The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 08, 1947, Page 9, Image 9

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    Younger Set
Birthdays '
Members of the, very young set
re busy this week entertaining
with birthday parties. Collins celebrated her
birthday Wednesday afternoon at
party at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Col
lins, on Market streeV A few of
. her friends were invited to lunch
eon in the garden. i
Fifth Birthday
Judy Fortmiller. ' daughter of
Dr. and Mrs. E. V, Fortmiller, will
be a party hostess this afternoon
at their Fairmouct Hill home in
honor ' of her fifth birthday.
Games will be in play with birth
day cake and refreshments fol
lowing. Honoring Judy will be Susan
Wilson. Bucky Schmidt. Gregory
Stadter, Nancy Miller, Steven
Dawson, and Carol Ramsden.
Tmrtr Sa tarda 7
Bobby Stevenson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Glenn O. Stevenson.,
will celebrate his fourth birthday
t a garden party Saturday after
noon at their Market street home.
A May pole will center the birth
day table with May Day favors
for the guests. ;
Bobby's guests will be Jimmy
and Barbara Both, Johnny and
Jerilyn Hughes, Barton McSherry,
Tommy Martin, Butch Tuma,
Monte and Michael Adams, Deena
YVelden, and Susan. Lewis and
Douglas Burns of Portland, and
Patsy Stevenson..
Additional guests will'be Bob
by's grandmother. Mrs. George
Irvine, Mrs. Opal Hagenbush, Mrs.
Edward Roth. Mrs. John Hughes,
Mrs. Irl McSherry; Mrs. C. T.
4 Martin. Mrs. Wayne Adams, frs.
' Robert Weiaen, . and Mrs. Jay
Burns and -Mrs. David Lewis of
Golfers Play, for
Low Net
A warm, sunny day greeted
over fifty women golfers for
. Ladies Day at the" Salem Golf
club Wednesday morning. Prizes
were awarded for low net Vith
. Mrs. W. T. Waterman winning in
class 'A; Mrs.. Brazier Small, class
B: -and Mrs. Joseph E. Albrich,
class C.
Luncheon followed the day's
play at the clubhouse. New golf
ers welcomed were ' Mesdames
Brazier Small. Kenneth Bell, Don
ald Murdock, Donald Lutz, George
Mirich and Homer L. Goulet.
7 oz. Bags of
O AsVt. Santlwiclir?
O Dimples
O News Boys
O Ginger Snaps
sh rrvr
Boxed Cfcocolales
1-pound - , , r' Km
Two distinct styles - leatherette or
mirrori finish. Regular $2.49.
Mother's Day special price
9-Oz. Size
Ribbed Design
5c Each
Auditions and syllabus exami
nations will be" given . in . Salem
Jun e 5 . by the Oregon Music
Teachers association. Application
blanks may be obtained at Wills
Music store. Applications and fees
must be in by May 14 and may be
sent to Mrs. David Eason, 735 S.
Church st, education chairman.
Date Set for
June Rites
Sunday, June 22 has been set
as the date for the coming mar
riage of Miss Dolores Hamilton
and Courtney Jones. The couple's
engagement was announced in
March. . Miss Hamilton is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
Hamilton and . her fiance is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones,
all of Salem.
The rites will take place at
the Calvary Baptist church at 5
o'clock with Mr. Charles Durden
officiating. A reception will fol
low the nuptials.
Both Miss Hamilton and her
fiance are graduates of Salem
high school. He attended Willam
ette university and Oregon State
college and is a member of Kappa
Sigma. He served in the navy
V-1Z during the war.
Chapter Honors
Mothers day and Music week
were jointly commemorated by
members of Chadwick chapter.
Order of the Eastern Star, at the
Tuesday night meeting. Mrs. Rose
Babcock, representing mothers of
the chapter, was escorted to the
east and spoke briefly. Mrs. Da
vid Cameron sang two solos, dedi
cating them to the late Mrs. Wal
ter Denton. Milton Myers also
spoke a brief word of greeting.
Mrs. Fred Keeler and H. R. Rob
inson, worthy matron and patron,
presided. In charge of refresh
ments and decorations were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert C. Gragg, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bennett Mr. and
Mrs. E. C Holt, Miss Merle De
Vaul. Mrs. J. C. Lindley, Mrs. J.
H. Jennings and Mrs. James O.
The Merry Times Birthday rlnb
will meet with Mrs. H. C. Bell,
Carleton way, for a dessert lunch
eon Friday at 1:15 pm. Mrs. J. F.
Schon berg's birthday will be ob
served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HimllUa
of Seattle are expected in the cap
ital Friday for a several days vis
it wih the Ralph and Clarence
Hamilton and Mrs. C. S. Hamil
ton. s
will bo
Heavy weight
ular 19
Just Arrived
Shipment of
New Officers
Are Elected
Mrs. Walter Barsch was elected
president of Salem Soroptimist
club Wednesday noon at a lunch
eon meeting in the Golden Pheas
ant restaurant' She succeeds Mrs.
Marie Ling. '
Other new 1 officers are Miss
Irene DeLisle, first vice-president;
Mrs. Glen McCormicky second
vice-president; Miss Lucille Bush
nell, secretary; Miss Lena Blum,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. El
len Gabriel, treasurer; and Mrs.
Ethel Lau, director.
The club announced the 30 rec
ords donated by KSLM and sev
eral albums purchased by the club
have been given to Hillcrest
school: Soropti mists last - winter
gave-the school two record play
ers. Chairmen Are
Appointed ! '
Mrs. Joe Hopkins, president of
the Beaver navy auxiliary VFW,
appointed her committee chair
men for the year at the meeting
Tuesday night Appointed were
Mrs. Peery Buren, membership;
Mrs. James Ritchie, hospital; Mrs.
Wallis Atkinson, finance; Mrs.
Arvid Parson, Americanism; Mrs.
Eva Tucker, sewing; Mrs. William
Hyder, social; Mrs. Jess McNeil,
post-war; Mrs. Dudley Bullock,
rehabilitation, and Mrs. ! James
Ritchie, poppy. i
'A box social for June 13 at the
Mayflower hall was announced
and a report on the veterans' hos
pital was given by Mrs. Jessie
Sanders. Mrs. Leon Hanson, dis
trict president installed Mrs.
William Hyder, treasurer, and
Mrs. Jess McNeil, trustee.
Credit Women
Attend Tea
Mrs. Ethel Gallinger, president
of the Salem Credit Women's
Breakfast club, and Mesdames
Alta Myers, Louise Jones, Lillian
Wilgers and Lorn a Lucas, mem
bers of the Salem club, attended
a tea in Portland Sunday at the
home of Miss Louise McMahon.
The- affair was in honor of the
three Oregon officers of the Pa
cific Northwest council of Credit
Women's Breakfast clubs. The
Portland club was hostess and
honor guests were Mrs. Mabel
Bliss, Portland, council president;
Mrs. Bessie Kayser, Salens, treas
urer; and Miss Nondua Clark,
Portland, corresponding secretary.
"Thursday.Thrift" is designed for one purpose
Savings aro to be found throughout tho store.
Savings for Everyone.
jai and six glasses. Reg
widths, all colors
2Bc 79c
I u
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Welden of
Lewistown, Montana are arriving
in the capital Sunday by plane
for. a week's visit with their
daughter-in-law and granddaugh
ter, Mrs. Robert D. Welden and
Minnie Jackson
Is Honor Guest .
A miscellaneous shower was
given in honor of Miss Minnie Jo
Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Jackson, whose marriage
of Edgar Lee Vice, son of Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Vice, will be an event
of the spring when Mrs. Charles
Worley and Mrs. John Beebe en
tertained. Games were in play
with refreshments following.
Snowballs, peonies and red roses
were used in decorating the
Honoring" Miss Jackson were
Mrs. Robert Key, Mrs. Kermit
Nysth, Mrs. Calvin Jackson, Miss
Lorene Jackson, Mrs. L. M, Vice,
Miss Mildred and Miss Fern Vice,
Mrs. Gilbert Vice and the host
esses. Mrs. Jory Will
Head Mothers
Mrs. Harold Jory was elected
president of Alpha Chi Omega
mothers at the last meeting of
the season Tuesday night at the
chapter house. Other officers are
Mrs. Blaine Brown, vice-president;
and Mrs. L.- C. Stark, secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. C. W. Par
ker is the retiring president
Tlw sorority girls presented the
mothers with a gift Plans were
made for a covered dish dinner
with the fathers and daughters in
June at the C. W. Parker home.
91st Birthday
E. I. Byram was surprised on
his 91st birthday Sunday when a
group of friends and relatives
called at his country home on Sun
nyview avenue.
Present were his daughter. Miss
Frances Byram of Tillamook. Na
deen Hutchinson, who celebrated
her 20th birthday the same day,
Marva Hutchinson and Donald
Brown of Eugene, Otis Jordan,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hutchinson
of Pilot Rock, Dr. and Mrs. George
Jordan and John of Albany, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Douglas of Canby
and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Reeher.
.David Kit tea. whs was going
to -give a puppet show at the Sa
lem public library on Saturday
has postponed the show until Sat
urday, May 17 at 10 ajn. :
Y V J f 11 I J llJ))
) VJ ylWll K7 A variety of ravon print dres- I
y Jvn J? V 8e8 n a clr an(l styles to
y j ,..v . choose from. Get Mother one
Ik f i ' for Mother's Day. Rejrular i
I'lyl $6.95.
t-n lM (999
'tV - ! Thursday loj
yllA nIy -T
Ludden to
Play Piano
Bcnnet Ludden. member of Wil
lamette university's school of mu
sic faculty, will appear in piano
recital at Waller hall tonight at
8:15 p.m. o'clock. The program,
open to the public, is one of a
series bring presented during Mu
sic week by Xhc school of music.
Mr. Ludden will play Sonata
in B flat by Mozart. "Moments
Musical" in F minor and in A flat
by Schubert two preludes by
Debussy, "Intermezzo" in A minor
and "Capricco" in G minor by
Brahms, and "Symphonic Etudes"
by Schumann.
Annual Silver
Tea Saturday
Jason Lee Wesleyan Service
guild will honor mothers and
daughters at a silver tea in the
church parsonage, 860 Jefferson st,
between 2 and 4 o'clock Saturday.
The rooms will be decorated with
spring flowers by Miss Helen
Fletcher and Mrs. Otto Yunker.
Mrs. Roy Fedje, Mrs. William
Utley, Mrs. J. Ed ear Purdy, and
Mrs. S. Raynor Smith will pour.
,Mrs. Marvin Neddleton is in
charge of tea arrangements. All
mothers and daughters interested
are invited.
Musicians Will
Give Programs
Four young Salem musicians
will be presented in three con
certs in Tillamook on May 12.
Taking part wili be Donna Jane
Macklin, violinist pupil of Boris
Sirpo, Portland; Bernice Kleihege,
soprano, pupil of Josephine Albert
Spaulding; Sandra Nordyke in
three original piano compositions;
and Frances Baum. pianist, in solo
group and accompanist. They are
pupils of Mrs. David Eason.
Visitors In Uia capital a few
days this week were Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Mangle or Grants Pass, for
mer Salem residents.
Women la your 40Ti' this medi
etas 1m Hum m rrtter hot ftaahva.
Mrrout Iwnlnn wha due to tte.
luBcttonal attMto-oca' period pecu
liar to worn a. Wort trjnnf .'
- To Save You Money. Extra values at Extra
Watch for "Thursday Thrift" Each Week-Thoro
SiZC 3g 50
AIMSVILLE A graap of
neighbors and friends gathered at
the new home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Porter, east of Aumsville
for a house warming. Lunch was
served by the guests, and cards
were in play.
i Present were: Messrs and Mes
dames Cecil Bindel, Ambrose Doz
ler. Otto Burson. Paul Dozler,
Henry Minten. L. Minten. B. Por
ter, Walter l-ulay. Eldon Girtman,
Ed Forrette and Robert Smith.
Joan, Charlene and Margurite
Frost, Eileen and Andrea Dozler,
Kenneth Porter, Shirley, Patsy
and Mary Ann Minten, Marcella
Forrette, Donald Forrette, Mal
colm Long. Jack Stewart, Harry
Girtman, Larry Freres, Raymond
Porter and Harold Porter and the
Mrs. Taylor Hawkins will be
among the mothers spending the
weekend on the University of
No, our chickens aren't shrink
ing in size but they are in
number. There are over 1 rail
lion less chickens on Oregon
and Washington farms now
than last year. At the same
time Oregon and Washington
population has increased 28
tn the last few years, result
ing in a critical shortage ot
poultry and eggs in this area.
Poultry growers are urged
to increase their flocks and
help alleviate this situation.
See your local Triangle dealer
and let him help you plan.
See Your Local Triangle)
1946 1947 1948
Small size pitcher with 4 juice glasses
& crystal plate. An ideal set to serve
cool drinks with on the rNfe
hot days to come. Keg- I 3TVir iC
ular 98c. Special Tries
Reg. 49e
The Statesman. Salem, Oregon.
Oregon campus for Junior and
Mothers weekend as the guest of
her daughter, Harriet
Club Surprises
Mrs. Carter
A surprise handkerchief show
er was held for Mrs. Wade Car
ter on her birthday when she
was hostess to the Merry Ming
lers club at her home on Fisher
During . the business , meeting
560 So. 21st St.
45 Gauge Fine Quality
Sizes tVa to 10
Thursday, May 8, 13473
election of officers was held with,
Mrs. Henry Sprick being elected
president; Mrs. George Hardy,
vice-president and Mrs. Earl
Malm, secretary - treasurer.
Meeting af Ladies aaxiliary af
Townsend club,- No. 3 slated to
meet Friday hat been postponed
until further notice.
Mrs. Ward Davis will eateriate
members of her club at bridge and
luncheon this afternoon at her
East .Wilson street home.
Here at bat! The mW V
tua Bliad with I1 (he
tou've admired tn coon
blinds ...and mrt. For Ffcnlwa
is made af a special slinia
alloy so flexible it beads te ac
commodate your brush as you
whisk the dust away. So kwviy.
its satin-smooth, plank iaish
fclends with every decoreaVt set
ting, resists weather steias sad
sod. Flecalom is nTt pmnf. mmp
proof, will not crack, dup'or pert
datum mi fa mtt .
Discrtt for yoMTfif iw
Mali tbit mw rnndow
dow ktmrt
FhoM 3143
1 m. I
cifawi arrm nm mat er a aauat
wmtnt awtr. tfewr . -
as rot mmi ro urr JJ
Crystal howl and six nap
pies (similar to picture)
Regular 79e
Recular$3.79 SH 9
Special TVS
RemUr $1.49
Thrift Pries jj
(q) (0C
(0)(0) Pair
Assorted Flavors
Regular 2 for 5c