The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 27, 1947, Page 13, Image 13

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    I '
Bowlers Ready
Five Salem bowling teams wi-11
depart next weekend far Loi An
geles and the gigantic ABC keg
Ung cl-ssic. The teinu will atop
over in San FranciJbo on May 8
to participate in a (40,000 singles
meet being held .there. On May 11
they will roll at 1 pwm. In the
national ineet and on May 12
will participate in doubles and
single ejects. Two women bowl
en, Virginia Garbarino and Ester
Whitworfh, will accompany the
teams to play in a Queens tour
nament in Lcs'Angeles the same
Those Capitol alleys - teams
headed for the classics, and their
CHUCK S TAVERN: Clayton Fore
man. Res Adotpii Ver n Perry. .Harold
Oiir.ger ond Ernie Garbarino. KARR'S:
Freddie Karr, Joe Coe. Jihn Fricsen.
Wart Larson and Harvey Page. KEITH
BROWN: M. Walters. Sqee Kitchen,
Ceorjte Scat. Eob Kmg sni W. Ros
tov. CAPITOL ALUVS: Dean Hen-d-rton,
Don ur.(. Park Thede. John
GlU and Hi Kaman. CUNFS: Walt
Cline aeiuor and Junior. Dun Paul in,
Hi-worth Hart well and Bb Kiel."
j Now! Two Re-Issued
Adventure HitsI
j Auutralias KaUa Heed!
Si r,i rt i
Continues From ltfe r, M.
! New! Barbara SUawyck
Margaret 0Uie
Cent, from 1 p. am.
Now! Dorathy I amosr ?
. In TechniceUr
-Rainbow IsUad '
Hepaleng Cassldy
Bar It Sides. AgalaM :
O LI V I Ad fk H AY I
'"" aLBag" " '-"J 111
now! TtS
I CIA AY BIS la Jaftasaa'f
The Kind of Fa
Yea -Love . . . . .
Dine and
4 Miles South
Open 5 P. M. fill 2 A. M. weekdays cmd 12 Noon fill
11 P. M. Sundays. No cover charae. Come a you are.
Phone' 21391
John Lewis Named WU
John Lewis, former jU of Oregon baseball and backetball play
er and Western International league pitcher with Yakima in 1933
is the new basketball and baseball coach at Willamette university.
The appointment of the tall and likeable Portlander as No. 1 assistant
Trojans Spank
Stanford Team
c i
PALO ALTO, Calif., April 26
(JP)-Tbe powerful University of
Southern California trick and
field team rolled up a 94i to
36 Vi victory over the jyouthful
Stanford university squad in a
conference dual meet today. Mel
Patton, USC sensationali sprint
star, scored an easy double vic
tory with a 9.8 century and a 21.2
win in the 220-yard dash:
George Risk Gup
Award at Pacific
26-P)-The George Risk! memori
al trophy has been established
here for annual presentation to
the outstanding Pacific university
baseball player. Risk, a leading
athlete' at Pacific, was one of the
nine members of the f Spokane
baseball team killed in a bus crash
last year. .
Bears Beat Huskies
SEATTLE, April 2S-JPh- Four
meet records tumbled and one was
tied as the University ; of Cali
fornia defeated the University of
Washington 70 to 53 today in the
first dual track meet between the
schools since 1938.
No-No for Geryais
GERVAIS, April 26 i(Special)
John Yates no-run no-hit pitch
ing helped give Paul j Reiling's
Gervais Cougars an 11-0 win over
Turner in an abbreviated Marion
county B league baseball game
here today. The game lasted only
five innings due to an injury to
a Turner player. j
Oregon's Seenle , Wander
a the Screens
crjAJi DoraiYY
4 .....r".:.L
Plus I
Comedy Ce-Featnre
"Blodie'a Big Moment
Penny Singleton j
Arthar Laka
l J 1
Dance at the
- i
on Hiway 99E !
for reservations.' I
-V ' . '
i .
is- Tf i
I H l( -4 I'll!
Um 114 I I I . 1
Baseball Coach
to Jerry Liliie was announced
yesterday by : Robert Notson,
chairman of the athletic commit
tee of the board for WU and by
University President G. Herbert
Smith. Lewis will report for du
ties the latter part of the summer.
I- think the appointment of
Mr. Lewis will give us a well
rounded program in all sports,"
Dr. Smith said last night. "He
will be head baseball and basket
ball coach and will" assist Mr.
Liliie in football." Lewis replaces
Elmer Schaake at the university,
who has resigned.
Lewis lettered in both the hoop
and diamond sports at Oregon
before graduation in 1938 with a
bachelor of science and physical
education degrees. He spent one
year at the University of Wash
ington in . post-graduate work.
Lewis coached at Kent, Wash-
high from 1940 to 1942 and then
went to Roosevelt high of Port
land. He cocahed at Roosevelt
while Liliie was bossing the
Grant football teams. In 1944
Lewis went into the navy and
became a lieutenant Junior grade.
Upon his discharge last year he
was assigned to head basketball
and assistant football duties at
Grant in Portland.
The new Bearcat coach is well
liked among members of his pro
fession in Oregon and was recom
mended for the post by Liliie who
is now in Hawaii and who will
come to Willamette next August.
Silverton Cinder
Jeara Wins 88-34
SILVERTON, April 2o-Speaial)
RayyBoes Silverton high track
team 'Thursday scored an 88-34
win at Canby, copping eight firsts
and the relay. Those who swept
firsts for Silverton were Ed Mill
er , in both hurdles events, Jack
Sherman in .the 100 and- broad
jump, Charles Vigeland In the
mile, Duane Eby in the shot, Ed
Norton in the 440. It was Silver
ton's second straight dual win.
Sewell Signs on
As Cougar Coach
PULLMAN, Wash., April 26(.45)
Billy Sewell, one of the all-time
Washington State football greats,
said today that he has accepted
a position as freshman athletic
coach at W.S.C. for 1947-48.
Duck Nelters Lose -
EUGENE. Ore,. April 26-OP)
The ! University of Washington
tennis team opened its defense of
the Northern Division title here
today by defeating the Univer
sity of Oregon, 7 to 9.
The powerful Huskies were
paced by Jim Brink, rated as one
of the top college tennis players
of the country, as they swept the
field. .
Angels Win Again
MT. ANGEL, April 26-(Special)
Jim Bielemeier's three-hit pitch
ing and a grand slam homer by
Beyer in the seventh today help
ed' Mt. Angel high rout the Canby
Cougars, 14-0, in a . Willamette
Valley league baseball game. It
was the Prep s fourth straight win.
Canby 000 000 000 0 3 S
Mt. Angel 340 124 40 1 IS 1
Ruu, Kee (7) and Ricfaten Biele
meler and Traefer.
Spring lea rue so ft balling- Mon
day at six o'clock will offer the
following- games: Golden Pheasant
vs. Moo try Pharmacy at Leslie:
VFW vs. Eagles at Leslie and
Campbell Rock Wool vs. Knights
f Columbus at dinger.
Per capita U. S. consumption
or fresh milJc and cream rose
from 160 quarts a year in 1935 to
200 quarts a year In 1945.
. ass sbsi bssbsw bsbi w www
Cent from 2 p. m. (San.)
"Kiss and Tell
II v
Shirley Temple,
Ce-Featore '
Johnny Weissmoller
357 Court St
0 CaQD'OD 03 DP D DP
Rhododendrons must have good
drainage, and at least part time
shade, says Walter A. Barkus, in-
mitte of the K
,lem Camellia
it and Rhododen-
, fdron society. He
. - . S adds that a good
-o1 j rule for a person
U '''X v f lo remember, is,
VX; the larger the
. - lav th mnr
t'".. -M 1 .kt.t tk. ..rill
f. ' tneed.
He suggests
planting some of
the dwarf spe-
Ullte Madsen eles in me rocn
garden. For pest control on; all
rhododendrons, he advises the use
of arsenic of lead for all chewing
insects and to be sure to spray on
the underside of the leaves. An
other suggestion is to put some
weevil bait on the ground just be
fore strawberry time for thU wea
viL (Ed.'s note: If you haven't al
ready done this, do so at once.)
"If you want a real rhododen
dron why not get a Brittania." says
Barkus. "We of the rhododendron
society are .inclined to think this
variety is one of the top reds.
Some of our valley nurserymen
have quite a goodly supply of this
variety. Until recently it was dif
ficult to find because of its limit
ed supply."
Barkus also says that the Mag
nolia Flora was voted by the Port
land Camellia society as "The
Camellia of the year for 1917."
Last year it was My ken j ok a. and
the year before that Julia Dray
ton. In 1944, it was Grandiflora
Either camellias, rhododendrons
or azaleas may still be planted, as
they come balled and if given
plenty of water during the grow
ing season will do very nicely.
Garden Calendar
The event on the garden calen
dar this weekend is the spring
flower show which opened yester
day and continues through today
at the YMCA.
May 5, 6 and 7 National Fed
eration of State Garden clubs.
Tulsa of Oklahoma,
May 5 Salem Garden club,
2 p.m.
May 8 Salem Men's Gardep
club, YMCA, 7:45 p. m.
May 9 Jordan Garden club.
May 14 Mt. Angel G a rd e n
May IS Salem Rose Society,
YMCA. 7:30 p m.
May 21-24 Men's Garden club,
national convention, Portland.
May 23-24 P or 1 1 a n d Men's
Garden club spring flower show.
May 29 -Salem Camellia and
Rhododendron. YMCA, 8 p. m.
Questions and Answers
T. A. P. wants to know if it is
too late to bait for primrose wee
vils. Ans.: I hope not as I still have
some baiting to do. However, we
would have been better off had
we baited first about 10 days ago
and were doing the second baiting
this week with the third one 4n
another week's time. The weevil
fly is on the wing. I have noted.
,f H. O. H. asks what I think of
weed killers in a vegetable gar
den for home use.
Ans.: D. L. Rasmussen's (Mar
ion county assistant agent) little
note came In very timely. Saytf he:
"Stick to your hoe for killing
weeds in vegetable crops is the ad
vise of USDA scientists for home
gardeners. The new weed killer,
2, 4d, which can be used effect
ively to rid lawns of dandelions
Salem Market
No. 1
No. 2
KGGS, Baytag Price
Extra large
Medium and Standard
. .50
. .44
. M
- JU
Pullets, cracks ..
RGGS. telling Pries
Wholesale, large
Colored bens. No. 1
No: 2
LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack)
Spring lamb
1946 lambs, wool led
1946 lambs, shorn -
20 00
19 50
Dairy cows 8 00 to 14.00
Dairy bulls 10.00 to 13.50
Veal 12.00 to 23 00
Hog prices 35c pel Hundred under
Portland prices for each particular
class. SUgs bought subiect,
Hear aad compare. ..come
io today for a free trial
Olarioa Hearing Aid
Ccnler c! Salen
466 Court St: " !Ph. 2-4000
H. O. Ward, JVIjrr.
Batteries for All Makes
. of Hearing Aids
s Italian ., Dinners,
Pan Fried Chicken,
Choice Steaks
2 Miles Out on
Dallas Highway
For Reservaflona
one 2-5190
1 in Iehi:!.' -mnaB
plantain and other broad leaf
weeds, is not recommended for
vegetable gardens." Rasmussen
underlines Ue "not."-
He adila thta t-ropa :su h a to
matoes, beans, and t-as and other
vegetables usually grown in the
home garden are highly sensitive
to 2, 4-d and, like the weeds, will
be destroyed if some of the spray
drifts on them while the weeds
are being treated. The weed kill
er is much more . powerful and
lcng-lasting in effect than gener
ally realized. A small residue of
2, 4-d, in spraying equipment can
injure vegetable plants. Unless the
sprayer is thoroughly cleaned with
warm ammonia water after 2, 4-d
is used to treat the lawn, it may
contain enough residue of the
weed killer to harm garden crops.
Use about 2 teaspoons cf house
hold ammonia to a gallon of warm
water to clean the sprayer.
Portland Grain
Wheat futures not quoted.
Cash grain: No. 1 flax 7 00
fah wheat blJl soft white S 39:
toft white (excluding Hex ( I M. while
cltib t.3: weitein red 2 3t.
Hard red wmtei : Urdwtaiv 2 39: 10
per rent 2 42. 11 per cent 2 48. 12 per
cent 2 60.
Hard white haart: 10 per cent 2.40:
11 per cent 2.44; 12 per cent 251.
Today s car receipts: Wheat 17; bar-
z; flour Z: corn 23; millfeed 3.
oday's car receipts: Wheat 13. bar-
ley 3. flour 4, cbii 13, oats 2, mill
feed 3.
Stephen Foster
Memorial Concert
The Chorus of the Business and Professional
Women Chili
Jessie Bush Mickelson, Director
Lois Plummer Schmtt, Accompanist
assisted by
The Male Quartet from Sacretl Heart Academy
of Mu:ic
The Salem Civic Players and
Mr. Ralph Coie, Baritone
Harry Ifendrirkson, Iloy Soprano. Aileen Anderson
as "Sunanna," and Wayne Meusey, Banjo
Accompanist, in B!ack Face"
Waller Hall, Willameife Univemly
April 29th Tuesday Night 8:15 'Clock
Admission, Including Tax, 75c
Tickets on sale: Miller's. Will's Music Store,
Waller Hsu. Tuesday Evening
Complying with
President Truman's
on all
The Don Lee Network Mutual's outlet on the Pacific
Coast axe going ot hold the "clock" and bring all your
daily programa to you at their regular broadcasting
time. Daylight Saving Time will not affect week-day pro
gram scheduling on KSLM.
For Radio Programs Scheduled at
their Regular Times
Willamette Valley's Moat Powerful Station 1.000 Watts
1390 on
hJasr--;3y--- . .j .5r. imr -y y
Corn Prices
Take Tumble
CHICAGO. April 26-tfVlleavy
offering of rh grain by the
country and a government report
showing supplies much higher
than a year ago broke corn prices
nearly 4 cents a bushel on the
board of trade today. Wheat held
steady and oats eased.
Wheat closed V tower to 2H
higher. May $2.63-$2.63?, corn
was 2s-3t lower. May S1.67U-
$1.67, and oats
4-i lower, May
CDtocKs and bonds
(CripHrd ry the Appelated Prex)
April 24
30 IS 13 60
Indus. Rails Util. Stkx
Saturday 86 4 30 9 42.7 1
Previous dav .. .86 3 3; 42 S 61.5
Week as:o S6 1 30 7 42 7 61.3
Moftth ago 91 7 34 4 41 S 61?
Yen: ago 107 0 4tf 3 M l 79 3
20 10 10
Rails Indust. TJtil
Saturday 93 3 103 9 103.3
Previous day . 9112 103 9 105
Week ! 93 5 103 6 103 1
Month ago 94 9 10-4 1 IU
Yftr mrn l4 I 103 9 lo7 7
74 6
74 S
I'orlland Livestock
PORTLAND. Ore.. April 2 I AP I
(USDA Cattle for five davs sal
able 2239. total 4803: calves ratable
4'J2. total 613. Compared week ago,
market mostly steady but good
choice fed steers 25-50 higher and fat
dairy type cows of common beef merit
1J1 u
Tuned to
your dial
. w.ssast-ssv.
The Stateesttom. Salem, Oregon Sunday. April 17. 1947 13
as much as 1 00 lower. Bulls weak,
vealers strong. Top 25.00 for two loads
fed steer including experiment aUly
fed. Bulk; medium-toe - -good steers
20.00-24.50. common down to 13.09.
Medium-good heifers 18.00-23.00. Steer
and heifer tops equal to -record hiehs.
Canner and curlvr vows ll oa-13 00.
Hell gown 0 99. fat dairy typ
larsely I4 0o-ao, wid H.lvins to
14 00 after break, un to IT oft earlier.
Good beef cows IlM-lflOO, few 1930.
Good beef bulla It 0O-&0: common
good sausage bulla 1340-17.7. Cood
cnoice Tcoters 24 90-27 M. extreme high
29.00. equal to record high.
Hogi for five days .salable 1089,
total MOS. Comoarod week ago mar
'TIVE little Indian boys going
in lor law . ono gofln Chan
eery, and then there were
four . .
m m mm mm
You can start your denial work right away; No
appointment necessary. Plates, britlgework,
fillings, extractions, crowns and inlays.
Protect Your
Natural Expression
By replacing missing teeth
with plates er bridgework.
If restorations are sot made
when teeth are lost, cheeks
become snakes and the con
tours mt the face are af
fected. Immediate
Those desiring imasediste
restorations sheald call ear
ly in the morninx te have
impressions taken and plates
fitted after, last extraction.
Have Plates Set with
Translucent Teeth ;
These perfected artificial
teeth bring greater resem
blance Is yor dentures.
for out-of-town
HjTery considk ration shown
visiters whs reesire eraer
tency dental lervire. Plates
and bridges mended and re
paired. '
Pav as You Are Paid
For Dental Service
Arrange with Accepted Cre
dit for dentistry of ail kinds.
Visit dentist at frequent in
tervals te saf egsard f ntare
Other Offices in Eugene, Pprtbnd, Tacoma, Spokane, Seattlf
kef mostly 100 lower, Ute HpfSSH;
early high 2S.2S for weights from Ite
340 lbs. Heavies and lighter weights , ,
penaltcd I.SO-3 or more. Gooa wn
closoa 21.00-23.00 mainly. Conrl-rfeoac .
feeders Ute 21 00. early top 25 2 V Good
stags 18 0O-20 00, mostly 17 00-44 DO on
4SO-S30 Id.
Kheea for five days aatabte 07. to
tal S441. Compared ' week tnaekat
about stead?. Ondehoieo . ' apt in
lambs tip to 22 00, beat woolad lamba
20 54. attorn lambs 19 90 down. Stew
Inquiry for feeders for mtnt fkH .
weeding. Best wooled feeders up t
I960 Mood, bulk of avpoty betot
r7.00. Good-choice shorn ewes 7 9S-M.
wooled ewos to t oo.
C h o ice s t St e a k
Most Delicious Qiicken
Finest Baked Ham
Most Unique Dish
(Barbecued Crab) .
If you want all that goes to make
a pleasant meal Homey atmos
phere excellent service warm
lifihUnf fireplace
's Chateau
rheae ttSS
Dr. Painless
Parker Savs: -
"Whatever aeatal aerrlee
yea require. Arrange wit
Accepted Credit to pay for
dental plates as yoai war
the an. Make paynenta ta.
weekly er nt e a t h 1 y -
Transparent Plate '
Have Blended Color ,
and Natural
Permanent Form
The adapUbiUty f the im
proved aaaterial twed by -dental
profession for plate
asaking; assures yea deataret
that have a trace and beast)
mt design ssd a soft ssurfact
lustre. Plates are lighter Is
weifht. bat ef a tested strenrt
and balance. They a e h I e v a
Bsore faithfal re prod actio- ssd
have a resiliency that brings
yea greater wearing effldearr.
You Can Select JTeetL
;in the Sliade, Size and
Shape , of Your , Own.
When h a v I a ff tetteratie-t
cheese trafislacent teeth, k hich
have the so me diff ased hae assd
shading of fine natural teeth.
These artificial teetb ahserb
and reflect llrht at de hma
teeth. It Is difficult to eteei
plates set wHh these seetn.
Mere than tS . mTHToa teeth
sheald be extracted amoax ad
IU in the t'njted Slates every
year. Medical "authorities have
traced at least seme serioas
diseases to abscessed teeth awl
stents I neglect. Psiss- from fo
cal infection breaks down sor
naal rrsisUnre, robs yea af
strength and energy snd es-
yora to lUneas.
Porcelain Jacket ;
Crowns and. Remov
able Porcelain ;
All branches el dentistry avail
able. Yea can have crowns aad
bridges La percelaia with am
gold showing. Terms te sant
.yea for whatever dental serv
ice yew may require. , s ,
I BjaajBB9gsjBBBBaB