it i trrn .. ir il ' ?vt ' y . I'rmmt Tfc Swmmmn't Community CvrreaMMMfenf jhH ETerrreen DavitT and Caro line Ovcrlund ire released frcm acarlet lever quarantine and re turned to school the latter part tit the week No other case have been reported breaking out In the community. Even Valley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mtlton from Wilmington. Calif., have bought the W. M. Balch farm and will reside here. They have three children of grade school age. Growing on the farm are some of Oregon' first walnut trees planted by Mm. Lf a Mutton, who brought seven black walnuts across the plains in her handbag when he came In 1852. Five of tlie seven nuts grew. FrailUad The teachers, pu pils and parents are invited to Pratura school Tuesday, April 29, sit 9 a.m. to see an educational film about Alaska. ML. Anxrl Florence Bielen berg iA Genesee. Idaho., is visit ing her brothers, B. II. and Matt Bieleriberg. Gervais The social economics class cf Gervais union high school is compiling a history of the Ger vais union high school district. It will contain the history and a lut of the graduates, those living In the district, number who have attended high school, and it is V itnu I liCW Immediate Service In Your Horn Wrk Guaranteed A Insured SALEM DURACLEAN SERVICE Phone 373C expected the paper will be of value to the community when completed, and copies will! be given the city and kept on file in the school. - j Fruitland Mi s. Harvey Brown has 'returned home after staying about three weeks with her moth er, Mrs. II. J. Desmond, at Grand Coulee dam. i i ML Angel The "First Le gion," three-act drama, will be presented in the ML Angel ! col lege auditorium Sunday, April 27, at 2 and 8 p.m., by the semi naries. Entire proceeds are? for foreign missions. - Marquam Irvin Nicholson! has bought a portable sawmill td is awing lumber on the Bill Mc pherson place. Silverton Mrs. E. A. Kaliis Is -hairm?n of the .Silverton, Home Extension unit for the coming year." Mrs. Karl Haberlv. j vice chairman: Mir. Burns Benwirk. secretarv-treasurer. Next meeting will be held May 28 with Silver ton Hills unit. - Marlon Fork Fred Wester berg and hi son. George, have moved their belongings from :thelr cabin here to a place near Estaca da. Mrs. Westcrberg was unable to tive in this altitude. . j Brush Creek Thea Jensen of Los Angeles is spending a; few weeks with her sisters and broth er, Mrs. Martha Isaacson. Alit Jensen and Alfred Jensen and looking after property affair?. Marion' Forks Mr.' and I Mrs. Elmer Howland of San Andreas. Calif, visited briefly here while enroute to Detroit to visit his sister. Mrs. Clester. Mr. and; Mrs. James Rand formerly of Idanha who are now In Yakima, visited here this week. ! North SUverton Frank; Lais has received 2400 turkey poults which he is raising on his place here, j Marion Forks Mr. and ! Mrs L. S toff el and family visited? here while enroute to . Long Beach. Calif. They formerly Jived in Niagara. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Hun ziker and son of Long Beach, vi sited here recently. She was for merly Verna Stoffel of Niagara. Waldo Hills The wjllard Woman's club met Thursday! with Mrs. Emmanuel Kellerhals. ! Mrs. Casper Oveross is president. Plans General Holers Owners: McKay's offers you our new delivery service! j When you need service or. repairs done on your car, come in or phone 3188 and we will have a courteous driver take you to your destination, and bring your car back. j One-day service when possible. j Dcnglas IleKay Chevrolet Company 51 North Commercial were laid for the May 15 meeting at the home of Mrs. Miles Cutaway when officers will be elected. Silverton Hills Mrs. Gerald Todd and infant daughter of Ore gon, City spent Wednesday at the Owen Todd home. Her husband, who was to have been tent to the South Pacific recently.' had orders at the last minute to report to Kodiak, Alaska, for navy duty at the dry .dock. Brash Creek Althea Meyer entertained Thursday for her father, L. H. Meyer, on his birth day. Invited to spend the evening with him were Mrs. M. J. Mad sen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Meyer and Karen and Mary. - SUverton Born at the Silver ton hospital; son to Mr. and Mrs. George K ,a u f m a n April 24; daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bremer of Hubbard, April 23. Evergreen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaser left this week by-train for Chicago and Ft. Wayne, Ind.. to spend six weeks with relatives and friends. Kaser plans to buy a new car in the mid-west and drive home. SUverton Mrs. A. J. McCan nel has been nominated for pre sident of Delbert Reeves unit of American Legion auxiliary; Mrs. Gladwyn Hamre, and Mrs. Wes ley Grogan, for first and second vice president, respectively; Mrs. Mina Cooper, secretary: Mrs. John Demas, treasurer; Margie Moseng, sergeant at arms; Mrs. T. P. Hei denstrom, historian: Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs. S. A. Pitney, and Mrs. Robert Hall. The nominating com mittee was composed of Mrs. Lewis Hall. Mrs. John Demas and Mrs. Clifton Dickerson. Brash Creek -7- Anna Hatteberg entertained Wednesday for the Brush Creek Circle. Special guests were Mrs. Martin Hattebe" and Mrs. Edwin Hatteberg of Silver ton, Mrs. Floyd Baxter and Net tie Hatteberg of Salem. The Circle will meet May 28 with Mrs. Sum ner Shorn. i i Evergreen - Laura Dell Jov" son, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrsf Henry Johnson, frac tured her leg below the knee in a fall. The Johnsons recently left Evergreen for the Irwin Valley section southeast of Silverton. Brash Creek -Thornless logan berries are being set out in this area- with some planted by Mr. and Mrs. J. CLarson and a lar ger patch by Mr. and, Mrs. Wil liam Reeves,, comparative new comers to the community. They have the John Dybevik farm on Paradise Alley. if Silverton Church Plai For Meetings Outlined SILVERTON Trinity JJorcas society meets Friday night. May 2 with Mrs. C. Bergerson, Mrs. E. Kallis and Mrs. W. Voiding as hostesses. Trinity Luther league is arranging a skate party Tues day night, the group meeting at the church at 7:15 p.m. - At Immanuel church the wom en's organization will hold a joint meeting Wednesday evening, the affair being sponsored by the Jun ior Guild. Immanuel Ladies aid will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at the church with a basket lunch eon planned. msms&s& THE PERFECT INSIDE STORY BY Sho-Form Bra Sheer Nylon 1 For a lovely nplif L Scientific ally designed adjustment to in sure smooth fit for the larger flgvre. Sizes 32 to 38. . Batiste Girdle 1 JKMkO n P ROEBUCK AND COL II I I''-" ' - ( - I I 4 Ujj i t 7 1 y X ! , ) TuK ! I 1; : ' ! J Expert Corsetieres !Ssss I 1 A rl J Af Here to Fit Yen . s5fBa ftppW ft) ?i w 11 -9' I 1 Batiste elastic sides mold the flgvre Into a smooth tllhoaette. Talon side tipper. Node. Sixes 28 to 34. Best Judges Are Selected At 4-H Show wa as wa va . awaa w first place: in the bread baking contest at : the 4-H spring show held this week. It was the second time she had taken top honors in bread baking. Joyce Kuena and Arlene Hilpicker of Middle Grove were second and third in bread baking. Joan Scharf and Joyce Kuenzi of Middle Grove took liit place in demonstrating making bread; Wilma Part on and Patty Lou Mc Laughlin, Union, were second, demonstrating preparation of dev iled eggs; Shirley Moon and Gwen Zimmerman of Pringle were third in demonstrations. Demonstrations Presented Darlene Hughes and Loris Lar son were first in household dem onstrations; Betty and Josephine Baughman of Pioneer, were sec ond; Jimmy Kuenzi and Jack Wickoff of Middle Grove were third. Rosemary Austin and Shirley Singenheimer of Liberty were first in clothing demonstrations. Nancy Hageman and Barbara An derson of Salem Heights, second; Marilyn Settlemeir and Wilma Fenley of Pringle 'were third. Kay Salter and Janice Bishop of Salem Heights were first in home making with a demonstra tion of bed making; Darlene Frey and Donnella Hackett of ML An gel were second with table set ting demonstrations. Best Judges Named Jimmjr Fiske and Roy Fowler of Auburn were first in miscel laneous demonstrations; Jeanette Gilmour and Arlene Monson of Sidney were second. Doris Lane of Liberty had the highest individual score in cloth ing judging ind Florence Marlatt of Sidney had highest in home making judging and Arlene Duda of ML Angel had highe-t in cook ing judging. Lorraine Battles and Charlotte Graber of Salem Height were first in clothing juYlging; Inez iWalke'r and Shirley Bingheimer of Liber ty, second; Donna Bankston and Patty Nichol. Aumsville, third. Home making judging, : Bertha Knupp and Mary Anne Wiekum, Fruitland. first; Betty Winter mantle and Dona Zehner. Sidney, second; Janice Riches and Sally Klein, Aumsville, third. Cooking judging, Mildred Par- j ton and Darlene Hughes,; Union, first; Margaret Dummer and Ar lene Duda, ML Angel, second; Barbara Lacey and Margy Annen, ML Angel, third. Bonnie Klein of Aumsville and LaJune Rahtz of Auburn took championship ribbons in different divisions of clothing 4 and Bon nie was given the grand cham pionship. Joan Fabry of Middle Grove was champion in clothing 3; Martha Durette of Gervais took champion ribbon for best dress; and Greta Ann Schrecengast took championship for her knitted sweater. Kivenlale 'HI Cliih Give Demonstration R1VERDALE Cookihg club demonstrations were given Tues day by Barbara Daley. Mauryne Nichols, Patricia Morton and Nina Bowman at the 4-H achievement program. For the poster contest in the primary room Jim. Bow man, Ronnie Kihs, Joanne Bow man and Charlotte Allen won blue ribbons; Jerry Simmons, Thelma Cook, Twila Cunningham, and Shirley Bogosian. red ribbons; Roy Simmons, Sandra Graham, and Sue Williamson, white rib bons. Patricia Morton, Marlene Annual Italian Dinner May 4 At Silverton SILVERTON Annual spring Italian dinner of St. Monica's Al tar society of St. Paul's Catholic parish will be May 4. Mrs. Luigi, DeSantis native of Italy, is gen eral chairman of the affair. Com mittees include: Kitchen, Mrs. Leo Gier, Mrs. Joe Ehli. Mrs. W. Frank. Mrs. Ines Heater, Mrs. Ben Zollner, Mrs. Tom Miller. Mrs. Mario DeSantis, Mrs. M. J. Martin. Mrs. L. B. Scharbach, Mrs. Vernon Hiskey, Mrs. Lawr ence Thomas, Mrs. Ludvig Moe and Mrs. Paul Jasper. Dining room, Mrs. J. H. McCul lough, Mrs. Otto Schwab, Mrs. William Flanigan. Mrs. Paul Reiling. Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. William Hall, Mr. Jake Usselman, Mary Ann Francis, Mrs. John Small, Mrs. J. Schnorenberg, Mrs. Gil bert Hoeffer, Mrs. John Pfeifer, Mrs. Toni DeSantis. sr and Pat McCullough: J. H. McCullough is in charge of ticket sales. Coffee will be made by Ralph Francis and William Flanigun. Serving. Mrs. Iarry Martin, Mrs. L. Seifer, Mrs. A. Zinor, Mrs. Ralph Hook and Mrs. M. Zelnski. Dishwashers, Arthur Steinberger, Luigi DeSantis, Mario DeSantis. J. Schnorenberg, Karl Hess and Moe Buchheit. Mrs. Ralph Francis is president of the Altar society. The Statesman, Sclom. Oregon. Sunday. April 27. 19473 Peco Pacific Excavating Company Leroy E. Grote ' POWER SHOVELS - BULLDOZERS - TRLXKS Phone S7I3 Salem, Oregon Basements - Roads - Canals Ditches Leveling Robert Pranger. Supt. EARTH Phone 3456 MOVING . 7 The king snake has been known to kill and eat rattlesnakes, but it does not hunt the poisonous snakes. Bronson and Nina Bowman ex hibited nt bread; Barbara Daley, Freda Bowman and Mauryne Nichols, cookies, and Margaret Bogosian, bread. iVett? 'Enterprise ! Curl & Dean Flower Shop Flowers for Every Occasion Open Daily 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. including Sunday Fre Delivery . Located in Erickson's Super-Market 3060 Portland RaV Phone 25014 For Sale bv Owner in V Lounar Heighls Addition 1 Block West of Commercial. Just South of Hoys 35 Large Choice Lois Very desirable location, elose to 1 schools. Salem's sooth side higher elevation. L. 17. Balh S9 Jerrb St. Tel. 841 484 State Street IIOURS: 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Dally; $ a. m. to 9 p. m. Friday L 4i ronmnimtf.iiiiWIiiiTS iww OK, President Truman... Here is Answer to Your Demand for Lower Pricesl 1 i ij u o V3 ftn M n n fl 11 . . -;J ' y w '-'"""w" t 1 " 1 ' '" .' J ' - -- Wsbster automatic record-changer with automatic cut-off. Beautiful Period or Modern cabinet with, storage space for albums. Sold fat 1 941 at $ 1 9.95. Now this grootor Postwar Kent pale 5DA for the some price. 95 OtltY PORTADLG IATTERY AND ELECTRIC 55 A SENSATIONAL VALUE! New 1947 PACKAID-BELL 3-woy Foftable tadio at its 1940 price. Plays on AC, DC or Battory In. FM Dynamic Speaker . . Hand some leatherette case.