The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 04, 1947, Page 11, Image 11

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    Solons, WyatS: USacfo
. Beavers Suffer S-6
Locals Nab 12-3 Win;
Mossor, Lazor Today
Br At Lightner
In cne of their more explosive moods of the
semester, Salem' Senators last night racked up
the Taccma Tigers 12 to 3 before 1733 "clients at
Wats park, evened the series at
ana mace way lor toaays iuju
pjn. twin bin. For the Jack Wil
son troupe today it wilL be Vince
Lazor in the nine-inning shot and
Lefty Wandell Mossor in the
shortef nightcap. Skipper Red
Harvel will toss Southpaw Cy
r.rmihar in lh Ions? PMlf and
probably Mitchell Chetovich in
the finale. Following today's duet
the townies take to the road, vis
iting Bremerton and Tacoma this
week. . -
Lefty Kenny Wyatt, although
serving up the first two home
run pitches of the local season,
one to Big Dick Greco in the
second heat and the other to
Bobby Joratz in the third, .the
latter with a runner on base,
nonetheless breezed with with his
fourth straight victory.
He dished out 10 hits in all but
only the two round-trippers, both
dropped over the right field wall,
caused him any grief. The pert
lefty was nding on a 5-0 lead
when Greco spanked his, the five
tallies trickling across in an up
roarious first frame when the
Solon side batted-. around on four
kits three of them doubles by
Al Snaeter. Bill Beard - and-Mel
r" a walk and two Tiger
The Tiges made a game of it
on the two home runs? but Salem
gain came up with two runs in
... . . i a i r ai : . w 1
two. in the seventh to collect the
easiest win of the home season
o far. ' -
The Harvels, in a generous
mood after spilling the locals 4-1
Friday night, pitched in with five
errors to add to the miseries of
erET starter Julian Morgan and
Eelieiers GUson and Nygard.
Only five of the Legislator runs
were earned.
The bieeer stickmen . for the
Wilsons were newly-acquired
Bob Moore, with four singles in
five trips and four runs batted in,
and Mel Nunes with a perfect
J-for-3, one a double. Nunes was
playing third base again as Hank
Bartolornei was injured in the
pre-garce practice by a flying
bat He was hit solidly in the
throat with the bludgeon but was
cot believed seriously hurt late
last night.
i-uau sv Salem (I?
k.-.r;. A 1 (liuftefl S I S
JaratzJ $ X t 0 Knit. 13 1 7
Sitter 2 1 I 3 Moore. r 5 4 3
Hedstn J 4 0 2 4 Summrs.m 5 13
Crrcox 4 3 10 KublakJ 4 0 1
PitosJ 4 010 1 Beard 5 2 5
Tmceij3 3 13 0 Peterson 5 0 1
CUilordx 4 110 NuofO 3 3 0
Vnm, n 1 1 0 B Wtt O 2 0 0
GOson.p 0 0 0 0
mmsev 10 0 0
Viygardp 0 0 0 11
Keefiaa 1 1 0 O, -
Totals 33 10 24 13 Totals 3112 2714
Batted lor Guson in 1th.
rm Oil 000 00 3 10 5 SOU SOS 2D 12 12 0
' Prtcher JPAB H R ER SOBB
Unrsan 5', 25 10 4 1 3
Olson 4 S . 0 0 0 I
ve,rf 2 ;
Wvart , 0 IS 10 3 3 S 3
Left en ba&es: Tacoma 8. Salem 7.
fc-rors ' Sletter. PeiaM. Pat on. Hedtng
ttm J Home nuts: Grroo. Joratz.. Two
bate hits- Specter. Beard. Nunes .Rum
batted in: Moore 4. Kutiak 2. Beard.
Peterson. Nunes. Greco. Joratz 2. Krui,
fcuroaser. Sacrifice: Wyatt 2. Double
piajr: ,Speter to Peterson to Krug.
Time: 1 44. Umpires: Last and O'Louj
l.n. Attendance: 1738.
Oregoruacs in Majors . - -
' Cordon. Indians 4 2 t 4 08 5
Peskv, Kid Sox 4 9 9 1 I 0 8
... ' , .j r- . m - a a
vaerr. era aox
Sevens. Yankees, lost today. To
later on 2. lost 1.
Johnson. Yankee, lost today. To
states won 2. kUV '
Bdloj Penny
Pin Winners
Ben Eello pocketed the City
Duck pin championship last night
at B & B Bowiing courts as he
downed Arnold ' Meyer in 10
games, 1921 pins to 1835 in the
i :r TAiimiT i naii. Aima rfiiii v
took the women's title via a
1755-1723 win over Ethyle Wil
liams. Emil Scholz nabbed third
place honors as he trimmed Ben
Eeimamu 1740-1551 in the men's
consolations, while Ruth Pro took
third in the gals department with
an 1193-1091 nod over Nadine
Beilo, in 'cinching the title, had
hih games of 246, 221, and 218.
rncvrtK Or- m iiiflk
The University of Oregon tennis
" team today defeated Oregon State
college, 4 to 3, with all but two
sets as the tennis aces battled
closely through the dual northern
division contest.
' The President of the United
States murt be more than 34 years
Armory Rassle
' Matchmaker Elton Owen yes
terday put the finishing touches
to his Tuesday -night wrestling
bee set for the Ferry street garden,
inserting news which will make
the crunch custo
mers gieam. If
his injury U"
healed by Tues-
Weaver, theO,
Terre Haute .
trickiter will be a.
back in action. f
Weaver was in-
I u r e rl lever-!-
In a match a
month ago and spent 19 days In
an Albany hospital. Ik was at
first believed the popular mata
dor had suffered broken back.
a tame apiece
w4 V
cr-Jv 'J ,
rC".:;.;' '
Jack Russell (above) today
squares off with Jimmy Shel
don in a crucial semifinal match
in the Elks Mid-Willamette val
ley meet at SGC. Russell and
Sheldon tee off at 11 a. m.
Bend Again
Big Six Track
BEND, May 3-(Special)-Garnering first in five events, the Bend
Lava Bears successfully defended their Big Six league track title
here today as they tallied 57 points to barely , edge Eugene which
scored 53 Springfield was close
Orange Sunk
By WSC Club
PULLMAN, Wash, May 3 -UP)
Husky Wally Kramer won his
fourth northern division baseball
victory of the season today as
Washington State defeated Ore
gon States Beavers to 1 to
even the two-game series. Ore
gon State won yesterday's free-hitting-
contest 15 to 10.
Oregon Stat 100 000 0001 8 3
Washington State .. 101 000 13 8 2
Krueger. Stmas (8) and Wegner; Kra
mer and WiJburn.
Baker Named
Keene Assistant
Baker, former Oregon . State col
lege athlete, was named today a3
assistant to Spec Keene, director
of athletics at the college.
Baker starred on Oregon State
baseball and basketball teams 20
years ago, he was graduated in
192$, then played professional
baseball for nine years in the Pa
cific Coast and International
(Three players in each league):
Walker. Dodgers
12 41
Custtne. Pirates 13
Diitinger. Browns 13
Lewts, Senators 11
Bmks. Athletics II
MulUn, Tigers 11
S-Ilmt RrmM 12
54 13
S3 10
39 4
42 8
37 8
4 12
Runs batted in: National league
Mix. Giants, 14: Walker. Dodgers, 13;
Calan, Reds. 12. American league
Keller. Yankees. II: Gordon, Indians,
11: York, Red Sox. 10.
Home runs: Mize. Giants. 8: Miller,
Reds, ; six players tied with 3. Amer
ican league Heath, Browns, 4; Mullin,
Tiirers. 4; Seerey, Indlons. 4: Gordon,
Indians. 4: Keiler. Yankees, 4.
Card Complete
If Weaver Is ready and Match
maker Owen believes he will be
he will tangle with another new
comer to the northwest, a rough
and tough Tennessee Hillbilly
named "Stockey Kneilson who is
said to be something to behold.
Should Weaver be on the shelf
j-Tuesday, Kneilson will jump in
with George Poppenheuner of
Oregon City.
The second prelim shot offers
-the retur n of popular Pierre
(Frenchy) LaBelle against Beard
ed Benny Trudell, the Quebec
meanie. The main event sends
George (The Muscle) Dusette
against Canadian Herb Parks, the
capable cruncher who last week
downed Tony Ross. Owen has
promised the Dusette-Parks win
ner a crack at the Coast junior
heavy title belt In he. near future.
O'Doulg Clinch Series;
Seattle Finally Wins
By tho Associated Press
The San Francisco Seals clinched their series
with the Portland Beavers and atoned for the
plastering the Bevos gave them up north two
weeks ago as they last night downed the Port
lands, 8-6. The win gave the Seals
a 4-1 margin. Bill Werle went the
route for the ODouls, giving up
nine blows. At the same time the
Seals were bunching an equal
number off four Portland hurlers.
Seattle finally broke into the win
column at the expense of Los An
geles, downing the Angels, 3-1,
on the five-hit hurling of Walt
DubieL Lou Novikoff homered for
Seattle. Guy Fletcher rang up his
sixth win as he pitched the Sac
ramento Solons to a 8-3- victory
over Oakland.
add O DOULS lt-ll-2 dek spts ..6Ra
Ab H Po A
Ratto s
Rdlvch 2
Wenr m
Storey 3
Retch r
Escobr 1
Murtre c
Vico 1
Vinco p
Moore p
Mldvk p
Sierra p
Gbd -2
5 1
3 Uhalt m 3 110
2 Luby 2 3 2 4 0
0; Sheridan r S 4 9 0
1 0
5 3
0 Sanders 1 3 0 13 0
0 White 3 3 0 3 7
0' Restelli 1 4 0 1 0
0 Nicely i I 1 11
Leonard e 3 1 4 0
Werle p 3 0 0 0
Dblnn 1
Totals 35 0 24 8! Totals 31 1 27 IS
Batted for Moore in 6th.
Batted for Maldovak in 8th.
Batted for Radulovich in 8th.
Portland .,: ; J00 010 2008
San Francisco
.102 023 00-
Losing pitcher Bianco.
Pitchers records:
Bianco 4 plus 17 3 S 5 3 3
Moore 1 4 0 I I 11
Maldovak 3. 7 2 3 3 3 1
Werla ; ' ; - - - 0 4 3
Siera - ----- 1
Errors Sanders 2. Hit by pitcher
Escobar by Werle. Left on bases
Portland 1, San Francisco 7. Two
base hits Storey. Sheridan 2. Luby.
Three base hits Wenner. Home runs
Wenner. Run batted in Storey.
Escobar. Muratore, Sheridan 4, San
ders. White. -Restelli. Wenner 2. Luby,
Reich. Time 2:18. Umpires
Powell, Ford and Mazzeo.
100 000 0203
7 1
Los Angeles .
, 000 000 1001
B 0
!l. Reis (Si and Stags; Fiem-
ing. Prim (9) and Malone.
100 100 1003 8 3
Buxton. Hares
100 320 00 8 1
(5) and Kearse;
Fletcher and Fitzgerald.
Hobsons Slap Pilots
PORTLAND. Ore., May 3 -(JP
The University of Oregon easily
defeated the University of Port
land 14 to 3 here under the lights
tonight in a non-conference con
behind with' 48, while Albany
beat out Salem for fourth place
honors, 25 to 25.
The meet saw three new league
Bob Craig was Salem's only
first place winner la the meet,
taking the -IslMt pat . with a
heave of 45 ffeet, 11, inches.
Weiss got a second for the Viks
la tbe mile; BrawneU was 4th
la the 440; Van Osdol 5th, 120
high hardies; Bellinger 4th, 200
low hurdles; Fisher 4th, pole
vault; Armstrong 3rd, broad
jump, and Barker 5th, javelin.
The Vik relay erew finished
second. ;
records set. Johnson of Spring'
field tossed the javelin 132 feet,
11 ajnehes; . Kirkpa trick, also of
Springfield, pranced the 220 yard
low hurdles in 24.2 seconds; end
Dick Maudlin. Bend, jumped 21
feet, 54 inches in the broad
jump. ;
Banks, Eugene, was individual
high scorer with 11V4 points
racked up on wins in the 100 and
220 dashes and a role in the Axe
men's relay victory.
Pacific Nine
Edges Lirif ield
(JP) Pacific university scored
twice in the 12th inning of
Northwest conference game with
Linfield college here today to
win, 6 to 4, and split their two
game series. Linfield had rallied
in the seventh to push across
three runs and tie the game 4-4
Pacific ' ; 010 002 100 0028 11
Lintield ..: .. 000 010 300 0004 5 10
Reed and Anderson; Dunn and Burr.
Badgers 71, L-C 60
FOREST GItOVE, Ore., itay 3
i-Pacific university entries set
the pace in the track and field
events here today to defeat Lewis
and Clark college, 71 to 60, in a
dual Northwest conference meet.
CORVALLIS, Ore., May Z-(JPy-Oregon
State's golf team defeat
ed the University of Idaho, 20 Vi
to 6&, in their northern division
dual match. John Frey, Oregon
State, was medalist with a two-under-par
70. ,
WIL Scores
SM 420 11011 18
20 104 S0 12 IS
Abeam. StaAton (Il.Uwmu (7) and
Velpi; Condoa. H an 11 tea H), Capps
(3), Osborae (S) aad Pesnu
Second gam (sevea Innlnti):
Bremerton 0JS 102 011 8 1
Wroa tehee . 021 000 0 3 2 S
- IfarshaU aad Bonalnc; Sntherlaa,
Stevens (S), Adam t? aad Winter.
303 20S 210 IS It
030 110 003 8 8
Giftsaa. HlUle (2). Prior (), Roth-
rock ) and Mastre; Nowles, Waller
stein (4), Kaudtoa t), Brysck ( and
113 000 84110 IS 1
003 1M 100 S S 4
Hedceeack. Hall 3T aatd Stomp:
Zmltrovitrh, CosteUo (t, StCTcasoa
(It) nd BuffUp. - ,
28-Ronnd Bee
Set Wednesd
Abney, Fries, Wagner
On Armory Biff Card
Boxing boss Tex Salkeld's 23-
round armory fistic show for next
Wednesday night, same featuring
four Salem lights, was near the
completed stage last night as Sal-
keld announced four of the five
bouts as ready for the 8:30 p.m.
starting bell. The fifth
booked tomorrow by the maestro.
Wednesdays 10-round main
event finds Middleweight Dick
Abney In his most important out
ing since starting on the local
fistic trail. It will b hit first
try over the 10-round route and
in his opponent, rugged Ray Gar
cia, the never-say-die Denver
Mexican he tangles with a care
free gent who can make a few
of those 10 heats right miserable.
Garcia has yet to make a bad
fight in the village arena.
Hal Fries, the southpaw feath
erweight stablemate of Abnay,
draws down the 6-round special
assignment on the card. Fries, un
beaten in three previous fights
h.ere, goes up against Chris Greg
ory, late of rtew York City.
Gregory fought an eight-rounder
on a Portland show 10 days ago.
And Dean Abney, brother to Dick
and In the .welterweight class.
will make his debut in one of the
four-round ers with Frankie
Duane, late of New Orleans.
The top four-rounder will be
occupied by heavyweights Keller
Wagner, the Rialto rapper, and
Frank Pattee, tough-Portland 200
pounder. Wagner has won three
straight fights since his last arm
ory appearance and according to
his manager Phil Bayes is now
in much better condition than he
was then. Tickets for the punch
ing party go, on sale Monday
morning at Maple's.
Cline Defeats
Bennett, 3-2 '
It'll be Jack Russell or Jim
my Sheldon fighting It out to
day for the perhaps dubious
honor of meeting Walt Cline,
Jr., in next week's finals of the
colorful Elks Mid-Willamette
Valley links tourney.
' Cline yesterday nabbed a
finals berth - and displayed
his eld mastery of the Soath
River road coarse as he
downed Banay Bennett, meet
medalist, S and 2, in their semi
final .clash. Bennett gained a
one hole lead early on tbe first
nine ' bat C line's steadiness
brought him through and wound
op the match en the 16th hole.
Walt shot the 18 boles In two
under par figures.
Rqssell and Sheldon tee off
at 11 o'clock this morning. Their
match will be one of many to
day as Unkstera in tho "various
flights beat tonight's "semi-final
Sunday sorties: like the geese on their annual spring pilgrim
age northward, and almost as many la number, the ivory-hunting
ball scoots are edging into the northwest hunting gronnds. First ; ar
rival this time is Hem (Old Folks) Pillette, now scouting for the
Pittsburgh Pirates after a good many and mostly lustrous years as
BBBWaaaam asssst
aspiring Salem Gun club alms to be decked out In full regalia for it
Eight brand new traps are being Installed at the Turner road range,
replacing those pat In some 28 years ago by Assessorman Tad Shei
ton ... ..Cat Ferguson had best come up with a sharp Joysters ball
club If he expects to snatch the State league flag, for see who the
McElroy-Portland entry has blossomed with: Catcher Eddie Adams.
Pitchers Bill SchnbeL Sta Fredericks and remembered Frankie Dier
ickx, tbe prewar Senator fireball. Inflelders Curly Leinlnger, Don
Kirsch and Chuck Clifford, the latter the Tacoma Tiger first sacker
of last season. And along with these Is Johnny Bubalo, the prised
l df Oregon all-aroundster of a few year! ago .... They'll be
rough, Mr. F. . . . .
Shone Going Great in Texas league
Not only is Frank (Beanie) Shone playing regularly for Beau
mont In the Texas league, but he's also leadoff man, hitting like a
fiend and stealing the eyes from tbe enemy hurlers .... The boans
and groaas aimed at Hal Summers by the bleacher blurbs for not yet
hitting his stride are premature. Remember, Hal was a late starter
last semester, but when be did get going, he went so fast he wound up
with a .303 baiting average and almost 100 RBI's .... Same goes for
Lefty Wandell Mossor, due to toil In today's seven-Inning piece against
the Tiges. Mossor has net yet regained the proper pitching condition
after so long a period of deterioration on the Beaver bench .... The
"Kids' Night" installation by Bis Boss Geo. Emigh Is one means by
which the Solon chief hopes to curb one of the worst sieges of van
dalism ever experienced at the Waters arena. By letting 'em In free,
George hopes the little nasties will cease carving holes in the fence
and carrying off anything movable. The "night Idea Is a good break
for the kids if they will consider It as sach ....
The Reasons Why Luke teas Turned Loose
So many "how comes?" have flooded anyone who will listen
on the Frank Lucchesi release that It might be well to explain the
real reasons why the popular little outfielder was sacked. (1) The re
building Portlands have no plans for Frank for the future and figured
he might make a belter deal for himself elsewhere, a U Eddie Wheeler.
Frank Shone, et aL (2) What with better bitters Lou Knbiak, Hal
Summers and Bob Moore on hand, plus the possibility of the arrival of
another outfielder soon, the Senator management agreed with the
Portland verdict. Seeing a likeable hastier like Lake turned out isn't
too palatable, but then baseball Is loaded wltb more bad breaks than
good. Too, when a ball club isn't winning changes must be made . . . .
T P5"; ' .f: T ' T'-???TZ umm " " 'Wfnty, 1 ' xv!Uvftmia -mmn inn i urn mw w n
) JS "- C , ' . w..-- . .. . . .. ... . J
t?t- Az rVj (Ty hfTi
- i -' ' ' s . -
- . -j . ":t. -' - - '- t
v: ( ',
Tbe Cupboard Cafe team of the
downing the Colonial House
Henderson. John Glodt, Jim
Curtis Betters World 440 Mark;
Chisox Regain Amerlc
Winged M Gang
Team Leaders
SEATTLE, May MiPj-A j Sah
Francisco girl in a record-breaking
frame of mind Ann Curtis
shattered tho world's record to
night in the 440-yard freestyle
event at the women's national in
door AAU swimming champion
ships, going the distance in 5:07.9.
In bettering the world mark of
5:11.5, held by R. Hveger of Den
mark, Miss Curtis completely
lapped her nearest rival, Brenda
Helser of Los Angetes.
Two other recosds fell along
with the world standard, both of
them the property of the San
Francisco mermaid. ; These Were
her championship meet mark of
5:17.1 and her American record
of 5:15.5. The world figure I had
been in the books since 1942,
At the close of ; the second
night's competition ' Multnomah
club had 31 points. Crystal Plunge
26, and the Los Angeles Athletic
club 18. -The other team entries
were far behind. i
i Nancy Merki of Portland I was
leading in the race for individual
honors with 142 points. Miss
Curtis was second with 12 j. Each
of them has a race and a relay
DALLAS -(Special)- The Dal
las independent junior baseball
team will hold its first practice
of tho year Friday, May 9. The
club, which .will include boys
from 14 to 17, is 'managed by
Joe Cochrane and sponsored by
Hilton s garage here.
Africa has a more uniform cli
mate than any other great divi
sion of tho globe.
a pitcher. Pillette is the aixeable
gent who while on a visit to the
Tillage last year announced he had
reached the 58 year mark, so was
heading for the rack as aa active
player. His Job with the rejuve
nated Baccos is new, but he says
'tis a good one .... Pillette is
only the beginning. Sylvester
Johnson, manager of the Vancou
ver' last 'season but now a New
York Yankee man has been seen in
tho vicinity of the Waters arena
and later on the Cards Ken Pen-
ner, Detroit's Bernie DiVivelros.
Brooklyn's Tom Downey, the Gi
ants' Mickey Shader, and others
I will include the local yard ia their
tit f mm . .
itineraries , . , , ine anojiai state
trapshootlng bee, one of the bigger
trigger sessions on the Coast comes
to town later this month, and the
Jet Pilot Grabs KenitucE;y :
Classic in Photo Finish.
Capitol alleys Major league today holds the M47 championship after
quint in playoffs. The players above, 1 to r: Warren Valdes, Dean
McCardy and Joe Co. (Statesman photo, Don DM.) .
WLPct. WLPct.
Spokane 11 4 .133 Bremerton t 8 .529
Vancouvr 10 S .687 Salem 8 8 .500
Victoria t 7 .563 Yakima 8 11 J13
Tacoma S 7 333 Wenatchee 3 13 .188
Last night's results: At Salem 12.
Tacoma 3: at Wen a tehee 12-3. Brem
erton 11-1): at Yakima 8. Victoria IS:
at Spokane S, Vancouver 8 (U) Innings).
W L Pet.
Los Angls 30 13 .006 Portland
W L Pet.
18 IS .318
San Dieao 1 14 333 Oakland
13 18 .458
Sarramnt 18 15 345 Holly wod 14 IS .438
san rran is 15 Mi Seattle 12 21 JM
Last night s results: At San Fran
cisco 8. Portland 6: at Los Aneeles 1
Seattle 3: at Sacramento 6. Oakland 3.
(&aa Ijie go-Holly wood unreported).
W L Pet. WLPct
Brooklyn 0 3 .750 Cincinnati 7 8 .467
Pittsburgh 8 5 .615 Philadelph 8 8 .429
Boston 7 5 383 New York S 7 373
Chicago 8 6 371 St. Louis 3 10 .167
Yesterday's results: All games post
poned, weather.
WLPct. WLPct.
Chicago 8 5 .615 St. Louis I 7 .462
Cleveland 7 S 383' Washington S 8 .455
Detroit 8 6 371 Boston 8 8.429
New York 8 7 333 Philadelph 4 S 333
Yesterday's results: At Chicago 3-10.
New York 1-3: at Cleveland 9. Boston
3: at Detroit 1. Philadelphia 1; at St.
Louis 4. Washington S.
Huskies Dovn
Duck Trackme
SEATTLE, May 3 -(.P)- Wash
ington dominated the running
evtnts and broke even in the
field to defeat the University of
Oregon 81 to 50 today for its sec
ond straight northern division
dual track and field meet victory.
Tho competition produced two
new Oregon - Washington meet
records, both by freshmen. Jack
Hensey of Washington remained
undefeated in the half mile as
he covered the distance in 1:54.1
to break the meet mark of 1:54.9
set in 1935 by Jimmy Angle of
Washington. George Rasmussen
of Bend, Ore., pole vaulted 13 feet
7 inches to beat by one inch the
meet record set in 1938 by Ore
gon's George Varoff.
Bowes Fourth,
Silver Skis'
LONGMIRE, ML Rainier, Wash,
May 3 -(JP)- A pair of Sun Val
ley experts flashed across the
finish line only a fraction of a
Salemite Bill Bowes placed
fourth In the Rainier slat event
with a time of 5:44.2.
second apart today in the grueling
Silver Skis downhill run, and the
1947 cup went to iron-legged Wil
lard A. South.
South's time down the treacher
ous course, which drops a full mile
vertically on a 3.16-mile run, was
5 minutes and 18 seconds. Karl
Stingl, also of Sun Valley, was
second in 5:16.2 after the judges
checked and rechecked their times.
Vikings to Play
OSC '9' Monday
Salem high's once-beaten Viking
baseballers Monday play the
strong Oregon State Jayvees in a
3:30 p.m. game at Waters park.
The two teams will play again
Tuesday at Corvallis. On Thurs
day night at 8 o'clock the Harold
Hauk nine will take on Albany
in a Big-6 league game under
the Waters park lights, the first
night baseball game in local his
tory for a high school team at
the park.
Dan Yovetich captured four firsts
to lead the University of Montana
track team as it overpowered the
Whitman college Missionaries
953 to 34 Vi in a dual meet here
this afternoon.
Tho Statesman, Salaom. Orocon, Sunday, May 4, 1947-
Loop Lead
Bevens Suffers
Initial Loss
By tho Associated Press
The Chicago White Sox regain
ed first place In the American
league yesterday as they captured
two games from the New York
Yankees, Thornton Lee edging
Floyd Bevens, 2-1, In the opener,
and Don Johnson being routed in
tho night-cap as the Chlsox
pounded out a 10-3 victory. In the
first tilt the Sox touched Bevens
for nine blows and . tallied the
winning counter in the eighth
frame. It was the initial loss for
both Bevens and Johnson, the
pair or. uregonians having pre-
viuusi; racaeu two wins.
The Cleveland Indians, main
tained their hold on second place
as they trounced the Chamnion
Boston Red Sox. with the aid of
four homera two of them by Joe
ooraon. Crordon's first clout came
in the 4th with the baes loaded.
The Detroit Tigers beat the Phila
delphia Athletics, 2-1. behind the
five-hit hurling of Dizzy Trout
wruio nasnuigton tipped the St
juouis Browns, 5-4. -
All National league games were
cauea on oecause of bad weather.
Amoncaa Leagaa
First garnet
New York 000 100 000 I T
Chicago ooo 010 oi a
Bevens and Houk; Lee and Dickey.
New arork .
eie ioo loo nt e
: 300 130 i 10 it
O. Johnson. Lvona 5I. Dmn mi mrut
Houn Lopat, aialtzberger (7) and
Boston 109 000 101 I T
Cleveland ; 401 400 00 0 10
Hufhson. Dorlsh UV. W Id mar (41
aaurpny oi ana wagner, Hayes 6)
aiiu negan.
000 000 010 t 8
000 100 01 S 7
Savaee. rhrulonh., in ,nd r.ur.
xtoui ana swin.
000 000 330 S II
000 031 OOO la
St. Louii
Wjrnn and Cvans. Zoldak. San ford
(8), Moulder (9) and Early. Mom (SJ
EUGENE, Ore, May S-()-
umversity or Oregon Webfoots
stroked a 17 hi to 9H victory over
the Washington State college golf
team here today on the Eugene
club course.
A Guaranteed Recap.
12 Ilonilis Warranty All Passenger Recaps.
Easy Payments
Slale Tire Service
Statt and Cottagt Fhoni2l$
Guaranteed Watch Repairing
Quality Parts Reasonable
tl - v :i
Phalanx Second,
Faultless Third
ville, Ky, May 1 HD- The colt
who Is "living on borrowed time"
--huaky, jet-propelled jet pilot .
won tho Kentucky derby today
ust as his backers said he would.
out in front and flying, and on
of the greatest throngs in sports
history saw him do It Phalanx was
second. Faultless, third.
They said theCosmeties Kid,"
sturdy chestnut front-runner
from the Maine chance barn of
Elizabeth Graham, the Elizabeth
Arden of the cosmetic world.
would take to the off-footing of
the Churchill Downs strip like ho .
takes to bis oats; that he'd come
sizzling out of the gate and the
rest of the field of 13 would never
catch him.. And that's exactly
how it happened in this 73rd and
biggest of all derbies.
But it Wasn't lust as easy as that
for this Kentucky-born speed ar
tist, because coming at him at the
finish were the "Gentleman from
Virginia' stretch-sizzling Phalanx,
and faultless, the rangy hope of
trainer Ben Jones. And when
they laid their noses on the wire, it
was so close that no one in the
vast, roaring throng estimated by
COL Matt Winn, the 88-year-old
mastermind of the most famous
of American races, at between
115,000 and 120,000, could "split
them apart" until the photo-finish
picture 'had been developed.
Then, the picture told the storr.
The pilot and it's a name that
fits like his racing plates because
he steered all the rest of them
home had managed to last by a
bare head for tho glory and tho
necklace of' roses and tho pot
of gold that this time amounted
to S9Z.160, out of a gross of S120,
210. -.
, The basic Ingredients for glass
are the tame as those used in an
cient times,, silica-sand, soda ash
and lime.
a nun I yW5
We hare Boys' Overalls, I
Cords, Stacks. Also Dress, 1
Work and Tennis Shoes.
a ft r-vO
ran' "Hr
- Year Terns
I 4 , . , i
t, ....
l 1-71
It yea absolately can't
get . along witheat -year
watch we can have
8AME DAY at ae extra
cost! Oar new timing
anachlne makes all this
IV1 , If Sf -
V m m m Terr so mr mmo!