M i d-W i I lametle Va 1 1 ey News f'rmm T ktk Slttletmmn' i'.ammttnity t'Mrrrunttutrmlg Lyars Judge and Mrs. Grant Murphy spent the weekend with their dcughttr. Mrr. " Clarenve Juncwirth, and family. Sunday they mode a trip to SutUe lake. Mr. and Mrs.-Jerry Lyons going with trtfro. FrviOand Sgt N. C. .Dalke of R stile s the home of hi parens. Jr. and Mrs. A. E. Dalke, for a two weeks leave. Mai City Mr. and Mrs- Carl Chfinre visited his mother, Mir. M. J. Chance, in Albany Sunday. rrvitland The Rev. and Mr?. H. J- Vi and Lois Gayle of Po.-t-land were dinner guests of fir. and Mrs. Albert Harmon Sunday. Mill City Mm. Ernrtt Brown and Lynn of Albany are visiting t the Paul Mason home. FraiiUm! James Martin is convalescing afteiva surgical oper ation. i Lyon Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Boring with Mr. and Mrs. Ralwh lion rg end famriy vtMted rela tives at Linslaw. Sunday. W. R. Bonrg's father' returned with , them... Fall City Mr. and Mrs. Dick lt.rr.ba rd of Corvallis vWted the Harvey Freeman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. John Sappington of Eugene visited here Sunday. Lyos Mr. and Mrs. Mason Smith of Alpena, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Smith of Corvallis were Monday guests at ' George Huffman. Falls City Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bowman are the parents of a daughter born May 4 at Dallas hospital, .. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Beulah and Kenneth vis ited Sunday at the-home of his niece, Mr. and Mrsi Byron Ben nett at Springfield Mrs. Nannie Martin returned to the home of bet daughter with them. Detroit Mary Lee King of Sa lem opened Lorraine's beauty hop here this week. Lyons-Mother and daughters banquet wUl be held at the com munity club house Friday, May 8. Mrs. Ray nor Smith of Salem will be the speaker. An annual affair before the war, this is the first lor several years. . Detroit Organization of a fire department was considered at a mteting here Monday. Plans call for a pump In the river with a water line leading to the highway nd a signal at the telephone of fice. Harold Champion was elect ed fire chief with Eric Nyberg. as sistant. Equipment totaling $1000 will be purchased. Orchard Heights Frank Wil son suffered a severe paralytic stroke which affected his right sidy. Turner The local fire depart ment was called to the' Lawrence Edwards farm early Sunday. A chimney fire resulted in no dam ages. Mill City Mr. and Mrs. John Plymale and family of Lebanon visited his grandparent-, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter Sunday.- Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs. James Best, Mrs. Charles Swartz, Mrs. Gilbert Dillon and M 19. John Simmons spent Mon jlay at the coast Mill City Attending the Crab festival Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plymale, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and family and Mrs. Niel Robinson. Orchard Heights Dorothy Simmons, 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Simmon was taken to the Doernbecher hospi tal in Portland Tuesday where she was found to be suffering from leukemia. Turner Mrs. : S. T. Roberts and Erlyn Klockstad are recov ering from a siege of influenza. Roberts Elaine Van Tassel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Van Tassel, fractured her left an kle last week and is out of school until next week. ' Turner Attending . the crab festival at Newport Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buhl and Bob of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Neirni. Roberta Sale of flower plants raised from seed, and popcorn balls made by the children attend ing Roberts school, was held Fri day ct the gchoolhouse. Eighteen dollars was taken in and given to the Mothers club by the chil dren , in appreciation of services given by the club. Turner -r Spending Sunday at the rodeo in Monmouth were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Webb, Delmer, Bar bara, and Lillbern; Mr. and i Mrs. Leo Klockstad, Gary, Erlyn and Buddy; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wheel er; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coates, Ar dis Frederickson, Mrs. Delbert Si ley. , ; , Roberts Mrs. Frank Ander son and .-daughter, Audrey, of Portland visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Minard.: , G e r v a i Roy Scollard has started construction of a new house in the north part of town. Mill City Picnicking Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Grit ton, Mr. and Mrs. Glen. Baillie, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ross and children and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cooley and family. ; " - - - s G err a is Beulah Barrier, stu dent nurse at Good Samaritan hospital. Portland spentthe week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Barner. v Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cree and family spent the week end at .Newport visiting his great aunt, Mrs. Emma Parrish and attending the Crab festival.'' nervals High school May day festivities will be held May with grade school track meets in the morning. Crowning ; of Queen Lucille Rush will be at 1 p.m. A baseball game with Sublimity will follow and a dance in the audi torium honoring Queen Lucille and her attendants will be held that night. .................. Mill City Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Cox and Paula Jane spent Sunday at Fish Lake. Gervai . Commencement will be May 29 at 8 psn. in the high school auditorium. J. W. Glee son, professor of engineering and industrial arts at Oregon State college, will be speaker. Topic of his speech. "The biggest Bank In the World." f Swegle Mrs. E. E. Brandt was elected president, of the Swegle Community club at the final meet ing last week. Other officers are Mrs. Clifford Yost, vice-president; Joan Stark, secretary; Mrs. C. A. Salter, treasurer. B. F. Edwards entertained with moving pictures, and on the refreshment commit tee were Mrs. Herbert ZobeL, Mrs. Homer J. Conklin, ' Mrs. Menno Dalke. Selling, Patricia Smith and Myraryn Standley. ; Mission Bottom - The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ches ter La Mar died Wednesday, at a Portland hospital, friends here have-learned. REPORT-.-TO TELEPHONE USECIS We're Doing Our Best to Get the Strike . . i . . . - Settled Early... Both to Employees and - ' ' - - t - - - -. . . to Telephone Users Who Pay the Cost of Service. .WVre' negotiated now for mord than two months. But tht I strike situation is, at best, confusing. There are seventeen t ' - - i 4 telephone unions on the coast. It's difficult to reconcile the -. widely differing-demands of several unions and reach a Lasis f 'for a settlement that is fair to all concerned. . ' ' ' :- - ' -' ' '. J More than 18,000 of our employee are working strenuous shifts, night and day, to keep service going. We appreciate, deeply their recognition of the public interest. And we believe telephone users appreciate it, too. Sairness must be the foundation of J any settlement. The final agreement must be fair to telephone employees whose skill and energy make service possible ... and it must be fair to telephone customers who, in the lost analysis, pay the costs of service. The Pacific Te!epf one and Telegraph Company Tfnbbard Ladies Aid of the Hubbard Community church (Congregational) meets with Mrs., L. A. Miller all day Wednesday, May 14 for a no-hostess lunch at noon. Election of officers will be held. Four Corners Members of the Rickey Garden club have complet ed the drive for cancer fund and reported very generous donations by the people in this district. Stayton In an accident at the small sawmill they had only that day started io operate in the woods near Lyons, Michael. 2 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward House.! received injuries that required I amputation of the-third and fourth ! fingers on his left hand just be- i low the first joint, Friday about 4 p.m. i Four Corners Mrs. Frank Fer ris, president of the recently or ganized Missionary society of Four Corners Baptist church, has called members meeting 'for Thursday noon, May 8, at 1; o'clock at the church to conduct : a community survey. Dallas The flower arrange ment class met with Mrs. Elmer Boman Monday to study flower show judging. Mrs. Allie Hanni gan told about judging iris and members visited Mrs. Walter Coy and Mrs. Rae Craven's gardens where fine specimens of iris are grown. Next meeting is with Mrs. J. T. Meeker, when judging roses will be discussed and Meekers rose garden will be visited. ML Ansel Bert Ebnc r was tak en to Salem General hospital fol lowing relapse after having been apparently recovered from pneu- The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Thursday. May 8. 1947 3 monia. He now has pleurisy in addition and was given a blood transfusion Tuerday. Swetle Marilyn Kufner will be queen of the annual May musk festival at Swegle. school Friday night in the school auditorium. Members of the festival court will include Geraldine Bales and Phyl lis Radey. Douglas Pike will act as master of ceremonies. Every child in the school will " have a part in the program with the in termediate grade pupils winding Turner A son was born May, 7 at Salem General hospital to Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Clark. Ma ternal grandparents are Mr. 'and Mrs. R. G. Foat, route 4, Salem. ML Anztl Mrs. Al SaalfHd underwent a major oe ration at St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, Tues day. - Ilubhard , American Legion meets Friday4for election of offi cers the May pele. .V mm) i . l It. -4 . 1 AM S- I".. X No Exchange, tr'I .firid- - ( ' I Cell i I V:..:....:. to 43.C0, r. VrJ-ci'ta 4D.:3. r : . :- J i X - r Y.-.L 1 1 r. '. ft 4 Y. ' . 1. 12.C IA::.lAVtlzht Wool -and Gabardine' - " r - '.''. - ,i i i - . , : , v .. Tr ' t- I i ,w : : f 7 . J . .. J 'Valued tf 1 0.7', row. I .CIror t 1 (Jr.? 'A i Off - t .Values to 4.:, . ;;v rnw VI Group ! V ' Off e ' "-. t ""1 i V .' - ' ':. W - - WW. ' t .WW A- fc. . fc. " -J r. ' "Rasi5ian'Ponys,"nu';r-rt Sirre!.-JTukrat, Tloulcn ; - "Liirr.bConlLi La:.;b, Genuine ' I'Al !ir.s tzl nny ; . .;lher fine fur?. ... ; A Small Deposit V.'i'I ITcM Your Celt Tin Fall ' ..' FREC'ETOnAGE " 1 (I; 1 . ; A 1 Grclp t , C:i . . . - . ' ' " '.-V.- ' ... -' " - ', - l 1 Gr -.Tax; W - i .. . . 4 1 .C 4,0 A-- f r i.