The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1947, Page 10, Image 10

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    18 -The Skri man. Salem. Oregon. Sunday. May H 137
By Teryroe English
TIDBITS OF NEWS ... . A thrill
frg summer ahead for Jane
Waisa and Mary Catherine Wil-
Yxtlm of Eugene, University of
Oregon coeds, who leave in June
for New York City for the sum
ner. .". . They have sublet Prof.
and Mrs.. James Dairy's apart
ment in Greenwich Village. ... .
They hope to see all the sights,
attend stage plays, tour the parks,
museums, etc. ... Mrs. Drury and
her boys have just returned from
the east and be will follow. V . . .
Exciting news ... received by
Mrs. Winston Williams the other
day. . . A cable from her army
captain husband, who is now in
Frankfurt, saying she will be able
to sail in July for Germany. . . .
followed by a phone call on Mon
day, her birthday . . . She will
drive cross-country, taking her
car to Europe. ...
A thundering herd . . . at least
that's what It sounded like the
other .'day at Chi Omega house
when a dozen or more coeds
stampeded down - the '. stairway,
'" through ; '
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dashing outside to see Dorothy
Hobson's new Buick. . . . Dorothy
was. the calmest of the group, and
decided to keep the salesman
waiting as he had kept her wait
ing over a year. . . Dorothy is the
only one that can drive in her
family, so it looks as though the
Chi Omegas are going to have a
gay spring. V
House hunting . . . are the Sid
ney Kings, who with daughter
Barbara will be leaving in June
for Portland to live . . . Sidney
will be with the Oregon Motor
association. . ,
eous were the floral decorations
at the formal dance of Dwight
Quisenberry and Don Phillips, a
week ago. ... A farewell party
for the boys who are graduating
. . . . Bordering the orchestra was
box hedge with potted geraniums
.:. . In every corner and entrance
way were snowballs, spirea, and
hawthome. . . . Over in the fire
place in the entrance hall a leg
horn hat filled with flowers ...
Punch and cake served downstairs
i . . ivy and roses decorating the
punch bar where P. D. Quisen
berry and Charles Huggins pre
sided . . . and William Phillips the
hat check man. . . .
The dancers . . . Don Phillips
escorting pretty, brunette Patricia
Burrell, who wore a yellow frock
with large orchids printed on the
bodice and skirt and an orchid in
her hair . . . . Barbara Hendrick
son, , in yellow , marquisette,
squired ' by Dwight Quisenberry
. ". Jim Phillips and Joan Rand
all came up from the University
ofNOregon for the dance. . . .
Others spotted . . . A pretty
print cotton on Donna Lawrence
. . . A chic black and white
checked taffeta on Barbara King
. . . . A lovely off -shoulder pink
gown worn by Marianne Bone
steele .". . Shell pink with lace
eyelet trim chosen by . brunette
Charlotte Alexander . . . . Irene
McLeod in quaint frock of white
faille with panier effect, full skirt
and tiny shoulder straps . . . and
a striped cotton, for blonde, Suz
anne Huggins. ...
Ronald Jones' becoming sheer
wool dress matching the beautiful
pink rhododendrons in her garden
last Sunday when their gardens
were open. ... A beautiful sunny
day . . . guests coming from 12
to 7 .... A lovely setting . . . the
pool, outdoor fireplace, - white
wrought iron furniture . . . trees,
pink dogwood ... informal gard
ens . .1. . edging one bed were
strawberries in bloom.
' A GALA PARTY . . . The John
Locheads were hosts for a garden
supper last Sunday for their house
guests, the Patrick Thynes of
Hollywood ; ; . She, a niece, tall
and slender and wearing a black
pique frock with flared skirt and
whjte stitching . . . Mrs. Thyne's
best friend, Mrs. Percy Jenners
of Vancouver, B. C, flew down
for the party . . . She was smartly
dressed In a black gabardine suit
with long double breasted Jacket,
jet buttons and white pique r ev
er . . . Joan Lochead and college
friends came dashing in for sup
per enroute back to college after
a weekend in Hills boro . . . The
collation . . . something to talk
about, everything one could think
m p""" 't''-'",,,)M'-HiMmyy
''' , ' margin of profit v. . and we're doing every- I
m-m'Z i I thing we can to keep prices low . . . to combat
ySS""' LiTL-., " " the Wh cost ' living! Shop here and compare!
You ve seen similar sectional furniture priced far higher.. , . and we con
sider this quality built modern sofa an exceptional value at this low price I
Full innersprina construction, and your choice of attractive Mohair frieze
covers. Youll find many interesting room arrangements possible with this
fine scfa! Choice of 5" colors. . -
on Mrs. Richard Kriesel, Mrs.
Harvey Quistad and Mrs. James
Clark . . . The two younger Loc
head girls taking it all in ... .
brunette Gail wearing cotton
pedal pushers and blouse- in gay
colors, her birthday present . . .
and Donna in a perky white plaid
cotton .... Mrs. Robert Cannon
in a good-looking cinnamon wool
two piece dress with accordian
pleated sktrt . . . The honor guests
are enroute to Toronto for the
King's Plate race (comparable to
Whh mil
writing ffrst
XBt CA fat m . . .
Wrkmt tt J mmtht
to 3 ymt wilkovt
lUWt cUaaly
wftfc CA CartrWt
-In 13
CA mmt CmpMurf
ActiM Cartridge
Salem's Leading Credit Jeweler
A Optician
of . . . Pretty summer white suits
our Kentucky Derby) ... as Mr,
Lochead's brother is running the
first western bred horse ever to
be entered in the race. ...
Little Jimmy Nicholson, III, wore
a miniature pink bouteniere for
his christening last Sunday just
Ma Phi Epsflen. national movie,
honorary on the Willamette uni
versity campus, will present a
musicale on Sunday, May 18 at
the . Willamette univerjsty music
hall at 3 o'clock. The interested
public is invited to attend.
like those of his father and god-fathers.
Mm. wmiam Gallewsy has to
vited the Alpha XI Delta alumna
to her home, 905 Leslie street,
Tuesday night at S o'clock. Misa
Jean Williams from the extension
division at Oregon State college;
will speak on her experiences
with the Red Cross during the
war. All Alpha Xi Deltas are Invited.
Q- l
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Front and Court Streets Phone 9163
Every member of the family will enjoy
the relaxing comfort of this big lounge chair.
Cushions are wide, generously upholstered
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Knuckle arms and base in walnut finish,
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Order right now for prompt delivery I '
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