12 Tho S talesman. Salem, Oregon. Tuesday May 1947 Lincoln Mrs. Roy W. Hammer, SIrs. Lloyd Allen and Mrs. Helen Harrison, teachers for the adjoin ing districts of Lincoln, Zena, and Sprint Valley attended the Ore con teachers conference at Mon mouth Saturday. . LEMA IS tO FAT THAT WHEN SHE FALLS DOWN SHE. ROCKS HERSELF TO SLEEP TRVtNo TO C8T Uft Mid-WillametteValley Newsv j . frmm Tfc Stattma' t Community CrmitHnltmU Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Pat Slav-ins Hood River, visited re cently with Mr. and Mrs. Red Rynearson and were here during the .fire. . ; : " ' -'' Gervais - May day festivities will be held May 9. Grade school track meet will be in the morn ing, coronation of the queen will be at I p.m. followed by a base ball game with Sublimity. A dance in the auditorium that night will honor the queen and her attend ants, i music by Chuck Rea gen's orchestra. ;" : Detroit Mrs. Carl Campbell and children visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kotila, in Hood River last weekend. Kotila re turned ; with them and has re sumed work jtBlow Out Camp. Labish Center Mr. and Mrs. George Davis are receiving con gratulations on the birth of a son Thursday, May I, at the Salem General hospital. Mrs. Davis is the former Doris Lovre. Silvertcn Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Scharback have received word of the death of their 22-day-old grandson, Raymond, jr., in Albu querque, N. M., son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scharback. Automatic Electric "lot" Water Eleateis IIITCnELL'S RADIOS APPLIANCES State at 19th Phone 7577 Detroit Mrs. D. A. Cruise leaves Tuesday for a week at Waldport with, her brother Del mar Burt. : . Labish . Center Grade school commencement has been set for Thursday, May 29. Exercises will be preceded by-a community no host supper at the school in honor of the graduates Barbara Jean Russ, Juanita Burr, and Betty Jean Vance. Labish Center upper grade pupils defeated the Buena Crest school in a Softball game Friday 23 to 20. Detroit Mrs. S. T. Moore en tertained at dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Da vies who will be transferred soon to another station. Guests includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Otis White, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon White, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Parker and Mrs. Scheasley. Stay ton -Annual "flunk" day was observed by 25 Stayton high school seniors last week when they went to Seaside accompanied by Coach and Mrs Edwin K. Bur ton. Detroit Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bray, jr and infant son, Thomas. came Sunday from Sioux City, lowa, and will resume their resi dence here. Sllverton Born at the Silver ton hospital May 1, son to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carroll of Mo lalla. - - . ,- - -7 . Stayton John Christensen who has been operating a garage at the eastern approach to Stayton has bought out the service station op erated here for the last two years by Lyton Rice and known as the Chevron station. Rices plan to do seasonal work. until fall. Detroit Mr. and Mrs. J. , N. unvas have purchased the For rest restaurant at Sisters. Tire ati If aoo- FAMILY II s II is . I w-y: " 5 " ftT 'if " ..... Silvertoa Four winners in the marble tournament here who will go to Portland for final competi tion are Wallace Money, Roger Umbenhower, Robert Kirk and John George. Forty-five boys, 6 to 14 years, competed. It was sponsored by the Lions club. Detroit Mrs. Ward Stahlman. Mrs. F. L. Noble her sister, Mrs. O. Ehler were in Salem on a shop ping trip last week. Mrs. Hilma Dickie accompanied them as far as Mill City. ; . . . Corvallis W. C. Jensen, Hal- sey, will speak Wednesday, May 7. at 7 p.m. on "Compensatory Prices or Crop Control" on KOAC. Bethany Bethany Circle of Immanuel Guild meets May 7 with Mrs. Nels Nelson, Mrs. Leon ard Hanson co-hostess. Ablqna Albert Nerison has returned to his ranch work again after a siege of pneumonia. Neri son says he still tires easily but help is scarce and farm work plentiful at this- season, particular ly as seen by the farm owner. Sllverton Hills Elden H. Mul- key is nursing a cracked rib re ceived Saturday when the end of a small tree which was felled, hit him. He will be unable to work for several days. Keiser Home Ec club of Keizer grange meets all day Wednesday with Mrs. William Epner for a no-host lunch at noon. Marlon Eighth grade com mencement will be held Thursday, May 9 at 8 p.m. in the Farmers Union hall. Graduates are War ren Gray, jr., Lome Hampton, Lyle Hampton, John Hampton, Ford Wallace, Jimmie Knieling, Faye Wells, Dale Auretiner, Ei leen Erickson, Revee Pepin and Aleta McGilL Waldo Hills Charles Evans Mr. and Mrs. of Independence recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tsl 1 'm isr:il xvi cues, cvans is one ui v maiii- ette valley's most widely known stockmen, and Riches is interested in horses, turkeys, sheep and hogs. Riches has some fine riding horses at his ranch here. McKee The McKee Women's club Oaet Saturday with Mrs. Prosper Berning. Ten members were present and prizes at cards went to Mrs. i Kate Erwert and Mrs. Carl B. Leder. Next meeting will be October 25 with Mrs. Jo seph Obersinner. Mt. Angel J, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Schaecher left Wednesoay for a month's ; visit in Nebraska. Mrs. Walter Kruse will be book keeper at the Fred Schwab Com mission Company during Mrs. Schaecher's absence. t " Marion Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Olson are new members of Marion Farmers Union local; Warren Gray obligated; them. Marion lo cal has voted ' to sponsor a Boy Scout trooop. ! Committee mem bers are Ivan Sutton, Fred Corn stock, and Warren Gray. Orchard Heights The Orchard Heights Woman's club meets Fri day, May 9, at 1:30 p.m. with Mrs. James Best. Viola Shcaffer, Polk Home Demonstration Agent, will speak on "Developing Charm of Personality." Lincoln A Mother's day pro gram has been arranged for the Lincoln Ladies Goodwill club Thursday at 2 p.m. with Mrs. H. J. Neiger. Mrs. Arthur Yungen and Mrs. Kenneth Thelin will be hostesses. Orchard Heights Mr. and Mrs. Tom Star of Seattle recently vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sexton. Mrs. Star is the former Clara Sexton. j DETROIT -4 Mrs. J. Cal Schla dar made a business trip this weekend to Salem and Portland. Marion Mrs. Margaret David son and her daaghter-in-law, Mrs. Delberf Davidson started on a month's trip to Kansas and Miss ouri. They are going by Seattle where the younger woman's moth er will meet them. The trip is a mother's day gift and they will return by Texas and California. ( i Keiser , The grange will hold its regular meeting at 8 p.m. Wed nesday, May .7 at the Keizer grange hall, j ADA Chapter , Forms, to Hit x Tax on Sales A program of opposition to a proposed state sales tax and to proposed cuts in the federal in terior department budget is in prospect for the Marion-Polk county chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, formed in Salem Sunday. It also was indicated that mem bership would work for a refer endum on house bill 99, a power 1. meausure enacted by the state legislature this year. Temporary officers of the chap ter are Roy Hewitt, Salem, chair man, and Arthur V. Dow, secre tary. Nominations for permanent officers will be made by a com mittee including Alice Barnett, Brooks; Monroe Sweetland. Mo lalla; Vance MacDowell, Salem, and Dow. ... ' A. M. Church, Salem, and Ralph Peoples, Silverton, were named to the executive committee. The organization meeting was " held Sunday in the local farmers un ion offices, and next meeting is to be called this month. For . Pleasant c , eft , Ovoninoo ,3 at dome T r, OH Sicks Select i Waldo Hills H. A. Barnes and son. Bob, made the second Maries county livestock: tour Saturday. The Barnes plan to join the tour in the north end of Marion coun ty; May 10, the final tour. t A representative in the U. 8. house must be more than 24 years old and a U. S. senator must b more than 29 years xld. - is I L GEM 3'' :' Ut ws show you tho ConYsrsion OIL OUHKEH NO OTMIt Oil SaiNII HAS Alt THIS! ft ATM IS HMM Tin ill C i 9m Wm 6t tliiii i - .Mux MiliU- MIMil S1CW MEVIH6 C0 Site, Ore ovii wr.cco m succEssna omuwi JDDSOII'S rboM lux 279 N. Com! Salem r v . 1 w ' . . . i . ' Tangy - - Fragrant ' Refreshing as a Cool, Summer's Breeze Remember the rich creamy smootli buttermilk Grandma made and kept in a blue earthen ware jug at the back of the spring house? You'll find the same old fashioned wholesomeness a n d unforgettable flavor in Alayflow er t Buttenhilk, a delicious dairy drink the: whole family will love. AT YOUR STORE -OR AT YOUR DOOR 2135 Fcdrgrounda Hood Phone 9205 . .."v ) hi,j..i,. ' YOU 6:00 x II Thanks to J ( CAH AFFOnD A GOT OF ALLSTATE TIDES . 16 Size Costs Only Soars Stratghttlno System M-80 Plus Fed. Exe. Tax AND MAY COST YOUR LIFE! Thero's no driving sense nursing thread bare tires, smooth from thousands of miles of pounding, or with tires cracking at the sidewalls for a blowout. It's so easy and inexpensive to get a full set of longer-wearing, more heat-and-blowout resistant Allstate guaranteed Tires and Tubes. Make a date to equip your car with a full new set today. Or be prepared for dangerous, expensive blowouts. With thin, worn tires they're long overdue ... and mighty expensive. . it .,' -. t 9i -n. limmnmj r The Right Way to Say Automotive Needs Immediate Delivery--All Yob Want I Fed. Exc Size Sears Price Tatx Total C:00xl6 UM 1.11 15.96 SOxlS 175 L2S 1:99x19 ttJ5 L4S , !ti SMxU 14.65 1.1 15.7? 55-50x18 - 15.46 , 1.63 14.43 Get New Allstate Tabea with Ttrea I I Fed. Exc 1 Size Sears Price Tax Total, 646x16 2J5 JtT IK " 66x16 ZJ&S Jii 3.76 740x16 346 45 343 540x17 t.65 47 242 545-540x18 346 47 2.77 . . - , : m 484 Sfale Sireel Phone 9192