t The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Tuoaday. May 6. 1947 1 oy njiyiuyyo UUIC i Bremerton, Tacoma Next on Sked; ; Mossbr Notches Win, Moore Hits - "Bouncing along at an even .500 clip nine wins and ditto losses and equipped once more with Shortstop Wally : Flager, Salem's Senators, tonight open a 7-game . road : Junket at Bremerton afer ch-iding Sunday Waters park pair with Tacoma and breaking even in . that . four-game stand. The Solons play the potent Tars Wed nesday and Thursday nights also and then swing over to Tacoma for four more clashes' with Red Marvel's marvels. They come home again next Monday night to play Wenatchee. Lefty Carl Gunnarson, seeking his second straight win will open for Jack Wilson's Hock tonight. Popular- jhortpatcher ' Flager was signed yesterday and ; left with the club this morning.' He hit .266' in 66 games with the So lons last season and was the No. 1 fielding shortstop in the league with his. .929 average. As he is recovering from a - leg. injury, Wally likely will not break into the lineup for a week or so, spend ing this week cnfhe road condi tioning himself mostly. A gathering of 2273 paid," sec ond largest of the home season, took in the Sunday duet and saw the Wilsons come back from a 4-2 opening loss to snatch the night cap in a breeze, 8 to 1. Vihce La zor, rapped hard in the opener was the victim as Veteran-j?ort-rider Cy Greenlaw limited the lo cals to eight hHs. One of these was a mighty home run over the left field wall by Bob Moore, how ever, for the first Salem homer ef the season in Waters park, The already popular acquisition from Yakima in the Ted Kerr deal has been hitting often and hard and right now sports a .469mark. Moore's 4-for-4 hitting in Sun day's second gaine . and Lefty WandeU . Mosror's effective hurl ing were the major items in that win, although both Al Spaeter and Bud Peterson collected the first Salem triples of the season in the Water yard. The Wilsons .ham mered two Tige pitchers for 13 blows in this one and pitched in two double plays to help Mossor along. - - Skipper Wilson himself made bis Waters playing debut in the first game as a pinch-hitter in the ninth with one .man ' on. The crowd "pleaded for a game-tieing homer, but Black Jack rapped to third base to end the struggle. PLATTE SWAP HOLLYWOOD, May 5 --The Hollywood Stars annottaeed today the" straight trade of Pitcher Frankie Dasso to Sacramento for Pitcher Hugh Orphan. Both are righthanders.- Passo '. won; 12 C mm ill I mm The answer to the question. "Will the Senators do lM.etff at the gate- again this' season?" might be ' found In these up-to-date attendance figures: The first 11 home games of the current cam paign have hired 16443 custom-1 rrs, an average of 1504 per game. The first 11 tries last semester did 2S.233, almost 4M more than the total bow registered. Too, last season's elub was in first place almost the entire season after having won It irst 13 straight. The current crew can't seem to slip into the first division. Such facts do not drip encouragement for another hundred grand sea son, but 67 games left to go and an average of 158 for each one, as In the first 1L and the iownles , would slip over the 117,00a level for 1947. . . . With three weeks now played In the league the. eight clubs have classified them selves thusly: (1) Spokane, a well balanced Brooklyn-stocked outfit indexed as the best nine in the circuit by everyone who has plenty of offense, with power. tbe ball club which slept through four straight local losses at the start. Bill Brenner's entry has the pitching and power to slay up In the race. (3) Bremerton, loaded with veterans and potentially the best club in the league but. as last year, on the hot and cold aide. (4) Tacoma, run-making ability in robs but lacking in pitch ing. Mgr. Red Harvel Intends doing plenty about that second item, too. (5) Victoria, shy en pitching and not really a sound ball club capable of staying In the first division. (() Salem, pitching and defensive strength now ekeh but still sadly lacking In power. Weak la two positions which has Mgr. Wilson laying awake nights. (7) Yakima, like the 194 elub a potent crew with the bat but woe fully weak in pitching. (t Wenatchee, bad enough in almost every departsnent that the resignation of Buddy Ryan as a right miffed manager would be no surprise. Tbe by Buddy this time. .. . lloop Tournament Made Profit of $15,000 Sorties: Champion Major league bowler of the Capitol alleys season for 1947 Js Loren (Sqnee) Kitchen who, the more sporto aoinded will recall has been a local athletic standout champion in other fields down the past yearsT Kitchen finished up with a 188 average, one more than Hi I lama n. ... Dick Kartell and his Sacs play the parent Portland at home this week and from what we've seen of his press notices the former major league pepperpot short stop is now captain of the best dressed men in the Coast league. Kot even the SF Seals fashion plate Lefty O'Doul ean keep strides with Bartell In tbe haberdashery div. ... The Oregon High Schools Activi ties association's May bulletin yields the official info that the 1947 state basketball tournament grossed 830,604.65 at Eugene, $15,687.45 of which b listed as pure profit. So if there be anyone left, who Is oVesirions of reclaiming the classic thoroughly squelched with the rest Crack of the week, besides Bob tbe first of the local season for m out of vitamin pills for his Cardinals. . Ball Men Predict Bad Time for Vico - Sad News: Baseball men who respected for their Judgment aren't at all reluctant . to f orcast a gloomy future for George Vico in the Coast league with the parent Portlands. We hope they are mistaken, but the gents are convinced the big first baseman will never hit good pitching well enough to stick in Triple-A baseball, let atone the majors. Since George was returned to tbe Beavers by Detroit he hasn't been hitting well at alL This is no doubt the reason for to say that "Veek" will soon be at first base, or that he will be returned to the Detroit. All of which adds up to another of those baseball oddities. During spring training with the Tigers la Florida Vico played at first base In nearly every came. He hit well and often and was classed as the sensation of the. Florida camps. He came within a whisker of open ing the season at first base for the club. Rather than have him parked on tbe bench where be learned Uttle, the Tiger management fig ured it would be much better for Vice were he back in Triple-A boll playing every day. So now to the dismay of his hundreds of Is yet young, however. ...... Slipping Bevos Plav at Home ' By the Associated Press The Portland Beavers, surprise club in the Coast baseball league the first four weeks of the race bat loser of its last two series, re turns to Portland Tuesday night to open a seven-came series with the fourth-place Sacramento Sen ators. In other series for the week Seattle plays at Oakland, San Francisco at San Diego and Hol lywood at Los Angeles. Portland lost both Sunday games at San Francisco, 5-4 and 2-1, and dropped the series, -l, the same margin by which the Beavers bounced San Francisco two weeks ago at Portland. The Beavers are now in fifth place with a 16-won, 16-Iost record, one game .op on Oakland and one game behind Sacramento. Tommy Bridges and Jake Mooty were the losing pit chers Sunday for Portland. Bearcats Face Linf ield Nine Any hopes Coach Walt E rick son's Willamette university nine has concerning the 1947 North west conference title hinge great ly on the outcome of today's 2:30 p.m. clash with the Linfield Wild cats at Waters park. The Bear cats, downed by Linfield at Mc Minnville earlier for their only loop loss of the season, will be eliminated from titular contention if Henry Lever's club makes it a repeat today. The Bearcats close their regular season play in the conference here Friday with Pa cific university. Erickson likely will call on Fred Richardson's sidearm slants to halt the Wildcats in today's mix. Richardson has been the Cats' most effective hurler. Ronnie Dunn could - be Lever's mound choice, or it might be Gene Peter son who beat the Bearcats 3-2 at Linfield. .' games for,; the Stars last season. jOrphan, : up from Wenatchee, has won four, lost two for the Solons. 'SQUEE KITCHEN seen it function. Good pitching and (2) Vancouver, certainly not now parent Sacs haven't done right for our town let him now be of us. A $15,000 profit! Ouch! . . Moore's Sunday homer at Waters, the Wilsons: Sam Breadon must've have watched and who can be the predictions. Some go so far ; benched In favor of llerm Reich he Is back, but isn't hitting much local well-wishers. 77 . The season . . . .. t , - . ' k l MAIN E VENTER: Rngged Ray Garcia (above), Denver Mexi can middleweight who has yet to make a bad fight in Salem, Wednesday , night mixes with Dick Abney of Salem in the ar mory's main event scrap. Other Salem belters on the card are Hal Fries, Dean Abney and Keller Wagner. Stocked with local talent in four of the five bouts, Matchmak er Tex Salkeld's bi-monthly fist ic party takes off at the Ferry Street Garden Wednesday night at 8:30 p. m. The 28-round show has Middleweight Dick Abney in its 10-round main event, Feather weight Hal Fries in hte six- round special, Heavyweight Kel ler' Wagner in the top four-master and Dean Abney, younger bro ther of the main eventer, in one of the other four-rounders. Dick Abney, in his first 10- rounder since popping into the local boxing scene, tangles with Rugged Ray Garcia, the wild- swinging Mexican from Denver in: what will certainly end In a kayo either way. Garcia's fights most always end thusly. The. youthful Fries tries the capable Chris Gregory of Portland, a vet eran who will give Fries his most important struggle of his local career to date. Wagner, an im proved gent since his first post war shot here, goes on with Bob by. Ford, the big rugged negro slugger who is well remembered here and who will be a tough enough test for Wagner. Young Dean Abney, liked by many as a better prospect than his brother, tangles with Frankie Duane of New Orleans In the welterweight class. It will be Dean's pro debut In the opening four-rounder Fea therweights Jimmy Gooding of Portland and Billy Strutz of Ta coma will collide. Vandals Belt Orange, 6-4 MOSCOW, Idaho, May 8-fl The Idaho Vandals defeated Ore gon State, 6 to 4, here today with a four-run rally yinthe seventh inning for their first Northern Di vision baseball victory of the sea son. Oregon State took an early lead when Pitcher Warren Simas clouted a long home run over the fence in the-second inning with two men on. - Oregon State . 030 010 0004 T 3 Idaho - 100 010 40 13 1 Simas. Gallaghen (7) and Wegner; Auer and Viro. Doug Olds Takes St. Helens Post ST. HELENS, May , 5-)-Doug-las V. Olds will move from Gresham to St. Helens next fail to become basketball and football coach. He is a graduate of Wil lamette university, and coached formerly at Chemawa and assisted at Salem High. MetZ'Corcoran Golf 6 v i Beef Now Remedied CHICAGO, May The heralded one-punch altercation between Golfer Dick Mets and Corcoran simmered to a hand shaking close today as the ex ecutive committee of the Pro fessional Golfers association si multaneously announced new duties for Corcoran, PGA tour nament manager. PRISON SOFTIES WIN Warden George Alexander's O.SP. "Softies" defeated the Red Men Lodge from Portland 20 to -3 in a wild softball game at the prison ball yard Sunday morning. Red Men : 01 o ooi 010 3 4 5 Softies 047 041 22 20 18 4 Williams. Morris. May and Hull: Mc- raerson ana uwea. MIDDIES EVE SEATTLE SEATTLE, May &(JP)-The na val academy football team may spend three weeks in the Seattle area in September training for its September - 25th game with the University of California at Berke ley, Capt Tom Hamilton, Annap olis coach, said here tonight. SENATOR SWAT (Up to Mossor Moore Nunes - Kubiak Beard Spaeter Bart Peterson Gregory Summers date)? BHPct. S J MO 32 IS .469 S3 16 J02 B H Pet Krug Cook Laror O' Boyle " Wilson . Sporer Sinovic Gunnarson M 13 .224 3.182 1 .166 60 18 .300 41 12 .293 e .ooo 0.000 0 .000 71 20 22 S3 14 .264 34 9 262 .000 0.000 OAOO Wystt 24 8 -250) Pitching: W L SO Wyatt 4 0 0 (Sinovic Gunnarson 1-1-1 lO'Boyle Mossor 110 Wilson Laxor . . 11 0 (Sporer W L SO 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 Z Fistic Party Due Wednesday Dusette, Parks, Top Armory Mat Fare Equipped with a main event which could be one of the better bleep shots of the spring season, the retain of popular Pierre (French) LaBelle and the introduction of still another brand newfer Matchmaker Elton Owen's weekly grappling bee awaits the 8:39 o'clock starting bell tonight at the Ferry Street Garden. Georges (The Muscle) Du sette and Canadian Herb Parks, easily two of the best biceppers la the business along the coast, tangle in the main event. Parks last week flatten ed Villager Tony Ross, and although Dusette's last main event here was spoiled for him when he was nipped by Coast Junior Heavy Champ Bill Weldner. Owen has promised him another try at Weldner U b ean spill Parks tonight. Cline, Russell Enter Elks Golf Final Round Walt (Junior) Cline. many times a champion in various local links meet and Jack Russell, comparatively a newcomer among the trpphy-takers at SGC will be the contestants in the finals of the Salem Elks club sponsored Mid-Willamette Valley golf tournament. winners in their respective semi finals matches over the weekend, Cline and Russell will vie over the 36-hole route at a date to be de termined by the club committee later. Cline Saturday downed medal ist Bunny Bennett by a 3 to 2 count and Sunday Russell joined the-smooth-stroking vet in the payoff clash by turning back Jim- - Elks club Exaltea Ruler Tars Aufrane yesterday asked that the Walt Cline - Jack Russell championship match be post poned until Sunday, May IS, in observance of Mother's Day next Sunday. my Sheldon 7 and 6 in a tussle not as lopsided as the final count would indicate. Sheldon was trounced on the greens as his put ter refused to function anywhere near normalcy. Russell made it tough by racking up birdies on the first, seventh, ninth and twelfth holes, failing to go over par on any of the others and finishing upJby being four swings under par figures. Cline was two under par when he and Bennett ceased fir ing Saturday. Other final matches in the meet are deadlined for next Sun day night and find the following pairings after semifinals scrapping over last weekend: First night: Leo Ester vs. Bill Man. ning. 2nd: Frank Shafer vs. Bob King. 3rd: R. Mapes vs. F. Moore. 4th: B. Mason vs. J. Graham. 5th: Winner of the W. Trapnell-H. McBurnett match vs. Cliff Parker. 8th: Millard Pekar vs. Don Hendrie. 7th: John Emlen vs. Dr. R. Joseph. Bth: D. Bates vs. Max Allen. 8th: D. Chase vs. D. Phillips. 10th: J. McCallister vs. Dave lyre. jr uui:- L. Sloan vs. K. - Markuson. 12th r J. Zander vs. R. Baldock. 13th: D. Coe vs. Al Lightner. 14th: H. Gil lespie vs. the D. Dewev-R. McLaugh lin winner. 15th: L . Folsom vs. W. Thomas. 16th: H. Glairyer vs. C. Ques- seth. 17th: T. Johnson-Harold Hauq winner Vs. T.. Hobbs-D. Murdock win ner. 18Ui: B. D Armond vs. R. Pace. 18th: Smith vs. I. E. Folsom. 20th: C Powell vs. A. Robins. 21st: .. J. Graham-Woody Salmon winner vs. B. Parker. 22nd: S. Fouchek-B. Erickson winner vs. D. Callachan. 23rd: Vern Perry-Wheeler English winner vs. K. Prince. Staiiiback 1st j In PCL Chase SAN FRANCISCO, May Outfielder Tut Stainback of Los Angeles, clouting at ' a .431 pace, led Pacific Coast League batters today, according to averages re leased by League Statistician Wil liam McGee. Tony York, Seattle, and Larry Lee, San Diego, in fielders, were tied at .407. Aver ages for the top 10 including games of May 4: G AB H HR RBI Pet. Stainback. L. A. .14 61 22 0 S .431 York. SeaUle ... 17 30 14 0 .407 Lee, San Diego . 14 27 11 0 Kerr. S. Diego 22 88 22 0 J. White. Seat. . 13 li 7 4 Marty. Cacto. 32 103 40 4 Crawford. Oak. 18 48 IS 2 .407 .383 .389 .388 .388 .386 13 Henson, San F. 12 44 17 0 Duezabou. Oak. 17 42 18 1 Wext. San Diego 24 70 28 S J81 .371 23 Other averages: Portland Escobar .311, Storey .294. Lazor -289. Radulo vich .284. Wenner .253. M. Smith .250. Muratore .247, Reich .241. Gorbould .233, Dobbins .212. Seattle Johnson .290, O'Neill .254. Etrum .234, Rucker .230. Buzas 22. Hill .209. Vanni 200, Kahle 200. Spring Softball Master Bread rapped the VFWs, 5-2, and the Eagles nosed Pioneer club, -5, In Spring softball loop games at Leslie last night Maerte, with s three-hitter, was the winning hurler for the Bakers, and Hop pea nailed the victory for the Eagles. The Pioneer club crew was admitted to the league after the withdrawal of B B Bowl ing. K-Browns Triumph Keith Brown trundle rs clinched the second half cham pionship of Commercial league No. 1 last night at Capitol Al leys as they beat Court St. Ra dio, three games to none. The Keith Browns tangle with the 1st half winners, Starr Fruit, n ; May 19 for the circuit crown. What Would It Cost to Rebuild? : ' ... j ... .- ' r Play Safe - Be Fully Insured GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY AGENTS CHUCK tf CHBT 1M INSURANCE Oregon s Largest Salem and Coos Bay 129 N. Commercial - Salem - 9119 SEATTLE, May S--Brenda Helser (left) of Lea Angeles eon gratulates Ann Curtis (right), after losing the national 100-yard freestyle swimming championship her to the Saa Francisco airL (AP Wlrephoto) Rook Bailers Down Vikings Salem high's Viks -dropped a 4-2 decision to the Oregon State Rook nine .yesterday at Waters park, with Rod Province being shaded by the Rooks' Brauner in a hurling duel. - The Salems jumped into the lead in the first inning as War ren Valdez tripled and stole home. The Rooks pushed into the fore in the third when Province walk ed Brauner,' Treat and Gustafson following .with three base wal lops. The Oregon 'Staters in creased their advantage with two more in the fourth as Quisen befry drove in Chrdistiansen and Gill with a single. The Viks' final tally came in the fifth, Bud Craig tripling and scoring on a passed ball. The clubs play again at Cor vallis Wednesday. Rooks a 002 200 0004 t 1 Salem 100 010 0002 8 1 Brauner and Gill; Province and Allison. Monmouth Tips liuleps INDEPENDENCE - (Special) Monmouth high's baseballers cap tured the initial contest of their hot series with Independece, 9-2, here Friday. A doubTe-hje--tne win ners' Tom Coleman in the fifth with the bags loaded clinched the contest after the Independence crew had taken an early lead." JEFFS WIS CHEMAWA - (Special) - Jef ferson high's Marion county B league diamond club chalked up its fourth win of the campaign Friday as it trimmed Chemawa, 12-6 on the local lot. Jefferson 12 12 3 Chemawa -8 2 2 Wickersham and H worth; Wilson and Henry. HEMSLEY RELEASED PHILADELPHIA, May 5 -P) Rollie Hemsley, 40 - year - old catcher, today asked for and was granted his unconditional release from, the Philadelphia Phillies. G Ab R H Pc. .12 41 12 IS .439 .13 54 13 23 .42 .12 40 8 17 .423 .12 43 18 .418 .13 80 10 25 .417 .14 47 8 18 .404 Walker, Dodgers . Gustine, Pirates Mullin, Tigers Lewis. Senators Dillinser, Browns Holmes. Braves Upstate Agency Parks gets the same dish if he bounces Dusette. LaBelle comes back to try Bearded Benny Trudell, the culprit from Quebec LaBelle is head ed for bigger things in the local grappling bin If he can get by such capable as Trudell. The newcomer is a full-fledged Tennessee hillbilly character named Stockey Kneilsen who is said to be as ornery and rough as they come. ' His Inaugural will be with Buck Weaver is Buck Is sofficlently recovered from a back Injury picked up a month ago. The Terre Haute trickster isn't back In top shape yet-after spending It days In an Albany hospital and If he doesn't make It tonight his place will be taken by George Pop penhelmer of Oregon City. Jack Mitchell will referee. QUEENS PADDLE WLPct WLPct Spokane 13 S. 722; Tacoma 8 8 .529 Vancouvr 11 7.611'Salem t 8 M0 victoria 11 S .379, Yakima 813.278 Bremertn 10 8 .558, Wenatchee 4 14 .222 Monday results: At Vancouver 2. Spokane 7. Sunday results: At Salem 2-8. Tacoma 4-1. At Wenatchee 4. Bremerton 22. At Spokane 8-0. Vancou ver a-. ai Yakima 1-2, Victoria 1-13. COAST LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. los Angis 21 13 .BIS Portland 18 18 .500 San Fran 19 13 J5 Oakland 1818.471 San Dieao 17 15 .531 Hollywod 13 19 .441 Sacramnt 18 18 29 Seattle 13 22.333 Sunday results: At San Francisco 5-1. Portland 4-1. At Sacramento 18-1, Oak' land 3-8. At Los Anceles 3-4. Sattl 2-8. At San Diego 3-2. Hollywood 2-8. NATIONAL LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. Brooklyn 9 3 .750 Philadelph 8 S .500 Pittsburgh 8 S .615 New York S 7 .417 Chicago 8 8 .593 Cincinnati 7 10 .412 Boston 8 8 S83 St. Louis 3 11 .214 No Monday games. AMERICAN LEAGUE WLPct. WLPct. Chicago 10 8 .887 Boston 8 8 300 Detroit 8 8 .571 Washintn 8 8.500 Cleveland 7 8 S.18 St. Louis 8 9 .400 New York 8 7 333 Philadelph 4 10 .288 No Monday games. Scliaefer Winner Bill Schaefer's par 72, minus 5 handicap strokes for a net 67 Sun day won him the Men's club 18 hole. sweepstakes tourney at the Salem golf course. Second was Bud Waterman with a 74-668. Wolves Downed MONMOUTH, Ore. May 5-) Linfield college battered out 11 hits to help bring in the runs to day and defeat Oregon College of Education, 12 to 2, on the base ball diamond. Table of Tide Tides at Tan. compiled hv TT C riuit Portland, for The Oregon Statesman: May Time High Water 8 8:24 a.m. 87 2.01 p.m. 4 8 7 0:55 a-m. 8.8 I:4 pjn. 4S 8 I M a.m. S-4 3 :33 p.m. 4 8 9 1:58 a m. 8J M p.m. 4 3 ' Time Low Watr 7:34 ajn. -01 7 DO pjn. 28 S 09 mm. -o.l 7i37 pjn. tS 8:49 ajn. - 8:11 p.m. 31 9:34 ajn. , -0 4 tin pjn. 34 Loder's chanics SERVIITG SALEII AIID VICEIiTY Ciitdown Date May Trade Wimdls Bioiv Dn sajoir Leagues NEW YORK, May 5-(ff)-Baseball men are looking for a series of player trades, following in the wake of Brooklyn's sale of Kirby Higbe to Pittsbugrh and the Ron North ey-Harry Walker transaction between the Phillies and the St Spokes WIL Position By the Associated Preaa The Spokane Indians, behind the eight hit hurling of Ray Miller, widened their margin In the Western International league race to two full games, at Vancouver last night as they trounced the runner-up Capilanos, 7-2, before 2,800 fans. The Spokes fell on two Cap pitchers for 13 blows. Frank Mullens homered for the losers. At Victoria the last-place We natchee Chiefs tripped the third slot Victoria Athletics, 8-5, with Condon getting the best of a trio of A's twirlers, though both teams collected nine hits. No other loop games were scheduled last night. Spokane ,,. 202 020 0107 13 1 Vancouver - 000 200 000-4 8 0 Miller and Dimario; Anderson. Meis ter (3) and Brenner, Stumpf (71. Wenatchee 002 813 200 8 Victoria . 001 300 10 S Condon and PesuL. Winters: Wood. RoUirock (7). Gibson (9) and Mastro. Pioneers Nab Opening Game Parrlsh Junior high's Pioneers nabbed the first of their seven- Lgamo series with the Leslie Rock ets yesterday at Leslie, downing tne southerners m a tight pitch ing battle, 3-2. Jim Rock of the Pioneers bested Jim Moore of the Rockets, Rock whiffing; 11 and Moore 13. The Northerners. iced the game in the third when they scored all three runs on two hit batsmen, two walks and two hits. The next game will be played Wednesday afternoon, also at Les lie. Parrlsh 003 000 03 3 1 Leslie ; Oil 000 02 8 1 Rock and Howard; Moor and Xante FIGHT SCENE SHIFTED CHICAGO, May 5-OPV-Site of the middleweight championship- iignj Detween title-holder Tony Zale and Rocky Graziano Wednes day, July 16, has been shifted from Wrigley field to Chicago stadium, promoters of the 15-round battle announced today. - - ,i,i": ,ini - "- Guaranteed Watch Repairing , Quality Parts Reasonable Prices ' w oa B0 . Passenger Herap 12-IIoniIi Urillen Guaranlee "Use The 3 r ana nuy CREDIT. STATE TIRE SERVICE SUle and CotUge Loder's for All Car has the expert me- who can do repairs, vtl-'i repainting-, body rebuilding, lubricating, etc, faster . and better and more economically. .EASY monthly payments, too! 1-STOP, 1-DAY SERVICE! IAS 15 Louis Cards, with the May 15 cut- down date only 10 days away. Brooklyn still must pare five or six men from its 3 4 -man roster and there are several choice trad bait items dangling in Branch Rickey's show window. Howie (Stretch) Schultz. tho elongated first baseman who has been out of a job since Jackie Robinson joined the club, can be had. Rickey is understood to be asking a price close to the $75,000 tag he paid St Paul for the big; fellow in 1943. The deal that sent Higbe, Hankc Behrman, Cal McLish, Dixie Howell and Gene Mauch to" the Pirates for Al Gionf riddo ami cash of , around $200,000 had been in the works' since September. It actually started when Rickey, sold Steve Nagy, a 17-game win ner at Montreal, to Frank Mc Kinney Instead of bringing hlin up to the Dodgers. Boston has had an eye on Schultz since a winter meeting conference between Rickey end, Lou Perini, the Braves president, and the deal still may be made as Boston's first sacker. Earl Tor geson of Snohomish, WaslL, is hitting only .280. And making; too many errors. - Rex Barney and possibly Vic Lombardi might bo available to ' the pitcber-poor New York Giants who so far have shown interest only in Hal Gregg, Joe Hattert or Ralph Branca. , i. Trade winds are blowing In the American league, too, but- most of the clubs are down within easy reach of the limit of 25 players plus ex-servicemen who have not been out of uniform a full year. BetZy Cooke In Pro Field NEW YORK. May 5-.P-Ed-lng any suspense there snight have been, Faallne Bets astel Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke an nonnced today . they had tarned tennis professionals and woo Id. engage 1st I long aeries of snatches against each other. The two girls, among the better lookers tennis L has produced. jvere suspended as amateurs by the IJ. S. Lawn Tennis associa tion last month when the news , got around that Elwood Cooke, husband of Sarah, was offering . to book them as professionals. ! t r w. -4 . Jr If yea absolotely can't get along withost year watch ... we eaa have UOTE E HA ULED, CHECKED sad REGU LATED THE VERY SAME DAT at no extra cost! Onr new timing . machine snakes all this . possible! Kraft System n rruievuun TERMS Phone 9263 Services! - 5ataCL - -1 - POD 19 YEARS -