S The Statesman, Salem. Oregon Tuesday. May 6. 1947 Mrs. Percy Jenners f Van couver, B. C,: arrived fa Port land by plan Saturday night where she wi met by Mr. and l(n John S. Lochead and Mr, mxtd Mrs. Patrick Thyna of I lolly wood Calif. Mrs. Jennen cam down for the Lochead party Sun-: day afternoon In honor of the Thynea. She flew home. Monday. Mrs. Clarence Keene has invited members of the Town and Coun try club to luncheon Thursday afternoon at her Silverton home. Contract will be In play following the luncheon hour. CbaaVick charter. OES. will meet tonight at the Masonic tem ple at 8 o'clock. Mothers will be honored, i The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Leslie Meth odist church will meet Wednes day afternoon at two o'clock with Mrs. Vergil Uurnorv, 155 E. Wilson st Cars will leave the church at 1:45. A devotional lesson on stew ardship will be given by Mrs. Metzger. The playlet, "Sense and Nonsense" will be presented by Mesdamcs Wilbur Ankeny, Mason Bishop, and C. W. Stacey. : IT I "Where the Best Is U-V r ' A . Always the Cheapest9 I - O REPAIRING! ' I O RESTYLING! I O CLEANING! . Y ; ALL ON THE PREMISES 1 r .- "I ' ' ' - ! i ' Bropniistick Skirts' L are Destiiied to fQ . "Sweep the . . fei I ...and have r fyy , ' M7V Wort - Jl ! ill! I i J V Broomstick Sklrtli-.Oa7U JXS: Broonutick Skirt j 2-9Q I ' " . fclse 5 Broomstick Skirt LJafca I kl j . : VVsW v'J Ilera are gay, colorful akirU tbat yott - V V ' ltV y V70 wear. ..wash and wrap on a stick to I 'I lo 14 sizes are styled of lustrous bal- ij V i' I loon doth hi two exclusive patterns. ' . 1,1 i f l a .Widwaistbajida,fBlIdrcnIarcnt,2to sises are of aenriceable seersucker I . f i I hearts and flowers print. Circular Al4 I cat wUh strap aospenders. V" i Vj.A. T1e peasaiil atyU blooaea are made of ClL white batuto with low neckline and eT ruf fled collar. Cet yours at Wards ! - Society ....Clubs Music... The Home w CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY Salem Central WCTU Institute. 10 a.m.. all day meeting. YWCA. Theatre Art croup wltit Mr, v. M. Sackrtt. 1910 8. Winter at,. 1 p.m. Mr. It. Ivan lvll, prnaram rhatrman, - noavar Navy auautaiy ni ai vrw hall. S pm, wKUnctDAT PEP Teachers club meet at Nohl- CTen'a. S o'clock dinner. Auxiliary to Som of Union Veter an meet at Woman's clubhouae, 7 JO p.m. Ladies of GAB bualneu mevtinf. YWCA. S pm. Silver tea. Knixht Memorial church. S p.m. WSCS of Leslie Methodist church with Mrs. Vergil Burson, 155 E. WU aon at.. S P-Jtv. IHl'UDAT Soiourncra daaaait luncheon at Sa. lam Woman's elub, 1:1S p.m. DeMolay mothers luncheon. Masonic temple. . Ladiea Aid of Woman" Relief Corp with Mrs. A. W. Foster, cards. 2-3 p.m. Pi Beta Pht alumaa with Mrs. Paul B. Wallace. 7 p.m. -Neighbor of Woodcraft Thimble club with Mrs. Florence Bressler. 323 N. Mtn t., no-host dinner at noon. rBIOAY South Salem WCTU with Mrs. Alma Barkus, 890 Saginaw St.. a p.m. North Salem WCTU meet at Jason Lee Methodist parsonage. 840 Jeffer son st, 2 p.m. Springtime Travelers - As many travelers are leaving on vacations as returning from trips during the Spring months. irs. tioya Lt. Utter is being; welcomed home following a months trip which took her to Dallas. Texas for the national AAUW convention. She returned home by way of El Paso, Carls- oaa caverns and Mexico. In Los Anseles she was ioinerf hv rr Utter, where they both had the innu oi naing m the new D-28 plane, which is now being used commercially. In San FrsnrUm the i Utters visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert utter. Mr. and" Mrs. Ray L. Smith are home from a two and a half months sojourn In the south. They SDent most of their time in Palm Springs and Santa Monica, visit ing in rasadena, Clendale and Los Angeles and other desert resorts Enroute north ther stormed at xosemue ana ban r rannsro. r- .Mr. and Mrs. Mason Rishnn have returned from a three weeks triD south which took them to Encintas, Calif, for a visit with meir aaugnter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Frenrh. In San Francisco they visited his brother and family, the Rex Bish ops. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iter Newman are leaving Thursday for a motor, trip south. Their first stop wut do in Modesto, Calif, for a ivisit with their son-in-law and dausrhter. . Mr. and Mrs TVinalH Wells (Marie Ann Newman). Jfrom there they will go on to Los Angeles, returning home by way Of Salt Lake Citv. Thev exoect to be, away three weeks. The Nancy Black Wallace alum nae of Pi Beta Phi will be enter tained Thursday night at the country home of Mrs. Paul B. Wallace at Wallace orchards at 7:30 o'clock. Assisting hostesses will be Mesdames Clarence Ham ilton, John Hughes, Raymond Bonesteele, Warren Dooiittle, Miss Barbara Pierce and Miss Pa tricia Vandeneynde. Mrs. Nora E. Thompson was hostess at luncheon on Saturday at her home for a group of Pi Beta Phi mothers of Oregon Gam ma chapter who were here from out of town, for the May week end festivities at. Willamette uni versity. ' Miss Mary Farennaglaa and Miss Glenna Teeters of Portland were in Salem Saturday for the May day celebration at Willam ette university. They were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Ches ter A. Downs. Brides-Elect Announce Dates Miss Lorraine Dixie Williams, daughter of Mrs. If.. R. Williams, Saturday announced her engage ment to Elwood F. Copmbes, son of Mrs. Anna Coombes of Water town. South Dakota, f Miss Williams will graduate from Salem high school. Her fi ance is a former graduate of Ws tertown .high school, and U now employed by Hrubetz and Bush nell. The announcement was made at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cameron 248 Bellevu. St.. when Miss Fay Cameron and Miss Will iams entertained a group of friends. The wedding date has been set for August 23. Miss Moran to wed Wedding bells will ring on June 17 , at the First Congregational church for Miss Cathy Moran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moran, and Ernest Hobbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hobbs. The bride-elect was honored at a brid al shower Saturday afternoon when Miss Margaret Newton en tertained thirty of her friends at her apartment at the Royal Court. Miss Moran is a graduate of Salem high school and attended Oregon State college where she pledged Gamma Phi sorority. Her fiance served in the navy and is attending Oregon State college. He will continue with his educa tion and the couple will live in Corvallis. Date told at tea Miss Bonnie Barton and Don ald D. Baker, son of Mrs.. Dean F. Goodman of Salem will be mar ried on July 13. The news was told a tea Sunday afternoon at the Kingwood Heights home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Van Onse noord. Presiding at the tea urns were Mrs. Arnold Krueger and Mrs. Myron Foster. Gardeners at Hilke Home Mrs. Herbert Hilke was hostess to members of the Kingwood Garden club Thursday. Assisting in serving desert luncheon was Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman. At the business meeting the fol lowing were elected to serve as officers for the coming year: pres ident, Mrs. Herbert Hilke; vice president, Mrs. David Ha mm; sec retary, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman. Welcomed as a new member was Mrs. John Boening. Mrs. M. L. Bonney was a special guest. Members present were Mes dames Harry Bonney, Fred Kulm, Elizabeth Hoffman, Maud Miller, Fern Bradford, Don Kuhn, Lynn Richardson and the hostess. The Sooth Salem Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet Friday afternoon at two o'clock with Mrs. Alma Barcus, 890 Saginaw. Mrs. Bertha Lucas will be assisting hostess. Mrs. Mason Bishop will give the devo tions. Mrs. C. A. Gies, who spent last winter in Mexico City and the surrounding country will tell of her experiences. The Salem Heights Mothers club will meet this afternoon at the school lunch room at 1 o'clock. All mothers who have children starting the first grade this fall are inuted to attend. Following the program the teachers will hon or the mothers with a tea. Lt. Mack Maison arrived In the capital Saturday night from Quon set. R. I., for a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Maison. He will be here a week and fol lowing his return to the eas"t coast will leave on a European cruise with the Annapolis midshipmen. i 3 I is H Dinner For -Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ralph U.- Cooley were hosts for an informal din ner party Monday night at their North Summer street .home in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolf Baar of Forest Hills, Long Island. N.Y. The Baars are vis iting in Portland and Salem and while here are guests at the home of Mrs. James H. Nicholson, sr. - Covers were placed for Mr. end Mrs. Rudolf ' Baar, Mrs, James H. Nicholson, sr., Mr. and Mrs. James It. Nicholson, jr Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cooley and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooley. The Ladies AM of the Women's Releif Corps will meet Thursday with Mrs. A. W. Foster, 1585 Sagi naw st between 2 and 5 o'clock. Cards will be In play with the public invited to attend. The state convention of the Woman's Relief Corps - will convene in Portland June 23-23. A Society-Printing Invitations Announcements , Calling Cards Programs Printed or Engraved COMMERCIAL PRINTING , DEPARTMENT Statesman Publishing Co. ' Phone till : 115 So. Commercial St. i' Ask (or Unite! Grawsrs rand whin paa sbae for MSiSSn araduc. J elected and tratm tha growers thenselvea, is sacked under this label. Fee lexm-fmei Sever and inn mi rtin toadneas. look (or United CraWers Brand Iroeen (oods in your grocer's (reeter. AT YOUR FAVORITE STORI ar Rubinoff and His Violin SPONSORED BY Salem Junior Woman's Club . at Salem High School Auditorium Wednesday. May 7th at 8:30 P. M. Reserve Seats on sale at Miller's Department Store Hear Bablaoff and la personal Interview over KSLM Wedoesdar, May 1. at 6:15 P.M. Moy er's Beauty Shop 1403 N. Commercial St. Phone 72t2 SPECIAL Until After Mother's Day A Big; Redaction in Beautiful Oil Permanent Wares for Mother OUR REGULAR PRICED PERMANENT $WJt CA $ii.0l cr, is.50 C7 IJkU fer M aef W for .. aT A Blend Oil Permanent Wave, ft M. fer 35 ii Moderne " r 80S Court SbMt j Please and delight Mother on her "Day" with anyone of these captivating gifts. Remember too, tee have a complete line of houseware gifts that Mother would love. Shop today for May 11th.' lit 9 Plenty Parking Space - Closed on Mondays The R. L. Elf strom Co. Announces AN ESSHIBITIOlNr OF ART By the Students of the . e 1 aCrSBBfrk n Schools Grades 1-12 MAY 7-16 The Public Is Cordially Invited to View The Representative Art Work of the Children of Our Salem Schools ART GALLERIES THIRD FLOOR 340 Court