The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 09, 1947, Page 3, Image 3

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    -t .
Unit Meets at
Jack Craig Home
; ANKENY The Home Exten
sion unit of thi community met
at the home of Airs. Jack Craig
Tuesday afternoon. The new .offi
cers for the year were installed
by Mfs. Hate McCarty. The out
going chairman is Mrs. Rex Hart
- ley. New officers are: Chairman,
Mr. Delmar Davison; vice chair
man, Mrs. G. Belknap; secretary.
Mrs. . Wilma Morford; treasurer,
Mrs. Nelson Gilmour. 'The club
voted 4-H scholarships to sum
mer school for Sidney and 'laiwot
pupils. Care of the feet was dem
onstrated by project leaders Mrs.
J. O. Farr and Mrs. William
Wiederkehr. ,
Detroit The high school girls
are .giving a Mother's Day tea at
Ihe school building on Friday
from 2 to 4 o'clock
; o
jlj H
51 gauge
20 denier
45 gauge
30 denier
.a j (27
Mrs Van Cleave
To Head PTA
At Silverton
S1LVERTON Mrs. Gordon
Van Cleave was installed Wed
nesday nifht as president of the
Silverton Parent-Teacher associa
tion, replacing Mrs. Ole Meland,
outgoing officer, Mrs. Helmer
Brokke, past president, installed.
Other new officers are vice
president, Mrs. Chester Burger
son; secretary, Mrs. Harry Vetter;
treasurer, Hannah Olson. Cor
sages, a gift from the Silverton
Greenhouses, were presented to
the new and outgoing officers as
well as to Mrs. Brokke.
Committee reports during the
business hour included that ef
Mrs. F. J. Roubal who told that
the local organization has re
ceived again its standard certifi
cate. Silverton's organization has
been missing this goal for some
time, it was explained. Mrs. Mar
tin -Hannan gave the report from
the county council meeting at Sa
lem; Mrs. Harry Vetter, Mrs.
Chester Berguson and Mrs. Van
Cleave reported from the Port
land convention. Mrs. Vetter an
nounced the Radio Study club
to meet Wednesday at 1:45 at the
home of Mrs. Meland. j
The daylight screen for visual
education, given by a group of
25 friends of the late Florence
Story who taught here for 15
years, was presented by Mrs: Lee
Haskins, Salem, former Silverton
teacher. Announcement was made
that L. C. Eastman would make a
copper plaque to accompany the
screen. . , t
, Music was furnished by the
grade school' band directed by
Robert Collins. During the tea
hour, planned by Mrs. Ted Ruth
erford, Mrs. William ' Woodard.
Mrs. r Earl Conklin, Mrs. Fred
Evans and Mrs. , R. B. Winslow,
pouring were Miss Olga Johnson,
outgoing secretary, and Mrs.
Return Home
From Washington
Mitchell returned Monday from
a two weeks visit with relatives
in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gleason
spent the weekend' at- Walla
Walla, Wash. f
Edmond Tappen of San Fran
cisco, Calif., visited in Aumsville
Monday with his wife and daugh
ter. :
The Aumsville Women's club
will hold guest day at the Ivan
Putnam home Saturday, May 10.
The high and grade schools gave
a May day program May 2 with
each grade performing and mu
sical numbers by the high school.
The 3rd and 4th grade girls
wound the May pole and the 7th
grade 'gave a skit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Wiebe have
moved to the place they purchas
ed at Auburn. '
U Loren Van Waggoner, 111 at
their home, is confined to his bed
most of the time.
" ' i
- :r - ! f - ' ,
"You're the first man that ever eared whether I had feelings . . . "
says Ann Sheridan to Kent Smith, in a dramatic moment from
Warner's melodrama "Nora Prenthp" which starts today at the
Elsinore theatre.
Valley Briefs
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Alf
O. Nelson will leave Portland by
plane May 15 to go to Virginia
where they will spend a month as
a guest of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James
: Brush Collere The Brush Col
lege community club will hold a
covgred-dish- supper at .6:30 to
night at the .school house. There
will be a program at 8 p.m., feat
uring the, "Melody Ramblers." An
election of officers also will be
Swegle Mrs. C. A. Salter, the
newly elected president of Swegle
Parent Teacher Association, at
tended the state convention as a
delegate. She was present for all
of the sessions of the three days
Silverton Alice Dustan, gar
den editor of "House Beautiful-'
national publication, was a caller
at the Cooley Iris Gardens Wednesday.
Norwegian Singer
To Give Concert
SILVERTON Calvary Ladies
Aid will meet Wednesday at 2
6jn. with Mrs. Bertha Estenson as
Members of Trinity Dorcas soc-
ciety will serve a Mother's Day
fellowship dinner Sunday follow
ing the morninf service. A Dro-
gram is being planned for the oc
Erlintf Kroph will civ a uro
gram of Norwegian folk songs and
show motion pictures and stills of
Norway at an entertainment at
Immanuel church Wednesday
Attend Festival
At Newport
ANKENY The" Home Eco
nomic club which will meet at
the home of Mrs. Robert Beegle
has been postponed until May 22.
Mr. and Mrs. J.' O. Farr at
tended the crab festival at New
port last weekend.
Fanners Auxiliary
At KephartV
Central Howell Fanners Union
Auxiliary held an all day meet
ing Tuesday, May G at the home
of Mrs. Milton Keph3rt. Mrs. Paul
Bas-ett presided. A letter from
an English woman whs read by
Mrs. Frank Way. Officers for the
coming year were installed by
Eleanor Trindle assisted by Mrs.
Clarence Johnsonl Mrs. Leonard
Hammer was installed, president;
Mrs. Milton Kephart, vice presi
dent and treasurer; and Mrs. Ted
Kuenzi, secretary. Mrs. Paul Bas
sett is retiring president. Furni
ture Arrangement was presented
.by Miss Trindle, home demonstra
tion agent. Mrs. Loren Gower
and Hattie Stay were visitors. A
no-host luncheon was served by
the hostess assisted by Mrs. Ray
Rutschman. Mrs. Lee Dow, Mrs.
Clyde DeSart, and Mrs. Eldon
Watts. Other members were Mrs.
Frank Way, Mrs. Leonard Ham
mer, Mrs. George Plane, Mrs.
Lawrence Hammer, " Mrs. John
Anglin, Mrs, A. E. Kuenzi. Mrs.
Ted Kuenzi, Lena Bartruff. Mrs.
Robert Bye, Mrs. Emory "Goode,
Mrs. Ray Kibben. Mrs. Lewis
Wampler, Mrs. John Cage. Mrs.
Will Scharf. Mrs. Carl DeSart,
Mrs. Louis Patterson, Mrs. Clar
ence Simmons, sr.. Mrs. Henry
Torvend, Mrs. John Schaffer, Mrs.
Leon Flux, Mrs. Frank Beutler,
Mrs. Wilhelm Sjorangen, Mrs.
Samuel Eshleman, Mrs. Paul Bas
set t and Mrs. Clarence Johnson.
SWEGLE Guests this past
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Becker on Sunny view ave.
were former friends from Cal
gary, Alta., Canada.
ART TILE fr fireplace, drain
boards, store fronts, bathrooms,
hewers, shower doors.
Free Estimate
"Ed" Bush
Ph. 2-4S3I 1S35 N. Winter
The Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Friday. May 9. 19473
Valley Births
Mrs. Max Bib by are receiving
congratulations on the birth of a
son bom May 6, at the Salem
General hospital. This is their
first child. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Horace Bibby of Glen
eden Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Art
Rasmussen of Labish Center.'
SILVERTONBorn at the Sil
verton hospital May 7, a son 'to
Mr. and Mrs. George Kytlo of Mo
la 11a; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Hanna of Scotts Milk; May
6, a yon to Mr. and Mrs. Forest
Hartzlar of Hubbard; May 5,
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. O. B.
Kliewer; May 3, sons to Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Cobb of Mt Angel and
to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman o
SWEGLE For a May; Day par
ty Mrs. Rex. Peffer was hostess
for ten members of the automo
bile department of the secretary
of stale office.
SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Helms cf Portland were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs.- E. E. Brandt on East Garden
road. i
Just received a
shipment of
Faraers Ildw. Co.
IIS S. Commercial St.
When you can buy coffee that never fails to bring you
the same delightful aroma and delicious flavor in your
cup.that is reallya treat! Hills Bros. Coffee does just
that-like magic every time you make it ControHed
Roasting, an exclusive Hills Bros, process which insures
in even roast for every coffee bean, is one of the rea
sons for this uniform goodness. To bring Hills Bros.
Coffee to you with all its freshness, it is vacuum-packed
- A it.. mi t- : r .
i : il li ' '
y?C: i "It's a 1reatiojuauG coffee like this!"
i : 1. Refnlar Grind 2.T!ie Hew
iin Oris and Class-Maker Grind
i ' in ane
; in jars !
Slace $wpplU or fill (M0)f3fSS
fatw,HiibirM.cfMiMM y. n!3
Spiced Luncheon Meat
no. z can 25 c
Spam, Prem, Treel 12-oz.
c : j l m
Corned Beef Hash
Armour's i
Ileal Balls and Gravy
Lima Beans fk Ham
ov Kingwood's Prai
Red Kidney Beans
K ' T 1
UIMM ui ire
Pork & Deans Large, No. 2't can
Diced Carrols . 2
No. 2 can
ov Kingwood's Prairie
). 2 can
Standby No. 2s
Bean Sprouls 2
Ben Gee No. 2'a
1-Ib. can
- HUl'a Bros. - MJB - Folger's
Canned HiIIi: 2
tall cans
Carnation - Pet - Borden - Nestle
3 lb. jar .35
Tomalo Juice . ..Large 46-oz. can faC
Xge. 14-oz. bottle
...... Pint bottle A M W
Kerr's Best
Grape Juice
Assorted Jelly Rerr s
l-lb, jar
Mil. jar
Skippy Peanut DntliTr 330
or - Planter's t
FrJt7;;:es i ii pays to Drive om I w sye w;;
ToaHlr and Shop at Ericlison's s:iI'Z,Xm.
t I '
Ilucoa Margarine . .Mb, 390
Del Ilonle Beans no. 2 can 190
cut stringless
Bine Spot Choice no. 2 can 170
Del Monte Corn no. 2 can 150
Golden Bantam
Del E-Iaiz Ilibleis c. 150
Sliced Peaches No. 10 can 490
Ruby (so-called gallon cans)
Cranberry Sauce ....Tall can 240
Ocean Spray Whole
Cranberry Cocklail 12-oz. bottle
Ocean Spray Adds zest to meal
Baspherry Preserves l 490
.Tea Garden fancy
Preserves Dude Ranch l-lb. jar 390
' Boysenberry - Blackberry
Pop Corn Jolly Time 10-oz. can 150
Duz, Oxydol, Rinso, Super Suds
. Washing Powders
Granulated Soap reet Xge. pkg. 450
Lge. pkg.
Giant pkg.
Armour's Grade A Steer Beef - Tender and flavorful
Beef Roasl a li, 440
Grade A Steer Beef blade or arm cut
Lb. 640
Armour Star by the piece
Pork Liver
Tender and rich in vitamins
in uiis anu lite new uiua-vac jais. r
i -i