4 Tha Statesman, Salm. Progon. Saturday. May 10 197 m CyWfioiiGStatcsraatt - "No Favor Sways Vt, No Fear Shall Awe' From First SUtesnssa, March 18. 1S51 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY- l : - . ' - r , - CHARLES A. SPRAGUE. Editor and Publisher : . Member of the Associated Treat - The Associated Prew is entitled exclusively to the sue for repnbll oottoa of all tho local news printed la this newspaper, as well as all AP sews dispatches. - - -: -- - . a a Peace Prospect j. . President Truman likes to look pn the bright side of things, and was quite optimistic on the subject of peace when inter viewed on his birthday. At 63 and ; in good health, and with breaks apparently coming his "way of late, such an attitude of mind was naturaL He told reporters he was. as sure the world would have lasting peace as he was . certain he was standing in' his office. He pointed to th United Nations and declared the outlook leTpeace was much improved over what it was two years aio. tame day our president was speaking Premier . Clement R. AttleeNof Britain warned that the world will never get peace if it depends on agreements by governments. The only hop is by agreement between peoples. He said that issues have grown more serious, and that dangers to " civilization from another world war arc greater today than jthey were between wars. At the same time he declared the nations cannot afford to let the UJ. fail. ! ' ' : . U V .'. - The latter was far more realistic. There is scarcely a pub licist who would not admit that the promise of world peace as an outgrowth of the last war has deteriorated in the past two years. President Truman himself shows by his policies that while he hopes for UJi. success , he is keeping Uncle ' Sam's powder dry. His program of aid to Greece and Turkey has done much to impair tho prestige of tho United Nations and to reduce it to the role of a forum. ; We cannot be deceived. Peace still has to be won. We dare not take it for granted. .--.l-; Central Lutheran I hurch Will Hear Rev. M. Rossing The Rev. Malvin Rossing. 'mis sionary to Madagascar, will be at Central Lutheran church Sun day, ; May 11, to present the pro4 gram of mission work conducted at the station at Manasoa. lie will show films to the Sun day school at 9:43 a. m. and speak at the Ham. service. Ho was commissioned a missionary in 1936, leaving immediately lor Madagascar. When the war broke out, they determined to remain at their- battle stations and min ister to the needs of their peo ple. Especially timely will be the message he has to give on tho necessity of increased mission in terest and support. - " A special surprise - has been planned also for all mothers at tending services Sunday, Moth ers Day. Britain's Sterling Debt i Chancellor of the Exchequer Dalton and Winston Churchill, former prime minister and minority party leader are agreed in demands that its creditor countries, notably those in the so called sterling bloc, should reduce their claims against Britain incurred for prosecuting the war. India and Egypt, for example, hold, heavy credit' balances in London for supplies furnished during the war. Yet, as Churchill pointed out, it was British troops largely who saved Egypt and India from being overrun bv the axis powers. . v Canada expunged its credits against Britain, and the United States furnished " supplies liberally 'under the lend-lease . pro gram. Certainly these other countries which had a vital stake in allied victory should share in the cost, having been largely spared in the fighting. The issue becomes acute because under former agreement the sterling balances' which have been frozen in London will begin to "thaw out" July 1st. In other words London is due to begin honoring drafts on 'these balances. At present Britain cannot export goods in large enough quantity to meet these obligations and provide essential needs of; its people. Some adjustment will have to be made, and those debts ought to be scaled down radically; - 'There is something so rationally normal about that two woman scrap in Portland that we'd like to sit in on the court bearing. It seems that Mrs. A and her dog were walking past Mrs. B's house when the dog became overlx attentive to the shrubbery. Mrs. B promptly turned the hose on Mrs. A and her dog; Mrs. A. picked up a hunk of timber to help settle . the" argument her, way; the neighbors called police. A solomon might decree that Mrs. A buy Mrs. B a new dress; Mrs. B buy Mrs. A a new shrub; and that the dog be reprieved from next week's bath. ' Quite alarming are the deaths of infants from gastroenteritis, disease like dysentery. Doctors seem unable to cope with it, although they have isolated the virus which seems to cause it, The disease is highly infectious, and most of the deaths have occurred among hospital babies. In two St. Louis hospitals 33 new-born babies succumbed since the first of the year. In urban communities delivery of babies is now mostly done in hospitals but somehow hospitals haven't licked the problem of preventing infection among infants as this new epidemic shows. iliss Mary Failing, who died a few days ago in Portland was distinguished for her philanthropies and for her; activity in patriotic and civic organizations. The sincerity of her inter est is seen in the text of her will which leaves the bulk of her substantial estate in trust, the income to go to numerous organ izations, chiefly those in Portland, which serve that community hospitals, missions schools, etc. Daughter of a pioneer banker Miss Failing was herself a community leader whose good deeds and gracious character long will be cherished. The chairman of the Portland Jr.CC traffic safety committee was fined for speeding in that city, which should make a lo of others who have heard the same verdict from the bench fee better. The case reminds us of the Salem business man who took a ) course in memory, lessons. He walked home from class one nifht and was just about there when he remembered he had left his car downtown : The Portland lady who put a $2000 diamond pin in shoe for safekeeping probably reflected:' "No one would look in there.". She was right; she forgot to herself when she gave the shoes on a charity drive. The one who got them and found the pin must have thought herself a new Cinderella. " . - " ' One thing about Admiral Ross T. Mclntire's book of recol lections about President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom he served as personal physician: he is loyal to his chief. That sets a good deal better than some books whose authors peddle dirt about one who had favored them. . Eirht western governors are planning a "march on Wash irtgtont to get congress to restore cuts made by the house in the reclamation bilL None of the republican members will take aior.g eld campaign speeches calling for state's rights and a balanced federal budget An ad in a city paper offers men's pajamas, made in Eng land, at $13.50 the pair. If the British can sell enough of those they may be' able to meet installments on our loan. The longer Americans sleep, the faster the British can pay their debt. A 'California woman bequeathed her divorced husband $ for bullets with the hope he might use. one on himself. The woman got in the last word.. A good 5 -cent candy bar is just as much in demand now as that traditional long-sought 5-cent cigar. Only sometimes you can get the candy bar- for 6 cents. A wind in Texas blew a boxcar 30 miles down a railroad track. "Kansas can't do any better than that with wind. Now Salem may get a chance to ride to hell on pinballs. Dead men tell no tales; neither do bathroom scales. Mothers Honored At Sunday Service Special service Sunday morn ing at First Christian church will honor tho mothers of tho church and will conclude a series of ac tivities during the week in ob servance of Christian Family week. Thee Rev. Dudley Strain will use as his sermon theme, Homely Virtues." Betty Pugh Hagen will sing "Mother" by Hageman, and the choir, directed by John Schmidt, will sing "Jesus, My Saviour! Look on Mo," by Nevins. A men's guar tot. composed of John Schmidt, David Bates, Fred Bates and Jack Morrison, will sing "At Thy -Feet" by Atkinson in the evening. The anthem will bo Now tho Day Is Over, by Broome. The Rev. Strain has cho sen for his sermon topic, "The Great Answer." v Hayes ville Woman's club will hold its annual May meeting with a no-host 12:15 noon luncheon at George Strozut's on the Portland highway. Election of officers will be held and assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Ralph Hensley and Mrs. Fisher. r . GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichly ; rfwb 0 Viffe i j Til have yoo know, Fhineaa, that Just because aaama Is hard to get altos; with Is no reaoea for ealliaa her a CeaamaaJst! cBDnim (ClhonircBlliies Silverton Churches CALVABT LUTHERAN 310 Jersey St. James A. Tofta. pas tor. - Sunday school and Bible class, 10 a Jn. Olga Johnson, superintendent. Mothers day service 11 a.m. Theme. "A Good Mother." Male chorus to sins;. Luther league 7 p.m. Missionary from Madagascar will show motion pictures from mission field. Prayer meeting. Thursday, 2 p.m. at home of Mrs. Petra Johnson. Confirmation In struction. Saturday 10 ajn. -I TMNTTT A at Second St. U. 3. K. Fuhr. pastor. Sunday school and Bible classes 10 a.m. Divine worship al 11. Sermon subject. "Mothers Then and Now." Luther league. 7:13. Reports from con vention delegate to Everett. Choir. Thursday S pjn. Lutheran Children of the Reformation, Saturday 1 pm. Adult instruction, Sunday 10 a.m. Confirmation instruction, Saturday t -M am. SCVBNTH-DAT ADVENTIST - Park at 2nd St. A. L. Beasley, pastor. Sabbath school, JO a.m. Saturday, Calvin Hanson, superintendent, Morrr tng worship. 11 a.m. Vesper services. i:30 p.m. with Mother' day program by young pepoie. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 730 pjn. rmsT CHRISTIAN - Park at Pint St. Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible school, 0:49 a.m. nM. B. Ford, superintendent. Morning worship. Communion and worship, 11 a.m. Mother's day ser mon. A Mother in Israel." Christian Endeavor T p.m. Worship. S pjn. Ser-; mon "First Things TtnV IMMAVCEL N. Church St. S. L. Almlie. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Divine worship 11 a.m. , Subject,. "Christian homes, America's Greatest Need." Luther lea gue, 7:30 topics "Mother's Day." Jun ior -and senior choir, Thursday 1 and S p.m. Confirmation classes, 0 and 1030 a.mr Saturday. IMMANITKL BAPTIST CHUKCB1 Hazel at Academy St. Sunday school t:4S a.m. Sam Berger, superintendent. Morning worship service li a.m. Speak er. Rev. H. Elson McCulcheon, field representative of Lot Angeles Baptist Theological Seminary, Young people's meeting 7 p.m. 7:45 p.m. speaker. Rev. H. Elson McCutcheon. Prayer service Wednesday 7:49 pjn. AT THE miT CHDBCH OP COD Cottage at Hood St. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Schlatter, ministers. Sunday school t:4S a.m. Morning service 10:40 o'clock Junior church. Sermon subject 11 a.m. Sermon. Evangelist Mrs. Wel ma Perry speaker; also at 7:49 pjn. Evening service 0:49 o'clock Youth Fellowship, Joe Shepherd, president. Rev. Mrs. Welma Perry will preach nightly, at 7:49 pjn. May 11 to 13. and- Mr. Clarence Perry will be the song evangelist. BETHEL BAPTIST N, Cottage at D. St Pastor Gustav C. Rauser. Sunday school 0.45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Influence of a Godly Mother.? Evening service 7:3 Oo 'clock. Sermon subject, "Foundation Stones of a Christian Home." Wednesday evening 7:43, Prayer meeting and Bible study. - JASON LEE METHODIST N. Winter at Jefferson. Pastor S. Raynor Smith. Sunday school 0:43 a.m. Morninc service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject. "Mother" in special Mother's day service. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject. "The People of India" display of plow and Inter esting curios from India. Youth fel lowship groups 130. SEVENTH-DAT ADVENTIST Hood at Summer. Pastor G. T. Dick inson. Sabbath school i-30 a.m. Sat urday. Morning service 11 o'clock. Guest speaker: Elder Wr B. Ocbs. Ser mon subject. "India." Young people's meeting at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday even ing service 7 30 o'clock. METHODIST Main aPFiske St B. T. Browning, pastor. Church school, 9:49 a.m. Morn ing worship, 11. Evening services 7:49 P. v.- .r: PILGRIM HOLINESS ''' 42 South Water St C. O. Mansfield, pastor. Sunday school, 9:49 a.m. Morn tnr worship,? il YPS- service. 0:49 P.m. Evangelistic service, 7:45 pjn. Mid week prayer service, Wednesday 7:49 YPS study service, Friday 7.-43 pjn. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Third at Lewis St Sunday school 9:49 ajn. Service-11. MARQCAM METHODIST Silverton highway 211 at Marauam R. A. Garboden, pastor. Sunday school at m ajn. worsnip at li. ASSEMBLY Of'cOD Front St. Omar Bailev eastor. Sun day school 9:49 ajn. Worship at 11. Christ's Ambassadors. 0:49 p.m. Evan gelistic services 7:49 pjn. Prayer ser vice, Friday 7:49 pjn. LATTER DAY SAINTS Modern Woodman hall. 3rd St Sunday school 9:49 ajn. Worship. 11 MIA 7 JO pjn. CHRISTIAN. MISSIONARY ALLIANCE North 2nd St Gordan Bratvold, pastor. Sunday school and Bible clas ses 10 a.m. Services 11. Young people's fellowship hour, 7 p.m. Evening ser vices at 8. Midweek Prayer and Bible stuay. Wednesday p.m. CHURCH OP GOD Second at A St C. W. Cleghorn. pas tor. Sunday school. 10 ajn. Worship, n. evangelistic, s p.m. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC Pine at Grant St. Father John J Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses S and 10 ajn. week-day masses, 0:19 a.m. Valley Churches SWEGLE SUNDAY SCHOOL School house. Sunday school 10 a m C. A. Salter, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Enoch Zimmerman, pastor. . rOCS CORN EOS BAPTIST CHURCH State at Elm Ave. Rev. Frank O. Femn. pastor. Sunday school 9:49 ajn. Ben Swinford, superintendent Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject "The Dearest Word 'Mother'". Youth training unions. 0 JO p.m. Evening ser' vice 730 o'clock. Sermon subject The Progressive Life." The morning service wui oe a mower's day service AU mothers invited. - and will be re cognized as a mother. CALVARY LUTHERAN Marion, Ore. Pastor. - E. H. Becker. Morning service 11 o clock. Sermon subject, "Youth Confirmation. HAYESVILLE BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL - School house. Rev. Henry ' Barnet pastor. Sunday school S:4S a.m. Morn ing service 10:49 o'clock. Prayer meet ing. Btoie tuay Thursday issa pjn. at tne pastor s none. FRUITLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Five miles east of Salem. Rev. H. J. Vix. pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service and Junior church 11 ajn. Young people's service and even ing worsiupaJ3au.JW) SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS, S. Commercial at Washington. Pastor J. Francis Lowe. Sunday school 9:43 SJn. Morning service 11 o clock, ser mon subject. A Bible Picture or Mother." Events' service o'clock. Christian endeavor. Worship at 7. sermon subiect. wnat a enrauan Is I" Midweek prayer service' Wednes day evening 7J0. MISSION ST. UNITED BRETHREN 1199 Mission St. Rev. George Martin. pastor. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7 Jo o'clock. Prayer meeting. Wednes day T JO pjn. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . Liberty at Marion St. Rev. Lloyd T Anderson, pastor. Sunday schooL9:49 ajn. Morning service 11 o clock. ""Ser mon subject. "Your Mother-ln-Law 1' Evening service 730 o'clock. Sermon subject "The Jew Is Caught la the FIRST CONGREGATIONAL' N. Cottage at Marion. Rev. Mr. S R. Huntington. DD pastor. Sunday school 9:49 aJn. Morning service 10:99 o'clock. Sermon Subject. : "Mother Machree. Mother Murray. Mother Mary and You. Mother. Pilgrim Fel lowship, church 7 p.m." ENGLEWOOD EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN N. 17th at Nebraska. Pastor, J. M. Goodheart. Sunday school 930 a.m Morning service ll o'clock. Sermon subject. "The Pattern of a Christian Home." Youth and adult fellowship meet at 0:30. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject "The Ascen sion, the Climax of the Incarnation." Youth round up at 830. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Chemeketa at Winter St. Pastor, Chester w. Hamblin. Francis H. Cham bers, assistant. Sunday school 9:49 a.m Morning service 10:33 o'clock. Sermon subject Bread, work, and Love. Sermon by the pastor. Evening ser vice 7:30 o'clock. "Awaiting the Ex perience of God." Sermon by the pastor, bunday: :13 p.m. Tux is fel lowship. 0:30 p.m. Junior high fel lowship. 8 :30 p.m. College fireside Thursday: 730 p.m. Midweek service CENTRAL LUTHERAN Hood at. N. Summer St Rev. R. A Krueger. pastor. Sunday ' school :49 a.m. Films on Madagascar will be shown. Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. Mahein Rossing. missionary to Madagascar will speak on J tie mission work on the field. Evening service o clock. Junior Luther leacue. 8 p.m Senior Luther league. Wednesday, p.m. Bible study. FIRST SPIRITUALIST 248 N. Commercial. Service at 2:30 and 730v Rev. Mary Gerken, speaker Circle at 0. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church at Chemeketa St. Rev. George H. Swift, rector. Holy com munion 7 30 am. Junior church and Sat. RADIO KSLM (1391 at) Kons (171 ke) KGW (20 lie) KEX (lift to) !?J News l ( Merriwell Downbeat a'.li T)mektP Garden Gate Merriwell Downbeat ' 2:2? ' March Time KOIN Klock IKneass News Downbeat 0 9 News I KOIN Klock I Dave West Downbeat tit? New IKOIN Klock Dave West I Roundup Boys J. SblD !New Hear This lAgronsay ' J:i? ew" )Bob Garred Old Songs J Newt I-4S Orchestra (User News (Sam Hayes (Collins f ?f f!ven Rest Theatre Today Music (Wake Up "mil ilavn Theatre Today JUser Time I Wake Up J"l? Pioneers 1A11 Aboard ISmilhV Ed Wake Up S:49 Orchestra I South Swing ismilin' Ed . IWake Up 9:00 Band Bonds (Grand Central j Record Shop J Fairy Talks 1 II 5"d "d1 (Grand Central I Home Dem. ! Psstors Call (County Fair ) x Amer. Farmer 9.43 , Orchestra County Fair (Benny Walker I Amer Farmer i?i?? ,New J Give Sc Take I Farm St Home Research 5in Sln Give At Take I Farm St Home Dirt Doctor !!.! iThis Is Jaz (Adventure Club1 Baxters Asks Govt. 10:4S I This Is Jazz (Adventure Club! Camp Meetin' I Asks Govt. SI1??'" 5 1 (M. L. Taylor Orchestras Metr. Opera ,l5oc Joc M. U Taylor Orchestras Metr. Opera H5? '5 Joc Let'' Pretend Orchestra Metr. Opera 119 iDoe Joc Let's Prerend Orchestra Metr. Opera Nee Pioneers News (Stars Tomorrow, Metr. Opera -' INews Orchestra I Stars Tomorrow Metr. Opera U30 (Serenade Farm Journal Stars Tomorrow! Metr. Opera H:9 VarieUea Farm Journal ISUrs Tomorrow I Metr. Opera 1 0 Bible Club Cross Section 1 Ed Tomlinaon Metr. Opera 1:IS Bible Clufe Cross Section Art Mooney Metr. Opera lae - Orchestra N. Thomas Three Suns Hilltoppers '3 Ton Baker Chicagoans King Cole Page Trio 2:00 1 Treat. Salute (Air Newspaper Rhapsody (Concert 1:19 (Winnie (Air Newspaper Tune Party (Concert t:0 Open House I Col. Feature Concert 9 (Open House I Col. Feature Proudly Hall (Concert . 10 IHawaii Calla Art Kirkham Foreign Policy J. Blair 3:13 IHawaii Calla CoL Feature Foreign Policy (Trio 830 INews Lewis Little Curtain Time I Ensemble 9 Orchestra Lewis Little Curtain Time I Texas Jim 40 IHockridge CoL Feature jLand Bands (Weed Trio 4:19 IHockridge CoL Feature I Land Bands IH. Wlsmer 430 (Proudly Hall Danger. Ahead (Land Bands I Music Library 0:49 ISporU Parade IClen Gray I Land Bands i Music Library 940 INews (Bill Goodwin I Land Bands Les Brown 8:19 IChrist Scientist BUI Goodwin I Land Bands ! Your Business 830 Orchestra lHarry FUnnery Hit Songs Hi Jinx Tabernacle I Bob Garred 1 E. Peterson Hi Jinx 040 Mighty Casey Hollywood jjudv Canova t Cheer Sonet 0:IS IMiahty Casey Hollywood Judy Canova F. Hemingway 0:30 I Family Doe Sweeney J Grand Opry ! Music Moods 0:3 iFamily Doc Sweeney I Grand Opry I Music Moods 740 Newt News Roundup ) Truth or Cons.! Jury Trials T:IS (News News Roundup I Truth or Cons Jury Trial 7 JS (Red Ryder Mayor. Town iLife of Riley Deal in Crime 7:43 (Red Ryder Mayor. Town ! Life of Riley (Deal in Crime 840 Orchestra IV. Monroe Hit Parade (Lone Ranger 8:19 INews IV. Monroe I Hit Parade 1 Lone Ranger 830 I Justice Win? I Jean Sablon I Top This? (Fat Man 8:49. Justice Win? I Memory Music (Top This? (Fat Man 940 News (Serenade I Mystery Hobby Gangbusters 9:19 (Welding ( Serenade ( Mystery Hobby Gangbusters 930 I Fish-Hunt Club Barn Dance I Advised i Retribution 9:49 Irish-Hunt Club Barn Dance I Advised I Retribution 1040 Date Night (Five Star Final News INews 10:19 I TBA ( Jantzen Beach (Sports j Casino 1030 INews Dance Orch. INews Orcnestra 10:49 Orchestra (Glen Gray I Orchestra Orchestra 11:00 Music Glen Gray (Russ Morgan Orchestra 11:13 TBA Glen Gray Russ Morgan (Orchestra 1130 TBA Air-no Hal Pruden I Morocco Music 11:43 TBA Air-flo Morocco Music 11:39 News News- ( U40 Slgn Off (Sign Off Sign Off (X-Tra Hour classes 9:45 a m. Prayer service and sermon 11 a.m. THE SALVATION ARMY 241 State St. Capt. and Mrs. R. B. Lrnhrr, commanding officers. Sunday school 10 a.m. Holiness meeting II a.m. Y. P. Legion 0 p.m. Salvation meeting 730 p.m. Mother's day pro gram planned for Sunday services Thursday: Family night 730 .p.m Friday: Youth night. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Church at State: Pastor, Joseph M. Adams. Church school 9:49 a.m. Morn ing worship 11 a.m. Mother's day ser mon. "The Role of Motherhood." 7 p.m. Santcuary service.' "Small King dom" honoring mothers. Tuesday. 030 p.m. Methodist men s dinner. Herman Clark of Willamette U. speaker. Thurs day 7:30 "The Beliefs of a Methodist" led by the pastor. CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST N. Cottage at Shipping St. James A. Scott, minister. Bible school. 10 a.m. Church service 10:49 a.m. Brother Berry, guest speaker. Young people's service. 8:19 p.m. Church service 730 p.m. Berry guest speaker. 1MMANUAL BAPTIST CHURCH Hazel at Academy. Mr. - H. Elson McCutcheon. Field representative of Los Angeles Baptist Theological Sem inary speaker at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Hiah at Center St. Rev. Dudley Strain, pastor. Church school. 9 49 a.m. Morning service, 10:30 a m. Sermon topic. "Homely Virtues." Evening ser vice. 730 p.m. Sermon topic. "The Great Answer." 0:13 p.m. Youth meet ings: Senior Hi. Junior Hi. Phi Zeta Chris to. Wednesday, 830 p.m. Church night dinner. 8 p.m. Bible study. KNIGHT MEMORIAL CONGREGATIONAL Ninteenth at Ferry St Pastor. Louis E. White. Sunday school 9:49 am. Morning service 11 o'clock. Church time nursery. Junior church. Sermon subject. The Lights of Home. Pil grim fellowship, for Junior high and Senior high young people, at church at 830 p.m. Mrs. Lewis Mitchell and Artnur nsK, counsellors, cone ce ase young people at the parsonage pjn. THE REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OF L.D.S. N. 17 th at Chemeketa St. Pasbr. Charles T. Aaher. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Even ing service 830 o'clock. Zions league. Bible study class taught by Dr. Beat, FIRST EV. UNITED BRETHERN Marion at Summer St. Rev. Wilmer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday school 0.-49 m. saornine service li o clock Mother's day. Sermon subiect. "If We Walk in the Light." Evening ser vice 7:49 o'clock. Musical Evangelistic hour. Sermon subject "The Hem of His liarmenl. PILGRIM HOLINESS 2740 Cherry. Pastor Vernon G. Story. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. Morning ser vice 11 o'clock. Evening service 730 o clock, yp.s. meeting 7. HIGHLAND AVE. FRIENDS N. Church at Highland. Pastor. Cora E. Gregory. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7:30 o'clock. C. E. 0:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 pjn. Prayer Band meets at parsonage at 9 a.m. Friday. THE FOURSQUARE CHURCH 490 N. 19th St. Center and Cheme keta. Rev. Jas. H. Taylor, pat tor Sunday school 9:43 a m. Rhollin La- Duka superintendent Morning service li o clock Kev. jas. Taylor speaking Sermon subject "Prayer. Praise and Power." 8:43 p.m. Crusaders from 13 to 33. in the basement. Evening ser vice 7:43 o clock. Sermon subject. "Escape from the Leopard Men oi West Africa." Rev. Jasper Taylor tells of the adventures in missionary work in west Africa. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN (Mo. Svaod) N. 16th at A St. Rev. H. W. Gross. pastor. Sunday school 9.30 a.m. Morn ing service, 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m with Holy Communion to be celebrated in the latter service. Lutheran hour at 30 a.m. with Dr. Walter A. Maier, speaker. UNIVERSAL CHURCH OF THE MASTKR (Splrlloal) 4M N. Cottace St Rev. John B Craig, pastor. Evening service 730 o Clock. ST. MARK EV. LUTHERAN 343 N. Church St. Rev. M. A. Getz- endaner, D.D. Sunday school 9 45 a.m Morning service H o clock. Sermon subject. "Mother." Evening sen-Ice a o clock. Sermon subject The motion picture. "This is My Father s World. SALEM FREE METHODIST N Winter at Market. Pastor. Richard T. Fine. Sunday school S:43 a.m. Mo ther s Day Program. Morning service 11 o'clock. Rev. Ralph A. Dodd. Sermon subject, "Around the Cross." Young people 7 pm. Evening service 7:43 o clock. Evangelist R A. Dodd. Ser mon subject. ''Jesus Is Coming." FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Thirteenth at Center St. Rev. Orville W. 'Jenkins, pastor. Sunday school 9 A3 a.m. Morning service 10 50 a.b. Sermon subject. "Righteous Mothers," Youth groups meet at 8:30. Evanieln- tic service 7:30 o'clock. Sermon subject "The Harvest Ttme." Church board meeting Monday night. Wednesday nigni rne uiaa Hour. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH State St at 18th. Pastor. C. R. Schulz. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morn ing service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject ine Christian Home. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCK N. Fifth at Gaines. Pastor, Herman j. Boni. associate, wyman B. Bohl. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning ser vice 11 o'clock. Guest speakers and singers. Cliff, and BUIie Barrows, just 730 o'clock. West Salem Aeademy choir. Young people's 830. Missionary nraver hand TuMiia. a n ni. Uiii. week prayer service Wednesday 730 pjn. EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL 445 Ferry St. Pastor, Clovla Cagle. &unaay scnooi id a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 730 o'clock Tuesday. Friday and Sunday. Glen u ueu i . f. president. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Assembly of Gad Ferry at 13th St. Rev. Walter S. Frederick, pastor. Sunday school 9:49 a.m. 1.1 amine service 11 o clock Moth' ers Day service. Sermon subject. "The Mother as the Ideal. 8 o'clock Young people's Christ Ambassadors. Even ing service 7:49 o'clock Evangelistic rally. Wednesday 7:43 midweek service. rriday all day of prayer In the taher nacle. Radio broadcasts over KSLM. Saturday at 9:45 Tabernacle echoes. Sunday at 9:13 sermons In song. CHURCH OF CHRIST Madison at Baker St. L. L. Free man, minister. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Evening service 7 o'clock song practice. Ser mon 7 45. Bible study Wednesday even ing 7:45. CALVARY BAPTIST 1Z30 S. Liberty. Rev. Charles Durden. DD, pastor. Sunday shool 9:49 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Guest speaker will be Mr. Charles Eisenmetr. International Executive Secretary of the Gideons. He will be introduced by Mr. Arthur O. Davidson. State Bible Secretary of the Gideons. Evening ser vice 7 30 o'clock. Guest speaker will be Cliff Barrows, nationally known Youth for Christ leader. He also is to speak at the Youth Rally at the Armory on Saturday evening. Baptist youth fel lowship, 0:30 p.m. Midweek service, Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. vice TJ o'clock. Evangelistic. Tues day night ordinance meeting 7:43. Friday night young people VJL.B, 7:45. Open air meeting Saturday night cor ner of Commercial and Chemeketa 7. Annual Oregon State convention May SO to June 1 at Salem Women's club. 400 Cottage St SALEM TRUTH CENTER 262 N fattae SI tmAr T iilti Walton Quick. Morning service 11 o'clock Mar 1 1th. Subject. "Right Thinking lv.nin aarul... a n'rlfu.b Tuesday. May 13. Youthful Longevity! iui mi j open a anernoona eacn wtea iU 9. BETHANY EV. A REFORMED Marion at Capitol. Rev. Ed. Stauffer. Portland evangelist pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. Morning service II o'clock. Sermon subject. "Women in God's Appointed Place. - LESLIE METHODIST S. Commercial at Ilvm. Pastor. Joseph Knotts. Sunday school 9:43 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subject "Mother." T p.m. Youth and Wesley fellowships. Evening service 8 o'clock. Sermon subject "The Need of Action." Midweek service Thurs day 730 p.m. JESUS NAME PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 1173 Lewis St . half block west at south 13th St Pastor. Ronald V. Sitts- er. Sunday school 10 a m. Morning ser vice n o clock, sermon subject "Our Place in the Body." Evening service 7:43 o'clock. COURT ST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Seventeenth at Court St. Pastor. W. H. Lyman. Sunday school 9:49 am. Morning service 10 M o'clock. Mother's day message by Mrs. W. H. Lyman. Christian Endeavor hour 830 pm. Evening service 739 o'clock. Evening service by Gideons. Midweek Bible study prayer. Thursday 730 p.m. KOAC 990 kx. Satarday 101)0 aJn News: 1049 Beaver Coed Week' ly; 1030 Especially for Women; 110 Concert Hail: 1240 News; 12:19 Noon Farm Hour: 140 Variety in Music: 130 Women's Day Convocation: 2:13 Song Time: 230 Memory Boob of Hills: 3:45 Science News of the Week: 4 40 Music of the Masters; 4:45 Chil dren's Theatre; 940 Hi3h Time; 9:55 Spotting the Sports; 6:00 News; 6:15 A Look at Australia: 830 Parts News reel; 8:45 London Letter: 740 Grand Opera Tonight: 8:49 Newt; 9:00 Dance Parade; O038 Sign- Olii M. B. CHURCH 1125 Elm St. Rev. A. A. Loewen. pastor. A. H. Fadenrecht, assistant. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning ser vice 10:45 o'clock. Evening service 7:45 o'clock. Wednesday: 7:15 Midweek Bible class. 8 p.m. prayer rneeting. 1ST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Chemeketa at Liberty. Sunday school 11 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock. Sermon subiect. "Afam an-" F-.'-- Man." Evening service 8 o'clock. Wed scsday evening meeting at S a:c.u es testimonies of healing. Reading room 148 S. High. GOOD MORNING Rersrdless What Elso "Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is nono of His.T Rom. t.-J. "For by one Spirit ore wo all baptized Into one body.' I Corinthians 12:13. MARION COUNTY. SUNDAY SCHOOLS First Presbyterian Church ChemekeU st Winter 8L ' Chester W. Hamblin Pastor Virginia Ward Elliott, - masie director 9:4S A3I. Church School Mother's Oar Services 18:55 A.M. "Bread. Work. and Love" 7:30 PJU. -Awaiting, the Experiences f God" Sermena by the Pastor Salem Pastor Visits Akron The Rev. and Mrs. rtermaa Bohl of tho Alliance church are in Akron. Ohio this week as of ficial delegates to the. Interna tional Council meeting there May 9 to 13. From various countries and everr Doriion of the elnha delegates will be present in tne Kev. Bohl's absence, Wy man B. Bohl. the associate, will be in charge with special guest speakers on singers at Sunday's service. -Cliff and Bilbo Barrows Just returned from six months bt different countries of Europe in uie interests or Youth for Christ, will speak Sunday morning. The evening service will fea ture the West Salem A-aHni choir under the direction of Jean Whittaker. Leslie Smith, super intendent, will be the speaker. CALVART CHAPEL rail Cnal 1174 N. .Church St Rev. Claude C. and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunder school 45 am. Morning sarvtce 11 o'clock. Special Mother's day program bv Sunday school. Sermon by paator. "Defenders of the railh" 1 p ut. Joyce, rriesen. leader. Mrs. Rut Hair, speaker. Evening service T 4i a'clork. Special music. Sermon tv Mrs. BelL Tuesday service 8 pm, Lora rrient and the young people ut charge, Trt day service a pjp aerinoa by pastor. Sunday Services 11 A.M. The Gideons, Charles Elsenmeir. k International Secretary. 7:30 P. M. Cliff Barrows of Youth for Christ Calvary Baptist Chnrcli 1231 Sooth Liberty FOR A PLACE TO WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT MJD TRUTH ATTEND SERVICES AT Jesus Ilane Penleccsial Tabernacle 1175 Lewis Street . K. V. Slttser, Pastor Sunday School It A.M. Classes for all ages. Worship Service 11 A.M.. Evening Evangelistic Service 7:45. . Prayer Meeting, Wednesday Erenlng 7:41 A Cordial Welceoae Awaits To A CHRISTlAHinSSIOIIARY iVLLIAIICE - - North 5(h at Gaines 11:00 A. Mv Cliff and Bilie Barrows This splendid young Christian couple have just returned with six months of experiences in Europe in tho effort of Youth for Christ ' . . 7:30 P.M. West Salem 'Academy Choir Hear these High School students in song and testimony from ao Interdenominational Christian sponsored High School. ) A, J REVIVAL FIRST Rev. Mrs. Wllsaa Perry Cottage and ITood Streets Salem. Oregea Blay 11 to 25 Daily 7:45 P.M. Children's Meeting 4:08 to 5:0f P.M. Dally Except Sat. and Saa. Mr. Clarence Perry. Soog Evangelist Rev. and Mrs. IL A. Schlatter. Ministers THE CHURCH Or COD 280 Chemeketa upstairs. Pastor Frank AUauay. Sunday school 10 a.m. Mrs. George Croley. Morning service 11 o'clock-Sermon subject. Evening ser Internationally Knoicn AIusiowuEvangelist p Jas. H. Taylor From West Africa 1 I at; The Fom 490 N. 19th St, Between Center and Chemeketa Sunday, 11 A. Prayer, Praise and Power ' 7:45 P. M Escape from the Leopard Men Cannibal Society - ALL ARE WELCOME