The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 01, 1947, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Tho Start man. Solent, Oregon, Thtffsday. May 1, ' 1947
Seotators IHlainidl Victoria Nome .
Series-Ctnotttlns Win, 9 to $
- '-)
IP '
I - . - V
DEKBY DANDYrOne of the bolter favorites In SainrdayV Ken
tacky Derby at Louisville is Faultless (above) with Jockey Dong
Dodson aboard. Faultless Is the famed Calumet Farms', hope la
the 1S47 classic. . " -
Cupboard Cafe Takes ;
Major Bowling Crown
- Sparked by 600 aeries by Henderson and Valdez, the Cup
board Cafe trundling .quintet walked off with the Major league
bowling title at Capitol Alleys last night, whipping Colonial House
in the three game play-off series, 2918 pine to 2773. Valdex chalked
tfp a 627 set with games of 209,
ISO and 228. Henderson bit 60S.
Grabbing third place in the
play-offs was the Capitol Bed
""ding crew which trimmed Cline's
Coffee Shop, 2750 pins to 2693.
Lome Kitchen- Keith Brown
." roller, walked off with top sea
son's average with 188, one pin
' better than that of Salem Hard
ware's Hi Haman. -
rWa.l H
" Garfcarino
Bone .
Mtricfa .
17 - 181 174-8
171 - 1JS 1T7 513
- 168 199 199566
' 1S 133 ' 203 4S2
. 156 203 188 MS
TOTALS SS2 913 871 2773
Cap boar. Cafe
ltl 202 212 60S
2M ISO 228 627
Coe -
12 149 14523
TO 1S6 179 544
169 146 19S 509
TOTALS 992 S79 1047 291S
Gordon, Indian?, rained out.
Ko-other Oregonians played, in
scheduled gaSnes (Doerr hit on
elbow in practice, out of game).
'mmmaMtmm6 it t itsi r i ssisoaiM itmttMmmmmmatMmtmm,
j "Kollfa' Along
By Jerrt Stone
Painfally snrprised: Those customers who arrived late for last
Suday's doable-header between Fartland and Los Angeles, paid
n back pins two-bits for a left field grandstand seat, only to find
themselves conducted to temporary bleaehers Inside the center patch
wall. At first impression you'd thought oI Vaughn street was eram
kaed as tight as a canf ul of sardines what with the several hundred
fans parked on the outfield , turf but, ironically enough, later
figures disclosed only 1,00 plus in the park. Yon'd call that being
prepared for exigencies, eb wnaiT
And don't i think it wasnt hard
a the Angel and Beaver chock
era. being subjected as they were
' " tm the fate of having rambune
- tious kids grabbing - balls from
the gardeners and having lasy
sky shoots dropping into the
crowd fer doubles when all
the time there were seats aplen
ty for the "overflow" . . We
lamped Tommy Bridges much
ballybooed curve from a center
field vanUge point. If such can
be called a vantage point, and
became a convert to the ooh-
nnd-ah brigade as concerns the
'Bridges ability to bend a balL
The explosive break of his stock-in-trade
was very apparent, even
from such a distance. Tommy
tended to the wild side, though,
Sanday . . . ':, ' ;:::':--'-;-;'.
Effortless performer: Max
Marshall, the J5 year old Angel
left fielder down from the Cincinnati Reds. FUshiness Isn't a part
4tf Marshall but watch im play left "field some time. And watch
Ins hit. Just singles Sunday but no wasted motion. The first swing
and there was a smoking liner Into right and Max did It just about
every time ... Prancing about like a young colt on first base for
the Jim Turner crew was George Vie, fresh down from Detroit.
"Veek" is. to use a hackneyed phrase, a guy who obviously eats and
sleeps the game.' And that celebrated split of his saved one double
play Sunday .. .'
Jensen Comer
. . . - I . u i -
Vera Gilmore, Salem high's track maestro, believe Vik Sprint
er Jim Jensen, has Quite a future ahead of hint, "Jim's got; the fa
culty of getting, the Jump on the field at the gun, says Vern. "and
that's unusual considering his inexperience" ... Gents, at long
last the worm is turning. Note this from the Sporting News by one
Dan Daniel: "With Spud Chandler proving a disappointment, Floyd
Sevens can assume leadership of "the Yankee hurling staff on the
strength of his opening three-hitter against the Athletics and his
16 and 13 record last year six of
Let It be a lesson: Max Lanier, one-time Cardinal southpaw
'who succumbed to the lure of
the other day for a Job with a
turned down. All that glitters Is
Golf Gabble
We can readily sympathize
dicament which confronted him in his losing match with fast-coming
Jim Sheldon last week la the Elks torney. Jack, in one of those
moments all golfers eventually meet up with, knocked the head off
his putter with a well-directed kick after watching his putts wind ap
' every place bat la the cup. Jle struggled through the next few holes
with a taped up and most loose-Jointed putter. But then don't think
we're taking anything away from Sheldon for this kid la developing
Into a very hot competitor . . . Long hole dueling: Glen , Lenrren
oust have figured, "what's the use" as he bowed to sharp Jack
Kusseil In the quarter-finals of the big : links show. On the par 5
No. 1 Glen birdied and so did Jack. Lengren also birdied the par 5 No.
7 and what did Jack da bat drop a 45 foot putt for an eagle. Glen
followed with a bird on the long No. 14 and, yep, there was Rus
sell ahauntin him with an identical effort . . .
Elks Tvurney
Playoffs Set
Tee-off times for the cham
pionship flighters In tho Elks
c 1 a b Mid - Willamette Valley
Open golf tournament' ' semi
finals -were yesterday announced
by the' clnb committeemen. Walt
'(Junior) Cllne and Medalist
Bonny Bennett will tee. ofr Sat
urday at 1Z:3 pjn. at Salem galf
Coarse and Jimmy Sheldon and
Jack Russell will settle their
semifinal armament starting at
11 a-m. Sunday. All foar con
testants most be ready to fire at
those times, the committeemen
decided. Other semifinal sessions
in the classic's leaser flights most
be finished by Sunday night
Meanwhile today's Men's club
f-hole tournament will be , a
Sweepstakes, players using fall
: handicaps, according to , SGCrs
John Variey. . - ? ;
the losses being by one run." . ,
Mexican league "dollars , applied
Cleveland semi-pro club and was
not gold. Max should know Now!
r .
with Jack Brande and the pre
IMossor .'Victim
In Debut Try
Gunnarson to Face
Norbert Qub Tonite
By Al JJghtner
Tuesday night the Victoria A's
were in a generous mood and
practically handed the town Sen
ators an 8 to 4 series opening win.
Last night the Solons reciprocated
in full, plattering up a 9 to 4 nod
for the enemy knotting the WIL
series and setting the scenery for
the payoff tilt tonight at eight
o'clock. Lefty Carl Gunnarson is
Mgr. Jack Wilson's hill choice
for the evening's fare and will be
seeking his initial victory of the
' The scenery was on the dripping
side last night, but 511 hardy
souls were, present for what turn
ed out to be t dismal session.
Lefty Wandell Mossor," making
his debut with the Wilsons gave
the gathering six innings of the
kind of pitching for which he is
noted, but the pert portsider from
Huntington. W. Vs., simply could
n't do it all by himself. His new
mates were defensively at their
worst for the season and kicked
in with six errors, the same num
ber donated by the Vies Tuesday,
and- allowed seven of ithe nine
enemy, runs to cross unearned.
Not , accustomed to doing more
than getting sleepy on the parent
Portland Beaver bench, Mossor
tired in the seventh and eighth,
lost his snappy stuff and finally
yielded to Reliefer Dick O'Boyle.
But beiore he left, Mossor ex
hibited good reason to believe he
will take a big chunk of the pitch
ing woes off Skipper Wilson's
shoulders. Lefty still is quick as
he ever was and has that darting
curve. He became frequently wild
with both in his inaugural, but
should overcome that with addi
tional work.
The Vies started off gleefully in
the opening panel by scoring two
runsoii the first two Salem errors,
a walk and a bloop double into
right by Babe Jensen. From here
on until the seventh, when three
more tallies came in all un
earned Mossor hurled one-hit
ball and whiffed six. An assort
ment of two walks in the seventh,
one with the bases loaded, a dou
ble error by Bud Peterson on a
double play roller and singles
by Bill White and Leo Reghetti
netted the three runs.
Mossor left sans an out in the
eighth when he walked Jensen,
erred him to third and dished up
another single to White. Dick
O'Boyle took over from here and
gave up one more run in the ninth,
this one earned.
The Splons got to youthful right
hander Dick Mitchell for three
runs in the third on Mossor's line
double into right, an infield out.
Marty Krug's solo to center, a
sacrifice, walk, wild pitch and
Ben Gregory's loft to center. But
other than for a single counter in
the seventh on Krug's double. Lou
Kubiak's single and Hal Sum
mers' ground out the locals man
aged little with Mitchell's stuff. He
was in trouble often and at times
serious enough that Mer. Ted
Norbert looked longingly to the
bull pen. But Mitchell stayed. He
was helped from holes on two oc
casions by double plays, in the
seventh and eighth.
Victoria's eight-hit attack was
led by 6-foot 5-inch Outifielder
White who had three singles. Sa
lem, with seven mostly scattered
bingles off Mitchell, had Krug,
Peterson and Mossor with a pair
apiety, one of Mossor's a fluke
bunt .on which the Vic third-sack-er
slipped and fell. A notoriously
weak hitter, the two bingles prob-
aoiy were more than Lefty Wan
dell has got in one game hi his
life.' -
One more Solon nlaver Was cut
yesterday' reserve Jirst sacker
Jim wert who has been sent to
Bisbee in the Arizona-Texas loop
uu upuon. - , -
Adding more woe for the ses
sion, it was the first home loss
ol - the semester for the Salem
and for Al Spaeter it was the first
game of the season in which he
has gone hitless. He had string
OX it. .
Victoria (t) Salem C
B H O A nnni l 0 Spaeter J 4 0 2
HafnskrJ 4
TL4 Knit,l i 1 s 0
Hrfhmn.l 4
Mastro.c 4
i zi K.uoiaic.1 4 10
4 0 Summrs.m 2 0 4
2 2 Gregory .r 4 0 2
2 0 Beard.e SOS
2 0 Peterson 4 2 3
JensenJ 4
Gibson4 4
White j t
Reghetti s 4
MitcheU.p g
v Bart J 2 0 1
0 Mossor.p 3 3 1
- O'BoyU.n OSS
IGonUkw 10 0 0
Total 34 S 27 12 Total SI 3 27
Batted for O'BavI in OtK
Victoria ,,; ,. 200 000 331
Salem 003 000 1004 7
Pitcher IP AB M R n en Tin
aniicneu a al 7 4 2 2 S
Moaaor 7 27 S SIS S
O'Boyle 2 11 g
Denotes plus.
Wild Bitch:. Mitchell. Puud fc.n
Beard. Left on bases: Victoria 7. Salem
a Errors: Krug, Bart, Peterson 2. Mos
sor. Jensen. O'Boyle. Three base hits:
Patreson. Two base hits: Jensen, Mos
sor. jirug, iiDson. Kuns batted In
Jensen 2. Krug. Gregory. Hafenecker.
Marsh man. Summers. Paterson. Gib
son. Sacrifices: Kubiak. Bart, Gibson.
Mitchell. Stolen base: Mastro. TJouM
plays: Hafenecker to Harshman. Jen-
on to narsnman. lime: a:42. umpires:
OLoughlin and Last. Attendance: ill
-. ' G Ab R K Pet
Lewis. Senators 31 2 14 .452
Litwhiler, Braves . 7 23 0 14 .435
Gustine, Pirates 13 M 13 23 .428
walker. Dodgers 11 3S 10 IS .421
Binks, Athletics 34 S 14 .412
DilUnger. Browns 11 43 7 IS .372
Runs batted In: National league
Walker. Dodgers 12: Mize. Giants 12:
Galan, Reds 12. American league
Keller. Yankees 10; York, Red Sox 10;
Williams. Red Sox 9.
Home runs: National league Mize.
Giants 7; Miller, Reds S; Six players
ilea witn 3. American league Jua
nich. Browns 3; Cullenbine, Tigers 3
Seerev. Indians 3: Keller. Yankees
Williams, Red Sox 3; York. Red Sox 3.
TITLE x 8EEKEK: Veteran Walt
(Junior) Cllne, winner of many
Salem golf tournaments, is cur
rently In the semifinals of the
Elks sponsored Mid-Willamette
Valley open. Cllne meets Bonny
Bennett this week, while Jack
Knaaell plays Jimmy Sheldon.
CapUanos Nab
Ninth Straight
' By the Associated Press
Vancouver's high-flying Capi-
anos, roaring along toward the
top of the Western International
league standings, racked up their
ninth straight win last night as
they nosed the hapless Wenat-
chee Chiefs, 5-4, at Wenatchee
It was the Chiefs' 12th loss in
13 starts. Hall and Snyder com
bined to hold the Wenatchees to
eight hits, while the Caps were
belting Frost for 14.
At Spokane the Indians tight
ened their grip on first place
one-half game up on the Van
couver as they trimmed Brem
erton, 5-3, with Stevenson getting
the better of a hurling duel with
the Brents' Hub Kittle. The Ta-
coma Tigers climbed into fifth
place with an 11-9 triumph over
the seventh-spot Yakima Stars.
The Tigers walloped three Star
twirlers for 16 blows. i
Vancouver 200 000 120 S 14
Wenatchee 110 100 1004 S S
Hall. Snyder (S) and Stumph; Frost
ana aay.
Tacoma 004 220 10211 16 4
Yakima 420 002 001 9 9 3
Greenlaw. Chetkovich If) and Ku
per: Brysch. Strait (4). Knudson ()
ana jierr.
100 003 0003 T 4
ooo 111 or a
KltUe and Ronnlna: Stevenson and
Reach Semis
The big City Duck-pin tourney
goes into its semi-final stages to
night at B & B Bowling courts
following quarter-final ! action
last night. In the men's champ-
plonship flight last night Royal
Wenig tipped Phil Janz, 877-838;
Ben Bells beat Keith Bennett,
991-857: Tom Wodd topped Eddie
Harrison, 888-794; and' Arnold
Meyer tipped Bill Steimeyer, 25
797. Ladies quarter play saw
Margaret Augel beat Robbie Wil
cox, 720-683; Alma Penny tip
Ruth Pri, 805-720: Ethyle Wil
liams beat Marjorie Meyer, 788
076: and Gladys Wood beat Na-r
dine Fitzhugh, 598-582. Consola
tion play: Ben Reiman 890, Jerry
Davis 868, Harry Creasy 892,
Vernon sun 782.
W L Pet. W L Pet
Spokane S 3 .750', Tacoma 4.500
Vancouver S 4 Ml Salem 0 7 .447
Bremerton S S .617 Yakima 4 t JOB
Victoria 8 5 .4171 Wenatchee 112.077
Last nlaht's results : At Salem 4. Vic
taria S: at Wenatchee 4. Vancouver S:
at Yakima 9. Tacoma 11; at Spokane
9, Bremerton 9.,
WLPct. WLPct
Los Angls IS 12 .800 San Fran II 14 .533
san Eneso is iz ja uituna iia.o
Portland IS 13 J36! Holly wod 13 IS .400
Sacrmnto IS 14 .533! Seattle 11 19 -347
Last night's results: At San Francisco
2. Portland 1; at Los Angeles 11. Seat
tle 3; at Sacramento 4. Oakland 5; at
Sad Dieso 10, Hollywood , S.
WLPct. WLPct
Brooklvn S 3 .727' Cincinnati 7 .447
Chicago S 9 .415 Philaoelph S 8 .428
Pittsburgh 8 8 .SIS' New York 4 7 J04
Boston 7 9 M3 SX. Louis 2 0 .182
Yesterday's results: At Brook!
Chicago 3; at New York 4. St. Louis
3: at Boston 10. ClncinnaU 3; at Phil
adelphia 4. Pittsburgh 11.
W L Pet. W L Pet
Chicago 4 .600' Cleveland 9 8 .300
New York 7 5 .583 St. Louis 9 4 .455
Detroit 8 8 JO0 Washington 4 5 .444
Boston 8 8 .5001 PhiUdelph 4 8 .400
Yesterday s results: At M. Louts is
New York 9; at Detroit i. Boston i; a
Chicago 9. Washington 2. Cleveland
Philadelphia postponed, rain.
' - '.'
r .
Duck Hunting Prospects Not Promising
CHICAGO, April SO-ifAV The
length of the fall duck hunting
season will depend en the wea
ther from bow on. the tint of
a series or regional conferences
sponsored by the U. S. fish and
wildlife service decided today.
"If the weather! Is good, the
most we can expect Is about
the same season as last year,
45 days," Harry D. Ruhl. Mich
igan state game commissioner
said. "If rainfall is only fair
there'll have to be some curtail
ment. And If It's really dry.
possibly no season at alL We've
Bum Streak Stopped
Seals Drop IPorJIairatiers, 2-1
Winners Clinch
Contest in 9th
By the Associated Press
(y-A double by Don White scored
Bones Sanders in the ninth inning
tonight to give the San Fran
cisco Seals a close 2-1 victory
over the Portland Beavers, the
Seals second straight win of the
current series. The clinching tally
came off Relief Hurler Ad Liska
after Starter Vince DiBiasi had
gone out for a pinch-hitter in the
ninth. After the Seals had opened
the scoring with a run in the fifth,
the Beavers tied it up in their half
of the ninth on doubles; by Mayo
Smith and Joe Dobbins;
The Los Angeles Angels length
ened their league-leading position
as they trounced Seattle. 11-3.
with the aid of a vicious 16-hit
attack off a trio of. Rainier hurl-
ers. Cliff Chambers twirled his
fifth straight win, holding the
Rainiers to five blows. ;
A pinch single by Vince De-
Maggio gave the Oakland Oaks a
-4 nod over Sacramento, while
San Diego's Padres continued one
game back of the Angels as they
nosed Hollywood, 10-9.
Portland Saa fraarisce
Radlvch.2 4 0 1 2 Utaalt.m ; 4 0 2 0
Dobblnsoi 4
2 1 1 Xuby.2 : 3 0 2 4
Escobar.m 3
1 2 S Jennings.3 3 10 4
Storey J 4
1 1 2 SandersJ 4
10 White J 4
10 Restetli.r 3
0 13 T Nicely i 2
0 3 0 Leorurd.e 3
1 4 Chesnes.p 3
1 0 OOgrdwsk.c 0
0 0 0,,
1 12
Totals 29 9 24 11 Totals 29 4 27 19
'Batted for DiBiasi in 9th.
Portland 000 000 0011
San Francisco 000 010 0013
Losing pitcher. Liska.
Pitcher IP AB R
4 1 2 3
112 9
3 1 0 9
DiBiasi 8 27 1
Chesnes 9 28 1
Uska 0 2 1
Denotes plus.
Errors none. Lett on
bases Port-
land 4. San Francisco 8. To base hits
Smith. Dobbins. Sanders. White
Stolen bases RestelU. Chesnes. Runs
batted in Chesnes. Dobbins. White.
Double play Luby to Nicely to San
ders, Time 221. umpires: Powell
Ford and Mazzeo. Attendance 9178.
Seattle , 003 000 000 3 9 2
Los Angeles 503 002 01 11 18 2
Posedel. Ripple (II. Pearson (S) and
Hill; Chambers and atalone.
Oakland 000 000 4018 18 0
Sacramento 410 010 200 4 8 2
Sorer. Howard 7. Ha rev 17) and
Kearse. Raimondl 7): Mann. Harrell
(7). Crenin (8). Smith (9) and Fits
Hollywood W0 213 1JO 9 18 3
San Diego Ml 015 00318 18 1
Jtrakaukas. Gregory (6). caster (9t
and Sheely: Triner. Dumier (5). tl-
senmann S. Tretcnel 4.Fortter 17)
Kennedy 9)4nd Kerr.
POots Wallop
Bearcat Nine
PORTLAND, April 3d-(Special)
The Portland university Pilots,
held in check for five frames.
burst through with a 10-run sixth
here today to swamp Willamette's
Bearcats 13-4. The 'Cats had held
4-2 margin up to -the moment
of the big explosion when the
Pilots put seven hits together with
Willamette errors to ice the fray.
Walt Ericksoh's lads opened the
scoring in the first frame with
two tallies off Vince Pesky, both
coming on a hit by Don Barnick.
Marv Goodman started for the
'Cats, permitting the winners but
two counters upto the sixth when
he was relieved by Richardson.
The teams meet again Friday
at Salem.
Willamette ... 210 010 1 000 4 10 8
Portland 0U 0010,01 13 14 2
Goodman. Richardson 1 (8) and
Schaad; Pesky and-Scott.
JEFFERSON The Jefferson
high Lions notched their second
Marion county B league baseball
game Friday by downing St. Paul.
10-8, on Junior Wickersham s
pitching and hitting.
When You Buy
imm sMti
Passenger Recaps
12 Months Warranty
Pay as You Ride
Stats) & Cottage)!
had a good runoff of waters,
bat if the nesting grounds dry
out, the docks will get caught,
and the season will have to be
"And we're on the dry side
of the cycle now. Alaska, Mich
igan and Canada probably wlU
have plenty of water, bot the
prairie areas may suffer if we
don't have the water. That
means a lot of the pothole and'
marsh nesting grounds will dry
oat and no ducks will hatch, or
at least, very few."
Earlier Dr. Clarence Cottam,
V If i - i
John Francis (Dick) O'Boyle.
above. Is currently Jack Wil
son's No. 1 fireman. This six
foot. 195-po under from Seattle
was In the league last season
with Yakima bat to this semes
ter in much better playing
shape. Twenty-four years old,
O'Boyle is in his fourth year of
pro baseball. He started with
Twin Falls In 1940. was with
Stockton in the Cal-State loop
In '41 and then, after war ser
vice, Joined Yakima last sea
son. The pooaossor of a darting
-slider" pitch. O'Boyle is also
a newly married man. having
taken the matrimonial step
larch 22.
Fries to Biff
In Special Go
Dick Abney, the rising Salem
middleweight isn't the only local
light to stride upwards on Tex
Salkeld's next fistic production
at the armory Wednesday night
Hal Fries, the Sam Duncan south
paw featherweight goes aloft also
on that 28-round show. Salkeld
announced yesterday he had
placed Fries in the six-round spe
cial event, with Chris Gregory,
veteran Portlander who before
coming to the west did much
fighting in New York state.
"Fries has shown me plenty In
his previous appearances in Sa
lem," opined Salkeld, "and enough
to give him a six-rounder next
week with a capable boy. If those
Salem fighters improve enough to
warrant it, I'll sure put them up
in the better bouts and give them
every chance.
Abney's Wednesday torUe is a
full-fledged 10-rounder, his first,
with the Mexican mauler from
Denver, Ray Garcia. Three four
rounders will complete the card
two of them to feature Keller
Wagner and Dean Abney of Sa
pitched one-hit shutout baseball
for Monmouth high here to, trip
Perrydale's nine, 16-2. Monmouth
plays Independence in the first of
a three game series there May z.
(Includes Tuesday game)
B H Pot.
Beard 33 10 .435. Krug
B H Pet
35 8 .229
Moore 14 9 .357 Halter
Kubiak 41 14 J41tWyatt
Bartolom 45 14 .311 Summers
3 .200
o .ooo
0 .000
Spaeter 48 14 .304 Lazor
Peterson 11 3 .273; Cunnarsn
Gregory 34 9 .KU'Sinovic
Gentzkow 8 2 .250 Sporer
Cook 8 2 .250! O'Boyle
N unes 42 10 X&i Wilson
0 .000
0 .ooo
o .ooo
0 .000
0 .000
Wyatt 9 0 Gunnarsn 0 10
lxor 1 O O! O'Boyle O O O
BinovlC 1 2 0 Wilson 0 0 0
Sporer 0 3 o!Moor 0 0
Ph. 9268
Chicago, assistant director of
the: fish and wildlife service,
told the conference that -if the
North American waterfowl sit
aaUon continues as bad as It Is
now I will recommend a closed
or extremely limited season
this fall. The service presented
figures of the January . blrdlif e
census showing the waterfowl
population had declined from
125.OO0.OOt birds In 1944 to 54.
0O.S0O in 194C Hunters in
creased from 1.1694C2 to 2.
00,000 based on dock stamps
sold daring the same year.
by Ciolbs;:
Cards Lose 7l!i;
Bosox Triumplr
I By the Associated Press
The law of averages caught up
with the Brooklyn Dodgers' six
game winning streak yesterday as
the Brooks, current leaders of the
National league, dropped a 3-1
decision to the Chicago Cubs,
with Bill Nicholson's two-run
homer the telling blow. The Cubs
remained in a tie for second place
with the Pittsburgh Pirates, the
Pitts slamming two Philadelphia
Philly hurlers for IS hits and an
11-4 victory. The Pirates Frank
Gustine ran his hitting spree to
lz straight games as he collected
four singles. The amazingly im
potent St. Louis Cardinals sank
deeper into 4he loop cellar as they
lost their seventh Ult In a row.
4-3 verdict, to the New York
Giants', and . the Boston Braves
pounded out a 10-3 win over Cin
cinnati. .
In the American league the St.
Louis Browns clouted, Allie Rey
nolds and five New York Yankee
relief pitchers for a 15.-5 triumph,
with Jeff Heath's grand-slam
homer the big one for the Brown
ies. Rookie Mel Pamell pulled Jhe
Boston Red Sox back into the win
column as he allowed the Detroit
Tigers but four hits, while his
mates were chasing Hal Newhous
er for a 7-1 nod. The Chicago
White Sox defeated Washington
5-2. Sleveland and Philadelphia
were rained out.
New York , 004 000 010 5 3 0
St. Louis 403 080 02 13 14 1
Reynolds. Gumscrt 141 Pace 451.
Queen 5. Drews 4. Ardizoia 7)
and Sirvestrl; C alehouse and EarlT.
Boston .,..000 202 003 7 io
Detroit 000 100 0001 4 0
Parnell and Par tee: Newhouser.
Houtteman (9) and. Tebbetta.
Washington 000 001 0102 11 0
Chicago . ... 100 130 00 8 18 0
Nrwiom. Ha e mer it) Harris (71 and
Evans: Rlgney and Dickey ,
Chicago ... 000 100 003 3 9 0
Brooklyn .,001 000 0001 4 0
lmi ana .sencmng; Branca ana
St. Louis 201 000 0003 S 0
New Torlt . Oil 000 0434 10 1
Manser. Wilts and Garaelola:
Voiselle. Ayery (3) Budnick (4) Trtn-
kie ( and Cooper.
ClncinnaU 200 001 000 3 8 1
Boston -04O 321 00 10 13 1
B lac-well. Lambert 141 and . Lam-
anno: Sain and Masf. Camel 11 IS).
Pittsburgh 000 014 03311 18 1
Philadelphia 000 040 000 4 8 1
afulrahy. Singleton (5) Bonnam isi
ana juutu: tiucnes, uonneiiy . ()
Schana (9) and Sminlck.
OCE Diamond ' -Outfit
MONMOUTH A three-base
outfielder's error let in the win
ning run for Clark junior college
here today, Oregon college of
education losing to the JC's 4-
in an extra inning. The second
of the two seven-inning games
was postponed by rain. Kinds
father, Clark pitcher, fanned 16
oce men..
Clark OOO 214 S
OCX . QUO 100 203 0
Kindsfather and Sutter; Hamilton
ana Huiford. . -
Cfl(DilDnes :
Ocr Entire Slock of Hen's Top Qaalily
Fiinxhliings and Accessories
How Being Sacrificed
Ai 33 Below the Regular
Plainly Harked Original Prices
Shop Early for Best Selection,
For Quality, Style and Greater Value
You'll f ind it Pays Always to Shop .
Salom's Quality Oothiors
for Men and Young Men
Two Doors West of Liberty on Stat Stroot
'Mac', 'Happy'
Collide Today
Yank Prexy Carpeted
For too Much Talk
Seldom silent Larry MacPhail
and Baseball Commissioner A. B.
Chandler, have a question-an- .
swer period on tap tomorrow, and
the confab may cause far-reaching
reverberations in the top brackets '
of the national pastime. ,
The red-haired prexy" of tho -
New York Yankees, who would
rather talk! than listen, 'Is ac
cused of violating the not -too-happy
Chandler's edict of silence
for all hands in the controversy .
which led to the April. 9 suspen-'
sion for the 194? season of Leo '
(The Lip) Durocher, manager of
the Brooklyn Dodgers.
MacPhail left no doubt today
that he had ignored, the commis-"
sioner's, order, as he told New
York newsmen "I repeat what X
said last week in Newark that so
far as any evidence developed at .
the Sarasota and St. Petersburg
hearings, there , was notltlng to
Justify even a 'five-minute sus
pension of Durocher.
Breadon Frets
Over Setback ,
ST. LOUIS, April Sl--rresl-dent
Sam Breadon of the St. Looio
Cardinals, admitting he Is dis
appointed with the showing of
the elub this season, departed lato
today by alrfor New York wher
he intends to confer with Man
ager Eddie Dyer.
"I cant uderstand what's
wrong." - the nsoally tacltarm
Breadon said before be left. "It s
virtually tho same elab that woa
the pennant and world series las
year. It looked good la spring
training and It's hard to flgvo
oat what has happened. Tm not
enjoying It alL
Modelers Get
License Station
Aviation's junior partner tho
sport of building and flying model
airplaneswas given new impetus
here with the announcement from
Washington, D. C by tho Acad
emy ol Model Aeronautics, gov
erning body for model aviation ,
in America, that an official branch
licensing station has been estab
lished, at Salem Model Craft, Z1T
S. High st- Salem. y
. . . . . - '!
Smarl Hen
Walk Upstairs to
, Whoroi Evorrtbing t
. from ,
In New, Smart,
Quality Clothes
Ccsl 10 Less
al Joe's
Upstairs Clothes
442 Stcrhs Street
.Above Morris Optical Cow
Nest Door to NohlrrtVs
atemtanra nt -