I v I 10 Tn Statesman, Salem, Ortqon. Sunday. May 1947 Music Week Salem to Participate . Special programs have-been arranged for this week, to observe National Music week. In which clubs, churches and music organiza tions each year participate. ' In Salem, several programs are to be dedicated to the late Mrs. "Walter Denton, who for so many j rears, ruided the activities of Na tional Music week as "Oregon and Salem chairman. Through her tireless efforts our city's observ ance of the. week is an event of reil worth. Two pre-mufic week events has bren set for today." At 7:30 the Willamette university a cappella choir will give its first full length program for the year in Salem, at the First Presbyterian church. Dean Melvin Geist is the director. The following program will be gtven: O Fibi Et Filiae "0 Sons and Daughters"! Easter Chant French r-m-brr factae sunt ..Paiestrina Popule Metis Vittoria Praise to tbe Lord ...Christiansen Sooata lor Vioim and Piano Beethoven Betty Kuhlman. violm Donetta Reese, piano Cherubian Song TschesnokoM Bospodi Pomilui (Have Mercy. O Lord t - - - Lvovsky The Day of Judgment .Arkhanpelsky T Thee We Sing Tkach Ride the Chariot (Negro Spiritual) , Arr. Smith Set Down Servant (Negro Spiritual) Arr. Shaw Old Folk at Home . Foster ALichael Carolan. soloist Jttft as the Tide was Flowing Vaughn William Waltzing Matilda Cowen-Wood Old Man River ..." Kern Robert Gwinn. soloist . The high school Girls Glee clubs and choir under the direction of Lena -Belle Tartar will sing a concert at the school auditorium tonlsht at 8:15. Accompanists are Virginia Benner, Jodelle' Parker and Beverly Gustaison. Glory to Cod in the Highest .,. Perrolesl Dedication (German text) .Fran Hail. O Star . Grteg. Soldier's Chorus from "Faust Gounod Choir Piano Solo. Polonaise - MacDo-well Beverly Gustafsoa Singing to" My Love I . Justis In Joseph's Garden Dickinson Gyprv Love Song Herbert Grandma . '. , Sachs Period Club By tbe Bend of the River Edwards Pine Tree by the Wood Polish Folk Song Small Ensemble On Wlr. of Song Mendelssohn The Piper from Over the Way . , ., . Brahe Trees i . .... . . Rasbach The Cuckoo Clock ; Czech Folk Song Man arte Tucker, Soprano Period Club Student Specialties Gonna Join ; Spiritual Tramp. Tramp. Tramp Herbert One Alone . .... i-.- ...Romberg Ronald Sheets, Tenor Bobin Coodfellow MacFarren i March of the Musketeers Friml Salem High School Choir Cantata.. Spring Cometh Kountx Combined Girls' Glee Clubs Opening Concert Officially opening Music week will be a program of voice and piano, by Virginia Ward Elliott, soprano and Ralph, Dobbs, piano at Waller hall Monday nignt at 8:30 p. m. The Salem branch, Ore gon Music Teachers association is sponsoring the program as a third on its winter series. Charles A. Sprague will speak briefly in tribute to Mrs. Denton. Si tu le veux Koechlin Ario: Dc puis le Jour (from "Louise") Charpentier Mrs. Elliott ..Chopin Fantasy In F Minor Mr. JJODDS Heffle Cuckoo Fair Stresa . Shaw .Watts When I Was. Seventeen (Swedish melody) : . Kramer Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes : . Crist Mrs. Elliott Capricclo in F sharp minor Brahms Sumare Mitnaua The Heather : Debussy Tarantella Liszt Miss Colon Speaker The Salem Woman's club will hold its bi-monthly meeting Sat urday afternoon at the Woman s clubhouse at 2:30 o'clock with a board meeting preceding at 1:30 o'clock. Miss Rose Amelia Colon of Costa Rica, Oregon Federation scholarship t loan student at the University -f Oregon, will be the honor guest She will talk inform ally of her impressions of Oregon and what it has meant to her. Prof. Frank Fisher of Willam ette university will give several violin selections with Prof. Josef Schnelker the accompanist. . Mrs, W. O. Widdows is the tea chair man. -. ; ': During the. afternoon memorial services will be held for the late Mrs. T. T, Geer, the club's first president, and other members who died during the year, y "Requiem" in Rehearsal Rehearsal for the "Requiem" by Faure are continuing on Monday nights at Wallar hall at 7 o'clock, under the direction of Dean Mel vin Geist. More singers are need ed to complete the chorus. The "Requiem will be sung at the Salem high school auditorium on May 25, at 3:30 as a memorial to men lulled in the last war, Rites Read At Church The Knight Memorial church will be the scene of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, and Delbert G. McLaughlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. McLaughlin, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Louis White will officiate and Miss Ruth Bedford will be the or ganist Lighting the tapers will be Miss Shirley Lewis and Mrs. Bill Cogswell. , For her wedding the bride has chosen a white marquisette gown with lace insets on the full skirt which ends in a train, and on the balloon sleeves. The bodice is made with a sweetheart neckline and the bride will wear white lace mitts. Her fingertip length veil will be caught with a wreath of lilies-of-the-valley. She will car ry a white Bible marked1 with gardenias and lily-of-the-valley. Her lather will give her in marri age. . . Miss Dotue King will be the bride's only attendant. She will wear a blue marauisette dress. carry a pastel nosegay and wear a floral headdress. Donald G. McLaughlin will be best man Jor his twin brother. Ushers will be Sidney Smith. Jack Larson, Steve Zurlinden and Ri chard Vincent For her daughter's nuptials Mrs. Smith will wear an aqua suit with black accessories and Mrs. Mc Laughlin will attend her son's marriage in rose crepe. The wedding receDtion will be held at the church parlors. Mrs. a. m. tu banks will cut the cake. Mrs. Lester Durrell will preside at the coffee urn. Serving will be Misses Mar lee Bird, Dorothy Lott, Eileen Fisher, Mrs. Kenneth De- Hut and Mrs. Bert Aceret Miss Betty Bedford will pass the guest book and at. the gift table will be Miss June Ward. When the couDle leave on their . . - trip the bride will wear a pink suit with push up sleeves and co coa brown accessories. Tb.e new- lyweds will live in Salem at 1065 S. 18th street , ssss.S j Pacific Excavating Company Leroy E. Grote ; . POWER SHOVELS - BULLDOZERS - TRUCKS Phone 879 J - Salem. Oregon Basements - Koads - Canals - Ditches - Leveling Robert Pranger, Supt EARTH Phone 3456 MOVING FURNACES For Alb Size Homes The mas of the houM wants a furnac that is designed lor efficiency and economy of operation. The lady of the house wants cleanliness. Pacific furnaces provide effi ciency, economic fuel consumption, j cleanliness, plus every other feature desired in a heating plant Including low maintenance cost modern interior and exterior de sign and the best in materials and methods of construc tion. You can't beat a Pacific Furnace! . A tisit to our plant will convince you! W. W. Rosebraugh Co. "Metal Pioducts That Last" A . Since 1912 CSt S. l'th Street, Salem Phone 7609 VENETIAN BLINDS Window &eauy Here at last! Tbe modem Vene tian Blind with all the beauty you've .admired in conventional blinds. ..sod mot. For Flex alum is nade of a -special aluminum alloy so flexible it bends to C' commodate your brush as you whisk the dust away. So lovely, its satin-smooth plastic finish blends with every decorative set ting, resists weather stains and soil. Flexalum is rust-proof, warp proof, will not crack, chip of peeL Custom mdt h cur own work shop o p your windows to s rj.a ' ' ' - . . Distovtr Jor yourself bow lint this mtw window buuty cuami with m rua or 4 mum wmshi ouirr. uom as rout nano to un r nrinnni m nnn i riino Phone 3148 580 So. 21st St Pilots Pocket Cinder IVleet; 'Cats Close 2nd Portland university tracksters copped top honors in a triangular meet with Willamette and Lin field on the dinger lot yesterday, piling up 68 3 points, a bare margin over the second-place Bear cats' 60. Linfield trailed with 313. The Pilots nabbed eight first places, sweeping the hurdles and sprints. Tfie 'Cats garnered four firstsRon Runyan capturing the mile; Marv Goodman the broad Jump with a 20 feet 5i inch leap; Ohling the 880 run; and the Wil lamette relay crew taking honors in that event with Paul Cooking ham, Grimm, Ohling and Macy the participants. It remained for a Linfield man. Bill Marshall, to take high indi vidual laurels, however. Marshall made a sweep of the javelin, dis cus, and shot-put and was in a four-way tie in the high jump amassing 16 Va points. Marv Goodman led the Willamettes with 11 i. Cougars Trim Orange Cinders CORVALLIS, Ore., May 3-UP) Washington State romped to nine first places today to hand Oregon State, defending northern divi sion track champion, its third dual track meet defeat of the sea son, 80-51. The Cougars swept all the track events, except the two mile and the low hurdles and in addition won the javelin and pole vault events. Oregon State sal vaged only the high and broad jumps and; the weight events. V Pioneers Tin Loggers Twice TACOMAj May 3 - UP - Lewis and Clark , college of . Portland handed College of Puget Sound a double setback here today in a Northwest conference double header baseball series. The Pio neers won the first game, 8 to 2, and the second, 6 to 5. . Pirates Buy Five Brooks NEW YORK, May -(P-The band came off Banker Frank E. McKlnney's Pittsburgh Pirate bankroll a rain today as he pur chased five Brooklyn Dodgers, In eluding star pitcher Klrby lligbe for s sum "in excess of $200,000 and outfielder AI Gionfriddo. .-The other Brooklyn players go ing to the Pirates were pitchers Hank Behrman and Calvin Mc Lish, catcher Homer (Dixie) Howell . and shortstop . Gene Mauch. Softball City league spring sof tballing Monday at 6 p.m. offers the f ol lowing games: Golden Pheasant v. Campbell's Rock Wool at Leslie, Master Bread vs. VFW at Leslie and Paper Makers vs. Eagles at dinger. The Antarctic regions were once warm enough for plants to grow within 300 miles of the South Pole. P),fRifcRKiONS uu- - 1- J r- ii j Coach Dean Cromwell's athletes j collegiate champions--a title tak- i The needlefish and some catfish once again loomed as national I en over In 1946 by Illinf. swim with their heads down. 1 Summary: 440 Swan P1 Mirv (Wl Porter (L Kavanaueh In) SI i MO Polich (P) Goodman (Wl Coon V) Rilev lP 10.3. 120 hich hnrril.. Riley (p) Kamal W) Martin iP) Thorpe IP) 17.4. 880 . Ohlin W) Fuller (P Edward (L) Sheetz (P :w, ttu t-oncn i- swan trt enpp Pi Macy 4W 213 Two mil V,n Hoomison (P) Runyan (W) Pr. W) 10:43. 220 low hurdle RiUv IP) Kamal (Wl Thorn IP) Sinn u.i 26:?. MUe relay Willamette (Cook- ingnam. urimm. OhUnu. Marv. Lin field 3:42.2. Shot put Marshall (L) Cookinpham (W) Abelsen (P Board man (W) 43' 8i". Pole vault-Deinf rj iiowimm I w ) Hosch ipt in'. Hijih Jump . Bosch (P) Newton lL Marshall (L Huntley (L) ail tit-ri for 1st. 5" 7". Mile Human (W) Fuller (P) Grimm iWl Cleveland IL) 4:50.9. Discus Marshall !.) Ccmk ineham (W Ooltfrry IWl Bdiiiin W) 122' 7". Javelin - Martll il.) Burjewi (W CookiriKhiiiii tW OtKl niati W) 158' 8". Bioad Jump -- (iiwxl nian iWl Gioupe P) Rome tP Slon tL) 20 5V- (D(DA Trojans Upset Touted Mini LOS ANGEXS. May 3-(T)-Southern California's Trojans overwhelmed the invading 111 in i today, 73 to 49, and Troy's sprint star, Pell-mel Patton, exploded to a decisive victory over Illinois' national charripion llerb MiKen ley m the 200-yard dash as a sun-baked crowd of 29,879 sat in on the best dual track and field meet of the season here. Capturing seven first pl;es front honors in two field events, and the mile relay, and dividing nHsidlflaD IPirgiramm ,(D)(D)99 O O To Quickly Close Out the Remaining SPRING GOATS Now on Sale They -Are Repriced to 00 $)E00 $ SB00 Bring your doctor's jjts scripttons hsrs with com plsts assurance of ac- curaqr, purity and promptnsss. Schaefer's Dreg Store 1895- -1947 Phone S197 or 9723 135 North Commercial Mon. KSLM KOIN KGW 5,KEX RADIO (1JI ke) (B7t ke) (2 ke) (1190 ke) : .! :M f:4S New News Roundup Advised Timekeeper KOIN Klock j Advised March Tlma IKOIN Klock J Kneass. Newt New I KOIN Klock I Dave West Bugler X Bugler X Busier X t Busier X Also t.lS T:Jt f:4S Newt j Rise 'n Shin INews Newt IBob Carred Orchestra Fred Beck IFarm Time 'I Band Music (Old Songs- i Sam Hayes ISing- Bow boy M Agronsky Merediths I Stock Market 1:11 l:J :4S grcjiestra (User Newt Fred Waring Editors Diary lAunt Jenny jFred Waring Pioneers jHelen Trent (Jack Berch Orchestra I3al Sunday I James Abbe Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Club Club Club Club :1S :3 t:4S prchestra LindUhr IPastor'a Call (Art Baker Big Sister IMa Perkins lir. Malone Boad of L.if Melodies Kneas News Lew Lacey Advised Kenny Baker Kenny Baker Breneman's Bnrneman's 1:1S !: lt: iNewt Kate Smith I Today t Child. I G. Drake Bin Sings Perry Mason (Woman White Ted Malone .Orchestra I Lone Journey Masquerade I True Story 4 Harmony Rose. Dreams I Light World I True Story ll:a 11:1S MM 11:45 Waltz Time tatin Tempos or a Day or a Day IBob and Vie I Rosemary !Ma Perkins 2d Mrs. Burton ! Pepper Young iGrand Slam j Happiness I Life Beautiful I Hymns I Melody Go Rnd Club Time Ethel. Albert Nora I2:1S U:J 11:45 Pioneer Newt Serenade ICham. Com. Newt IKneasa Newt Come Get It I Stella Dallas Itvelyn Winters Jones Art Baker W.' Kir man Stars Todav J.B. Kennedy IWidder Brown 1 Come Get It l.-M 1:11 1:M 1:U Uambore New 'Orchestra (Orchestra !Hous -Party jHouse Party (Meet Misses Meet Misses Girl Marries Portia Faces Plain Bill FarreU Sunny Side Up Sunny' Side Up Kay West Kay West ALL SPRING HATS n v g Price at the S: :1S : (Heart's Desire Air Newspaper I Road ot Life Heart s Destre Air Newspaper i Lxra L4iwton Bill Gwinn IJuke Box -Aunt Mary Bill Gwinn Sob Trout I Dr. Paul ' What's Doln' What's Doln' Bride Ac Groom Bride Ac Groom its S:1S S:M 1:45 Interlude suvru INews Orchestra Art Kirkham (Woman's Secret Be Seated i Radio Views IM. Charles . Istage Wife IKaltenborn I Dorothy Dbl 1 Nor'west Today 44 4:lf 4JS 4:45 1 Fulton Lewis I Bryan Trio 1 820 Matinee (Rex Miller (Melody House (620 Matinee I Plainsman wohnson News iTodds Start Today lOiuck Foster I Rhythm ! North westerners I Dick Tracv I Tenn. Jed Now in Progress; at SMART SHOP 115 N. Liberty l:tt IHarrigan Knox Manning! News Pirates 5:15 Superman iSparkle Muis Geo. Moorad Sky King 5:34 iCapt Midnight News I Symp. Strings J. Armstrong 1:45 (Torn Mix IBob Garred Symp. Strings F. Hemingway 444 4:15 IG. Heatter Rock Wool K3. Lombardo tC. Lombardo (Screen Guild ! Screen Guild IBob Hawk Bob Hawk Cont. Hour Cont: Hour Dr. I. Q. Dr. I. Q. I Dinner Music jXatin Rhythm Iad a Band t Lead a Band T4 :1S T:M t:45 Sportscast I Lowell Thomas ' Supper Club I Man's Garden Uack Smith ILawton "(Cisco Kid ' Lone Ranger I Lone Ranger oan Davis I Cav. America I S. Holmes 44 4:15 434 ' S:45 JPvt. Detective IThe Whistler ITeleph'ne Hour Lum "n Abner Pvt. Detective IThe Whistler ITeleph'ne Hour Cheer Songs INews inner Sanctum Voice Firestone; The Clock lYouth Center tinner Sanctum I Voice Firestone i The Clock' :M t:15 t:34 :4S News Pictorial Sports iHenry Taylor ! Radio Theatre Radio Theatre Radio Theatre (Radio Theatre Borge-G'dman ! Doctors Talk Borge-G'dman Gardening Music Masters Radio foiura Music Masters , Radio Forum 14:44 Fulton Lewis (Five Star Final: Newt 14:15 (News 'Symphonette I Dieam Time 14:34 ' INews !Symphonette j Let's Dance 14:45 Orchestra I Sextet - ! Band Wagon I News Decision I Concert Hour I Concert Hour 1144 11:15 11:34 11:45 11:55 12:44 JO pen House (Open House (Open House jNews j Sign Off Serenade (Serenade Air-Flo I News I Sign Off News I Concert Hour Russ Morgan I Concert Hour Time to Dream I Stfns O Guns I Orchestra I News (Sign off IX-Tra Hour KOAC. 554 k.e Monday 10:00 ajn. Masters; 4:00 Ore. Reporter; 4:15 Song Wm...Time; 4 JO Strictly 4:45 Chil- 11.-00 Oregon School of the Air; 11:15 Concert Hall: MM News: 12:15 pjn Noon Farm Hour: 1 ."00 Ride 'Em Cow boy: 1:15 Oregon School of the Air: 1:35 Melody Time: 20 Left Qet 1:35 Melody Time: 2:00 They Have Liv ed in Our Northwest: J JO Memory Book of Music; 3:00 News: 3:15 Music dren's Theatre; 5:00 On Upbeat; 5:85 ... - V - . C.IK spoiling spwr; w m t?w.,. o. Traffic Safety; 6:30 Music of Checho slovakia: 7:00 so You want to May Married; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; 8:00 World in Review: B:15 Campus Kecnai: 8:45 World Symposium: 9X0 Music That Endures: 9:45 Evening Medita tions: 10:00 Sign Off. EU & STONE Electrical Cohlraciors Specialists in Adequate Wiring HUM Stressing Speed. Service, Quality and Reliability Call Us For an Estimate Phone 0605 3055 Portland Road Salem, Oregon . . Quality fabrics and workmanship make Charmode garments top favorites for lightweight control plus comfort. PANTY GIRDLE 4 98 Especially designed for the larger woman who want the freedom allowed by a parity girdle. Boned front, zipper closing. Sizes 26 to 34. CHARMODE BRA Cordtox-fift Permanent Support 175 -Beauty lift that UaU." Ad justable shoulder straps, elas tic back closing. Small and medium. Beautifully tailored. Wonderful Values in Lightweight .Garments si n III Ml i Hi i 14 1 1 V 4 NON-ROLL TOP, SIDE ZIPPER GIRDLE 5 98 Front panel rayon-cotton satin, back panel with vertical stretch. Side panels knit two way stretch. Fins fabric and workmanship. 484 State St. Salem M l 1