11 Tho Statesman, Salem. Oregon, Tutsday April 29. 1947 Mid-Willamette;Valley,NewL -i Frm Tkt Sttrtrtmam'i ('nmmmnify Corrrpvm1rnl$ 4 Hayesrille Mrs. C. J. Stupfel cut a six inch gash in her leg while, working on their farm on tbe Portland highway. WnAvi Starting- date for the processing of rhubarb at the Bird Eye-Snider cannery here has been set ' for between April 3 and May 5. Day shift for this crop will consist of about 40 women and six men in addition to the present crew. Spring Valley The annual Pol lyanna meeting of the Spring Val ley Home mossionary society will be held at 2 pjn. Thursday with Mrs. Phillip Brandt at Zena. - Hayesville Mrs. Everett Brown entertained Tuesday evening with a Stanley brush party which eighteen ladles attended."!" Atunsville ' Lloyd Beutler of Central Howell, delegate to the St Paul, Minn. Farmers Union! con ference, spoke at the Farmers Un ion April 21. Next meeting will be May 13. : Roberts Vernie Johns of Port land spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Jesse Johns. Cervallls Lyle Thomas; Polk county state representative, will speak Wednesday, April 30 on the A CH EC KING AC COU NT. one of today's Musts' Paying by check helps control expenses in these days of increasing living costs. Your checkbook record shows where your money goes and makes it easier to keep within your budget. A check ing account will save you many times the trifling ainoupt it costs to maintain. YOU CHECKINC ACCOUNT IS WELCOME D. W. tYIl Vke fVealdeftt -W. S. WAUON, Vk rVseldaaf BOY HBSOH. Am. Vke fresldm 1. C SMITH, Asst. Vic Presideaf JACOI tWUM. Asst. CmMw UO O. PACf. Aut. Ceier LAWtfMCf ft. FISHES, Am. Jdeasfir UX CIISOM, Aut. Meweeer MIMItl MDIIAl DIrOtIT IHIUIAHCI C O 1 O I AT I 0 K Farmers Union program on KOAC at 7 p.m. His subject will be "The People and Their Govern ment." - '.). Silverton Floyd T. Fox, jr.. Is president of Marion county 4-H Advanced club which is sponsor ing the countywide recreational meeting Thursday at 7:30 pjn. at Salem Chamber of Commerce. All interested groups or individuals are invited to attend -the .meeting which Jean A. Williams, extension specialist, will direct. Stayton A parochial school to serve Jordan, Lyons and Scio , is under . consideration. Sylvester Silbernagel is chairman of - the committee making plans. Other members are Henry Heuberger, Jordan; . Paul Gerath and Mike Schwindt, Lyons; Andrew Astav tovsky, Scio. Father Leander Schneider of Our Lady of Lour des parish is working with the committee. Dallas Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cousins, former residents of Dallas and Salem, have learned they were dunong the victims of the Woodward, Okla., tornado which destroyed their home and welding shop. The Cousins and their son, David Lee, saw the tor nado coming, and flattened them selves on the floor and pulled a large chair over their heads, thereby escaping with only minor bruises and shock. Woodburn Musical concert featuring Stephen Foster by a 25 voice Salem chorus and soloists will be presented Thursday night at the high school auditorium un der sponsorship of the local Busi ness and Professional Women's club. Proceeds will go to the Set Uemier city park fund. Tickets are on sale by members of the club, or by the finance commit-, tee, Zoa Lowthian, Mrs. Don Bell, Mrs. H. D. Miller, Mrs. E. F. John son And Mrs. Grace Normoyle. Swegle Honoring the birthday of their son-in-law Albert Patz, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Salter enter tained at dinner Tuesday night for the Rev. and Mrs. Orville W. Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. Patz. Commissioner's Court (Continued from page 7) cense. EU M. and Imil M. Rhyne; Permit to haul loss. Danforth Bros.. Nov. 20. Order for refund of taxes to Elizabeth E. Hi Her; Beer license. Ed win 3. and Daisy B. Richards. Clar ence O. Jones; Permit for telephone line, - Sublimity Telephone Co.; Per mit to haul logs. C. M. Pomeroy. Nov. 21. Permit to haul logs. Cyril Forrette; Indemnity claim of Mrs. Andrew N. Dugger, final bearing act for Dec. C. IMS. Nov. 22, Plat of Henningsen Tracts approved: Bill of sale to E. E. Getzlaff for grader; Quit claim deeds. K. J. Lee et ux. i. Raymond Kellis et uux. Nov. 23. Beer license, 1. G. EUel; Plat of Pioneer Heights Annex approved. Nov. 25, Beer license, Frank. SUffie and John W. Masser, Richard T. and Wm. J. Gentzkow; Bond of Chas. F. Stutx as Constable for Bret ten bus rt Diet, approved: Contract for tale of property. Lyle V. Day et ux. Nov. 26, Bond of Edison Vickers as Justice ol the Peace for Brelntenbush District' approved; Order for compro mise' of personal property taxes. Frank Jaskoeki and Ross E. Moore Printing Co.: Refund of taxes. Annie Fruech-ttng;-'Beer license, Maudie M. and Wiibert G. Flood. Nov. 27, Beer li cense. E. B." Reed. Nov. 29. Permit to haul logs, Larry Weathers; Transfer Order. Nov. 30, Final hearing on- In demnity claim of William Dry; Quit claim deed to Albert P. Millsap et ux. -.'V -J -'Z m.iiimif ' -rr-rn-"" nin-wiTriiie-rrrs Jean A. Williams, recreation ex tension specialist, Oregon State college, will conduct eonnty wide recreation meeting, Thurs day, May 1 at 7:30 pan. at Salem Chamber of Commerce. Individuals, community groups, social organisations and church es Interested In planning recre . ation and social functions In vited to attend. Marion county advanced 4-H elub Is sponsoring the meeting. Hayesville Mrs. William Pow ers was surprised Wednesday by a group of friends on her birth day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Ever ett Brown, Mrs. E. L. Moor, Ida Denny, Mrs. Elsa Frey, Mrs. Her schel Robertson, Mrs. Charles McAllister, Mrs. Jack Napier,, and the honored guests Mr. and Mrs. William Powers. vSwegle - Mrs. William Hensel has sold her store at Scio and will return to this district to re side. She has purchased the Leonard Nelson place on Carder; road and the family has moved there. Her son Jimmy is again registered for school here. Woodburn Work on the new parish hall for St. Mary's Epis copal church started last week with David Kayton doing the car penter work. It will be an addi tion to the present church build ing, approximately 38 feet by 47 feet and will include meeting hall, kitchen, furnace room, and choir room, estimated cost $6000. Build ing committee includes Harold Austin, C. W. Kersten, Clarence Ahrens, Mrs. Tom DeArmond and Mrs. Kenneth McGrath. Brooks Twenty-four persons attended the Garden club lunch eon at Mrs. Mary Wamplers Thursday. Mrs. Patsy Brutka and Mrs. Anna Dunlavy presented a program on "Garden and Home", Mrs. Dunlavy gave a read ing. Prizes were won by Mrs. Margaret Zahare and Mrs. Willa Vinyard for the Garden contest, and Mrs. Lela Hugill and Mrs. Opal Rasmussen won the "Home" contest prizes. Brooks Mrs. Anna Dunlavy will entertain the Sewing Club Thursday afternoon. VtV - On the airwaves ; s . or highway ... ; ita a Merry OMamobfle year Folks everywhere are singing this grand old song 0710 tinging the praises of the tmart new Oldsmobilm carl The car with tbe smooth-as-a-mr!oy stjU ing and the rhythmic, coil spring ride. Hie car that as far ahead as next year' 9 popu lar tunes thanks to GM Hydra-Matic Drive. Jost forget the clutch arwlgear,AHyoadoissitandsteerr...YoaTeprohahly heard these words on the radio in the modem, np-to-the-minute version of "Merry OktsmobUe" wspirediy GM llydra-Matic Drive. For Ilydra-Matic is the only drive that eliminates the clutch pedal completely and shifts gears automatically through four forward speeds! ... Visit your Oldsmobile 4eakr and see for yourself why people say, "It's SMART to Own an Olds!" KEEP TOUR CAR "IN TUNE" Spring, is the time for an Olds mobile seasonal tune up. - Proper maintenance now will keep your present ear running until your new Oldsmobile comes! 'Hydra-Mafic Drive is optkxtol at extra cost Air Corps Reserve Sought for Salem Meeting at the chamber! of com merce floral room Wednesday at 8 p.m.. former army air force men of Salem will discuss the possi bilities of starting a local flying unit of the army air corps re serve. Lt Roy Rice, who has been act ive in attempts to organize an air force unit here, will act as tem porary chairman, and Coli Seward P. Reese? dean of Willamette uni versity law school, will; present possibilities of. the flying unit. Woodburn A - new dry clean ing establishment, "Spic and Span Cleaners" was opened Friday at 253 Front street' by Don McVeigh ana Harold Dunn, formerly of Silverton. The building has been remodeled and new equipment installed. Two-day service is planned. Valley Obituaries Chester L. McSheery PEDEE Chester L. McSheery died at' his home at Pedee, Mon day, after seven-months! illness. He was born at Glasco, Ky., July 7, 1884, and came to Oregon at the age of 10. The family lived at Hillsboro five years, and then moved to Falls City. He married Althea Gardner at Falls City December 13, 1905. They moved to Alsea in 1931 and to Pedee in 1940. He was president of the Pedee Farm ers Union and a member of the Evangelical church. He ; served on the school board for three years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. William (Ver nice) Carver of Valsetr; three grandsons, Wayne, Dean and Roy Carver of Valsetz; a brother, Tra cey McSheery of Portland, and other relatives. Funeral services at the Henkle Bollman chapel, Dallas Wednes day, April 30 at 2 p.m. Burial will be at the Dallas cemetery. pa Gamma society, a national hon orary for women teachers, held In Grants Pass. Miss Silver, parliamentarian, attended the executive board breakfast at the Redwoods hotel. Mrs. Roubal was one of four new members -taken in. Formal birthday dinner was held at Riv erside school. More than 100 mem bers attended. Hazel Fishwood. junior past president, conducted the birthday candlelight service: Florence Beardsley, state super intendent's office, was the speaker, Eta and Theta chapters of Port land will be hostesses for the 1941 convention. Any snake venom contains sev eral different kinds of poison. MRS. MARY IIIGDON MILL CITY Mrs, Mary Hig don, who had been in poor health several years, died suddenly Sat urday evening at her home here. She leaves a widower, S. G. Hig don, and two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Budlong of Mill City and Ruth Higdon, stationed in Wash ington, D. c, with the WAVES. '; Funeral arrangements are be- ing maqe. ine daughter Ruth had left Mill City Thursday to return to her station in the east after having spent a- 20-day leave here. Silverton Teachers Attend State Meeting SILVERTON Helvie Silver and Irene Roubal, local teachers, attended the annual convention of Alpha Rho State of the Delta Kap- RIGHT HEAT o LIGHT WEIGHT Electric Iron g)95 ONLY Weighs Cut 2tt Lbs. New, improved troublo - free Iron I Element neate rapidly, but never overheats bocause of automatic temperature con trol. Cool bakelit handle. 1 ml I KENMORE IRON 3-L.b. Weight 10.95 Idsal for fragile nylons and silks. Automatically maintains the haat yoa want. 7-ft. cord. 110-130 V. AC Underwriters' Approved. KENMORE IRON Economy Priced 8.95 Per apeady, easy, aafa Ironing I Weighs only 3 lb. Perfectly bal anced. Finger-tip dial assures corract heat for every fabric. Fast heat. Door-Type? Toaster Electric 3.89 Make toast fast and brewne Jt evenly because deer fit cteeeiy. Beautiful cfcreme end black f trneh. Teaets a aticee a Mm. Weed SgedfeW f4tJetfMmty&M4" JOg -,. -- FROM ANY ANGLE! No matter bow you look at it tbe Beadix ooe-piece plastic table model radio is beautiful both in tone and styling. Its modem lines enhance its beauty and its aiau'oa quality chassis with 4 tubes sod a rectifier, guarantees, fine radio reception oa both AC-DC For style and performance tom will choose a Bendht Radio. : Yen CAN Tale It With Tn NOW! Tbe built in handle in the enclosed back makes it easy for yoa to carry about. Yoa can take it with yoa from room-to-room. And yod can take it home with you awtr from our stock of fine Beodix Radios-Availablein ivory Ml i also rich mahogany brown finishes at only 29.95 PRODUCT OF THE BENDIX AVIATION CORPORATION HEAR IT NOW1 The new Bendix Radio Model 847-B Radio Phonograph with F.M.. In hfgh-styled contemporary cabinet. This outstandingrhodel is equipped with several won derful features, such as automatic record changer auto matic electric push-button tuning and full F.M. reception. 283.50 A Compact KcKllo-iHioeiograph Whh Storof SfMKj For Ovor TOO Rexocdls In Alhsjm This smor) lookSng Consolotto b so compod mot It tokes vp less room than on ordinary chair yet It has 08 Iho advantages of a real big radio-phonograph. m IHOT EArURMt 9 ids tte siderd eietd fhert Wsnro. Um fee enree 1 OO leeerde Im Adieu Pewerfel Aleeee Ipeefcee fee leHmsd Te '''AW ilS I iU1' .ill PIODUCT Or BINBIX AVIATION COtPOIATIOM YOUR DEALER The price is easy terms. &CZsZSax Co 340 Court Street Phone 8221 LODER BROS. 340 Court Stroct Phone 9221 465 Center SU Salem, Oregon