby." Jet Pilot,
in - contrast to his unchallenged
derby charge, came home a tired
and . wearying fourth. Faultless
was made the second choice in
the betting at $10.40, $4.80 and
$2.80 across the board, with only
stretch-flying Phalanx more heav
ily backed. On Trust was $7.00
and $3.40 for place and show and
Phalanx the legal minimum of
$2.20 for third.
Cat JVs Lose
MONMOUTH. May 10 (Spe
cial) The OCE Jayvees nosed
Willamette's - second-line club.
8-7. here today. A four-run 7th
inning iced the tilt for the win
ners. Bruce Barker rapped a
homer, double and single lor the
Willamette; . , 120 300 17 8 1
OCE .... ., 000 J20 4 S 3
Yeaeer and Walker; Schroeder and
11 'Pet.
20 .428
27 .415
20 .408
34 .331
25 .373
26 -J 71
Lewis. Senators
Rieney, Giants IS 09
Mullin. Tigers 15 49
Walker, Dodgers 17 61
Appling. White Sox 18 67
GusUne, Pirates ... 17 70
Runs batted in : National learue
Walker. Dodgers. 16: Mire. Giant. 16:
Torgeson. Braves, 13: Elliott. Braves.
IS. American league Williams, Red
Sox. 14; Doerr, Hed Sox. 14; York. Red
Sox. 13, -
Home runs: National league Mixe;
Giants.' S; Miller, Reds, 7; Torgeson.
Braves, S. American lfague Heath.
Browns, 5: Williams, Red Sox, S; four
! players tied wun 4.
13 41
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Walls Wml
Hutch9 Stops
Yanks Clout Boox;
Brook Beat Phillies
By the Associated Press
The sce-saw battle of the De
troit Tigers and Chicago Whit
Sox for the American league led
swerved in favor of the Ttgem
yesterday asythey trimmed the
Chisox 5-2 Ao go on top by . a
handful of. percentage points.
Freddie, Hutchinson got the win
for the Detroiters, his 4th of the
year, the wew vorx . xanxees
shook their batting slump, belt
ing 'five Boston Red Sex hurlers
for 12 hits and a 9-0 victory.
Rookie Frank Sheat rat iced his
2d triumph for the Yanks. The
SL Louis Browns topped Cleve
land -8-3 and Washington deci-
sioned the Philadelphia As 4-3.
In the National circuit Rookie
Larry Jaroen of Forest Grove,
Ore., started and won his first
major league contest as he hurled
the New York Giants to a 2-1
nod over the red-hot Boston
Braves. Jansen permitted but six.
blows and was aided by Wiilard
Marshall's two-run homer. Cin
cinnati, behind ilhe five-hit twirl
ing of Ewell Blackwel!, downed
the Chicago Cubs 5-1. with Eddie
Miller cracking his 7th homer for
the winners. The Pittsburgh Pi
rates shut out the St. Louts Car
dinals 3-0 on Fritz Ostermueller's
six-hitter, and Joe Hatten's tiht
hurling gave the Brooklyn Dodg
ers a 4-2 win over the Philadel
phia Phils. .
American -
New York . 431 COS fSO 9 12 1
Bo-ton i-:.-.. 031 oul 11 S
Shea and Bcrra: Dobson, Parcel!
ill, Zuber (3). Eutland Hi. Murpny
arid Partee.
100 061 190 s a
SL Louis 1
Wolff. Black 17
Beardoa 7. Cro-
mek (7) and Megan, Bussowski tlj;
Potter and Moss.
Detroit r"lO 013 tJ0 S
Chicago 0WI 6CJ 0m 2 S t
Hutchinson and Teboeu Swift :
Harrow . Maltzbcrf er (Si ac4 Dickey.
Philadelphia T3 08 0063
Washington - 002 000 20 4 11 1
Flore. Christopher t and Guerra;
Wynn and Evans. -
National Leaeae
St. Louis eoo oue one e l
Pittsburgh ..i 101 000 3 4 S
Dickson, GrodzJcfei 4 1; and BiCe; Os
termueUer and Kluttz.
toe 000 008 t
s t
Lee. Mever
011 000 03 5 S t
it). Erjcksor. lit and, McCullough; BwrkweU and
Lamanno. '
OCT 000 I
s e
New York .
000 C2 0i I
- Barrett. Karl 8) and Mart; Jansen
and Cooper. : ..." .. -
ioe ma 0144 s
oio iso ow a s i
Hatten and Edwards
Hujfie Don-
fielly (I) and Srrrnicfc.
Grant Retains .
Links Crown
EUGENE, May 10-V-Crant of
Portland retained the state high,
school golf title today, winning
again over the Laureiwood golf
course her with a four-nvm ag
gregate 38 - hole total of 623.
Washington high ct Portland was
second with 641, icLawed by
University of Eugene. 6t3; Marsh
field. 649; Eugene, 662; Jefferson
of Portland and Corvallis. 6C6;
Commerce of Portland. 708; and
Salem, "34-
Spring Serin
n EUGENE. Ore.. Way 10 f API
Jim Aiken's University of Oreeoa's
football team held a reguia:o intra
squad fame climaxing spring training
today before 15C0 junior c!i weekend
fans, with the Whites defeating tkm
Greens. 2S to 19. -
SEATTLE. May - fAP Tie Uni
versity of Washington football squid
wound no Its spring trains program
todav witti a full lenctn game tn wnica
the varsity crushed the second. 27 to
Spectators Included hlgfr school coacnes
of the slate, here to attend a coaching
PULLMAN. .Wits. May to 4-f API
Eullljaelc Bob George pje-4 rd raw
his Grav team to a 13 to vistary over
the Crimsons todY in an uv.rasvuad
ncrimmace which wound up Washing
ton State's tpnrut football practice.