lTho Start man. Salem. Oregon. Tuos day May 1947 Gilmore Gains Pulitzer Prize w k -, w- . - r or Ar lleport -NEW YORK. May S JP)- Eddy Gilmore, Associated Press foreign correFpendent who is chief of the Moscow bureau, won one of the eight annual Pulitzer journalism prizes announced today the award for distinguished telegra phic reporting in international affairs.' " The gold medal for "the most disinterested and meritorious pub lic service rendered by an American- newspaper -during .1946 went to the Baltimore Sun for a series of articles by Howard M. Norton dealing with the admin istration of unemployment com pensation. No prize was given for a play. The prize for a distipguished novel went to "All the King's Men." written by Robert Penn Warren. Vaughn . Shoemaker, Chicago Dally News cartoonist, won the award for cartoonist's work. The prize for news photogra phy went to Arnold Hardy, Geor gia Tech student and amateur p photographer whose dramatic pic ture of a woman leaping to death in the winecoff hotel fire in At lanta last December was purchas ed and distributed by the Asso ciated Press. Giimore's award was given for "a distinguished example of tele graphic reporting on international affairs published in daily news papers in the United blates as exemplified in "his correspond ence from Moscow in 1848. Boy Scouts Find Damage Slight, Season Early at Camp Pioneer In line with other early season signs, the cascade area council Boy Scout Camp Pioneer at the; foot of Mt Jefferson will be acces sible to campers a month earner uus year tnan last ,a group 01 local scout officials, who visited the camp Sunday, said Monday. Gardner Knapp, council State Welfare Checks Mailed PORTLAND. May S-Wr-Ore-gon's 30,000 pension, blind aid and dependent children welfare checks for May were mailed yesterday, the state public welfare comrrus sion reported. - Miss Loa Howard., commission administrator, said the assistance of Senator Cordon (R-Ore) was a "great help" in tarring the federal social security administration air mail the federal government's funds to the1 state commission. Delay cf congressional approva of a deficiency appropriation bill had held up the federal alloca tion and postponed mailing of checks- to Oregon persons.. camp chairman, led the party; which in-! eluded Lyle Leighton, scout exec-j utive; Edward Knapp, i Salem scout, Milton St- John, Gervais senior scout; Ronald Bussutil, na tive of Cairo, Egypt, who is vis iting here, and S.T. More, De troit area U5. forest ranger .and camping chairman of Marion scout district. . The party went by auto to with in two miles of camp, Knapp said. Last year this point could not be reached because of snow until mid-June. They found snow and ice covering only about half of the camp's Pine lake. Knapp esti mated winter damage to the camp as negligible. . Water level of the lake was found to have raised about two feet during the winter because of a dam built there last summer. Because of the early spring dry- spell, Knapp said the mosquito problem would be more easily controlled. Already 450 scouts from 27 troops have signed up for camp, which opens July 7, Leighton said. However, camp-site space still re mains for 13 more troops or, 250 scouts,' he added. He indicated that in early June, council scout parties would be sent to the camp to ready it for summer camping. Jobless Pay Clusters' FaU: To Keep Funds Workers suspected of "chisel ing" in connection with benefit claims have repaid to the Oregon Unemployment C o m yp e nsation Commission $75,887, or well over half of the $140,135 in over-pay ments set, up in the past nine years, buas uaiser, commission administrator, reported here Mon day. Of the total more than $50,000 was collected by the commission on pre-war claims while about $19,000 alreday has been returned by those laid off since the end, of the war. . . . , Figures do not include veter ans readjustment allowances, ac cording to Gaiser. -- .. Mass Move Fails In Phone Strike PORTLAND, Ore, May 5 -JP- Police patrols were redoubled to day at 11 telephone buildings here but Police Chief L. V, Jenkins said a rumored mass "back to work" movement did not materialize and picketing by striking workers was orderly. C M. Bixler, president of the United Telephone 'Employes of Oregon, reported a half-dozen "old timers" on the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company's payrolls passed through the pickets. He ex plained the older workers were afraid they would jeopardize their seniority rights if absent from work over 30 days. B-B'8 BREAK WINDOWS S. F. Hendrickson reported to baiem police Monday evening that several windows of his house at 1125 N. 15th sU had been brok en by boys shooting B-B guns. 700 Eligible To Retire in State in July Between 700 and 1,000 persons employed by the state and its po litical subdivisions subject to the state public employes retire ment act will be eligible to re tire July 1, officials , estimated Monday. Included in the retirement sys tem is the state of Oregon, school districts and all counties and ci ties " that have elected to come under the retirement law. Any member of the retirement system? : other than a police offi cer, or fireman, who on July X is 65 years old or older becomes eligible for retirement and must be retired on December 31 of this year, unless the retirement board and employer mutually agree that retention of any over-age employe is in the public interest. The attorney general has held that requests for retention of ov er-age state employes must come, from the governor. County courts mar file applications ior me counties. ENDS TODAY! (Toes.) Leo Gorcey "Hard-Boiled Mahoney" - - Co-Hit! Kay Francis "Wife Wanted" Phone 3467 Matinee Daily From 1 P. M. TOMORROW! ONE OF THE, MOST AMAZING ADVENTURES EVER TO COME TO LIFE ON THE SCREEN! jam ' m mm mm m a m 7 T,- .... - . r . ..mi. - . tit" t .5. )- 1;- -O ' - X 1( vC- A 1 Co-Hit! A Right Guy Meets the Wrong; Gal! V Garden Qub Slates Slides Pictures of roses in their na tural colors and a talk on "Plant Resistance to Pests", are planned for the Thursday meeting of the Salem Men's Garden club at the YMCA, President : Mark Taylor said Monday. .The rose slides will be shown by the Rev. Earl W. Benbow of Dallas, a recognized authority on rose culture. Roy Miller, Portland manufac turer ; of insecticides and fungi cides, will discuss plant pests and their control. A former county agent of Josephine county and later director of agriculture with the University of Idaho, southern branch, he has been engaged in the manufacture of insecticides and fungicides in Portland since 1920. PLUS! Air-Man Fox News Flashes! Industry Union Aid Called for Lumber PORTLAND. Ore, May 5-(P) Frank R. Creedon, national nous ing expediter, told 45 leaders of the Pacific northwest pine and fir lumber industry here today that price reductions must be made in lumber to prevent a col lapse of the construction boom. Creedon and his deputy. Robed Johnson; later spoke to leaders of the AFL and CIO lumber work. rs' unions and said they must help increase production. ALEMAN REVIEWS TROOrS WEST POINT, N. Y May 51JP) Standing in a driving rain. Pre sident Miguel Aleman of Mexico reviewed the U, S. military acad emy's 2,000-man cadet corps to day after toasting the grey-clad battalions "in whose hands des tiny had' placed (he imperative necessity of bolstering collective security." .; OPENS :45 P. M. . ENDS TODAY! (TUES.) ; Humphrey Begart THE BIG SLEEP" , ' r Randolph Scott ' "Home Sweet Homicide" TOMORROW! Gary Cooper . Cloak aiid Dagger" - Sonja Henle ITS A PLEASURE" v OPENS :45 P. M. ENDS. TODAY! (Tnes.) ' Joan Bennett - -Woman in the Window Buster Crabbe - Outlaw of the Plains" West Salem Couple Incur Injuries in j Sunday Car Wreck An automobile crash just out side the south Salem city limits on Commercial street Sunday hospitalized Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Barlow of 1456 Franklin St., West Salem. Barlow, in serious but not crit ical condition, incurred a frac tured pelvis and a head injury, while his wife suffered a scalp laceration, officials at Salem Gen eral hospital said. Irwin S. Boulter, 947 Garnet st., driver ot the other car involved, was going west on Ratcliff drive when the collision with Barlow's car, going south, occurred, accord ing to state police reports. Police said that - Barlow's car was lying on its top in the center of the highway when they arriv ed at the scene. The Salem first aid car and Salem Deaconess hos pital ambulance were called. Court Allows Evidence Grab WASHINGTON, May 5-P) The supreme court, in a sharp 5 to 4 solit. held today that officers searching an arrested man's home for instruments of a crime may seize evidence to convict him of an entirely different crime if they happen to find it The majority, for-whom Chief Justice Vinson spoke, held that the search was Justified as an in cident to the man's arrest, that the Stamp to Help Cherry Event Promotion of the Salem cherry festival will' be. furthered by or namental stamps with a design appropriate to the cherry theme, it was decided Monday by the board of directors of the festival association. This summer's revival of the formerly popular cherry celebra tion is scheduled for July 17-18-19. It is to include numerous en tertainment features and displays promoting Salem Industries. Festival board members , will meet Friday noon at the Marion hotel to discuss their plans. Oregon Eagles Plan Conclave Here in June Salem is site for the Fraternal Order of Eagles annual state con vention June 2S-27-23 and plans are already underway here to stage the affair, Emory Sanders, Willamette aerie president, said Monday. Announcement of the conven tion came to the Eagles' district meet here Sunday from the state officers' session at Medford. It climaxed a weekend of Eagle ac tivities for approximately 500 del egates and auxiliary members from Salem and surrounding aeries. Sunday morning the cup for the best ladies' drill team went to the Sheridan unit, lone drill team contestant. In the afternoon Ash ley Greene. Portland aerie mem ber and attorney, addressed the business session on the Eagles' participation in youth guidance programs. Wednesday night a special meeting on the convention pro gram will be held at the ' local lodge under the leadership of Chet Law son, convention commit tee chairman, Sanders said. EGO PRICE AID CONTINUES WASHING TON, May S-iP) The agriculture department an nounced today that It will con tinue to support producer prices of eggs in the midwest at 35 cents a dozen during June. This support price has been in effect since April 1. - TOMORROW!: Donald Dock In Walt Disney's Three'Caballeros' -j, ... Tim nolt "AVENGING RIDER" Ends Today! Opens Incrld Bergman "Bag In Heoren" Kobert SUnUs "The Gent Mlsbehareft" Starts Tomorrow! rflr''"Cri .. -Pins ; The Iloosier Hotshots ' THJtOW A SADDLE ON A star-: cident to the man's arrest, tnai tne -r c? evidence actually found showed JLeglOn lO ODOIlSOr a crime being committed in the -, , - n1 1 - presence of the officers, and that MOUCl I'lane UllD it was immaterial that this evi dence was unrelated to the ar rest. ' The dissenters contended that the ruling destroys the protection of the search and seizure provi- yeari and plder Capital post 9, American Legion voted Monday night to sponsor the Salem Model Airplane club, an or ganization of 30 to 40 boys, 12 sions of the constitution for any person arrested at his home, and offers "serious threats to basic liberties." Dissenting were Just-1 ices Frankfurter, Murphy, Jack son, and Rutledge. Salem High Girls Glee "Qub Slates Concert Tonight The high school Girls Glee clubs and choir under the direction of Lena . Belle Tartar will sing a concert at the school auditorium tonight at 8:15 (instead of Sunday as inadvertent! stated previous ly). Accompanists are Virginia Ben- ner, Jodelle Parker and. Beverly Gustafson. Glory to God in th Highest Perfoteal rrans Further nominations for officers to be elected May 19, include can didates for the building commit tee, Walter Kirk and Ike Bacon; executive committee, Ray Bassett, George Edwards, Jack Edwards, Jack Cutler, John Tussell, Don Madison; delegates and alternates to the state convention, Douglas McKay, Reginald S. Williams; and Don A p person; cemetery commit tee, Ike Bacon. TURKEY THANKS FRIEND ' ISTANBUL. Turkey, May 5-j!p) Pres. Ismet Inonu declared today that Turkey fully understood the "profound meaning of the friend- ship" expressed in the visit to Istanbul of American naval ves sels and sent the thanks of Turkey to tne united states. . DIAMOND MAT BB SOLD ! WASHINGTON, May special provision In the will of Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean will permit sale of her Jewel collection, including the famed Hope, dia mond, if funds are needed to pro vide for her granddaughter, 4-year-old Mamie Spears Reynolds, until she reaches 25. J PRICE CUT HALTED SEATTLE. May Fifty orie Madison Park district mer chants who cut prices 10 per tent April 28 decided today to resume normal markups Thursday, i H. Sherwood Atlas, president of the Madison Park Business associa tion, said. Krug Defends Budget Needs WASHINGTON. May 5 -4X) Secretary of the Interior Krug told a senate appropriations com mittee today that house cuts in his department's budget would mean postponement of the devel opment of more than 1,300,000 acres of irrigated land and 350, 000 kilowatts of hydro-electric power. He disputed a statement of the house appropriations committee that the reclamation bureau will have a carryover of $85,828,000 in unexpended funds from pre vious appropriations. Of that amount, he said, the bureau will owe about $33,951, 000 in unpaid, bills by the end of this fiscal year, and another $7, 143,000 was earmarked by con gress for specific projects. FARI2ERS IIISORAIICE GROUP Anlo - Track - Fire The recently announced - rate in creases do NOT affect our LOW RATES on Automobile Insurance. 455 Court Si. Salem, Oregon Phone 5ES1 BILL OSKO J DisL Mgr. PARAGUAYANS USE BOMBS ASCUNCION. Paraguay. May 5 (Jpy- A Paraguayan governmental communique said tonight that Loyalist planes had "successfully bombed" military objectives. Five insurgents were captured by gov ernment patrols. Wire, Outlets, Boxes, Switches, Receptacles, Service Panels and Complete Line ot House Wiring Materials Now Available. Five Percent Discount to Veterans Until Mar 10th. Sale of Switch Boxes, Receptacles and Panels Limited. UALTOII-BnOUII ELECTOR CO. Ul SUU St, rhM 71!) Dedication i German text) Hail. O Star Soldier's Chorus from "Faust -Grieg -Gounod Choir Piano Solo. Polonaise .MacDowell Beverly Gustafson Singing to My Love Juitis In Joseph's Garden Dickinson Gypsy Love Song Herbert Grandma Sachs ..Edwards Period Club By the Bend of the River Pine Tree by the Wood . , , Polish Folk Song Small Ensemble On Wins of Song Mendelssohn The Ploer from Over the Way .. Brahe Trees . Rasbach The Cuckoo Clock Czech Folk Song , A&arjorie Tucker. Soprano ' Period Club Student Specialties Gonna Join Spiritual Tramp. Trantp, Tramp .Herbert One Alone . Romberg Ronald Sheets. Tenor Robin Goodfeliow ....Macrrren March of the Musketeers Frlml Salem High School Choir Cantata. Spring Cometh Kountz Combined Girts Glee Clubs ShSBPdubfe-Cnss! She'fftoetmaUf PLUS T O D A Y! Beverly Simmons - Fred Brady Comedy and Feature "LITTLE MISS BIG" ---) D A J Y! icc::oicSEnEcabni:.:oTu;D , LASTING RESULTS ARE OBTAINED WITH MILD, SHORT INITIAL TREATMENT No loorer most you or some f-xaO- saember be ' chaioea to tbe destractioa of excesMve drioluag, Science reports that alcoholism is a disease that i will mpood to tbe correct treatmeat like aaf ! . other disease. Our clinical records prove this : - to be the case. Lasting results have tics ohtatned through our a-Ud, s-fe but elective ; treabnenc Why delay aay looger? Scad for our j FR booklet. The Magnilrenc Freedoaa, : containing full infofistio-- I I stohi : ----U5I THIS HANDY COUPON FO SOOTUT" I MAt-OOK HOSTfTAt. 14 H.L 20t An, rsrHaa, 14, City. J Inqutrtes confident tot, Boafclet moiled tn ploiw etwelopa. Oeftt, FS I ---MS- TRAIN WRECK KILLS If BRISBANE, Australia, May 5.-CP-Bescue parties working by the light of flares cut their way to night Lute the wreckage of an ex cursion tram in which at least 16 holiday seekers were killed. In Australia's worst railroad accident tn 21 years. Too Late to Classify PRE-WAR Dinette set. chest of drawers. Phone 9640. - FINAL CLOSE OUT AT COST AND LESS: ALL TOILETRIES, JEWELRY, rHfUHIi, SUATS, E1XJ. SENATOR TOILETRIES AND SUNDRIES SENATOR HOTEL BLDC. - NOW! r f l.T.l4rYllMi7l J' i J ir L co-urn Fan and FoeUnl -Tbe Ght Gees Wild" I 1 ANN SHERIDAN IN mm. ) "s-. II fc? 1 "NORA PRENTISS"K VnIsttTTfTf iUiTM l- UII-IIIB THE NEW WARNER SENSATION mt ROBERT AIDa tM-Ml moat - VINCEIT SNEIMAN oc WIU1AM JAC0I. iKM-n-lii mm smb. nmtw mm Starts FRIDAY Warner's ELSINORE Theatre UBIIE ILaBricafiioiis Daring Llonlh ol Hay Yea. we hare decided to carry oft another month Onr Specid THEE $1.50 LUBE because- wo want orory Salem auto owner to come la and get acquainted and see the typo of service wo do. TE AGUE HOT on CO. 3SS If. -Jborty r Phono 7001 Were a fresh tip" : ' 'l Salem, ffj Orogoa PRESCRIPTION PRICES FACED by serio-s Illness, the prfc of a prescribed medicioe becomes a minor utter. Yosi wot the e ia ing-redieots, cocapauiKied by the most depeodibie sources Yet it is re-ssuring to koow thst st this Prescription Pharmacy, endorsed by leaders ia tbe local medical profession, yonr- prescrip tions will cost no more -oftea they may cost less than yon would pay else, where. So why not cent directly to as next time? I 'I' II." I WUletfs Capital Dreg Store Car. Stale A Liberty - Pbnne Silt