For' Sale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate! . For SaleReal Estate For Sale Real Etatc For Salt Farms ; Business Opportunities That Stcrt4nmcm. Salin, Otwgon, Sunday. April 27, 134717 LEE OHMART & BEDROOMS $899 Older style I room home with larse Iwkk lot. 104180, trait and -nut tree. This hoot hM S bwlrntni down easd 1 bedrooms up. baaamaat. double ltt. Ul kU furnished tor $4304. MODERN SUBCRBA14 HOME ONLY - $395 located about 1 anile North of tm. attractive medtm . about 11 rear, old. aero etAmmA. ttrts homo ta wired lor range. -h electric water better. unfinished upstairs, small chicken bouw. iota of ta Located dM to Clear Lake. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW Immediate possession of this com fortable modern homo, only years old. 2 bedroom, la wired (or ranee and ttas elec. water heater. Lot la 60 la, t walnut trees. Located doe to edge of town, bus at door $6930. ONLY $550 O North lth Street. (Ood residential ser neater, pi pea -m oil circulator in- - . VIA. wmmM W DAIRY 272 acre, large 7 room older style home, bath and electricity, new modern i - . ,. . I. ... M. flKFlWia, IWII I IS. W A. la cultivation, soil largely Willamette t I., h ana oo ma rt nf k and good country road, level land. Deduct the yes wtu nave a danay rancn. xotai price 17S ACRES Willamette and Amity silt toam. slightly over half of this tract In eultlya ttoa. balance in fir timber, located on paved hiway. due east of St. Pul. A dandy tract of fcrveLlead. caa be developed Into top grade ranch 2SjOa. LEE 0ILMART & 477 COURT ST. Eves, and Sua. GRABENHORST 14 UNIT COURT l Lat-bui:t. el. heat. Insulated. 1 bed ns. each. Ven. blaids, el. range, sprtn kliac sTStem in yard. el. h.w heater. A REAL VALUE. Income $371 a mo. - LOTS TERMS 99 x 12$ ft. bkSg. lots located near ftictunond school, paved sts . Terms LM down. 915 a mo. Price $794 each. FAULMOUNT PARK Good 3 bdrm. home. cor. lot. basemt smto-oil heat, home redecorated thru out. Price llfiioo. - ROSEDALE DISTRICT Completely furnished. 3 bdtms mod. borne. 4 ra old. h.w. firs. Ven. blinds. SMMO-sawdust heat, fireplace, full base tat. furnishings. Include eL stove. r frig, wasbins machine, etc. Priced at 4Jr I11J00 NORTH SALEM 3 bdrm. Etiau-type home ta excellent aaiil . met Tard. h.w. fir . full base snecrt, fireplace. QUICK POSSESSION. Price UZ bU. . Tku tt a resl family hoene. Well located East with fireplace, el. h.w btr. auto-sawdust heat. ! garage. lasmediate poeeesslon. Price $Iw. : CLOSE-IN Mod t yr. 6ld Eng.-type home. Ven. sdMtds. fireclace. eL b.w. boater, car- . poted In LX. in perfect condition. blacks to town. Price $9750. NO. 3 BUSINESS EONE . Located on S. 12th St.. 94 x 114 foet. excellent location. Price $X100. GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 124 SO LIBERTY STREET Evenings 7772. 2 For Prompt. Carteoue Service. HOLLYWOOD McKILLOP - - PHONE 25224 i trrv moperty asTSO New Sasmlsh style basse. 1 Bedroom, bath. LR. K. Bull tins. Venetian Blinds, cooking, water beating furnished, rkoae to bus and schools. Possession Immed lately. rr0l Bedroom home. baUi. LR. DR. water beating eletrtc garage, bus mo I year old bamgaiow. a Venetian Blinds, rooking, water insulated, garage. . $7904 Weil built bsmgaUrw, t Bedrooms, bath. LR. K. Bulltlns. Nook. Vene tian Blind. Hardwood and fir floors, fireplace, cooking and water heatmar electric, full heeement, wash trays, double garae. - aaaan Vr Un. aa at lia Hatrm bunnlow batn. LR. DR. K. Built- in i Itiebk. alt sdaatred. Hardwood prenkuna system. 4 .walnut tree. 1ee. grapes oner berries. " 99543 Bedroom bmgsiew. bath. LR. Hardd and far floor, all plaHered. cooking and water nesting i y ef t l C . niic. heettnd automatie oil. fuU baaement. aarage. close to bus I I IUII ileal ijSlale iO. and school, houaa la lasuUted B1S30S 1 Bidroora kwutlow. bath. ail plastered, hardwood floots. Fireplace, cooking electric or ga. I - ... naurr heating elec heating sawdust, full basement, garage, bus by door. close to acneeas. newly pointed and decorated. Nice lawn and shrubs. BtrSINESS ' $4304 Ce. rood location, stack and SsTT-JO Sere fetation and Carage. in it i. m - - - l gllOO Aoartrnect house, eery close inenrr. - eonct waae srttli antioa. rent. is tOSQO CJitcken Business with 14 Acres, ment. : Modern 4 Meoroom nome witn oasemeni. iwwij, m Acres w cultivation. 1 acr blackberriee, 1 acre fruit and berries. 3 acres alialfa. balance ta timber and pasture, very clean large poultry bouses and brooder houses, all modern equipment Including triolet ray machine, cm produce 404 fryer weekly. Excellent view property PHONE nnnYwoon real estate - arts Fairgrounds Road NORTH 3 B"rms at Bath up. Parlor, fireplace. Den. Kitchen. D. Rm. down Bes t Auto-OU rurn. AttT Gar. East $9509 on terms. PERCY ULLMAN SAVE! 15 to 3 bv insuring your car anc Agency. HOME FOR A If yea want M acre of land eatt T&is is n. pric only sue. ; WM. BLIVEN, 429 Oregon BIdg. Evenings ENGLEW00D Larg modem family home. diniaar room. That home has had . iem V Met thtwuchout. Located as senior school, ivicejy sept yara. w are proud ox this nome at $IZ04. LEE OHMART & CO., REALTORS ' trt COURT JT. PHONE 9640 OR 403$ Eves, and Sun. Phone 3779 NELSON WE STILL NEED - During tne past week we have sold a now m me anarxet xor another. They want a residential income property Cterabtv duplex or something with Bt to rons. Prserty tn the $4009 to W wauid appreciate inf orrr : tion Timti v ...... vrrrnv o lFT5sriN Ort L Nelson - SPECXALTZINO Mm. 304-3 Masonic Bid, 49$ State CO., REALTORS JUST LISTED INCOME A room homo with a newly com pleted apartment In the basement. In cluding new elec rang, refer, dav enport, etc. this home Is equipped with (as water healer, has wood fur nace, carage well located. A good buy for $8509. ' ZONED FOR BUSINESS mW riti. a btiroom homo. located I on a MMS soot lot est sum arreei, This homo Is wired for rang, has elec tric water beater, etc full price Is 18950. $3509 cash will handle. x ROUES l LOT 1 attractive amall homes on one lot. each has livtnf room. 1 bedroom, kitcn en and bath, hardwood floors, wired for range, else, water heater, on cir .K.tot Locate North- 110.500. MODERN 3 BEDROOM HOME! Very attractive family home located about 4 blocks from the Englewood school and less than 3 blocks from hi school. This home has a large living bedroom, den. kitchen and bath down.1 It 3 bedrooms up. basement and furnace. It Mk . ...i sit vm i I r ARM SPECIALS I RANCH I ...... a .. . ju.. tvi t IH ily l. 1 TH 1 mamW VM . -.w..-,... " 1 and Amity soil, 142 A. of timber and I considerable oole timber. Located on cash market value of this timber and COEALTORS - PHONE 9&M OS 4031 Phone 3779 SPECIALS nnsr VH ATBEACI HOME $ acres of excellent soil, variety ! of bearing fruit and nut trees, good $ r. J rooms on one floor. L.R-. D.R, kitch house with basement, furnace, plumb-1 en. hwd. floors throughout. Fireplace, ing electric water system, close in on Gsrage attached. Large lot Priced $11.- Kataer rd, witn son rees mmww'Bo 1 pavement, ideal rua suis-uivisiyn. Price $11,000 terms. t ' LOT BARGAIN N. Salem, paved aU. east front, ce ment walk, in apartment nouse aone, Size 90x230 feet, price simm. MOTIL OR BUSINESS SITE Has 304 feet frontage on Pacific high- ay. neai Salem, gas. water and lights I available. Price $10,000. Hi .f rYJl,wn iv.. I tNnAiWAiA HElGH'?l AN VNDALAK1A tlElUHtS. API I VIEW LOTS Located pitv in LANUALAKiA nuonis, im IDEAL LOCATION to build your J IMUyuIATE POSSESSION -: I Good new home with eiectnc neat.i modern plumbing and elect., water I hatar. elect- water aystem. acres 01 1 S'-cTpHcT 5ooSEE TlflS ec-hoei district. Price $7Z00. bee litis BEFORE YOU BUY. LAND BARGAIN 47 acres, nearly all good farm land, paved rd.. $ miles out In Polk county. north. AH level lana. s r. term nouse. Price $8509. A REAL BUY. INVESTI GATE THIS NOW. - S089. 1-2944. 8-5339, $-4457. WIS. 44$3 1 List Your Property With Us and heating aU electric, garage, all I K. Bulltlns. all plastered, cooking and by door, clone to schools ana stores. 11 .rlrmnni. kh IR rillOtta K RuiltinS. heating and heating all electric. and fir floors, full basement, xerage. 4 Cherry trees. 2 prune trees. 1 fig I - I DR. K. Built in. Venetian Blinds, l and .weather atripoed. - i LK. DR. K. Builtin. Venetian Bunas, PROPERTY I equipment included. $ year lease with very good location, showing good profit J - .u.nkia inlnnl 1 .-- ' 1 in. $ furnished apactments with good I I BSO a fnonui. I House, poultry nouses, and equip 25224 Evenings phone 2-4498. 2-48421 SIDE Front Corner Prop. In A-l Cond. Close j Phone 8902 before May First with the ITllman SMALL FAMILY of town with a good I bedroom horns. L. C. COONEY Phone 7906 491$ DISTRICT S generous bedrooms 4k den. full only am owiiae A is amcMtiaatallv ! within five blocks of grade, junior j NEWS ROMXS TO SELL two home to a former client wtt owners' living quarters and an apart - $19,909 bracket preferred. i about nronertv that murht suit thaao ' , xmr rnf HiF.T.SfllV REALTORS The. O. Nelson St, Ph. 441$ or 4622. Evea. 2-1354 i $250 DOWN 4 yrs. old. Lot 93' x 110'. J bedr.. aU Kiastereo. rvitcnen nnisnea in uie. dwd. floors. Nice garage St utility r. Pino garden around. Close In. north. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ONLY $7909. 4 rr. old home. east. Cor. lot. En closed nice picket fence, 2 bedr. Nice! liv. r. St dinette. Almost new rumi-1 tursL including new else, ranee 4c re- ", on rnsraaire ran. v?"" rase At utility r. Auto. heat. Mas nice I Ui, Loan that can be transferred. 3 YEARS OLD $4430 v2 bedr. home. Good garage. Lot 99 I x ibx. Oil neat. Mice utility r. auec. water heater. Nice vard. Plenty of I good garden space. NORTH. 90 ALHES tASI NEW 9 bedr. plastered hse.. full base ment. furna.. Wd. , . A. ciov. er. 15 A. timber. Adjacent to Pud ding river. All excellent soil, WHAT IS IT? It's like NEW. It has 3x10 floor Joists, up and down. It has hardwood floor. has 3 good bedr. with fun stUe. I has full basement at Auto, oil f ur- nace. i IT'S A HOUSE. n-S A HOME. ITS A SUPER-BUY. $19,000. riVE ACRES $ r. plastered hse. Elec. water ays. part basement. Laundry trays, wbj-! . - ImwiIv n-. C? A f!r.4. I ... - '... ,..-..,. ... ..... warn. ac Hi. sen. bus by door. ml. aalem. 13 A. aU cult. 4 r. hse, barn, 4c out bides. Elec. 98Q0O. , $35 PER ACRE 73 A. 10 ml. south on Old Hgwy. TWENTY ACRES ' T r. hae. Nice yard. Shrubbery. 9 va rieties of crapes. Fish pond. S A. cher ries. Pressure water. 2 garages. 33 x 32 barn, it stanchion. 20 x 28 poultry hse. Gross income last year. $5200. Price $10,000. , Cash. bal. 5. JOE SFUKLOCK SILL. ESTEf R. A. Fprkner, Realtor 14 vrs'. Hollywood Dfst. 1053 N. Capitol Phone 3031 NEW MODERN home NX. 3 bed- . Ed Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa Phone 9981; Eves.' 34S4 I NEV MODERN 3 bedroom home, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, bath, utility room. Hwd. floors. Fireplace. Auto. heat. Large lot. $0000. terms. Fl Rvrkit. Rpflltnr MODERN Colonial borne in Morning- id Asd- "water bedroom. 3 average ,u Bit. Large L.H. Largo D.R. Kltch- ttnny UaiA flnnn irnl 1. u.j 1 s run baamt. Dbl. garage. 3, acres fruit. fine view. Bv aimointment only. - J T 1 .. T 1 ' jQ DYriUl, IXeailOr n aai. v.. kau ENGLISH type home In beautiful set 1... Kn,k fruit n ting. lota. of trees, shrubs, fruit and garden soot, vk acre. FuU basement. furnace, unfin. upstairs. 3 bedrooms. L. R. D.R. K. Furnished or unfurnished. Priced right. Also fireplace.. ET Byrkit, Realtor 339 Chemeketa Phone 9941; Eve. 3434 1 WEST SALLM I $5300. Nice 3 bdrm plastered "home. I u rm. amene. kii. oain. a 01 aaraee. 1 corner lot. close to sen 6c bus. uu OMER Huff Real Estate Co. Li Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-5091 It50. 4 YRS OLD i bdrm home Lg. liv rm. dining rm, kit. lg bsmt with oil furnace. Call OMER. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. I Phone 2-1549 Eves, z-suvi l $4800. NICE Clean 4 room home Lot 99 x 93. Trees A Mood garden space, cau omer. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St- Phooo 3-1544 Eves. 2-aOOt tauod. NEW Well-built $ rm home. Dinette, fireplace, elec heat, insulated. pvd rm, lg lot. city water. G. L or civilian. Call ED LUKINBEAL. Beattora sat nun.iai xt I i.iui Eves. 2-4X80 I iwi bfJifeTTgta Urm amalf hS I r ilA.tZT m.rZ.. i. Mlt Ff" '2&J&tl!$? LUKINBEAL. I Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors . 341 Chemeketa St. I Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-4080 I i " j. . . . r rr. I auue. uuuu a Dorm nome wiui L. I Da rm. kit, plastered, wired for rang. A good buy. Call RAY DAVIS. I A good buy. Call RAY DAVIS Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL Phone 3783 ' Eves. 9441 i . 1 i . i ' . I $6300. CUTE lbdrm plastered borne KB' Very good location. Call RAY DAVIS Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa SL I Eves. 9441 i Phone 3793 $7900. i ACRE In Keizer. Nice rake I iliil. I Urm luun. niriina rm .tili.w -.ra,. etec tm Nice location! Call ED LUKINBEAL. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors , - 341 Chemeketa SL Phone 2-1549 Eves. 2-4880 $10,500. - S ACRES. Nice 7 rm bun- galow type plastered hse. Bsmt. fur nace. fireplace, large barn, elec wtr system, wired for range. Best of soiL Lau lu sail in. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 2-154 Eves. 9441 $14,000. . NICE large living quarters with $139 per mo income from 4 fur nished apti. Close to State office bldgs. Mooern. gooa condition, pest location. CaU RAY DAVIS. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors . '341 Chemeketa SL Phone 3793 Eves. 9441 Are You Renting? 9510 6155 $1,000 Down New 2 bedroom North, lge. lot. Aut. Water Heater. Wired for range. In re- tricwa utsi. Ana tne run price is oniy $4500. should go Gi at $6o6 down. AHroma Slinnor Inn 411 Masonic BIdg. Phone 41391 insurance Mtg. Loans small, new nae. add. i a. oi ground. Well 4i elec. water sysL 4 ml E. rtn s corners. XZZ30. KL S. box ItS Vtt 1i-z.a NEW THREE ROOM WITH on in; uni'iuvbi alkl; icrma. $3700.00. C. E. NELSON. 485 MA- DRONA AVE. $4450. 3 A. WITH Clean 2-BR home worth. Close to bus. Garage. Elect wat er heater. Good well. Elect pump, Ciueken house, immediate possession $6960. . li A. with New modern 2-BR home East. Garage. Elect water htr, Good well, elect pump. Immediate pos session. Mm muIm lri faM North with unfinished upstair. At - ucneo garage. Large lot. ruravooa floors. Oil furnace. Elect water heater. Wired for range. Immediate possession. Eligible for GX loan. $1SJ04. Business property. Pool haQ. equipped. Property an dall goes. Doing "."T,,- . cau Btanjey Brown wtm MatfV Firtanrfs Realtors 153 S. High St. Phon 41211 By Owner . Suburban ranch " home van sin 1 " . Ulr- "i.SSH? Plc. I Kitchen and nook with new ref. and 1 eied range. Knotty Dine den. Two lge. I Dorms, inree large ceaar unea cios- I ets. Utility with shower. Hdwd. floors. "T. r"L"I"mfC.J. J Heigh'ta Bd. St 4, Bos 2S2JC CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 5250.00 3 bedroom home.jcleart. live able, large lot. Fruit trees. In very fine location.-on Fair mount Hill. Possession 14 7950.00 ' 3 Bedrooms, sleeping porch, location excellent on Center St. Walking distance to State House. Elec. ranKe. trash bur ner. Oil heat. Entire house in perfect shape. 10,500.00 3 Bedrooms, double plumb In, party room bsmt. Fife place.1 New and clean. West Salem. Immediate ptxnesslon. ; TO BUY OR SELL SEE HUDKINS FIRST CHAS. HUDKINS & SON u v Wih st Phone 3-41Z9 i i CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 4 Acres, no bldgs, view. $2800 5 Acres, no bldgs. crop. $3000 4 Acre, no bkdKS. strawtoerries $4500 2S Acrres. eood house. barn, fruit $12,500 Aour own terms. 44 Acres, good bldgs. fine orchard $12,004 13S Acres, fine home. good SOU $15,004 U Acre, food home. fine garden $fi950 1 Acre, beautiful home and grounds . $10,509 There are a few of the fine suburban properties we would like to snow you. TO BUY OR SFXL SEE HUDKINS FIRST CHAS HUDKINS &S0N 254 N. High St Phone J-41J $385v Clean 3 bedroom home close In North on 3 large lot, uarage. Venetian blinds. Stoves go. Lots of fruit trees 4c shrubbery. Immediate possession. Call Stanley Brown wiin State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High St. Ph. 4121; Eves. 2-5561 For Sale Farm FARMS NEAR DALLAS 74 ACRES. ALL fenced. 3 good springs. 4 room plastered house, fire place, new roor. special price ouuv. 42000 will handle. acres. 90 A. cult, $3900. siwo down. $7 ACRE AMITY FARM FOR SALE All iua.tA4 cnvwl at vwam mtrbrlswrTi noUse. Worth $7000 or $8000. Barn Wmn win frmw run Drlca in 50 Akw have many more. Write far list- Harder's Real Estate 419 Church St.. West Door Gail Hotel . Pallas. Oregon 50 ACRES EAST THIS IS one of the choice farms of Willamette valley. 2 houses on place Both houses are modern, l witn rooms, one with 4 rooms. Crsde hams, earase. machine shoo. Automs tic water system. Only 4 miles from Salem, stanchions In dairy barn xor 20 cows. We believe this Is a bargain for $24.500 00. ASK rOK n. E. tunil M. 0. Humphreys, Realtor 2284 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24506 40 acre farm $12,000, Buildings alone worth $14,000. Stock. ooultrv and eauioment worth $1000 Will take house in Portland up to Sflooo as ml. N. of Salem. 23 ml. s of iron lana. a mi. e. oi i.anoy. uo via Canbv cemetery rd. We live on Union Hall road, white house, red roof, red outbldgs. Writ P. O. Box f ' Phone 6472 FARMS s ullixu .mnmaiu nnuT a. ImrC KI... ouduaiuui nwau. .v-.. . Cottage Farm, nice modern 2 B R. home with 10 acres now in wheat barn 4c 3 chicken houses equipped for raising chickens. Lge. silo c 2 -car ga rase. This nlace ta ideal for a few cows it chickens. Only $ miles from heart of Salem. Four Corners shopping ois- tHrt r. MR CALLAHAN it 447. WALNUT ORCHARD 300 ACRE 14 acres of full-bearing walnuts less than 3 miles from Salem. Salem H.S. bus in front of door. Just off Orchard Heights road. Approx. 1 acre tn cher- to make an even block. For fur- ther information call MR. CALLAHAN I m A I 40 ACRES GRADE A DAIRY $21,000 extra lge. Dim. so siancnions. urnt A milkhouse. Walk-In cooler. Bldgs. in excellent shape. Less than S. miles I 1. S"- J4"?,1.!? appreciate. I mu aan. .AuAnnx m m. Burt Picha, Realtors I PHONEJB472 2543 Portland Road T6R SALE or " Trade: Mod. farm. 4 B. R. home on 10 A. $ A. in family orchard. Ideal farm, near sen., church m store. 11 mi. from Salem, near Si law, on paved highway. Quick sale only SAUOO. Will trade for home in Salem. Mrs. Grace Garbe. RL 1. Aunts ville. IrOR SALE OREGON STOCK RANCHES And diversified farm If Interested write for listing. H. B SCH MITT. Real Estate Broker Prlnevllle, Oregon , 46 Acres Howell lirairie SDC ROOM modern home, large chicken house and barn. 117.500. WiU exchange for home" in Salem up to $9000. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3363 Portland Rd Phone 3259 i s a s vs T 14 Acre Kerry t arm I Near Chamawa. 4 acres boysenber filberts. 3 acres A.A. cherries. 1 acre peaches. This is really nice. $2000 down i will nanaie. no Duuainrs. j , f as. ry i. v I OUlIlTall licaiiy XHL. I w twtt.nrf uT sSs- tvM -BMl 28 Acre Fruit and Berry Farm Six acres R.A. cherries. 4 acres Ital tan prunes. la acres Imp. Elberts peaches. 3 acres loganberries. 3 acre surawoemes. 1 scrs louwocrm, acre filberts, year round spring, dark solL besutiful building alts. Should net I around 94004 this year. 3'a miles from 1 aiem. ajoue io asuye on. win nanaie I I Cli:.- t7A1- T I uiutou si.t.xiij "L. I REALTORS I 336$ Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: Eves. 2-5831 5 ACTCS INortll I naaul 8 It B him. with artri M- I ra. baaement and furnace, only four I year old. excellent aoiL $10.000.. Sullivan Realty Inc. svitmsc 3349 Portland Rd. Phone 3235 46 Acre Dairy. Farm NEAR PRATUM. Willamette and Chehalls soil, good 4 room plastered home with basement, bam with 24 stanchions. 2 good chicken houses, va riety of fruit, berries, and nuts. The ten cherry trees more than pay the Uxea. Total pric $14,000. This is the best farm buy we , have had this year. Sullivan Realty Inc. REALTORS 3341 Portland Bd. Ph. 3255; Ives. 2-M31 STROUT REALTY , A. FURN. 5 RM. Mod. 2 sleeping porches 1500. Low TERMS. : 24 A. tractor St equip. 20 A. fruit, 3 A. nuts. Nice home. $11,000. ' dwn. 5 A. coxy 4 rm home, elect, heat. etc. Good bldgs. S7200. TEHMS. IS A. stock St equip. $3300. TERMS $ Rm. home fend outbuilding?. 35 A. CREEK farm. 5 rm. home, bldgs.. team, equip. $7500. ) A. excellent improvements. Only 9 mi. Salem. 29 A. fruit and berrMw. 45 A. crops In. Creek A sprg. $40, 000. 959 S. 12th Street Salem. Oregon Joe Hutchison. Realtor 455 Court St. Phone 7S94 FARM VALUES 53 A. NORTH, rerttort. 5 rm -house. new barn, brooder house & chicken house Good springs St creek. Well drained. 5 A. wheat. 22 A', clover. IS A. pasture A timber. Tractor Sc aU equip. Cow. horse, 40 chickens. 5 A. north, lovely new, 5 rm.; houe. Ven. blinds. H. W. firs , oit furnace, poultry house. 2' A. filbert. 1 A peaches, garden tractor St all equip ment, 150 chickens. 10 Acres Walnuts anl Cherries Large very clean 7 room hou'-e Wir ed for range. Several outbuildings. 5 acres cherries. 4 acres walnuts, ' j acre filberts. ' mile from school. ; Auto matic electric water system. A bar gain at $12 000. M. 0. Humphreys 3284 Fairgrounds Rd. I Phone 2-4594 Acrea: Choice Place Located 99E. North. 4 acres rich soil. 4 A. filberts 1$ yrs. old. other fruit and berries. Good 3 B R.- plastered home, barn, bldgs. Only $12.000i cash. 5 Acres N. East, with fruit, modem 3 B.R. home. hwd. Coors. double plumbing. Only $11,800. UNIMfKUVCU 2,i Acres, all fruit. View of 4 snow- covered mountains. Price $137$, $350 down, balance easy. Large lot, 80x200. View. Close to bus. $1000. PLAN TO BUILD $650 Lot 50x90. North. $200 down. $700 Corner lot. 48x1081 Term $850 Lot 70x80. North $250 down. $1050 Good lot 50x150.; North. $2100 Fine river frontage. North. $13(10 Lot 90x100. Zone 3. 95700 Well located lot BexHl. Zone 4 C. H. SANDERS 231 N High 5838 ABOUT 3 ac modern, C rm. hbuse. 300 ft. highway frontage. ; gravity water syst. Owner 'Frank Steehnout. jr. Box 201, Detroit. Ore. Just out of Detroit. NICE Buildinc site, over 3 acres. 200 feet frontage on paved road. About half In cherries, balance fine! berry land. 4 miles So. of Salem. Price $2350. 9400 down. bal. easy terms. -Phone 2-2428 3 ACRESbbyehberric 4c garden. 4 rm. temp, houre, barn.' Close ih. 1210 AWcr at Cherry. J.irvis. : AURORA 6 A. Willamette Foil. Elec, 4 im. hse. New deep well. $4950, Terms. Also acreare with no bldgs. Ph., eve. Salem ll'S. iaS-Berry 5 ACHeS" Macnificent view" ui'oDerty Willamette Valley and Cascade nits. 15 minutes from downtown, paved rd. 4 blocks from school. $1500. Ph. 4824 Suburban $50004 RMS.. Jr , ac. $1250! down $55008 Rmi. 1 110 Ac. North. 93004 Rma. St nk. About A. I A Corner. Grand for greenhouse nursery or home. I Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phorte 7113 Resort Property N EI -SCOTT BEACH RENTALS ENJOY THE beach and make mon ey. Four furnished houses .in best rental district, rignt on the twrai n ana ocean view, accommociajing 4-- S peo- Die each, only Sis.otw. or win separately: two at $5000 and two at $10,000. Liberal terms. Hurry on tnia CUTLER CITY RENTAL Riaht on Siletx bay in Cutler City four cabin rentals olu owner's 2 bd rm. house, lust repainted and remod eled, excellent rentals, only 7oo $2000 will handle. An extraordinary value. Act quickly. ROOMING HOUSE OCEANLAKE Here is s buy. 11 rentals, extra em ergency rentals, also one 2-rm. cabin, Dius owner's living quarters, garage, workshop, utility, completely furnish ed. On highway tn downtown Ocean - lake near oeacn, a reai money-maxer Only $13,000; $7,000 will handle. DEVILS LAKE COTTAGE Near lake, close to public fishing boats, lust across from golf course. minutes from town and the beach. An ideal summer vacation cot tare. Will easily rent during balance of year and pay tor itself, only 3500. siaoo aown WWW SPECIAL - AUTO COURT - SPECIAL This brand new. ultra modern, tru ly beautiful auto court, just comple ted, never yet occupied. Six rentals and spacious 2 -bdrm. living quarters, eomplete with attached garages.1 glass enclosed patio, all ocean view. ro better buy on the coasu SJZ.auu. Real onable terms. HIGHWAY COURTS NEAR BEACH $ rentals and owner's home on two seres of ground. Plenty room for more cottages. AU cottages have good ocean view. This is one of the few good lo cations still available. This court will gross around $9,000 a year. Total price $31,500. Terms. MYRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE Theatre BIdg. Oceanlike. Ore, VIEW home on coast. New' GI loan approved. Small down payment. Ed Freeman, Nelscott. Exchange Real Estate WILL TRADE FOR INCOME property 20 A. com mercial orchard, located 4 miles from Salem. 4 mile from commercial can nery on Liberty road 3 bedroom mod ern home, hwd. floors, fireplace,; wired for elec. range, elec. water heater. basement, automatic heat $13.000 or would accept $5000 down St arrange terms on balance. See Alfen Jones or Mrs. Needham, Realtors 341 State Street Room Wanted Real Estate WANT LISTINGS of houses, acreages ana business properties. Willamette Real V Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 WANT S to 20 ac. with bus service. or 3 rm. hae. Sufficient. Can be out of Salem I to II ml $3500 to $5904 price range. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 CAN USE a few good listing. Olaf Thonstad Real Estate 941 N. Capitol St. Phone T903 1 HAVE CASH BUYERS for all: types of city and suburban property. For prompt and courteous servic list your property witn i FLOYD VOLKEL Real Estate Broker aaa rs mjenj i mono ijzi " Listings WantEB An exclusive listing is a mark of confidence; worthy of every effort and consideration why not give us sn ex elusive iisTine or vour property? JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 40$ Court I Phone 7494 Business Opportunities INCOME PROPERTY Small apt. house. Very close In. Room for court or cottage. Present income GROCERY A MEAT MARKET CROC. STORE $5000 PLUS INVOICE Well located 910.500 plus invoice. AUTO COURT Fine location. $34,000. Willamette Real Estate 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 A Sure Bet Foot! Market WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY VOLUME INCREASING EARNINGS? WORTH INVESTIGATION No. 751 Reimanu Real Estate 201 S. Higli Phone 9203 Eve A Sun Ph. 2-S05S or 2-ST00 FORCED TO SELL This Grocery St Meat Market Sacri fice. Fixtures $2300, plus stock at in ventory . REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 S. High Phone 9203 1 Eve St Sun 3-8054 or 2-7Ml Truck Owners Attention 3 pieces of equipment, good No. 1 PUC permit, anywhere for hire in Ore gon. See J. W. Brasner. Lee Ohmart & Co. REALTORS 77 Court St Ph. 990 or 4035 PMBBLEGU'M U Sweepina the coun try. Be independent. -Be the first in this area with a route of exclusive Bubble Gum & Ball Gum automatic dispensers. Small investment required. I Huge earnings. write UNIVERSAL DISTRIBUTORS. INC. Dept A-C; Box J No. 240 Statesman. I GOING Grocery in valley town, do- ing around $7000 a month. Rent $50. 1 Stock and equipment $12300. I LXir and building arranged for I cleaning and pressing business. Ideal location. $21,000. QUARTZ GOLD MINE A Real money maker, beautiful place -to live. Modern home. Hunting, fish me. timber, r or sale or lease. H. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 STROUT REALTY COlTHT. STAT. CAFE $15,900 low dwn. pymt. Good 4 rm. home Incl. $ cabins, large income. Check this one. Grocery, mkt. dwelling. Best of equip. Home com pi., furn. Large fresh stock. Everything goes at $25,000. STAT. At GARAGE. 99E local, major rod. uood lease on bldgs. S3. 000. 99 K frontage. 9 A, good i rm. home close in to Salem. $7500. 959 S 12th Street Salem, Ore. DOWNTOWN RESTAURANT. Seat 24. Almost new equipment, good lease. low rent, a bargain for 44300 00. RESTAURANT ON 99E Inside city limits. 12 stools and 3 booths. Fixtures almost new. Electric dish washer. Rent only 870.00 per month, good lease. Very good busin ess. Better hurry on this one for only $9500.00. Terms can be arranged. M. O. Humphreys, Realtor" 2288 Fairgrounds Road Phone 24504 JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR 455 Court St Phone 7694 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES sales 4c service. 5 year lease on concrete bids. Must sell becsuse of poor health. Very good opporunity to estsblish tn per-1 nianent business. Joe Hutchison, Realtor 455 Court St Phone 7894 CONVALESCENT HOMC north, fi patients, ran arrange to accommodate I more. $16,800. terms. Shown by ap pointment oniy. C. J. Jackson 341 State St Salem PROFITABLE Business tn heart of Salem's business district. handling automotive, naraware and other lines. around $40,000. Write Box 233 States man H ERlfS a wonder fulonport unity for man to enter Kadlo Service work Full shoo wuiDmenL tubes. Darts. bench. All ready to start work. No reasonable offer refused. 331 North Cottage SOMETHlNGMore than lust a beau ty shop. Needs two operators to han me. Box 232 Statesman FIX-IT Shop in 22 ft. Mainline trailer. Butane air brakes, fluorescent lights, new tires, dolly. Ideal for cou pie to 'travel, make money. Trade for 140 car or teU. 1005 S. 21st A Mission. 4 ROOMHouse. bath, toilet, sink huilt-ins. oil heat, part furnished, in lot. room for business hid. On mam St. A fine location. STATE FINANCE CO. "i i w ivrj trrz .... i- . . Pri i m i,t,., --a mwn. muu. iik:. wiui me in uuni. ot.B1tricUoa troXlwaV. i n au. FOR rent: Large corheFstore space. ample storage rm. Will give lease. rails city Locker pianl Falls. City. Oreeon. - FULLY Equipoed Electric Shoo in Oregon's fastest xrowine community. Will sell or lease building. Write Box 219 Statesman. Wanted Used Cars Hudson SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Free estimate overhauling body and fender reoair painting "Give Shrock a try. you 11 know why" Shrock Motor Co. Phone $502 Salem CASH FOR LIGHT CAR Ph 45S8 Lost and Found LOST: Tie belt for Jersey dress. Ph. 2-0ZT. LOST: A redish-blond Cocker Soarv iel. tag on collar marked Butchie. al.m license on collar. Call 7844. WILL pel son who found tsrp on Cherry Ave. or N. River Rd. please call zszbo ana recieve rewara7 Personal GET-ACQUAINTED Club. Box 1251. Denver. Colo. HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT. 12 inches up: highest prices. No combings or switches. Zauder. 115 West 47th, New York. I WANT TO CONTACT NEW WRITERS interested in cashing checks for $1 to $100 offered daily. The easiest way to write for pay. No previous experience necessary. Send for FREE details. No obligation. Saunders M. Cu aiming. 487 5 Independence BIdg, Colorado Sprtncs. Colo. ALCOHOLICS' "Anonymous. P.O Box 724. Trailers COTTAGE type trailerhouse. Inquire 2560 Laurel ave. evenings or weekend. FOR SALE or trade on acreage or home. 1944 23 ft. National trailerhouse. Butane stove, oil heater. Sleeps 4. CslI 2-3033 or write Earl Must am. KT. , Box 324. '46 Spartan Manor 24 ALL ALUMINUM trailer, sleeps I 4. oil heat. Butane range, eiectnc brakes. 3 rooms. Cash or terms. Javhawk Trailer Sales Co. 2840 Portland Rd. Phone 40431 Kingwood Used Car Market. 1221 Edgewater. Open Sunday afternoon. 14 FT. Trailer house, insulated, fur nished with daveno. ice box. oil stove: 14 Inch wheels, etc, full price $439. Call 21200. . INDIAN Factory mad 14 fL trailer house, sleeps 4. plenty of built-ins. furnished with radio, electric water heater, etc, full price $55. Call 31200. Trailer Houses BUY A TRAILER and save that rent every month, all sixes from 14 to 27'. completely furnished, ready to I live In. CASH OR TERMS Javhawk Trailer Sales Co. I 2640 Portland Bd. Phon $043 For Sale U4?d Cara ' For Sale Ul Car CLEARANCE SALE j OF LATE MODEL USED TRUCKS 1941 REO HEAVY DUTY, thoroughly reconditioned and sua ran teed 91871 1940 INTERNATIONAL 2-3 TON tinnea. inn international nas a orown lips -and stock body lso 1941 INTERNATIONAL K- with stock body, thoroughly reconditioned ltud 1937 G. M. C. WITH 1941 MOTOR In It. Cfcondttloned .,.,,.., .,.... .- ... .,. 950 ' ' aL AO am ! Atra arb 0 W - a w asxvsr ss-av sb vanw mmm, m. v v a mm m mm mm. mm m jm a w a a real gooti reconditioned used truck, now is the time to huy. r James H. Maden .Company j C-l t OOCC C!l CHICHI, VrCZlOIa . 7dJ J11TCIIUII UU4U X I1UIIC air 1 mi! Trailers 18' PLYMOUTH Trailer house tn Sa lem. Complete with dishes. Coleman cook stove, cir. htr.. elect, brakes; very neat, with 14 x 14 new tent, couch A dbl spring. Will sell for $1000 In next two weeks. For particulars write Tom Mattson. 1289 Franklin Ave., As toria. Ore. . TRAILER House, oil hater with fan, and typewriter. Ph. 25708 . 24' AMERICANTrailer house, sleeps 4. elect, brakes, comp. turn. $1850. at 1751 N. Front St. ' AI M A JO-ft electric brakes. sleen four, butane, oil heaL 842 Edge- water -Tai, KXti6S'aL trailer hse. Good wt n, ,.. pnnai riht aaa M. Commercial. 2 16-FT. house trailers, f urn. Rea- sonabte. 29 Williams Ave. - . "N EWLY refinlshed trailer house. $525 cash. Call evenings or before noon. 380 Grove. 3S17. Trailers Many makes A sizes. New A used, cash or term. Every trailer a bargain at Security Motors & Trailer Sales Licensed by state and bonded. l mile north of Underpass on Port land Rd. 3383 Portlsnd Rd. Ph. 23144 For Sale Wood Capital Lumber & Fuel Go. PHONE 7721 FOR , 4 ft. Slah 16 in. Slab & Mill Planer Trimmings Sawdust Highway Fuel Co. STOVE St DIESEL OILS FRESH CUT SAWDUST DRY SLAB: PH 4444 West Salem Fuel Co. 14-tN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone : Salem 2-4031 , Elmer Boje WOOD 18" mill block and heavy slab wood Can be burned now. Ne sawdust, dirt or edgings. Good clean, wood. Phon 9453. 2029 south' 12th St, Salem, ore Tri-City Fuel Ph. 6683 I 2-COCd load. $1$ 14" mtllweod I Screened fresh cut Br sawdust I Lrry in siao ana caging I Heavy s-rt. sisd I . . .. . we Utve a- a n. wreen stamps MUl blocks & pUuCT end. I immediate oellvei r. pnone bzs I FOR SALE: $ cords 14 dry wood, I some new rough lumber 1x12 or 2x12. I new electric chick brooder used very I little. Leslie Clark. RL 7. Box . 339. I Ph. 22941 . I KfR Wood. 2 ft. lengths. Ph. 6624, SLAB Wood and edeines. 2 cord load $8. Orecon Fuel Co. Ph. 5533. OLD FIR and plywood cores. Ph 3380. 844 MH1 Ashersft. " - $4 CORD on nite del ItT slab edeines Ph. 4683. HAND Picked 1$ Inch block A slab wood. Ph. 24554. LARGE Block and Slab, no edgings. sTi 1975 12th St. Lodges SALEM LODGE No. 4. A.F. A A M.. Wed, WWprU 90. M. M degree, IMt p.m. I. O. O. F. meets every Wednesday visitors welcome. DAILY CROSSWORD ACBOSS LBt 5. Abbot (FY. title) 9. Nuclei of starch ETaln 10. Bird 1L Entlr ranew 12. Ditchc artnin4 castle 14. Sphcr 15. RUUnxt0 th stars lS-Ktofof 2. Branch 5. Eskimo tool 4, Club 6. Gifts to the poor 6. Shoe 7. Thin, flat piece of wood S-Tonecea- dUte 1L Favorabla 13. Vehicle 32. with S3. runners 35. 15. Cheat 39. 17. Refuse of grapes Baahan 17.DisflguTt 1. Perish 20. Disembarked 24. Lord (abbr.) 29, Unit of work 2&.VentllU 28.Typ " meaaur SO. Differentia t 34. 25. Question 37. Exclamation ti. TJngtyvern- U 4L Knave of clib (Loo) 42. Shop 43. Artificial channel - for water 43.Handl 46. Infrequent 47. Bodies of water (8. Overcome with wonder DOWN tACCUM- CAB-OVER, thoroughly recondl- litnivaiikails Y W r -V w urMMl SB waaf m m m mm a a w mm vaai Jiai a a aaa v v mm, w a Htssj m A4 J 4S M mM a J . T T1 OIIOI For Sale Used Car Sell now to get Today's Top Price Clean late snedela for sale J ELSNER MOTOR CO. 252 N. High Phone' 7802 '39 MERCURY sdn.. excellent condi- Uon. Ph. 4794 or csOl 0 NtTth on Sunday. . 1933 BUICK coupe, good condition. $87 N. Front St. tf CHEV. cpe: Good tires, new Clutch. 9425. 950 N. 18th. '37 FORD V- ptckap. 109 S. 14th. Sunday and after $ p.m. week days. WILL. TRADE my car. 1940 Ford tu- dor. Has new motor and la good shape throughout, for later model car. Prefer . Ford or Che. Phone 2-4547. " 1 1942 SEHVI-cYcLfi motor bike, lii I Wilson St. i 1939 PONTIAC 4 4-door sedan, dean. . radio, heater, new paint, good tires, A-l mechsnicslly. $895. Inquire Texaco ' Carage. Monitor, Oregon. 34 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Hudson 4 trans. St rear end. 1790 N. Front. 4lr BUICK Sedanette. radio and heat-.. er .1143 2215 Breyman.- Phone 7081. 35 FOfilS Coup, clean Inside and out. New clutch, good tires. 17$ W Bush St. st the end of street. 41 CHEVT Convertible r-o lSt Third. W. Salem. '42 FORD U ion Dickun. clcarC2322 State St. . ' liiJb PONTIAC couoe . aood cond. Good buy. $500, Call anytime. SIS Vis ta Ave. FOR SALE: 1931 Model A Pickup. 4 new tires. In good shape aU way round. 1052 7th St., West Salem, after 4 p m. '38 CHEV. 2 dr. adn. Good cond, radio, htr- spotlight Call before noon. 1771 N. Cottage. Phone 2-5375 i. pi Will aell one private owner. 1419 S. 22nd St - CAB OVER Engine Che v. truck, long wheel baas, oniy 79.000 miles. See at Oregon Fruit Products Co, West Sa lem. Ph one 401 1 ' 1935tERRAPLANE Son. A-l eondt tion. averhauled motor, new rubber, reasonable 825 Madison: 34 FORD 4-dr. adn. Fair tires. $190. Rt. 9. Box 123. 2 miles east of Krueg er's Store. 1942 MERCURY 4 dr. R St H. J $1494 143 Studebaker Commander. R t w i - 1494 19i4 Ford 2 dr. - 439 leVlat Vmsmw I IL m mi I .9.. mmr-rw rwiia tf av OS WBV, mmLmmmw bed. RAH. New tire ' I2W 1939 Pontiac 2 dr. Radio 42$ SQUARE DEAL USED CARS 1155 S. 12th v . 34 FORD 4 dr. aeoan. '35 motor, seal beam head lights. For sale highest tni dr 2.1V)' Carden rd, after in m. as vns,v. sjav, wooa conaiuon. new tires. Ph 24J49, 14 Lsnarng Ave "USTmV. 4nA liresT 549 N. "CoT. taee after 1 P.M. . 33nBSOTOTvel1iiuld. $2257" PK 22M3. '- . 39 CTlEV. adn, good condition, radio beater, 3890 Sunnyview Ave "ti sTAARnuw.v-Mirfriiur D. L MooreVMacieay Rd. I927STAJDAR& BuK-k coupe Gooo7 motor and tires. For sale or trade for livestock. RL 4. Bex 22. D. L. Moor. Macleay. Ore.- . " - 1941 "VTHTORD motor comp. Good cono. mo rt is 192$ CHEVROLET Coach, eood rubZ ber. $m 00. 493 N. 19th. 32 STUDEBAKER Commander ce- dan. 81.000 actual mileage. $15. Deer- ing 4 ft. reversible disc tractor hitch. $18. $50 Monroe Ave. Ph. 22792. 1941 FORD 2 dr. K Chev. sedan. 34 Park Ave. Go out Center, turn left on Park. -" -. Auto Painting 3 coat Job $43. Daniela Paint Shop. 1841 S. I2th Ph. T858. . .. 1934 OLDS Conv. Radio, beater. clean. Ph. 22839 after 4 P.M. NEW factory built Chevrolet flat bed with stakes, fits ISO inch wheel base truck. Merrtt Truax. 205 Colum bia. Phone 24169. ' STwTLLYS 4 door. 4l motor, low mileage. $309 340 Vista. TeL 2-185X RIotorcyeles Indian SALES SERVICE -. PARTS All make used motel cycles bought sold repaired Shrock Motor Co. Phone 8502 Wood Sawing WOOD Sawing, a B. Cross. Ph. 417$, 13. Constellation 21. Exist 22. Devours 23. Darger 27.Sung;od 23. Ostrich-likg - birds 29. Horse blanket (Sp.) 3LNeraUv4 vote Disgraced Larre volume 40. Meadows Disposed 42. Unadulter- Either of th ated . two bears 43. Friar'a Utl (aatr.) 44. aCandata 4-U fti ft Mli. x 0Tjs)C K Sif 0U'elvaA s'a ujc e ; ojo j! t Tteterday's Aasw Ami HI $134 St owner's bom. Phon $82$. I ;