THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier Ca. IW y Uaitas "If I dress norsnally, all the chicks ret the false Impression that say allowance to ormal tee, and I hate to tUsUlaslon 'emr OAO IF YOU 1 DOTT 8MCPEASE MV ALLOWANCE, ru. HfiME to Give dpi BLONDS 1 got SOME CPEAT 'CRIME STOPPERS" M2. CLABK TWEVVE GOT A riWLT IDEA. dOOO w mrWEMCE ON JUVENILES. r GUESS ITM AM AWFUL DUMB OX- 'CAUSE r DOMt KNOW HOW YOU KIN TELL OWE STAR - V FROM MOTHER. UTTLE AKHIS ROOKXT ANO TRVM46TO WTE, MICZET M0UT2 n GASOLCrr ALLET rrmnr' i ( II I 1 ' 1 m DICX TBACY V .MM BUZZ SaWTCX THE NEW CP IT 5URE HAoTt CMNfi ALONG FA4T. 1 1 KNCW VOU CANT I mt. tt mu. we. a Immt to $hcw twem" Jh 9C MOST TOR I WHAT YOU CAN VO. J VWLET V " "vjL Horcy. rji ruas J Vadijuiii DONT vE THINK MV C nfTirMn;! NEW- F ANGLED w HAiR-OO IS PUJM8 f 7 VOU VOULONT "WANT ME TO UP TO BE A - fi H III BACXELOO. I It I II cvrci i mm ttjc irCA farvi 9 I i rr t win. WILL APPEALTO REPENTS, TOOT WCLL USE tvjem in A DOUBLE-PAGE SPREAD, VOU ACPWOT DUM3-YDU ACE A BftlGVr LITTLE CtOL WHO MAS MOVED INIO A STkANGc COUNTRY- Oa. J - A ""-"TV SPREAD.--tV IUIWCEOVEKMO I NOUtL GET VJHATS h - j AAB1 F EVBtYBOPV OVE THE BEST HE'S COT, THE firm cant hbj BONG A 6UCCE55. ft. h AS FR MVSE'F J. I 7 Now York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, May 6-(P)-Today's closing quotations: Al Chem & Dye..I7H Gen Foods... American Can 91 Gen Motors . Goodyear Tire . Am Power & Lt 12 V Am Tel & TeU.1654lGt North fcL. Anaconda - 36 Vs Int Harrest.. Atchison 79 Int Paper Bendix Avia.. Beth Steel j. Boeing Air. J Manville 84 17 25 Kennecott Long Bell Calif Pack Maytag . 9Vi Miami Copper 15 Canadian Pac. . 11 34 Va Case J I Mont Ward..... 53 Chrysler .. ,102 Comwlth Sou - 3 Cons Edison 27 Cons Vultee 14 Nash Kelvin.. m.lStudebaker Nat Dairy N Y Central. 14 North Am Cont Ins.. Northern Crown ZeL - 26 V . 4 .61 Pac Am Fish.. 10 Pac Gas Elec 36 P T & t;. 110 Pan American 12 Curtis Wr . Douglas Air. Dupont de Ne.. Gen 5E4ectric .180 .34 Penney J C Prof it Casfiing Drops Stocks NEW YORK, May e-CP-Stocks generally stumbled 1 over profit cashing in today's market al though a little late buying and short covering reduced most ex treme losses running to 3 or more- points for leaders. Professionals turned to the sell ing, on the idea five successive average advances had served as a normal technical correction of the fp I'M A BACHELOR, then I WONT BE ABLE TO BRING OVER CUTE LITTLE If GRANO CHILDREN FOR IV VOU TO PLAV WITH I rn AND BOUNCE ON MEANWHILE. ON AN EL PLATFORM.' 1-1 EY! DO YOU GUVS SEE, WHAT J SEEP JUST THINK OF THE VAST UNIVERSE AS AN HO LESS, BOUNDLESS SPACE IN WHICH THE ONLY OBJECTS rOU PECPGNIZEARETHI iSUM AMD M0w.sti CJrrrx2i CKIATA IP XXI WANT BUT XM KEEPING fO YOU HAP LUNCH THE FU0FE5SOK. I VOU WEKE ON WT 71 s- NOUR KNEE - I w m I I I m r GOOPV..V WJH.?; MEET V 'S THAT T rw with' B I VOU ON E RX. CUE55 EVERySCPY A AKCE! v y A0AJN5T ME I DONT SET NO STORE II iV IN flRTIFIOALS V II '? ! . 8 . 21V, '. 27 . 14 . 21 . 32 . 15 a . 38 . . 31 . 56 . 15 - 18 . 9 . 21 .129 . 25 . 19 . 69 . 15 . 24 - 44 41 (Radio Corp-. 58sRayonier 49Rayonier pfd 39V4Reynolds Met- 83IRichfield Oil. ... pld.. Safeway Z .119 I Sears Roeb 44 I Sinclair OiL. A.. 16So Pacific. Stan Brands Stan Oil Cal. Stew Warner . 304 Sun Mining Union Oil Un Pacific Co.. 26 Pac 16 Un Airlines Un Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros West Elec Woolworth '. 40 April slump and put the list in a position where it might resume the slide. Transfers of 740,000 shares equaled the aggregate of the preceding session. ! The Associated Press 60-stock composite was off .5 of a point at 62.6, sharpest setback since April 29 ana its iirst recession since April 28. Silverton Police court fines for April ran up to $432.59 with an addition $55.50 court costs added, city police judge Arthur Dahl's report shows. -quit making ( -a grandfather ) n .outofmg BETTEl? STAVr HUH? AWAV FPOM WHAT OO that penutJ you S, MACHINE, rnVjuEAN? U WITH ASTRONOMY AS VDUR LJ 6U10EJ VOU WILL LEACH 10 KNOW THE UNIVERSE AS THE f I GEOGRAPHY TEACHES MOU J TO KNOW THIS WORLD ydo douzlz-cbossms 10 RUN BACK TO OOR NAZI BUS. THE CANOEJSWVY? XfiQIPl WITH NC60PY5 AGAJN5T TH0UCHT iVOU RT VOJWS.F. ftPE. I SNAP OUT OF I'D LIKE TO SEE VE EPfTlN' CORN ON TK COB WIFOUT VORE ARTIFICIALS!! pi YOU CST IY0U3UFE An C I NEVER SAW SUCW A r J-SJUa STUP!D-LOOlN' CS i THIN5 IN AAUH 1 i v . . ,- I Wlieat Prices Take Tumble CHICAGO, Maj ftH-Long liquidation in the May wheat con tract weakened other wheat de liveries todard the crose of trad ing today and the nearby contract closed as much as four cents un der the day's high. The demand for corn and oats, however, was good, and at the finish, the feed grains were at about their high lor the session. Before the finish wheat recov ered some of its losses and closed to 2y under yesterday's finish. Corn was h' to Hi higher May 1.6Z-. Oats were to 1 cent higher. May 91-i. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore.. May AP Butterfat tentative (subject to im mediate change), premium quality maximum of .35 of 1 per cent acidity delivered in Portland. 67-70c Ib.s first quality. 66-69e lb.; second quality 61 65c: valley routes and country points 1 cents less than first or 4-7c. Butter Wholesale FOB bulk 68 lb. cubes: Grade AA. 93 score. SI -62c; A. 93 score. l-2c; B, 90 score, 60-lc; C. 89 score. 58c. Cheese Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles 35 -32c: Oregon loaf 38' k -54c. To wholesalers: A grade, large. 52',i-53ic; medium. 43',i-49',c; A grade small 42',,c; B grade, large. 5.i-47tc. Eggs Purchased (ram firmn- Current receipts. 45-50c; bu vers psy J-'iC below wholesale quotations on graded basis for best hennery eggs. Live chickens Paying price to pro ducers: No. 1 broilers, under 2 lbs. 29 30c lb ; 3 to 4 lbs. 35-37c: fryer 2 to 3 jm. ouc; a to 4 IDS. : 35-37C lb.; roasters. 3 lbs. and over, 35-37c lb.: fowl. Leghorn, under 3' . lbs. 18-20c: 3ta lbs. and over 20-23c; colored, all Ti'ifc1' 32"33c lb-: ''." u w'8ht. Rabbits Average to retailers. 4S-52c lb dressed; prices to producers, 43c: fryers, live, white. 20-34c lb; colored. K-Z1C ID. -- Onions, green local. mid-Columbia, 23-35C, few higher. i Onions, dried Oregon yellow. No 1. 3 Inches and larger, 2.75-3.00; med ium, 1 65-1.75; Texas white wax, 4.00- ;a; &aie to jobbers, cold storage, no. is. 2.oo-z.Za: medium 1.75: truck sales. Texas Bermudas. 3.00-3.25. PoUtoes -steady, Oregon-Washington russeu No. 1 per cwl. 3.75-4. Baker size 4.50-4.70: No. 2 3 10-J J5; No. 2 (SO) lb. 1.-1.05. 15 lb. 60-65; Deschutes No. 2. 50 lbs. 1.25-1.30: new crop: Cal ifornia: 100 lb. sacks 4.2545; Texas oiiss triumphs, so lbs. 3 15-3 50; Calif no. i king white. 100 lbs. sacks a.aa-t.ou; true sales. Calif, long whites i 3.60. Dressed meats Veal Lirtit inn quality. 35-36c: heavy, top quality. 28- juc.-d. za-zoc; t. Z2-Z4C; ull. 18-20c nogs block butchers, paekery style. 125-160 lbs. 37 -38c. over 213 lbs. 36-37c lb: sows, all wts. 29-34C lb: ' lamhs A A 38-40c: A. 37-38c: B. 34-36c: C. 2J-30C io: mutton lo-ix lb. according to quaiuy; Deer best quality. 32-34c; B. "-w; z2-zc; canner and cutter, 18-21c; bologna bulls. 2S-26c. Cascara bark Green. 8-8', c; drv. 20c wool valley, coarse and medium graoes. 2-4j'jC id. Mohair 0c lb on 12-month irowtk Hay Wholesale rail shipment: Grew alfalfa. No 2 or better. 35 Qfl-KM 00 Wed. KSLM KOIN KGW KEX RADIO (IXM ke) (tst ke) k) k) 6:16 6:45 News I News Roundup Timekeeper IKOIN Klock Lucky Jenkins KOIN Klock News IKOIN Klock 2:88 1:16 T: 7:4J News . Rut n Shine News Orchestra KOIN Klock KOIN Klock News Fred Beck 3 9 8:16 8:36 8:48 'Rest Ha ven Rest Haven Pioneers Orchestra I User News Aunt Jenny Helen Trent I Gal Sunday S.e 6:18 9:36 949 Orchestra l.indlahr (Pastor s Call 'Art Baker I Big Sister Ma Perkins Dr. Malone Road of Life I6:6e 19:19 16:36 16:49 News Blng Sings Orchestra Harmony ' I Kale Smith Perry Mason I Lone Journey 'Rose Dreams Jl:e Waltz Time I Bob 8c Vic (Life Beautiful Hymns 11:18 Day Dreams I Rosemary ! Ma Perkins Melodies 11:36 Queen for Day' Mrs. Burton j Pepper Young Listening 11:45 Queen for DaylCrand Slam (Happiness Ethel. Albert I Nooa Pioneer Spirit News ! Kneass News I W. Kiernan I 12:15 News Come Get It Stella Dallas j Stars Today I 12 J6 Hillbilly Evelyn Winters L. Jones J. B. Kennedy 2:4 Varieties Art Baker I Widder Brown i Come Get It 1.-66 Jamboree I House Party IGirl Marries ISunny Side Up News I House Party I Portia Faces ISunny Side Up 1:36 Orchestra Meet Missus I Plain Bill I Kay West 1:48 Orchestra I Missus iFarrell I Kay West 86 Heart's Desire ! Air Newspaper Road of Life What's Doln' 2:1 Heart's Desire Air Newspaper' Lora Lawton 1 What's Doin' 2:36 Bill Gwinn Uuke Box lAunt Mary Bride. Groom 2:4 Bill Gwinn I Bob Trout Dr. Paul Bride. Groom 1.-88 B. Norris i Xrt Kirkham I Woman's Secret Be Seated . 3:15 Orchestra (King's Jesters (Joyce Jordan Be Seated 3:36 News Romance Stage Wife IDorothy Dtx 1:4 'Orchestra (Romance I Kaltenborn IN. W. Today Fulton Lewis Rex Miller Johnson News (The Bible tMelody House I Meditation (The Todds 4:18 4:36 4:45 8:66 H. Harrigan Knox Manning j News 5:15 (Superman (Sparkle Music (Geo. Moorad 8:36 Capt. Midnight News (Sing. America 8:48 Tom Mix I Bob Garred IE. Peterson 6:66 G Heatter ISinatra I Big Story Dinner Music 6:15 News ISinatra I Big Story Lt. Am. Rhythm 6:36 lAmer. Forum I Info. Please Kay Kyser Paul Whiteman 6:48 Info. PleaM Kay Kyser Paul Whiteman 1 Amer. Forum ILowell Thomas Supper Club I Lone Ranger I t:l News (Jack Smith , Lawton I Lone Ranger I 1:36 Cisco Kid Dr. Christian jGildefsleeve I M. Loring 1:4 Cisco Kid I Dr. Christian IGildersleeve I M. Loring 6e That Song? (Jack Carson Dennis Day ILum n Abntr I 8:18 That Song? IJack Carson Dennis Day (Good Cheer 8:36 Twilight Time iTake Stand Horizons j Beulah 1:49 Twilight Time ITake Stand Horizons I Beulah t:a News tOrchestra tDuffy's IB. Crosby S IS Pictorial I Orchestra iDuify's IB. Crosby Weldmg Shop 'N.W. Neighbors' Dist. Attorney Henry Morgan 9:45 Orchestra N.W. Neighborf Dist. Attorney Henry Morgan 1646 Fulton Lewis Five Star Final News 0:1S News JTalks Dream News (Our Town (News 16-45 Orchestra 'Army Voice I Band Wagon 1148 11:15 11:30 11:45 11:5 12.99 Open House Open House Open House News Sign Off Bryan Air-Flo I Newi ISign Off H.OAC 556 k c. 10:00 a.m News 16:15 Especially ior Women: llflO Ore gon School of the Air: 11:30 Concert Hall; 12:00 News; 12:15 Noon Farm Hour: 1M OSC Convocation: 1:15 This Day: 1:30 Melody Time; 2 00 Be havior in Making: 2 30 Oregon School of HEALTH TO YOU WHEN Hemorrhoids ilstol fissure Prolans Itching and ether Rectal disorders are corrected. Ne Hospitalization . Quick Relief Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic . Nataro-Proctologist SIS S. Liberty SL. Salem. Ore. 1 ' Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. May 6 (API Wheat futures not' quoted. Cash grain: No. 1 flax 6.00. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2 33: soft while (excluding Rex 2.34: white club 2.34: western red 2.34. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.34: 10 per cent 2.35: 11 per cent 2.41: 12 per cent 2.51. Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 2 35; 11 per cent z.39; 12 per cent 2 4o. Today's car receipt: Wheat 61. bar- lev 6. flour 5. corn 9. hay 3. millfeed 7. Salem Market Quotations BUTTERFAT Premium J7 .85 J62 .64 49 J2 .48 .48 M M M J2 M M No. 1 No 2 PRINTS Wholesale Retail EGGS. Burial Price extra large Medium and Standard Standards , , Pullets, cracks EGGS. Selling Price Wholesale, large Mediums POULT BT Colored hens. No. 1 , NO. Z Fryers LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack) Spring lamb 1946 lambs, woolled 1946 lambs, shorn 18.50 18.00 16.00 Ewes 2.06 to 7.50 8.00 to 13.50 12 00 to 17.00 1100 to 24.00 Dairy cows Bulls Veal Hog prices 35c pet . hundred under Portland prices for each particular class Stags bought subject stocks and Bonds ( Compiled by the Associated Press) May ITOCK ATEKAGES 30 IS IS 60 Indus. Kails UU1. Stks. Tuesday 88.3 31.2 43.9 62.6 Previous day 89 1 31.8 43.2 83.1 Week ago 86 0 31.9 42 7 61.4 Month ago 89 1 32 9 43 9 83.8 Year ago 105 8 46.6 84J TS.T BOND AVEBAGES 20 19 16 18 Rails IndusL Util For"n Tuesday 92.8 103.7 105.6 74 4 Previou day 92.6 103.T 108.6 14.4 Week ago 92.8 103.8 103 5 74.2 Month ago 94.1 104.0 105 2 75.6 Year ago 1031 103 7 107$ 786 Portland . Livestock PORTLAND. Ore.. May 6 (API IUSUAI-cattle salable 125. total 230 calves salable and total 23; market about steady with Mondays 25-50c lower close on cows and heifers: few steers steady; odd common - medium grades 17.00-20 00: ton Monday - 24 JO; common heifers 14.00-17.00: top Mon day 23.00: canner-cutter cows today 10.50-13.00; shells down to 9 50 fat dairy type cows up to 14 00; medium- low good beef cows 15 00-17.50; med ium-good bulls 18 00-25; good-choice vealers steady at 24.00-27.00: select to 28.00; common-medium grades 13.00- 22.00. Hogs salable 100. total 400: market active, steady: good -choice ISO-345 lb. 2525: 250-353 lb. 22 00-23.00: good 435-633 lb. sows 2000-21.00; good- cnoice leeaer dics salable 34.oo.Z500 Sheep aalable and total 100: market ton; No. I timothy. S36.U0-38 00; oats and vetch. 822.P0-27.00 ton, depending upon quality: clover har. uncertified baled on farms. t?2 00-27 00 Advised Advised Kneass News Dave West Bugler X Bugler X Bugler X Bugler X (Farm Time I Band Music I Old Songs ! Sam Hayes Singing Cowboy Agrotuay Merediths Stock Market I 1 Fred Waring, I Fred Waring jjjck Berch (James Abbe Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast ! Sketches I Kneass News Lew Lacey I News IK. Baker ! K. Baker (Breakfast Hywd I Breakfast Hywd Today's Child. I Woman White I Masquerade (Light World G. Drake Ted Malone True Story True Story 620 Matinee 620 Matinee Stars Today News Rhythm Northwest Dick Tracy Jed ITerry Sky King J Armstrong F. Hemingway I News jHey. Motorist I Concert Hour I Concert Hour I News Russ Morgan I Ron Salt I Concert Hour I I Concert Hour I I Rose Bowl Orch. Rose Bowl Orch. Ix-Tra Hour News Sign Oft Air: 2:43 Memory Book of Music: 3.00 News: 3:10 Music of Masters; 4 00 Ore- fon Reporter: 4:15 Favorite Hymns; 45 Children's Theatre; 5:00 On Up beat; 5:55 Spotting SporU; 6:00 News; 6:15 It's All in a Song; 6:30 Winnie the Wave; 6:45 Son You Want to Stay Mar ried? 7:00 Farmers Union: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 8:00 Radio Shrothand: 8 M Veteran's News; 8:45 News; 9:00 Cam- Eus Heads; 9:30 -Album of Songs: 9:43 vemng Meditations; 10:00 Sign Ofi. BETTER HEALTH! 9) MeaaerrfceMa aocfsff sMsat Calee Aifaseets Oesfrlc Ulcer Traatad without HoepMsl - Wrlla or oaillor TTt deesrlpttra BooUat Af aaatsy Jrs8 ttUfi JO A. At J f. At Brtmimgs: Mtmdsr, WtJmnJtf, fnJmy imtil t Dr. C. J. DEA7I CLHHC Payticiee eef Serfeea N . E. Cornar E. Bumaida aad Grand Arue Talapfaoa EAet 391& Porlaasd 14 Oraooa The) Statogmcm. Salem, Orexyotu steady on spring lambs and ewes: old crop lambs weak; good-choice 94 lb. spring iimbi and ewes: old croo lambs weak" good-choice 94 lb. spring lam os; meoium-nooa wooiea lambs 18.00-50; good-choice shorn lambc tip. to 18.00: common medium grades 15.00-17.00: odd shorn year lings 14.00; wooled to 13.00: medium shorn ewes 5.50-6.00: good-choice sal able 7.00-50; wooled ewes to 9.00. , Livestock and Poultry ROAN Durham bull, milking strain. purebred, not registered. Service age, price fllO. E. I. Snethen, 1550 Lancas ter Br. n. ZI943. FOR SALE; 1 yr. "old N. H. Red hens. Call at 3830 Silverton Rd. JERSEY -Guernsey cow 4'i years old. now mHking. Rt. 3. Box 761. 2 mi. soutn i or Ljperiy on nignway. 18 COWS. 10 calves for sale." 230 A. farm for rent. Inquire at Hi way Ser vice Station. Hubbard. Ore. O. E. foweii. CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number. Prompt enrice. Dressed poul rry wholesale our specialty. . Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. CX31X)RgDTryers. 25a Salem Helghi. 'NEW HA MP. chicks trom trapnested stock ft Pafmenter Red Chicks. Write lor price lirL Geb ring's Hatchery. Sil verton. - WANTED: All kmds of cattle and nogs. WU1 eaU at farm. Write B. L Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Drive Ph 21345 morn or eve. - ' WANTED: AU Ktoda of cattle, fat hogs, aows ft boars At your farm or delivered. Market price. E C McCand- nan. kl s. Bog Z33. across irom Waters Ball Park on S 25 St Ph 8147 BULL Service by ertttictal insem ination. Sire from the best of blood lines. Reasonable fees. All work per sonally supervised by licensed vet rinarians. Salem ArtiflraJ Insemina tion Station. Ph. 6585. .- BABY Chicks hatching twice week ly tn seven - varieties. New Hamp- hlres always available tn chicks Growing pullets any aga. Phone 2286L Lee's Hatchery FOR sale: Christie n a baoy chicks every Wed. Boyingtonsv 3710 State St. f hone wh. HIGHEST QUALITY CHICKS-Nf Ham D hires end Whiff Rocks. 108 free of oullorum. Batches every Tues day. Send for free catalog. Wilson's Hatchery pourtry rarm. Lyons, ore Help Wanted WANTED: 9 anen or women 21 to 28 free to travel U. S. Neat appear ance. veterans, preferred. Free trans portation. Liberal drawing account. average earnings 865 per week and up. see wm. ragunoes. rtotei senator. Room 426. 3 to 7 P.M. No phone calls. WANTED: Tailor or seamstress. Peacock Cleaners. Ph. 5992. . -- BOOKKEEPER with experience in handling cost records, accounts pay able and general ledger work. Plee Phone 3t tor appoinimeni. WATTRXSS fry cook, day ahift Black k White Coffee Shoo. WaJJTK) Strawberry pickers to register now. Good picking in clean paten. A at. nare. i. i. Ph 229 IS 353. KEED 15-20 strawberry piciers H W. Miller. RL 1. Box 294. 2 ml. S. of Hopewell. HOUSE Mothers A farmer rnslnen- nance man. Hillcrest School. Ph. 23022 Register Now Strawberrr Dickers. Rt. 1. Box 409 Silverton Rd. Ph. 2-1363. Near . Mid dle Grove school. HERB tt RIENSCHE VAM CLEAVETafms fn Hazel Green reentering adult strawberry pickers to begin about May 20. Alvtn J. Van aeave. Route 1. Box 231. Ph. 22907, Help Wsuiled Made II AN. non drinker, (or general maintenance work at summer resorL Ph. 2-1644 after 9 A M. veterans : : Practical shop training; under the GX Bui for well paying Job, PLUMBING SHOE REPAIR ELECTRICIAN ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING AUTO ELECTRIC AND TUNE UP NATIONAL TRADE SCHOOL KANSAS LITY. MO. For Interview re qualifications housing and part time employment while schooling. C. A. BURNS.- Salem Hotel. 10 AM till s rM weanesoay ONLY. EXPERIENCED CAR waher. War nmr Mntnr I n . 4 VI N Com'l. Pit. 7249 HOTEL TSerkior nlnht workTGood wages, steady position, reference. Marlon Hotel. Must nave " PART "Time buaboy. The" SpaT Help Wanted Femle EXPERIENCED Waitress, day shift No Sundays. Permanent. Bright Spot Cafe. 375 N. High. . WOMAN to do housework 2 days a week, no washing or- ironing. 4 ml In muntrr on bus line. Ph. 21106. TWO Women or ' man and wife to run small resort laundry. Ph. 21644 after 9 A M. s. HEALTHY Womah or girl for cabin work at summer resorL Ph. Z1644 after S AM. FOUNTAIN Cirt wanted. - Steady emnlnvment. dav time house, ne sun dav work Apply in person. Wiles Drur Store. YOUNG Woman for general office work. Must be good typist, wau atr rhhr at 4S31. WOMAN wanted to do housework and care for small boy; rm., bd. gnd waves. Ph. 973. ; . . PATTTgAL Nurse needed". PhT 7020 BEAUTY Operator, experienced, all around. 630 per week, pius commis-sionrA-pply in person. Martnello Beauty Shoo. 24N. High 5N. His EXP. Telephone operator for after noon A ev. word. Marlon Hotel TWO ADULTS need middle-aged housekeeper. Full particulars. P. O, nv S Amirr. Ore. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light cooking in summer noroe. m nulr Him Bros. GlRCw:-Woman. Gen'L hae. work. Slay nighty. 695 N Liberty. T!xTRlESfCED stenographer for lo cal busineaa office. Permanent posi tion. 40 hour week. Reply in your own handwriting, stating experience end references. Write box 249, In care of Statesman tlltul for enteral office work. Typ- totg- heceaaary. shorthand would be -desirable. Answer In your own hand writing, stating experience, training and salary expected. Write Box 244 Statesman. - WAITRESS, day shift only. Apply tn person. The Ace. 127 1. Hign. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: Real estate aalesmen to work exclusively on farms. Write Box 632 Statesman. How Many Eggs Will Today at 1:00 P. II. A Battle of the Pullets on Checkerboard Jamboree $1,500 cenh and ISO big merchandlaa prizaa for ths whola icrxnlly. ESLII Motaal-Don Lee 1398 en Your Dial t Vfrndnderf Mcry 7, 1947 7 Situations Wanted Spray Pain tin j Ralph Alsman. 1720 Lancaster Dr. Phone 2-4248. Screens - Screens Complete window screens A doors made to your measurements. All mortJcea-otnts. Quick delivery. Mas- terwoods cabinet Shop, downtown 164 Comm. Phone Saw. Builders Contractors ' Window frames, door frames, aaah. and doors all on quick delivery. Regu lar cabinet making. Get our prices. MASTER WOODS CABINET SHOP -Conveniently located. 164 So. Comm. . Spray Paintin Roofs, bam, houses, etc. Ph. 2-1524 . SPECIALIZED POWER SERVICE- We furnish electric power inr nLaee with our portable units. Call 7732 for particulars and rental rates. PRACTICAL Nunc, unincumbered, will go any where, metal eases and old people a specialty. Dr. and hos- pital reterences. Phone S4I5. KOlOl XLLER. garden- plowing, new lawns, old lawns rebuilt Ph. 7665. EXP. Bookkeeper, stenographer de sires perm, position by June 1. ExceL local ref. Please state type of nasi- mss, hrs. salary. Write Box. 639 t Statesman. " a .tfs t L..iu i : eral for D-7 Cat. J, A. Herber, RL 7. Box 75. Salem. Ph. 22609. MgVlHC and hauling. Call 22456, " GENERAL' Cement 'contracting. Prw 7641. - " - CMENT Jobs and patching. 571 S. 17th. Ph. 2-4731 after 5 PM. ROCK Work, all kinds, outdoor fire places, barbeques a retaining walls a specMiltv. Ph. 26511. LAWN MOWUiU: DKOP A CAJUi OR CALL 1695 BERRY ST. WANTED: Furniture to glue a re- pair. Lee Bros 4020 E. State. Ph. 21233. RUGS and upholstety. cleaned and moth proofed in your home. Salem uurarieen. tn. a Jo. WOMAN. AGE 55, exceUent enarac ter at habits, cheerful dtspasntion , washes poertion as companion wiih or without light housekeeping. No heavy lifting Write Box 626, Statesman. BODY Js FENDER repairing. Wreck rebuilding painting, radiator cleaned tt repaired. Expert workmanship. 642 Ferry. Lange s Body Shop. Ph. 21817. WE Build fireplaces 4 Datios A lav . block. 7c each. Write Box 822 States man. - 2nd Walnut Blight Spray Philip -W. Beilke : Dial 2-1208 Lawn weed' spraying. Philip W. Beilke. Dial 2-1208 Spray Paintin Would like to bid tm your painting, your own paint or ours. Pure Unaeed oil used. M. L. Gottenbere. Ph. 42eS. ""SUBURBAN Garbage Service. Ph. 25678 Haul trash, brush, etc WILL Care for small chad m my home da vs. Ph. 8o4. WILl7Care for little girl. 4 to 6 yr mv home, day care. Ph. 5006. "TlRjSf Cfaas " Carpenter work, new or remodel, large or small. Ph. 8281. m Hollywood Transfer For local tt long distance hauling. Pickup and moving. Trailer tor rent. Ph. 9764. Burton's jobih? Station - PLOWING and discing. Ford-Ferguson. Herbert Hamann. Ph. S-5119. nELECTRlCAL Contracting. No de Uy. Dial 9740. Are Electric Co. ATSTTSC 4 bSc!!. 2-5S3S. "GARDEN Plowing A discing. Fergu son . trbctor IB80 Renter. Ph. 9HP9 LAWN anJTarden work of ail kinds. Also truck for small hauling. Ph. 26833 after :2fl. , Announcing " T-P Machine 8 Welding Shop at 1802 South 12th St. We have portable welding equipment to take to that lob that you can not bring to us. We are equipped to do all kinds of lathe work and general repair wore. - Uf. l.wll. M, m M.n M .mj. . over that next repair job with its. Out slogan is: "Fair Treatment' T-P MACHINE SHOP INTERIOR, DecOTatoir" byiour or guaranteed. Have Miller outside paint now. Rates take rare of your Older. Call 24235. - . .. pxtareiG Good work. Reasonable. Ph. 531 3. FOR Custom plowing see C L Dan iel. Rt. . Box 5.13 Ph. 22458. ' CONCRETE WORK " Sidewalks, driveways and basements. Joe E. Wilson, contractor, rn. Z4371' CRAWLER A wheel tractor plowing a discing, ist amount, fn. ZZI27. "TpOWEBThisting, trees." berries and noon anv amount. Ph. 22127 ""WANTED:- SmaTTloos. Carpenter work. Ph, 25150. . - PAINTING AND decorating STC ext.. where Interiors are a specialty.' commercial or, residential. - also now . taking work orders for exteriors. Brush or spray pa niter, bouse root barns, farm buildings anywhere ia state insured. Phone 23444 or C2S3 Salem. Dick Orey. SALEM Heights 4 Prmgle pickup garbage service. Ph. 9675. m Mikes Septic Service . 1079 Elm. West Salem Ph 9468 or 532. FOR Better orchard and tree spray ing call 22922. PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reaaoo able prices Free estimates. B. A. Wood worth Pti 3015 PAINTING t Papernangmg W Crowly. 57 Shipping Phone 95 H DRAWING . and dastgntng . house plans Phone 9121 "PieSchool Playschool. 1381 State. Aces 2-8. Part or all dav. Ph 8436. ROTO ROOTER Sewer service. Sew ers Si drains cleaned. Emergency ealte on Sun. Free estimates. Prompt aerv Ice Ph" 8321 or 948 Seiitic Tanks Cleaned tC F. Hamel. 1143 Bth. West Salem. Phone 2404 ALL .- Work guaranteed. Wiridowi, walls, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured workmen. Cleaning Servioe. Pbooe 4457. For Sale Miscellaneous ELECTRIC Shavers for Immediate delivery.. YE ATE APPLIANCE 25$ N. Liberty They lay By Sept. 30? BASNET COOGL8